Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            //This is required for validation in the Matrix code, but is not used for px build
            Request.parameters.GrpCode = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_DEFAULT_GROUP");
            Request.parameters.source  = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_DEFAULT_SOURCE");

            //We get the PxDocument from the validator
            PxValidator pxValidator = new PxValidator();
            PxDocument  PxDoc       = pxValidator.ParsePxFile(DTO.MtrInput);

            if (!pxValidator.ParseValidatorResult.IsValid)
                Response.error = Error.GetValidationFailure(pxValidator.ParseValidatorResult.Errors);
            Log.Instance.Debug("*Diagnostic* px valid: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Matrix matrixPxFile = new Matrix(PxDoc, DTO.FrqCodeTimeval ?? "", DTO.FrqValueTimeval ?? "");

            Log.Instance.Debug("*Diagnostic* Matrix created: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            //Sorting, in case the px file is not in SPC order
            Build_BSO pBso = new Build_BSO();
            //List<DataItem_DTO> existingItems = pBso.GetExistingDataItems(matrixPxFile, matrixPxFile.MainSpec, true, false);

            Specification theSpec = matrixPxFile.GetSpecFromLanguage(DTO.LngIsoCode);

            // pBso.SetMetadataSortIds(ref theSpec);

            List <DataItem_DTO> existingItems = pBso.GetMatrixDataItems(matrixPxFile, DTO.LngIsoCode, theSpec);

            // pBso.SetDataSortIds(ref existingItems, theSpec);

            //Log.Instance.Debug("*Diagnostic* GetExistingDataItems: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Log.Instance.Debug("*Diagnostic* Read Cells - count = " + matrixPxFile.Cells.Count + "  elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            result.csv = matrixPxFile.GetCsvObject(existingItems, DTO.LngIsoCode, true);

            Log.Instance.Debug("*Diagnostic* GetCsvObject-   elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            result.MtrCode = matrixPxFile.Code;
            Response.data  = result;

            Log.Instance.Debug("GetCsvObject: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            //do the physical structure validation

            //This is required for validation in the Matrix code, but is not used for px build
            Request.parameters.GrpCode = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_DEFAULT_GROUP");
            Request.parameters.CprCode = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_DEFAULT_SOURCE");
            //validate the px file

            //We get the PxDocument from the validator
            PxValidator pxValidator = new PxValidator();
            PxDocument  PxDoc       = pxValidator.ParsePxFile(DTO.MtrInput);

            if (!pxValidator.ParseValidatorResult.IsValid)
                Response.error = Error.GetValidationFailure(pxValidator.ParseValidatorResult.Errors);

            Matrix theMatrixData;

            //Get this matrix from the px file
            theMatrixData = new Matrix(PxDoc, DTO.FrqCodeTimeval ?? "", DTO.FrqValueTimeval ?? "");

            Build_BSO bBso = new Build_BSO();

            //We need to add the new periods to the matrix
            //And either add cells of default data or else the values from DTO.data

            var requestPeriods = DTO.Periods;//.OrderBy(x => x.Code).ToList();

            DTO.Periods = DTO.Periods.Except(theMatrixData.MainSpec.Frequency.Period).ToList();

            theMatrixData = bBso.UpdateMatrixFromBuild(theMatrixData, DTO, Ado);

            theMatrixData.MainSpec.MainValues = sortMainValuesSpc(theMatrixData.MainSpec);

            theMatrixData.MainSpec.Values = theMatrixData.MainSpec.MainValues;

            //bBso.Query needs to be in the same order as the periods in the matrix - why?
            theMatrixData = bBso.Query(theMatrixData, GetQueryMatrix(requestPeriods, theMatrixData));


            var dataList = bBso.GetMatrixDataItems(theMatrixData, DTO.LngIsoCode, theMatrixData.MainSpec, false);

            dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();

            result.csv     = theMatrixData.GetCsvObject(dataList, DTO.LngIsoCode, true, null, DTO.Labels);
            result.MtrCode = theMatrixData.Code;
            Response.data  = result;

Example #3
        internal string GetSDMXdata(Matrix theMatrix, string LngIsoCode)
            Specification theSpec = theMatrix.GetSpecFromLanguage(LngIsoCode);

            Build_BSO           bso       = new Build_BSO();
            List <DataItem_DTO> dataItems = bso.GetMatrixDataItems(theMatrix, LngIsoCode, theSpec, false, true);

            //sort the data in SCP order
            foreach (var item in dataItems)
                item.sortWord = item.statistic.Code + '/';

                foreach (var cls in item.classifications)
                    item.sortWord = item.sortWord + cls.Code + '/' + cls.Variable[0].Code;
                item.sortWord = item.sortWord + item.period.Code;

            var slist = dataItems.OrderBy(x => x.sortWord);

            int             counter  = 0;
            List <SdmxItem> sdmxList = new List <SdmxItem>();
            SdmxItem        sdmx     = new SdmxItem();

            foreach (var item in slist)
                if (counter == 0 || counter % theSpec.Frequency.Period.Count == 0)
                    if (sdmx.Period != null)

                    sdmx = new SdmxItem()
                        Statistic = item.statistic, Classifications = item.classifications, Period = new List <PeriodRecordDTO_Create>(), Value = item.dataValue, PeriodValue = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>()
                    sdmx.PeriodValue.Add(item.period.Code, item.dataValue);
                    sdmx.PeriodValue.Add(item.period.Code, item.dataValue);

            XNamespace messageNS = "http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_0/message";
            XNamespace c         = "http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_0/common";
            XNamespace xml       = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
            XNamespace ss        = "http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_0/data/structurespecific";
            XNamespace xsi       = "http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_0/data/structurespecific";
            XNamespace g         = "http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_0/generic";

            XElement   id             = new XElement(g + "ID", theMatrix.Code);
            XElement   test           = new XElement(g + "Test", "false");
            XElement   prepared       = new XElement(g + "Prepared", theMatrix.CreationDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm"));
            XAttribute senderID       = new XAttribute("ID", "CSO");
            XAttribute senderNameAttr = new XAttribute(xml + "lang", LngIsoCode);
            XElement   senderName     = new XElement(g + "Name", theSpec.Source, senderNameAttr);
            XElement   sender         = new XElement(g + "Sender", senderName, senderID);

            XElement header = new XElement(g + "Header",

            XElement keyfamilyref = new XElement(g + "KeyFamilyRef", "REF");
            XElement series       = new XElement(g + "Series");

            foreach (SdmxItem item in sdmxList)
                XElement seriesKey = new XElement(g + "SeriesKey");
                seriesKey.Add(new XElement(g + "Value", new XAttribute("concept", theSpec.ContentVariable), new XAttribute("value", item.Statistic.Code)));

                seriesKey.Add(new XElement(g + "Value", new XAttribute("concept", theSpec.Frequency.Value), new XAttribute("value", theSpec.Frequency.Code)));

                foreach (var cls in item.Classifications)
                    seriesKey.Add(new XElement(g + "Value", new XAttribute("concept", cls.Value), new XAttribute("value", cls.Variable[0].Code)));

                XElement attributes = new XElement(g + "Attributes");
                attributes.Add(new XElement(g + "Values", new XAttribute("concept", "UNIT_VALUE"), new XAttribute("value", item.Statistic.Unit)));

                foreach (var per in item.Period)
                    XElement Obs = new XElement(g + "Obs");
                    Obs.Add(new XElement(g + "Time", per.Code));
                    Obs.Add(new XElement(g + "ObsValue", new XAttribute("value", item.PeriodValue[per.Code])));
                    Obs.Add(new XElement(g + "Attributes", new XElement("Value", new XAttribute("concept", "OBS_STATUS"), new XAttribute("value", "A"))));

            XElement annotations = new XElement(c + "Annotations");

            if (theSpec.Notes != null)
                foreach (string note in theSpec.Notes)
                    annotations.Add(new XElement(c + "AnnotationText", new XAttribute(xml + "lang", LngIsoCode), note));

            XElement dataset = new XElement("DataSet", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "g", g), new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "c", c), keyfamilyref, series, annotations);

            XElement root = new XElement(g + "GenericData", header, dataset);

            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

            XmlDeclaration xmldecl;

            xmldecl            = document.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);
            xmldecl.Encoding   = "UTF-8";
            xmldecl.Standalone = "yes";

            document.Load(new StringReader(root.ToString()));

            XmlElement rt = document.DocumentElement;

            document.InsertBefore(xmldecl, rt);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(builder)))
                writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;


            // return  root.ToString();