Example #1
        void IMovable.Move()
            switch (this.Status)
            case BulletStatus.Flying:
                this.Top -= 4;

                IHittable obj = HitOthers();
                if (obj != null && obj is Brick)
                    Brick b = (Brick)obj;
                    b.Status    = BrickStatus.Dead;
                    this.Status = BulletStatus.Dead;
                if (obj != null && obj is Ball)
                    this.Status = BulletStatus.Dead;
                    //    Ball b = new Ball();
                    //    Ball ob = (Ball)obj;
                    //    b.Left = ob.Left;
                    //    b.Top = ob.Top;
                    //    b.dx = -b.dx;
                    //    this.Parent.Controls.Add(b);

            case BulletStatus.Dead:
                this.Visible = false;
Example #2
    void ReleaseKinomi(Collider col)
        GameObject enemy;

        enemy = col.GetComponent <BulletData>().proj_player;
        //       enemy = col.gameObject;

        BulletStatus ebs      = enemy.GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
        Bullet       e_bullet = ebs.type[enemy.GetComponent <Status>().bullet_type];
        int          num      = (int)(status.kinomi_num * (e_bullet.damage / 100));

        status.kinomi_num -= num;
        Vector3 pos = transform.position;

        pos.y += 0.2f;
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            GameObject kinomi = Instantiate(Kinomi_prefab, pos, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
            Vector3    force  = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
            force.x = e_bullet.dispersion * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            force.z = e_bullet.dispersion * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            Vector3 norm = force.normalized;
            kinomi.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(norm * 700f);
Example #3
 public void DeactivateBullet()
     this.enabled = false;
     this.myBulletStatus     = BulletStatus.Waiting;
     this.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
Example #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     status               = this.GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
     rigidbody2d          = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     rigidbody2d.velocity = transform.up.normalized * status.speed;
     vfacingstart         = transform.up.normalized;
Example #5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     status = GetComponent <Status>();
     bs     = GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
     SS = GameObject.Find("SoundSystem").GetComponent <SoundSystem>();
     star_material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.HSVToRGB(0, 0, 0));
Example #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     system = GameObject.Find("System");
     io     = system.GetComponent <Io>();
     rb     = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     status = GetComponent <Status>();
     bs     = GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
     speed  = base_speed;
     _time  = Time.deltaTime;
     id     = (int.Parse(gameObject.tag.Substring(6, 1))) - 1;
     tk     = system.GetComponent <TimeKeeper> ();
Example #7
 void Start()
     status     = GetComponent <Status> ();
     id         = int.Parse(tag.Substring(6, 1)) - 1;
     bs         = GetComponent <BulletStatus> ();
     ui_rank[0] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/r1"), new Rect(0, 0, 79, 104), Vector2.zero);
     ui_rank[1] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/r2"), new Rect(0, 0, 79, 104), Vector2.zero);
     ui_rank[2] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/r3"), new Rect(0, 0, 79, 104), Vector2.zero);
     ui_rank[3] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/r4"), new Rect(0, 0, 79, 104), Vector2.zero);
     bc_rank[0] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/rank1"), new Rect(0, 0, 318, 319), Vector2.zero);
     bc_rank[1] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/rank2"), new Rect(0, 0, 318, 268), Vector2.zero);
     bc_rank[2] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/rank3"), new Rect(0, 0, 318, 243), Vector2.zero);
     bc_rank[3] = Sprite.Create(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("UI/r4"), new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), Vector2.zero);
Example #8
    void ReleaseKinomi(Collider col)
        GameObject enemy;

        enemy = col.GetComponent <BulletData>().proj_player;
        //       enemy = col.gameObject;

        BulletStatus ebs      = enemy.GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
        Bullet       e_bullet = ebs.type[enemy.GetComponent <Status>().bullet_type];
        float        damage   = e_bullet.damage;
        float        dist     = (enemy.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude;

        //long range damage
        if (dist > 20)
            damage *= 1.5f;
        else if (dist > 60)
            damage *= 2;
        else if (dist > 100)
            damage *= 2.5f;
        int num = (int)(status.kinomi_num * (e_bullet.damage / 100));

        status.kinomi_num -= num;
        Vector3 pos = transform.position;

        pos.y += 3f;
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            GameObject kinomi = Instantiate(Kinomi_prefab, pos, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
            Vector3    force  = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
            force.x = e_bullet.dispersion * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            force.z = e_bullet.dispersion * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            Vector3 norm = force.normalized;
            kinomi.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(norm * 700f);
        for (int i = 0; i < num * (e_bullet.reflect_bonus / 100f); i++)
            GameObject kinomi = Instantiate(Kinomi_prefab, pos, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
            kinomi.GetComponent <KinomiCtrl>().MagnetMove(enemy);
Example #9
 void Start()
     status       = this.GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
     ThislayMaxim = status.length;
     if (status.ReflecNo >= 0)
         status.ReflecNo -= 1;
     if (status.lifeTime >= 0)
         Destroy(gameObject, status.lifeTime);
     ThisLayLengNow = 0;
Example #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        status  = GetComponent <Status>();
        bstatus = GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
        bullet_base.Add("Long", long_bullet_base);
        bullet_base.Add("Middle", middle_bullet_base);
        bullet_base.Add("Short", short_bullet_base);
        bullet_base_scale.Add("Long", bullet_base["Long"].transform.localScale);
        bullet_base_scale.Add("Middle", bullet_base["Middle"].transform.localScale);
        bullet_base_scale.Add("Short", bullet_base["Short"].transform.localScale);
        bs.Add("Long", bstatus.type["Long"]);
        bs.Add("Middle", bstatus.type["Middle"]);
        bs.Add("Short", bstatus.type["Short"]);

        bullet_base["Long"].transform.localScale   = Vector3.zero;
        bullet_base["Middle"].transform.localScale = Vector3.zero;
        bullet_base["Short"].transform.localScale  = Vector3.zero;

        io = GameObject.Find("System").GetComponent <Io> ();
        id = int.Parse(tag.Substring(6, 1)) - 1;
        tk = GameObject.Find("System").GetComponent <TimeKeeper> ();
    void Spawn(Vector3 pt, Vector3 dir, int sourcePlayer)
        // offset bullet a little to avoid colliding with camera
        Vector3 offsetPos = pt + dir.normalized * fireOffset;

        // calculate bullet velocity
        Vector3 bullectVelocity = bulletSpeed * dir.normalized;

        // calculate prefab rotation
        Vector3    rotationAxis  = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, dir);
        float      rotationAngle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward, dir);
        Quaternion quat          = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotationAngle, rotationAxis);

        // spawn the bullet and set its color
        int        counter    = playerManager.playerStatusDic[sourcePlayer].bulletCounter++;
        string     objID      = "[" + sourcePlayer + "] Bullet " + counter++;
        GameObject spawnedObj = ViveShare_Server.Instance.Spawn(bulletPrefab, objID, offsetPos, quat);

        spawnedObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", ShooterPlayerColorTable.colorTable[sourcePlayer]);
        spawnedObj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", ShooterPlayerColorTable.colorTable[sourcePlayer]);

        // set bullet param for clients
        ViveShare_Event.setBulletParamEvent.InvokeRemote(objID, bullectVelocity, ShooterPlayerColorTable.colorTable[sourcePlayer]);

        // attach bullet controller to spawned bullet
        BulletStatus status = spawnedObj.AddComponent <BulletStatus>();


        // set bullet property
        Rigidbody physics = spawnedObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        physics.velocity = bullectVelocity;
        physics.AddForce(bullectVelocity, ForceMode.Force);
Example #12
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     status = GetComponent <Status>();
     bs     = GetComponent <BulletStatus>();
Example #13
 public void ActivateBullet()
     this.enabled = true;
     this.myBulletStatus = BulletStatus.Active;
Example #14
 public RegisterBulletCommand(BulletStatus current)
     Contract.Requires(current != null);
     CurrentStatus = current;
Example #15
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     status = GetComponent <Status> ();
     id     = int.Parse(tag.Substring(6, 1)) - 1;
     bs     = GetComponent <BulletStatus> ();