Example #1
        public void CreateBundle(ObjectId[] objectIds, string bundleName, BundleOdbBackend bundleBackend, ISet<ObjectId> disableCompressionIds, Dictionary<string, ObjectId> indexMap, IList<string> dependencies)
            if (bundleBackend == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't pack files.");

            if (objectIds.Length == 0)

            var packUrl = bundleBackend.BundleDirectory + bundleName + BundleOdbBackend.BundleExtension; // we don't want the pack to be compressed in the APK on android

            // Create pack
            BundleOdbBackend.CreateBundle(packUrl, backendRead1, objectIds, disableCompressionIds, indexMap, dependencies);
Example #2
        private static void CleanUnknownBundles(BundleOdbBackend outputBundleBackend, Dictionary <string, ResolvedBundle> resolvedBundles)
            // Delete previous bundles
            outputBundleBackend.DeleteBundles(bundleFile =>
                // Ensure we have proper extension, otherwise delete
                if (Path.GetExtension(bundleFile) != BundleOdbBackend.BundleExtension)

                // Only keep bundles that are supposed to be output with same BundleBackend
                var bundleName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bundleFile);
                return(!resolvedBundles.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bundleFile), out ResolvedBundle bundle) ||
                       bundle.BundleBackend != outputBundleBackend);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the listing from a bundle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundlePath">The bundle path.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Collections.Generic.List&lt;SiliconStudio.Paradox.StorageTool.ObjectEntry&gt;.</returns>
        private static List <ObjectEntry> GetBundleListing(string bundlePath)
            if (bundlePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bundlePath");
            if (Path.GetExtension(bundlePath) != BundleOdbBackend.BundleExtension)
                throw new StorageAppException("Invalid bundle file [{0}] not having extension [{1}]".ToFormat(bundlePath, BundleOdbBackend.BundleExtension));
            if (!File.Exists(bundlePath))
                throw new StorageAppException("Bundle file [{0}] not found".ToFormat(bundlePath));

            BundleDescription bundle;

            using (var stream = File.OpenRead(bundlePath))
                bundle = BundleOdbBackend.ReadBundleDescription(stream);

            var objectInfos = bundle.Objects.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            var entries = new List <ObjectEntry>();

            foreach (var locationIds in bundle.Assets)
                var entry = new ObjectEntry {
                    Location = locationIds.Key, Id = locationIds.Value

                BundleOdbBackend.ObjectInfo objectInfo;
                if (objectInfos.TryGetValue(entry.Id, out objectInfo))
                    entry.Size = objectInfo.EndOffset - objectInfo.StartOffset;
                    entry.SizeNotCompressed = objectInfo.SizeNotCompressed;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ObjectDatabase" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vfsMainUrl">The VFS main URL.</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">Name of the index file.</param>
        /// <param name="vfsAdditionalUrl">The VFS additional URL. It will be used only if vfsMainUrl is read-only.</param>
        public ObjectDatabase(string vfsMainUrl, string indexName, string vfsAdditionalUrl = null, bool loadDefaultBundle = true)
            if (vfsMainUrl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vfsMainUrl));

            // Create the merged asset index map
            ContentIndexMap = new ObjectDatabaseContentIndexMap();

            // Try to open file backends
            bool isReadOnly = Platform.Type != PlatformType.Windows;
            var backend = new FileOdbBackend(vfsMainUrl, indexName, isReadOnly);

            if (backend.IsReadOnly)
                backendRead1 = backend;
                if (vfsAdditionalUrl != null)
                    backendWrite = backendRead2 = new FileOdbBackend(vfsAdditionalUrl, indexName, false);
                backendWrite = backendRead1 = backend;

            ContentIndexMap.WriteableContentIndexMap = backendWrite.ContentIndexMap;

            BundleBackend = new BundleOdbBackend(vfsMainUrl);

            // Try to open "default" pack file synchronously
            if (loadDefaultBundle)
                    BundleBackend.LoadBundle("default", ContentIndexMap).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds bundles. It will automatically analyze assets and chunks to determine dependencies and what should be embedded in which bundle.
        /// Bundle descriptions will be loaded from <see cref="Package.Bundles" /> provided by the <see cref="packageSession" />, and copied to <see cref="outputDirectory" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The builder logger.</param>
        /// <param name="packageSession">The project session.</param>
        /// <param name="rootPackage">The root package.</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">Name of the index file.</param>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory">The output directory.</param>
        /// <param name="disableCompressionIds">The object id that should be kept uncompressed in the bundle (everything else will be compressed using LZ4).</param>
        /// <param name="useIncrementalBundles">Specifies if incremental bundles should be used, or writing a complete new one.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
        /// </exception>
        public void Build(Logger logger, PackageSession packageSession, Package rootPackage, string indexName, string outputDirectory, ISet <ObjectId> disableCompressionIds, bool useIncrementalBundles, List <string> bundleFiles)
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");
            if (packageSession == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("packageSession");
            if (indexName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("indexName");
            if (outputDirectory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("outputDirectory");
            if (disableCompressionIds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("disableCompressionIds");

            // Load index maps and mount databases
            using (var objDatabase = new ObjectDatabase(VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationDatabasePath, indexName, null, false))
                logger.Info("Generate bundles: Scan assets and their dependencies...");

                // Prepare list of bundles gathered from all projects
                var bundles = new List <Bundle>();

                foreach (var project in packageSession.Packages)

                var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase.ContentIndexMap, objDatabase);

                // Pass1: Create ResolvedBundle from user Bundle
                var resolvedBundles = new Dictionary <string, ResolvedBundle>();
                foreach (var bundle in bundles)
                    if (resolvedBundles.ContainsKey(bundle.Name))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Two bundles with name {0} found", bundle.Name));

                    resolvedBundles.Add(bundle.Name, new ResolvedBundle(bundle));

                // Pass2: Enumerate all assets which directly or indirectly belong to an bundle
                var bundleAssets = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (var bundle in resolvedBundles)
                    // For each project, we apply asset selectors of current bundle
                    // This will give us a list of "root assets".
                    foreach (var assetSelector in bundle.Value.Source.Selectors)
                        foreach (var assetLocation in assetSelector.Select(packageSession, objDatabase.ContentIndexMap))

                    // Compute asset dependencies, and fill bundleAssets with list of all assets contained in bundles (directly or indirectly).
                    foreach (var assetUrl in bundle.Value.AssetUrls)
                        CollectReferences(databaseFileProvider, bundle.Value.Source, bundleAssets, assetUrl);

                // Pass3: Create a default bundle that contains all assets not contained in any bundle (directly or indirectly)
                var defaultBundle = new Bundle {
                    Name = "default"
                var resolvedDefaultBundle = new ResolvedBundle(defaultBundle);
                resolvedBundles.Add(defaultBundle.Name, resolvedDefaultBundle);
                foreach (var asset in objDatabase.ContentIndexMap.GetMergedIdMap())
                    if (!bundleAssets.Contains(asset.Key))

                // Pass4: Resolve dependencies
                foreach (var bundle in resolvedBundles)
                    // Every bundle depends implicitely on default bundle
                    if (bundle.Key != "default")

                    // Add other explicit dependencies
                    foreach (var dependencyName in bundle.Value.Source.Dependencies)
                        ResolvedBundle dependency;
                        if (!resolvedBundles.TryGetValue(dependencyName, out dependency))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not find dependency {0} when processing bundle {1}", dependencyName, bundle.Value.Name));


                logger.Info("Generate bundles: Assign assets to bundles...");

                // Pass5: Topological sort (a.k.a. build order)
                // If there is a cyclic dependency, an exception will be thrown.
                var sortedBundles = TopologicalSort(resolvedBundles.Values, assetBundle => assetBundle.Dependencies);

                // Pass6: Find which ObjectId belongs to which bundle
                foreach (var bundle in sortedBundles)
                    // Add objects created by dependencies
                    foreach (var dep in bundle.Dependencies)
                        // ObjectIds

                        // IndexMap
                        foreach (var asset in dep.DependencyIndexMap.Concat(dep.IndexMap))
                            if (!bundle.DependencyIndexMap.ContainsKey(asset.Key))
                                bundle.DependencyIndexMap.Add(asset.Key, asset.Value);

                    // Collect assets (object ids and partial index map) from given asset urls
                    // Those not present in dependencies will be added to this bundle
                    foreach (var assetUrl in bundle.AssetUrls)
                        CollectBundle(databaseFileProvider, bundle, assetUrl);

                logger.Info("Generate bundles: Compress and save bundles to HDD...");

                var vfsToDisposeList = new List <IVirtualFileProvider>();
                // Mount VFS for output database (currently disabled because already done in ProjectBuilder.CopyBuildToOutput)
                using (var provider = VirtualFileSystem.MountFileSystem("/data_output", outputDirectory))

                    // Mount output database and delete previous bundles that shouldn't exist anymore (others should be overwritten)
                    using (var outputDatabase = new ObjectDatabase("/data_output/db", VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationDatabaseIndexName, loadDefaultBundle: false))
                        catch (Exception)
                            logger.Info("Generate bundles: Tried to load previous 'default' bundle but it was invalid. Deleting it...");
                            outputDatabase.BundleBackend.DeleteBundles(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x) == "default");
                        var outputBundleBackend = outputDatabase.BundleBackend;

                        var outputGroupBundleBackends = new Dictionary <string, BundleOdbBackend>();

                        if (rootPackage.OutputGroupDirectories != null)
                            foreach (var item in rootPackage.OutputGroupDirectories)
                                var path            = Path.Combine(rootPackage.RootDirectory, item.Value);
                                var vfsPath         = "/data_group_" + item.Key;
                                var vfsDatabasePath = vfsPath + "/db";

                                // Mount VFS for output database (currently disabled because already done in ProjectBuilder.CopyBuildToOutput)
                                vfsToDisposeList.Add(VirtualFileSystem.MountFileSystem(vfsPath, path));

                                outputGroupBundleBackends.Add(item.Key, new BundleOdbBackend(vfsDatabasePath));

                        // Pass7: Assign bundle backends
                        foreach (var bundle in sortedBundles)
                            BundleOdbBackend bundleBackend;
                            if (bundle.Source.OutputGroup == null)
                                // No output group, use OutputDirectory
                                bundleBackend = outputBundleBackend;
                            else if (!outputGroupBundleBackends.TryGetValue(bundle.Source.OutputGroup, out bundleBackend))
                                // Output group not found in OutputGroupDirectories, let's issue a warning and fallback to OutputDirectory
                                logger.Warning($"Generate bundles: Could not find OutputGroup {bundle.Source.OutputGroup} for bundle {bundle.Name} in ProjectBuildProfile.OutputGroupDirectories");
                                bundleBackend = outputBundleBackend;

                            bundle.BundleBackend = bundleBackend;

                        CleanUnknownBundles(outputBundleBackend, resolvedBundles);

                        foreach (var bundleBackend in outputGroupBundleBackends)
                            CleanUnknownBundles(bundleBackend.Value, resolvedBundles);

                        // Pass8: Pack actual data
                        foreach (var bundle in sortedBundles)
                            // Compute dependencies (by bundle names)
                            var dependencies = bundle.Dependencies.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct().ToList();

                            BundleOdbBackend bundleBackend;
                            if (bundle.Source.OutputGroup == null)
                                // No output group, use OutputDirectory
                                bundleBackend = outputBundleBackend;
                            else if (!outputGroupBundleBackends.TryGetValue(bundle.Source.OutputGroup, out bundleBackend))
                                // Output group not found in OutputGroupDirectories, let's issue a warning and fallback to OutputDirectory
                                logger.Warning($"Generate bundles: Could not find OutputGroup {bundle.Source.OutputGroup} for bundle {bundle.Name} in ProjectBuildProfile.OutputGroupDirectories");
                                bundleBackend = outputBundleBackend;

                            var topBundleUrl = objDatabase.CreateBundle(bundle.ObjectIds.ToArray(), bundle.Name, bundleBackend, disableCompressionIds, bundle.IndexMap, dependencies, useIncrementalBundles);
                            // Expand list of incremental bundles
                            BundleOdbBackend.ReadBundleHeader(topBundleUrl, out var bundleUrls);
                            foreach (var bundleUrl in bundleUrls)

                        // Dispose VFS created for groups
                        foreach (var vfsToDispose in vfsToDisposeList)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                logger.Error($"Unable to dispose VFS [{vfsToDispose.RootPath}]", ex);

            logger.Info("Generate bundles: Done");