Example #1
    private static void GenerateFloorPlan(BuildrData data)
        BuildrGenerateConstraints constraints = data.generatorConstraints;
        RandomGen rgen = constraints.rgen;

        BuildrPlan      plan            = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BuildrPlan>();
        List <Vector2z> bounds          = new List <Vector2z>();
        Rect            floorplanBounds = new Rect(-15, -15, 30, 30);

        if (constraints.constrainPlanByArea)
            floorplanBounds = constraints.area;
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(-5, floorplanBounds.xMin), rgen.OutputRange(-5, floorplanBounds.yMin)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(5, floorplanBounds.xMax), rgen.OutputRange(-5, floorplanBounds.yMin)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(5, floorplanBounds.xMax), rgen.OutputRange(5, floorplanBounds.yMax)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(-5, floorplanBounds.xMin), rgen.OutputRange(5, floorplanBounds.yMax)));

        if (rgen.output < 0.25f)//should we split the volume?
            float ratio = rgen.OutputRange(0.25f, 0.75f);
            bounds.Insert(1, Vector2z.Lerp(bounds[0], bounds[1], ratio));
            bounds.Insert(4, Vector2z.Lerp(bounds[3], bounds[4], ratio));

            plan.AddVolume(new [] { bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[4], bounds[5] });
            plan.AddVolume(1, 2, new [] { bounds[2], bounds[3] });

        data.plan = plan;
Example #2
    private static void GenerateFloorPlan(BuildrData data)
        RandomGen rgen = constraints.rgen;

        BuildrPlan      plan   = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BuildrPlan>();
        List <Vector2z> bounds = new List <Vector2z>();

        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(-5, -15), rgen.OutputRange(-5, -15)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(5, 15), rgen.OutputRange(-5, -15)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(5, 15), rgen.OutputRange(5, 15)));
        bounds.Add(new Vector2z(rgen.OutputRange(-5, -15), rgen.OutputRange(5, 15)));

        if (rgen.output < 0.25f)//should we split the volume?
            float ratio = rgen.OutputRange(0.25f, 0.75f);
            bounds.Insert(1, Vector2z.Lerp(bounds[0], bounds[1], ratio));
            bounds.Insert(4, Vector2z.Lerp(bounds[3], bounds[4], ratio));

            plan.AddVolume(new [] { bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[4], bounds[5] });
            plan.AddVolume(1, 2, new [] { bounds[2], bounds[3] });

        data.plan = plan;
Example #3
 public void ResetData(bool keepPlan)
     if (!keepPlan)
         plan = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BuildrPlan>();
Example #4
    private static void Steeple(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);
        Vector3 ridgeVector = Vector3.up * design.height;

        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        Vector3[] basePoints = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
        Vector3 centrePoint = Vector3.zero;
        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
            basePoints[l] = area.points[volume.points[l]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            centrePoint += area.points[volume.points[l]].vector3;
        centrePoint = (centrePoint / numberOfVolumePoints) + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;
        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
            int pointIndexA = l;
            int pointIndexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[3] { basePoints[pointIndexA], basePoints[pointIndexB], centrePoint };
            float uvWdith = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[pointIndexA], basePoints[pointIndexB]);
            float uvHeight = design.height;
            int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
            BuildrTexture texture = textures[subMesh];

            if (texture.tiled)
                uvWdith *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
                uvHeight *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y);
                if (texture.patterned)
                    Vector2 uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                    uvWdith = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdith / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                    uvHeight = Mathf.Ceil(uvHeight / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
                uvWdith = texture.tiledX;
                uvHeight = texture.tiledY;
            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(-uvWdith / 2, 0), new Vector2(uvWdith / 2, 0), new Vector2(0, uvHeight) };
            int[] tri = new int[3] { 1, 0, 2 };
            AddData(verts, uvs, tri, subMesh);
Example #5
    public void Init()
        plan = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BuildrPlan>();
        facades.Add(new BuildrFacadeDesign("default"));

        //set up two basic textures to use
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("bricks"));
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("window"));
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("roof"));

        roofs.Add(new BuildrRoofDesign("default"));

        bays.Add(new BuildrBay("default"));

        generatorConstraints = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BuildrGenerateConstraints>();
Example #6
    private static void FlatRoof(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int volumeIndex = area.volumes.IndexOf(volume);
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        //add top base of the flat roof
        Vector3[] newEndVerts = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
        Vector2[] newEndUVs = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
        int[] tris = new List<int>(area.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(volumeIndex)).ToArray();
        int roofTextureID = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.floor);
        BuildrTexture texture = data.textures[roofTextureID];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
            Vector2z point = area.points[volume.points[i]];
            newEndVerts[i] = point.vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            newEndUVs[i] = new Vector2(point.vector2.x / texture.textureUnitSize.x, point.vector2.y / texture.textureUnitSize.y);

        AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris, design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.floor));
Example #7
    public static void SceneGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData data, bool shouldSnap, float handleSize)
        if (data.details.Count == 0)
        Undo.RecordObject(data, "Detail Modified");

        int numberOfFacades  = data.facades.Count;
        int numberOfRoofs    = data.roofs.Count;
        int numberOfTextures = data.textures.Count;

        if (numberOfFacades == 0 || numberOfRoofs == 0 || numberOfTextures == 0)

        Vector3 position = editMode.transform.position;

        BuildrPlan   plan            = data.plan;
        int          numberOfVolumes = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        BuildrDetail bDetail         = data.details[selectedDetail];
        float        volumeHeight    = 0;
        Vector3      baseLeft        = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3      baseRight       = Vector3.zero;
        int          faceIndex       = bDetail.face;

        int facadeCounter = 0;

        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume      = data.plan.volumes[v];
            int          volumeSize  = volume.Count;
            Vector3      floorCentre = Vector3.zero;
            Handles.color = Color.white;

            for (int p = 0; p < volumeSize; p++)
                int     point  = volume.points[p];
                int     indexB = volume.points[(p + 1) % volumeSize];
                Vector3 fb0    = plan.points[point].vector3;
                Vector3 fb1    = plan.points[indexB].vector3;
                if (bDetail.face == facadeCounter && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    baseLeft  = fb0;
                    baseRight = fb1;
                floorCentre += baseLeft;

                List <Vector3> verts = new List <Vector3>();
                volumeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
                Vector3 volumeHeightVector = Vector3.up * volumeHeight;
                verts.Add(fb0 + position);
                verts.Add(fb1 + position);
                verts.Add(verts[1] + volumeHeightVector);
                verts.Add(verts[0] + volumeHeightVector);
                if (bDetail.face == facadeCounter && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    //display something to highlight this facade
                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts.ToArray(), Color.clear, BuildrColours.MAGENTA);
                Handles.color = BuildrColours.CYAN;
                if (v == bDetail.face && bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Roof)
                    Handles.DrawLine(verts[2], verts[3]);
                if (editMode.showFacadeMarkers)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    Vector3  camDirection     = Camera.current.transform.forward;
                    Vector3  facadeDirection  = Vector3.Cross((verts[0] - verts[1]), Vector3.up);
                    GUIStyle facadeLabelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                    facadeLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                    facadeLabelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    facadeLabelStyle.fixedWidth       = 75.0f;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(camDirection, facadeDirection) < 0)//only display label when facade is facing camera
                        Vector3 centerPos = (verts[0] + verts[1]) * 0.5f;
                        Vector3 labelPos  = centerPos + facadeDirection.normalized;
                        Handles.Label(labelPos, "facade " + facadeCounter, facadeLabelStyle);
                        Handles.DrawLine(centerPos, labelPos);

        Vector3    handlePosition = bDetail.worldPosition + position;// new Vector3(basePos.x, volumeHeight * bDetail.faceUv.y, basePos.z);
        Vector3    baseDir        = (baseRight - baseLeft).normalized;
        Vector3    baseCross      = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, baseDir);
        Quaternion currentRot     = Quaternion.Euler(bDetail.userRotation);
        Quaternion faceRotation   = (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade) ? Quaternion.LookRotation(baseCross) : Quaternion.identity;

        switch (Tools.current)
        case Tool.Move:
            Vector3 dirX, dirY, dirZ;
            if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                dirX = baseDir;
                dirY = baseCross;
                dirZ = Vector3.up;
                dirX = Vector3.right;
                dirY = Vector3.up;
                dirZ = Vector3.forward;
            Vector3 newSliderPos;
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.RED;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(handlePosition, dirX, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.BLUE;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(newSliderPos, dirZ, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Handles.color = BuildrColours.GREEN;
            newSliderPos  = Handles.Slider(newSliderPos, dirY, handleSize * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
            Vector3 sliderDiff = newSliderPos - handlePosition;

            if (sliderDiff != Vector3.zero)
                float newXUV = 0, newYUV = 0, newHeight = bDetail.faceHeight;
                if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    float facadeWidth = Vector3.Distance(baseLeft, baseRight);
                    float sliderDiffX = Mathf.Sqrt(sliderDiff.x * sliderDiff.x + sliderDiff.z * sliderDiff.z) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(baseDir, sliderDiff));
                    newXUV = sliderDiffX / facadeWidth + bDetail.faceUv.x;
                    newYUV = sliderDiff.y / volumeHeight + bDetail.faceUv.y;
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[faceIndex];
                    int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                    Vector3      minPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    Vector3      maxPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    for (int p = 1; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                        Vector3 fp0 = plan.points[volume.points[p]].vector3;
                        if (fp0.x < minPoint.x)
                            minPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z < minPoint.z)
                            minPoint.z = fp0.z;
                        if (fp0.x > maxPoint.x)
                            maxPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z > maxPoint.z)
                            maxPoint.z = fp0.z;
                    float roofWidth = maxPoint.x - minPoint.x;
                    float roofDepth = maxPoint.z - minPoint.z;
                    newXUV     = sliderDiff.x / roofWidth + bDetail.faceUv.x;
                    newYUV     = sliderDiff.z / roofDepth + bDetail.faceUv.y;
                    newHeight += sliderDiff.y;
                bDetail.faceUv     = new Vector2(newXUV, newYUV);
                bDetail.faceHeight = newHeight;

        case Tool.Rotate:
            currentRot           = Handles.RotationHandle(currentRot, handlePosition);
            bDetail.userRotation = currentRot.eulerAngles;

        case Tool.Scale:
            bDetail.scale = Handles.ScaleHandle(bDetail.scale, handlePosition, currentRot * faceRotation, handleSize * 0.666f);


        //draw mesh bounds
        if (bDetail.mesh != null)
            Bounds     meshBounds = bDetail.mesh.bounds;
            Quaternion rotation   = bDetail.worldRotation;
            Vector3    p0         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p1         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p2         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p3         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.min.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p4         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p5         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.min.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p6         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.min.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;
            Vector3    p7         = rotation * (new Vector3(meshBounds.max.x, meshBounds.max.y, meshBounds.max.z)) + bDetail.worldPosition;

            Handles.color = BuildrColours.BLUE;
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p2);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p4);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p3, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p5, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p6, p7);

            if (clickPlace)
                Vector3 planeBase   = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.up;
                Vector3 planeSize   = Vector3.zero;
                if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                    //find facade
                    int  facadeCount = 0;
                    bool facadeFound = false;
                    for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                        int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                        for (int p = 0; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                            if (facadeCount == faceIndex)
                                int     indexA = p;
                                int     indexB = (p + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
                                Vector3 fp0    = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                                Vector3 fp1    = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                                planeBase   = fp0;
                                planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, fp1 - fp0).normalized;
                                planeSize.x = Vector3.Distance(fp0, fp1);
                                planeSize.y = volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight;
                                facadeFound = true;
                        if (facadeFound)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[faceIndex];
                    int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                    Vector3      minPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    Vector3      maxPoint             = plan.points[volume.points[0]].vector3;
                    for (int p = 1; p < numberOfVolumePoints; p++)
                        Vector3 fp0 = plan.points[volume.points[p]].vector3;
                        if (fp0.x < minPoint.x)
                            minPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z < minPoint.z)
                            minPoint.z = fp0.z;
                        if (fp0.x > maxPoint.x)
                            maxPoint.x = fp0.x;
                        if (fp0.z > maxPoint.z)
                            maxPoint.z = fp0.z;
                    planeSize.x = maxPoint.x - minPoint.x;
                    planeSize.z = maxPoint.z - minPoint.z;
                    planeBase   = minPoint;
                    planeBase.y = (data.floorHeight * volume.numberOfFloors);
                float distance;
                Plane buildingPlane = new Plane(planeNormal, planeBase);
                Ray   ray           = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Event.current.mousePosition.y - 30, 0));
                if (buildingPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                    Vector3    mousePlanePoint    = ray.GetPoint(distance);
                    Quaternion mouseLookDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(buildingPlane.normal);

                    if (Handles.Button(mousePlanePoint, mouseLookDirection, handleSize * 0.1f, handleSize * 0.1f, Handles.CircleCap))
                        float xUv, yUv;
                        if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
                            Vector3 facadeBaseMousePoint = new Vector3(mousePlanePoint.x, 0, mousePlanePoint.z);
                            xUv = Vector3.Distance(planeBase, facadeBaseMousePoint) / planeSize.x;
                            yUv = (mousePlanePoint.y - planeBase.y) / planeSize.y;
                            xUv = (mousePlanePoint.x - planeBase.x) / planeSize.x;
                            yUv = (mousePlanePoint.z - planeBase.z) / planeSize.z;
                        bDetail.faceUv = new Vector2(xUv, yUv);
                        clickPlace     = false;
                        GUI.changed    = true;

        if (GUI.changed)
Example #8
    private static void Barrel(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        Vector3[] points = new Vector3[4];
        //Vector3 ridgeVector;
        if (design.direction == 0)
            points[0] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[1] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[2] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[3] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[0] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[1] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[2] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[3] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;

        int barrelSegments = design.barrelSegments + 1;
        Vector3[] bPoints = new Vector3[barrelSegments * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < barrelSegments; i++)
            float lerp = (float)i / (float)(barrelSegments - 1);
            Vector3 height = Mathf.Sin(lerp * Mathf.PI) * design.height * Vector3.up;
            float cosLerp = 1 - (Mathf.Cos((lerp) * Mathf.PI) + 1) / 2;
            bPoints[i] = Vector3.Lerp(points[0], points[1], cosLerp) + height;
            bPoints[i + barrelSegments] = Vector3.Lerp(points[2], points[3], cosLerp) + height;

        int topIterations = barrelSegments - 1;
        int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        bool flipped = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        for (int t = 0; t < topIterations; t++)
            AddPlane(design, bPoints[t + 1], bPoints[t], bPoints[t + barrelSegments + 1], bPoints[t + barrelSegments], subMesh, flipped);//top

        Vector3 centerA = Vector3.Lerp(points[0], points[1], 0.5f);
        Vector3 centerB = Vector3.Lerp(points[2], points[3], 0.5f);
        for (int e = 0; e < topIterations; e++)
            float lerpA = ((float)(e) / (float)(topIterations)) * Mathf.PI;
            float lerpB = ((float)(e + 1) / (float)(topIterations)) * Mathf.PI;
            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[3]{
				new Vector2(0.5f,0),
				new Vector2(1-(Mathf.Cos(lerpA)+1)/2,Mathf.Sin(lerpA)),
				new Vector2(1-(Mathf.Cos(lerpB)+1)/2,Mathf.Sin(lerpB))

            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[3] { centerA, bPoints[e], bPoints[e + 1] };
            int[] tri = new int[3] { 0, 2, 1 };
            AddData(verts, uvs, tri, design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window));

            verts = new Vector3[3] { centerB, bPoints[e + barrelSegments], bPoints[e + 1 + barrelSegments] };
            tri = new int[3] { 0, 1, 2 };
            AddData(verts, uvs, tri, design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window));
Example #9
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        data = _data;
        mesh = _mesh;
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex     = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
            Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
            Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
            Vector3      volumeHeight         = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3 + volumeHeight;
                newEndUVs[i]   = Vector2.zero;

            List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
            mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);
        //Build ROOF

        //Build facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])

                int     indexA = f;
                int     indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;
                float   facadeWidth      = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                Vector2 uvMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                Vector2 uvMax = new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, uvMin, uvMax, 0);

        data = null;
        mesh = null;
Example #10
    private static void LeanTo(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);
        Vector3 ridgeVector = Vector3.up * design.height;

        int[] pointIndexes = new int[4];
        switch (design.direction)
            case 0:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            case 1:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 0 };
            case 2:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 2, 3, 0, 1 };
            case 3:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
        Vector3[] points = new Vector3[6];
        points[0] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[0]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        points[1] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[1]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        points[2] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[2]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        points[3] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[3]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        points[4] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[2]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;
        points[5] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[3]]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;

        int subMeshTop = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        bool flippedTop = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        AddPlane(design, points[0], points[1], points[5], points[4], subMeshTop, flippedTop);

        int subMeshWindow = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window);
        bool flippedWindow = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window);
        AddPlane(design, points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], subMeshWindow, flippedWindow);

        Vector3[] vertsA = new Vector3[3] { points[1], points[2], points[4] };
        Vector3[] vertsB = new Vector3[3] { points[0], points[3], points[5] };
        float uvWdith = Vector3.Distance(points[0], points[3]);
        float uvHeight = design.height;
        int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall);
        BuildrTexture texture = textures[subMesh];

        if (texture.tiled)
            uvWdith *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
            uvHeight *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y);
            if (texture.patterned)
                Vector2 uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                uvWdith = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdith / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                uvHeight = Mathf.Ceil(uvHeight / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
            uvWdith = texture.tiledX;
            uvHeight = texture.tiledY;

        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(uvWdith, 0), new Vector2(uvWdith, uvHeight) };
        if (!design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall))
            uvs = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(uvWdith, 0), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(uvHeight, uvWdith / 2) };

        int[] triA = new int[3] { 1, 0, 2 };
        int[] triB = new int[3] { 0, 1, 2 };

        AddData(vertsA, uvs, triA, subMesh);
        AddData(vertsB, uvs, triB, subMesh);
Example #11
    public static void SceneGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData _data, bool shouldSnap, float handleSize)
        data = _data;
        Vector3 camDirection = Camera.current.transform.forward;
        Vector3 camPosition  = Camera.current.transform.position;

        int numberOfFacades  = data.facades.Count;
        int numberOfRoofs    = data.roofs.Count;
        int numberOfTextures = data.textures.Count;

        if (numberOfFacades == 0 || numberOfRoofs == 0 || numberOfTextures == 0)

        Vector3 position    = editMode.transform.position;
        float   floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

        BuildrPlan area            = data.plan;
        int        numberOfVolumes = area.numberOfVolumes;

        int facadeCounter = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume      = data.plan.volumes[s];
            int          volumeSize  = volume.Count;
            Vector3      floorCentre = Vector3.zero;
            Handles.color = Color.white;

            for (int p = 0; p < volumeSize; p++)
                int     point    = volume.points[p];
                Vector3 pointPos = area.points[point].vector3;
                floorCentre += pointPos;

                List <Vector3> verts        = new List <Vector3>();
                int            indexB       = (p < volumeSize - 1) ? p + 1 : 0;
                Vector3        volumeHeight = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
                verts.Add(pointPos + position);
                verts.Add(area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3 + position);
                verts.Add(verts[1] + volumeHeight);
                verts.Add(verts[0] + volumeHeight);
                if (s == selectedVolume && point == selectedPoint)
                    //display something to highlight this facade
                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts.ToArray(), Color.clear, BuildrColours.MAGENTA);
                Handles.color = BuildrColours.CYAN;
                if (s == selectedRoofVolume)
                    Handles.DrawLine(verts[2], verts[3]);
                if (editMode.showFacadeMarkers)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    Vector3  facadeDirection  = Vector3.Cross((verts[0] - verts[1]), Vector3.up);
                    GUIStyle facadeLabelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                    facadeLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                    facadeLabelStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    facadeLabelStyle.fixedWidth       = 75.0f;
                    Vector3 centerPos     = (verts[0] + verts[1]) * 0.5f;
                    bool    camVisible    = Vector3.Dot(camDirection, centerPos - camPosition) > 0;
                    bool    facadeVisible = Vector3.Dot(camDirection, facadeDirection) < 0;
                    if (camVisible && facadeVisible)//only display label when facade is facing camera and is in camera view
                        Vector3 labelPos = centerPos + facadeDirection.normalized;
                        Handles.Label(labelPos, "facade " + facadeCounter, facadeLabelStyle);
                        Handles.DrawLine(centerPos, labelPos);
            floorCentre /= volumeSize;

            //Volume height/floor number slider
            Vector3 volumeHeightDir = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
            Vector3 volumePosition  = floorCentre + position + volumeHeightDir;
            if (Vector3.Dot(camDirection, volumePosition - camPosition) > 0)//only display label when facade is facing camera
                Handles.Label(volumePosition + (Vector3.up * (handleSize * 0.1f)), "volume " + s);
                Handles.Label(volumePosition, "number of floors " + volume.numberOfFloors);
            Handles.color = Color.green;
            volume.height = Handles.Slider(volumePosition, Vector3.up).y - position.y;
            if (volume.height < data.floorHeight)
                volume.height = data.floorHeight;

            volume.numberOfFloors = Mathf.RoundToInt(volume.height / floorHeight);
Example #12
    public void Init()
        plan = CreateInstance <BuildrPlan>();

        rgen = new RandomGen((useSeed) ? (uint)_seed : (uint)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue));
Example #13
    private static void BuildSimple(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        BuildrData data = _data;
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh mesh = _mesh;
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex     = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        //Build Floor
        if (data.drawUnderside)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
                Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
                    newEndUVs[i]   = Vector2.zero;

                List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
                mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);

        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();

        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = data.textures.Count;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);
        mesh.AddData(dynMeshRoof.vertices, dynMeshRoof.uv, dynMeshRoof.triangles, 0);

        Vector3 foundationVector = Vector3.down * data.foundationHeight;

        //Build facades
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
                int     indexA = l;
                int     indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                if (floorBase == 0)
                    w0 += foundationVector;
                    w1 += foundationVector;

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, Vector2.zero, Vector2.zero, 0);

        data = null;
        mesh = null;
 public void ResetData(bool keepPlan)
         plan = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BuildrPlan>();
    public void Init()
        plan = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BuildrPlan>();
        facades.Add(new BuildrFacadeDesign("default"));

        //set up two basic textures to use
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("bricks"));
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("window"));
        textures.Add(new BuildrTexture("roof"));

        roofs.Add(new BuildrRoofDesign("default"));

        bays.Add(new BuildrBay("default"));

        generatorConstraints = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BuildrGenerateConstraints>();
Example #16
    private static void Dormers(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
            int indexA, indexB, indexA0, indexB0;
            Vector3 p0, p1, p00, p10;
            indexA = l;
            indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
            indexA0 = (l > 0) ? l - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1;
            indexB0 = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 2) ? l + 2 : l + 2 - numberOfVolumePoints;

            p0 = area.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            p1 = area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            p00 = area.points[volume.points[indexA0]].vector3;
            p10 = area.points[volume.points[indexB0]].vector3;

            Vector3 facadeDirection = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionLeft = (p0 - p00).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionRight = (p10 - p1).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeNormal = Vector3.Cross(p1 - p0, Vector3.up).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeNormalLeft = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionLeft, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalRight = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionRight, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 leftDir = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized;
            Vector3 rightDir = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized;

            float windowBottom = (design.height - design.dormerHeight) * design.dormerHeightRatio;

            float baseDepth = design.floorDepth;
            float cornerLeftRad = Vector3.Angle(facadeDirection, -facadeDirectionLeft) * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2;
            float cornerRightRad = Vector3.Angle(-facadeDirection, facadeDirectionRight) * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2;
            float cornerDepthLeft = baseDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerLeftRad);
            float cornerDepthRight = baseDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerRightRad);
            float topDepth = design.depth;
            float cornerTopDepthLeft = topDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerLeftRad);
            float cornerTopDepthRight = topDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerRightRad);

            float dormerDepth = design.depth * (design.dormerHeight / design.height);
            float windowBottomRat = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1 - design.dormerHeight / design.height, design.dormerHeightRatio);

            p0 += volumeFloorHeight + leftDir * cornerDepthLeft;
            p1 += volumeFloorHeight + rightDir * cornerDepthRight;

            float leftStartTopRad = Vector3.Angle(facadeDirectionLeft, facadeDirection) * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f;
            float leftStartMargin = cornerTopDepthLeft * Mathf.Sin(leftStartTopRad);

            float rightStartTopRad = Vector3.Angle(facadeDirection, facadeDirectionRight) * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f;
            float rightStartMargin = cornerTopDepthRight * Mathf.Sin(rightStartTopRad);

            Vector3 dormerStartPosition = leftDir * (windowBottomRat * cornerTopDepthLeft) + facadeDirection * (leftStartMargin);
            Vector3 dormerEndPosition = rightDir * (windowBottomRat * cornerTopDepthRight) - facadeDirection * (rightStartMargin + design.dormerWidth);
            float dormerPositionWidth = Vector3.Distance((p0 + dormerStartPosition), (p1 + dormerEndPosition));
            int numberOfWindows = Mathf.FloorToInt((dormerPositionWidth) / (design.dormerWidth + design.minimumDormerSpacing));
            float actualWindowSpacing = (dormerPositionWidth - (numberOfWindows * design.dormerWidth)) / (numberOfWindows + 1);
            numberOfWindows++;//add the final window

            Vector3 dormerWidthVector = facadeDirection * design.dormerWidth;
            Vector3 dormerHeightVectorA = Vector3.up * (design.dormerHeight - design.dormerRoofHeight);
            Vector3 dormerHeightVectorB = Vector3.up * design.dormerHeight;
            Vector3 dormerDepthVector = facadeNormal * dormerDepth;
            Vector3 dormerSpace = facadeDirection * (actualWindowSpacing + design.dormerWidth);
            Vector3 dormerSpacer = facadeDirection * (actualWindowSpacing);
            Vector3 dormerYPosition = Vector3.up * windowBottom;

            Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWindows; i++)
                w0 = p0 + dormerSpace * (i) + dormerStartPosition + dormerYPosition + dormerSpacer * 0.5f;
                w1 = w0 + dormerWidthVector;
                w2 = w0 + dormerHeightVectorA;
                w3 = w1 + dormerHeightVectorA;
                w4 = w0 + dormerWidthVector / 2 + dormerHeightVectorB;

                w5 = w0 + dormerDepthVector;
                w6 = w1 + dormerDepthVector;
                w7 = w2 + dormerDepthVector;
                w8 = w3 + dormerDepthVector;
                w9 = w4 + dormerDepthVector;

                int subMeshwindow = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window);
                int subMeshwall = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall);
                int subMeshtiles = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
                bool flippedwall = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall);
                bool flippedtiles = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);

                AddPlane(design, w1, w6, w3, w8, subMeshwall, flippedwall);//side
                AddPlane(design, w5, w0, w7, w2, subMeshwall, flippedwall);//side
                AddPlane(design, w3, w8, w4, w9, subMeshtiles, flippedtiles);//roof
                AddPlane(design, w7, w2, w9, w4, subMeshtiles, flippedtiles);//roof

                Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[5] { w0, w1, w2, w3, w4 };
                float roofBottom = (design.dormerHeight - design.dormerRoofHeight) / design.dormerHeight;
                Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[5]{
					new Vector2(0,0),
					new Vector2(1,0),
					new Vector2(0,roofBottom),
					new Vector2(1,roofBottom),
					new Vector2(0.5f,1),
                int[] tris = new int[9] { 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3 };
                mesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, subMeshwindow);
Example #17
    private static void Parapet(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int volumeIndex = area.volumes.IndexOf(volume);
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)

            int indexA, indexB, indexA0, indexB0;
            Vector3 p0, p1, p00, p10;
            indexA = l;
            indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
            indexA0 = (l > 0) ? l - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1;
            indexB0 = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 2) ? l + 2 : l + 2 - numberOfVolumePoints;

            int adjacentFloorHeight = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
            bool leftParapet = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA0], volume.points[indexA]) < numberOfFloors;
            bool rightParapet = area.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexB], volume.points[indexB0]) < numberOfFloors;

            if (adjacentFloorHeight >= numberOfFloors)
                continue;//do not draw a roof edge

            p0 = area.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            p1 = area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            p00 = area.points[volume.points[indexA0]].vector3;
            p10 = area.points[volume.points[indexB0]].vector3;

            float facadeWidth = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);
            Vector3 facadeDirection = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionLeft = (p0 - p00).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionRight = (p10 - p1).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeNormal = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalLeft = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionLeft, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalRight = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionRight, Vector3.up);

            float parapetHeight = design.parapetHeight;
            float parapetFrontDepth = design.parapetFrontDepth;
            float parapetBackDepth = design.parapetBackDepth;

            Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7;
            Vector3 pr = facadeDirection * facadeWidth;
            Vector3 pu = Vector3.up * parapetHeight;

            Vector3 pbdl, pbdr, pfdl, pfdr;
            if (leftParapet)
                pbdl = -(facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdl = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized * parapetBackDepth;
                pbdl = facadeDirectionLeft * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdl = -facadeDirectionLeft * parapetBackDepth;
            if (rightParapet)
                pbdr = -(facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdr = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized * parapetBackDepth;
                pbdr = -facadeDirectionRight * parapetFrontDepth;
                pfdr = facadeDirectionRight * parapetBackDepth;

            p0 += volumeFloorHeight;
            p1 += volumeFloorHeight;

            w2 = p0 + pbdl;//front left
            w3 = p0 + pr + pbdr;//front right
            w0 = p0 + pfdl;//back left
            w1 = p0 + pr + pfdr;//back right
            w6 = p0 + pbdl + pu;//front left top
            w7 = p0 + pr + pbdr + pu;//front right top
            w4 = p0 + pfdl + pu;//back left top
            w5 = p0 + pr + pfdr + pu;//back right top

            int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.parapet);
            bool flipped = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.parapet);
            AddPlane(design, w1, w0, w5, w4, subMesh, flipped);//front
            AddPlaneComplex(design, w6, w7, w4, w5, subMesh, flipped, facadeNormal);//top
            AddPlane(design, w2, w3, w6, w7, subMesh, flipped);//back

            if (parapetFrontDepth > 0)
                AddPlaneComplex(design, w3, w2, w1, w0, subMesh, flipped, facadeNormal);//bottom

            if (!leftParapet)
                AddPlane(design, w0, w2, w4, w6, subMesh, flipped);//left cap

            if (!rightParapet)
                AddPlane(design, w3, w1, w7, w5, subMesh, flipped);//left cap
Example #18
    private static void Gabled(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);
        Vector3 ridgeVector = Vector3.up * design.height;

        Vector3[] basePoints = new Vector3[4];
        if (design.direction == 0)
            basePoints[0] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[1] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[2] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[3] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[0] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[1] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[2] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[3] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        Vector3 centrePoint = Vector3.zero;
        for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
            centrePoint += area.points[volume.points[l]].vector3;
        centrePoint = (centrePoint / 4) + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;

        Vector3 r0 = Vector3.Lerp(basePoints[0], basePoints[1], 0.5f) + ridgeVector;
        Vector3 r1 = Vector3.Lerp(basePoints[2], basePoints[3], 0.5f) + ridgeVector;

        int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        bool flipped = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        AddPlane(design, basePoints[0], r0, basePoints[3], r1, subMesh, flipped);//top
        AddPlane(design, basePoints[2], r1, basePoints[1], r0, subMesh, flipped);//top

        Vector3[] vertsA = new Vector3[3] { basePoints[0], basePoints[1], r0 };
        Vector3[] vertsB = new Vector3[3] { basePoints[2], basePoints[3], r1 };
        float uvWdithA = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[0], basePoints[1]);
        float uvWdithB = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[2], basePoints[3]);
        float uvHeight = design.height;
        subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall);
        BuildrTexture texture = textures[subMesh];

        if (texture.tiled)
            uvWdithA *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
            uvWdithB *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
            uvHeight *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y);
            if (texture.patterned)
                Vector2 uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                uvWdithA = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdithA / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                uvWdithB = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdithB / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                uvHeight = Mathf.Ceil(uvHeight / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
            uvWdithA = texture.tiledX;
            uvWdithB = texture.tiledX;
            uvHeight = texture.tiledY;
        Vector2[] uvsA = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(-uvWdithA / 2, 0), new Vector2(uvWdithA / 2, 0), new Vector2(0, uvHeight) };
        Vector2[] uvsB = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(-uvWdithB / 2, 0), new Vector2(uvWdithB / 2, 0), new Vector2(0, uvHeight) };
        int[] tri = new int[3] { 1, 0, 2 };
        AddData(vertsA, uvsA, tri, subMesh);
        AddData(vertsB, uvsB, tri, subMesh);

Example #19
    private static void Hipped(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float baseHeight = data.floorHeight * numberOfFloors;
        float roofHeight = design.height;
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);

        Vector2[] volumePoints = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
            volumePoints[i] = area.points[volume.points[i]].vector2;

        Vector2[][] meshData = StraightSkeleton.Calculate(volumePoints);
        Vector2[] triData = meshData[0];
        List<Vector2> interiorPoints = new List<Vector2>(meshData[1]);
        int numberOfVerts = triData.Length;
        Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[numberOfVerts];
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[numberOfVerts];
        int[] tris = new int[numberOfVerts];
        for(int i = 0; i < triData.Length; i+=3)
            Vector2 pa = triData[i];
            Vector2 pb = triData[i+1];
            Vector2 pc = triData[i+2];

            float ah = baseHeight + (interiorPoints.Contains(pa) ? roofHeight : 0);
            float bh = baseHeight + (interiorPoints.Contains(pb) ? roofHeight : 0);
            float ch = baseHeight + (interiorPoints.Contains(pc) ? roofHeight : 0);

            Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(pa.x, ah, pa.y);
            Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(pb.x, bh, pb.y);
            Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(pc.x, ch, pc.y);

            verts[i] = v0;
            verts[i+1] = v1;
            verts[i+2] = v2;

            Vector3 roofBaseDir = (interiorPoints.Contains(pc)) ? v1 - v0 : v2 - v1;
            Vector3 roofBaseNormal = Vector3.Cross(roofBaseDir, Vector3.up);
            Vector2[] uvsMansard = BuildrProjectUVs.Project(new Vector3[3] { v0, v1, v2 }, Vector2.zero, roofBaseNormal);

            uvs[i] = uvsMansard[0];
            uvs[i + 1] = uvsMansard[1];
            uvs[i + 2] = uvsMansard[2];

            tris[i] = i;
            tris[i + 1] = i+2;
            tris[i + 2] = i+1;


        /*Vector3 ridgeVector = Vector3.up * design.height;

        Vector3[] basePoints = new Vector3[4];
        if (design.direction == 0)
            basePoints[0] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[1] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[2] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[3] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[0] = area.points[volume.points[1]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[1] = area.points[volume.points[2]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[2] = area.points[volume.points[3]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
            basePoints[3] = area.points[volume.points[0]].vector3 + volumeFloorHeight;
        Vector3 centrePoint = Vector3.zero;
        for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
            centrePoint += area.points[volume.points[l]].vector3;
        centrePoint = (centrePoint / 4) + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;

        Vector3 r0 = Vector3.Lerp(basePoints[0], basePoints[1], 0.5f) + ridgeVector;
        Vector3 r1 = Vector3.Lerp(basePoints[2], basePoints[3], 0.5f) + ridgeVector;
        Vector3 ridgeDirection = (r1 - r0);
        float roofLength = Vector3.Distance(r0, r1);
        float ridgeLengthA = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[0], basePoints[1]);
        if (ridgeLengthA > roofLength)
            ridgeLengthA = roofLength;
        float ridgeLengthB = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[2], basePoints[3]);
        if (ridgeLengthB > roofLength)
            ridgeLengthB = roofLength;
        r0 += ridgeDirection.normalized * ridgeLengthA / 2;
        r1 += -ridgeDirection.normalized * ridgeLengthB / 2;

        int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        bool flipped = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
        AddPlane(design, basePoints[0], r0, basePoints[3], r1, subMesh, flipped);//top
        AddPlane(design, basePoints[2], r1, basePoints[1], r0, subMesh, flipped);//top

        Vector3[] vertsA = new Vector3[3] { basePoints[0], basePoints[1], r0 };
        Vector3[] vertsB = new Vector3[3] { basePoints[2], basePoints[3], r1 };
        float uvWdithA = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[0], basePoints[1]);
        float uvWdithB = Vector3.Distance(basePoints[2], basePoints[3]);
        float uvHeight = design.height;
        BuildrTexture texture = textures[subMesh];

        if (texture.tiled)
            uvWdithA *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
            uvWdithB *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
            uvHeight *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y);
            if (texture.patterned)
                Vector2 uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                uvWdithA = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdithA / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                uvWdithB = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdithB / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                uvHeight = Mathf.Ceil(uvHeight / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
            uvWdithA = texture.tiledX;
            uvWdithB = texture.tiledX;
            uvHeight = texture.tiledY;
        Vector2[] uvsA = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(-uvWdithA / 2, 0), new Vector2(uvWdithA / 2, 0), new Vector2(0, uvHeight) };
        Vector2[] uvsB = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(-uvWdithB / 2, 0), new Vector2(uvWdithB / 2, 0), new Vector2(0, uvHeight) };
        int[] tri = new int[3] { 1, 0, 2 };
        AddData(vertsA, uvsA, tri, subMesh);
        AddData(vertsB, uvsB, tri, subMesh);*/
Example #20
    public static void InspectorGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData data)
        BuildrDetail[] details         = data.details.ToArray();
        int            numberOfDetails = details.Length;

        selectedDetail = Mathf.Clamp(selectedDetail, 0, numberOfDetails - 1);

        if (numberOfDetails == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no details to show", MessageType.Info);
            if (GUILayout.Button("Add New"))
                data.details.Add(new BuildrDetail("new detail " + numberOfDetails));
                selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Detail", GUILayout.Width(75));
        string[] detailNames = new string[numberOfDetails];
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfDetails; t++)
            detailNames[t] = details[t].name;
        selectedDetail = EditorGUILayout.Popup(selectedDetail, detailNames);

        BuildrDetail bDetail = details[selectedDetail];



        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New", GUILayout.Width(81)))
            data.details.Add(new BuildrDetail("new detail " + numberOfDetails));
            selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Duplicate", GUILayout.Width(90)))
            selectedDetail = numberOfDetails - 1;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.Width(71)))
            if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Deleting Building Detail Entry", "Are you sure you want to delete this detail?", "Delete", "Cancel"))
                selectedDetail = 0;
                GUI.changed    = true;


        details     = data.details.ToArray();
        detailNames = new string[numberOfDetails];
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfDetails; t++)
            detailNames[t] = details[t].name;
        bDetail = details[selectedDetail];//reassign


        bDetail.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", bDetail.name);

        bDetail.mesh = (Mesh)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Mesh", bDetail.mesh, typeof(Mesh), false);
        bDetail.material.mainTexture = (Texture)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture", bDetail.material.mainTexture, typeof(Texture), false, GUILayout.Height(140));

        if (bDetail.material.mainTexture != null)
            string          texturePath     = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(bDetail.material.mainTexture);
            TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(texturePath);

            if (!textureImporter.isReadable)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The texture you have selected is not readable." +
                                        "\nPlease select the readable checkbox under advanced texture settings." +
                                        "\nOr move this texture to the BuildR texture folder and reimport.",

        BuildrPlan    plan                    = data.plan;
        int           numberOfVolumes         = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        int           numberOfFaces           = 0;
        List <int>    faceSeletionsList       = new List <int>();
        List <string> faceSeletionsStringList = new List <string>();

        if (bDetail.type == BuildrDetail.Types.Facade)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                int numberOfPoints = plan.volumes[s].Count;
                numberOfFaces += numberOfPoints;
                for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                    int index = faceSeletionsList.Count;
                    faceSeletionsStringList.Add("facade " + index);
            bDetail.face = Mathf.Clamp(0, numberOfVolumes - 1, bDetail.face);
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                int index = faceSeletionsList.Count;
                faceSeletionsStringList.Add("roof " + index);

        if (!clickPlace)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Place Detail with Mouse"))
                clickPlace = true;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel Place Detail"))
                clickPlace = false;

        BuildrDetail.Types bDetailtype = (BuildrDetail.Types)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Face Type", bDetail.type);
        if (bDetailtype != bDetail.type)
            bDetail.type = bDetailtype;
        int[]    faceSelections      = faceSeletionsList.ToArray();
        string[] faceSelectionString = faceSeletionsStringList.ToArray();
        int      bDetailface         = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Selected Face", bDetail.face, faceSelectionString, faceSelections);

        if (bDetailface != bDetail.face)
            bDetail.face = bDetailface;

        Vector2 bDetailfaceUv = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Face UV", bDetail.faceUv);

        if (bDetailfaceUv != bDetail.faceUv)
            bDetail.faceUv = bDetailfaceUv;
        float bDetailfaceHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Face Height", bDetail.faceHeight);

        if (bDetailfaceHeight != bDetail.faceHeight)
            bDetail.faceHeight = bDetailfaceHeight;
        Vector3 bDetailuserRotation = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Rotation", bDetail.userRotation);

        if (bDetailuserRotation != bDetail.userRotation)
            bDetail.userRotation = bDetailuserRotation;
        Vector3 bDetailscale = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Object Scale", bDetail.scale);

        if (bDetailscale != bDetail.scale)
            bDetail.scale = bDetailscale;

        if (bDetail.mesh != null)
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(bDetail.mesh);
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = new Texture2D(118, 118);
            GUILayout.Label("No Mesh Selected");

        if (bDetail.material.mainTexture != null)
            Texture previewMeshImage = bDetail.material.mainTexture;
            GUILayout.Label(previewMeshImage, GUILayout.Width(128), GUILayout.Height(128));
            Texture2D previewMeshImage = new Texture2D(118, 118);
            GUILayout.Label("No Texture Selected");
Example #21
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data, bool ignoreParapets)
        data = _data;
        mesh = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)

            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            BuildrRoofDesign design = data.roofs[volume.roofDesignID];

            BuildrRoofDesign.styles style = design.style;
            if (volume.points.Count != 4)
                if (design.style == BuildrRoofDesign.styles.leanto || design.style == BuildrRoofDesign.styles.sawtooth || design.style == BuildrRoofDesign.styles.barrel)
                    style = BuildrRoofDesign.styles.flat;//ignore style and just do a flat roof

            if (volume.points.Count != 4 && design.style == BuildrRoofDesign.styles.gabled)
                style = BuildrRoofDesign.styles.hipped;//ignore style and just do a hipped roof

            switch (style)
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.flat:
                    FlatRoof(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.mansard:
                    Mansard(volume, design);
                    if (design.hasDormers)
                        Dormers(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.gabled:
                    Gabled(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.hipped:
                    Hipped(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.leanto:
                    LeanTo(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.sawtooth:
                    Sawtooth(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.barrel:
                    Barrel(volume, design);
                case BuildrRoofDesign.styles.steepled:
                    Steeple(volume, design);

            if (design.parapet && !ignoreParapets)
                Parapet(volume, design);


        data = null;
        mesh = null;
        textures = null;
Example #22
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data, int volumeIndex)
        data      = _data;
        mesh      = _mesh;
        mesh.name = "Interior Mesh Volume " + volumeIndex;
        textures  = data.textures.ToArray();

        if (!data.renderInteriors)

        float largestDepthValue = 0;//deepest value of a bay design in the building
        float tallestBay        = 0;

        foreach (BuildrBay bay in data.bays)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, bay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
            tallestBay        = Mathf.Max(tallestBay, bay.openingHeight + (data.floorHeight - bay.openingHeight) * bay.openingHeightRatio);
        foreach (BuildrFacadeDesign facade in data.facades)
            if (facade.type != BuildrFacadeDesign.types.simple)
            largestDepthValue = Mathf.Max(largestDepthValue, facade.simpleBay.deepestValue);//get the deepest value
            if (facade.simpleBay.isOpening)
                tallestBay = Mathf.Max(tallestBay, facade.simpleBay.openingHeight + (data.floorHeight - facade.simpleBay.openingHeight) * facade.simpleBay.openingHeightRatio);

        BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[0];
        BuildrPlan         plan         = data.plan;
        BuildrVolume       volume       = plan.volumes[volumeIndex];
        int     numberOfFloors          = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float   floorHeight             = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 floorHeightVector       = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
        float   ceilingHeight           = tallestBay + (floorHeight - tallestBay) * data.interiorCeilingHeight;

        //Calculate the internal floor plan points
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

        Vector2z[] interiorVolumePoints = new Vector2z[numberOfVolumePoints];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
            Vector3 lastPoint = plan.points[volume.points[(i > 0) ? i - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1]].vector3;
            Vector3 thisPoint = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
            Vector3 nextPoint = plan.points[volume.points[(i + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints]].vector3;
            Vector3 normalA   = Vector3.Cross(thisPoint - lastPoint, Vector3.up).normalized;
            Vector3 normalB   = Vector3.Cross(nextPoint - thisPoint, Vector3.up).normalized;

            Vector2z facadeALine = new Vector2z(thisPoint - lastPoint);
            Vector2z facadeBLine = new Vector2z(thisPoint - nextPoint);
            //Calculate facade inner origins for floors
            Vector3  facadeOriginV3A        = lastPoint + normalA * largestDepthValue;
            Vector3  facadeOriginV3B        = nextPoint + normalB * largestDepthValue;
            Vector2z facadeOriginA          = new Vector2z(facadeOriginV3A);
            Vector2z facadeOriginB          = new Vector2z(facadeOriginV3B);
            Vector2z facadeLineIntersection = BuildrUtils.FindIntersection(facadeALine, facadeOriginA, facadeBLine, facadeOriginB);

            interiorVolumePoints[i] = facadeLineIntersection;
        List <Vector2z> interiorVolumePointList = new List <Vector2z>(interiorVolumePoints);
        List <Rect>     volumeCores             = new List <Rect>();
        List <int>      linkedPoints            = new List <int>();

        foreach (Rect core in plan.cores)
            Vector2z coreCenter = new Vector2z(core.center);
            if (BuildrUtils.PointInsidePoly(coreCenter, interiorVolumePoints))
        int  numberOfVolumeCores = volumeCores.Count;
        bool print = plan.volumes.IndexOf(volume) == 3;

        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfVolumeCores; c++)
            int        numberOfInteriorPoints = interiorVolumePointList.Count;
            Rect       coreBounds             = volumeCores[c];
            Vector2z   coreCenter             = new Vector2z(coreBounds.center);
            Vector2z   coreBL = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMin, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector2z   coreBR = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMax, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector2z   coreTL = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMin, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector2z   coreTR = new Vector2z(coreBounds.xMax, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector2z[] corePointArray;
            corePointArray = new[] { coreBL, coreBR, coreTR, coreTL };
            //Find the nearest legal cut we can make to join the core and interior point poly
            int   connectingPoint         = -1;
            float connectingPointDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfInteriorPoints; p++)
                if (linkedPoints.Contains(p))
                Vector2z thisPoint         = interiorVolumePointList[p];
                float    thisPointDistance = Vector2z.SqrMag(thisPoint, coreCenter);
                if (thisPointDistance < connectingPointDistance)
                    bool legalCut = true;
                    for (int pc = 0; pc < numberOfInteriorPoints; pc++)
                        Vector2z p0 = interiorVolumePointList[pc];
                        Vector2z p1 = interiorVolumePointList[(pc + 1) % numberOfInteriorPoints];
                        if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(coreCenter, thisPoint, p0, p1))//check against all lines that this new cut doesn't intersect
                            if (print)
                                Debug.Log("FLI " + pc + " " + coreCenter + " " + thisPoint + " " + p0 + " " + p1);
                            legalCut = false;
                    if (legalCut)
                        connectingPoint         = p;
                        connectingPointDistance = thisPointDistance;
            if (connectingPoint == -1)
                Debug.Log("Buildr Could not place core");
            Vector2z chosenPoint                 = interiorVolumePointList[connectingPoint];
            int      connectingCorePoint         = 0;
            float    connectingCorePointDistance = Mathf.Infinity; // Vector2z.SqrMag(corePointArray[0], chosenPoint);
            for (int cp = 0; cp < 4; cp++)                         //find the core point to make the cut
                float thisCorePointDistance = Vector2z.SqrMag(corePointArray[cp], chosenPoint);
                if (thisCorePointDistance < connectingCorePointDistance)
                    connectingCorePoint         = cp;
                    connectingCorePointDistance = thisCorePointDistance;
            interiorVolumePointList.Insert(connectingPoint, chosenPoint); //loop back on the floorplan to close it
            for (int acp = 0; acp < 5; acp++)                             //loop back on itself to close the core
                interiorVolumePointList.Insert(connectingPoint + 1, corePointArray[(connectingCorePoint + acp) % 4]);
            for (int i = 0; i < linkedPoints.Count; i++)
                if (linkedPoints[i] > connectingPoint)
                    linkedPoints[i] += 7;
            linkedPoints.AddRange(new[] { connectingPoint, connectingPoint + 1, connectingPoint + 2, connectingPoint + 3, connectingPoint + 4, connectingPoint + 5, connectingPoint + 6 });
//            linkedPoints.AddRange(new []{connectingPoint,connectingPoint+6});
//        if(linkedPoints.Count > 0)
//        Debug.Log(linkedPoints.Count+" "+linkedPoints[0]);
        Vector2z[] interiorPointListCore = interiorVolumePointList.ToArray();

        for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)

            int indexAM = Mathf.Abs((f - 1) % numberOfVolumePoints);
            int indexA  = f;
            int indexB  = (f + 1) % numberOfVolumePoints;
            int indexBP = (f + 2) % numberOfVolumePoints;

            Vector3 p0m        = plan.points[volume.points[indexAM]].vector3;
            Vector3 p0         = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            Vector3 p1         = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            Vector3 p1p        = plan.points[volume.points[indexBP]].vector3;
            Vector3 p0interior = interiorVolumePoints[indexA].vector3;
            Vector3 p1interior = interiorVolumePoints[indexB].vector3;

            float   facadeWidth         = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1) - largestDepthValue * 2.0f;
            Vector3 facadeDirection     = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeCross         = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 lastFacadeDirection = (p0 - p0m).normalized;
            Vector3 nextFacadeDirection = (p1p - p1).normalized;

            //only bother with facade directions when facade may intersect inverted geometry
            float facadeDirDotL   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, lastFacadeDirection);
            float facadeCrossDotL = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, lastFacadeDirection);
            if (facadeDirDotL <= 0 || facadeCrossDotL <= 0)
                lastFacadeDirection = -facadeCross;

            float facadeDirDotN   = Vector3.Dot(-facadeDirection, nextFacadeDirection);
            float facadeCrossDotN = Vector3.Dot(-facadeCross, nextFacadeDirection);
            if (facadeDirDotN <= 0 || facadeCrossDotN <= 0)
                nextFacadeDirection = facadeCross;

            int floorBase = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(volumeIndex, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
            BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styleUnits = volume.styles.GetContentsByFacade(volume.points[indexA]);
            int        floorPatternSize         = 0;
            List <int> facadePatternReference   = new List <int>();  //this contains a list of all the facade style indices to refence when looking for the appropriate style per floor
            int        patternCount             = 0;
            foreach (BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit in styleUnits) //need to knw how big all the styles are together so we can loop through them
                floorPatternSize += styleUnit.floors;
                for (int i = 0; i < styleUnit.floors; i++)

            int rows = numberOfFloors;

            Vector2 facadeUV = Vector2.zero;

            for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                float   currentFloorHeight       = floorHeight * r;
                Vector3 currentFloorHeightVector = Vector3.up * (data.floorHeight * r);
                Vector3 facadeFloorBaseVector    = p0 + Vector3.up * currentFloorHeight;
                Vector3 ceilingVector            = Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                if (r < floorBase)
                    //no facade rendered
                    //facade gap filler

                    //interior gap points
                    Vector3 i0 = p1 - facadeDirection.normalized * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 i1 = p0 + facadeDirection.normalized * largestDepthValue;

                    Vector3 w0  = i0 + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w1  = i1 + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w2  = w0 + facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 w3  = w1 + facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                    Vector3 w4  = w0 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w5  = w1 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w6  = w2 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w7  = w3 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w8  = p1interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w9  = p0interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 w10 = w8 + ceilingVector;
                    Vector3 w11 = w9 + ceilingVector;

                    AddData(new[] { w0, w1, w2, w3 }, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }, volume.FloorTexture(r), false);

                    AddData(new[] { w5, w4, w7, w6 }, new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }, volume.CeilingTexture(r), false);

                    int wallSubmesh = volume.WallTexture(r);
                    AddPlane(w0, w2, w4, w6, wallSubmesh, false, Vector3.zero, new Vector2(largestDepthValue, floorHeight));
                    AddPlane(w3, w1, w7, w5, wallSubmesh, false, Vector3.zero, new Vector2(largestDepthValue, floorHeight));

                    //other gaps
                    float uvWidth1 = Vector3.Distance(w2, w8);
                    AddPlane(w2, w8, w6, w10, wallSubmesh, false, Vector3.zero, new Vector2(uvWidth1, floorHeight));
                    float uvWidth2 = Vector3.Distance(w3, w9);
                    AddPlane(w9, w3, w11, w7, wallSubmesh, false, Vector3.zero, new Vector2(uvWidth2, floorHeight));


                //Get the facade style id
                //need to loop through the facade designs floor by floor until we get to the right one
                int modFloor = ((r - floorBase) % floorPatternSize);

                facadeDesign = data.facades[styleUnits[facadePatternReference[modFloor]].styleID];

                bool isBlankWall = !facadeDesign.hasWindows;
                if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                    if (data.bays.Count == 0 || facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                        data.illegal = true;

                    BuildrBay firstBay = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[0]];
                    if (firstBay.openingWidth > facadeWidth)
                        isBlankWall = true;
                    if (facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                        isBlankWall = true;
                    if (facadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth + facadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth > facadeWidth)
                        isBlankWall = true;

                if (!isBlankWall)
                    float       patternSize  = 0;//the space the pattern fills, there will be a gap that will be distributed to all bay styles
                    int         numberOfBays = 0;
                    BuildrBay[] bayDesignPattern;
                    int         numberOfBayDesigns;
                    if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                        numberOfBayDesigns = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                        bayDesignPattern   = new BuildrBay[numberOfBayDesigns];
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBayDesigns; i++)
                            bayDesignPattern[i] = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[i]];
                        bayDesignPattern   = new[] { facadeDesign.simpleBay };
                        numberOfBayDesigns = 1;
                    //start with first window width - we'll be adding to this until we have filled the facade width
                    int it = 100;
                    while (true)
                        int   patternModIndex = numberOfBays % numberOfBayDesigns;
                        float patternAddition = bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].openingWidth + bayDesignPattern[patternModIndex].minimumBayWidth;
                        if (patternSize + patternAddition < facadeWidth)
                            patternSize += patternAddition;
                        if (it < 0)

                    Vector3 windowBase = facadeFloorBaseVector;
                    facadeUV.x  = 0;
                    facadeUV.y += floorHeight;
                    float perBayAdditionalSpacing = (facadeWidth - patternSize) / numberOfBays;
                    for (int c = 0; c < numberOfBays; c++)
                        BuildrBay bayStyle;
                        BuildrBay lastBay;
                        BuildrBay nextBay;
                        bool      firstColumn = c == 0;
                        bool      lastColumn  = c == numberOfBays - 1;
                        if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                            int numberOfBayStyles = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                            bayStyle = bayDesignPattern[c % numberOfBayStyles];
                            int lastBayIndex = (c > 0) ? (c - 1) % numberOfBayStyles : 0;
                            lastBay = bayDesignPattern[lastBayIndex];
                            nextBay = bayDesignPattern[(c + 1) % numberOfBayStyles];
                            bayStyle = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            lastBay  = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            nextBay  = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                        float actualWindowSpacing = bayStyle.minimumBayWidth + perBayAdditionalSpacing;
                        float leftWidth           = actualWindowSpacing * bayStyle.openingWidthRatio;
                        float rightWidth          = actualWindowSpacing - leftWidth;
                        float openingWidth        = bayStyle.openingWidth;

                        if (firstColumn)
                            leftWidth += largestDepthValue;
                        if (lastColumn)
                            rightWidth += largestDepthValue;

                        BuildrTexture columnTexture = textures[bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture)];
                        Vector2       columnuvunits = columnTexture.tileUnitUV;
                        float         openingHeight = bayStyle.openingHeight;
                        if (columnTexture.patterned)
                            openingHeight = Mathf.Ceil(bayStyle.openingHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;
                        if (bayStyle.openingHeight == floorHeight)
                            bayStyle.openingHeight = floorHeight;

                        float rowBottomHeight = ((floorHeight - openingHeight) * bayStyle.openingHeightRatio);
                        if (columnTexture.patterned)
                            rowBottomHeight = Mathf.Ceil(rowBottomHeight / columnuvunits.y) * columnuvunits.y;

                        float rowTopHeight = (floorHeight - rowBottomHeight - openingHeight);

                        bool previousBayIdentical = bayStyle == lastBay;
                        bool nextBayIdentical     = bayStyle == nextBay;
                        if (previousBayIdentical && !firstColumn)
                            leftWidth = actualWindowSpacing;//if next design is identical - add the two parts together the reduce polycount
                        Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3;

                        int  wallSubmesh = volume.WallTexture(r);
                        bool wallFlipped = false;
                        if (!bayStyle.isOpening)
                            float bayWidthSize = openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing;
                            if (firstColumn || lastColumn)
                                bayWidthSize += largestDepthValue;
                            Vector3 bayWidth  = facadeDirection * bayWidthSize;
                            Vector3 bayHeight = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                            Vector3 bayDepth  = facadeCross * largestDepthValue;
                            w0 = windowBase + bayDepth;
                            w1 = windowBase + bayWidth + bayDepth;
                            w2 = windowBase + bayHeight + bayDepth;
                            w3 = windowBase + bayWidth + bayHeight + bayDepth;
                            Vector2 bayOpeningUVEnd = facadeUV + new Vector2(openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing, floorHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, facadeUV, bayOpeningUVEnd);

                            windowBase  = windowBase + bayWidth; //move base vertor to next bay
                            facadeUV.x += openingWidth + actualWindowSpacing;
                            continue;                            //bay filled - move onto next bay

                        var verts = new Vector3[16];
                        verts[0]    = windowBase;
                        verts[1]    = verts[0] + leftWidth * facadeDirection;
                        verts[2]    = verts[1] + openingWidth * facadeDirection;
                        verts[3]    = verts[2] + rightWidth * facadeDirection;
                        windowBase  = (nextBayIdentical) ? verts[2] : verts[3];//move to next window - if next design is identical - well add the two parts together the reduce polycount
                        facadeUV.x += (nextBayIdentical) ? openingWidth : openingWidth + rightWidth;

                        Vector3 rowBottomVector = Vector3.up * rowBottomHeight;
                        verts[4] = verts[0] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[5] = verts[1] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[6] = verts[2] + rowBottomVector;
                        verts[7] = verts[3] + rowBottomVector;

                        Vector3 openingVector = Vector3.up * openingHeight;
                        verts[8]  = verts[4] + openingVector;
                        verts[9]  = verts[5] + openingVector;
                        verts[10] = verts[6] + openingVector;
                        verts[11] = verts[7] + openingVector;

                        Vector3 rowTopVector = Vector3.up * rowTopHeight;
                        verts[12] = verts[8] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[13] = verts[9] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[14] = verts[10] + rowTopVector;
                        verts[15] = verts[11] + rowTopVector;

                        //Realign facade end points
                        if (firstColumn)
                            verts[0]  = p0interior - facadeCross * largestDepthValue + currentFloorHeightVector;
                            verts[4]  = verts[0] + rowBottomVector;
                            verts[8]  = verts[4] + openingVector;
                            verts[12] = verts[8] + rowTopVector;

                        if (lastColumn)
                            verts[3]  = p1interior - facadeCross * largestDepthValue + currentFloorHeightVector;
                            verts[7]  = verts[3] + rowBottomVector;
                            verts[11] = verts[7] + openingVector;
                            verts[15] = verts[11] + rowTopVector;

                        Vector3 openingDepthVector = facadeCross * bayStyle.openingDepth;
                        Vector3 wallDepthVecotr    = facadeCross * largestDepthValue;

                        int  windowSubmesh = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                        bool windowFlipped = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                        w0 = verts[10] + openingDepthVector;
                        w1 = verts[9] + openingDepthVector;
                        w2 = verts[6] + openingDepthVector;
                        w3 = verts[5] + openingDepthVector;
                        Vector2 windowUVStart = new Vector2(0, 0);
                        Vector2 windowUVEnd   = new Vector2(openingWidth, openingHeight);
                        if (bayStyle.renderBack && !data.cullBays)
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, windowSubmesh, windowFlipped, windowUVStart, windowUVEnd);

                        //Column Face
                        if (leftWidth > 0)//Column Face Left
                            w0 = verts[4] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[8] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 leftColumnUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, rowBottomHeight);
                            Vector2 leftColumnUVEnd   = leftColumnUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, openingHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, leftColumnUVStart, leftColumnUVEnd);
                        if ((!nextBayIdentical || lastColumn) && rightWidth > 0)//Column Right
                            w0 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[7] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[11] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 rightColumnUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            Vector2 rightColumnUVEnd   = rightColumnUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, openingHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, rightColumnUVStart, rightColumnUVEnd);
                        //Row Bottom
                        if (rowBottomHeight > 0)
                            w0 = verts[1] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[2] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 bottomRowUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth, 0);
                            Vector2 bottomRowUVEnd   = bottomRowUVStart + new Vector2(openingWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, bottomRowUVStart, bottomRowUVEnd);
                        //Row Top
                        if (rowTopHeight > 0)
                            w0 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[13] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[14] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 topRowUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                            Vector2 topRowUVEnd   = topRowUVStart + new Vector2(openingWidth, rowTopHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, topRowUVStart, topRowUVEnd);

                        //Cross Left Bottom
                        w0 = verts[0] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w1 = verts[1] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w2 = verts[4] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w3 = verts[5] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        Vector2 crossLBUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, 0);
                        Vector2 crossLBUVEnd   = crossLBUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                        AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossLBUVStart, crossLBUVEnd);

                        //Cross Left Top
                        w0 = verts[8] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w1 = verts[9] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w2 = verts[12] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        w3 = verts[13] + wallDepthVecotr;
                        Vector2 crossLTUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(0, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                        Vector2 crossLTUVEnd   = crossLTUVStart + new Vector2(leftWidth, rowTopHeight);
                        AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossLTUVStart, crossLTUVEnd);

                        if ((!nextBayIdentical || lastColumn) && rightWidth > 0)
                            //Cross Right Bottom
                            w0 = verts[2] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[3] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[6] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[7] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 crossRBUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, 0);
                            Vector2 crossRBUVEnd   = crossRBUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, rowBottomHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossRBUVStart, crossRBUVEnd);

                            //Cross Right Top
                            w0 = verts[10] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w1 = verts[11] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w2 = verts[14] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            w3 = verts[15] + wallDepthVecotr;
                            Vector2 crossRTUVStart = facadeUV + new Vector2(leftWidth + openingWidth, rowBottomHeight + openingHeight);
                            Vector2 crossRTUVEnd   = crossRTUVStart + new Vector2(rightWidth, rowTopHeight);
                            AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, wallFlipped, crossRTUVStart, crossRTUVEnd);
                    // windowless wall
                    Vector3 interiorStart = p0interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 interiorEnd   = p1interior + currentFloorHeightVector;
                    //                        Vector3 wallVector = (facadeDirection * facadeWidth);
                    Vector3       wallHeightVector = Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                    Vector3       w0      = interiorStart;
                    Vector3       w1      = interiorEnd;
                    Vector3       w2      = interiorStart + wallHeightVector;
                    Vector3       w3      = interiorEnd + wallHeightVector;
                    BuildrTexture texture = textures[facadeDesign.simpleBay.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture)];
                    var           uvSize  = new Vector2(facadeWidth * (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x), floorHeight * (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y));
                    Vector2       uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                    uvSize.x = Mathf.Ceil(uvSize.x / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                    uvSize.y = Mathf.Ceil(uvSize.y / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
                    int     wallSubmesh = 0;
                    bool    flipped     = false;
                    Vector2 wallUVStart = facadeUV;
                    Vector2 wallUVEnd   = facadeUV + new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);
                    AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, wallSubmesh, flipped, wallUVStart, wallUVEnd);

        int numberOfBasements   = volume.numberOfBasementFloors;
        int numberOfFloorPoints = interiorVolumePoints.Length;

        int[]   baseFloorPlanTriangles = EarClipper.Triangulate(interiorVolumePoints);
        int     baseFloorVectors       = interiorVolumePoints.Length;
        var     newEndVerts            = new Vector3[baseFloorVectors];
        Vector3 basementBaseDrop       = -floorHeightVector * numberOfBasements;

        for (int i = 0; i < baseFloorVectors; i++)
            newEndVerts[i] = interiorVolumePoints[i].vector3 + basementBaseDrop;
        var tris = new List <int>(baseFloorPlanTriangles);

        //Bottom Floor
        int floorSubmesh = volume.FloorTexture(-numberOfBasements);

        AddData(newEndVerts, baseFloorPlanTriangles, floorSubmesh, false);

        //Top Ceiling
        if (true)//Todo: add conditional for roof opening
            Vector3 ceilingHeightVector = floorHeightVector * (numberOfFloors - 1 + numberOfBasements) + Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
            for (int i = 0; i < baseFloorVectors; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] += ceilingHeightVector;
            AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.CeilingTexture(numberOfFloors - 1), false);

        //inner floors
        int[] floorPlanTriangles   = EarClipper.Triangulate(interiorPointListCore);
        int   numberOfFloorVectors = interiorPointListCore.Length;

        for (int floorIndex = -numberOfBasements; floorIndex < numberOfFloors; floorIndex++)
            Vector3 floorVectorHeight = floorHeightVector * floorIndex;
            newEndVerts = new Vector3[numberOfFloorVectors];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFloorVectors; i++)
                newEndVerts[i] = interiorPointListCore[i].vector3 + floorVectorHeight;
            tris = new List <int>(floorPlanTriangles);

            if (floorIndex > -numberOfBasements)
                AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.FloorTexture(floorIndex), false);

            if (floorIndex < numberOfFloors - 1)
                Vector3 ceilingHeightVector = Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFloorVectors; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] += ceilingHeightVector;
                AddData(newEndVerts, tris.ToArray(), volume.CeilingTexture(floorIndex), false);

            //basement walls
            if (floorIndex < 0)
                for (int f = 0; f < numberOfFloorPoints; f++)
                    Vector3 basementVector = floorHeightVector * floorIndex;
                    int     indexA         = f;
                    int     indexB         = (f + 1) % numberOfFloorPoints;

                    Vector3 p0  = interiorVolumePoints[indexA].vector3 + basementVector;
                    Vector3 p1  = interiorVolumePoints[indexB].vector3 + basementVector;
                    Vector3 p2  = p0 + floorHeightVector;
                    Vector3 p3  = p1 + floorHeightVector;
                    Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(Vector3.Distance(p0, p1), floorHeight);
                    AddPlane(p0, p1, p2, p3, volume.WallTexture(floorIndex), false, Vector2.zero, uv1);

        //Core walls
        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfVolumeCores; c++)
            Rect    coreBounds = volumeCores[c];
            Vector3 coreBL     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMin, 0, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector3 coreBR     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMax, 0, coreBounds.yMin);
            Vector3 coreTL     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMin, 0, coreBounds.yMax);
            Vector3 coreTR     = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMax, 0, coreBounds.yMax);

            for (int floorIndex = -numberOfBasements; floorIndex < numberOfFloors - 1; floorIndex++)
                Vector3 c0        = floorHeightVector * floorIndex + Vector3.up * ceilingHeight;
                Vector3 f0        = floorHeightVector * floorIndex + Vector3.up * floorHeight;
                float   gapHeight = floorHeight - ceilingHeight;
                AddPlane(coreBL + c0, coreBR + c0, coreBL + f0, coreBR + f0, 0, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreBR + c0, coreTR + c0, coreBR + f0, coreTR + f0, 0, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreTR + c0, coreTL + c0, coreTR + f0, coreTL + f0, 0, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
                AddPlane(coreTL + c0, coreBL + c0, coreTL + f0, coreBL + f0, 0, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(coreBounds.width, gapHeight));
Example #23
    public static void SceneGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData data, bool shouldSnap, float handleSize)
        if (editMode.fullMesh == null)

        Rect HUDRect = new Rect(0, 0, 300, 300);


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Vertices: " + editMode.fullMesh.vertexCount);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Triangles " + editMode.fullMesh.triangleCount / 3);


        bool isLegal = !(data.plan.illegalPoints.Length > 0);

        if (isLegal)
            isLegal = editMode.transform.localScale == Vector3.one;

        if (isLegal)

        int numberOfFacades  = data.facades.Count;
        int numberOfRoofs    = data.roofs.Count;
        int numberOfTextures = data.textures.Count;

        if (numberOfFacades == 0 || numberOfRoofs == 0 || numberOfTextures == 0)

        Vector3 position = editMode.transform.position;

        BuildrPlan area            = data.plan;
        int        numberOfVolumes = area.numberOfVolumes;

        int facadeCounter = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume      = data.plan.volumes[s];
            int          volumeSize  = volume.Count;
            Vector3      floorCentre = Vector3.zero;
            Handles.color = Color.red;

            for (int p = 0; p < volumeSize; p++)
                int     point    = volume.points[p];
                Vector3 pointPos = area.points[point].vector3;
                floorCentre += pointPos;

                List <Vector3> verts        = new List <Vector3>();
                int            indexB       = (p < volumeSize - 1) ? p + 1 : 0;
                Vector3        volumeHeight = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * data.floorHeight);
                verts.Add(pointPos + position);
                verts.Add(area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3 + position);
                verts.Add(verts[1] + volumeHeight);
                verts.Add(verts[0] + volumeHeight);
                Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts.ToArray(), new Color(1, 0, 0, 0.2f), Color.red);
                Handles.DrawLine(verts[2], verts[3]);
Example #24
    //TODO: functions to find out minimum footprint of stairwell for checking against cores?

    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data, int volumeIndex, StairModes stairMode, bool zeroMesh)
        data      = _data;
        mesh      = _mesh;
        mesh.name = "Stairs Mesh Volume " + volumeIndex;
        textures  = data.textures.ToArray();

//        BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[0];
        BuildrPlan   plan        = data.plan;
        BuildrVolume volume      = plan.volumes[volumeIndex];
        float        floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

//        Vector3 floorHeightVector = Vector3.up * floorHeight;

        if (!volume.generateStairs)

        //Calculate the internal floor plan points
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

        Vector2z[] volumePoints = new Vector2z[numberOfVolumePoints];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
            volumePoints[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]];
        List <Rect> volumeCores = new List <Rect>();

//        List<int> linkedPoints = new List<int>();
        foreach (Rect core in plan.cores)
            Vector2z coreCenter = new Vector2z(core.center);
            if (BuildrUtils.PointInsidePoly(coreCenter, volumePoints))
        int   numberOfVolumeCores = volumeCores.Count;
        int   numberOfFloors      = volume.numberOfFloors + volume.numberOfBasementFloors;
        float basementBaseHeight  = (volume.numberOfBasementFloors) * floorHeight;//plus one for the initial floor
        float staircaseWidth      = volume.staircaseWidth;
        float stairwellWidth      = staircaseWidth * 2.5f;
        float stairwellDepth      = staircaseWidth * 2 + Mathf.Sqrt(floorHeight + floorHeight);
        float staircaseThickness  = Mathf.Sqrt(volume.stepHeight * volume.stepHeight + volume.stepHeight * volume.stepHeight);

        Vector3 flightVector         = floorHeight * Vector3.up;
        Vector3 staircaseWidthVector = staircaseWidth * Vector3.right;
        Vector3 staircaseDepthVector = stairwellDepth * 0.5f * Vector3.forward;
        Vector3 stairHeightVector    = staircaseThickness * Vector3.up;
        Vector3 landingDepthVector   = staircaseWidth * Vector3.forward;

        //Texture submeshes
        int floorSubmesh   = volume.stairwellFloorTexture;
        int stepSubmesh    = volume.stairwellStepTexture;
        int wallSubmesh    = volume.stairwellWallTexture;
        int ceilingSubmesh = volume.stairwellCeilingTexture;

        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfVolumeCores; c++)
            Rect    coreBounds      = volumeCores[c];
            Vector3 stairBaseVector = new Vector3(-stairwellWidth / 2, 0, -stairwellDepth / 2);
            Vector3 stairPosition   = new Vector3(coreBounds.xMin, -basementBaseHeight, coreBounds.yMin) - stairBaseVector;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfFloors; f++)
                Vector3 flightBaseVector = stairBaseVector + (flightVector * f);
                if (!zeroMesh)
                    flightBaseVector += stairPosition;

                Vector3 landingStart0 = flightBaseVector;
                Vector3 landingStart1 = landingStart0 + staircaseWidthVector * 2.5f;
                Vector3 landingStart2 = landingStart0 + landingDepthVector;
                Vector3 landingStart3 = landingStart1 + landingDepthVector;
                Vector3 landingStart4 = landingStart0 - stairHeightVector;
                Vector3 landingStart5 = landingStart1 - stairHeightVector;
                Vector3 landingStart6 = landingStart2 - stairHeightVector;
                Vector3 landingStart7 = landingStart3 - stairHeightVector;
                if (f > 0)
                    AddPlane(landingStart1, landingStart0, landingStart3, landingStart2, floorSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseWidth));    //top
                    AddPlane(landingStart4, landingStart5, landingStart6, landingStart7, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseWidth));  //bottom
                    AddPlane(landingStart0, landingStart1, landingStart4, landingStart5, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseThickness)); //frontside
                    AddPlane(landingStart3, landingStart2, landingStart7, landingStart6, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseThickness)); //backside
                    AddPlane(landingStart0, landingStart4, landingStart2, landingStart6, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseThickness, staircaseWidth));        //sideleft
                    AddPlane(landingStart5, landingStart1, landingStart7, landingStart3, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseThickness, staircaseWidth));        //sideright

                if (f < numberOfFloors - 1)
                    Vector3 bottom0 = landingStart2;
                    Vector3 bottom1 = landingStart2 + staircaseWidthVector;
                    Vector3 bottom2 = bottom0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 bottom3 = bottom1 - stairHeightVector;

                    Vector3 top0 = bottom0 + (flightVector * 0.5f) + staircaseDepthVector;
                    Vector3 top1 = bottom1 + (flightVector * 0.5f) + staircaseDepthVector;
                    Vector3 top2 = top0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 top3 = top1 - stairHeightVector;

                    Vector3 bottomB0 = top1 + Vector3.right * staircaseWidth * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 bottomB1 = bottomB0 + staircaseWidthVector;
                    Vector3 bottomB2 = bottomB0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 bottomB3 = bottomB1 - stairHeightVector;

                    Vector3 topB0 = bottomB0 + (flightVector * 0.5f) - staircaseDepthVector;
                    Vector3 topB1 = bottomB1 + (flightVector * 0.5f) - staircaseDepthVector;
                    Vector3 topB2 = topB0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 topB3 = topB1 - stairHeightVector;

                    float stairHypontenuse = Vector3.Distance(bottom0, top0);
                    int   numberOfSteps    = Mathf.CeilToInt((floorHeight / 2.0f) / volume.stepHeight);

                    switch (stairMode)
                    case StairModes.Flat:
                        //flight A
                        AddPlane(bottom1, bottom0, top1, top0, stepSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, numberOfSteps));                        //step face
                        AddPlane(bottom3, bottom1, top3, top1, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth, stairHypontenuse));     //underside
                        AddPlane(bottom0, bottom2, top0, top2, wallSubmesh, false, new Vector2(bottom2.z, bottom2.y), new Vector2(top0.z, top0.y));     //left side
                        AddPlane(bottom2, bottom3, top2, top3, wallSubmesh, false, new Vector2(bottom3.z, bottom3.y), new Vector2(top2.z, top2.y));     //right side
                        //flight B
                        AddPlane(bottomB0, bottomB1, topB0, topB1, stepSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, numberOfSteps));                    //step face
                        AddPlane(bottomB1, bottomB3, topB1, topB3, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth, stairHypontenuse)); //underside
                        AddPlane(bottomB2, bottomB0, topB2, topB0, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, Vector2.one);                                      //left side
                        AddPlane(bottomB3, bottomB2, topB3, topB2, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, Vector2.one);                                      //right side

                    case StairModes.Stepped:

                        float stepHypontenuse = stairHypontenuse / numberOfSteps;
                        float stairAngle      = Mathf.Atan2(floorHeight, stairwellDepth);
                        float stepDepth       = Mathf.Cos(stairAngle) * stepHypontenuse;
                        float skipStep        = (stepDepth / (numberOfSteps - 1));
                        stepDepth += skipStep;
                        float stepRiser = Mathf.Sin(stairAngle) * stepHypontenuse;

                        //flight one
                        float lerpIncrement  = 1.0f / numberOfSteps;
                        float lerpIncrementB = 1.0f / (numberOfSteps - 1);
                        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfSteps - 1; s++)
                            float   lerpValue      = lerpIncrement * s;
                            Vector3 skipStepVector = Vector3.forward * (skipStep * s);
                            Vector3 s0             = Vector3.Lerp(bottom1, top1, lerpValue) + skipStepVector;
                            Vector3 s1             = Vector3.Lerp(bottom0, top0, lerpValue) + skipStepVector;
                            Vector3 s2             = s0 + Vector3.up * stepRiser;
                            Vector3 s3             = s1 + Vector3.up * stepRiser;
                            Vector3 s4             = s2 + Vector3.forward * stepDepth;
                            Vector3 s5             = s3 + Vector3.forward * stepDepth;
                            AddPlane(s0, s1, s2, s3, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, staircaseWidth));
                            AddPlane(s2, s3, s4, s5, stepSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, staircaseWidth));
                            float   lerpValueB = lerpIncrementB * s;
                            Vector3 s6         = Vector3.Lerp(bottom3, top3, lerpValueB);
                            Vector3 s7         = Vector3.Lerp(bottom3, top3, lerpValueB + lerpIncrementB);
                            AddPlane(s2, s4, s6, s7, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stepDepth, staircaseThickness));

                            Vector3 s8 = Vector3.Lerp(bottom2, top2, lerpValueB);
                            Vector3 s9 = Vector3.Lerp(bottom2, top2, lerpValueB + lerpIncrementB);
                            AddPlane(s5, s3, s9, s8, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stepDepth, staircaseThickness));
                        AddPlane(bottom2, bottom3, top2, top3, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, Vector2.one);

                        //flight two
                        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfSteps - 1; s++)
                            float   lerpValue      = lerpIncrement * s;
                            Vector3 skipStepVector = -Vector3.forward * (skipStep * s);
                            Vector3 s0             = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB0, topB0, lerpValue) + skipStepVector;
                            Vector3 s1             = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB1, topB1, lerpValue) + skipStepVector;
                            Vector3 s2             = s0 + Vector3.up * stepRiser;
                            Vector3 s3             = s1 + Vector3.up * stepRiser;
                            Vector3 s4             = s2 - Vector3.forward * stepDepth;
                            Vector3 s5             = s3 - Vector3.forward * stepDepth;
                            AddPlane(s0, s1, s2, s3, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, staircaseWidth));
                            AddPlane(s2, s3, s4, s5, stepSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, staircaseWidth));
                            float lerpValueB = lerpIncrementB * s;
                            Vector3 s6 = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB2, topB2, lerpValueB);
                            Vector3 s7 = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB2, topB2, lerpValueB + lerpIncrementB);
                            AddPlane(s2, s4, s6, s7, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stepDepth, staircaseThickness));

                            Vector3 s8 = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB3, topB3, lerpValueB);
                            Vector3 s9 = Vector3.Lerp(bottomB3, topB3, lerpValueB + lerpIncrementB);
                            AddPlane(s5, s3, s9, s8, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stepDepth, staircaseThickness));
                        AddPlane(bottomB3, bottomB2, topB3, topB2, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, Vector2.one);


                    Vector3 landingEnd0 = top0 + landingDepthVector;
                    Vector3 landingEnd1 = bottomB1 + landingDepthVector;
                    Vector3 landingEnd2 = landingEnd0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 landingEnd3 = landingEnd1 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 landingEnd4 = top0 - stairHeightVector;
                    Vector3 landingEnd5 = bottomB1 - stairHeightVector;

                    AddPlane(bottomB1, top0, landingEnd1, landingEnd0, floorSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseWidth));              //top
                    AddPlane(landingEnd4, landingEnd5, landingEnd2, landingEnd3, ceilingSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseWidth));  //bottom
                    AddPlane(top0, bottomB1, landingEnd4, landingEnd5, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseThickness));           //frontside
                    AddPlane(landingEnd1, landingEnd0, landingEnd3, landingEnd2, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth * 2.5f, staircaseThickness)); //backside
                    AddPlane(landingEnd0, top0, landingEnd2, landingEnd4, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth, staircaseThickness));               //sideleft
                    AddPlane(bottomB1, landingEnd1, landingEnd5, landingEnd3, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth, staircaseThickness));           //sideright
            //Center wall
            float   coreHeight       = (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);
            Vector3 coreHeightVector = Vector3.up * coreHeight;
            Vector3 corePosition     = (zeroMesh) ? Vector3.zero : stairPosition;
            Vector3 w0 = new Vector3(-staircaseWidth / 4.0f, 0, -(stairwellDepth - (staircaseWidth * 2)) / 2.0f) + corePosition;
            Vector3 w1 = w0 + Vector3.right * staircaseWidth / 2;
            Vector3 w2 = w0 + staircaseDepthVector;
            Vector3 w3 = w1 + staircaseDepthVector;
            Vector3 w4 = w0 + coreHeightVector;
            Vector3 w5 = w1 + coreHeightVector;
            Vector3 w6 = w2 + coreHeightVector;
            Vector3 w7 = w3 + coreHeightVector;

            AddPlane(w1, w0, w5, w4, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth / 2, coreHeight)); //
            AddPlane(w3, w1, w7, w5, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stairwellDepth / 2, coreHeight)); //
            AddPlane(w2, w3, w6, w7, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(staircaseWidth / 2, coreHeight)); //
            AddPlane(w0, w2, w4, w6, wallSubmesh, false, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(stairwellDepth / 2, coreHeight)); //

            int it = 100;
            while (volume.stairBaseVector.Count < mesh.meshCount)
                if (zeroMesh)
                if (it == 0)

            if (c < numberOfVolumeCores - 1)
Example #25
    private static void BuildTextures()
        List <TexturePaintObject> buildSourceTextures = new List <TexturePaintObject>();

        foreach (BuildrTexture btexture in data.textures)//Gather the source textures, resized into Color32 arrays
            TexturePaintObject texturePaintObject = new TexturePaintObject();
            texturePaintObject.pixels = ((Texture2D)btexture.texture).GetPixels32();
            texturePaintObject.width  = btexture.texture.width;
            texturePaintObject.height = btexture.texture.height;
            texturePaintObject.tiles  = new Vector2(btexture.tiledX, btexture.tiledY);
            if (btexture.tiled)
                int resizedTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(btexture.textureUnitSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER * packedScale);
                int resizedTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(btexture.textureUnitSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER * packedScale);
                texturePaintObject.pixels = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(texturePaintObject.pixels, texturePaintObject.width, texturePaintObject.height, resizedTextureWidth, resizedTextureHeight);
                texturePaintObject.width  = resizedTextureWidth;
                texturePaintObject.height = resizedTextureHeight;
                texturePaintObject.tiled = false;
        LogTimer("Gather Source into Arrays");
        TexturePaintObject[] sourceTextures = buildSourceTextures.ToArray();
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrFacadeDesign facadeDesign = data.facades[0];
        BuildrPlan         plan         = data.plan;

        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;
        int facadeNumber    = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int     indexA, indexB;
                Vector3 p0, p1;
                indexA = f;
                indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
                Rect packedPosition = packedTexturePositions[facadeNumber];

                float facadeWidth    = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);
                int   floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int   numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styleUnits = volume.styles.GetContentsByFacade(volume.points[indexA]);
                int        floorPatternSize         = 0;
                List <int> facadePatternReference   = new List <int>();  //this contains a list of all the facade style indices to refence when looking for the appropriate style per floor
                int        patternCount             = 0;
                foreach (BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit in styleUnits) //need to knw how big all the styles are together so we can loop through them
                    floorPatternSize += styleUnit.floors;
                    for (int i = 0; i < styleUnit.floors; i++)

                int rows = numberOfFloors;

                Vector2 bayBase          = Vector2.zero;
                float   currentFloorBase = 0;
                for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
                    currentFloorBase = floorHeight * r;
                    int modFloor = (r % floorPatternSize);

                    facadeDesign = data.facades[styleUnits[facadePatternReference[modFloor]].styleID];

                    bool isBlankWall = !facadeDesign.hasWindows;
                    if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                        BuildrBay firstBay = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[0]];
                        if (firstBay.openingWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count == 0)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                        if (facadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth + facadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth > facadeWidth)
                            isBlankWall = true;
                    if (!isBlankWall)
                        float       patternSize  = 0;//the space the pattern fills, there will be a gap that will be distributed to all bay styles
                        int         numberOfBays = 0;
                        BuildrBay[] bays;
                        int         numberOfBayDesigns = 0;
                        if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                            numberOfBayDesigns = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                            bays = new BuildrBay[numberOfBayDesigns];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBayDesigns; i++)
                                bays[i] = data.bays[facadeDesign.bayPattern[i]];
                            bays = new[] { facadeDesign.simpleBay };
                            numberOfBayDesigns = 1;
                        //start with first window width - we'll be adding to this until we have filled the facade width
                        int it = 100;
                        while (true)
                            int   patternModIndex = numberOfBays % numberOfBayDesigns;
                            float patternAddition = bays[patternModIndex].openingWidth + bays[patternModIndex].minimumBayWidth;
                            if (patternSize + patternAddition < facadeWidth)
                                patternSize += patternAddition;
                            if (it < 0)
                        float perBayAdditionalSpacing = (facadeWidth - patternSize) / numberOfBays;

                        float windowXBase = 0;
                        for (int c = 0; c < numberOfBays; c++)
                            BuildrBay bayStyle;
                            if (facadeDesign.type == BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned)
                                int numberOfBayStyles = facadeDesign.bayPattern.Count;
                                bayStyle = bays[c % numberOfBayStyles];
                                bayStyle = facadeDesign.simpleBay;
                            float actualWindowSpacing = bayStyle.minimumBayWidth + perBayAdditionalSpacing;
                            float leftSpace           = actualWindowSpacing * bayStyle.openingWidthRatio;
                            float rightSpace          = actualWindowSpacing - leftSpace;
                            float openingSpace        = bayStyle.openingWidth;

                            Vector3 bayDimensions;
                            int     subMesh;
                            bool    flipped;

                            if (!bayStyle.isOpening)
                                subMesh   = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                                flipped   = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                                bayBase.x = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y = currentFloorBase;
                                float bayWidth  = (openingSpace + actualWindowSpacing);
                                float bayHeight = floorHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(bayWidth, bayHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                windowXBase += bayWidth; //move base vertor to next bay
                                continue;                //bay filled - move onto next bay

                            float rowBottomHeight = ((floorHeight - bayStyle.openingHeight) * bayStyle.openingHeightRatio);
                            float rowTopHeight    = (floorHeight - rowBottomHeight - bayStyle.openingHeight);

                            subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                            flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture);
                            bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                            bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                            bayDimensions = new Vector2(bayStyle.openingWidth, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                            DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Column Left
                            if (leftSpace > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Column Right
                            if (rightSpace > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.ColumnTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, bayStyle.openingHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Row Bottom
                            if (rowBottomHeight > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(openingSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Row Top
                            if (rowTopHeight > 0)
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.RowTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(openingSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Cross Left
                            if (leftSpace > 0)
                                //Cross Left Bottom
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                //Cross Left Top
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(leftSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            //Cross Right
                            if (rightSpace > 0)
                                //Cross Left Bottom
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, rowBottomHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                                //Cross Left Top
                                subMesh       = bayStyle.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                flipped       = bayStyle.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.CrossTexture);
                                bayBase.x     = windowXBase + leftSpace + openingSpace;
                                bayBase.y     = currentFloorBase + rowBottomHeight + bayStyle.openingHeight;
                                bayDimensions = new Vector2(rightSpace, rowTopHeight);
                                DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, bayDimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);

                            windowXBase += leftSpace + openingSpace + rightSpace;//move base vertor to next bay
                        // windowless wall
                        int  subMesh = facadeDesign.simpleBay.GetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                        bool flipped = facadeDesign.simpleBay.IsFlipped(BuildrBay.TextureNames.WallTexture);
                        bayBase.x = 0;
                        bayBase.y = currentFloorBase;
                        Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2(facadeWidth, floorHeight);
                        DrawFacadeTexture(sourceTextures, bayBase, dimensions, subMesh, flipped, packedPosition);
        LogTimer("generate facade textures");

        //add roof textures
        int numberOfroofTextures = roofTextures.Count;
        int scaledPadding        = Mathf.FloorToInt(ATLAS_PADDING * packedScale);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfroofTextures; i++)
            Rect          roofTexturePosition = packedTexturePositions[i + facadeNumber];
            BuildrTexture bTexture            = roofTextures[i];
            int           roofTextureWidth    = bTexture.texture.width;
            int           roofTextureHeight   = bTexture.texture.height;
            int           targetTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(roofTexturePosition.width);
            int           targetTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(roofTexturePosition.height);
            if (bTexture.maxUVTile == Vector2.zero)
                LogTimer("BuildTextures: Skip texture " + bTexture.name + " as it appears it's not used");
            int sourceTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureWidth / (bTexture.tiled ? bTexture.maxUVTile.x : bTexture.tiledX));
            int sourceTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureHeight / (bTexture.tiled ? bTexture.maxUVTile.y : bTexture.tiledY));
            int sourceTextureSize   = sourceTextureWidth * sourceTextureHeight;
            if (sourceTextureSize == 0)
                //Debug.Log(sourceTextureWidth+" "+sourceTextureHeight+" "+bTexture.tiledX+" "+bTexture.maxUVTile+" "+bTexture.tiledX+","+bTexture.tiledY);
            Color32[] roofColourArray = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(((Texture2D)bTexture.texture).GetPixels32(), roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight, sourceTextureWidth, sourceTextureHeight);
            //Color32[] roofColourArray = bTexture.texture.GetPixels32();

            for (int x = 0; x < targetTextureWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < targetTextureHeight; y++)
                    int drawX       = Mathf.FloorToInt(x + roofTexturePosition.x);
                    int drawY       = Mathf.FloorToInt(y + roofTexturePosition.y);
                    int colourIndex = drawX + drawY * textureWidth;

                    int sx          = x % sourceTextureWidth;
                    int sy          = y % sourceTextureHeight;
                    int sourceIndex = sx + sy * sourceTextureWidth;
                    if (sourceIndex >= sourceTextureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Source Index too big " + sx + " " + sy + " " + sourceTextureWidth + " " + sourceTextureSize + " " + bTexture.maxUVTile + " " + bTexture.name);
                    Color32 sourceColour = roofColourArray[sourceIndex];
                    if (colourIndex >= textureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Output Index Too big " + drawX + " " + drawY + " " + colourIndex + " " + textureSize + " " + roofTexturePosition);
                    colourArray[colourIndex] = sourceColour;

                    if (x == 0)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex - p] = sourceColour;
                    if (x == targetTextureWidth - 1)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex + p] = sourceColour;

                    if (y == 0)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex - (p * textureWidth)] = sourceColour;

                    if (y == targetTextureHeight - 1)
                        for (int p = 0; p < scaledPadding; p++)
                            colourArray[colourIndex + (p * textureWidth)] = sourceColour;
        LogTimer("generate roof textures");
Example #26
    public static void InspectorGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrData _data)
        data = _data;
        Undo.RecordObject(data, "Building Modified");
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;
        int        numberOfFacadeFaces   = 0;
        int        numberOfVolumes       = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        int        numberOfFacadeDesigns = data.facades.Count;

        if (numberOfVolumes == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no defined volumes, go to Floorplan and define one", MessageType.Error);

        int numberOfFacades  = data.facades.Count;
        int numberOfRoofs    = data.roofs.Count;
        int numberOfTextures = data.textures.Count;

        bool legalBuilding = true;

        if (numberOfFacades == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no facade designs to render building, go to Facades to define a default one", MessageType.Error);
            legalBuilding = false;
        if (numberOfRoofs == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no roof designs to render building, go to Facades to define a default one", MessageType.Error);
            legalBuilding = false;
        if (numberOfTextures == 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no textures to render building, go to Textures to define a default one", MessageType.Error);
            legalBuilding = false;

        if (!legalBuilding)

        //Building Name
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name", GUILayout.Width(200));
        data.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField(data.name, GUILayout.Width(200));

        //Floor Height
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Floor height", GUILayout.Width(200));
        data.floorHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(data.floorHeight, GUILayout.Width(50));

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Number of Floors", GUILayout.Width(200));
        int[]    volumeSeletionsList       = new int[numberOfVolumes];
        string[] volumeSeletionsStringList = new string[numberOfVolumes];
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            volumeSeletionsStringList[s] = ("volume " + s);
            volumeSeletionsList[s]       = (s);

        selectedFloorNumberVolume = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(selectedFloorNumberVolume, volumeSeletionsStringList, volumeSeletionsList, GUILayout.Width(100));
        int numberOfFloors = EditorGUILayout.IntField(data.plan.volumes[selectedFloorNumberVolume].numberOfFloors);

        if (GUILayout.Button("^"))
        if (GUILayout.Button("v"))
        data.plan.volumes[selectedFloorNumberVolume].numberOfFloors = Mathf.Max(numberOfFloors, 1);

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Show Facade Markers", GUILayout.Width(200));
        editMode.showFacadeMarkers = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(editMode.showFacadeMarkers, GUILayout.Width(200));

        GUIStyle titlesyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);

        titlesyle.fixedHeight      = 60;
        titlesyle.fixedWidth       = 400;
        titlesyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
        titlesyle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;
        titlesyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Facade Design", titlesyle);
        Texture2D facadeTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);

        facadeTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, BuildrColours.MAGENTA);
        Rect sqrPos = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
            sqrPos = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
        GUI.DrawTexture(sqrPos, facadeTexture);
        EditorGUI.LabelField(sqrPos, "Facade Design", titlesyle);

        //create/display the facade selector
        List <int>    facadeSeletionsList       = new List <int>();
        List <int>    facadeRenderList          = new List <int>();
        List <string> facadeSeletionsStringList = new List <string>();

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            int numberOfPoints = plan.volumes[s].Count;
            numberOfFacadeFaces += numberOfPoints;
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                int index = facadeSeletionsList.Count;
                facadeSeletionsStringList.Add("facade " + index);
        int[]    facadeSelections      = facadeSeletionsList.ToArray();
        string[] facadeSelectionString = facadeSeletionsStringList.ToArray();

        selectedFacade = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Selected Facade", selectedFacade, facadeSelectionString, facadeSelections, GUILayout.Width(400));

        //grab the selected facade
        int facadeCount         = 0;
        int selectedVolumePoint = 0;

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            int numberOfPoints = plan.volumes[s].Count;
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                if (selectedFacade == facadeCount)
                    selectedVolume      = s;
                    selectedVolumePoint = p;
                    selectedPoint       = plan.volumes[s].points[p];

        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[selectedVolume];

        BuildrVolumeStylesUnit[] styles = volume.styles.GetContents();

        bool renderFacade = volume.renderFacade[selectedVolumePoint];

        volume.renderFacade[selectedVolumePoint] = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Render Facade", renderFacade);

        //ensure the selected style isn't out of bounds
        int numberOfStyles = styles.Length;

        if (selectedStyle >= numberOfStyles)
            selectedStyle = 0;

        //compose a list of style ids from the volume style library
        List <int> entryNum = new List <int>();

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfStyles; s++)
            if (selectedPoint == styles[s].facadeID)

        int numberOfFacadeStyles = entryNum.Count;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add style to facade", GUILayout.Width(400)))
            volume.styles.AddStyle(0, selectedPoint, 1);

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Style", GUILayout.Width(160));
        GUILayout.Label("Floors", GUILayout.Width(78));
        GUILayout.Label("Position", GUILayout.Width(54));
        GUILayout.Label(" ", GUILayout.Width(55));

        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfFacadeStyles; s++)
            int index = entryNum[s];
            BuildrVolumeStylesUnit styleUnit = styles[index];

            string[] facadeNames = new string[numberOfFacadeDesigns];
            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfFacadeDesigns; f++)
                facadeNames[f] = data.facades[f].name;
            int selectedFacadeDesign = EditorGUILayout.Popup(styleUnit.styleID, facadeNames, GUILayout.Width(160));
            if (selectedFacadeDesign != styleUnit.styleID)
                volume.styles.ModifyStyle(index, selectedFacadeDesign);

            int currentFloors = styleUnit.floors;

            currentFloors = EditorGUILayout.IntField(currentFloors, GUILayout.Width(20));
            if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(25)))
            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(currentFloors < 2);
            if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(25)))

            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup((s < 1));
                if (GUILayout.Button("^", GUILayout.Width(25)))
                    volume.styles.MoveEntry(entryNum[s], entryNum[s - 1] + 1);
                    GUI.changed = true;
            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup((s > numberOfFacadeStyles - 2));
                if (GUILayout.Button("v", GUILayout.Width(25)))
                    volume.styles.MoveEntry(entryNum[s], entryNum[s + 1] + 1);
                    GUI.changed = true;

            if (GUILayout.Button("remove", GUILayout.Width(55)))

            if (currentFloors != styleUnit.floors)
                volume.styles.ModifyFloors(index, currentFloors);
                GUI.changed = true;

        titlesyle                  = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
        titlesyle.fixedHeight      = 60;
        titlesyle.fixedWidth       = 400;
        titlesyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
        titlesyle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;
        titlesyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Roof Design", titlesyle);
        facadeTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
        facadeTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, BuildrColours.CYAN);
        sqrPos = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
            sqrPos = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
        GUI.DrawTexture(sqrPos, facadeTexture);
        EditorGUI.LabelField(sqrPos, "Roof Design", titlesyle);

        //create/display the roof selector
        volumeSeletionsList       = new int[numberOfVolumes];
        volumeSeletionsStringList = new string[numberOfVolumes];
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            volumeSeletionsStringList[s] = ("volume " + s);
            volumeSeletionsList[s]       = (s);

        selectedRoofVolume = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Selected Volume", selectedRoofVolume, volumeSeletionsStringList, volumeSeletionsList, GUILayout.Width(400));

        string[] roofNames = new string[numberOfRoofs];
        int[]    roofList  = new int[numberOfRoofs];
        for (int r = 0; r < numberOfRoofs; r++)
            roofList[r]  = r;
            roofNames[r] = data.roofs[r].name;

        volume = data.plan.volumes[selectedRoofVolume];
        volume.roofDesignID = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Selected Roof Design", volume.roofDesignID, roofNames, roofList, GUILayout.Width(400));
Example #27
    private static void Mansard(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);

        //add top base of the flat roof
        Vector3[] topVerts = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
        Vector2[] topUVs = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
        int topTextureID = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.floorB);
        BuildrTexture texture = textures[topTextureID];

        for (int l = 0; l < numberOfVolumePoints; l++)
            int indexA, indexB, indexA0, indexB0;
            Vector3 p0, p1, p00, p10;
            indexA = l;
            indexB = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? l + 1 : 0;
            indexA0 = (l > 0) ? l - 1 : numberOfVolumePoints - 1;
            indexB0 = (l < numberOfVolumePoints - 2) ? l + 2 : l + 2 - numberOfVolumePoints;

            p0 = area.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
            p1 = area.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;
            p00 = area.points[volume.points[indexA0]].vector3;
            p10 = area.points[volume.points[indexB0]].vector3;

            float facadeWidth = Vector3.Distance(p0, p1);
            Vector3 facadeDirection = (p1 - p0).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionLeft = (p0 - p00).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeDirectionRight = (p10 - p1).normalized;
            Vector3 facadeNormal = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalLeft = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionLeft, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 facadeNormalRight = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirectionRight, Vector3.up);

            float roofHeight = design.height;
            float baseDepth = design.floorDepth;
            float cornerLeftRad = Vector3.Angle(facadeDirection, -facadeDirectionLeft) * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2;
            float cornerRightRad = Vector3.Angle(-facadeDirection, facadeDirectionRight) * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2;
            float cornerDepthLeft = baseDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerLeftRad);
            float cornerDepthRight = baseDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerRightRad);
            float topDepth = design.depth;
            float cornerTopDepthLeft = topDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerLeftRad);
            float cornerTopDepthRight = topDepth / Mathf.Sin(cornerRightRad);

            Vector3 pr = facadeDirection * facadeWidth;

            Vector3 leftDir = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalLeft).normalized;
            Vector3 rightDir = (facadeNormal + facadeNormalRight).normalized;

            p0 += volumeFloorHeight;
            p1 += volumeFloorHeight;

            Vector3 w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5;
            w0 = p0;
            w1 = p0 + pr;
            w2 = w0 + leftDir * cornerDepthLeft;
            w3 = w1 + rightDir * cornerDepthRight;
            w4 = w2 + leftDir * cornerTopDepthLeft + Vector3.up * roofHeight;
            w5 = w3 + rightDir * cornerTopDepthRight + Vector3.up * roofHeight;

            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[6] { w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 };
//            List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>();

            Vector2[] uvsFloor = BuildrProjectUVs.Project(new Vector3[4] { w0, w1, w2, w3 }, Vector2.zero, facadeNormal);
            if(baseDepth == 0)
                uvsFloor[3].x = facadeWidth;
            Vector2[] uvsMansard = BuildrProjectUVs.Project(new Vector3[3] { w2, w4, w5 }, uvsFloor[2], facadeNormal);

            Vector3[] vertsA = new Vector3[4] { verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3] };
            Vector2[] uvsA = new Vector2[4] { uvsFloor[0], uvsFloor[1], uvsFloor[2], uvsFloor[3] };
            int[] trisA = new int[6] { 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3 };
            int subMeshA = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.floor);
            mesh.AddData(vertsA, uvsA, trisA, subMeshA);

            Vector3[] vertsB = new Vector3[4] { verts[2], verts[3], verts[4], verts[5] };
            Vector2[] uvsB = new Vector2[4] { uvsFloor[2], uvsFloor[3], uvsMansard[1], uvsMansard[2] };
            int[] trisB = new int[6] { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 };
            int subMeshB = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
            mesh.AddData(vertsB, uvsB, trisB, subMeshB);

            //modify point for the top geometry
            Vector2z point = area.points[volume.points[l]];
            topVerts[l] = point.vector3 + volumeFloorHeight + Vector3.up * roofHeight + leftDir * (cornerDepthLeft + cornerTopDepthLeft);
            topUVs[l] = new Vector2(topVerts[l].x / texture.textureUnitSize.x, topVerts[l].z / texture.textureUnitSize.y);

        Vector2z[] topVertV2z = new Vector2z[topVerts.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < topVerts.Length; i++)
            topVertV2z[i] = new Vector2z(topVerts[i]);
        int[] topTris = EarClipper.Triangulate(topVertV2z);
        AddData(topVerts, topUVs, topTris, topTextureID);//top
Example #28
    private static void GenerateFacades(BuildrData data)
        BuildrGenerateConstraints constraints = data.generatorConstraints;
        RandomGen rgen = constraints.rgen;

        //generate bays
        BuildrBay blankBay = new BuildrBay("Blank");

        blankBay.isOpening = false;
        BuildrBay doorBay = new BuildrBay("Door");

        doorBay.openingHeight      = data.floorHeight * 0.9f;
        doorBay.openingHeightRatio = 0.0f;
        float doorWidth = (doorTexture.texture.width / (float)doorTexture.texture.height) * doorBay.openingHeight;

        doorBay.openingWidth = doorWidth;
        doorBay.openingDepth = rgen.OutputRange(0.0f, 0.3f);
        doorBay.SetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture, data.textures.IndexOf(doorTexture));
        //ground window
        BuildrBay groundWindow = new BuildrBay("Ground Window");

        groundWindow.openingWidth       = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumWidth, constraints.openingMaximumWidth);
        groundWindow.openingHeight      = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumHeight, Mathf.Min(data.floorHeight, constraints.openingMinimumHeight));
        groundWindow.openingDepth       = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumDepth, constraints.openingMaximumDepth);
        groundWindow.openingHeightRatio = 0.8f;

//        BuildrTexture groundFloorWindowTexture = windowTexture.Duplicate("groundWindowTexture");
        groundFloorWindowTexture.tiled  = false;
        groundFloorWindowTexture.tiledX = Mathf.RoundToInt(groundWindow.openingWidth / groundWindow.openingHeight);
        int groundtextureIndex = data.textures.IndexOf(groundFloorWindowTexture);

//        data.textures.Add(groundFloorWindowTexture);
        groundWindow.SetTexture(BuildrBay.TextureNames.OpeningBackTexture, groundtextureIndex);
        //other windows
        BuildrBay windowBay = new BuildrBay("Window");

        //util window
        BuildrBay utilBay = new BuildrBay("Utility Window");


        //generate facades
        BuildrFacadeDesign basicFacadeDesign = new BuildrFacadeDesign("default");

        basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth  = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumWidth, constraints.openingMaximumWidth);
        basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.openingHeight = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumHeight, Mathf.Min(data.floorHeight, constraints.openingMinimumHeight));
        basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.openingDepth  = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.openingMinimumDepth, constraints.openingMaximumDepth);
//        float roughBaySize = basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.openingHeight + basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.openingWidth;
        basicFacadeDesign.simpleBay.minimumBayWidth = rgen.OutputRange(constraints.minimumBayMaximumWidth, constraints.minimumBayMaximumWidth);
        //ground floor with and without door
        BuildrFacadeDesign groundFloorDoor = new BuildrFacadeDesign("Ground Floor With Door");

        groundFloorDoor.type = BuildrFacadeDesign.types.patterned;
        int patternSize = rgen.OutputRange(1, 8);

        for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; i++)
            groundFloorDoor.bayPattern.Add(rgen.output > 0.2f?2:0);
        groundFloorDoor.bayPattern.Insert(rgen.OutputRange(0, patternSize), 1);//insert door into pattern
        //couple of main facades
        //utility/back wall facade
        //maybe attic version

        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        for (int v = 0; v < plan.numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume         = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
            for (int f = 0; f < volume.points.Count; f++)
                int facadeIndex = volume.points[f];
                volume.styles.AddStyle(0, facadeIndex, numberOfFloors - 1);
                volume.styles.AddStyle(1, facadeIndex, 1);
Example #29
    private static void Sawtooth(BuildrVolume volume, BuildrRoofDesign design)
        BuildrPlan area = data.plan;
        int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors;
        float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;
        Vector3 volumeFloorHeight = Vector3.up * (numberOfFloors * floorHeight);
        Vector3 ridgeVector = Vector3.up * design.height;

        int[] pointIndexes = new int[4];
        switch (design.direction)
            case 0:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            case 1:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 0 };
            case 2:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 2, 3, 0, 1 };
            case 3:
                pointIndexes = new int[4] { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
        Vector3[] basepoints = new Vector3[4];
        Vector3[] points = new Vector3[6];

        for (int i = 0; i < design.sawtoothTeeth; i++)

            Vector3 toothBaseMovementA = (area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[3]]].vector3 - area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[0]]].vector3).normalized;
            float roofDepthA = Vector3.Distance(area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[3]]].vector3, area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[0]]].vector3);
            float toothDepthA = roofDepthA / design.sawtoothTeeth;
            Vector3 toothVectorA = toothBaseMovementA * toothDepthA;

            Vector3 toothBaseMovementB = (area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[2]]].vector3 - area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[1]]].vector3).normalized;
            float roofDepthB = Vector3.Distance(area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[2]]].vector3, area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[1]]].vector3);
            float toothDepthB = roofDepthB / design.sawtoothTeeth;
            Vector3 toothVectorB = toothBaseMovementB * toothDepthB;

            basepoints[0] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[0]]].vector3 + toothVectorA * i;
            basepoints[1] = area.points[volume.points[pointIndexes[1]]].vector3 + toothVectorB * i;
            basepoints[2] = basepoints[1] + toothVectorB;
            basepoints[3] = basepoints[0] + toothVectorA;

            points[0] = basepoints[0] + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[1] = basepoints[1] + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[2] = basepoints[2] + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[3] = basepoints[3] + volumeFloorHeight;
            points[4] = basepoints[2] + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;
            points[5] = basepoints[3] + volumeFloorHeight + ridgeVector;

            int subMeshTop = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
            bool flippedTop = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.tiles);
            AddPlane(design, points[0], points[1], points[5], points[4], subMeshTop, flippedTop);

            int subMeshWindow = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window);
            bool flippedWindow = design.IsFlipped(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.window);
            AddPlane(design, points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], subMeshWindow, flippedWindow);

            Vector3[] vertsA = new Vector3[3] { points[1], points[2], points[4] };
            Vector3[] vertsB = new Vector3[3] { points[0], points[3], points[5] };
            float uvWdith = Vector3.Distance(points[0], points[3]);
            float uvHeight = design.height;
            int subMesh = design.GetTexture(BuildrRoofDesign.textureNames.wall);
            BuildrTexture texture = textures[subMesh];

            if (texture.tiled)
                uvWdith *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.x);
                uvHeight *= (1.0f / texture.textureUnitSize.y);
                if (texture.patterned)
                    Vector2 uvunits = texture.tileUnitUV;
                    uvWdith = Mathf.Ceil(uvWdith / uvunits.x) * uvunits.x;
                    uvHeight = Mathf.Ceil(uvHeight / uvunits.y) * uvunits.y;
                uvWdith = texture.tiledX;
                uvHeight = texture.tiledY;

            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[3] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(uvWdith, 0), new Vector2(uvWdith, uvHeight) };
            int[] triA = new int[3] { 1, 0, 2 };
            int[] triB = new int[3] { 0, 1, 2 };
            AddData(vertsA, uvs, triA, subMesh);
            AddData(vertsB, uvs, triB, subMesh);

Example #30
    public BuildrPlan Duplicate()
        BuildrPlan newplan = (BuildrPlan)Instantiate(this);

    public static void SceneGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrPlan plan, bool shouldSnap, float handleSize)
        Vector3 position = editMode.transform.position;
        Plane buildingPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, position);
        float distance;
        Vector3 mousePlanePoint = Vector3.zero;
        Camera sceneCamera = Camera.current;
        Ray ray = sceneCamera.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Event.current.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Event.current.mousePosition.y - 30, 0));
        if (buildingPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
            mousePlanePoint = ray.GetPoint(distance);
        Quaternion mouseLookDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation(-ray.direction);

        //Draw the floorplan outline
        int numberOfVolumes = plan.numberOfVolumes;
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volumeLinks = plan.volumes[s];
            int volumeSize = volumeLinks.Count;

            for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                Handles.color = Color.white;
                Vector3[] wallPositions = plan.GetWallVectors(s, l);
                Handles.DrawLine(wallPositions[0] + position, wallPositions[1] + position);

        //draw outlines of building cores
        int numberOfCores = plan.cores.Count;
        for(int c = 0; c < numberOfCores; c++)
            Rect coreOutline = plan.cores[c];
            Vector3 coreCenter = new Vector3(coreOutline.center.x,0,coreOutline.center.y);
            Handles.Label(coreCenter + position, "Core " + (c + 1));
            Vector3 coreBL = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMin,0, coreOutline.yMin) + position;
            Vector3 coreBR = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMax,0, coreOutline.yMin) + position;
            Vector3 coreTL = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMin,0, coreOutline.yMax) + position;
            Vector3 coreTR = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMax,0, coreOutline.yMax) + position;

        //Draw red lines over illegal point/lines
        int numberOfIllegalPoints = plan.numberOfIllegalPoints;
        if (numberOfIllegalPoints > 0)
            Handles.color = Color.red;
            Vector2z[] illegalPoints = plan.illegalPoints;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIllegalPoints - 1; i += 2)
                Vector3 a, b;
                a = illegalPoints[i].vector3 + position;
                b = illegalPoints[i + 1].vector3 + position;
                Handles.DrawLine(a, b);

        SceneView.focusedWindow.wantsMouseMove = false;
        Vector3 vertA;
        Vector3 vertB;
        int selectedPoint;
        switch (editMode.mode)

            case BuildrEditMode.modes.floorplan:
                Vector3 sliderPos = Vector3.zero;
                int numberOfPoints = plan.points.Count;
                int numberOfSelectedPoints = editMode.selectedPoints.Count;

                //Per point scene gui
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                    Vector2z point = plan.points[i];
                    Vector3 pointPos = point.vector3 + position;
                    float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pointPos);
                    bool selected = editMode.selectedPoints.Contains(i);
                    if (selected)
                        Handles.color = Color.green;
                        //Handles.Label(pointPos, "point "+i);
                        sliderPos += point.vector3;
                        if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))

                        Handles.color = Color.white;
                        if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.05f, pointHandleSize * 0.05f, Handles.DotCap))
                            if (!shouldSnap)

                    float pointDot = Vector3.Dot(sceneCamera.transform.forward, pointPos - sceneCamera.transform.position);
                    if(pointDot > 0.0f)
                        Handles.color = Color.white;
                        GUIStyle pointLabelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                        pointLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                        pointLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                        pointLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                        pointLabelStyle.fixedWidth = 50.0f;
                        Handles.Label(pointPos + Vector3.up * 2, "point " + i, pointLabelStyle);

                //draw plan dimensions
                if (editMode.showDimensionLines)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
                        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
                        int volumeSize = volume.Count;
                        for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                            if (plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(v, volume.points[l], volume.points[(l + 1) % volumeSize]) != -1)
                            vertA = plan.points[volume.points[l]].vector3 + position;
                            vertB = plan.points[volume.points[(l + 1) % volumeSize]].vector3 + position;
                            float wallWidth = Vector3.Distance(vertA, vertB);
                            Vector3 facadeDirection = Vector3.Cross((vertA - vertB), Vector3.up).normalized;
                            Vector3 labelPos = (vertA + vertB) * 0.5f + facadeDirection;
                            GUIStyle widthStyle = new GUIStyle();
                            widthStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                            widthStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                            widthStyle.fixedWidth = 50.0f;
                            Handles.Label(labelPos, wallWidth.ToString("F2") + "m", widthStyle);
                            if (wallWidth > 3)//draw guidelines
                                float gapSpace = (HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(labelPos) * 0.5f) / wallWidth;
                                Vector3 lineStopA = Vector3.Lerp(vertA, vertB, (0.5f - gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                                Vector3 lineStopB = Vector3.Lerp(vertA, vertB, (0.5f + gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                                Handles.DrawLine(vertA + facadeDirection, lineStopA);
                                Handles.DrawLine(vertA + facadeDirection, vertA);
                                Handles.DrawLine(vertB + facadeDirection, lineStopB);
                                Handles.DrawLine(vertB + facadeDirection, vertB);

                //selected point scene gui
                if (numberOfSelectedPoints > 0)
        //                    Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(plan, "Floorplan Node Moved");
                    sliderPos /= numberOfSelectedPoints;
                    Vector3 dirX = (sliderPos.x < 0) ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left;
                    Vector3 dirZ = (sliderPos.z < 0) ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.back;
                    sliderPos += position;
                    Vector3 newSliderPos;
                    Handles.color = Color.red;
                    newSliderPos = Handles.Slider(sliderPos, dirX, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(sliderPos) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
                    Handles.color = Color.blue;
                    newSliderPos = Handles.Slider(newSliderPos, dirZ, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(newSliderPos) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);

                    Vector3 sliderDiff = newSliderPos - sliderPos;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                        if (editMode.selectedPoints.Contains(i))
                            if(sliderDiff != Vector3.zero)
                                Vector2z point = plan.points[i];
                                point.vector3 += sliderDiff;

                                    Vector3 snappedPoint = point.vector3;
                                    snappedPoint.x -= snappedPoint.x % editMode.floorplanGridSize;
                                    snappedPoint.z -= snappedPoint.z % editMode.floorplanGridSize;
                                    point.vector3 = snappedPoint;

                //core gui
                for(int c = 0; c < numberOfCores; c++)
        //                    Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(plan, "Core Node Moved");
                    Rect coreOutline = plan.cores[c];

                    Vector3 coreLeft = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMin, 0, (coreOutline.yMin + coreOutline.yMax)/2);
                    Vector3 coreRight = new Vector3(coreOutline.xMax, 0, (coreOutline.yMin + coreOutline.yMax)/2);
                    Vector3 coreBottom = new Vector3((coreOutline.xMin + coreOutline.xMax) / 2, 0, coreOutline.yMin);
                    Vector3 coreTop = new Vector3((coreOutline.xMin + coreOutline.xMax) / 2, 0, coreOutline.yMax);

                    Vector3 newCoreLeft = Handles.Slider(coreLeft + position, Vector3.left, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(coreLeft) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
                    Vector3 newCoreRight = Handles.Slider(coreRight + position, Vector3.right, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(coreLeft) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
                    Vector3 newCoreBottom = Handles.Slider(coreBottom + position, Vector3.back, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(coreLeft) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);
                    Vector3 newCoreTop = Handles.Slider(coreTop + position, Vector3.forward, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(coreLeft) * 0.666f, Handles.ArrowCap, 0.0f);

                    newCoreLeft -= position;
                    newCoreRight -= position;
                    newCoreBottom -= position;
                    newCoreTop -= position;

                    if (coreLeft != newCoreLeft)
                        coreOutline.xMin = Mathf.Min(newCoreLeft.x, coreOutline.xMax - 1.0f);
                    if (coreRight != newCoreRight)
                        coreOutline.xMax = Mathf.Max(newCoreRight.x, coreOutline.xMin + 1.0f);
                    if (coreBottom != newCoreBottom)
                        coreOutline.yMin = Mathf.Min(newCoreBottom.z, coreOutline.yMax - 1.0f);
                    if (coreTop != newCoreTop)
                        coreOutline.yMax = Mathf.Max(newCoreTop.z, coreOutline.yMin + 1.0f);

                    plan.cores[c] = coreOutline;


            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addNewVolume:
                Vector3 basePoint = mousePlanePoint;
                Vector3 width = Vector3.right * 10;
                Vector3 height = Vector3.forward * 10;
                Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4] { basePoint - width - height, basePoint + width - height, basePoint + width + height, basePoint + height - width };

                Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, new Color(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.9f, 0.5f), new Color(0.1f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.85f));
                Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to place a new volume");
                if (Handles.Button(basePoint, Quaternion.identity, 0, 10, Handles.CircleCap))
        //                    Undo.RegisterUndo(plan.GetUndoObjects(), "Add new volume");
                    plan.AddVolume(verts, -position);


            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addNewVolumeByDraw:

                if (editMode.startVolumeDraw == Vector3.zero)
                    Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to select the start point of this volume");
                    if (Handles.Button(mousePlanePoint, Quaternion.identity, handleSize * 0.1f, handleSize * 0.1f, Handles.CircleCap))
                        editMode.startVolumeDraw = mousePlanePoint;
                    Vector3 baseDrawPoint = editMode.startVolumeDraw;
                    Vector3 finishDrawPoint = mousePlanePoint;
                    Vector3[] drawVerts = new Vector3[4];
                    drawVerts[0] = new Vector3(baseDrawPoint.x, 0, baseDrawPoint.z);
                    drawVerts[1] = new Vector3(finishDrawPoint.x, 0, baseDrawPoint.z);
                    drawVerts[2] = new Vector3(finishDrawPoint.x, 0, finishDrawPoint.z);
                    drawVerts[3] = new Vector3(baseDrawPoint.x, 0, finishDrawPoint.z);

                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(drawVerts, new Color(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.9f, 0.5f), new Color(0.1f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.85f));
                    Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to finish and add a new volume");
                    if (Handles.Button(mousePlanePoint, Quaternion.identity, 0, 10, Handles.CircleCap))
        //                        Undo.RegisterUndo(plan.GetUndoObjects(), "Add new volume");
                        plan.AddVolume(drawVerts, -position);

            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addNewVolumeByPoints:

                int numberOfDrawnPoints = editMode.volumeDrawPoints.Count;
                bool allowNewPoint = true;
                for (int p = 0; p < numberOfDrawnPoints; p++)
                    Vector3 point = editMode.volumeDrawPoints[p];
                    if (p == 0 && Vector3.Distance(point, mousePlanePoint) < 3 && numberOfDrawnPoints >= 3)
                        allowNewPoint = false;//hovering over the first point - don't add a new point - ready to complete the volume plan
                        Handles.color = Color.green;
                    Vector3 lookDirection = -(point - Camera.current.transform.position);

                    int p2 = (p + 1) % numberOfDrawnPoints;
                    if (p < numberOfDrawnPoints - 1 || !allowNewPoint)//don't draw last line
                        Handles.DrawLine(point, editMode.volumeDrawPoints[p2]);
                    float pointhandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(point);
                    if (Handles.Button(point, Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDirection), pointhandleSize * 0.1f, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
                        if (p == 0 && numberOfDrawnPoints >= 3)
                            plan.AddVolume(editMode.volumeDrawPoints.ToArray(), -position);
                            GUI.changed = true;

                if (allowNewPoint)

                    bool isLegal = true;
                    if (numberOfDrawnPoints >= 1)
                        Vector2z newPoint = new Vector2z(mousePlanePoint);
                        Vector2z lastPoint = new Vector2z(editMode.volumeDrawPoints[numberOfDrawnPoints - 1]);
                        for (int op = 0; op < numberOfDrawnPoints - 1; op++)//don't do the final line
                            int op2 = (op + 1) % numberOfDrawnPoints;

                            if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(newPoint, lastPoint, new Vector2z(editMode.volumeDrawPoints[op]), new Vector2z(editMode.volumeDrawPoints[op2])))
                                isLegal = false;
                        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
                            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
                            int volumeSize = volume.Count;
                            for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                                int vp1 = l;
                                int vp2 = (l + 1) % volumeSize;

                                Vector2z v2zPos = new Vector2z(position);
                                Vector2z p1 = newPoint - v2zPos;
                                Vector2z p2 = lastPoint - v2zPos;
                                Vector2z p3 = plan.points[volume.points[vp1]];
                                Vector2z p4 = plan.points[volume.points[vp2]];

                                if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(p1, p2, p3, p4))
                                    isLegal = false;

                        Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to add another point to the volume wall");

                        if (!isLegal)
                            Handles.color = Color.red;

                        Handles.DrawLine(lastPoint.vector3, newPoint.vector3);
                        Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to add the first point in this volume wall");

                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    if (Handles.Button(mousePlanePoint, mouseLookDirection, 0, 10, Handles.CircleCap))
                        if (isLegal)
        //                            Undo.RegisterUndo(plan.GetUndoObjects(), "Add new wall line for new volume");
                            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Wall lines cannot intersect other wall lines", "ok, sorry");
                    Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to complete the volume wall plan");


            case BuildrEditMode.modes.removeVolume:

                for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
                    int volumeSize = volume.Count;
                    Vector3 centerPoint = Vector3.zero;
                    for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                        centerPoint += plan.points[volume.points[l]].vector3;
                    centerPoint /= volumeSize;
                    centerPoint += position;

                    Handles.color = Color.red;
                    float centerPointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(centerPoint);
                    if (Handles.Button(centerPoint, Quaternion.identity, centerPointHandleSize * 0.1f, centerPointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                        Undo.RegisterUndo(plan.GetUndoObjects(), "Remove volume");
        //                        Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Remove Volume");


            case BuildrEditMode.modes.mergeVolumes:

                List<int> usedPointsA = new List<int>();
                List<int> usedPointsB = new List<int>();
                for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
                    int volumeSize = volume.Count;
                    for (int p = 0; p < volumeSize; p++)
                        int a = volume.points[p];
                        int b = volume.points[(p + 1) % volumeSize];

                        bool alreadyDrawn = false;
                        foreach (int pa in usedPointsA)
                            if (pa == a || pa == b)
                                int pb = usedPointsB[usedPointsA.IndexOf(pa)];
                                if (pb == a || pb == b)
                                    alreadyDrawn = true;

                        if (!alreadyDrawn)


                            int otherV = plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(v, a, b);
                            if (otherV == -1)
                                continue;//it's not connected to another volume

                            vertA = plan.points[a].vector3 + position;
                            vertB = plan.points[b].vector3 + position;
                            Vector3 diff = vertA - vertB;
                            Vector3 facadeDirection = Vector3.Cross(diff, Vector3.up).normalized;
                            Vector3 midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(vertA, vertB, 0.5f);

                            float mergeHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(midPoint) * 0.1f;
                            Vector3 outPointA = midPoint + (facadeDirection * mergeHandleSize * 6);
                            Vector3 outPointB = midPoint - (facadeDirection * mergeHandleSize * 6);
                            Handles.ArrowCap(0, outPointA, Quaternion.LookRotation(-facadeDirection), mergeHandleSize * 4);
                            Handles.ArrowCap(0, outPointB, Quaternion.LookRotation(facadeDirection), mergeHandleSize * 4);

                            GUIStyle pointLabelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                            pointLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                            pointLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                            pointLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                            pointLabelStyle.fixedWidth = 50.0f;
                            Handles.Label(midPoint + Vector3.up * mergeHandleSize * 3, "Merge", pointLabelStyle);

                            if (Handles.Button(midPoint, Quaternion.identity, mergeHandleSize, mergeHandleSize, Handles.DotCap))
        //                                Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Merge Volume");
                                int otherVolume = plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(v, a, b);
                                plan.MergeVolumes(v, otherVolume);



            case BuildrEditMode.modes.splitwall:

                SceneView.focusedWindow.wantsMouseMove = true;
                float pointDistance = 999;
                int wallIndex = -1;
                int volumeIndex = -1;
                Vector3 closestPoint = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3 usePoint = Vector3.zero;
                vertA = Vector3.zero;
                vertB = Vector3.zero;

                for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                    BuildrVolume volumeLinks = plan.volumes[s];
                    int volumeSize = volumeLinks.Count;

                    for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                        Vector3[] wallVectors = plan.GetWallVectors(s, l);
                        closestPoint = BuildrUtils.ClosestPointOnLine(wallVectors[0] + position, wallVectors[1] + position, mousePlanePoint);
                        float thisDist = Vector3.Distance(closestPoint, mousePlanePoint);
                        if (thisDist < pointDistance)
                            wallIndex = l;
                            volumeIndex = s;
                            vertA = wallVectors[0];
                            vertB = wallVectors[1];
                            usePoint = closestPoint;
                            pointDistance = thisDist;

                        Handles.color = Color.white;
                        float wallHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(wallVectors[0] + position);
                        Handles.DotCap(0, wallVectors[0] + position, Quaternion.identity, wallHandleSize * 0.05f);

                if (wallIndex != -1 && pointDistance < 5 && volumeIndex != -1)
                    float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(usePoint);
                    if (Handles.Button(usePoint, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                        Undo.RegisterUndo(plan.GetUndoObjects(), "Split Wall");
                        int newPointID = plan.AddWallPoint(usePoint - position, wallIndex, volumeIndex);

                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    GUIStyle widthStyle = new GUIStyle();
                    widthStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                    widthStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    widthStyle.fixedWidth = 50.0f;
                    Vector3 facadeDirection = Vector3.Cross((vertA - vertB), Vector3.up).normalized;

                    float wallWidthA = Vector3.Distance(vertA, usePoint);
                    Vector3 labelPosA = (vertA + usePoint) * 0.5f + facadeDirection;
                    Handles.Label(labelPosA, wallWidthA.ToString("F2") + "m", widthStyle);
                    if (wallWidthA > 3)//draw guidelines
                        float gapSpace = (pointHandleSize * 0.5f) / wallWidthA;
                        Vector3 lineStopA = Vector3.Lerp(vertA, usePoint, (0.5f - gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                        Vector3 lineStopB = Vector3.Lerp(vertA, usePoint, (0.5f + gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                        Handles.DrawLine(vertA + facadeDirection, lineStopA);
                        Handles.DrawLine(vertA + facadeDirection, vertA);
                        Handles.DrawLine(usePoint + facadeDirection, lineStopB);
                        Handles.DrawLine(usePoint + facadeDirection, usePoint);

                    float wallWidthB = Vector3.Distance(usePoint, vertB);
                    Vector3 labelPosB = (usePoint + vertB) * 0.5f + facadeDirection;
                    Handles.Label(labelPosB, wallWidthB.ToString("F2") + "m", widthStyle);
                    if (wallWidthB > 3)//draw guidelines
                        float gapSpace = (pointHandleSize * 0.5f) / wallWidthB;
                        Vector3 lineStopA = Vector3.Lerp(vertB, usePoint, (0.5f - gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                        Vector3 lineStopB = Vector3.Lerp(vertB, usePoint, (0.5f + gapSpace)) + facadeDirection;
                        Handles.DrawLine(vertB + facadeDirection, lineStopA);
                        Handles.DrawLine(vertB + facadeDirection, vertB);
                        Handles.DrawLine(usePoint + facadeDirection, lineStopB);
                        Handles.DrawLine(usePoint + facadeDirection, usePoint);
                Handles.color = Color.white;

            case BuildrEditMode.modes.removewall:

                int index = 0;
                foreach (Vector2z point in plan.points)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    Vector3 pointPos = point.vector3 + position;
                    float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pointPos);
                    if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                        Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Delete Wall Point");



            case BuildrEditMode.modes.extrudewallselect:

                Handles.color = Color.blue;
                for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                    int volumeSize = volume.Count;

                    for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                        int a = volume.points[l];
                        int b = (l < volume.points.Count - 1) ? volume.points[l + 1] : volume.points[0];
                        if (plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(s, a, b) == -1)//if the volume wall has not been connected to two volumes yet...
                            Vector3[] pIndexes = plan.GetWallVectors(s, l);
                            Vector3 pA = pIndexes[0];
                            Vector3 pB = pIndexes[1];
                            Vector3 pC = (pA + pB) / 2 + position;
                            float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pC);

                            if (Handles.Button(pC, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                                Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Extrude wall");
                                int wallIndexA = l;
                                int newPointAIndex = plan.AddWallPoint(pA, wallIndexA, s);
                                int wallIndexB = l + 1;

                                int newPointBIndex = plan.AddWallPoint(pB, wallIndexB, s);



                Handles.color = Color.white;


            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addVolumeByPoint:

                Handles.color = Color.blue;
                for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                    int volumeSize = volume.Count;

                    for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                        int a = volume.points[l];
                        int b = (l < volume.points.Count - 1) ? volume.points[l + 1] : volume.points[0];
                        if (plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(s, a, b) == -1)//if the volume wall has not been connected to two volumes yet...
                            Vector3[] pointVectors = plan.GetWallVectors(s, l);
                            Vector3 pA = pointVectors[0];
                            Vector3 pB = pointVectors[1];
                            Vector3 pC = (pA + pB) / 2 + position;
                            float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pC);
                            if (Handles.Button(pC, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
                                Vector2z[] newPoints = new Vector2z[1];
                                float pointDist = Vector3.Distance(pA, pB);
                                Vector3 newPointPos = Vector3.Cross(pA - pB, Vector3.up).normalized * pointDist;
                                newPoints[0] = new Vector2z(pC + newPointPos);
                                int indexa, indexb;
                                indexa = volume.points[l];
                                if (l < volumeSize - 1)
                                    indexb = volume.points[l + 1];
                                    indexb = volume.points[0];
                                plan.AddVolume(indexa, indexb, newPoints);

                Handles.color = Color.white;

            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addVolumeByWall:

                Handles.color = Color.blue;
                for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                    BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                    int volumeSize = volume.Count;

                    for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                        int a = volume.points[l];
                        int b = (l < volume.points.Count - 1) ? volume.points[l + 1] : volume.points[0];
                        if (plan.GetConnectingVolumeIndex(s, a, b) == -1)
                            Vector3[] pIndexes = plan.GetWallVectors(s, l);
                            Vector3 pA = pIndexes[0];
                            Vector3 pB = pIndexes[1];
                            Vector3 pC = (pA + pB) / 2 + position;
                            float pointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pC);
                            if (Handles.Button(pC, Quaternion.identity, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, pointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                                Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Add volume by wall");
                                Vector2z[] newPoints = new Vector2z[2];
                                float pointDist = Vector3.Distance(pA, pB);
                                Vector3 newPointPos = Vector3.Cross(pA - pB, Vector3.up).normalized * pointDist;
                                newPoints[0] = new Vector2z(pA + newPointPos);
                                newPoints[1] = new Vector2z(pB + newPointPos);
                                int indexa, indexb;
                                indexa = volume.points[l];
                                if (l < volumeSize - 1)
                                    indexb = volume.points[l + 1];
                                    indexb = volume.points[0];
                                plan.AddVolume(indexa, indexb, newPoints);

                Handles.color = Color.white;

            case BuildrEditMode.modes.addPointToVolume:

                numberOfPoints = plan.numberOfPoints;
                if (editMode.selectedPoint == -1)
                    for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                        Vector2z point = plan.points[p];
                        Handles.color = Color.white;
                        Vector3 pointPos = point.vector3 + position;
                        float pointhandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pointPos);
                        if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                            Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Select Wall Point");
                            editMode.selectedPoint = p;

                    selectedPoint = editMode.selectedPoint;
                    Vector2z startPoint = plan.points[selectedPoint];
                    Vector2z endPoint = new Vector2z(mousePlanePoint - position);

                    bool isLegal = true;
                    for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                        if (!volume.Contains(selectedPoint))
                        int volumeSize = volume.Count;

                        for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)
                            int a = volume.points[l];
                            int b = volume.points[(l + 1) % volumeSize];

                            if (a == selectedPoint || b == selectedPoint)

                            if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(startPoint, endPoint, plan.points[a], plan.points[b]))
                                isLegal = false;

                    Handles.color = isLegal ? Color.white : Color.red;
                    Handles.DrawLine(startPoint.vector3 + position, endPoint.vector3 + position);



            case BuildrEditMode.modes.splitVolume:

                numberOfPoints = plan.numberOfPoints;
                selectedPoint = editMode.selectedPoint;
                if (selectedPoint == -1)
                    for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                        Vector2z point = plan.points[p];
                        Handles.color = Color.white;
                        Vector3 pointPos = point.vector3 + position;
                        float pointhandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pointPos);

                        if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                            Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Select Wall Point");
                            editMode.selectedPoint = p;

                    for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                        BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                        if (!volume.Contains(selectedPoint))
                        int volumeSize = volume.Count;

                        for (int l = 0; l < volumeSize; l++)

                            int o = volume.points[l];
                            int a = selectedPoint;
                            int selectedVolumePoint = volume.IndexOf(selectedPoint);
                            int b = volume.points[(selectedVolumePoint + 1) % volumeSize];
                            int volb = (selectedVolumePoint - 1) % volumeSize;
                            if (volb == -1) volb = volumeSize - 1;
                            int c = volume.points[volb];

                            if (o == a || o == b || o == c)

                            Vector3 pointPos = plan.points[o].vector3 + position;

                            bool isLegal = true;
                            for (int j = 0; j < volumeSize; j++)
                                int ob = volume.points[j];
                                int oc = volume.points[(j + 1) % volumeSize];
                                if (ob == selectedPoint || oc == selectedPoint || ob == o || oc == o)
                                if (BuildrUtils.FastLineIntersection(plan.points[selectedPoint], plan.points[o], plan.points[ob], plan.points[oc]))
                                    isLegal = false;

                            Vector2z pA = plan.points[a];
                            Vector2z pB = plan.points[b];
                            Vector2z pC = plan.points[c];
                            Vector2z pO = plan.points[o];

                            float startAng, endAng, mouseAng, ang;
                            Vector3 cross;
                            Vector2z diff;

                            diff = pC - pA;
                            ang = Vector2.Angle(Vector2.up, diff.vector2);
                            cross = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, diff.vector3);
                            startAng = (cross.y > 0) ? ang : 360 - ang;

                            diff = pB - pA;
                            ang = Vector2.Angle(Vector2.up, diff.vector2);
                            cross = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, diff.vector3);
                            endAng = (cross.y > 0) ? ang : 360 - ang;

                            diff = pO - pA;
                            ang = Vector2.Angle(Vector2.up, diff.vector2);
                            cross = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, diff.vector3);
                            mouseAng = (cross.y > 0) ? ang : 360 - ang;

                            mouseAng = (360 + (mouseAng % 360)) % 360;
                            startAng = (3600000 + startAng) % 360;
                            endAng = (3600000 + endAng) % 360;

                            bool isBetween = false;
                            if (startAng < endAng)
                                isBetween = startAng <= mouseAng && mouseAng <= endAng;
                                isBetween = startAng <= mouseAng || mouseAng <= endAng;

                            if (isLegal && !isBetween)
                                isLegal = false;

                            if (isLegal)
                                Handles.color = Color.white;
                                float pointhandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pointPos);
                                if (Handles.Button(pointPos, Quaternion.identity, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, pointhandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                                    Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Split Volume");
                                    plan.SplitVolume(s, a, o);
                                    editMode.selectedPoint = -1;
                                Handles.color = new Color(1, 0, 0, 0.25f);
                                Handles.DrawLine(plan.points[selectedPoint].vector3 + position, plan.points[o].vector3 + position);


                case BuildrEditMode.modes.addNewCore:

                SceneView.focusedWindow.wantsMouseMove = true;
                Vector3 coreBasePoint = mousePlanePoint;
                Vector3 coreWidth = Vector3.right * 2.5f;
                Vector3 coreHeight = Vector3.forward * 2.5f;
                Vector3[] coreVerts = new Vector3[4] { coreBasePoint - coreWidth - coreHeight, coreBasePoint + coreWidth - coreHeight, coreBasePoint + coreWidth + coreHeight, coreBasePoint + coreHeight - coreWidth };

                Color newCoreColour = BuildrColours.RED;
                newCoreColour.a = 0.5f;
                Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(coreVerts, newCoreColour, BuildrColours.YELLOW);
                Handles.Label(mousePlanePoint, "Click to place a new core");
                if (Handles.Button(coreBasePoint, Quaternion.identity, 0, 10, Handles.CircleCap))
        //                    Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Add new core");
                    Vector3 coreBase = coreBasePoint - position;
                    Rect newCoreRect = new Rect(coreBase.x - 2.5f, coreBase.z - 2.5f, 5.0f, 5.0f);


                case BuildrEditMode.modes.removeCore:

                for (int c = 0; c < numberOfCores; c++)
                    Rect core = plan.cores[c];
                    Vector3 centerPoint = new Vector3(core.center.x, 0, core.center.y) + position;

                    Handles.color = Color.red;
                    float centerPointHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(centerPoint);
                    if (Handles.Button(centerPoint, Quaternion.identity, centerPointHandleSize * 0.1f, centerPointHandleSize * 0.1f, Handles.DotCap))
        //                        Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Remove Core");


        bool clickedOutside = false;
        if (Event.current.isMouse)
            RaycastHit hitInfo;
            clickedOutside = true;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo))
                if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject == editMode.gameObject)
                    clickedOutside = false;

        if (clickedOutside)

        if (GUI.changed)
Example #32
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        //        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

//        int facadeIndex = 0;
        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();

        dynMeshRoof.name         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.OneDrawCallTexture != null)
        data.OneDrawCallTexture      = packedTexture;
        data.OneDrawCallTexture.name = "One Draw Call Texture";

        int         numberOfRoofTextures   = roofTextures.Count - 1;
        List <Rect> facadeTexturePositions = new List <Rect>(packedTexturePositions);

        facadeTexturePositions.RemoveRange(packedTexturePositions.Count - numberOfRoofTextures, numberOfRoofTextures);

        BuildrBuilding.Build(mesh, data, facadeTexturePositions.ToArray());

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;

    public static void InspectorGUI(BuildrEditMode editMode, BuildrPlan plan)

        Undo.RecordObject(plan, "Floorplan Modified");

        editMode.showDimensionLines = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Wall Dimensions", editMode.showDimensionLines);
        if (editMode.mode != BuildrEditMode.modes.floorplan)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Current Mode: " + editMode.mode.ToString());
            if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Snap to Grid", GUILayout.Width(100));
        bool editModesnapFloorplanToGrid = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(editMode.snapFloorplanToGrid);
        if(editModesnapFloorplanToGrid != editMode.snapFloorplanToGrid)
            //Snapping modified
            editMode.snapFloorplanToGrid = editModesnapFloorplanToGrid;
                int numberOfPoints = plan.points.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                    Vector2z point = plan.points[i];
                    Vector3 snappedPoint = point.vector3;
                    snappedPoint.x -= snappedPoint.x % editMode.floorplanGridSize;
                    snappedPoint.z -= snappedPoint.z % editMode.floorplanGridSize;
                    point.vector3 = snappedPoint;
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Grid Size", GUILayout.Width(100));
        editMode.floorplanGridSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(editMode.floorplanGridSize);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("metres", GUILayout.Width(60));

        if(GUILayout.Button("Recenter Floorplan to Origin"))
            Vector3 currentCenter = Vector3.zero;
            int numberOfPoints = plan.points.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                currentCenter += plan.points[i].vector3;
            currentCenter *= (1.0f / numberOfPoints);
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                plan.points[i].vector3 += -currentCenter;
            int numberOfCores = plan.cores.Count;
            for(int i = 0; i < numberOfCores; i++)
                Rect core = plan.cores[i];
                plan.cores[i] = new Rect(core.xMin - currentCenter.x, core.yMin - currentCenter.z, core.width, core.height);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Recenter Origin to Floorplan"))
            Vector3 currentCenter = Vector3.zero;
            int numberOfPoints = plan.points.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                currentCenter += plan.points[i].vector3;
            currentCenter *= (1.0f / numberOfPoints);
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                plan.points[i].vector3 += -currentCenter;
            int numberOfCores = plan.cores.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCores; i++)
                Rect core = plan.cores[i];
                plan.cores[i] = new Rect(core.xMin - currentCenter.x, core.yMin - currentCenter.z, core.width, core.height);
            editMode.transform.position += currentCenter;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("New Volume Plans");
        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Volume Square"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Volume By Drawing Rectangle"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Volume By Drawing Points"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Volume By Extending Wall"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Merge Volumes"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Split Volumes"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Volume"))

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Volume Plan Modification");
        if (GUILayout.Button("Split Wall"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Point To Volume"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Wall Point"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Extrude Wall"))

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Core Modification");
        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Building Core"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Building Core"))
Example #34
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
//        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex = 0;

        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;


        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();

        dynMeshRoof.name         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);
        LogTimer("Roof A");

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two
        //Debug.Log("Texture Width "+textureWidth);
        //TODO: maybe restrict the resize to a power of two?
        LogTimer("Packed Rect Generated");

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        LogTimer("texture created");
        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.LODTextureAtlas != null)
        data.LODTextureAtlas      = packedTexture;
        data.LODTextureAtlas.name = "Low Detail Texture";

        //build the model with new uvs

        if (data.drawUnderside)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
                Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
                    newEndUVs[i]   = Vector2.zero;

                List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
                mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);

        //Build facades
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int     indexA = f;
                int     indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                Rect facadeRect = packedTexturePositions[facadeIndex];

                float   imageSize = textureWidth;
                Vector2 uvMin     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMin / imageSize, facadeRect.yMin / imageSize);
                Vector2 uvMax     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMax / imageSize, facadeRect.yMax / imageSize);

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, uvMin, uvMax, 0);

        //ROOF Textures
        int         roofRectBase  = numberOfFacades;
        List <Rect> newAtlasRects = new List <Rect>();

        for (int i = roofRectBase; i < packedTexturePositions.Count; i++)
            Rect uvRect = new Rect();//generate a UV based rectangle off the packed one
            uvRect.x      = packedTexturePositions[i].x / textureWidth;
            uvRect.y      = packedTexturePositions[i].y / textureWidth;
            uvRect.width  = packedTexturePositions[i].width / textureWidth;
            uvRect.height = packedTexturePositions[i].height / textureWidth;
        dynMeshRoof.Atlas(roofTextureIndex.ToArray(), newAtlasRects.ToArray(), data.textures.ToArray());
        //Add the atlased mesh data to the main model data at submesh 0
        mesh.AddData(dynMeshRoof.vertices, dynMeshRoof.uv, dynMeshRoof.triangles, 0);

        LogTimer("Roof B");

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;
        //atlasRects = null;


    public void Init()
        plan = CreateInstance<BuildrPlan>();

        rgen = new RandomGen((useSeed) ? (uint)_seed : (uint)Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue));