public void SetUp() { products = new List<Product>(); companies = new List<Company>(); acquisitions = new List<Acquisition>(); acquisitionItems = new List<AcquisitionItem>(); sales = new List<Sale>(); saleItems = new List<SaleItem>(); stocks = new List<Stock>(); repository = new Mock<Repository>(); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.Products, products); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.Companies, companies); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.Acquisitions, acquisitions); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.AcquisitionItems, acquisitionItems); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.Sales, sales); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.SaleItems, saleItems); repository.SetUpTable(it => it.Stocks, stocks); repository .Setup(it => it.SaveChanges()) .Callback(() => { acquisitions.ForEach(FixItems); sales.ForEach(FixItems); }); transaction = new Mock<TransactionBlock>(); repository .Setup(it => it.CreateTransaction(It.IsAny<IsolationLevel>())) .Returns(transaction.Object); sut = new BusinessLogic(() => repository.Object); }
public static StylesheetProperty MakeNew(string Text, StyleSheet sheet, BusinessLogic.User user) { CMSNode newNode = CMSNode.MakeNew(sheet.Id, moduleObjectType, user.Id, 2, Text, Guid.NewGuid()); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("Insert into cmsStylesheetProperty (nodeId,stylesheetPropertyAlias,stylesheetPropertyValue) values ('{0}','{1}','')", newNode.Id, Text)); StylesheetProperty ssp = new StylesheetProperty(newNode.Id); NewEventArgs e = new NewEventArgs(); ssp.OnNew(e); return ssp; }
public PromoModel(BusinessLogic.AccountBase accountBase, Guid? promoId) { // TODO: Complete member initialization this.AccountBase = accountBase; this.PromoId = promoId; Setup(); }
public PromoIndexModel(BusinessLogic.AccountBase accountBase, Guid? businessId, string businessName) { // TODO: Complete member initialization this.AccountBase = accountBase; this.BusinessId = businessId; this.BusinessName = businessName; Setup(); }
public static void UpdateCruds(BusinessLogic.User User, Cms.BusinessLogic.CMSNode Node, string Permissions) { // delete all settings on the node for this user Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(GlobalSettings.DbDSN, CommandType.Text, "delete from umbracoUser2NodePermission where userId = @userId and nodeId = @nodeId", new SqlParameter("@userId", User.Id), new SqlParameter("@nodeId", Node.Id)); // Loop through the permissions and create them foreach (char c in Permissions.ToCharArray()) MakeNew(User, Node, c); }
public Trigger(BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ISelect selectAutoMergeBLL, BusinessLogic.Notifications.Base.ISend notificationsSendBLL, BusinessLogic.Core.Base.ISettings settingsBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeLog.Base.IInsert insertLogBLL) { this.selectAutoMergeBLL = selectAutoMergeBLL; this.notificationsSendBLL = notificationsSendBLL; this.settingsBLL = settingsBLL; this.insertLogBLL = insertLogBLL; }
public AutoMergeController(BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.IInsert insertBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ITrigger triggerBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.IUpdate updateBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ISelect selectBLL) { this.insertBLL = insertBLL; this.triggerBLL = triggerBLL; this.updateBLL = updateBLL; this.selectBLL = selectBLL; }
public static StyleSheet MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User user, string Text, string FileName, string Content) { // Create the Umbraco node CMSNode newNode = CMSNode.MakeNew(-1, moduleObjectType, user.Id, 1, Text, Guid.NewGuid()); // Create the stylesheet data Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_ConnString, CommandType.Text, "insert into cmsStylesheet (nodeId, filename, content) values ('" + newNode.Id.ToString() + "','" + FileName + "',@content)", new SqlParameter("@content", Content)); return new StyleSheet(newNode.UniqueId); }
public override void DoHandleMedia(Media media, PostedMediaFile postedFile, BusinessLogic.User user) { // Get Image object, width and height var image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(postedFile.InputStream); var fileWidth = image.Width; var fileHeight = image.Height; // Get umbracoFile property var propertyId = media.getProperty("umbracoFile").Id; // Get paths var destFileName = ConstructDestFileName(propertyId, postedFile.FileName); var destPath = ConstructDestPath(propertyId); var destFilePath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine(destPath, destFileName); var ext = VirtualPathUtility.GetExtension(destFileName).Substring(1); var absoluteDestPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(destPath); var absoluteDestFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(destFilePath); // Set media properties media.getProperty("umbracoFile").Value = destFilePath; media.getProperty("umbracoWidth").Value = fileWidth; media.getProperty("umbracoHeight").Value = fileHeight; media.getProperty("umbracoBytes").Value = postedFile.ContentLength; if (media.getProperty("umbracoExtension") != null) media.getProperty("umbracoExtension").Value = ext; if (media.getProperty("umbracoExtensio") != null) media.getProperty("umbracoExtensio").Value = ext; // Create directory if (UmbracoSettings.UploadAllowDirectories) Directory.CreateDirectory(absoluteDestPath); // Generate thumbnail var thumbDestFilePath = Path.Combine(absoluteDestPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destFileName) + "_thumb"); GenerateThumbnail(image, 100, fileWidth, fileHeight, thumbDestFilePath + ".jpg"); // Generate additional thumbnails based on PreValues set in DataTypeDefinition uploadField GenerateAdditionalThumbnails(image, fileWidth, fileHeight, thumbDestFilePath); image.Dispose(); // Save file postedFile.SaveAs(absoluteDestFilePath); // Close stream postedFile.InputStream.Close(); // Save media media.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new MemberType /// </summary> /// <param Name="Text">The Name of the MemberType</param> /// <param Name="u">Creator of the MemberType</param> public static MemberType MakeNew( BusinessLogic.User u,string Text) { int ParentId= -1; int level = 1; Guid uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid(); CMSNode n = CMSNode.MakeNew(ParentId, _objectType, u.Id, level,Text, uniqueId); ContentType.Create(n.Id, Text,""); return new MemberType(n.Id); }
public static ContentItem MakeNew(string Name, ContentItemType cit, BusinessLogic.User u, int ParentId) { Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Updated to match level from base node CMSNode n = new CMSNode(ParentId); int newLevel = n.Level; newLevel++; CMSNode.MakeNew(ParentId,_objectType, u.Id, newLevel, Name, newId); ContentItem tmp = new ContentItem(newId); tmp.CreateContent(cit); return tmp; }
public Select(DataAccess.AutoMerge.Base.ISelect selectDAL, BusinessLogic.Branch.Base.ISelect branchSelectBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeSubscription.Base.ISelect autoMergeSubscriptionBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeOptions.Base.ISelect autoMergeOptionsBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeLog.Base.ISelect autoMergeLogSelectBLL) { this.selectDAL = selectDAL; this.branchSelectBLL = branchSelectBLL; this.autoMergeSubscriptionBLL = autoMergeSubscriptionBLL; this.autoMergeOptionsBLL = autoMergeOptionsBLL; this.autoMergeLogSelectBLL = autoMergeLogSelectBLL; }
public Trigger(BusinessLogic.Core.Base.ISettings settingsBLL, BusinessLogic.Branch.Base.ISelect selectBranchBLL, BusinessLogic.Notifications.Base.ISlack slackNotificationBLL, [Dependency("Svn.ISearchLog")]BusinessLogic.VersionControl.Base.ISearchLog searchLogBLL, [Dependency("Svn.IEligibleRevisions")]BusinessLogic.VersionControl.Base.IEligibleRevisions eligibleRevisions) { this.settingsBLL = settingsBLL; this.selectBranchBLL = selectBranchBLL; this.searchLogBLL = searchLogBLL; this.slackNotificationBLL = slackNotificationBLL; this.eligibleRevisions = eligibleRevisions; }
public Update(DataAccess.AutoMerge.Base.IUpdate updateDAL, Branch.Base.IInsert insertBranchBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeSubscription.Base.IUpsert autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ISchedule scheduleBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeOptions.Base.IUpsert autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ISelect selectAutoMergeBLL) { this.updateDAL = updateDAL; this.insertBranchBLL = insertBranchBLL; this.autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL = autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL; this.scheduleBLL = scheduleBLL; this.autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL = autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL; this.selectAutoMergeBLL = selectAutoMergeBLL; }
public Insert(DataAccess.AutoMerge.Base.IInsert insertDAL, BusinessLogic.Branch.Base.ISelect branchSelectBLL, BusinessLogic.Branch.Base.IInsert insertBranchBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeSubscription.Base.IUpsert autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMerge.Base.ISchedule scheduleBLL, BusinessLogic.AutoMergeOptions.Base.IUpsert autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL) { this.insertDAL = insertDAL; this.branchSelectBLL = branchSelectBLL; this.insertBranchBLL = insertBranchBLL; this.autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL = autoMergeSubscriptionUpsertBLL; this.scheduleBLL = scheduleBLL; this.autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL = autoMergeOptionsUpsertBLL; }
public static void MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User User, cms.businesslogic.CMSNode Node, char PermissionKey) { IParameter[] parameters = new IParameter[] { SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@userId", User.Id), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@nodeId", Node.Id), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@permission", PermissionKey.ToString()) }; // Method is synchronized so exists remains consistent (avoiding race condition) bool exists = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT COUNT(userId) FROM umbracoUser2nodePermission WHERE userId = @userId AND nodeId = @nodeId AND permission = @permission", parameters) > 0; if (!exists) { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO umbracoUser2nodePermission (userId, nodeId, permission) VALUES (@userId, @nodeId, @permission)", parameters); // clear user cache to ensure permissions are re-loaded User.GetUser(User.Id).FlushFromCache(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Media /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">The name of the media</param> /// <param name="dct">The type of the media</param> /// <param name="u">The user creating the media</param> /// <param name="ParentId">The id of the folder under which the media is created</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Media MakeNew(string Name, MediaType dct, BusinessLogic.User u, int ParentId) { Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Updated to match level from base node CMSNode n = new CMSNode(ParentId); int newLevel = n.Level; newLevel++; CMSNode.MakeNew(ParentId, _objectType, u.Id, newLevel, Name, newId); Media tmp = new Media(newId); tmp.CreateContent(dct); NewEventArgs e = new NewEventArgs(); tmp.OnNew(e); return tmp; }
public static Media MakeNew(string Name, MediaType dct, BusinessLogic.User u, int ParentId) { var e = new NewEventArgs(); OnNewing(e); if (e.Cancel) { return null; } var media = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MediaService.CreateMediaWithIdentity(Name, ParentId, dct.Alias, u.Id); //The media object will only have the 'WasCancelled' flag set to 'True' if the 'Creating' event has been cancelled if (((Entity)media).WasCancelled) return null; var tmp = new Media(media); tmp.OnNew(e); return tmp; }
void ControladorTCP_SegmentoRecibido(object sender, BusinessLogic.Datos.TCPSegmentRecibido e) { PacketSOA paquete = new PacketSOA(); paquete.IpOrigen = e.PacketRecibido.IpOrigen; paquete.IpDestino = e.PacketRecibido.IpDestino; TCPSegmentSOA segment = new TCPSegmentSOA(e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.SourcePort, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.DestinationPort, paquete, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.SYN_Flag, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.ACK_Flag, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.SEQ_Number, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.ACK_Number,e.HoraDeTransmision, false, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.DataLength, e.SegmentoTCPRecibido.FinFlag); foreach (IVisualizacion vist in Vistas) { vist.EnviarInformacionSegmentoRecibido(_pc.Id, segment); } }
void CapaDatos_PaqueteDesEncapsulado(object sender, BusinessLogic.Datos.PaqueteDesencapsuladoEventArgs e) { FrameSOA frameSOA = new FrameSOA(); frameSOA.MACAddressOrigen = e.Frame.MACAddressOrigen; frameSOA.MACAddressDestino = e.Frame.MACAddressDestino; Packet paquete = e.Frame.Informacion as Packet; PacketSOA packSOA = new PacketSOA(); packSOA.IpOrigen = paquete.IpOrigen; packSOA.IpDestino = paquete.IpDestino; packSOA.Datos = paquete.Datos.ToString(); EncapsulacionSOA encapsulacion = new EncapsulacionSOA(); encapsulacion.Fecha = e.HoraDeRecepcion; encapsulacion.Frame = frameSOA; encapsulacion.Paquete = packSOA; encapsulacion.IdEquipo = _router.Id; encapsulacion.EsEncapsulacion = false; foreach (IVisualizacion vist in Vistas) { vist.EnviarInformacionEncapsulacionRouter(encapsulacion); } }
//[HttpPost] public ActionResult Index(HomeModel model) { //var model = new HomeModel(); // n tier // try catch //model.WelcomeTextTag = "span"; try { BusinessLogic l = new BusinessLogic(); l.BusinesLogicOperation(); return null; } catch (ProjectException e) { // rekurencja e.InnerException. } finally { } return View(model); }
private void FillAllAppointmentsForCurrentWeek(GridViewRowEventArgs e) { Label cpaID = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblCPAID"); Session["CpaID"] = cpaID.Text; Label tempDate = null; if (gvCPASearchResult.HeaderRow != null) { tempDate = (Label)gvCPASearchResult.HeaderRow.FindControl("lblMondayDate"); } if (cpaID != null && tempDate != null) { DataSet[] result = BusinessLogic.GetAllAppointmentsForWeek(int.Parse(cpaID.Text), (DateTime.Parse(tempDate.Text))).ToArray(); if (result != null && result.Length > 0) { int index1, count; for (index1 = 0, count = 0; index1 < result.Length; index1++) { if (result[index1] == null) { count++; } } if (index1 == count) { e.Row.Cells[2].ColumnSpan = 7; Label lblAppoint = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblNoAppointment"); lblAppoint.Text = "No Appointment Available"; e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(3); } else { for (int index = 0; index < result.Length; index++) { switch (index) { case 0: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptMondayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 1: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptTuesdayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 2: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptWednesdayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 3: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptThursdayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 4: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptFridayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 5: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptSaturdayAppointments", e, result, index); break; case 6: FillAppiontmentDetailsRepeater("rptSundayAppointments", e, result, index); break; default: break; } } } } } }
public ActionResult OrderList(string user) { List <Order> order = BusinessLogic.ListOrdersBy(user); return(View(order)); }
public void AddComment(int postId, string text) { var bl = new BusinessLogic(); bl.AddComment(postId, text, int.Parse(User.Identity.Name)); }
/// <summary> /// 加载左侧功能栏项 /// </summary> public void LoadSildeBar(string moduleId) { var currentid = moduleId; DataRow[] drows = ClientCache.Instance.DTUserMoule.Select(PiModuleTable.FieldParentId + " = '" + currentid + "'", PiModuleTable.FieldSortCode); if (drows.Length <= 0) { return; } bool isSelected = false; foreach (DataRow dr in drows) { //只加载模块类型为1(WinForm类型)或3(WinForm与WebForm相结合)的 var moduleType = BusinessLogic.ConvertToNullableInt(dr[PiModuleTable.FieldModuleType]); if (moduleType != null && moduleType != 1 && moduleType != 3) { continue; } //RibbonTabItem>RibbonPanel>RibbonBar>ButtonItem RibbonTabItem ribbonTabItem = new RibbonTabItem { Text = dr[PiModuleTable.FieldFullName].ToString().Trim() }; RibbonPanel ribbonPanel = new RibbonPanel { Text = dr[PiModuleTable.FieldFullName].ToString().Trim() }; if (SystemInfo.MultiLanguage) { if (SystemInfo.CurrentLanguage.Equals("zh-TW", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ribbonTabItem.Text = ChineseStringHelper.StringConvert(ribbonTabItem.Text, 1); ribbonPanel.Text = ChineseStringHelper.StringConvert(ribbonPanel.Text, 1); } if (SystemInfo.CurrentLanguage.Equals("en-US", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string code = dr[PiModuleTable.FieldCode].ToString(); ribbonTabItem.Text = code.StartsWith("Frm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? code.Remove(0, 3) : code; ribbonPanel.Text = code.StartsWith("Frm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? code.Remove(0, 3) : code; } } ribbonTabItem.Panel = ribbonPanel; ribbonPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (!isSelected) { isSelected = true; ribbonTabItem.Select(); } this.ribbonControlMain.Controls.Add(ribbonPanel); this.ribbonControlMain.Items.Add(ribbonTabItem); DataRow[] subDrows = ClientCache.Instance.DTUserMoule.Select(PiModuleTable.FieldParentId + " = '" + dr[PiModuleTable.FieldId].ToString() + "'", PiModuleTable.FieldSortCode); if (subDrows.Length > 0) { RibbonBar rb = new RibbonBar(); this.LoadSubItems(subDrows, rb, dr[PiModuleTable.FieldId].ToString()); ribbonPanel.Controls.Add(rb); } } }
/// <summary> /// 保存新增的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="close">增加成功是否关闭窗体</param> private void SaveAddData(bool close) { if (!BasePageLogic.ControlValueIsEmpty(gbMain)) { return; } // 设置鼠标繁忙状态,并保留原先的状态 var holdCursor = this.Cursor; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; var moduleEntity = new PiModuleEntity { ParentId = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString(txtParentId.SelectedValue), FullName = txtFullName.Text.Trim(), Code = txtCode.Text.Trim(), Target = txtTarget.Text.Trim(), NavigateUrl = txtNavigateUrl.Text.Trim(), MvcNavigateUrl = txtMvcNavigateUrl.Text.Trim(), ImageIndex = SelectedFileId, IconUrl = txtIconUrl.Text.Trim(), IconCss = txtIconCss.Text.Trim(), FormName = txtFormName.Text.Trim(), AssemblyName = txtAssemblyName.Text.Trim(), ModuleType = 3 }; if (rbModuleType1.Checked) { moduleEntity.ModuleType = 1; } if (rbModuleType2.Checked) { moduleEntity.ModuleType = 2; } if (rbModuleType3.Checked) { moduleEntity.ModuleType = 3; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleEntity.NavigateUrl)) { moduleEntity.NavigateUrl = @"#"; } if (moduleEntity.ModuleType != null && moduleEntity.ModuleType == 2) { moduleEntity.IconCss = "icon-note"; } moduleEntity.PermissionItemCode = "Resource.AccessPermission"; moduleEntity.Enabled = chkEnabled.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.IsPublic = chkIsPublic.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.Expand = chkExpand.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.Description = txtDescription.Text.Trim(); moduleEntity.AllowDelete = chkAllowDelete.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.AllowEdit = chkAllowEdit.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.IsMenu = chkIsMenu.Checked ? 1 : 0; moduleEntity.DeleteMark = 0; string statusCode = string.Empty; string statusMessage = string.Empty; this.EntityId = moduleService.Add(UserInfo, moduleEntity, out statusCode, out statusMessage); this.FullName = moduleEntity.FullName; this.ParentId = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString(moduleEntity.ParentId); if (statusCode == StatusCode.OKAdd.ToString()) { this.Changed = true; if (SystemInfo.ShowInformation) { // 添加成功,进行提示 MessageBoxHelper.ShowSuccessMsg(statusMessage); } if (close) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { BasePageLogic.EmptyControlValue(gbMain); this.chkEnabled.Checked = true; this.chkAllowEdit.Checked = true; this.chkAllowDelete.Checked = true; txtFullName.Focus(); } } else { MessageBoxHelper.ShowWarningMsg(statusMessage); // 是否编号重复了,提高友善性 if (statusCode == StatusCode.ErrorCodeExist.ToString()) { this.txtCode.SelectAll(); this.txtCode.Focus(); } } // 设置鼠标默认状态,原来的光标状态 this.Cursor = holdCursor; if (this.Changed && close) { this.Close(); } }
protected void btnExl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double currStock; DateTime startDate, endDate; startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); lblClosingStock.Text = "0"; sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); //ReportsBL.ReportClass report = new ReportsBL.ReportClass(); double openingStock = 0; //string[] itemAr = drpLedgerName.SelectedItem.Text.Split('|'); string Branch = drpBranchAdd.SelectedValue; if (Branch == "0") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert(' Please Select Branch. It cannot be Left blank.');", true); return; } else { int types = Convert.ToInt32(drpsaletype.SelectedValue); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); //string itemCode = Convert.ToString(itemAr[0]).Trim(); string itemCode = cmbProdAdd.Text; lblModel.Text = cmbModel.Text; openingStock = Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStock(sDataSource, itemCode, Branch)) + (Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStockPurchase(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, Branch)) - Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStockSales(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, Branch))); lblOpenStock.Text = Convert.ToString(openingStock); sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); currStock = bl.getStockInfo(itemCode, Branch); //string[] stkArray = drpLedgerName.SelectedItem.Value.Split('@'); lblItem.Text = cmbProdName.Text; lblClosingStockPM.Text = Convert.ToString(currStock); hdStock.Value = Convert.ToString(openingStock); if ((chkvalue.Checked == false)) { DataSet dsLedger = bl.getProductStockList(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, endDate, Branch, types); gvLedger.DataSource = dsLedger; gvLedger.DataBind(); //gvLedger.Visible = false; //divReport.Visible = false; ExportToExcel(); #region Export To Excel //if (dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill Date")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Purchase / Sale")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill No.")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Qty.")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Ledger Name")); // foreach (DataRow dr in dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows) // { // DataRow dr_export = dt.NewRow(); // dr_export["Bill Date"] = dr["billdate"]; // dr_export["Purchase / Sale"] = dr["'Purchase/Sale'"]; // dr_export["Bill No."] = dr["billno"]; // dr_export["Qty."] = dr["qty"]; // dr_export["Ledger Name"] = dr["LedgerName"]; // dt.Rows.Add(dr_export); // } // DataRow dr_lastexport = dt.NewRow(); // dr_lastexport["Bill Date"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Purchase / Sale"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Bill No."] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Qty."] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Ledger Name"] = ""; // ExportToExcel("StockListReport.xls", dt); //} #endregion } else if ((chkvalue.Checked == true)) { DataSet dsLedger = bl.getProductStockList(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, endDate, Branch, types); gvledgerwithvalue.DataSource = dsLedger; gvledgerwithvalue.DataBind(); //gvledgerwithvalue.Visible = false; //divReport.Visible = false; ExportToExcelValue(); #region Export To Excel //if (dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill Date")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Purchase / Sale")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill No.")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Qty.")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Ledger Name")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Purchase Value")); // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Sales Value")); // foreach (DataRow dr in dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows) // { // DataRow dr_export = dt.NewRow(); // dr_export["Bill Date"] = dr["billdate"]; // dr_export["Purchase / Sale"] = dr["'Purchase/Sale'"]; // dr_export["Bill No."] = dr["billno"]; // dr_export["Qty."] = dr["qty"]; // dr_export["Ledger Name"] = dr["LedgerName"]; // if (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "PURCHASE") // { // dr_export["Purchase Value"] = dr["rate"]; // dr_export["Sales Value"] = ""; // } // else if (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "SALES") // { // dr_export["Sales Value"] = dr["rate"]; // dr_export["Purchase Value"] = ""; // } // dt.Rows.Add(dr_export); // } // DataRow dr_lastexport = dt.NewRow(); // dr_lastexport["Bill Date"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Purchase / Sale"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Bill No."] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Qty."] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Ledger Name"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Purchase Value"] = ""; // dr_lastexport["Sales Value"] = ""; // ExportToExcel("StockListReport.xls", dt); //} #endregion } //else //{ // DataSet dsLedger = bl.getProductStockList(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, endDate, Branch, types); // gvledgerwithvalue.DataSource = dsLedger; // gvledgerwithvalue.DataBind(); // divReport.Visible = false; // ExportToExcelValue(); // #region Export To Excel // //if (dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // //{ // // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill Date")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Purchase / Sale")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Bill No.")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Qty.")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Ledger Name")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Purchase Value")); // // dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Sales Value")); // // foreach (DataRow dr in dsLedger.Tables[0].Rows) // // { // // DataRow dr_export = dt.NewRow(); // // if ((dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "IN") || (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "OUT")) // // { // // dr_export["Bill Date"] = dr["cdate"]; // // } // // else // // { // // dr_export["Bill Date"] = dr["billdate"]; // // } // // dr_export["Purchase / Sale"] = dr["'Purchase/Sale'"]; // // if ((dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "IN") || (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "OUT")) // // { // // dr_export["Bill No."] = dr["compid"]; // // } // // else // // { // // dr_export["Bill No."] = dr["billno"]; // // } // // dr_export["Qty."] = dr["qty"]; // // dr_export["Ledger Name"] = dr["LedgerName"]; // // if (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "PURCHASE") // // { // // dr_export["Purchase Value"] = dr["rate"]; // // dr_export["Sales Value"] = ""; // // } // // else if (dr["'Purchase/Sale'"].ToString() == "SALES") // // { // // dr_export["Sales Value"] = dr["rate"]; // // dr_export["Purchase Value"] = ""; // // } // // dt.Rows.Add(dr_export); // // } // // DataRow dr_lastexport = dt.NewRow(); // // dr_lastexport["Bill Date"] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Purchase / Sale"] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Bill No."] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Qty."] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Ledger Name"] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Purchase Value"] = ""; // // dr_lastexport["Sales Value"] = ""; // // ExportToExcel("StockListReport.xls", dt); // //} // #endregion //} } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存修改的数据 /// </summary> private void SaveEditData() { if (!BasePageLogic.ControlValueIsEmpty(gbMain)) { return; } // 设置鼠标繁忙状态,并保留原先的状态 var holdCursor = this.Cursor; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; currentModuleEntity.ParentId = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString(txtParentId.SelectedValue); currentModuleEntity.FullName = txtFullName.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.Code = txtCode.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.Target = txtTarget.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.NavigateUrl = txtNavigateUrl.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.MvcNavigateUrl = txtMvcNavigateUrl.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.IconUrl = txtIconUrl.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.IconCss = txtIconCss.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.FormName = txtFormName.Text.Trim(); currentModuleEntity.AssemblyName = txtAssemblyName.Text.Trim(); if (rbModuleType1.Checked) { currentModuleEntity.ModuleType = 1; } if (rbModuleType2.Checked) { currentModuleEntity.ModuleType = 2; } if (rbModuleType3.Checked) { currentModuleEntity.ModuleType = 3; } currentModuleEntity.Enabled = chkEnabled.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.IsPublic = chkIsPublic.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.Expand = chkExpand.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.AllowDelete = chkAllowDelete.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.AllowEdit = chkAllowEdit.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.IsMenu = chkIsMenu.Checked ? 1 : 0; currentModuleEntity.Description = txtDescription.Text.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedFileId.Trim())) { currentModuleEntity.ImageIndex = SelectedFileId; } string statusCode = string.Empty; string statusMessage = string.Empty; this.EntityId = currentModuleEntity.Id.ToString(); this.FullName = currentModuleEntity.FullName; this.ParentId = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString(currentModuleEntity.ParentId); moduleService.Update(UserInfo, currentModuleEntity, out statusCode, out statusMessage); if (statusCode == StatusCode.OKUpdate.ToString()) { this.Changed = true; if (SystemInfo.ShowInformation) { // 添加成功,进行提示 MessageBoxHelper.ShowSuccessMsg(statusMessage); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { MessageBoxHelper.ShowWarningMsg(statusMessage); // 是否编号重复了,提高友善性 if (statusCode == StatusCode.ErrorCodeExist.ToString()) { this.txtCode.SelectAll(); this.txtCode.Focus(); } } // 设置鼠标默认状态,原来的光标状态 this.Cursor = holdCursor; if (this.Changed) { this.Close(); } }
private void SaveData() { //保存任务 NowTask.TaskName = tbxTaskName.Text; NowTask.Description = tbxTaskDes.Text; if (rbtShareUser.Checked) { NowTask.OperRule = "1"; } else if (rbtEveryUser.Checked) { NowTask.OperRule = "2"; } NowTask.SaveUpdateTask(); RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.DeleteWorkTaskAllOperator(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); //保存处理者 foreach (ListViewItem lt in lvExOper.Items) { var oper = new OperatorEntity { OperatorId = lt.SubItems[1].Text, WorkFlowId = NowTask.WorkFlowId, WorkTaskId = NowTask.TaskId, Description = lt.Text, OperType = Convert.ToInt16(lt.SubItems[3].Text), Relation = Convert.ToInt16(lt.SubItems[4].Text), OperContent = lt.SubItems[5].Text, OperDisplay = lt.SubItems[6].Text }; switch (lt.SubItems[2].Text) { case "包含": oper.InorExclude = 1; break; case "排除": oper.InorExclude = 0; break; } RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.InsertOperator(this.UserInfo, oper); } //保存任务命令 RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.DeleteWorkTaskAllCommands(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); foreach (ListViewItem lt in lvExCommand.Items) { var taskCommand = new WorkTaskCommandsEntity { WorkFlowId = NowTask.WorkFlowId, WorkTaskId = NowTask.TaskId, CommandName = lt.Text, CommandId = lt.SubItems[1].Text, Description = lt.SubItems[2].Text }; RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.InsertWorkTaskCommands(this.UserInfo, taskCommand); } //保存关联表单 RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.DeleteWorkTaskAllControls(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.SetWorkTaskUserCtrls(this.UserInfo, UserControlId, NowTask.WorkFlowId, NowTask.TaskId); //保存事件 RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.DeleteWorkFlowEvent(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); var ev = new WorkFlowEventEntity { Guid = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(), WorkFlowId = NowTask.WorkFlowId, WorkTaskId = NowTask.TaskId }; var us = ""; ev.RmMsg = cbxRmMessage.Checked ? 1 : 0; ev.RmEmail = cbxRmMail.Checked ? 1 : 0; ev.RmSms = cbxRmSms.Checked ? 1 : 0; us = ""; if (lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items.Count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items.Count - 1; i++) { us = us + lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items[i].ToString() + ","; } us = us + lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items[lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items.Count - 1]; } ev.RmToUsers = us; RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.InsertWorkFlowEvent(this.UserInfo, ev); }
internal static MediaType MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User u, string text, int parentId) { var mediaType = new Umbraco.Core.Models.MediaType(parentId) { Name = text, Alias = text, CreatorId = u.Id, Thumbnail = "folder.png", Icon = "folder.gif" }; ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentTypeService.Save(mediaType, u.Id); var mt = new MediaType(mediaType.Id); NewEventArgs e = new NewEventArgs(); mt.OnNew(e); return mt; }
public static StylesheetProperty MakeNew(string Text, StyleSheet sheet, BusinessLogic.User user) { CMSNode newNode = CMSNode.MakeNew(sheet.Id, moduleObjectType, user.Id, 2, Text, Guid.NewGuid()); Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_ConnString,CommandType.Text,"Insert into cmsStylesheetProperty (nodeId,stylesheetPropertyAlias,stylesheetPropertyValue) values ('"+ newNode.Id +"','" + Text+ "','')"); return new StylesheetProperty(newNode.Id); }
public static Template MakeNew(string Name, BusinessLogic.User u) { //ensure unique alias if (GetByAlias(Name) != null) Name = EnsureUniqueAlias(Name, 1); // CMSNode MakeNew(int parentId, Guid objectType, int userId, int level, string text, Guid uniqueID) CMSNode n = CMSNode.MakeNew(-1, _objectType, u.Id, 1, Name, Guid.NewGuid()); Name = Name.Replace("/", ".").Replace("\\", ""); if (Name.Length > 100) Name = Name.Substring(0, 95) + "..."; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO cmsTemplate (NodeId, Alias, design, master) VALUES (@nodeId, @alias, @design, @master)", SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@nodeId", n.Id), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@alias", Name), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@design", ' '), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@master", DBNull.Value)); Template t = new Template(n.Id); NewEventArgs e = new NewEventArgs(); t.OnNew(e); return t; }
protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Page.IsValid) { err.Text = ""; //long diff = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text), DateTime.Now); //if (diff<=0) //{ // //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Date should be less than or equal to today')", true); // err.Text ="Date should be less than or equal to today"; // cmdSave.Enabled = false; // return; //} if (EditableGrid.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } if (txtDate.Text.Trim() == "") { err.Visible = true; err.Text = "Date is Blank"; return; } else { err.Text = ""; } if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text) > DateTime.Now) { err.Visible = true; err.Text = "Date should be less than or equal to today"; cmdSave.Enabled = false; return; } sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); string itemCode = string.Empty; string closingDate = string.Empty; string Branch = drpBranchAdd.SelectedValue; BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); bl.DeleteClosingStock(txtDate.Text, Branch); if (EditableGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (GridViewRow gr in EditableGrid.Rows) { TextBox txtStock = (TextBox)gr.Cells[4].FindControl("txtStock"); itemCode = gr.Cells[0].Text.Replace(""", "\""); if (itemCode.Contains("&")) { itemCode = itemCode.Replace("&", "&"); } closingDate = txtDate.Text; if (txtStock.Text.Trim() != "") { bl.InsertClosingStock(@itemCode, closingDate, Convert.ToDouble(txtStock.Text), Branch); } else { //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Check the stock value some might be not given or entered wrongly')", true); err.Visible = true; err.Text = "Check the stock value some might be not given or entered wrongly"; return; } } } //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Physical stock values are stored for the date:" + closingDate + "')", true); err.Visible = true; err.Text = "Physical stock values are stored for the date: " + closingDate; } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
protected void btnBookAppointment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string scheduleDateID = Request.QueryString["ID"]; if (BusinessLogic.GetSCheduleMaxAppointment(Session["userID"].ToString()) >= BusinessLogic.GetFirmSettingValue("MaxAppointmentCount")) { pnlMaxBook.Visible = true; //pnlCPADetails.Visible = false; pnlEditCustomerDetails.Visible = false; pnlCustomerDetails.Visible = false; pnlBookedAppointment.Visible = false; return; } if (!BusinessLogic.IsBookAppointmentAvailable(Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString())) { pnlBookedAppointment.Visible = true; pnlMaxBook.Visible = false; pnlEditCustomerDetails.Visible = false; pnlCustomerDetails.Visible = false; return; } bool result = BusinessLogic.BookNewAppointment(Request.QueryString["CPAID"], Request.QueryString["UserID"], lblPurposeOfVisit.Text, scheduleDateID); if (result) { SendEmail(); string redirectURL = string.Format("~/CPA/FinishBookingApp.aspx?CPAID={0}&Schedule={1}&Purpose={2}&ID={3}&UserID={4}", Request.QueryString["CPAID"], lblScheduleDate.Text, lblPurposeOfVisit.Text, Request.QueryString["ID"], Request.QueryString["UserID"]); Response.Redirect(redirectURL); } }
protected void btndetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DateTime startDate, endDate; int iLedgerID = 0; //string sDataSource = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataSource"].ToString()); // string sDataSource = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\Store0910.mdb"); // ReportsBL.ReportClass rptBankReport; bnkPanel.Visible = true; iLedgerID = Convert.ToInt32(drpBankName.SelectedItem.Value); startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); lblStartDate.Text = txtStartDate.Text; lblEndDate.Text = txtEndDate.Text; // rptBankReport = new ReportsBL.ReportClass(); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); DataSet ds = bl.generateReportDS(iLedgerID, startDate, endDate, sDataSource, 0); double credit = 0; double debit = 0; #region Export To Excel if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt = new DataTable("Bank Statement"); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Date")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Particulars")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BranchCode")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Voucher Type")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Debit")); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Credit")); DataRow dr_export1 = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(dr_export1); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { DataRow dr_export = dt.NewRow(); dr_export["Date"] = dr["Date"]; dr_export["Particulars"] = dr["Particulars"]; dr_export["BranchCode"] = dr["BranchCode"]; dr_export["Voucher Type"] = dr["VoucherType"]; dr_export["Debit"] = dr["Debit"]; debit = debit + Convert.ToDouble(dr["Debit"]); dr_export["Credit"] = dr["Credit"]; credit = credit + Convert.ToDouble(dr["credit"]); dt.Rows.Add(dr_export); } DataRow dr_export2 = dt.NewRow(); dr_export2["Date"] = ""; dr_export2["Particulars"] = ""; dr_export2["BranchCode"] = ""; dr_export2["Voucher Type"] = ""; dr_export2["Debit"] = ""; dr_export2["Credit"] = ""; dt.Rows.Add(dr_export2); DataRow dr_export213 = dt.NewRow(); dr_export213["Date"] = ""; dr_export213["Particulars"] = "Total"; dr_export213["BranchCode"] = ""; dr_export213["Voucher Type"] = ""; dr_export213["Debit"] = debit; dr_export213["Credit"] = credit; dt.Rows.Add(dr_export213); DataRow dr_export21 = dt.NewRow(); dr_export21["Date"] = ""; dr_export21["Particulars"] = ""; dr_export21["BranchCode"] = ""; dr_export21["Voucher Type"] = ""; dr_export21["Debit"] = ""; dr_export21["Credit"] = ""; dt.Rows.Add(dr_export21); double Diffamt = 0; Diffamt = debit - credit; DataRow dr_export23 = dt.NewRow(); dr_export23["Date"] = ""; dr_export23["Particulars"] = "Difference"; dr_export23["BranchCode"] = ""; dr_export23["Voucher Type"] = ""; if (Diffamt >= 0) { dr_export23["Debit"] = Diffamt; dr_export23["Credit"] = 0; } else if (Diffamt <= 0) { dr_export23["Debit"] = 0; if (Diffamt < 0) { dr_export23["Credit"] = -Diffamt; } else { dr_export23["Credit"] = Diffamt; } } dt.Rows.Add(dr_export23); ExportToExcel("Bank Statement.xlsx", dt); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new datatypedefinition given its name and the user which creates it. /// </summary> /// <param name="u">The user who creates the datatypedefinition</param> /// <param name="Text">The name of the DataTypeDefinition</param> /// <param name="UniqueId">Overrides the CMSnodes uniqueID</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTypeDefinition MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User u, string Text, Guid UniqueId) { int newId = CMSNode.MakeNew(-1, _objectType, u.Id, 1, Text, UniqueId).Id; cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory f = new cms.businesslogic.datatype.controls.Factory(); // initial control id changed to empty to ensure that it'll always work no matter if 3rd party configurators fail // ref: Guid FirstcontrolId = Guid.Empty; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Insert into cmsDataType (nodeId, controlId, dbType) values (" + newId.ToString() + ",@controlId,'Ntext')", SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@controlId", FirstcontrolId)); DataTypeDefinition dtd = new DataTypeDefinition(newId); dtd.OnNew(EventArgs.Empty); return dtd; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.Cookies["Company"] != null) { sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); } DataSet companyInfo = new DataSet(); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); lblBillDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); txtStartDate.Text = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString(); DateTime indianStd = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTime.Now, "India Standard Time"); string dtaa = Convert.ToDateTime(indianStd).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); txtEndDate.Text = dtaa; //txtEndDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (Request.Cookies["Company"] != null) { companyInfo = bl.getCompanyInfo(Request.Cookies["Company"].Value); if (companyInfo != null) { if (companyInfo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in companyInfo.Tables[0].Rows) { lblTNGST.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["TINno"]); lblCompany.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["CompanyName"]); lblPhone.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Phone"]); lblGSTno.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["GSTno"]); lblAddress.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Address"]); lblCity.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["city"]); lblPincode.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Pincode"]); lblState.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["state"]); } } } } DateTime startDate, endDate; if (Request.Cookies["Company"] != null) { sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); } DateTime stdt = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); DateTime etdt = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); if (Request.QueryString["startDate"] != null) { stdt = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["startDate"].ToString()); } if (Request.QueryString["endDate"] != null) { etdt = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["endDate"].ToString()); } startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(stdt); endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(etdt); var rptSalesReport = new ReportsBL.ReportClass(); DataSet ds = rptSalesReport.generatePurchaseLevel1Report(startDate, endDate, sDataSource); gvPurchaseLevel1.DataSource = ds; gvPurchaseLevel1.DataBind(); ds = rptSalesReport.generatePurchaseLevel2Report(startDate, endDate, sDataSource); gvPurchaseLevel2.DataSource = ds; gvPurchaseLevel2.DataBind(); ds = rptSalesReport.generatePurchaseLevel3Report(startDate, endDate, sDataSource); gvPurchaseLevel3.DataSource = ds; gvPurchaseLevel3.DataBind(); ds = rptSalesReport.generatePurchaseLevel4Report(startDate, endDate, sDataSource); gvPurchaseLevel4.DataSource = ds; gvPurchaseLevel4.DataBind(); divPrint.Visible = true; div1.Visible = false; divmain.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
protected void btnReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cmbProdAdd.SelectedItem.Text == "Select ItemCode") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Select any one ItemCode')", true); return; } double currStock; DateTime startDate, endDate; startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); lblClosingStock.Text = "0"; sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); ReportsBL.ReportClass report = new ReportsBL.ReportClass(); double openingStock = 0; //string[] itemAr = drpLedgerName.SelectedItem.Text.Split('|'); string Branch = drpBranchAdd.SelectedValue; if (Branch == "0") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert(' Please Select Branch. It cannot be Left blank.');", true); return; } else { int types = Convert.ToInt32(drpsaletype.SelectedValue); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); //string itemCode = Convert.ToString(itemAr[0]).Trim(); string itemCode = cmbProdAdd.Text; lblModel.Text = cmbModel.Text; openingStock = Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStock(sDataSource, itemCode, Branch)) + (Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStockPurchase(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, Branch)) - Convert.ToDouble(bl.getOpeningStockSales(sDataSource, itemCode, startDate, Branch))); lblOpenStock.Text = Convert.ToString(openingStock); sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); currStock = bl.getStockInfo(itemCode, Branch); // string[] stkArray = drpLedgerName.SelectedItem.Value.Split('@'); lblItem.Text = cmbProdName.Text; lblClosingStockPM.Text = Convert.ToString(currStock); hdStock.Value = Convert.ToString(openingStock); string Item = cmbProdName.Text; string Model = cmbModel.Text; if ((chkvalue.Checked == false)) { divReport.Visible = false; Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>'StockListReport1.aspx?itemCode=" + itemCode + "&Model=" + Model + "&Item=" + Item + "&startDate=" + Convert.ToDateTime(startDate) + "&endDate=" + Convert.ToDateTime(endDate) + "&Branch=" + Branch + "&Type=" + types + " ' , 'window','height=700,width=1000,left=172,top=10,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');</script>"); } else if ((chkvalue.Checked == true)) { divReport.Visible = false; Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>'StockListReport1.aspx?itemCode=" + itemCode + "&Model=" + Model + "&Item=" + Item + "&startDate=" + Convert.ToDateTime(startDate) + "&endDate=" + Convert.ToDateTime(endDate) + "&Branch=" + Branch + "&Type=" + types + "&Check=" + chkvalue.Checked + " ' , 'window','height=700,width=1000,left=172,top=10,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');</script>"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
private void InitData() { tbxTaskName.Text = NowTask.TaskName; tbxTaskDes.Text = NowTask.Description; switch (NowTask.OperRule) { case "1": rbtShareUser.Checked = true; break; case "2": rbtEveryUser.Checked = true; break; } //*********任务命令 lvExCommand.Columns.Add("处理命令", 200, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExCommand.Columns.Add("CommandId", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExCommand.Columns.Add("描述", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left); var taskCommand = RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.GetWorkTaskCommands(this.UserInfo, NowTask.WorkFlowId, NowTask.TaskId); foreach (DataRow dr in taskCommand.Rows) { var lvi1 = new ListViewItem(dr[WorkTaskCommandsTable.FieldCommandName].ToString(), 0); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[WorkTaskCommandsTable.FieldCommandId].ToString()); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[WorkTaskCommandsTable.FieldDescription].ToString()); lvExCommand.Items.Add(lvi1); } //*********处理者 lvExOper.Columns.Add("处理者信息", 200, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("OperatorId", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("包含/排除", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("处理类型", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("处理策略", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("处理者", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvExOper.Columns.Add("operDisplay", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Left); var operTable = RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.GetWorkTaskOperator(this.UserInfo, NowTask.WorkFlowId, NowTask.TaskId); foreach (DataRow dr in operTable.Rows) { var lvi1 = new ListViewItem(dr[OperatorTable.FieldDescription].ToString(), 0); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[OperatorTable.FieldOperatorId].ToString()); lvi1.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToBoolean(dr[OperatorTable.FieldInorExclude]) ? "包含" : "排除"); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[OperatorTable.FieldOperType].ToString()); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[OperatorTable.FieldRelation].ToString()); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[OperatorTable.FieldOperContent].ToString()); lvi1.SubItems.Add(dr[OperatorTable.FieldOperDisplay].ToString()); lvExOper.Items.Add(lvi1); } //*********表单 var ctrlTable = RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.GetWorkTaskControls(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); if (ctrlTable != null && ctrlTable.Rows.Count > 0) { tbxFormName.Text = ctrlTable.Rows[0]["MFULLNAME"].ToString(); UserControlId = ctrlTable.Rows[0]["USERCONTROLID"].ToString(); } //********* 事件通知 var ev = RDIFrameworkService.Instance.WorkFlowTemplateService.GetWorkFlowEventInfo(this.UserInfo, NowTask.TaskId); if (ev != null) { cbxRmMail.Checked = BusinessLogic.ConvertIntToBoolean(ev.RmEmail); cbxRmMessage.Checked = BusinessLogic.ConvertIntToBoolean(ev.RmMsg); cbxRmSms.Checked = BusinessLogic.ConvertIntToBoolean(ev.RmSms); if (ev.RmToUsers != null) { var us = ev.RmToUsers.Split(','); foreach (var usr in us.Where(usr => usr.Length > 0)) { lbxRmMsgToUsers.Items.Add(usr); } } } }
private void QueryLog() { if (txtStartDate.Value > txtEndDate.Value) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowWarningMsg(RDIFrameworkMessage.MSG0208); txtStartDate.Focus(); return; } try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; var whereStatement = " 1 = 1"; if (this.ucUserSelect.SelectedIds != null && this.ucUserSelect.SelectedIds.Length > 0) { whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateUserId + " IN (" + BusinessLogic.ArrayToList(ucUserSelect.SelectedIds, "'") + ")"; } else if (this.ucUserSelect.SelectedId != null) { whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateUserId + " ='" + this.ucUserSelect.SelectedId + "'"; } if (SystemInfo.RDIFrameworkDbType == CurrentDbType.Oracle) { whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateOn + ">=" + BusinessLogic.GetOracleDateFormat(txtStartDate.Value); whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateOn + "<" + BusinessLogic.GetOracleDateFormat(txtEndDate.Value.AddDays(1)); } else { whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateOn + ">='" + txtStartDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; whereStatement += " and " + CiLogTable.FieldCreateOn + "<'" + txtEndDate.Value.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } var recordCount = 0; this.dtLog = RDIFrameworkService.Instance.LogService.GetDTByPage(this.UserInfo, out recordCount, ucPagerEx.PageIndex, ucPagerEx.PageSize, whereStatement, CiLogTable.FieldCreateOn + " DESC"); ucPagerEx.RecordCount = recordCount; ucPagerEx.InitPageInfo(); this.dgvInfo.AutoGenerateColumns = false; this.dgvInfo.DataSource = this.dtLog.DefaultView; SetControlState(); } catch (Exception ex) { base.ProcessException(ex); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BusinessLogic.GetAcademicYear(currentUser.ToString().Trim()); }
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { List <String> resultList = new List <string>(); String imageName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultImage"].ToString(); BusinessLogic businessLogic = new BusinessLogic(); var fieldValueList = new Dictionary <string, string>(); DataTable dtExists = new DataTable(); string checkExists = "select * from " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Farmer_Info"].ToString() + " where Email='" + txtEmail.Text + "'" + " or Contact_No='" + txtContactno.Text + "' or Username='******'"; dtExists = businessLogic.GetQueryResult(checkExists); if (dtExists.Rows.Count > 0) { lblMsg.Text = "Registration Failed.Email / Contac_No / UserName are Exists"; lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { fieldValueList.Add("Master_Type_ID", "2"); fieldValueList.Add("Name", "'" + txtFarmerName.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Email", "'" + txtEmail.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Contact_No", "'" + txtContactno.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Address", "'" + txtAddress.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("City", "'" + txtCity.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("District_ID", "'" + ddlDistrict.SelectedItem.Value + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("State_ID", "'" + ddlState.SelectedItem.Value + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Reg_Card_No", "'" + txtFarmerCardNo.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Username", "'" + txtUserName.Text + "'"); fieldValueList.Add("Password", "'" + txtPassword.Text + "'"); if (photoUpload.FileName != "") { fieldValueList.Add("Photo", "'" + photoUpload.FileName + "'"); } else { fieldValueList.Add("Photo", "'" + imageName + "'"); } if (photoUpload.HasFile) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(photoUpload.PostedFile.FileName); photoUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/User_Images/") + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyyHHmmss") + extension); } resultList = businessLogic.InsertRecord(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Farmer_Info"].ToString(), fieldValueList); if (resultList.Count > 1) { lblMsg.Text = "Hi," + txtFarmerName.Text + " you have successfully registered"; lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; linkRedirect.Visible = true; linkRedirect.PostBackUrl = "~/FarmerDashboard.aspx?mode=normal&id=" + resultList[1]; Session["Id"] = resultList[1]; Session["Master_Type_ID"] = "2"; Session["Name"] = txtFarmerName.Text.ToString(); Session["Email"] = txtEmail.Text.ToString(); } else { lblMsg.Text = "Registration Failed.Please Contact Support Team"; lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void TestConstructor() { dynamic iDataInterface = new ExpandoObject(); var bLogic = new BusinessLogic(iDataInterface); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", new String('=', 5), DateTime.Now)); //TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 10, 30, 0); //timeSpan = new TimeSpan(timeSpan.Ticks / 2); //Console.WriteLine("Done [{0:d\\.hh\\:mm\\:ss}]/per.", timeSpan); //Console.WriteLine("Done [{0}]/per.", new TimeSpan(0, 2, 3, 4, 5)); #if DEBUG args = new string[] { "UM" }; //S,U #endif if (args == null || args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("SA: Polling suppler url according to supplier category"); Console.WriteLine("PA: Polling suppler url according to product category"); Console.WriteLine("UM: Polling suppler from supplier url"); Console.WriteLine("UMF: Polling suppler from supplier url by using WebDriver"); } else { String code = args[0]; switch (code) { case "SA": //Supplier Category to url case "PA": //Product Category to url BusinessLogic.PollingCategoryUrls(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString, code); break; case "PC": BusinessLogic.PollingProductCategory(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString, code); break; case "S": BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliers(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString); break; case "U": BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliersFromUrl(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString); break; case "MU": BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliersMetadataFromUrl(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString); break; case "UM": //by using webClient BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliersFromUrlMetadata(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString, false); break; case "UMF": //By using webdriver BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliersFromUrlMetadata(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString, true); break; default: //BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliers(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString); //BusinessLogic.PollingSuppliersFromUrl(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Alibaba"].ConnectionString); break; } } stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", new String('=', 5), DateTime.Now)); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Elapsed: {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10)); Console.WriteLine("THE END"); //Console.ReadLine(); }
protected void cmbProdAdd_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet roleDs = new DataSet(); string itemCode = string.Empty; DataSet checkDs; if (cmbProdAdd.SelectedItem != null) { itemCode = cmbProdAdd.SelectedItem.Value.Trim(); DataSet catData = bl.GetProductForId(sDataSource, cmbProdAdd.SelectedItem.Value.Trim()); if (catData != null) { if ((catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Model"] != null) && (catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Model"].ToString() != "")) { if (cmbModel.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Model"].ToString().Trim()) != null) { cmbModel.ClearSelection(); if (!cmbModel.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Model"].ToString().Trim()).Selected) { cmbModel.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Model"].ToString().Trim()).Selected = true; } } } if ((catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductDesc"] != null) && (catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductDesc"].ToString() != "")) { if (cmbBrand.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductDesc"].ToString().Trim()) != null) { cmbBrand.ClearSelection(); if (!cmbBrand.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductDesc"].ToString().Trim()).Selected) { cmbBrand.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductDesc"].ToString().Trim()).Selected = true; } } } if ((catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductName"] != null) && (catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductName"].ToString() != "")) { if (cmbProdName.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductName"].ToString().Trim()) != null) { cmbProdName.ClearSelection(); if (!cmbProdName.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductName"].ToString().Trim()).Selected) { cmbProdName.Items.FindByValue(catData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductName"].ToString().Trim()).Selected = true; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]//Specify return format. public HttpResponseMessage GetAppliancesStatusARDUNO(string Email) { string _outMessage = ""; try { BusinessLogic objBusinessLogic = new BusinessLogic(); IEnumerable <ApplianceMaster> lstResult = objBusinessLogic.GetAllAppliances(_connStr, Email, 0, out _outMessage); AppStatusARDUNO _appIOT = new AppStatusARDUNO(); int _index = 0; foreach (ApplianceMaster app in lstResult) { if (_index == 0) { _appIOT.A1 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 1) { _appIOT.A2 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 2) { _appIOT.A3 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 3) { _appIOT.A4 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 4) { _appIOT.A5 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 5) { _appIOT.A6 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 6) { _appIOT.A7 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 7) { _appIOT.A8 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 8) { _appIOT.A9 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 9) { _appIOT.A10 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 10) { _appIOT.A11 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 11) { _appIOT.A12 = app.StatusOnOff; } if (_index == 12) { _appIOT.A13 = app.StatusOnOff; } _index++; } var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string jSON = serializer.Serialize(_appIOT); var response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); response.Content = new StringContent(jSON, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(response); } catch { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); // return "ERROR"; } }
public static bool query(out List <List <string> > toRetBase, out string toRetName, out string result, string toQuery) { bool isQueried = false; result = "invalid command"; toRetName = CurrentBaseName; toRetBase = null; toQuery = toQuery.Trim(); // \e\ пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "empty string"; return(false); } // работа с оператором 'select' else if (toQuery.StartsWith("SELECT ")) { // \e\ еще один оператор 'select' внутри if (toQuery.LastIndexOf("SELECT") != 0) { result = "'select' into another 'select' operator"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7); // есть условный оператор 'where' if (toQuery.Contains(" WHERE ")) { // \e\ в строке несколько операторов 'where' if (toQuery.IndexOf(" WHERE ") != toQuery.LastIndexOf(" WHERE ")) { result = "multiple operators 'where'"; return(false); } string condition = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf("WHERE") + 5).Trim(); toQuery = toQuery.Substring(0, toQuery.IndexOf("WHERE")).Trim(); if (toQuery == "country") { if (condition.StartsWith("name IS ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountriesWithName(condition.Substring(8).Trim(), 0); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name BEGIN WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountriesWithName(condition.Substring(16).Trim(), 1); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name END WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountriesWithName(condition.Substring(14).Trim(), 2); } // \e\ неправильное условие else { result = "wrong condition for 'where'"; return(false); } result = "countries selected"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "product") { if (condition.StartsWith("name IS ")) { // \e\ несколько несовместимых условий if (condition.IndexOf("IS") != condition.LastIndexOf("IS")) { result = "cant take multiple conditions in 'where'"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProductsWithName(condition.Substring(8).Trim(), 2); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name BEGIN WITH ")) { // \e\ несколько несовместимых условий if (condition.IndexOf("WITH") != condition.LastIndexOf("WITH")) { result = "cant take multiple conditions in 'where'"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProductsWithName(condition.Substring(16).Trim(), 1); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name END WITH ")) { // \e\ несколько несовместимых условий if (condition.IndexOf("WITH") != condition.LastIndexOf("WITH")) { result = "cant take multiple conditions in 'where'"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProductsWithName(condition.Substring(14).Trim(), 2); } // \e\ неправильное условие else { result = "wrong condition for 'where'"; return(false); } result = "products selected"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "export") { if (condition.StartsWith("country IS ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCountry(condition.Substring(11).Trim(), 0); } else if (condition.StartsWith("country BEGIN WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCountry(condition.Substring(19).Trim(), 1); } else if (condition.StartsWith("country END WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCountry(condition.Substring(17).Trim(), 2); } else if (condition.StartsWith("product IS ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithProduct(condition.Substring(11).Trim(), 0, out string total); result = $"total amount of product '{condition.Substring(11).Trim()}' is {total}"; } else if (condition.StartsWith("product BEGIN WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithProduct(condition.Substring(19).Trim(), 1, out string total); } else if (condition.StartsWith("product END WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithProduct(condition.Substring(17).Trim(), 2, out string total); } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count == ")) { condition = condition.Substring(19).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 0); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count >= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(19).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 1); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count <= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(19).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 2); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count > ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 3); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count < ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 4); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("positions count != ")) { condition = condition.Substring(19).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithCount(num, 5); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount == ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 0); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount >= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 1); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount <= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 2); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount > ")) { condition = condition.Substring(17).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 3); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount < ")) { condition = condition.Substring(17).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 4); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("product amount != ")) { condition = condition.Substring(18).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExportsWithAmount(num, 5); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } // \e\ неправильное условие else { result = "wrong condition for 'where'"; return(false); } if (!result.StartsWith("total")) { result = "export selected"; } isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "position") { if (condition.StartsWith("name IS ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithName(condition.Substring(8).Trim(), 0); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name BEGIN WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithName(condition.Substring(16).Trim(), 1); } else if (condition.StartsWith("name END WITH ")) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithName(condition.Substring(14).Trim(), 2); } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount == ")) { condition = condition.Substring(10).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 0); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount >= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(10).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 1); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount <= ")) { condition = condition.Substring(10).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 2); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount > ")) { condition = condition.Substring(9).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 3); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount < ")) { condition = condition.Substring(9).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 4); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } else if (condition.StartsWith("amount != ")) { condition = condition.Substring(10).Trim(); if (int.TryParse(condition, out int num)) { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositionsWithAmount(num, 5); } // \e\ сравнение не с числом else { result = "trying to compare amount with non-number"; return(false); } } // \e\ неправильное условие else { result = "wrong condition for 'where'"; return(false); } result = "position selected"; isQueried = true; } } // нет условного оператора 'where' else { toQuery = toQuery.Trim(); if (toQuery == "country") { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountries(); result = "countries selected"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "product") { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProducts(); result = "products selected"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "export") { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExports(); result = "export selected"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery == "position") { toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositions(); result = "position selected"; isQueried = true; } // \e\ операнд оператора 'select' некорректный else { result = "wrong parameter into 'select'"; return(false); } } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("INSERT ")) { // \e\ еще один оператор 'select' внутри if (toQuery.LastIndexOf("INSERT") != 0) { result = "'insert' into another 'insert' operator"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); if (toQuery.StartsWith("country ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new country name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new value can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ уже есть такая страна if (!BusinessLogic.InsertCountry(toQuery)) { result = "country with this name already exist"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountries(); result = "country added successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("product ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new product name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new value can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ уже есть такая страна if (!BusinessLogic.InsertProduct(toQuery)) { result = "product with this name already exist"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProducts(); result = "product added successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("export ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new export values inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ нет такой страны или экспорт туда уже есть if (!BusinessLogic.InsertExport(toQuery)) { result = "export to such country already exist or no such country"; return(false); } result = "export added successfully"; toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExports(); isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("position ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(9).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new product name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ больше двух параметров или один из них пустой if (toQuery.IndexOf(',') != toQuery.LastIndexOf(',') || toQuery.IndexOf(',') == 0 || toQuery.IndexOf(',') == toQuery.Count()) { result = "wrong parameters"; return(false); } if (int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(',') + 2).Trim(), out int amount)) { // \e\ нет такого товара if (!BusinessLogic.InsertPosition(toQuery.Substring(0, toQuery.IndexOf(',')).Trim(), amount)) { result = "no such product"; return(false); } } else { result = "amount is non-numeric"; return(false); } result = "position added successfully"; toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositions(); isQueried = true; } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("SET ")) { // \e\ еще один оператор 'set' внутри if (toQuery.LastIndexOf("SET") != 0) { result = "'set' into another 'set' operator"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(4).Trim(); if (toQuery.StartsWith("country ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new country name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new value can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ уже есть такая страна if (!BusinessLogic.SetCountry(id, toQuery)) { result = "no such row or country with this name already exist"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountries(); result = "country changed successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("product ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new product name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new value can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ уже есть такой продукт if (!BusinessLogic.SetProduct(id, toQuery)) { result = "no such row or product with this name already exist"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProducts(); result = "product changed successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("export ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); if (toQuery.StartsWith("add position ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(13).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new amount inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); int newId = 0; // \e\ новое значение - не число if (!int.TryParse(toQuery, out newId)) { result = "id of position is non-number"; return(false); } // \e\ нет нужной строки, нужной позиции или позиция уже назначена другому экспорту if (!BusinessLogic.SetExportNewPosition(id, newId)) { result = "no such row or such position or position is at other export"; return(false); } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("remove position ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(16).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new amount inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); int newId = 0; // \e\ новое значение - не число if (!int.TryParse(toQuery, out newId)) { result = "id of position is non-number"; return(false); } // \e\ нет нужной строки, нужной позиции или позиция уже назначена другому экспорту if (!BusinessLogic.SetExportRemovePosition(id, newId)) { result = "no such row or such position at row"; return(false); } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("country ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new name can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ нет нужной строки или такой страны if (!BusinessLogic.SetExportCountry(id, toQuery)) { result = "no such row or country"; return(false); } } // \e\ неправильное уточнение что именно в экспорте менять else { result = "wrong command"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExports(); result = "exports changed successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("position ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(9).Trim(); if (toQuery.StartsWith("amount ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new amount inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); int newAmount = 0; // \e\ новое значение - не число if (!int.TryParse(toQuery, out newAmount)) { result = "new value can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ нет нужной строки if (!BusinessLogic.SetPositionAmount(id, newAmount)) { result = "no such row"; return(false); } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("name ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(5).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для изменения if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to change"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ новое значение не в фигурных скобках if (toQuery.LastIndexOf('{') != 0 || toQuery.IndexOf('}') != (toQuery.Count() - 1)) { result = "cant recognize new name inside '{}'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Trim('{', '}', ' '); // \e\ новое значение - пустая строка if (toQuery == "") { result = "new name can't be empty"; return(false); } // \e\ нет нужной строки или такого продукта if (!BusinessLogic.SetPositionName(id, toQuery)) { result = "no such row or product"; return(false); } } // \e\ неправильное уточнение что именно в позиции менять else { result = "wrong command"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositions(); result = "position changed successfully"; isQueried = true; } } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("DELETE ")) { // \e\ еще один оператор 'delete' внутри if (toQuery.LastIndexOf("DELETE") != 0) { result = "'delete' into another 'delete' operator"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); if (toQuery.StartsWith("country ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для удаления if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to delete"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ нельзя удалить страну if (!BusinessLogic.DeleteCountry(id, out string res)) { result = res; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectCountries(); result = "country deleted successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("product ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(8).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для удаления if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to delete"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ нельзя удалить продукт if (!BusinessLogic.DeleteProduct(id, out string res)) { result = res; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectProducts(); result = "product deleted successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("export ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(7).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для удаления if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to delete"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ нельзя удалить экспорт if (!BusinessLogic.DeleteExport(id)) { result = "there is no such row"; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectExports(); result = "export deleted successfully"; isQueried = true; } else if (toQuery.StartsWith("position ")) { toQuery = toQuery.Substring(9).Trim(); // \e\ нет индекса строки для удаления if (!toQuery.StartsWith("[") || toQuery.IndexOf('[') != toQuery.LastIndexOf('[') || toQuery.LastIndexOf(']') != toQuery.IndexOf(']') || toQuery.IndexOf(']') == -1) { result = "no id of row to delete"; return(false); } int id; // \e\ внутри [] не индекс if (!int.TryParse(toQuery.Substring(1, toQuery.IndexOf(']') - 1).Trim(), out id)) { result = "there is no number inside '[]'"; return(false); } toQuery = toQuery.Substring(toQuery.IndexOf(']') + 1).Trim(); // \e\ нельзя удалить позицию if (!BusinessLogic.DeletePosition(id, out string res)) { result = res; return(false); } toRetBase = BusinessLogic.SelectPositions(); result = "position deleted successfully"; isQueried = true; } } return(isQueried); }
/// <summary> /// Launches programs /// </summary> static void Main() { BusinessLogic businessLogic = new BusinessLogic(); }
private async void btnSetTPIN_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { LoginPin = txtLoginPin.Text; ConfirmTPin = txtConfirmTPin.Text; TPin = txtTPin.Text; if (BusinessLogic.IsConnectionOK() == true) { if (GlobalStaticFields.TPINToSet) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TPin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfirmTPin) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginPin)) { if (TPin != ConfirmTPin) { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry TPIN and Confirm TPIN do not match. Kindly verify and try again", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } var pd = await ProgressDialog.Show("Sending Request. Please Wait..."); var tpin = _crypto.Encrypt(TPin); var password = _crypto.Encrypt(LoginPin); var model = new TPinModel() { TPIN = tpin, Password = "", NewPassword = "", UserID = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.Email }; var tpinResponse = await httpService.Post <TPinModel>(model, "", URLConstants.SwitchApiBaseUrl, "Switch/SetTPIN", "UnProfiledLoginPage"); await pd.Dismiss(); if (tpinResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var success = await tpinResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(success)) { var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(success); if (resp == "1") { // display success message MessageDialog.Show("SUCCESS", "Transaction PIN was successfully created.", PopUps.DialogType.Success, "OK", null); await Navigation.PushAsync(new More.MorePage()); // navigate out } else { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry We are unable to process your request at the moment. Kindly try again later ", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } } } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TPin)) { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry TPIN field is Required", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfirmTPin)) { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, Confirm TPIN field is required", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginPin)) { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, Login PIN is required to authorize this process", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginPin)) { var pd = await ProgressDialog.Show("Sending Request. Please Wait..."); var password = _crypto.Encrypt(LoginPin); var model = new TPinModel() { TPIN = "", UserID = GlobalStaticFields.Customer.Email, Password = "", NewPassword = "" }; var tpinResponse = await httpService.Post <TPinModel>(model, "", URLConstants.SwitchApiBaseUrl, "Switch/ResetTPin", "UnProfiledLoginPage"); await pd.Dismiss(); if (tpinResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var success = await tpinResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(success)) { var resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(success); if (resp == "1") { // display success message MessageDialog.Show("SUCCESS", "You have successfully disabled your Transaction PIN", PopUps.DialogType.Success, "OK", null); Application.Current.MainPage = new AnimationNavigationPage(new Dashboard.Dashboard()); // navigate out } else { // display an unsuccessful message MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry We are unable to process your request at the moment. Kindly try again later", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } } } } else { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, login PIN is required to authorize this process", PopUps.DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } } } else { MessageDialog.Show("OOPS", "Sorry, It appears you do not have internet connectivity on your phone. Kindly re-connect and try again", DialogType.Error, "OK", null); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!IsPostBack) { //loadProducts(); divReport.Visible = false; txtStartDate.Text = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString(); //txtEndDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); DateTime indianStd = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTime.Now, "India Standard Time"); string dtaa = Convert.ToDateTime(indianStd).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); txtEndDate.Text = dtaa; } if (!IsPostBack) { sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); DataSet companyInfo = new DataSet(); BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); Session["SalesAddProductbindDs"] = null; LoadProducts(this, null); loadCategories(); loadBranch(); BranchEnable_Disable(); drpPrd_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); if (Request.Cookies["Company"] != null) { companyInfo = bl.getCompanyInfo(Request.Cookies["Company"].Value); if (companyInfo != null) { if (companyInfo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in companyInfo.Tables[0].Rows) { lblTNGST.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["TINno"]); lblCompany.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["CompanyName"]); lblPhone.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Phone"]); lblGSTno.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["GSTno"]); lblAddress.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Address"]); lblCity.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["city"]); lblPincode.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["Pincode"]); lblState.Text = Convert.ToString(dr["state"]); lblBillDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } } } } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "$('.chzn-select').chosen(); $('.chzn-select-deselect').chosen({ allow_single_deselect: true });", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
public static MediaType MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User u, string Text) { return MakeNew(u, Text, -1); }
public ContactController() { BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(); _contact = bl.GetContactBL(); }
public static void ImportDocumentType(XmlNode n, BusinessLogic.User u, bool ImportStructure) { DocumentType dt = DocumentType.GetByAlias(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias"))); if (dt == null) { dt = DocumentType.MakeNew(u, XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name"))); dt.Alias = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Alias")); } else { dt.Text = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Name")); } // Info dt.IconUrl = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Icon")); dt.Thumbnail = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Thumbnail")); dt.Description = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/Description")); // Templates ArrayList templates = new ArrayList(); foreach (XmlNode tem in n.SelectNodes("Info/AllowedTemplates/Template")) { template.Template t = template.Template.GetByAlias(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(tem)); if (t != null) templates.Add(t); } try { template.Template[] at = new template.Template[templates.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < templates.Count; i++) at[i] = (template.Template)templates[i]; dt.allowedTemplates = at; } catch (Exception ee) { BusinessLogic.Log.Add(BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Error, u, dt.Id, "Packager: Error handling allowed templates: " + ee.ToString()); } // Default template try { if (XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/DefaultTemplate")) != "") dt.DefaultTemplate = template.Template.GetByAlias(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(n.SelectSingleNode("Info/DefaultTemplate"))).Id; } catch (Exception ee) { BusinessLogic.Log.Add(BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Error, u, dt.Id, "Packager: Error assigning default template: " + ee.ToString()); } // Tabs Cms.BusinessLogic.ContentType.TabI[] tabs = dt.getVirtualTabs; string tabNames = ";"; for (int t = 0; t < tabs.Length; t++) tabNames += tabs[t].Caption + ";"; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); foreach (XmlNode t in n.SelectNodes("Tabs/Tab")) { if (tabNames.IndexOf(";" + XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")) + ";") == -1) { ht.Add(int.Parse(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Id"))), dt.AddVirtualTab(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(t.SelectSingleNode("Caption")))); } } // Get all tabs in hashtable Hashtable tabList = new Hashtable(); foreach (Cms.BusinessLogic.ContentType.TabI t in dt.getVirtualTabs) { if (!tabList.ContainsKey(t.Caption)) tabList.Add(t.Caption, t.Id); } // Generic Properties datatype.controls.Factory f = new datatype.controls.Factory(); foreach (XmlNode gp in n.SelectNodes("GenericProperties/GenericProperty")) { Guid dtId = new Guid(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Type"))); int dfId = 0; foreach (datatype.DataTypeDefinition df in datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetAll()) if (df.DataType.Id == dtId) { dfId = df.Id; break; } if (dfId != 0) { PropertyType pt = dt.getPropertyType(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias"))); if (pt == null) { dt.AddPropertyType( datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(dfId), XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias")), XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Name")) ); pt = dt.getPropertyType(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Alias"))); } else { pt.DataTypeDefinition = datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(dfId); pt.Name = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Name")); } pt.Mandatory = bool.Parse(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Mandatory"))); pt.ValidationRegExp = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Validation")); pt.Description = XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Description")); // tab try { if (tabList.ContainsKey(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab")))) pt.TabId = (int)tabList[XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(gp.SelectSingleNode("Tab"))]; } catch (Exception ee) { BusinessLogic.Log.Add(BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Error, u, dt.Id, "Packager: Error assigning property to tab: " + ee.ToString()); } } } if (ImportStructure) { if (dt != null) { ArrayList allowed = new ArrayList(); foreach (XmlNode structure in n.SelectNodes("Structure/DocumentType")) { DocumentType dtt = DocumentType.GetByAlias(XmlHelper.GetNodeValue(structure)); if (dtt != null) allowed.Add(dtt.Id); } int[] adt = new int[allowed.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < allowed.Count; i++) adt[i] = (int)allowed[i]; dt.AllowedChildContentTypeIDs = adt; } } // clear caching foreach(DocumentType.TabI t in dt.getVirtualTabs) DocumentType.FlushTabCache(t.Id); }
protected void btnSettingsSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Page.IsValid) { if (Request.Cookies["Company"] != null) { sDataSource = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Request.Cookies["Company"].Value].ToString(); } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } string connection = Request.Cookies["Company"].Value; string usernam = Request.Cookies["LoggedUserName"].Value; BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); if (bl.CheckUserHaveAdd(usernam, "ADM")) { btnSettingsSave.Enabled = false; btnSettingsSave.ToolTip = "You are not allowed to make update New "; } else { btnSettingsSave.Enabled = true; btnSettingsSave.ToolTip = "Click to update New "; } int settingsId = 0; int strHolidayCount = 0; int strPermissionHr = 0; int strNumPermission = 0; int strCompOff = 0; int strWorkdaysWeek = 0; bool boolSupervisorOverwrite = false; settingsId = Convert.ToInt32(SettingsID.Value); strHolidayCount = Convert.ToInt32(txtHolidayCount.Text); strPermissionHr = Convert.ToInt32(txtPermissionHr.Text); strNumPermission = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumPermission.Text); strCompOff = Convert.ToInt32(txtCompOff.Text); strWorkdaysWeek = Convert.ToInt32(txtWorkDays.Text); boolSupervisorOverwrite = chkSupervisor.Checked; if (strWorkdaysWeek > 7) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Work days per week is not valid number');", true); //Page.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), true); } else { // BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(sDataSource); int affectedRows = bl.InsertAdminSettingsInfo(settingsId, strHolidayCount, strPermissionHr, strNumPermission, strCompOff, strWorkdaysWeek, boolSupervisorOverwrite); if (affectedRows == 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Settings Information Successfully Stored. Please Logout and Login again to refelect the Changes. Thank You.');", true); //Page.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), true); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { TroyLiteExceptionManager.HandleException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="insertUser"></param> public AccountController(BusinessLogic.AppServices.User.Base.IInsert insertUser, BusinessLogic.AppServices.User.Base.IUpdate updateUser) { this._insertUser = insertUser; this._updateUser = updateUser; this._regexUtil = new Library.Helpers.RegexUtilities(); }
//bind grid private void BindGrid() { GridView1.DataSource = BusinessLogic.GetPurchaseOrders(); GridView1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new datatypedefinition given its name and the user which creates it. /// </summary> /// <param name="u">The user who creates the datatypedefinition</param> /// <param name="Text">The name of the DataTypeDefinition</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTypeDefinition MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User u, string Text) { return MakeNew(u, Text, Guid.NewGuid()); }
/// <summary> /// 取流程变量或者任务变量值,两者的变量名不能重复 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">用户Id</param> /// <param name="workFlowId">流程模版Id</param> /// <param name="workTaskId">任务模版Id</param> /// <param name="workFlowInstanceId">流程实例Id</param> /// <param name="WorkTaskInstanceId">任务实例Id</param> /// <param name="varName">变量名称</param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetWorkTaskVarValue(string userId, string workFlowId, string workTaskId, string workFlowInstanceId, string WorkTaskInstanceId, string varName) { var varDataBase = ""; var varTableName = ""; var varFieldName = ""; var varInitValue = ""; var varAccessType = "";//变量类型 var varType = ""; var varSql = ""; var resultValue = ""; var tmpVarName = ""; var paixu = ""; //排序 tmpVarName = varName.Substring(2, varName.Length - 4); //去掉两头的<%%> var dt = new TaskVarManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetTaskVarByName(workFlowId, tmpVarName); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { varDataBase = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldDataBaseName].ToString(); varTableName = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldTableName].ToString(); varFieldName = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldTableField].ToString(); varInitValue = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldInitValue].ToString(); varAccessType = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldAccessType].ToString(); varType = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldVarType].ToString(); paixu = dt.Rows[0][TaskVarTable.FieldSortField].ToString(); } switch (varAccessType) { case WorkFlowConst.Access_WorkFlow: varSql = string.Format("SELECT " + varFieldName + " FROM " + varTableName + " WHERE WORKFLOWID={0} AND WORKFLOWINSID={1}", DBProvider.GetParameter("workflowId"), DBProvider.GetParameter("workFlowInstanceId")); if (paixu != "" && paixu != "请选择...") { varSql = varSql + " ORDER BY " + paixu + " DESC"; } resultValue = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString( this.DBProvider.ExecuteScalar(varSql, new IDbDataParameter[] { DBProvider.MakeParameter("workflowId", workFlowId), DBProvider.MakeParameter("workFlowInstanceId", workFlowInstanceId) })); if (varType == "string") { resultValue = "'" + resultValue + "'"; } break; case WorkFlowConst.Access_WorkTask: varSql = string.Format("SELECT " + varFieldName + " FROM " + varTableName + " WHERE WORKFLOWID={0} AND WORKFLOWINSID={1} " + " AND WORKTASKINSID={2} ", DBProvider.GetParameter("workflowId"), DBProvider.GetParameter("workFlowInstanceId"), DBProvider.GetParameter("WorkTaskInsId")); if (paixu != "" && paixu != "请选择...") { varSql = varSql + " ORDER BY " + paixu + " DESC"; } resultValue = BusinessLogic.ConvertToString( this.DBProvider.ExecuteScalar(varSql, new IDbDataParameter[] { DBProvider.MakeParameter("workflowId", workFlowId), DBProvider.MakeParameter("workFlowInstanceId", workFlowInstanceId), DBProvider.MakeParameter("WorkTaskInsId", WorkTaskInstanceId) })); if (varType == "string") { resultValue = "'" + resultValue + "'"; } break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultValue)) { resultValue = varInitValue; } //if (varType == WorkFlowConst.SYSVarType_string) resultValue = "'" + resultValue + "'";//字符型要加单引号 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultValue)) resultValue = "'" + resultValue + "'";//默认返回带引号的空字符串 return(resultValue); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new MemberGroup /// </summary> /// <param Name="Name">The Name of the MemberGroup</param> /// <param Name="u">The creator of the MemberGroup</param> /// <returns>The new MemberGroup</returns> public static MemberGroup MakeNew(string Name, BusinessLogic.User u) { Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); CMSNode.MakeNew(-1,_objectType, u.Id, 1, Name, newId); return new MemberGroup(newId); }
/// <summary> /// 创建所有符合条件的任务实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">处理人Id</param> /// <param name="workFlowId">工作流模板id</param> /// <param name="workTaskId">当前任务Id</param> /// <param name="workFlowInstanceId">工作流实例Id</param> /// <param name="workTaskInstanceId">原任务实例Id</param> /// <param name="operatorInstanceId">处理者实例Id</param> /// <param name="commandName">命令</param> /// <returns> /// 000002:没有配置后续任务 /// 000000:操作成功 /// </returns> public string CreateNextTaskInstance(string userId, string workFlowId, string workTaskId, string workFlowInstanceId, string workTaskInstanceId, string operatorInstanceId, string commandName) { var userName = new PiUserManager(DbFactoryProvider.GetProvider(SystemInfo.RDIFrameworkDbType, SystemInfo.RDIFrameworkDbConectionString), this.UserInfo).GetEntity(userId).UserName; var dt = GetLineEndTasks(workFlowId, workTaskId, commandName); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { var condition = ""; //条件 var priority = ""; //优先级,只执行优先级最高的分支,如果优先级相同 那么同时执行。 var endTaskId = ""; //后续任务节点Id var endoperRule = ""; //新任务处理者策略 var startoperRule = ""; //当前任务处理者策略 var taskType = ""; //节点类型 var endTaskTypeAndOr = ""; //控制节点专用,表示and/or var operParam = new OperParameter(); //创建处理者参数 #region 配置了后续节点 var l = dt.Rows.Count; var branchPriority = dt.Rows[0]["PRIORITY"].ToString();//优先级 //遍历满足条件的所有任务节点 for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var dr = dt.Rows[i]; condition = dr["CONDITION"].ToString(); priority = dr["PRIORITY"].ToString(); endTaskId = dr["ENDTASKID"].ToString(); endoperRule = dr["ENDOPERRULE"].ToString(); startoperRule = dr["STARTOPERRULE"].ToString(); taskType = dr["ENDTASKTYPEID"].ToString(); endTaskTypeAndOr = dr["ENDTASKTYPEANDOR"].ToString(); operParam.OperRule = endoperRule; operParam.IsJumpSelf = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["ISJUMPSELF"]); if (priority != branchPriority) { break; //只执行优先级最高的分支 } if (ExpressPass(userId, workFlowId, workTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, workTaskInstanceId, condition)) //满足条件的任务节点 { switch (taskType) { case "2": //结束节点 { #region 结束节点 //产生一个结束节点的实例 var newEndTaskId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(); //新任务处理者实例Id var endWorktaskIns = new WorkTaskInstanceEntity { WorkFlowId = workFlowId, WorkTaskId = endTaskId, WorkFlowInsId = workFlowInstanceId, WorkTaskInsId = newEndTaskId, PreviousTaskId = workTaskInstanceId, TaskInsCaption = new WorkTaskManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetTaskCaption(endTaskId), Status = "2"//结束节点不需要再处理,但此处不能为3,设置结束实例会修改该值=3 }; new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).Create(endWorktaskIns); //设置处理者实例正常结束 new OperatorInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetOperatorInstanceOver(userId, operatorInstanceId); //设置任务实例正常结束 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, workTaskInstanceId); new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, newEndTaskId); //结束节点实例 结束 //设置流程实例正常结束 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkflowInstanceOver(workFlowInstanceId); //设定流程实例的当前位置 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetCurrTaskId(workFlowInstanceId, endTaskId); new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetSuccessMsg(WorkFlowConst.WorkflowOverMsg, workTaskInstanceId); //结束节点单独处理,任务提交给谁了 //检查是否子流程调用 DataTable operInfo = new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetWorkflowInstance(workFlowInstanceId); if (operInfo != null && operInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { var isSubWorkflow = false; //是否是子流程调用 var mainWorkflowInsId = ""; var mainWorktaskId = ""; var mainWorkflowId = ""; var mainWorktaskInsId = ""; isSubWorkflow = BusinessLogic.ConvertIntToBoolean(operInfo.Rows[0][WorkFlowInstanceTable.FieldIsSubWorkflow]); mainWorkflowInsId = operInfo.Rows[0][WorkFlowInstanceTable.FieldMainWorkflowInsId].ToString(); //主流程实例Id mainWorktaskId = operInfo.Rows[0][WorkFlowInstanceTable.FieldMainWorktaskId].ToString(); //子流程节点模板Id mainWorkflowId = operInfo.Rows[0][WorkFlowInstanceTable.FieldMainWorkflowId].ToString(); //主流程模板Id mainWorktaskInsId = operInfo.Rows[0][WorkFlowInstanceTable.FieldMainWorktaskInsId].ToString(); //主任务实例Id,进入子节点前的任务节点实例 if (isSubWorkflow) { //创建一个子流程节点实例痕迹,表示子流程节点处理完成 var newTaskId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(); //新任务处理者实例Id var workTaskInstance = new WorkTaskInstanceEntity { WorkFlowId = mainWorkflowId, WorkTaskId = mainWorktaskId, WorkFlowInsId = mainWorkflowInsId, WorkTaskInsId = newTaskId, PreviousTaskId = mainWorktaskInsId, TaskInsCaption = "子流程", Status = "3" }; new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).Create(workTaskInstance); var result = CreateNextTaskInstance(userId, mainWorkflowId, mainWorktaskId, mainWorkflowInsId, newTaskId, operatorInstanceId, "提交"); if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } } #endregion break; } case "3": { #region 交互节点 switch (endoperRule) { case "1": { //创建一个任务实例 var newTaskId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(); //新任务处理者实例Id var workTaskInstance = new WorkTaskInstanceEntity { WorkFlowId = workFlowId, WorkTaskId = endTaskId, WorkFlowInsId = workFlowInstanceId, WorkTaskInsId = newTaskId, PreviousTaskId = workTaskInstanceId, TaskInsCaption = new WorkTaskManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetTaskCaption(endTaskId), Status = "1" }; new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).Create(workTaskInstance); //创建多个处理人 var result = CreateOperInstance(userId, workTaskInstanceId, workTaskId, workFlowId, endTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, newTaskId, operParam); //创建处理者实例 if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } break; case "2": { //创建任务实例和处理人 var result = CreateOperInstance(userId, workTaskInstanceId, workTaskId, workFlowId, endTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, workTaskInstanceId, operParam); if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } break; } //设置处理者实例正常结束 new OperatorInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetOperatorInstanceOver(userId, operatorInstanceId); //设置任务实例正常结束 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, workTaskInstanceId); //设定流程实例的当前位置 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetCurrTaskId(workFlowInstanceId, endTaskId); //设定任务实例成功提交信息 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetSuccessMsg(WorkFlowConst.SuccessMsg, workTaskInstanceId); #endregion break; } case "4": //控制节点 { #region 控制节点 //设置处理者实例正常结束 new OperatorInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetOperatorInstanceOver(userId, operatorInstanceId); //设置任务实例正常结束 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, workTaskInstanceId); //设定流程实例的当前位置 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetCurrTaskId(workFlowInstanceId, endTaskId); //设定任务实例成功提交信息 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetSuccessMsg(WorkFlowConst.SuccessMsg, workTaskInstanceId); //******start检查判断节点前面的所以节点的任务实例是否都完成 //取控制节点前端所以节点,进行逐个判断 var dtstart = GetLineStartTasks(workFlowId, endTaskId); var allPass = true; //全部通过 foreach (DataRow dr1 in dtstart.Rows) { var taskId = dr1["STARTTASKID"].ToString(); if (endTaskTypeAndOr == WorkConst.Command_Or) //or分支 { if (IsPassJudge(workFlowId, workFlowInstanceId, taskId, endTaskTypeAndOr)) //判断每个节点实例是否完成 { allPass = true; break; //如果有一个通过即可。 } allPass = false; } else //and分支 { if (!IsPassJudge(workFlowId, workFlowInstanceId, taskId, endTaskTypeAndOr)) //判断每个节点实例是否完成 { allPass = false; break; //如果有一个未完成的,不产生新的实例,流程等待。 } } } //********end检查判断节点前面的所以节点的任务实例结束 //如果判断节点前面的流程实例全部完成,自动进行递归,创建下一任务实例。 if (allPass) { //创建一个判断节点实例 var newTaskId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(); //新任务处理者实例Id var workTaskInstance = new WorkTaskInstanceEntity { WorkFlowId = workFlowId, WorkTaskId = endTaskId, WorkFlowInsId = workFlowInstanceId, WorkTaskInsId = newTaskId, PreviousTaskId = workTaskInstanceId, TaskInsCaption = endTaskTypeAndOr, Status = "3" }; new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).Create(workTaskInstance); var result = CreateNextTaskInstance(userId, workFlowId, endTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, newTaskId, operatorInstanceId, "提交"); if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } #endregion break; } case "5": //查看节点 { #region 查看节点 switch (endoperRule) { case "1": { //创建一个任务实例 var newTaskId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(); //新任务处理者实例Id var workTaskInstance = new WorkTaskInstanceEntity { WorkFlowId = workFlowId, WorkTaskId = endTaskId, WorkFlowInsId = workFlowInstanceId, WorkTaskInsId = newTaskId, PreviousTaskId = workTaskInstanceId, TaskInsCaption = new WorkTaskManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetTaskCaption(endTaskId), Status = "1" }; new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).Create(workTaskInstance); //创建多个处理人 var result = CreateOperInstance(userId, workTaskInstanceId, workTaskId, workFlowId, endTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, newTaskId, operParam); //创建任务实例 if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } break; case "2": { //创建任务实例和处理人 var result = CreateOperInstance(userId, workTaskInstanceId, workTaskId, workFlowId, endTaskId, workFlowInstanceId, workTaskInstanceId, operParam); if (result != WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode) { return(result); } } break; } //设置处理者实例正常结束 new OperatorInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetOperatorInstanceOver(userId, operatorInstanceId); //设置任务实例正常结束 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, workTaskInstanceId); //设定流程实例的当前位置 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetCurrTaskId(workFlowInstanceId, endTaskId); //设定任务实例成功提交信息 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetSuccessMsg(WorkFlowConst.SuccessMsg, workTaskInstanceId); #endregion break; } case "6": //子流程节点 { #region 子流程节点 var subWf = new SubWorkFlowManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).GetSubWorkflowTable(workFlowId, endTaskId); if (subWf != null && subWf.Rows.Count > 0) { var subWorkflowId = subWf.Rows[0][SubWorkFlowTable.FieldSubWorkFlowId].ToString(); var subStartTaskId = subWf.Rows[0][SubWorkFlowTable.FieldSubStartTaskId].ToString(); var subWorkflowCaption = subWf.Rows[0][SubWorkFlowTable.FieldSubWorkFlowCaption].ToString(); //*******进入子流程 var wfruntime = new WorkFlowRuntime { UserId = userId, WorkFlowId = subWorkflowId, WorkTaskId = subStartTaskId, WorkFlowInstanceId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(), WorkTaskInstanceId = BusinessLogic.NewGuid(), IsSubWorkflow = true, MainWorkflowId = workFlowId, MainWorkflowInsId = workFlowInstanceId, MainWorktaskId = endTaskId, MainWorktaskInsId = workTaskInstanceId, //记录进入子流程之前的任务实例 WorkFlowNo = "subWorkflow", CommandName = "提交", WorkflowInsCaption = subWorkflowCaption, IsDraft = true//开始节点需要交互,草稿状态,暂不提交 }; wfruntime.Start(); //设置处理者实例正常结束 new OperatorInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetOperatorInstanceOver(userId, operatorInstanceId); //设置任务实例正常结束 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetWorkTaskInstanceOver(userName, workTaskInstanceId); //设定流程实例的当前位置 new WorkFlowInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetCurrTaskId(workFlowInstanceId, endTaskId); //设定任务实例成功提交信息 new WorkTaskInstanceManager(this.DBProvider, this.UserInfo).SetSuccessMsg(WorkFlowConst.SuccessMsg, workTaskInstanceId); } #endregion break; } } } } #endregion } else { //未配置后续节点 return(WorkFlowConst.NoFoundTaskCode); } return(WorkFlowConst.SuccessCode); }