public void Process() { _IsProduct = false; _Name.Clear(); CategoryUrl.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); Url.Clear(); _percent.Visible = false; _Bar1.Value = 0; _Url.Clear(); _lblerror.Visible = false; _Pages = 0; _TotalRecords = 0; gridindex = 0; _Stop = false; time = 0; #region _IStigerdirect = true; _ScrapeUrl = ""; try { _Worker1 = new IE(); _Worker2 = new IE(); _lblerror.Visible = true; _lblerror.Text = "We are going to read category url of " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website"; _Worker1.GoTo(_ScrapeUrl); _Worker1.WaitForComplete(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); _Work1doc.LoadHtml(_Worker1.Html); HtmlNodeCollection _Collection = _Work1doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul[@class=\"mastNav-subCats\"]/li/a"); if (_Collection != null) { foreach (HtmlNode node in _Collection) { foreach (HtmlAttribute att in node.Attributes) { if (att.Name == "href") try { CategoryUrl.Add("" + (att.Value.Contains("?") ? att.Value + "&recs=30" : att.Value + "?recs=30"), "TGRDRCT" + node.InnerText.Trim()); } catch { } } } } try { CategoryUrl.Add("", "printer"); CategoryUrl.Add("", "printer"); CategoryUrl.Add("", "printer"); CategoryUrl.Add("", "printer"); CategoryUrl.Add("", "printer"); } catch { } DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read product url from category pages for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total Category :" + CategoryUrl.Count()); if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { FileInfo _Info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt"); int Days = 14; try { Days = Convert.ToInt32(Config.GetAppConfigValue("", "FrequencyOfCategoryScrapping")); } catch { } if (_Info.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Days)) _IsCategorypaging = true; else _IsCategorypaging = false; } else _IsCategorypaging = true; if (_IsCategorypaging) { int i = 0; foreach (var Caturl in CategoryUrl) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = Caturl.Key; BrandName1 = Caturl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = Caturl.Key; BrandName2 = Caturl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch { } i++; //if (i == 3) // break; } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read product url from sub-category pages for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total Category :" + CategoryUrl.Count()); _401index = 0; _IsSubcat = true; foreach (var Caturl in subCategoryUrl) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = Caturl.Key; BrandName1 = Caturl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = Caturl.Key; BrandName2 = Caturl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch (Exception exp) { } } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _Bar1.Value = 0; _401index = 0; #region Code to get and write urls from File if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { string line = ""; while ((line = Reader.ReadLine()) != null) { try { Url.Add(line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0], line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); } catch { } } } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread1) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread2) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } // Code to write in file if (_IsCategorypaging) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { writer.WriteLine(PrdUrl.Key + "@#$#" + PrdUrl.Value); } } } #endregion Code to get and write urls from File _IsCategorypaging = false; DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read Product information for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total products :" + Url.Count()); _IsProduct = true; foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = PrdUrl.Key; BrandName1 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = PrdUrl.Key; BrandName2 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message); } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (Products.Count() > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _lblerror.Visible = true; BusinessLayer.ProductMerge _Prd = new BusinessLayer.ProductMerge(); _Prd.ProductDatabaseIntegration(Products, "", 1); } else { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName=''"); _Mail.SendMail("OOPS there is no any product scrapped by app for Website." + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } } catch { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName=''"); _lblerror.Visible = true; _Mail.SendMail("Oops Some issue Occured in scrapping data Website" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } #region closeIEinstance try { _Worker1.Close(); _Worker2.Close(); } catch { } #endregion closeIEinstance #endregion _writer.Close(); this.Close(); }
public void Process() { _IsProduct = false; _Name.Clear(); CategoryUrl.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); Url.Clear(); _percent.Visible = false; _Bar1.Value = 0; _Url.Clear(); _lblerror.Visible = false; _Pages = 0; _TotalRecords = 0; gridindex = 0; _Stop = false; time = 0; #region _IScanadacomputers = true; _ScrapeUrl = ""; try { //_Worker1 = new IE(); //_Worker2 = new IE(); _lblerror.Visible = true; _lblerror.Text = "We are going to read category url of " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website"; _Work1doc.LoadHtml(_Client1.DownloadString(_ScrapeUrl)); HtmlNodeCollection _Collection = _Work1doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class=\"hd-nav-prod-dropdn\"]"); if (_Collection != null) { HtmlNodeCollection _Collection11 = _Collection[0].SelectNodes(".//a"); if (_Collection11 != null) { foreach (HtmlNode node in _Collection11) { foreach (HtmlAttribute att in node.Attributes) { if (att.Name == "href") try { if (att.Value.Trim() != string.Empty && att.Value.Trim() != "#") CategoryUrl.Add((att.Value.ToLower().Contains("") ? "" : "") + att.Value.Replace("..", ""), "CANCOM" + node.InnerText.Trim()); } catch { } } } } } DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read product url from category pages for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total Category :" + CategoryUrl.Count()); if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { FileInfo _Info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt"); int Days = 14; try { Days = Convert.ToInt32(Config.GetAppConfigValue("", "FrequencyOfCategoryScrapping")); } catch { } if (_Info.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Days)) _IsCategorypaging = true; else _IsCategorypaging = false; } else _IsCategorypaging = true; if (_IsCategorypaging) { int i = 0; foreach (var Caturl in CategoryUrl) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = Caturl.Key; BrandName1 = Caturl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = Caturl.Key; BrandName2 = Caturl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch { } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read product url from sub-category pages for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total Category :" + CategoryUrl.Count()); _401index = 0; _IsSubcat = true; foreach (var Caturl in subCategoryUrl) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = Caturl.Key; BrandName1 = Caturl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = Caturl.Key; BrandName2 = Caturl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch (Exception exp) { } } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _Bar1.Value = 0; _401index = 0; #region Code to get and write urls from File if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { if (!_IsCategorypaging) { using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { string line = ""; while ((line = Reader.ReadLine()) != null) { try { Url.Add(line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0], line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); } catch { } } } } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread1) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread2) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } // Code to write in file if (_IsCategorypaging) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { writer.WriteLine(PrdUrl.Key + "@#$#" + PrdUrl.Value); } } } #endregion Code to get and write urls from File _IsCategorypaging = false; DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read Product information for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total products :" + Url.Count()); _IsProduct = true; foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = PrdUrl.Key; BrandName1 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = PrdUrl.Key; BrandName2 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message); } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (Products.Count() > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _lblerror.Visible = true; BusinessLayer.ProductMerge _Prd = new BusinessLayer.ProductMerge(); _Prd.ProductDatabaseIntegration(Products, "", 1); } else { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName=''"); _Mail.SendMail("OOPS there is no any product scrapped by app for Website." + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } } catch { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName=''"); _lblerror.Visible = true; _Mail.SendMail("Oops Some issue Occured in scrapping data Website" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } #region closeIEinstance try { _Worker1.Close(); _Worker2.Close(); } catch { } #endregion closeIEinstance #endregion _writer.Close(); this.Close(); }
public void Process() { _IsProduct = false; _Name.Clear(); CategoryUrl.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); _ProductUrlthread1.Clear(); Url.Clear(); _percent.Visible = false; _Bar1.Value = 0; _Url.Clear(); _lblerror.Visible = false; _Pages = 0; _TotalRecords = 0; gridindex = 0; _IsCategory = true; _Stop = false; time = 0; #region 401Games _IS401games = true; _ScrapeUrl = ""; try { _Worker1 = new IE(); _Worker2 = new IE(); // _Worker1.Visible = false; // _Worker2.Visible = false; _lblerror.Visible = true; _lblerror.Text = "We are going to read category url of " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website"; _Worker1.GoTo(_ScrapeUrl); _Worker1.WaitForComplete(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); _Work1doc.LoadHtml(_Worker1.Html); //HtmlNodeCollection _Collection = _Work1doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class=\"col left\"]"); //CategoryUrl = CommanFunction.GetCategoryUrl(_Collection, "ul", "//li/a", "", "#st=&begin=1&nhit=40"); HtmlNodeCollection _Collection = _Work1doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class=\"sub-menu\"]"); if (_Collection != null) { HtmlNodeCollection menu = _Collection[0].SelectNodes("..//ul[@class=\"submenu\"]//li//a"); foreach (HtmlNode node in menu) { foreach (HtmlAttribute att in node.Attributes) { if (att.Name == "href") CategoryUrl.Add(att.Value, node.InnerText.Trim()); } } } CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove("http://store.401games.ca"); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); CategoryUrl.Remove(""); DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read product url from category pages for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total Category :" + CategoryUrl.Count()); if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { FileInfo _Info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt"); int Days = 14; try { Days = Convert.ToInt32(Config.GetAppConfigValue("store.401games", "FrequencyOfCategoryScrapping")); } catch { } if (_Info.CreationTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Days)) _IsCategorypaging = true; else _IsCategorypaging = false; } else _IsCategorypaging = true; if (_IsCategorypaging) { foreach (var Caturl in CategoryUrl) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy && _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = Caturl.Key; BrandName1 = Caturl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = Caturl.Key; BrandName2 = Caturl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch { } } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _Bar1.Value = 0; _401index = 0; #region Code to get and write urls from File if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { string line = ""; while ((line = Reader.ReadLine()) != null) { try { Url.Add(line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0], line.Split(new[] { "@#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]); } catch { } } } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread1) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } foreach (var url in _ProductUrlthread2) { try { if (!Url.Keys.Contains(url.Key.ToLower())) Url.Add(url.Key.ToLower(), url.Value); } catch { } } // Code to write in file if (_IsCategorypaging) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "/Files/Url.txt")) { foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { writer.WriteLine(PrdUrl.Key + "@#$#" + PrdUrl.Value); } } } #endregion Code to get and write urls from File _IsCategorypaging = false; DisplayRecordProcessdetails("We are going to read Product information for " + chkstorelist.Items[0].ToString() + " Website", "Total products :" + Url.Count()); _IsProduct = true; foreach (var PrdUrl in Url) { try { while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } while (_Stop) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!_Work.IsBusy) { Url1 = "" + PrdUrl.Key; BrandName1 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { Url2 = "" + PrdUrl.Key; BrandName2 = PrdUrl.Value; _Work1.RunWorkerAsync(); } } catch { } } while (_Work.IsBusy || _Work1.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (Products.Count() > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); _lblerror.Visible = true; BusinessLayer.ProductMerge _Prd = new BusinessLayer.ProductMerge(); _Prd.ProductDatabaseIntegration(Products, "store.401games", 1); } else { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName='store.401games'"); _Mail.SendMail("OOPS there is no any product scrapped by app for store.401games Website." + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } } catch { BusinessLayer.DB _Db = new BusinessLayer.DB(); _Db.ExecuteCommand("update Schduler set LastProcessedStatus=0 where StoreName='store.401games'"); _lblerror.Visible = true; _Mail.SendMail("Oops Some issue Occured in scrapping data store.401games Website" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Urgent issue in Scrapper.", false, false, 1); } #region closeIEinstance try { _Worker1.Close(); _Worker2.Close(); } catch { } #endregion closeIEinstance #endregion _writer.Close(); this.Close(); }