// Function from file: gas_mixture.dm public bool copy_from_turf(dynamic model = null) { ByTable cached_gases = null; cached_gases = this.gases; this.temperature = model.temperature; if (Lang13.Bool(model.oxygen)) { this.assert_gas("o2"); cached_gases["o2"][1] = model.oxygen; } if (Lang13.Bool(model.nitrogen)) { this.assert_gas("n2"); cached_gases["n2"][1] = model.nitrogen; } if (Lang13.Bool(model.toxins)) { this.assert_gas("plasma"); cached_gases["plasma"][1] = model.toxins; } if (Lang13.Bool(model.carbon_dioxide)) { this.assert_gas("co2"); cached_gases["co2"][1] = model.carbon_dioxide; } cached_gases.And(GlobalVars.hardcoded_gases); return(true); }
// Function from file: retaliate.dm public override ByTable ListTargets( ) { ByTable see = null; if (!(this.enemies.len != 0)) { return(new ByTable()); } see = base.ListTargets(); see.And(this.enemies); return(see); }
// Function from file: _handofgod.dm public override bool post_setup(bool?report = null) { ByTable red_god_possibilities = null; Mind red_god = null; ByTable blue_god_possibilities = null; Mind blue_god = null; red_god_possibilities = this.get_players_for_role("hand of god: god"); red_god_possibilities.And(this.red_deity_followers); if (!(red_god_possibilities.len != 0)) { red_god_possibilities = this.red_deity_followers; } red_god = GlobalFuncs.pick_n_take(red_god_possibilities); if (red_god != null) { ((Mob)red_god.current).become_god("red"); this.remove_hog_follower(red_god, false); this.add_god(red_god, "red"); } blue_god_possibilities = this.get_players_for_role("hand of god: god"); blue_god_possibilities.And(this.blue_deity_followers); if (!(blue_god_possibilities.len != 0)) { blue_god_possibilities = this.blue_deity_followers; } blue_god = GlobalFuncs.pick_n_take(blue_god_possibilities); if (blue_god != null) { ((Mob)blue_god.current).become_god("blue"); this.remove_hog_follower(blue_god, false); this.add_god(blue_god, "blue"); } if (red_god != null) { ((GameMode)GlobalVars.ticker.mode).forge_deity_objectives(red_god); } if (blue_god != null) { ((GameMode)GlobalVars.ticker.mode).forge_deity_objectives(blue_god); } base.post_setup(report); return(false); }
// Function from file: gas_mixture.dm public bool copy_from(GasMixture sample = null) { ByTable cached_gases = null; ByTable sample_gases = null; dynamic id = null; cached_gases = this.gases; sample_gases = sample.gases; this.temperature = sample.temperature; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(sample_gases)) { id = _a; this.assert_gas(id); cached_gases[id][1] = sample_gases[id][1]; } cached_gases.And(sample_gases); return(true); }
// Function from file: chunk.dm public void update( ) { ByTable newVisibleTurfs = null; dynamic camera = null; dynamic c = null; Tile point = null; dynamic t = null; ByTable visAdded = null; ByTable visRemoved = null; dynamic turf = null; dynamic t2 = null; dynamic eye = null; dynamic m = null; Client client = null; dynamic turf2 = null; dynamic t3 = null; dynamic eye2 = null; dynamic m2 = null; Client client2 = null; newVisibleTurfs = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(this.cameras)) { camera = _b; c = camera; if (!Lang13.Bool(c)) { continue; } if (!((Obj_Machinery_Camera)c).can_use()) { continue; } point = Map13.GetTile((this.x ?? 0) + 8, (this.y ?? 0) + 8, this.z); if (Map13.GetDistance(point, c) > 24) { continue; } foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(((Obj_Machinery_Camera)c).can_see())) { t = _a; newVisibleTurfs[t] = t; } } newVisibleTurfs.And(this.turfs); visAdded = newVisibleTurfs - this.visibleTurfs; visRemoved = this.visibleTurfs - newVisibleTurfs; this.visibleTurfs = newVisibleTurfs; this.obscuredTurfs = this.turfs - newVisibleTurfs; foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(visAdded)) { turf = _d; t2 = turf; if (Lang13.Bool(t2.obscured)) { this.obscured.Remove(t2.obscured); foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(this.seenby)) { eye = _c; m = eye; if (!Lang13.Bool(m)) { continue; } client = ((Mob_Camera_AiEye)m).GetViewerClient(); if (client != null) { client.images.Remove(t2.obscured); } } } } foreach (dynamic _f in Lang13.Enumerate(visRemoved)) { turf2 = _f; t3 = turf2; if (Lang13.Bool(this.obscuredTurfs[t3])) { if (!Lang13.Bool(t3.obscured)) { t3.obscured = new Image("icons/effects/cameravis.dmi", t3, "black", 16); } this.obscured.Add(t3.obscured); foreach (dynamic _e in Lang13.Enumerate(this.seenby)) { eye2 = _e; m2 = eye2; if (!Lang13.Bool(m2)) { this.seenby.Remove(m2); continue; } client2 = ((Mob_Camera_AiEye)m2).GetViewerClient(); if (client2 != null) { client2.images.Add(t3.obscured); } } } } this.changed = false; return; }