Example #1
 public ActionResult Edit()
     Company company = new Company();
     BusinessLogicHandler myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
     company = myHandler.GetCompanyDetail();
     return View(company);
Example #2
        public ActionResult ExportYearToPDF()
            #region Prep Utilities
            BusinessLogicHandler myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            RangeViewModel model = new RangeViewModel();
            model = (RangeViewModel)Session["yearly"];

            #region Push Company nfo
            model.company = new Company();
            model.company = myHandler.GetCompanyDetail();

            return new ViewAsPdf(model);
Example #3
        public async Task<ActionResult> Receipt(int? IID)
            List<CartItem> myItems = new List<CartItem>();
            myItems = (List<CartItem>)Session["myItems"];
            ProductViewModel model = new ProductViewModel();
            myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            model = (ProductViewModel)Session["deliverData"];

            #region Get Cart Items

            List<Book> ifBooks = new List<Book>();
            List<Technology> ifGadget = new List<Technology>();

            foreach (var item in myItems)
                if (myHandler.CheckProductType(item.ProductID))
                    Book book = new Book();
                    book = myHandler.GetBook(item.ProductID);
                    Technology gadget = new Technology();
                    gadget = myHandler.GetTechnologyDetails(item.ProductID);

                //    Book book = new Book();
                //    book = myHandler.GetBook(item.ProductID);
                //    ifBooks.Add(book);
                //    Technology gadget = new Technology();
                //    gadget = myHandler.GetTechnologyDetails(item.ProductID);
                //    ifGadget.Add(gadget);

            model.allTechnology = ifGadget;
            model.allBook = ifBooks;
            model.allCartItem = myItems;


            #region Push User Details

            string userName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            ApplicationDbContext dataSocket = new ApplicationDbContext();
            UserStore<ApplicationUser> myStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(dataSocket);
            userMgr = new ApplicationUserManager(myStore);
            var user = userMgr.FindByEmail(userName);

            model.UserDetails = new ProvideUser();
            model.UserDetails.Address = user.Address;
            model.UserDetails.email = user.Email;
            model.UserDetails.PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber;
            CustomerContext customer = new CustomerContext();
            Customer thisCust = new Customer();
            thisCust = customer.Customers.FirstOrDefault(cust => cust.User_Id == user.Id);
            model.UserDetails.LName = thisCust.LastName;
            model.UserDetails.Name = thisCust.FirstName;

            #region Push Invoice nfo
            model.recieptData = new Invoice();
            model.recieptData = myHandler.GetInvoice(IID.GetValueOrDefault());


            #region Push Company nfo

            myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            model.company = new Company();
            model.company = myHandler.GetCompanyDetail();


            #region Push Delivery nfo

            Delivery shipping = new Delivery();
            myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            shipping = myHandler.GetDeliveryDetails(model.recieptData.DeliveryServiceID);
            model.deliveryHelper.DeliveryServiceName = shipping.ServiceName;
            model.deliveryHelper.DeliveryServicePrice = shipping.Price;
            model.deliveryHelper.DeliveryServiceType = shipping.ServiceType;


            #region Calculate

            List<ProductViewModel.CartHelper> itemList = new List<ProductViewModel.CartHelper>();
            ProductViewModel.CartHelper cartHelp;
            if (myItems != null)
                if (ifBooks != null)
                    var revised = from rev in ifBooks
                                  join item in myItems on rev.ProductID equals item.ProductID
                                  where rev.ProductID == item.ProductID
                                  select new { rev.ProductID, rev.SellingPrice, item.Quantity, item.CartItemID };
                    foreach (var ite in revised)
                        cartHelp = new ProductViewModel.CartHelper();
                        cartHelp.ProductID = ite.ProductID;
                        cartHelp.CartItemID = ite.CartItemID;
                        cartHelp.TotalPerItem = (ite.SellingPrice * ite.Quantity);
            if (myItems != null)
                if (ifGadget != null)
                    var revised = from rev in ifGadget
                                  join item in myItems on rev.ProductID equals item.ProductID
                                  where rev.ProductID == item.ProductID
                                  select new { rev.ProductID, rev.SellingPrice, item.Quantity, item.CartItemID };
                    foreach (var ite in revised)
                        cartHelp = new ProductViewModel.CartHelper();
                        cartHelp.ProductID = ite.ProductID;
                        cartHelp.CartItemID = ite.CartItemID;
                        cartHelp.TotalPerItem = (ite.SellingPrice * ite.Quantity);

            double cartTotal = Convert.ToDouble(Session["cartTotal"].ToString());
            cartTotal = cartTotal / 100;
            myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            List<Company> company = myHandler.GetCompanyDetails();
            double vat = 0;
            cartTotal += Convert.ToDouble(model.deliveryHelper.DeliveryServicePrice);
            foreach (var item in company)
            { vat = item.VATPercentage; }
            vat = vat + 1;
            double subTotal = cartTotal / vat;
            double vatAmount = cartTotal - subTotal;
            ProductViewModel.CartConclude finishing = new ProductViewModel.CartConclude();
            finishing.CartTotal = cartTotal;
            finishing.VatAddedTotal = vatAmount;
            finishing.SubTotal = subTotal;
            model.ItsA_wrap = new List<ProductViewModel.CartConclude>();

            model.secureCart = itemList;

            #region Clear the cart
            foreach (var item in itemList)
                myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();


            #region Clear SESSION
            Session["myItems"] = null;
            Session["cartTotal"] = (double) await GetCartTotal(user.Carts.CartID);

            #region Prep for exporting to PDF
            Session["pdf"] = model;

            return View(model);
Example #4
        public ActionResult ExportToPDF( DateTime? Dfrom, DateTime? Dto, string type)
            #region Prep Utilities
            BusinessLogicHandler myHandler = new BusinessLogicHandler();
            RangeViewModel model = new RangeViewModel();
            model = (RangeViewModel)Session["xcd"];

            #region Push Company nfo
            model.company = new Company();
            model.company = myHandler.GetCompanyDetail();

            return new ViewAsPdf(model);