Example #1
 private void BtnStateChanger(bool state) // Used for cross thread operations on the play and stop buttons
     if (InvokeRequired)
         ButtonStateChanger method = new ButtonStateChanger(BtnStateChanger);
         Invoke(method, state);
     playpauseBUT.Enabled = stopBUT.Enabled = state;
Example #2
        private void RecvTCPData(IAsyncResult res)
            LabelChanger       lblchgr = new LabelChanger(dataavailable); // Used for cross thread operations on dataavailLBL
            ButtonStateChanger btnchgr = new ButtonStateChanger(BtnStateChanger);

            NetworkStream stream = tcprecvr.GetStream(); // Get the TCP data stream
            int           nbytes = stream.EndRead(res);  // Get the number of bytes read, and end the read

            if (nbytes == 0)                             // Finished reading
                tcprecvr.Close();                        // Close the TCP connection
                lblchgr.Invoke("Data available!");       // Inform the user there is a .WAV file to be played
                BeginListening();                        // Begin listening to connection requests again
            else // Not finished reading, data in buffer
                wavstream.Write(readbuf, 0, nbytes);                                                // Write the data read into the .WAV stream
                stream.BeginRead(readbuf, 0, readbuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(RecvTCPData), null); // Start reading in data again
Example #3
        private void RecvTcp(IAsyncResult res)                                    // Event function that will handle TCP connection attempts
            LabelChanger       lblchgr = new LabelChanger(dataavailable);         // Used for cross thread operations on dataavailLBL
            ButtonStateChanger btnchgr = new ButtonStateChanger(BtnStateChanger); // Used for cross thread operations on the play & stop buttons

            wavstream = new MemoryStream();                                       // Clear the wav stream, we don't want two wav files in one stream, it would cause errors.

            lblchgr.Invoke("Data unavailable.");                                  // No data available yet.
            btnchgr.Invoke(false);                                                // Disable the play, stop buttons

            tcprecvr = tlisten.EndAcceptTcpClient(res);  // Create a new TCP connection with the requester
            NetworkStream stream = tcprecvr.GetStream(); // Get the TCP network stream

            if (stream.CanRead)
                stream.BeginRead(readbuf, 0, readbuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(RecvTCPData), null);
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred. Unable to read incoming TCP stream.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);