public override void UpdateButtons(Form Window) { if (Buttons.Count() != 0) { ButtonBack.ChangePosition(new Vector((global.form_menu.Map.Width / 2) - CText.Size.Width / 2 + 9 * BIcon.Width, global.form_menu.Map.Height / 2 - CText.Size.Height / 2 + 8 * BIcon.Height / 3)); ButtonRetry.ChangePosition(new Vector((global.form_menu.Map.Width / 2) - CText.Size.Width / 2 + 4 * RIcon.Width, global.form_menu.Map.Height / 2 - CText.Size.Height / 2 + 8 * RIcon.Height / 3)); } }
public Retry(Player player) : base() { _player = player; _button = new ButtonRetry(); AddChild(_button); _button.x = (game.width / 2); _button.y = (game.height / 2); scoreManager = new ScoreManager(); scoreManager.x = _button.x - 100; scoreManager.y = _button.y + 100; AddChild(scoreManager); }
public void Show(int iRound) { Panel.gameObject.SetActive(true); ButtonNext.SetActive(iRound == 0 ? true : false); ButtonRetry.SetActive(iRound == 1 ? true : false); ButtonExit.SetActive(iRound == 1 ? true : false); int iInfectionCount = RoundManager.Instance.GetInfectedCount(); if (iInfectionCount == 1) { TextInfectionCount.text = RoundManager.Instance.GetInfectedCount().ToString() + " person was infected with Ebola!"; } else { TextInfectionCount.text = RoundManager.Instance.GetInfectedCount().ToString() + " people were infected with Ebola!"; } }
public async void ErrorVisible_Changed(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (Animation) { return; } if (e.PropertyName == "IsVisible") { if (ErrorFrame.IsVisible) { Animation = true; ErrorFrame.TranslationX = -300; ButtonRetry.TranslationX = 300; new Thread(async() => { await ErrorFrame.TranslateTo(ErrorFrame.TranslationX + 320, ErrorFrame.TranslationY, 150); await ErrorFrame.TranslateTo(ErrorFrame.TranslationX - 50, ErrorFrame.TranslationY, 40); await ErrorFrame.TranslateTo(ErrorFrame.TranslationX + 50, ErrorFrame.TranslationY, 50); await ErrorFrame.TranslateTo(ErrorFrame.TranslationX - 20, ErrorFrame.TranslationY, 40); }).Start(); new Thread(async() => { await ButtonRetry.TranslateTo(ButtonRetry.TranslationX - 320, ButtonRetry.TranslationY, 150); await ButtonRetry.TranslateTo(ButtonRetry.TranslationX + 50, ButtonRetry.TranslationY, 40); await ButtonRetry.TranslateTo(ButtonRetry.TranslationX - 50, ButtonRetry.TranslationY, 50); await ButtonRetry.TranslateTo(ButtonRetry.TranslationX + 20, ButtonRetry.TranslationY, 40); }).Start(); await Task.Delay(300); Animation = false; } else { ErrorFrame.TranslationX = -300; ButtonRetry.TranslationX = 300; } } }