private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var xr = XmlWriter.Create(stream, new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = true, Encoding = Form1.DefEnc })) { xr.WriteStartDocument(); xr.WriteStartElement("Root"); xr.WriteStartElement("isBigEndian"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Value", "False"); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteStartElement("BymlFormatVersion"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Value", ((uint)1).ToString()); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteStartElement("C1"); xr.WriteStartElement("C0"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Name", "StageDefaultBgmList"); foreach (string k in Levels.Keys.ToArray()) { xr.WriteStartElement("C1"); xr.WriteStartElement("A0"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Name", "BgmLabel"); xr.WriteAttributeString("StringValue", Levels[k]); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteStartElement("D1"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Name", "Scenario"); xr.WriteAttributeString("StringValue", k.Substring(k.Length - 5, 1)); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteStartElement("A0"); xr.WriteAttributeString("Name", "StageName"); xr.WriteAttributeString("StringValue", k.Substring(0, k.Length - 8)); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteEndElement(); } xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.WriteEndElement(); xr.Close(); } Clipboard.SetText(Form1.DefEnc.GetString(stream.ToArray())); SzsFiles["StageDefaultBgmList.byml"] = BymlConverter.GetByml(Form1.DefEnc.GetString(stream.ToArray())); } CommonCompressors.YAZ0 y = new CommonCompressors.YAZ0(); NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC SzsArch = new NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC(); SFSDirectory dir = new SFSDirectory("", true); for (int i = 0; i < SzsFiles.Count; i++) { SFSFile file = new SFSFile(i, SzsFiles.Keys.ToArray()[i], dir); file.Data = SzsFiles.Values.ToArray()[i]; dir.Files.Add(file); } SzsArch.FromFileSystem(dir); File.WriteAllBytes(@"BgmTable.szs", y.Compress(SzsArch.Write())); MessageBox.Show("Done, file was saved as BgmTable.szs in this program folder"); this.Close(); }
private void Save(bool isBigEndian) { saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != "") { FileInfo savePath = new FileInfo(saveFileDialog.FileName); if (isXML) { if (isBigEndian) { bymltext.Text.Replace($"isBigEndian Value=\"False\"", $"isBigEndian Value=\"True\""); } else { bymltext.Text.Replace($"isBigEndian Value=\"True\"", $"isBigEndian Value=\"False\""); } File.WriteAllBytes(savePath.FullName, BymlConverter.GetByml(bymltext.Text)); } else { File.WriteAllText(YamlPath.FullName, bymltext.Text); Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, FileName = "cmd.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }; if (isBigEndian) { startInfo.Arguments = $"/C yml_to_byml.exe \"{YamlPath.FullName}\" \"{savePath.FullName}\" -b"; } else { startInfo.Arguments = $"/C yml_to_byml.exe \"{YamlPath.FullName}\" \"{savePath.FullName}\""; } process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); //If byml-v2 worked there should be no output. if (process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() != null) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, check that Python is installed and in your path with byml-v2 installed via PIP (pip install byml).", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } Text = $"BYML-Editor | {savePath.Name}"; saveFileDialog.FileName = ""; } }
public static void SaveFile(ref Dictionary <string, string> ccnt_r) { CommonCompressors.YAZ0 y = new CommonCompressors.YAZ0(); NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC SzsArch = new NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC(); SFSDirectory dir = new SFSDirectory("", true); SFSFile StgData = new SFSFile(0, "CreatorClassNameTable.byml", dir); StgData.Data = BymlConverter.GetByml(MakeXML(ref ccnt_r)); dir.Files.Add(StgData); SzsArch.FromFileSystem(dir); File.Delete("CreatorClassNameTable.szs"); File.WriteAllBytes("CreatorClassNameTable.szs", y.Compress(SzsArch.Write())); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "\r\n"; str += "<C1>\r\n"; str += "<D2 Name=\"AngleH\" StringValue=\"" + numericUpDown3.Value.ToString() + "\" />\r\n"; str += "<D2 Name=\"AngleV\" StringValue=\"" + numericUpDown2.Value.ToString() + "\" />\r\n"; str += "<A0 Name=\"Category\" StringValue=\"Map\" />\r\n<A0 Name=\"Class\" StringValue=\"Parallel\" />\r\n"; str += "<D2 Name=\"Distance\" StringValue=\"" + numericUpDown4.Value.ToString() + "\" />\r\n"; str += "<D1 Name=\"UserGroupId\" StringValue=\"" + CameraId.ToString() + "\" />\r\n"; str += "<A0 Name=\"UserName\" StringValue=\"CameraArea\" />\r\n</C1>\r\n"; XmlFile = XmlFile.Insert(TextInsertIndex, str); owner.SzsFiles["CameraParam.byml"] = BymlConverter.GetByml(XmlFile); this.Close(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsConverter) { SaveFileDialog s = new SaveFileDialog(); s.Filter = ".xml file|*.xml|.byml file|*.byml"; if (s.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (Path.GetFileName(s.FileName).EndsWith(".xml")) { File.WriteAllText(s.FileName, fastColoredTextBox1.Text, Encoding.GetEncoding(932)); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(s.FileName, BymlConverter.GetByml(fastColoredTextBox1.Text)); } } } else { XmlRes = fastColoredTextBox1.Text; } this.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(PaPath)) { MessageBox.Show("Pa file not found !"); return; } if (!File.Exists(KclPath)) { MessageBox.Show("kcl file not found !"); return; } if (!File.Exists(modelPath)) { MessageBox.Show("Model file not found !"); return; } SaveFileDialog s = new SaveFileDialog(); s.Filter = "Szs files|*.szs"; s.FileName = textBox1.Text; if (s.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } CommonCompressors.YAZ0 y = new CommonCompressors.YAZ0(); NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC SzsArch = new NDS.NitroSystem.FND.NARC(); SFSDirectory dir = new SFSDirectory("", true); //Model SFSFile Model = new SFSFile(0, textBox1.Text + ".bcmdl", dir); if (IsObj) { CGFX mod = null; mod = new CGFX(); CGFXGenerator.FromOBJ(mod, modelPath, textBox1.Text); Model.Data = mod.Write(); } else { Model.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(modelPath); } dir.Files.Add(Model); //Collisions SFSFile KclFile = new SFSFile(1, textBox1.Text + ".kcl", dir); KclFile.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(KclPath); dir.Files.Add(KclFile); SFSFile PaFile = new SFSFile(2, textBox1.Text + ".pa", dir); PaFile.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(PaPath); dir.Files.Add(PaFile); //InitSensor SFSFile Sensor = new SFSFile(3, "InitSensor.byml", dir); Sensor.Data = BymlConverter.GetByml(Properties.Resources.Sensor); dir.Files.Add(Sensor); //InitActor SFSFile Actor = new SFSFile(4, "InitActor.byml", dir); Actor.Data = BymlConverter.GetByml(Properties.Resources.Actor); dir.Files.Add(Actor); //InitClipping string clip = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"shift_jis\"?>\r\n<Root>\r\n <isBigEndian Value=\"False\" />\r\n <BymlFormatVersion Value=\"1\" />\r\n <C1>\r\n <D2 Name=\"Radius\" StringValue=\"" + numericUpDown1.Value.ToString() + "\" />\r\n </C1>\r\n</Root>"; SFSFile Clipping = new SFSFile(5, "InitClipping.byml", dir); Clipping.Data = BymlConverter.GetByml(clip); dir.Files.Add(Clipping); SzsArch.FromFileSystem(dir); File.WriteAllBytes(s.FileName, y.Compress(SzsArch.Write())); MessageBox.Show("Done !"); MessageBox.Show("Remember you need to add the object to the CreatorClassNameTable to use the object in-game (Other modding -> CreatorClassNameTable editor)"); MessageBox.Show("To view the model in the editor you must copy it in the models folder with the name " + textBox1.Text + ".obj or else you will see a blue box"); this.Close(); }