Example #1
         * Creates or configures a RigidBody based on the current settings. Does not alter the internal state of this component in any way.
         * Can be used to create copies of this BRigidBody for use in other physics simulations.
        public virtual bool CreateMultiBody(ref MultiBody mb, ref BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 localInertia, CollisionShape cs)
            localInertia = BulletSharp.Math.Vector3.Zero;

            if (_mass > 0)
                cs.CalculateLocalInertia(_mass, out localInertia);

            if (mb == null)
                int nbLinks = Links.Count;
                foreach (BMultiBodyLink link in Links)
                    nbLinks += link.NbLinks;

                Debug.Log("Adding multibody with " + nbLinks + " links");
                mb = new MultiBody(nbLinks, _mass, localInertia, false, false);
                mb.BaseWorldTransform = transform.localToWorldMatrix.ToBullet();
                mb.HasSelfCollision   = SelfCollision;
                var collider = new MultiBodyLinkCollider(mb, -1);
                collider.CollisionShape = cs;
                collider.WorldTransform = transform.localToWorldMatrix.ToBullet();
                collider.CollisionFlags = collisionFlags;
                collider.UserObject     = UserObject ?? this;
                BPhysicsWorld.Get().world.AddCollisionObject(collider, groupsIBelongTo, collisionMask);
                mb.BaseCollider   = collider;
                m_collisionObject = collider;

                BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy baseProxy = gameObject.GetComponent <BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy>();
                if (baseProxy == null)
                    baseProxy = gameObject.AddComponent <BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy>();
                baseProxy.target = collider;

                    int currentLinkIndex = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Links.Count; ++i)
                        currentLinkIndex += Links[i].AddLinkToMultiBody(this, currentLinkIndex, -1, transform);

                catch (Exception e) // if an error occurs, don't add the object, otherwise unity will crash
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error occured while setting MultiBody : {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                mb.CanSleep   = false;
                mb.UserObject = UserObject ?? this;
Example #2
    public void CreateUnityMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy(MultiBodyLinkCollider body)
        GameObject     cube = Instantiate <GameObject>(cubePrefab);
        CollisionShape cs   = body.CollisionShape;

        if (cs is BoxShape)
            BoxShape bxcs = cs as BoxShape;
            BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 s  = bxcs.HalfExtentsWithMargin;
            MeshRenderer             mr = cube.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
            mr.transform.localScale = s.ToUnity() * 2f;
            Matrix4x4 m = body.WorldTransform.ToUnity();
            cube.transform.position   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m);
            cube.transform.rotation   = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m);
            cube.transform.localScale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref m);
            Destroy(cube.GetComponent <BulletRigidBodyProxy>());
            BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy cp = cube.AddComponent <BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy>();
            cp.target = body;
            Debug.LogError("Not implemented");
Example #3
    public int AddLinkToMultiBody(BMultiBody mb, int currentLinkIndex, int parentIndex, Transform parent)
        if (isLinked)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("Cannot add link {0} to multibody {1} bacause it is already linked", name, mb.name);

        BCollisionShape collisionShape = GetComponent <BCollisionShape>();

        if (collisionShape == null)
            throw new MissingComponentException("Could not find " + typeof(BCollisionShape).Name + " component on BodyLink " + name);

        multiBody       = mb;
        linkId          = currentLinkIndex;
        parentLinkId    = parentIndex;
        parentTransform = parent;

        CollisionShape shape = collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();

        if (shape == null)
            throw new MissingComponentException("Could not get collision shape from " + collisionShape.GetType().Name + " shape component on BodyLink " + name);
        BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 linkInertia;
        shape.CalculateLocalInertia(Mass, out linkInertia);

        if (BPhysicsWorld.Get().debugType >= BulletUnity.Debugging.BDebug.DebugType.Debug)
            Debug.LogFormat(this, "Adding link {0} : {1} to parent {2} of multibody {3}", currentLinkIndex, name, parentIndex, mb.name);


        linkCollider = new MultiBodyLinkCollider(mb.MultiBody, currentLinkIndex);
        linkCollider.CollisionShape  = shape;
        linkCollider.WorldTransform  = transform.localToWorldMatrix.ToBullet();
        linkCollider.CollisionFlags  = collisionFlags;
        linkCollider.Friction        = Friction;
        linkCollider.RollingFriction = RollingFriction;
        linkCollider.Restitution     = Restitution;
        linkCollider.UserObject      = this;
        BPhysicsWorld.Get().world.AddCollisionObject(linkCollider, groupsIBelongTo, collisionMask);
        m_collisionObject = linkCollider;

        BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy proxy = gameObject.GetComponent <BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy>();

        if (proxy == null)
            proxy = gameObject.AddComponent <BulletMultiBodyLinkColliderProxy>();

        mb.MultiBody.GetLink(currentLinkIndex).Collider = linkCollider;
        proxy.target = linkCollider;

        isLinked = true;

        foreach (BMultiBodyConstraint mbc in Constraints)
            mbc.AddConstraintToMultiBody(MultiBody, LinkId);

        int addedLinks = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < Links.Count; ++i)
            addedLinks += Links[i].AddLinkToMultiBody(mb, i + currentLinkIndex + 1, currentLinkIndex, transform);