Example #1
        private static short[] getRecordedAudio(Microphone microphone)
            short[] array = new short[0];
            int     num   = 8000;

            while (microphone.hasMoreData())
                    Data data = microphone.getData();
                    if (data is DoubleData)
                        num = ((DoubleData)data).getSampleRate();
                        double[] values = ((DoubleData)data).getValues();
                        short[]  array2 = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.Length + values.Length);
                        for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                            array2[array.Length + i] = (short)ByteCodeHelper.d2i(values[i]);
                        array = array2;
                catch (System.Exception ex)
            if (num > 8000)
                [email protected](new StringBuilder().append("Downsampling from ").append(num).append(" to 8000.").toString());
                array = Downsampler.downsample(array, num / 1000, 16);
Example #2
        private LogMath()
            this.naturalLogBase        = (float)Math.log((double)LogMath.logBase);
            this.inverseNaturalLogBase = 1f / this.naturalLogBase;
            if (LogMath.useTable)
                int num = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(-Math.rint((double)this.linearToLog(this.logToLinear(0.5f) - (double)1f)));
                if (num > 150000)
                    num = 150000;
                if (num <= 0)
                    string text = new StringBuilder().append("The log base ").append(LogMath.logBase).append(" yields a very small addTable. Either choose not to use the addTable, or choose a logBase closer to 1.0").toString();

                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(text);
                this.theAddTable = new float[num];
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    float num2 = (float)this.logToLinear((float)(-(float)i));
                    num2 += 1f;
                    this.theAddTable[i] = this.linearToLog((double)num2);
Example #3
        private void paintVUMeter(Graphics graphics)
            int num  = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(this.vu.getRmsDB() / this.vu.getMaxDB() * 50.0);
            int num2 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(this.vu.getPeakDB() / this.vu.getMaxDB() * 50.0);

            if (!VUMeterPanel.assertionsDisabled && num < 0)
                throw new AssertionError();
            if (!VUMeterPanel.assertionsDisabled && num >= 50)
                throw new AssertionError();
            Dimension size  = this.getSize();
            int       width = size.width;
            int       num3  = size.height / 50;

            graphics.fillRect(0, 0, size.width - 1, size.height - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                this.setLevelColor(i, graphics);
                graphics.fillRect(1, size.height - i * num3 + 1, width - 2, num3 - 2);
            this.setLevelColor(num2, graphics);
            graphics.fillRect(1, size.height - num2 * num3 + 1, width - 2, num3 - 2);
Example #4
 protected internal virtual void computeSpectrogram()
         AudioDataInputStream audioDataInputStream = new AudioDataInputStream(this.audio);
         ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
         double    num       = double.Epsilon;
         Data      data      = this.frontEnd.getData();
         int       i;
         while (!(data is DataEndSignal))
             if (data is DoubleData)
                 double[] values = ((DoubleData)data).getValues();
                 double[] array  = new double[values.Length];
                 for (i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                     array[i] = Math.max(Math.log(values[i]), (double)0f);
                     if (array[i] > num)
                         num = array[i];
             data = this.frontEnd.getData();
         int num2 = arrayList.size();
         int num3 = ((double[])arrayList.get(0)).Length;
         i = num3 - 1;
         Dimension dimension = new Dimension(num2, num3);
         this.spectrogram = new BufferedImage(num2, num3, 1);
         double num4 = (255.0 + this.offsetFactor) / num;
         for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
             double[] array2 = (double[])arrayList.get(j);
             for (int k = i; k >= 0; k--)
                 int num5 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(array2[k] * num4 - this.offsetFactor);
                 num5 = Math.max(num5, 0);
                 num5 = 255 - num5;
                 int num6 = (num5 << 16 & 16711680) | (num5 << 8 & 65280) | (num5 & 255);
                 this.spectrogram.setRGB(j, i - k, num6);
         ReplicateScaleFilter replicateScaleFilter = new ReplicateScaleFilter(ByteCodeHelper.f2i(this.zoom * (float)num2), num3);
         this.scaledSpectrogram = this.createImage(new FilteredImageSource(this.spectrogram.getSource(), replicateScaleFilter));
         Dimension size = this.getSize();
         this.repaint(0L, 0, 0, size.width - 1, size.height - 1);
     catch (System.Exception ex)
        internal static int getRandomValueFromInterval(double num1, double num6, int num5)
            double num  = num1 * num5;
            double num2 = num5 - num;
            double num3 = num5 + num;

            return(ByteCodeHelper.d2i(num2 + (num6 * ((num3 - num2) + 1f))));
Example #6
        protected override void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Dimension size = this.getSize();
            int       num  = size.height / 2;

            short[]   audioData = this.audio.getAudioData();
            JViewport viewport  = this.getViewport();
            int       num2;
            int       num3;

            if (viewport != null)
                Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect();
                num2 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(viewRect.getX());
                num3 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(viewRect.getWidth());
                num2 = 0;
                num3 = ByteCodeHelper.f2i((float)audioData.Length * this.xScale);
            g.fillRect(num2, 0, num3, size.height - 1);
            int num4 = java.lang.Math.max(0, this.getSelectionStart());
            int num5 = ByteCodeHelper.f2i((float)num4 * this.xScale);

            num4 = this.getSelectionEnd();
            if (num4 == -1)
                num4 = audioData.Length - 1;
            int num6 = ByteCodeHelper.f2i((float)num4 * this.xScale);

            g.fillRect(num5, 0, num6 - num5, size.height - 1);
            int[] array  = new int[num3];
            int[] array2 = new int[num3];
            for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
                array[i] = num2;
                num4     = ByteCodeHelper.f2i((float)num2 / this.xScale);
                if (num4 >= audioData.Length)
                array2[i] = num - ByteCodeHelper.f2i((float)audioData[num4] * this.yScale);
            g.drawPolyline(array, array2, num3);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.labelTimes.Length; i++)
                num2 = ByteCodeHelper.f2i(this.xScale * this.labelTimes[i] * this.audio.getAudioFormat().getSampleRate());
                g.drawLine(num2, 0, num2, size.height - 1);
                g.drawString(this.labels[i], num2 + 5, size.height - 5);
Example #7
        public Sinusoid(double frequency, double phase, double amplitude, double duration)
            this.shorts = new short[ByteCodeHelper.d2i(8000.0 * duration)];
            double num = frequency * 2.0 * 3.1415926535897931 / 8000.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.shorts.Length; i++)
                this.shorts[i] = (short)ByteCodeHelper.d2i(amplitude * java.lang.Math.cos(num * (double)i + phase));
Example #8
        private float addTable(float num)
            int num2 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i((double)num + 0.5);

            if (num2 < this.theAddTable.Length)
Example #9
        public override Data getData()
            Data data = this.getPredecessor().getData();

            if (data is DataStartSignal)
                this.sampleRate = ((DataStartSignal)data).getSampleRate();
            if (data is DataStartSignal || (data is SpeechStartSignal && this.captureUtts))
                this.baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                this.dos  = new DataOutputStream(this.baos);
            if ((data is DataEndSignal && !this.captureUtts) || (data is SpeechEndSignal && this.captureUtts))
                string nextFreeIndex;
                if (this.isCompletePath)
                    nextFreeIndex = this.outFileNamePattern;
                    nextFreeIndex = WavWriter.getNextFreeIndex(this.outFileNamePattern);
                this.isInSpeech = false;
            if (data is SpeechStartSignal)
                this.isInSpeech = true;
            if ((data is DoubleData || data is FloatData) && (this.isInSpeech || !this.captureUtts))
                DoubleData doubleData = (!(data is DoubleData)) ? DataUtil.FloatData2DoubleData((FloatData)data) : ((DoubleData)data);
                double[]   values     = doubleData.getValues();
                double[]   array      = values;
                int        num        = array.Length;
                int        i          = 0;
                while (i < num)
                    double num2 = array[i];
                        this.dos.writeShort((int)new Short((short)ByteCodeHelper.d2i(num2)).shortValue());
                    catch (IOException ex)
 private void incrementCurrentInterval()
     if (this.currentIntervalMillis >= (((double)this.maxIntervalMillis) / this.multiplier))
         this.currentIntervalMillis = this.maxIntervalMillis;
         this.currentIntervalMillis = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(this.currentIntervalMillis * this.multiplier);
        public static void shuffle(object[] objarr)
            int num = objarr.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                int    num2 = i + ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)(num - i));
                object obj  = objarr[num2];
                objarr[num2] = objarr[i];
                objarr[i]    = obj;
    /**/ public static void main(string[] strarr)
        int num  = Integer.parseInt(strarr[0]);
        int num2 = Integer.parseInt(strarr[1]);
        int num3 = Integer.parseInt(strarr[2]);
        EdgeWeightedDigraph edgeWeightedDigraph = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(num);

        int[] array = new int[num];
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            array[i] = i;
        for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
            int num4;
            int num5;
                num4 = StdRandom.uniform(num);
                num5 = StdRandom.uniform(num);
            }while (num4 >= num5);
            double d = java.lang.Math.random();
            edgeWeightedDigraph.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(num4, num5, d));
        for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
            int    num4 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)num);
            int    num5 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)num);
            double d    = java.lang.Math.random();
            edgeWeightedDigraph.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(num4, num5, d));
        EdgeWeightedDirectedCycle edgeWeightedDirectedCycle = new EdgeWeightedDirectedCycle(edgeWeightedDigraph);

        if (edgeWeightedDirectedCycle.hasCycle())
            StdOut.print("Cycle: ");
            Iterator iterator = edgeWeightedDirectedCycle.cycle().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                DirectedEdge obj = (DirectedEdge)iterator.next();
                StdOut.print(new StringBuilder().append(obj).append(" ").toString());
            StdOut.println("No directed cycle");
 public virtual void plot(Data cepstrum)
     if (cepstrum != null)
         if (cepstrum is DoubleData)
             int num = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(((DoubleData)cepstrum).getValues()[0]);
             [email protected](this.getPlot(num));
             [email protected](cepstrum);
Example #14
    /**//**/ public static void main(string[] strarr)
        int   num   = Integer.parseInt(strarr[0]);
        int   num2  = Integer.parseInt(strarr[1]);
        int   num3  = Integer.parseInt(strarr[2]);
        Graph graph = new Graph(num);

        int[] array = new int[num];
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            array[i] = i;
        for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
            int j    = StdRandom.uniform(num / 2);
            int num4 = StdRandom.uniform(num / 2);
            graph.addEdge(array[j], array[num / 2 + num4]);
        for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
            int j    = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)num);
            int num4 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)num);
            graph.addEdge(j, num4);
        Bipartite bipartite = new Bipartite(graph);

        if (bipartite.isBipartite())
            StdOut.println("Graph is bipartite");
            for (int j = 0; j < graph.V(); j++)
                StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(j).append(": ").append(bipartite.color(j)).toString());
            StdOut.print("Graph has an odd-length cycle: ");
            Iterator iterator = bipartite.oddCycle().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                int num4 = ((Integer)iterator.next()).intValue();
                StdOut.print(new StringBuilder().append(num4).append(" ").toString());
    public EdgeWeightedDigraph(int i1, int i2) : this(i1)
        if (i2 < 0)
            string arg_17_0 = "Number of edges in a Digraph must be nonnegative";

            throw new ArgumentException(arg_17_0);
        for (int j = 0; j < i2; j++)
            int          i3 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)i1);
            int          i4 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(java.lang.Math.random() * (double)i1);
            double       d  = (double)java.lang.Math.round(100.0 * java.lang.Math.random()) / 100.0;
            DirectedEdge de = new DirectedEdge(i3, i4, d);
Example #16
        public static byte[] valuesToBytes(double[] values, int bytesPerValue, bool signedData)
            byte[] array = new byte[bytesPerValue * values.Length];
            int    num   = 0;
            int    num2  = values.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                double num3 = values[i];
                int    num4 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i(num3);
                for (int j = bytesPerValue - 1; j >= 0; j++)
                    array[num + j] = (byte)((sbyte)(num4 & 255));
                    num4         >>= 8;
                num += bytesPerValue;
    public AdjMatrixEdgeWeightedDigraph(int i1, int i2) : this(i1)
        if (i2 < 0)
            string arg_17_0 = "Number of edges must be nonnegative";

            throw new RuntimeException(arg_17_0);
        if (i2 > i1 * i1)
            string arg_2D_0 = "Too many edges";

            throw new RuntimeException(arg_2D_0);
        while (this.E != i2)
            int    i3 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i((double)i1 * java.lang.Math.random());
            int    i4 = ByteCodeHelper.d2i((double)i1 * java.lang.Math.random());
            double d  = (double)java.lang.Math.round(100.0 * java.lang.Math.random()) / 100.0;
            this.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i3, i4, d));
    /**//**/ public static void main(string[] strarr)
        int         num         = Integer.parseInt(strarr[0]);
        int         num2        = Integer.parseInt(strarr[1]);
        int         i           = 2 * num;
        int         i2          = 2 * num + 1;
        FlowNetwork flowNetwork = new FlowNetwork(2 * num + 2);

        for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
            int k    = StdRandom.uniform(num);
            int num3 = StdRandom.uniform(num) + num;
            flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(k, num3, double.PositiveInfinity));
            StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(k).append("-").append(num3).toString());
        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
            flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(i, j, (double)1f));
            flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(j + num, i2, (double)1f));
        FordFulkerson fordFulkerson = new FordFulkerson(flowNetwork, i, i2);

        StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append("Size of maximum matching = ").append(ByteCodeHelper.d2i(fordFulkerson.value())).toString());
        for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
            Iterator iterator = flowNetwork.adj(k).iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext())
                FlowEdge flowEdge = (FlowEdge)iterator.next();
                if (flowEdge.from() == k && flowEdge.flow() > (double)0f)
                    StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(flowEdge.from()).append("-").append(flowEdge.to()).toString());