public void CollisionCheck() { var gameObjectsToRemove = new HashSet <ILaneObject>(); foreach (var monster in MonsterCollection) { foreach (var bullet in BulletCollection) { if (monster.LanePosition <= bullet.LanePosition) { if (monster.Color == bullet.Color) { gameObjectsToRemove.Add(monster); // Killed a monster => scored Score.UpdateScore( Score.MonsterKilledPoints); } gameObjectsToRemove.Add(bullet); } } } // Remove the objects MonsterCollection.RemoveWhere( monster => gameObjectsToRemove.Contains(monster)); BulletCollection.RemoveWhere( bullet => gameObjectsToRemove.Contains(bullet)); }
public GameScreen() { Game.GameSocket.OnDisconnectionEvent += DisconnectWhenError; NextScreen = ScreenType.None; map = new Map(); localPlayer = new LocalPlayer(Game.PlayerSelectedType); bullets = new BulletCollection(); players = new PlayerCollection(); camera = new Camera((ushort)Hardware.ScreenWidth, (ushort)Hardware.ScreenHeight); cameraController = new SpectatorCameraController(); teamButtons = new Button[3]; teamButtons[RED_TEAM_BUTTON] = new Button(ButtonType.RedTeamButton); teamButtons[SPECTATOR_TEAM_BUTTON] = new Button(ButtonType.SpectatorTeamButton); teamButtons[BLUE_TEAM_BUTTON] = new Button(ButtonType.BlueTeamButton); //Sets the positions of the buttons to change the team teamButtons[RED_TEAM_BUTTON].SetPos(100, Hardware.ScreenHeight / 2 - Button.SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2); teamButtons[SPECTATOR_TEAM_BUTTON].SetPos (Hardware.ScreenWidth / 2 - Button.SPRITE_WIDTH / 2, Hardware.ScreenHeight / 2 - Button.SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2); teamButtons[BLUE_TEAM_BUTTON].SetPos (Hardware.ScreenWidth - Button.SPRITE_WIDTH - 100, Hardware.ScreenHeight / 2 - Button.SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2); isChangingTeam = true; messageBuffer = ""; CurrentUpdateGameFunction = UpdateGameStateSpectator; CurrentRenderGameFunction = RenderGameDead; deltaTime = 1; }
public Level(int level, Canvas canvas) { Game = true; bullets = new BulletCollection(); key = PressedKey.None; new LevelLoader(level).LoadField(out gameField, out player, out enemies); Level.canvas = canvas; }
public Level(int level) { Console.CursorVisible = false; Game = true; StartThread(); bullets = new BulletCollection(); new LevelLoader(level).LoadField(out gameField, out player, out enemies); }
public Server() { messageQueue = new Queue <string>(); map = new Map(); players = new PlayerCollection(); players.OnPlayerDisconnectEvent += DisconnectPlayer; bullets = new BulletCollection(); gameState = ""; }
public void MoveBullets() { foreach (var bullet in BulletCollection) { bullet.LanePosition += 1; } BulletCollection.RemoveWhere( bullet => !IsInsideLane(bullet)); }
public GameData(ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice device, AudioManager audio, World world) { player = new Player(world, Content, audio, device); mods = new ModCollection(); npcs = new NPCCollection(world, Content, player, device, audio); bullets = new BulletCollection(Content, device); missions = new MissionCollection(world, npcs); = world; = audio; }
public void ChangeLanesLength(int newLength) { Length = newLength; // Remove all Bullets outside the lane MonsterCollection.RemoveWhere( monster => !IsInsideLane(monster)); // Remove all Bullets outside the lane BulletCollection.RemoveWhere( bullet => !IsInsideLane(bullet)); }
internal Map(List <Texture2D> textures, Texture2D background, int[,] map, List <GameObject> objects, string ambientAudio, DoorCollection <Door> doors, ActorCollection <Actor> actors, SecretCollection <Secret> secrets, Vector2 spawnPoint) { Textures = textures; Background = background; this.ObjectDatabase = objects; WorldMap = map; AmbientAudio = ambientAudio; Doors = doors; SpawnPoint = spawnPoint; Actors = actors; Secrets = secrets; CreatePathFinder(map); Bullets = new BulletCollection <Bullet>(); }
public void ShootBullet(Bullet bullet) { bullet.LanePosition = 1; // Check if the space is occupied by another bullet // Don't add the new one in this case. foreach (var otherBullet in BulletCollection) { if (otherBullet.LanePosition == bullet.LanePosition) { return; } } BulletCollection.Add(bullet); }
public int AddUpdate(BulletCollection Collection, string SessionUser) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(base.ConnectionString)) { return(Task.FromResult(connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("spBulletCollectionAddUpdate", new { @BULLETCOLLECTIONID = Collection.BulletCollectionId, @NAME = Collection.Name, @ISAMMODEFAULT = Collection.IsAmmoDefault, @SESSIONUSERID = SessionUser }, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure)).Result); } }
public void Behavior(Field field, BulletCollection bullets) { Random rnd = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(1); int doActions = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (doActions == 0) { int doStep = rnd.Next(0, 2); if (doStep == 0) { int stepDirection = rnd.Next(0, 4); int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (stepDirection) { case 0: dx--; break; case 1: dy--; break; case 2: dx++; break; case 3: dy++; break; } Rotate(dx, dy); if (field.CanMakeStep(X + dx, Y + dy)) { MakeStep(dx, dy); } } int doShot = rnd.Next(0, 3); if (doShot == 0) { bullets.Add(new Bullet(X, Y, direction, true)); } } }
public void update(BulletCollection bullets, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool canShoot) { if (ammo < maxAmmo + mod_acp && recharge <= 0) { ammo++; recharge = maxRechrg - mod_rcg; } if (cooldown <= 0 && ammo > 0 && (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && canShoot && Mouse.GetState().RightButton == ButtonState.Released) { cooldown = maxCooldn - mod_cdn; bullets.generate(true, position + direction * .5f, direction, 1 + mod_spd, 20, 20 + mod_str, (byte)mod_elm, (byte) mod_typ); ammo--; audio.playShoot(true); } cooldown = Math.Max(cooldown - 1, 0); recharge = Math.Max(recharge - 1, 0); }
public int AddUpdate(BulletCollection Collection, string SessionUser) { return(_collectionRepository.AddUpdate(Collection, SessionUser)); }
public bool update(GameTime gameTime, BulletCollection bullets, Camera camera, Player p, Mission m) { #region npc death //die and grant xp if (health <= 0 && !isDead) { int exp = (int)(XP * (float)level / (float)p.level); exp = Math.Min(exp,(int) (XP * 1.5f)); exp = Math.Max(exp, 1); if ( == 50) exp = 0; else p.getEXP(exp); m.update(kind, exp); isDead = true; isHit = false; hitTimer = 0; explosion.Position = Position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0); explosion.Initialize(camera); } //Explosion Update if NPC is down if (isDead && active) { hitTimer++; explosion.Update(gameTime, camera); if (hitTimer > 25) { active = false; isDead = false; this.explosion.Clear(); dmgNumbers.Clear(); return false; } } #endregion #region shoot //shoot if player is within shooting distance and not on cooldown if (playerDistance <= world.shootDistance && cooldown == 0) { cooldown = maxCooldn; Vector3 dir = (p.position - position); dir.Normalize(); bullets.generate(false, position + dir, dir, 1, world.shootDistance * 2, strength, element); audio.playShoot(false); } if (cooldown > 0) cooldown--; #endregion #region move //if (moving) //move(); //else if (!moving || !move()) { { pathFinder.setup(new Point((int)Math.Round((-1 * position.X + world.size - 1)), (int)Math.Round((-1 * position.Z + world.size - 1))), p); target = pathFinder.findPath(kind == Constants.NPC_BOSS); newTarget = true; direction = target - position; if (direction.Length() != 0) direction.Normalize(); moving = true; //move(); } } #endregion #region get hit billboard/dmg number //Hit Notification if (isHit) { hitTimer++; billboardEngine.AddBillboard(this.position + new Vector3(0, 2, 0), Color.Red, 1.5f); if (hitTimer == 70) { isHit = false; hitTimer = 0; } } #endregion //Rotate Model double rotationAngle = Math.Acos((Vector3.Dot(direction, -1 * Vector3.UnitX)) / (direction.Length())); rotationAngle = (p.Position.Z < this.Position.Z) ? rotationAngle * -1.0f : rotationAngle; rotationAngle += (this.kind == Constants.NPC_BOSS) ? Math.PI / 2 : -Math.PI / 2; model.Rotation = new Vector3(0, (float)(rotationAngle), 0); //Update PlayerDistance playerDistance = (p.Position - this.Position).Length(); if (playerDistance < 4) { target = position; direction = p.Position - this.Position; } return true; }
public void PowerUp(int powerId) { if (Ship != null) { switch (powerId) { case 1: Nukes++; break; case 2: bulletDamageMult += 0.1f; Shot Dmg = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <Shot>(); if (Dmg != null) { Dmg.damageMultiplier = bulletDamageMult; } break; case 3: bulletSpeedMult += 0.01f; Shot Spd = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <Shot>(); if (Spd != null) { Spd.speedMultiplier = bulletDamageMult; } break; case 4: bulletFirerateMult += 0.1f; Shot Frt = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <Shot>(); if (Frt != null) { Frt.fireMultiplier = bulletFirerateMult; } break; case 5: HpControl lifes = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <HpControl>(); if (lifes != null) { lifes.extraLife(); } break; case 6: HpControl baseHealth = Base.GetComponent <HpControl>(); if (baseHealth != null) { baseHealth.GainHealth(30); } break; case 7: HpControl shpHealth = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <HpControl>(); if (shpHealth != null) { shpHealth.GainHealth(30); } break; case 8: Shot Sprd = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <Shot>(); if (Sprd != null) { Sprd.SpreadLevelUp(); } break; case 9: BulletCollection bullLvl = Ship.GetComponentInChildren <BulletCollection>(); bullLvl.LevelUp(); break; default: break; } } }
public bool update(GameTime gameTime, NPCCollection npcs, BulletCollection bullets, Camera camera, bool canShoot) { if (Mouse.GetState().RightButton == ButtonState.Released && rightButton) charge.Clear(); rightButton = (Mouse.GetState().RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed); if (lastMapID != world.mapID) { reset(); return true; } if (health <= 0) return false; restore = (byte) Math.Max(restore - 1, 0); hitDelay = (byte) Math.Max(hitDelay - 1, 0); if (health < maxHealth && hitDelay == 0 && Mouse.GetState().RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { charging = true; charge.Update(gameTime, camera, this.Position); if (restore <= 0) { int h = Math.Max((int)(maxHealth * .01f), 1); health = Math.Min(health + h, maxHealth); restore = maxRest; } } else charging = false; /*if (Mouse.GetState().RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { charging = true; charge.Update(gameTime, camera, this.Position); }*/ model.Rotation = new Vector3(0, -camera.Phi,0); Vector3 front = new Vector3(camera.Direction.X, 0, camera.Direction.Z); front.Normalize(); float forward = (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) - (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); Vector3 sideVec = Vector3.Cross(front, new Vector3(0,1,0)); float side = (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) - (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); this.direction = front * forward + sideVec * side; if (this.direction != Vector3.Zero) this.direction.Normalize(); moveAndCollide(npcs); if (invincibleTimer > 0) invincibleTimer--; if (world.mapID != 0) weapon.update(bullets, position, front, canShoot); return true; }