/// <summary>
        /// Display the scan range of built mobile mineral sonar and the max scan range at the tested position.
        /// Allow placement nearly anywhere.
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            IEnumerable<Building> mobileMineralSonarList = Find.ListerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(ThingDef.Named("MobileMineralSonar"));

            if (mobileMineralSonarList != null)
                foreach (Building mobileMineralSonar in mobileMineralSonarList)
                    (mobileMineralSonar as Building_MobileMineralSonar).DrawMaxScanRange();

            ResearchProjectDef mmsResearch = ResearchProjectDef.Named("ResearchMobileMineralSonarEnhancedScan");
            if (Find.ResearchManager.GetProgress(mmsResearch) >= mmsResearch.CostApparent)
                Material scanRange30 = MaterialPool.MatFrom("Effects/ScanRange30");
                Vector3 scanRangeScale30 = new Vector3(60f, 1f, 60f);
                Matrix4x4 scanRangeMatrix30 = default(Matrix4x4);
                // The 10f offset on Y axis is mandatory to be over the fog of war.
                scanRangeMatrix30.SetTRS(loc.ToVector3Shifted() + new Vector3(0f, 10f, 0f) + Altitudes.AltIncVect, (0f).ToQuat(), scanRangeScale30);
                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, scanRangeMatrix30, scanRange30, 0);
                Material scanRange50 = MaterialPool.MatFrom("Effects/ScanRange50");
                Vector3 scanRangeScale50 = new Vector3(100f, 1f, 100f);
                Matrix4x4 scanRangeMatrix50 = default(Matrix4x4);
                // The 10f offset on Y axis is mandatory to be over the fog of war.
                scanRangeMatrix50.SetTRS(loc.ToVector3Shifted() + new Vector3(0f, 10f, 0f) + Altitudes.AltIncVect, (0f).ToQuat(), scanRangeScale50);
                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, scanRangeMatrix50, scanRange50, 0);

            return true;
Example #2
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            bool flag = false;
            List<Thing> list = Find.ThingGrid.ThingsListAt(loc);
            if (list.Count > 0)
                foreach (Thing current in list)
                    if (current.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)
                        if (current.def.holdsRoof && current.def.coversFloor && current.def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.BuildingTall && current.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable)

                            flag = true;
                flag = false;
            AcceptanceReport result;
            if (flag)
                result = true;
                result = "Need to be placed on a colony wall";
            return result;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
     IEnumerable<IntVec3> cells = GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(loc, rot, checkingDef.Size).Union<IntVec3>(GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(loc, rot, checkingDef.Size));
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in cells)
         List<Thing> things = Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(cell);
         foreach (Thing thing in things)
             if (thing.TryGetComp<CompRTQuantumStockpile>() != null
                 || thing.TryGetComp<CompRTQuantumChunkSilo>() != null)
                 return "PlaceWorker_RTNoQSOverlap".Translate();
             else if (thing.def.entityDefToBuild != null)
                 ThingDef thingDef = thing.def.entityDefToBuild as ThingDef;
                 if (null != thingDef &&
                     null != thingDef.comps &&
                     null != thingDef.comps.Find(x => typeof(CompRTQuantumStockpile) == x.compClass))
                     return "PlaceWorker_RTNoQSOverlap".Translate();
     return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            ThingDef def = checkingDef as ThingDef;

            var Restrictions = def.GetCompProperties( typeof( RestrictedPlacement_Comp ) ) as RestrictedPlacement_Properties;
            if( Restrictions == null ){
                Log.Error( "Could not get restrictions!" );
                return (AcceptanceReport)false;

            // Override steam-geyser restriction
            if( ( Restrictions.RestrictedThing.FindIndex( r => r == ThingDefOf.SteamGeyser ) >= 0 )&&
                ( ThingDefOf.GeothermalGenerator != ( checkingDef as ThingDef ) ) ){
                var newGeo = checkingDef as ThingDef;
                ThingDefOf.GeothermalGenerator = newGeo;

            foreach( Thing t in loc.GetThingList() ){
                if( ( Restrictions.RestrictedThing.Find( r => r == t.def ) != null )&&
                    ( t.Position == loc ) )
                    return (AcceptanceReport)true;

            return "MessagePlacementNotHere".Translate();
Example #5
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            var Restrictions = checkingDef.RestrictedPlacement_Properties();
            #if DEBUG
            if( Restrictions == null ){
                CCL_Log.Error( "PlaceWorker_RestrictedCount unable to get properties!", checkingDef.defName );
                return AcceptanceReport.WasRejected;

            var thingDef = checkingDef as ThingDef;
            #if DEBUG
            if( thingDef == null )
                CCL_Log.Error( "PlaceWorker_RestrictedCount unable to get cast BuildableDef to ThingDef!", checkingDef.defName );
                return AcceptanceReport.WasRejected;

            // Get the current count of instances and blueprints of
            int count = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef( thingDef ).Count
                + Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef( thingDef.blueprintDef ).Count;

            return count < Restrictions.MaxCount
                ? AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted
                    : "MessagePlacementCountRestricted".Translate( Restrictions.MaxCount );
        public override AcceptanceReport  AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            string reason = "";
            bool canBePlacedHere = Building_LaserFencePylon.CanPlaceNewPylonHere(loc, out reason);
            if (canBePlacedHere == false)
                return new AcceptanceReport(reason);
            // Display potential placing positions.
            foreach (Thing pylon in Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("LaserFencePylon").blueprintDef))
                if (pylon.Position.InHorDistOf(loc, 6f))
            foreach (Thing pylon in Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("LaserFencePylon").frameDef))
                if (pylon.Position.InHorDistOf(loc, 6f))
            foreach (Thing pylon in Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("LaserFencePylon")))
                if (pylon.Position.InHorDistOf(loc, 6f))

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a new force field generator can be built at this location.
        /// - must not be too near from another force field generator (or it would perturb other fields).
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            // Check if another force field generator is not too close.
            List<Thing> forceFieldGeneratorList = new List<Thing>();
            IEnumerable<Thing> list = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator"));
            foreach (Thing generator in list)
            list = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator").blueprintDef);
            foreach (Thing generator in list)
            list = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator").frameDef);
            foreach (Thing generator in list)

            foreach (Thing generator in forceFieldGeneratorList)
                if (generator.Position.InHorDistOf(loc, minDistanceBetweenTwoForceFieldGenerators))
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other force field generator is too close (would generate perturbations).");

            // Display effect zone.
            List<IntVec3> coveredCells = Building_ForceFieldGenerator.GetCoveredCells(loc, rot);

            return true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
     if( CompHopper.FindHopperUser( loc + rot.FacingCell ) != null )
         return ( AcceptanceReport )true;
     return ( AcceptanceReport )( "Must connect to a building that needs a hopper." );
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     Fissure thing = (Fissure)Find.ThingGrid.ThingAt(loc, ThingDef.Named("MD2Fissure"));
     if (thing != null && thing.Position == loc)
         return true;
         return "OnFissureReportString".Translate();
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a new fishing pier can be built at this location.
        /// - the fishing pier bank cell must be on a bank.
        /// - the rest of the fishing pier and the fishing spot must be on water.
        /// - must not be too near from another fishing pier.
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            // Check fishing pier bank cell is on a "solid" terrain.
            if (IsAquaticTerrain(loc))
                return new AcceptanceReport("Fishing pier must touch a bank.");
            // Check fishing pier middle and river cells are on water.
            if ((IsAquaticTerrain(loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rot)) == false)
                || (IsAquaticTerrain(loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rot)) == false))
                return new AcceptanceReport("Fishing pier must be placed on water.");
            // Check fishing zone is on water.
            for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset <= 1; xOffset++)
                for (int yOffset = 3; yOffset <= 5; yOffset++)
                    if (IsAquaticTerrain(loc + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, yOffset).RotatedBy(rot)) == false)
                        return new AcceptanceReport("Fishing zone must be placed on water.");

            // Check if another fishing pier is not too close (mind the test on "fishing pier" def and "fishing pier spawner" blueprint and frame defs.
            List<Thing> fishingPierList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierDef);
            List<Thing> fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierSpawnerDef.blueprintDef);
            List<Thing> fishingPierSpawnerFrameList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierSpawnerDef.frameDef);

            if (fishingPierList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> fishingPierInTheArea = fishingPierList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier is too close.");
            if (fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> fishingPierBlueprintInTheArea = fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierBlueprintInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier blueprint is too close.");
            if (fishingPierSpawnerFrameList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> fishingPierFrameInTheArea = fishingPierSpawnerFrameList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierFrameInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier frame is too close.");

            return true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot )
     var things = Find.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt( center );
     if ( things.Exists( s => s is IWallAttachable ) )
         return ResourceBank.WallAlreadyOccupied;
     return true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     var room = loc.GetRoom();
     if( room.ContainedBeds.Any( bed => !bed.ForPrisoners ) )
         return (AcceptanceReport) Data.Strings.NoColonistBeds.Translate();
     return (AcceptanceReport) true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     TerrainDef mudDef = DefDatabase<TerrainDef>.GetNamed("Mud");
     TerrainDef waterDef = DefDatabase<TerrainDef>.GetNamed("WaterShallow");
     if (Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc) == mudDef || Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc) == waterDef)
         return true;
     return "OnMudOrWaterReportString".Translate();
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     ThingDef def = checkingDef as ThingDef;
     int num = Find.ListerBuildings.allBuildingsColonist.Where((Building b)=>b.def==def).Count();
     num += Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(def.blueprintDef).Count;
         return AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted;
     return "MaximumOneReportString".Translate();
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
     IEnumerable<IntVec3> cells = GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(loc, rot, checkingDef.Size);
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in cells)
         if (!cell.Walkable(Map))
             return "PlaceWorker_RTRequireWalkable".Translate();
     return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            foreach( Thing curThing in loc.GetThingList() )
                if( curThing.def.surfaceType != SurfaceType.None )
                    return AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted;

            return (AcceptanceReport)( "MessagePlacementItemSurface".Translate() );
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
     IEnumerable<IntVec3> cells = GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(loc, rot, checkingDef.Size);
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in cells)
         Zone_Stockpile zoneStockpile = cell.GetZone(Map) as Zone_Stockpile;
         if (zoneStockpile != null && zoneStockpile.FindWarehouse() != null)
             return "PlaceWorker_RTOnlyOneQWPerZone".Translate();
     return true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
     AcceptanceReport result;
     if( Find.RoofGrid.Roofed( loc ) )
         result = true;
         result = "MessagePlacementMustBeUnderRoof".Translate();
     return result;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
     IntVec3 c = loc + rot.FacingCell * -1;
     if( !c.InBounds() )
         return false;
     if( c.GetEdifice() == null )
         return "MessagePlacementAgainstSupport".Translate();
     return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Restrict placement over non stony floors.
 /// </summary>
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     TerrainDef terrain = loc.GetTerrain();
     if ((terrain == TerrainDef.Named("Soil"))
         || (terrain == TerrainDef.Named("SoilRich"))
         || (terrain == TerrainDef.Named("Gravel"))
         || (terrain == TerrainDef.Named("MossyTerrain"))
         || (terrain == TerrainDef.Named("MarshyTerrain")))
         return true;
     return new AcceptanceReport("Dirt floor must be placed on soft soil.");
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            AcceptanceReport acceptanceReport = base.AllowsPlacing(checkingDef, loc, rot);
            if (acceptanceReport.Accepted == false)
                return acceptanceReport;

            // Draw party and beer search area.

            return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            IntVec3 c = loc - rot.FacingCell;

            Building support = c.GetEdifice();
            if( support == null )
                return (AcceptanceReport)( "MessagePlacementAgainstSupport".Translate() );

            return ( support.def.graphicData.linkFlags & ( LinkFlags.Rock | LinkFlags.Wall ) ) != 0
                ? AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted
                : ( AcceptanceReport )( "MessagePlacementAgainstSupport".Translate() );
        public void PlaceFrameForBuild(BuildableDef sourceDef, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rotation, Faction faction, ThingDef stuff)
            var frame = (Frame)ThingMaker.MakeThing(sourceDef.frameDef, stuff);

            foreach (var resource in frame.MaterialsNeeded())
                var resource1 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(resource.thingDef);
                resource1.stackCount = (int)Math.Round(resource.count * Properties.upgradeDiscountMultiplier);
            frame.workDone = (int)Math.Round(frame.def.entityDefToBuild.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.WorkToMake, frame.Stuff) * Properties.upgradeDiscountMultiplier);
            GenSpawn.Spawn(frame, center, rotation);
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot )
     var vecSouth = center + IntVec3.South.RotatedBy( rot );
     var vecSouthEast = vecSouth + IntVec3.East.RotatedBy( rot );
     if (!vecSouth.InBounds() || !vecSouthEast.InBounds())
         return false;
     if (vecSouth.Impassable() || vecSouthEast.Impassable())
         return ResourceBank.ExposeCold;
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a new alert speaker can be built at this location.
        /// - must be near a wall,
        /// - must not be too near from another alert speaker.
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            IntVec3 potentialWallPosition = loc;

            // Check if another alert speaker is not too close.
            List<Thing> alertSpeakerList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("AlertSpeaker"));
            List<Thing> alertSpeakerBlueprintList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("AlertSpeaker").blueprintDef);
            List<Thing> alertSpeakerFrameList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("AlertSpeaker").frameDef);

            if (alertSpeakerList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> alertSpeakerInTheArea = alertSpeakerList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoAlertSpeakers));
                if (alertSpeakerInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other alert speaker is too close.");
            if (alertSpeakerBlueprintList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> alertSpeakerBlueprintInTheArea = alertSpeakerBlueprintList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoAlertSpeakers));
                if (alertSpeakerBlueprintInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other alert speaker blueprint is too close.");
            if (alertSpeakerFrameList != null)
                IEnumerable<Thing> alertSpeakerFrameInTheArea = alertSpeakerFrameList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoAlertSpeakers));
                if (alertSpeakerFrameInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return new AcceptanceReport("An other alert speaker frame is too close.");

            // Check it is built near a wall.
            if (Building_AlertSpeaker.CheckIfSupportingWallIsAlive(loc, rot) == false)
                return new AcceptanceReport("Alert speaker must be built near a wall.");

            // Display effect zone.
            if (Find.ThingGrid.CellContains(loc, ThingCategory.Building) == false)
                List<IntVec3> cellsInEffectZone = Building_AlertSpeaker.GetEffectZoneCells(loc);

            return true;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
     ThingDef def = ThingDef.Named("MD2CoalBurner");
     foreach (IntVec3 pos in GenAdj.CellsAdjacentCardinal(loc,Rot4.North,IntVec2.One))
         foreach (Thing thing in Find.ThingGrid.ThingsAt(pos))
             if (thing.def == def)
                 return true;
     return "Must be placed next to a coal burner";
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
     IntVec3 c = loc + rot.FacingCell * -1;
     if( !c.InBounds() )
         return false;
     Building support = c.GetEdifice();
     if( ( support == null )||
         ( ( support.def.graphicData.linkFlags & ( LinkFlags.Rock | LinkFlags.Wall ) ) == 0 ) )
         return "MessagePlacementAgainstSupport".Translate();
     return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot )
            var vecNorth = center + IntVec3.North.RotatedBy( rot );
            if (!vecNorth.InBounds())
                return false;

            if (vecNorth.Impassable())
                return ResourceBank.ExposeDuct;

            return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            ThingDef def = checkingDef as ThingDef;

            var Restrictions = def.GetCompProperties( typeof( RestrictedPlacement_Comp ) ) as RestrictedPlacement_Properties;
            if( Restrictions == null ){
                Log.Error( "Could not get restrictions!" );
                return false;

            foreach( Thing t in loc.GetThingList() )
                if( Restrictions.RestrictedThing.Find( r => r == t.def ) != null )
                    return "MessagePlacementNotOn".Translate() + t.def.label;

            return true;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing( BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot )
            ThingDef def = checkingDef as ThingDef;

            var Restrictions = def.GetCompProperties( typeof( RestrictedPlacement_Comp ) ) as RestrictedPlacement_Properties;
            if( Restrictions == null ){
                Log.Error( "Could not get restrictions!" );
                return false;

            TerrainDef terrainDef = loc.GetTerrain();
            for( int i = 0; i < Restrictions.RestrictedTerrain.Count; i++ )
                if( Restrictions.RestrictedTerrain[ i ] == terrainDef )
                    return true;

            return "MessagePlacementNotOnTerrain".Translate() + terrainDef.label;
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null)
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         IntVec3 intVec3 = loc + GenAdj.CardinalDirections[i];
         if (intVec3.InBounds(map))
             List <Thing> thingList = intVec3.GetThingList(map);
             for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++)
                 Thing    item     = thingList[j];
                 ThingDef thingDef = GenConstruct.BuiltDefOf(item.def) as ThingDef;
                 if (thingDef != null && thingDef.building != null)
                     if (thingDef.defName == NanoPrinterDef)
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
            Thing avaliWormholePlatform = AvaliUtility.SpecifiedThingAtCellWithDefName(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(loc), "AvaliWormholePlatform");

            if (avaliWormholePlatform != null && loc == avaliWormholePlatform.InteractionCell)

            Thing avaliWormholePod = AvaliUtility.SpecifiedThingAtCellWithDefName(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(new IntVec3(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z + 1)), "AvaliWormholePod");

            if (DirectionCorrect(avaliWormholePod, loc))

            avaliWormholePod = AvaliUtility.SpecifiedThingAtCellWithDefName(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(new IntVec3(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z - 1)), "AvaliWormholePod");
            if (DirectionCorrect(avaliWormholePod, loc))

            avaliWormholePod = AvaliUtility.SpecifiedThingAtCellWithDefName(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(new IntVec3(loc.x + 1, loc.y, loc.z)), "AvaliWormholePod");
            if (DirectionCorrect(avaliWormholePod, loc))

            avaliWormholePod = AvaliUtility.SpecifiedThingAtCellWithDefName(map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(new IntVec3(loc.x - 1, loc.y, loc.z)), "AvaliWormholePod");
            if (DirectionCorrect(avaliWormholePod, loc))

            return(new AcceptanceReport("MustPlaceOnWormholePlatformIntCell".Translate()));
        private Job GetDeconstructingJob(Pawn meeseeks, SavedTargetInfo jobTarget, Map map)
            BuildableDef buildableDef = jobTarget.BuildableDef;

            if (buildableDef == null)

            CellRect cellRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(jobTarget.Cell, jobTarget.blueprintRotation, buildableDef.Size);

            foreach (IntVec3 cell in cellRect)
                foreach (Thing thing in cell.GetThingList(map))
                    if (!GenConstruct.CanPlaceBlueprintOver(buildableDef, thing.def))
                        return(JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Deconstruct, thing));

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a new force field generator can be built at this location.
        /// - must not be too near from another force field generator (or it would perturb other fields).
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
            // Check if another force field generator is not too close.
            List <Thing>        forceFieldGeneratorList = new List <Thing>();
            IEnumerable <Thing> list = this.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator"));

            foreach (Thing generator in list)
            list = this.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator").blueprintDef);
            foreach (Thing generator in list)
            list = this.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ForceFieldGenerator").frameDef);
            foreach (Thing generator in list)

            foreach (Thing generator in forceFieldGeneratorList)
                if (generator.Position.InHorDistOf(loc, minDistanceBetweenTwoForceFieldGenerators))
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("An other force field generator is too close (would generate perturbations)."));

            // Display effect zone.
            List <IntVec3> coveredCells = Building_ForceFieldGenerator.GetCoveredCells(loc, rot);


Example #35
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map,
                                                       Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null)
            foreach (var current in CompPowerPlantWater.GroundCells(loc, rot))
                if (map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(current).affordances.Contains(TerrainAffordanceDefOf.Heavy))

                var result =
                    new AcceptanceReport(

            if (!WaterCellsPresent(loc, rot, map))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("MustBeOnMovingWater".Translate()));

 // Token: 0x06004746 RID: 18246 RVA: 0x00215755 File Offset: 0x00213B55
 public override bool ForceAllowPlaceOver(BuildableDef otherDef)
     return(otherDef == DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_GoldMineral", true));
Example #37
 public static bool IsSurvivalTool(this BuildableDef def, out SurvivalToolProperties toolProps)
     toolProps = def.GetModExtension <SurvivalToolProperties>();
Example #38
 public static bool OrRotDoesntMatter(bool result, BuildableDef entDef)
     return(result || PlacingRotationDoesntMatter(entDef));
Example #39
 public CostListPair(BuildableDef buildable, ThingDef stuff)
     this.buildable = buildable;
     this.stuff     = stuff;
Example #40
        public static ThingDef DefaultStuffFor(BuildableDef bd)
            if (!bd.MadeFromStuff)
            ThingDef thingDef = bd as ThingDef;

            if (thingDef != null)
                if (thingDef.IsMeleeWeapon)
                    if (ThingDefOf.Steel.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
                    if (ThingDefOf.Plasteel.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
                if (thingDef.IsApparel)
                    if (ThingDefOf.Cloth.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
                    if (ThingDefOf.Leather_Plain.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
                    if (ThingDefOf.Steel.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.WoodLog.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.Steel.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.Plasteel.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.BlocksGranite.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.Cloth.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
            if (ThingDefOf.Leather_Plain.stuffProps.CanMake(bd))
        public static AcceptanceReport CanPlaceBlueprintAt(BuildableDef entDef, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, Map map, bool godMode = false, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
            CellRect cellRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(center, rot, entDef.Size);

            CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = cellRect.GetIterator();
            while (!iterator.Done())
                IntVec3 c = iterator.Current;
                if (!c.InBounds(map))
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("OutOfBounds".Translate()));
                if (c.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map) && !DebugSettings.godMode)
            if (center.Fogged(map))
            List <Thing> thingList = center.GetThingList(map);

            for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = thingList[i];
                if (thing != thingToIgnore)
                    if (thing.Position == center && thing.Rotation == rot)
                        if (thing.def == entDef)
                            return(new AcceptanceReport("IdenticalThingExists".Translate()));
                        if (thing.def.entityDefToBuild == entDef)
                            if (thing is Blueprint)
                                return(new AcceptanceReport("IdenticalBlueprintExists".Translate()));
                            return(new AcceptanceReport("IdenticalThingExists".Translate()));
            ThingDef thingDef = entDef as ThingDef;

            if (thingDef != null && thingDef.hasInteractionCell)
                IntVec3 c2 = ThingUtility.InteractionCellWhenAt(thingDef, center, rot, map);
                if (!c2.InBounds(map))
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("InteractionSpotOutOfBounds".Translate()));
                List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(c2);
                for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
                    if (list[j] != thingToIgnore)
                        if (list[j].def.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                            return(new AcceptanceReport("InteractionSpotBlocked".Translate(new object[]
                        Blueprint blueprint = list[j] as Blueprint;
                        if (blueprint != null && blueprint.def.entityDefToBuild.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                            return(new AcceptanceReport("InteractionSpotWillBeBlocked".Translate(new object[]
            if (entDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                foreach (IntVec3 c3 in GenAdj.CellsAdjacentCardinal(center, rot, entDef.Size))
                    if (c3.InBounds(map))
                        thingList = c3.GetThingList(map);
                        for (int k = 0; k < thingList.Count; k++)
                            Thing thing2 = thingList[k];
                            if (thing2 != thingToIgnore)
                                Blueprint blueprint2 = thing2 as Blueprint;
                                ThingDef  thingDef3;
                                if (blueprint2 != null)
                                    ThingDef thingDef2 = blueprint2.def.entityDefToBuild as ThingDef;
                                    if (thingDef2 == null)
                                        goto IL_37F;
                                    thingDef3 = thingDef2;
                                    thingDef3 = thing2.def;
                                if (thingDef3.hasInteractionCell && cellRect.Contains(ThingUtility.InteractionCellWhenAt(thingDef3, thing2.Position, thing2.Rotation, thing2.Map)))
                                    return(new AcceptanceReport("WouldBlockInteractionSpot".Translate(new object[]
                            IL_37F :;
            TerrainDef terrainDef = entDef as TerrainDef;

            if (terrainDef != null)
                if (map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(center) == terrainDef)
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("TerrainIsAlready".Translate(new object[]
                if (map.designationManager.DesignationAt(center, DesignationDefOf.SmoothFloor) != null)
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("SpaceBeingSmoothed".Translate()));
            if (!GenConstruct.CanBuildOnTerrain(entDef, center, map, rot, thingToIgnore))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("TerrainCannotSupport".Translate()));
            if (!godMode)
                CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator2 = cellRect.GetIterator();
                while (!iterator2.Done())
                    thingList = iterator2.Current.GetThingList(map);
                    for (int l = 0; l < thingList.Count; l++)
                        Thing thing3 = thingList[l];
                        if (thing3 != thingToIgnore)
                            if (!GenConstruct.CanPlaceBlueprintOver(entDef, thing3.def))
                                return(new AcceptanceReport("SpaceAlreadyOccupied".Translate()));
            if (entDef.PlaceWorkers != null)
                for (int m = 0; m < entDef.PlaceWorkers.Count; m++)
                    AcceptanceReport result = entDef.PlaceWorkers[m].AllowsPlacing(entDef, center, rot, map, thingToIgnore);
                    if (!result.Accepted)
Example #42
 public static bool PlacingRotationDoesntMatter(BuildableDef entDef)
     return(entDef is ThingDef def && def.thingClass == typeof(Building_Door));
Example #43
 public static void Modified_WipeExistingThings(IntVec3 thingPos, Rot4 thingRot, BuildableDef thingDef, Map map, DestroyMode mode, Thing thing)
     if (!(thing.TryGetComp <CompMountable>() is CompMountable comp && comp.Active))
         GenSpawn.WipeExistingThings(thingPos, thingRot, thingDef, map, mode);
Example #44
        public static bool SpawningWipesPrefix(ref bool __result, BuildableDef newEntDef, BuildableDef oldEntDef)
            ThingDef thingDef  = newEntDef as ThingDef;
            ThingDef thingDef2 = oldEntDef as ThingDef;

            if (thingDef == null || thingDef2 == null)
                __result = false;
            if (thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Attachment || thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Mote || thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Filth || thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Projectile)
                __result = false;
            if (!thingDef2.destroyable)
                __result = false;
            if (thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Plant)
                __result = false;
            if (thingDef2.category == ThingCategory.Filth && thingDef.passability != Traversability.Standable)
                __result = true;
            if (thingDef2.category == ThingCategory.Item && thingDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable && thingDef.surfaceType == SurfaceType.None)
                __result = true;
            if (thingDef.EverTransmitsPower && thingDef2 == ThingDefOf.PowerConduit)
                __result = true;
            if (thingDef.IsFrame && GenSpawn.SpawningWipes(thingDef.entityDefToBuild, oldEntDef))
                __result = true;
            BuildableDef buildableDef  = GenConstruct.BuiltDefOf(thingDef);
            BuildableDef buildableDef2 = GenConstruct.BuiltDefOf(thingDef2);

            if (buildableDef == null || buildableDef2 == null)
                __result = false;
            ThingDef thingDef3 = thingDef.entityDefToBuild as ThingDef;

            if (thingDef2.IsBlueprint)
                if (thingDef.IsBlueprint)
                    if (thingDef3 != null && thingDef3.building != null && thingDef3.building.canPlaceOverWall && thingDef2.entityDefToBuild is ThingDef && ((ThingDef)thingDef2.entityDefToBuild == ThingDefOf.Wall || ((ThingDef)thingDef2.entityDefToBuild).thingClass == typeof(GL_Building)))
                        __result = true;
                    if (thingDef2.entityDefToBuild is TerrainDef)
                        if (thingDef.entityDefToBuild is ThingDef && ((ThingDef)thingDef.entityDefToBuild).coversFloor)
                            __result = true;
                        if (thingDef.entityDefToBuild is TerrainDef)
                            __result = true;
                __result = thingDef2.entityDefToBuild == ThingDefOf.PowerConduit && thingDef.entityDefToBuild is ThingDef && (thingDef.entityDefToBuild as ThingDef).EverTransmitsPower;
            if ((thingDef2.IsFrame || thingDef2.IsBlueprint) && thingDef2.entityDefToBuild is TerrainDef)
                ThingDef thingDef4 = buildableDef as ThingDef;
                if (thingDef4 != null && !thingDef4.CoexistsWithFloors)
                    __result = true;
            if (thingDef2 == ThingDefOf.ActiveDropPod)
                __result = false;
            if (thingDef == ThingDefOf.ActiveDropPod)
                __result = thingDef2 != ThingDefOf.ActiveDropPod && (thingDef2.category == ThingCategory.Building && thingDef2.passability == Traversability.Impassable);
            if (thingDef.IsEdifice())
                if (thingDef.BlockPlanting && thingDef2.category == ThingCategory.Plant)
                    __result = true;
                if (!(buildableDef is TerrainDef) && buildableDef2.IsEdifice())
                    __result = true;
            __result = false;
Example #45
        public static bool CanPlaceBlueprintOverPrefix(ref bool __result, BuildableDef newDef, ThingDef oldDef)
            if (oldDef.EverHaulable)
                __result = true;
            TerrainDef terrainDef = newDef as TerrainDef;

            if (terrainDef != null)
                if (oldDef.IsBlueprint || oldDef.IsFrame)
                    if (!terrainDef.affordances.Contains(oldDef.entityDefToBuild.terrainAffordanceNeeded))
                        __result = false;
                else if (oldDef.category == ThingCategory.Building && !terrainDef.affordances.Contains(oldDef.terrainAffordanceNeeded))
                    __result = false;
            ThingDef     thingDef     = newDef as ThingDef;
            BuildableDef buildableDef = GenConstruct.BuiltDefOf(oldDef);
            ThingDef     thingDef2    = buildableDef as ThingDef;

            if (oldDef == ThingDefOf.SteamGeyser && !newDef.ForceAllowPlaceOver(oldDef))
                __result = false;
            if (oldDef.category == ThingCategory.Plant && oldDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable && thingDef != null && thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Building && !thingDef.building.canPlaceOverImpassablePlant)
                __result = false;
            if (oldDef.category == ThingCategory.Building || oldDef.IsBlueprint || oldDef.IsFrame)
                if (thingDef != null)
                    if (!thingDef.IsEdifice())
                        __result = (oldDef.building == null || oldDef.building.canBuildNonEdificesUnder) && (!thingDef.EverTransmitsPower || !oldDef.EverTransmitsPower);
                    if (thingDef.IsEdifice() && oldDef != null && oldDef.category == ThingCategory.Building && !oldDef.IsEdifice())
                        __result = thingDef.building == null || thingDef.building.canBuildNonEdificesUnder;
                    if (thingDef2 != null && (thingDef2 == ThingDefOf.Wall || thingDef2.IsSmoothed || thingDef2.thingClass == typeof(GL_Building)) && thingDef.building != null && thingDef.building.canPlaceOverWall)
                        __result = true;
                    if (newDef != ThingDefOf.PowerConduit && buildableDef == ThingDefOf.PowerConduit)
                        __result = true;
                __result = (newDef is TerrainDef && buildableDef is ThingDef && ((ThingDef)buildableDef).CoexistsWithFloors) || (buildableDef is TerrainDef && !(newDef is TerrainDef));
            __result = true;
Example #46
        public bool AllowsPlacingBlueprint(BuildableDef buildable, IntVec3 pos, Rot4 rot, ThingDef stuff)
            Rot4 rot2 = rot;

            if (!base.Spawned)
            CellRect newRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(pos, rot2, buildable.Size);

            if (!sketch.OccupiedRect.MovedBy(base.Position).Overlaps(newRect))
            bool collided = false;

            foreach (IntVec3 item in newRect)
                sketch.ThingsAt(item - base.Position, out SketchThing singleResult, out List <SketchThing> multipleResults);
                if (singleResult != null && CheckEntity(singleResult))
                if (multipleResults != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < multipleResults.Count; i++)
                        if (CheckEntity(multipleResults[i]))
                SketchTerrain sketchTerrain = sketch.SketchTerrainAt(item - base.Position);
                if (sketchTerrain != null && CheckEntity(sketchTerrain))

            bool CheckEntity(SketchBuildable entity)
                if (entity.IsSameSpawned(entity.pos + base.Position, base.Map))
                if (entity.OccupiedRect.MovedBy(base.Position).Overlaps(newRect))
                    collided = true;
                SketchThing sketchThing = entity as SketchThing;

                if (entity.OccupiedRect.MovedBy(base.Position).Equals(newRect) && IsSameOrSimilar(entity) && (stuff == null || entity.Stuff == null || stuff == entity.Stuff))
                    if (sketchThing != null && !(sketchThing.rot == rot2) && !(sketchThing.rot == rot2.Opposite))

            bool IsSameOrSimilar(SketchBuildable entity)
                SketchTerrain sketchTerrain2;

                if (buildable == entity.Buildable || ((sketchTerrain2 = (entity as SketchTerrain)) != null && sketchTerrain2.IsSameOrSimilar(buildable)))
 public static void SetStatBaseValue(this BuildableDef def, StatDef stat, float newBaseValue)
     StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref def.statBases, stat, newBaseValue);
 public static float GetStatValueAbstract(this BuildableDef def, StatDef stat, ThingDef stuff = null)
     return(stat.Worker.GetValueAbstract(def, stuff));
Example #49
 public static List <RecipeDef> GetRecipeDefs(this BuildableDef buildableDef)
         (DefDatabase <RecipeDef> .AllDefsListForReading.Where(
              r => r.products.Any(tc => tc.thingDef == buildableDef as ThingDef)).ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// Place Worker for Air Pipes. Checks if Air Pipes are in a Suitable Location or not.
        /// Checks:
        /// - Current Cell shouldn't have an Air Flow Building (Since they already have a Pipe)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="def">The Def Being Built</param>
        /// <param name="loc">Target Location</param>
        /// <param name="rot">Rotation of the Object to be Placed</param>
        /// <param name="thingToIgnore">Unused field</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean/Acceptance Report if we can place the object of not.</returns>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef def, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null)
            var thingList = loc.GetThingList(map);

            return(thingList.OfType <Building_AirFlowControl>().Any() ? AcceptanceReport.WasRejected : AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted);
Example #51
        public static PurposeInfo Make(LocalTargetInfo targetInfo)
            //reports of nullrefs in here for somereason.
                PurposeInfo purposeInfo = new PurposeInfo();
                if (targetInfo.IsValid)
                    purposeInfo.pos = targetInfo.CenterVector3;
                if (targetInfo.Thing is Thing target)
                    target = MinifyUtility.GetInnerIfMinified(target);
                    BuildableDef def = target.def;

                    purposeInfo.pos   = target.DrawPos;
                    purposeInfo.color = target.DrawColor;

                    if (target is Pawn || target is Corpse)
                        Pawn pawn = target as Pawn;
                        if (pawn == null)
                            pawn = ((Corpse)target).InnerPawn;
                        if (!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                            //This seems unnecessary
                            //if (!pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.AllResolved)
                            //	pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.ResolveAllGraphics();
                            Material matSingle = pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.nakedGraphic.MatSingle;
                            purposeInfo.icon  = matSingle.mainTexture;
                            purposeInfo.color = matSingle.color;
                            purposeInfo.icon = PortraitsCache.Get(pawn, Vector2.one * Gizmo.Height, Rot4.South, cameraZoom: 1.5f);
                        purposeInfo.proportions = new Vector2(purposeInfo.icon.width, purposeInfo.icon.height);
                        if (target is IConstructible buildThing)
                            def = target.def.entityDefToBuild;
                            if (buildThing.EntityToBuildStuff() != null)
                                purposeInfo.color = buildThing.EntityToBuildStuff().stuffProps.color;
                                purposeInfo.color = def.uiIconColor;

                        purposeInfo.icon = def.uiIcon;

                        if (def is ThingDef td)
                            purposeInfo.proportions = td.graphicData.drawSize;
                            purposeInfo.scale       = GenUI.IconDrawScale(td);

                        if (def is TerrainDef)
                            //private static readonly Vector2 TerrainTextureCroppedSize = new Vector2(64f, 64f);
                            purposeInfo.texCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, 64f / purposeInfo.icon.width, 64f / purposeInfo.icon.height);
                        else if (def.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty())
                            Material iconMat = def.graphic.MatSingle;
                            purposeInfo.texCoords = new Rect(iconMat.mainTextureOffset, iconMat.mainTextureScale);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
Example #52
 public override bool ForceAllowPlaceOver(BuildableDef otherDef)
     return(otherDef == ThingDefOf.SteamGeyser);
 public Designator_StorageBuild(BuildableDef bDef, StorageSettings settings) : base(bDef)
     tmpSettings = settings;
Example #54
        public static bool PlaceWorker_ShowTurretRadius_Prefix(ref AcceptanceReport __result, BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null)
            __result = true;

            VerbProperties verbProperties = ((ThingDef)checkingDef).building.turretGunDef.Verbs.Find((VerbProperties v) => v.verbClass == typeof(Verbs.VoidNetWeapon_Lanuch));

            if (verbProperties == null)
            if (verbProperties.range > 0f)
                GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(loc, verbProperties.range);
            if (verbProperties.minRange > 0f)
                GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(loc, verbProperties.minRange);
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null,
                                                Thing thing = null)
     // don't allow building pipes on top of piped buildings (blueprints)
     return(!loc.GetThingList(map).Where(t => t != thingToIgnore).Any(t => t.def.BuildingFrameOrBlueprintEverTransmitsGas()));
Example #56
 public static bool IsSurvivalTool(this BuildableDef def) =>
 def is ThingDef tDef && tDef.thingClass == typeof(SurvivalTool) && tDef.HasModExtension <SurvivalToolProperties>();
        public override bool ShouldShowFor(BuildableDef def)
            ThingDef thingDef = def as ThingDef;

            return(thingDef != null && thingDef.IsWeapon && !thingDef.tools.NullOrEmpty());
Example #58
        public static List <ThingDefCountClass> CostListAdjusted(this BuildableDef entDef, ThingDef stuff, bool errorOnNullStuff = true)
            CostListPair key = new CostListPair(entDef, stuff);

            if (!cachedCosts.TryGetValue(key, out List <ThingDefCountClass> value))
                value = new List <ThingDefCountClass>();
                int num = 0;
                if (entDef.MadeFromStuff)
                    if (errorOnNullStuff && stuff == null)
                        Log.Error("Cannot get AdjustedCostList for " + entDef + " with null Stuff.");
                        if (GenStuff.DefaultStuffFor(entDef) == null)
                    if (stuff != null)
                        num = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)entDef.costStuffCount / stuff.VolumePerUnit);
                        if (num < 1)
                            num = 1;
                        num = entDef.costStuffCount;
                else if (stuff != null)
                    Log.Error("Got AdjustedCostList for " + entDef + " with stuff " + stuff + " but is not MadeFromStuff.");
                bool flag = false;
                if (entDef.costList != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < entDef.costList.Count; i++)
                        ThingDefCountClass thingDefCountClass = entDef.costList[i];
                        if (thingDefCountClass.thingDef == stuff)
                            value.Add(new ThingDefCountClass(thingDefCountClass.thingDef, thingDefCountClass.count + num));
                            flag = true;
                if (!flag && num > 0)
                    value.Add(new ThingDefCountClass(stuff, num));
                cachedCosts.Add(key, value);
 public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore, Thing thing) =>
 ((loc.GetEdifice(map)?.def?.graphicData?.linkFlags & (LinkFlags.Rock | LinkFlags.Wall)) > 0) ? AcceptanceReport.WasAccepted : "MessagePlaceOnlyOnTheWall".Translate();
 public static bool IsEdificeOrFrame(BuildableDef def)
     return(def.IsEdifice() || (def is ThingDef thingDef && thingDef.IsFrame));