Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 检索数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFilter"></param>
        /// <param name="responseEntity"></param>
        public void SearchData(BaseFilter baseFilter, ResponseEntity responseEntity)
            BusinessExportFilter filter = baseFilter as BusinessExportFilter;

            if (filter == null)
                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.RequestCommandError);

            var reportDetailList
                = Singleton <BusinesssDataExportDAL <BusinessExportViewData> >

            if (reportDetailList == null || reportDetailList.Count == 0)
                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.NoResult);
                var lstViewBusiness = CreateViewBusinessExtPivot(reportDetailList);
                // 设置输出文件
                SetExportFile(filter, lstViewBusiness, responseEntity);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据画面检索条件,获取订单筛选件数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetViewDataBusinessCount(BusinessExportFilter filter)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTALCOUNT");
            sb.Append(" FROM [fin].[BusinessBasic] bb");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessExtend] be");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = be.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessCurrentStaus] bcs");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bcs.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessLawsuit] bl");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bl.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessGuarantee] bg");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bg.BusinessID");
            sb.Append(" WHERE 1 = 1 ");

            string condition = CombineCondition(filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))

                                    , null, "PostLoanDB", System.Data.CommandType.Text));
        /// <summary>
        /// 程序执行主入口
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="responseEntity"></param>
        protected override void DoExecute(RequestEntity requestEntity, ResponseEntity responseEntity)
            // 定义接收客户端参数的变量
            BusinessExportFilter filter
                = ServiceUtility.ConvertToFilterFromDict <BusinessExportFilter>(requestEntity.Parameters);

            // 检索数据
            Singleton <BusinesssDataExportBLL> .Instance.SearchData(filter, responseEntity);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据过滤条件,返回检索数据的Sql文
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFilter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string GetSearchSql(BaseFilter baseFilter)
            BusinessExportFilter filter = baseFilter as BusinessExportFilter;

            if (filter == null)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" SELECT b.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ContractNo");
            sb.Append("         ,v.CustomerName AS CustomerName");
            sb.Append("         ,v.IdenNo AS IdentityCard");
            sb.Append("         ,b.OverAmount AS OverdueAmt");
            sb.Append("         ,b.CurrentOverAmount AS CurrentDueAmt");
            sb.Append("         ,b.BusinessStatus");
            sb.Append("         ,b.CLoanStatus");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ProductKind");
            sb.Append("         ,b.LendingSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ServiceSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,b.GuaranteeSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,b.LoanKind");
            sb.Append("         ,b.OverMonth");
            sb.Append("         ,b.SalesTeam");
            sb.Append("         ,b.SalesManID");
            sb.Append("         ,b.LoanTime");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ClearLoanTime");
            //sb.Append("         ,DATEADD(month, b.LoanPeriod, b.LoanTime) AS ZClearLoanTime");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ToLitigationTime");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ToGuaranteeTime");
            sb.Append("         ,b.SavingCard");
            sb.Append("         ,b.BankKey");
            sb.Append("         ,b.LoanPeriod");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ResidualCapital");
            sb.Append("         ,b.BranchKey");
            sb.Append("         ,b.LoanCapital");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ServiceRate");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ProceduresRate");
            sb.Append("         ,b.ManagementRate");
            sb.Append(" FROM dbo.Business b WITH (NOLOCK)");
            sb.Append(" JOIN customer.vw_customer_CustomerBasic v");
            sb.Append("   ON v.Bid = b.BusinessID");

            string condition = CombineCondition(filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                sb.Append(" WHERE 1 = 1 ");
            sb.Append(" ORDER BY b.BusinessID");

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据过滤条件,返回检索件数的Sql文
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFilter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string GetCountSql(BaseFilter baseFilter)
            BusinessExportFilter filter = baseFilter as BusinessExportFilter;

            if (filter == null)

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTALCOUNT");
            sb.Append(" FROM dbo.Business b WITH (NOLOCK)");
            sb.Append(" WHERE 1 = 1 ");

            string condition = CombineCondition(filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))

        /// <summary>
        /// 生成检索条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string CombineCondition(BusinessExportFilter filter)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (filter.BusinessID > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND b.BusinessID = " + filter.BusinessID);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ProductType))
                sb.Append(" AND b.ProductKind = '" + filter.ProductType + "'");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ContractNo))
                sb.Append(" AND b.ContractNo = '" + filter.ContractNo + "'");
            if (filter.BusinessStatus > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND b.BusinessStatus = " + filter.BusinessStatus);
            if (filter.CLoanStatus > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND b.CLoanStatus = " + filter.CLoanStatus);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.LoanKind))
                sb.Append(" AND b.LoanKind = '" + filter.LoanKind + "'");
            if (filter.OverMonth > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND b.OverMonth = " + filter.OverMonth);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.LendingSideKey))
                sb.Append(" AND b.LendingSideKey = '" + filter.LendingSideKey + "'");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ServiceSideKey))
                sb.Append(" AND b.ServiceSideKey = '" + filter.ServiceSideKey + "'");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.GuaranteeSideKey))
                sb.Append(" AND b.GuaranteeSideKey = '" + filter.GuaranteeSideKey + "'");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.BranchKey))
                sb.Append(" AND b.BranchKey = '" + filter.BranchKey + "'");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.SalesTeam))
                sb.Append(" AND b.SalesTeam = '" + filter.SalesTeam + "'");
            if (filter.SalesManId > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND b.SalesManID = " + filter.SalesManId);
            if (filter.LoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.LoanTime >= " + filter.LoanDateBegin);
            if (filter.LoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.LoanTime <= " + filter.LoanDateEnd);
            if (filter.CLoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ClearLoanTime >= " + filter.CLoanDateBegin);
            if (filter.CLoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ClearLoanTime <= " + filter.CLoanDateEnd);
            if (filter.LawsuitDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ToLitigationTime >= " + filter.LawsuitDateBegin);
            if (filter.LawsuitDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ToLitigationTime <= " + filter.LawsuitDateEnd);
            if (filter.GuarteeDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ToGuaranteeTime >= " + filter.GuarteeDateBegin);
            if (filter.GuarteeDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND b.ToGuaranteeTime <= " + filter.GuarteeDateEnd);
            if (filter.ZLoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND DATEADD(month, b.LoanPeriod, b.LoanTime) >= " + filter.ZLoanDateBegin);
            if (filter.ZLoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND DATEADD(month, b.LoanPeriod, b.LoanTime) <= " + filter.ZLoanDateEnd);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据画面检索条件,获取订单筛选结果
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="fromIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="toIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <BusinessExportViewData> GetViewDataBusiness(BusinessExportFilter filter,
                                                                 int fromIndex, int toIndex)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" SELECT * ");
            sb.Append("  FROM ( ");
            sb.Append(" SELECT bb.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.ContractNo");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.CustomerName");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.IdentityCard");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.OverAmount AS OverdueAmt");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.CurrentOverAmount AS CurrentDueAmt");
            sb.Append("         ,bcs.BusinessStatus");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.IsFreeze");
            sb.Append("         ,bcs.CLoanStatus");
            sb.Append("         ,be.BusinessLogicID AS ProductType");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.LendingSide AS LendingSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.ServiceSide AS ServiceSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.GuaranteeSide AS GuaranteeSideKey");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.LoanKind");
            sb.Append("         ,bcs.OverMonth");
            sb.Append("         ,'' AS SalesTeam");
            sb.Append("         ,0 AS SalesManID");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.LoanTime");
            sb.Append("         ,bcs.ClearLoanTime");
            sb.Append("         ,DATEADD(month, bb.LoanPeriod, bb.LoanTime) AS ZClearLoanTime");
            sb.Append("         ,bl.ToLitigationTime");
            sb.Append("         ,bg.ToGuaranteeTime");
            sb.Append("         ,cc.SavingCard");
            sb.Append("         ,cc.BankID");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.LoanPeriod");
            sb.Append("         ,bcs.ResidualCapital");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.BranchID");
            sb.Append("         ,bb.LoanCapital");
            sb.Append("         ,birs.InterestRateValue AS ServiceRate");
            sb.Append("         ,birp.InterestRateValue AS ProceduresRate");
            sb.Append(" FROM [fin].[BusinessBasic] bb");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessExtend] be");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = be.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessCurrentStaus] bcs");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bcs.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessLawsuit] bl");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bl.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessGuarantee] bg");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = bg.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[RelationBusinessCustomerCard] rbc");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = rbc.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[CustomerCard] cc");
            sb.Append("    ON rbc.CustomerCardID = cc.CardID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessInterestRateFee] birs");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = birs.BusinessID");
            sb.Append("  JOIN [fin].[BusinessInterestRateFee] birp");
            sb.Append("    ON bb.BusinessID = birp.BusinessID");
            sb.Append(" WHERE 1 = 1 ");
            sb.Append("  AND birs.InterestSubject = 3");
            sb.Append("  AND birp.InterestSubject = 10");

            string condition = CombineCondition(filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
            sb.Append(" ) a");
            sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE a.RowId > {0} AND a.RowId <= {1}", fromIndex, toIndex);

            return(Query <BusinessExportViewData>(sb.ToString()
                                                  , null, "PostLoanDB", System.Data.CommandType.Text));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成检索条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string CombineCondition(BusinessExportFilter filter)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (filter.BusinessID > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.Bid = " + filter.BusinessID);
            if (filter.ProductType > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND be.BusinessLogicID = " + filter.ProductType);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ContractNo))
                sb.Append(" AND bb.ContractNo = '" + filter.ContractNo + "'");
            if (filter.BusinessStatus > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bcs.BusinessStatus = " + filter.BusinessStatus);
            if (filter.CLoanStatus > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bcs.CLoanStatus = " + filter.CLoanStatus);
            if (filter.LoanKind > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.LoanKind = " + filter.LoanKind);
            if (filter.OverMonth > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.OverMonth = " + filter.OverMonth);
            if (filter.LendingSide > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.LendingSide = " + filter.LendingSide);
            if (filter.ServiceSide > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.ServiceSide = " + filter.ServiceSide);
            if (filter.GuaranteeSide > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.GuaranteeSide = " + filter.GuaranteeSide);
            if (filter.BranchId > 0)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.BranchID = " + filter.BranchId);
            if (filter.LoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.LoanTime >= '" + filter.LoanDateBegin.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.LoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bb.LoanTime <= '" + filter.LoanDateEnd.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.CLoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bcs.ClearLoanTime >= '" + filter.CLoanDateBegin.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.CLoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bcs.ClearLoanTime <= '" + filter.CLoanDateEnd.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.LawsuitDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bl.ToLitigationTime >= '" + filter.LawsuitDateBegin.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.LawsuitDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bl.ToLitigationTime <= '" + filter.LawsuitDateEnd.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.GuarteeDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bg.ToGuaranteeTime >= '" + filter.GuarteeDateBegin.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.GuarteeDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND bg.ToGuaranteeTime <= '" + filter.GuarteeDateEnd.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.ZLoanDateBegin.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND DATEADD(month, bb.LoanPeriod, bb.LoanTime) >= '" + filter.ZLoanDateBegin.ToString() + "'");
            if (filter.ZLoanDateEnd.HasValue)
                sb.Append(" AND DATEADD(month, bb.LoanPeriod, bb.LoanTime) <= '" + filter.ZLoanDateEnd.ToString() + "'");
