Example #1
        public static void GenerateFacade(FacadeData data, BuildRMesh dmesh, BuildRCollider collider = null)
//		    Debug.Log("******************* "+data.facadeDesign.ToString());
            Vector3 facadeVector = data.baseB - data.baseA;

            if (facadeVector.magnitude < Mathf.Epsilon)
            Vector3   facadeDirection = facadeVector.normalized;
            Vector3   facadeNormal    = Vector3.Cross(facadeDirection, Vector3.up);
            Vector4   facadeTangent   = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeDirection);
            RandomGen rGen            = new RandomGen();

            float                 wallThickness = data.wallThickness;
            float                 foundation    = data.foundationDepth;
            BuildingMeshTypes     meshType      = data.meshType;
            BuildingColliderTypes colliderType  = data.colliderType;
            int     wallSections = 0;
            Vector2 wallSectionSize;
            float   facadeLength = 0;

            if (data.isStraight)
                facadeLength = facadeVector.magnitude;
                wallSections = Mathf.FloorToInt(facadeLength / data.minimumWallUnitLength);
                if (wallSections < 1)
                    wallSections = 1;
                wallSectionSize = new Vector2(facadeLength / wallSections, data.floorHeight);
                wallSections = data.anchors.Count - 1;
                if (wallSections < 1)
                    wallSections = 1;
                float sectionWidth = Vector2.Distance(data.anchors[0].vector2, data.anchors[1].vector2);
                wallSectionSize = new Vector2(sectionWidth, data.floorHeight);

            Dictionary <WallSection, RawMeshData>           generatedSections                  = new Dictionary <WallSection, RawMeshData>();
            Dictionary <WallSection, RawMeshData>           generatedSectionMeshColliders      = new Dictionary <WallSection, RawMeshData>();
            Dictionary <WallSection, BuildRCollider.BBox[]> generatedSectionPrimitiveColliders = new Dictionary <WallSection, BuildRCollider.BBox[]>();

            int startFloor = data.startFloor;

//		    Debug.Log("st fl "+startFloor);
//		    Debug.Log("fl ct "+ data.floorCount);
            for (int fl = startFloor; fl < data.floorCount; fl++)
//			    Debug.Log(fl);
                if (data.facadeDesign.randomisationMode == Facade.RandomisationModes.RandomRows)
                    generatedSections.Clear();                                                                             //recalculate each row
//			    Debug.Log(wallSections);
                for (int s = 0; s < wallSections; s++)
//				    Debug.Log(s);
                    WallSection section = data.facadeDesign.GetWallSection(s, fl + data.actualStartFloor, wallSections, data.floorCount);
//				    Debug.Log(section);
                    dmesh.submeshLibrary.Add(section);                    //add the wallsection to the main submesh library
                    RawMeshData generatedSection         = null;
                    RawMeshData generatedSectionCollider = null;

                    BuildRCollider.BBox[] bboxes = new BuildRCollider.BBox[0];

                    if (section == null)
                        GenerationOutput output         = GenerationOutput.CreateRawOutput();
                        GenerationOutput outputCollider = null;
                        if (colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Complex)
                            outputCollider = GenerationOutput.CreateRawOutput();
                        if (colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive)
                            BuildRCollider.BBox[] bbox = WallSectionGenerator.Generate(section, wallSectionSize, wallThickness);
                            generatedSectionPrimitiveColliders.Add(section, bbox);
                        WallSectionGenerator.Generate(section, output, wallSectionSize, false, wallThickness, true, outputCollider, dmesh.submeshLibrary);

                        generatedSection = output.raw;
                        if (outputCollider != null)
                            generatedSectionCollider = outputCollider.raw;
                        if (generatedSections.ContainsKey(section))
                            generatedSection = generatedSections[section];
                            if (generatedSectionMeshColliders.ContainsKey(section))
                                generatedSectionCollider = generatedSectionMeshColliders[section];
                            GenerationOutput output         = GenerationOutput.CreateRawOutput();
                            GenerationOutput outputCollider = null;
                            bool             cullOpening    = data.cullDoors && section.isDoor;
                            if (colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Complex)
                                outputCollider = GenerationOutput.CreateRawOutput();
                            if (colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive)
                                BuildRCollider.BBox[] bbox = WallSectionGenerator.Generate(section, wallSectionSize, wallThickness, cullOpening);
                                generatedSectionPrimitiveColliders.Add(section, bbox);
                            WallSectionGenerator.Generate(section, output, wallSectionSize, false, wallThickness, cullOpening, outputCollider, dmesh.submeshLibrary);

                            generatedSections.Add(section, output.raw);
                            if (generatedSectionCollider != null)
                                generatedSectionMeshColliders.Add(section, outputCollider.raw);

                            generatedSection = output.raw;
                            if (generatedSectionCollider != null)
                                generatedSectionCollider = outputCollider.raw;

                        if (generatedSectionPrimitiveColliders.ContainsKey(section))
                            bboxes = generatedSectionPrimitiveColliders[section];

//				    Debug.Log("data strt" + data.isStraight);
                    if (data.isStraight)
                        Quaternion meshRot           = Quaternion.LookRotation(facadeNormal, Vector3.up);
                        Vector3    baseMeshPos       = data.baseA + facadeDirection * wallSectionSize.x + Vector3.up * wallSectionSize.y;
                        Vector3    wallSectionVector = new Vector3(wallSectionSize.x * s, wallSectionSize.y * fl, 0);
                        baseMeshPos += meshRot * wallSectionVector;
                        Vector3 meshPos = baseMeshPos + meshRot * -wallSectionSize * 0.5f;

                        Vector2 uvOffset       = new Vector2(wallSectionSize.x * s, wallSectionSize.y * fl);
                        Vector2 uvOffsetScaled = uvOffset;
                        if (section != null && section.wallSurface != null)
                            uvOffsetScaled = CalculateUv(uvOffsetScaled, section.wallSurface);

                        //TODO account for the mesh mode of the wall section - custom meshes
                        if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full)
                            dmesh.AddData(generatedSection, meshPos, meshRot, Vector3.one, uvOffsetScaled);
                        if (collider != null && generatedSectionCollider != null)
                            collider.mesh.AddData(generatedSectionCollider, meshPos, meshRot, Vector3.one);
                        if (collider != null && bboxes.Length > 0)
                            collider.AddBBox(bboxes, meshPos, meshRot);

//					    Debug.Log("foundation");
                        if (fl == 0 && foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                            Vector3 fp3 = baseMeshPos + Vector3.down * wallSectionSize.y;
                            Vector3 fp2 = fp3 - facadeDirection * wallSectionSize.x;
                            Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation;
                            Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation;

                            if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full)
                                Surface foundationSurface = data.foundationSurface != null ? data.foundationSurface : section.wallSurface;
                                int     foundationSubmesh = dmesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(foundationSurface);                            //facadeSurfaces.IndexOf(section.wallSurface));
                                dmesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, new Vector2(uvOffset.x, -foundation), new Vector2(uvOffset.x + wallSectionSize.x, 0), -facadeNormal, facadeTangent, foundationSubmesh, foundationSurface);
                            if (collider != null && generatedSectionCollider != null)
                                collider.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0);
                        //todo switch - support wall section based curves for now

                        Vector3 cp0 = data.anchors[s].vector3XZ;
                        cp0.y = data.baseA.y;
                        Vector3 cp1 = data.anchors[s + 1].vector3XZ;
                        cp1.y = data.baseA.y;
                        Vector3 curveVector    = cp1 - cp0;
                        Vector3 curveDirection = curveVector.normalized;
                        Vector3 curveNormal    = Vector3.Cross(curveDirection, Vector3.up);
                        float   actualWidth    = curveVector.magnitude;

                        Quaternion meshRot           = Quaternion.LookRotation(curveNormal, Vector3.up);
                        Vector3    meshPos           = cp1 + Vector3.up * wallSectionSize.y;
                        Vector3    wallSectionVector = new Vector3(0, wallSectionSize.y * fl, 0);
                        meshPos += meshRot * wallSectionVector;
                        meshPos += meshRot * -new Vector3(actualWidth, wallSectionSize.y, 0) * 0.5f;
                        Vector3 meshScale = new Vector3(actualWidth / wallSectionSize.x, 1, 1);

                        //Thanks Anthony Cuellar - issue #12
                        Vector2 uvOffset       = new Vector2(wallSectionVector.x, wallSectionVector.y + (section.hasOpening ? 0 : wallSectionSize.y / 2f));
                        Vector2 uvOffsetScaled = CalculateUv(uvOffset, section.wallSurface);
                        //TODO account for the mesh mode of the wall section - custom meshes
                        if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full)
                            dmesh.AddData(generatedSection, meshPos, meshRot, meshScale, uvOffsetScaled);
                        if (collider != null && generatedSectionCollider != null)
                            collider.mesh.AddData(generatedSectionCollider, meshPos, meshRot, meshScale);
                        if (collider != null && bboxes.Length > 0)
                            collider.AddBBox(bboxes, meshPos, meshRot);

//					    Debug.Log("foundation");
                        if (fl == 0 && foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                            Vector3 fp3 = cp1;
                            Vector3 fp2 = fp3 - curveDirection * actualWidth;
                            Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation;
                            Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation;

                            if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full)
                                Surface foundationSurface = data.foundationSurface != null ? data.foundationSurface : section.wallSurface;
                                int     foundationSubmesh = dmesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(foundationSurface);                            //facadeSurfaces.IndexOf(section.wallSurface);
                                dmesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, new Vector2(uvOffset.x, -foundation), new Vector2(uvOffset.x + actualWidth, 0), -curveNormal, facadeTangent, foundationSubmesh, foundationSurface);
                            if (collider != null && generatedSectionCollider != null)
                                collider.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0);

                //string course is completely ignored for a collision
//			    Debug.Log("string");
                if (fl > 0 && data.facadeDesign.stringCourse && meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full)                //no string course on ground floor
                    float   baseStringCoursePosition = wallSectionSize.y * fl + wallSectionSize.y * data.facadeDesign.stringCoursePosition;
                    Vector3 scBaseUp = baseStringCoursePosition * Vector3.up;
                    Vector3 scTopUp  = (data.facadeDesign.stringCourseHeight + baseStringCoursePosition) * Vector3.up;
                    if (data.isStraight)
                        Vector3 scNm    = data.facadeDesign.stringCourseDepth * facadeNormal;
                        Vector3 p0      = data.baseA;
                        Vector3 p1      = data.baseB;
                        Vector3 p0o     = data.baseA - scNm;
                        Vector3 p1o     = data.baseB - scNm;
                        int     submesh = dmesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface);                                                                                        //data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface != null ? facadeSurfaces.IndexOf(data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface) : 0;
                        Vector2 uvMax   = new Vector2(facadeLength, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseHeight);
                        dmesh.AddPlane(p0o + scBaseUp, p1o + scBaseUp, p0o + scTopUp, p1o + scTopUp, Vector3.zero, uvMax, -facadeNormal, facadeTangent, submesh, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface); //front
                        dmesh.AddPlane(p0 + scBaseUp, p0o + scBaseUp, p0 + scTopUp, p0o + scTopUp, facadeNormal, facadeTangent, submesh);                                                                //left
                        dmesh.AddPlane(p1o + scBaseUp, p1 + scBaseUp, p1o + scTopUp, p1 + scTopUp, facadeNormal, facadeTangent, submesh);                                                                //right
                        float facadeAngle = BuildrUtils.CalculateFacadeAngle(facadeDirection);
                        dmesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p0 + scBaseUp, p1 + scBaseUp, p0o + scBaseUp, p1o + scBaseUp, facadeAngle, Vector3.down, facadeTangent, submesh, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface); //bottom
                        dmesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p1 + scTopUp, p0 + scTopUp, p1o + scTopUp, p0o + scTopUp, facadeAngle, Vector3.up, facadeTangent, submesh, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface);       //top
                        int       baseCurvePointCount = data.anchors.Count;                  //baseCurvepoints.Count;
                        Vector3[] interSectionNmls    = new Vector3[baseCurvePointCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < baseCurvePointCount - 1; i++)
                            Vector3 p0 = data.anchors[i].vector3XZ;                            //baseCurvepoints[i];
                            Vector3 p1 = data.anchors[i + 1].vector3XZ;                        //baseCurvepoints[i + 1];
                            Vector3 p2 = data.anchors[Mathf.Max(i - 1, 0)].vector3XZ;          //baseCurvepoints[Mathf.Max(i - 1, 0)];
                            interSectionNmls[i] = Vector3.Cross((p1 - p0 + p0 - p2).normalized, Vector3.up);

                        for (int i = 0; i < baseCurvePointCount - 1; i++)
                            Vector3 p0            = data.anchors[i].vector3XZ;                 //baseCurvepoints[i];
                            Vector3 p1            = data.anchors[i + 1].vector3XZ;             //baseCurvepoints[i + 1];
                            Vector3 sectionVector = p1 - p0;
                            Vector3 sectionDir    = sectionVector.normalized;
                            Vector3 sectionNml    = Vector3.Cross(sectionDir, Vector3.up);
                            Vector4 sectionTgnt   = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(sectionDir);
                            Vector3 scNmA         = data.facadeDesign.stringCourseDepth * interSectionNmls[i + 0];
                            Vector3 scNmB         = data.facadeDesign.stringCourseDepth * interSectionNmls[i + 1];
                            Vector3 p0o           = p0 - scNmA;
                            Vector3 p1o           = p1 - scNmB;
                            int     submesh       = dmesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface);                  //data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface != null ? facadeSurfaces.IndexOf(data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface) : 0;
                            dmesh.AddPlane(p0o + scBaseUp, p1o + scBaseUp, p0o + scTopUp, p1o + scTopUp, sectionNml, sectionTgnt, submesh);
                            dmesh.AddPlane(p0 + scBaseUp, p0o + scBaseUp, p0 + scTopUp, p0o + scTopUp, sectionNml, sectionTgnt, submesh);
                            dmesh.AddPlane(p1o + scBaseUp, p1 + scBaseUp, p1o + scTopUp, p1 + scTopUp, sectionNml, sectionTgnt, submesh);
                            float facadeAngle = BuildrUtils.CalculateFacadeAngle(sectionDir);
                            dmesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p0 + scBaseUp, p1 + scBaseUp, p0o + scBaseUp, p1o + scBaseUp, facadeAngle, Vector3.down, sectionTgnt, submesh, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface);                      //bottom
                            dmesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p1 + scTopUp, p0 + scTopUp, p1o + scTopUp, p0o + scTopUp, facadeAngle, Vector3.up, sectionTgnt, submesh, data.facadeDesign.stringCourseSurface);                            //top
Example #2
        public static void Generate(IBuilding building, IVolume volume, BuildRMesh mesh, BuildRCollider collider, Rect clampUV)
            int   numberOfPoints    = volume.numberOfPoints;
            float totalPlanHeight   = volume.planTotalHeight;
            Roof  roof              = volume.roof;
            bool  generateColliders = building.colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None;

            if (!roof.exists)

            List <Vector2> roofPoints     = new List <Vector2>();
            List <int>     facadeIndicies = new List <int>();

            int wallSubmesh  = mesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(roof.wallSurface != null ? roof.wallSurface : roof.mainSurface);
            int floorSubmesh = mesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(roof.floorSurface != null?roof.floorSurface: roof.mainSurface);

            bool[] facadeParapets = new bool[numberOfPoints];
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                Vector3 p0 = volume.BuildingPoint(p);

                roofPoints.Add(new Vector2(p0.x, p0.z));

                if (!volume.IsWallStraight(p))
                    int anchorCount = volume.facadeWallAnchors[p].Count;
                    for (int a = 1; a < anchorCount - 1; a++)

                facadeParapets[p] = BuildRFacadeUtil.HasParapet(building, volume, p);

            int numberOfRoofPoints = roofPoints.Count;

            Vector3[] facadeNormals    = new Vector3[numberOfRoofPoints];
            Vector3[] facadeDirections = new Vector3[numberOfRoofPoints];
            float[]   facadeLengths    = new float[numberOfRoofPoints];
            for (int p = 0; p < numberOfRoofPoints; p++)
                Vector3 p0 = roofPoints[p];
                Vector3 p1 = roofPoints[(p + 1) % numberOfRoofPoints];

                Vector3 facadeVector = (p1 - p0);
                facadeDirections[p] = facadeVector.normalized;
                facadeNormals[p]    = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, facadeDirections[p]);
                facadeLengths[p]    = facadeVector.magnitude;

            Vector2[] roofPointsA = roofPoints.ToArray();
            bool[]    roofGables  = new bool[numberOfPoints];
            for (int g = 0; g < numberOfPoints; g++)
                roofGables[g] = volume[g].isGabled;
            Vector2[] baseRoofPoints = new Vector2[0];
            if (roof.overhang > 0)
                OffsetPoly polyOffset = new OffsetPoly(roofPointsA, -roof.overhang);
                baseRoofPoints = polyOffset.Shape();

                ShapeToRoofMesh.OverhangUnderside(ref mesh, roofPointsA, baseRoofPoints, totalPlanHeight, roof);
                baseRoofPoints = roofPointsA;

            if (baseRoofPoints.Length == 0)

            Vector2[] parapetExternalPoints = new Vector2[0];
            Vector2[] parapetInternalPoints = new Vector2[0];
            float     parapetFrontDepth     = roof.parapetFrontDepth;
            float     parapetBackDepth      = roof.parapetBackDepth;

            if (generateColliders)
                collider.thickness = parapetFrontDepth * 0.5f + parapetBackDepth;

            bool parapet = roof.parapet && building.meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full;

            if (parapet)
                OffsetPoly polyOffset = new OffsetPoly(baseRoofPoints, -parapetFrontDepth);
                parapetExternalPoints = polyOffset.Shape();

                polyOffset = new OffsetPoly(baseRoofPoints, parapetBackDepth);
                parapetInternalPoints = polyOffset.Shape();

            int roofPointCount = baseRoofPoints.Length;

            if (parapet && parapetExternalPoints.Length > 0 && parapetInternalPoints.Length > 0)
                List <BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData> parapetShapes = BuildRVolumeUtil.GetParapetShapes(building, volume, baseRoofPoints);
                for (int p = 0; p < roofPointCount; p++)
                    BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData parapetWallData = parapetShapes[p];

                    int facadeIndex = facadeIndicies[p];
                    if (!facadeParapets[facadeIndex] || parapetWallData.type == BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData.Types.None)

                    int pb  = (p + 1) % roofPointCount;
                    int pbi = (p + 1) % parapetInternalPoints.Length;
                    int pbe = (p + 1) % parapetExternalPoints.Length;

                    int facadeIndexB = (facadeIndex + 1) % numberOfPoints;
                    int facadeIndexC = (facadeIndex - 1 + numberOfPoints) % numberOfPoints;

                    bool facadeParapetB = facadeParapets[facadeIndexB] && parapetShapes[facadeIndexB].type != BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData.Types.None;
                    bool facadeParapetC = facadeParapets[facadeIndexC] && parapetShapes[facadeIndexC].type != BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData.Types.None;

                    Vector3 p0              = new Vector3(baseRoofPoints[p].x, totalPlanHeight, baseRoofPoints[p].y);
                    Vector3 p1              = new Vector3(baseRoofPoints[pb].x, totalPlanHeight, baseRoofPoints[pb].y);
                    Vector3 facadeVector    = (p1 - p0);
                    Vector3 facadeDirection = facadeVector.normalized;
                    Vector3 facadeNormal    = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, facadeDirection);
                    int     pCount          = Mathf.Min(parapetExternalPoints.Length, parapetInternalPoints.Length);
                    if (p < pCount)
                        float facadeLength = facadeVector.magnitude;

                        if (!facadeParapetC)//need to straighten the ends if no parapet exists
                            Vector3 parapetEndExternalC = p0 + facadeNormal * parapetFrontDepth;
                            Vector3 parapetEndInternalC = p0 - facadeNormal * parapetBackDepth;
                            parapetExternalPoints[p] = new Vector2(parapetEndExternalC.x, parapetEndExternalC.z);
                            parapetInternalPoints[p] = new Vector2(parapetEndInternalC.x, parapetEndInternalC.z);
                        if (!facadeParapetB)//need to straighten the ends if no parapet exists
                            Vector3 parapetEndExternalB = p1 + facadeNormal * parapetFrontDepth;
                            Vector3 parapetEndInternalB = p1 - facadeNormal * parapetBackDepth;
                            parapetExternalPoints[pbe] = new Vector2(parapetEndExternalB.x, parapetEndExternalB.z);
                            parapetInternalPoints[pbi] = new Vector2(parapetEndInternalB.x, parapetEndInternalB.z);

                        //external points
                        Vector3 p0e = new Vector3(parapetExternalPoints[p].x, totalPlanHeight, parapetExternalPoints[p].y);
                        Vector3 p1e = new Vector3(parapetExternalPoints[pbe].x, totalPlanHeight, parapetExternalPoints[pbe].y);
                        //internal points
                        Vector3 p0i                  = new Vector3(parapetInternalPoints[p].x, totalPlanHeight, parapetInternalPoints[p].y);
                        Vector3 p1i                  = new Vector3(parapetInternalPoints[pbi].x, totalPlanHeight, parapetInternalPoints[pbi].y);
                        float   uvAngle              = JMath.SignAngle(new Vector2(facadeDirection.x, facadeDirection.z).normalized) + 90;
                        Vector4 facadeTangent        = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeDirection);
                        Vector4 facadeTangentInverse = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(-facadeDirection);

                        if (parapetWallData.type == BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData.Types.AtoIntersection)
                            Vector2 intV2 = parapetWallData.Int;
                            Vector3 intV3 = new Vector3(intV2.x, totalPlanHeight, intV2.y);
                            p1e = intV3 + facadeNormal * parapetFrontDepth;
                            p1i = intV3 - facadeNormal * parapetBackDepth;

                        if (parapetWallData.type == BuildRVolumeUtil.ParapetWallData.Types.IntersectiontoB)
                            Vector2 intV2 = parapetWallData.Int;
                            Vector3 intV3 = new Vector3(intV2.x, totalPlanHeight, intV2.y);
                            p0e = intV3 + facadeNormal * parapetFrontDepth;
                            p0i = intV3 - facadeNormal * parapetBackDepth;

                        if (roof.parapetStyle == Roof.ParapetStyles.Flat)
                            Vector3 parapetUp = Vector3.up * roof.parapetHeight;

                            Vector3 w0 = p0e;                                                                                                                                               //front left
                            Vector3 w1 = p1e;                                                                                                                                               //front right
                            Vector3 w2 = p0i;                                                                                                                                               //back left
                            Vector3 w3 = p1i;                                                                                                                                               //back right
                            Vector3 w6 = w2 + parapetUp;                                                                                                                                    //front left top
                            Vector3 w7 = w3 + parapetUp;                                                                                                                                    //front right top
                            Vector3 w4 = w0 + parapetUp;                                                                                                                                    //back left top
                            Vector3 w5 = w1 + parapetUp;                                                                                                                                    //back right top

                            mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w4, w5, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(facadeLength, roof.parapetHeight), facadeNormal, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);         //front
                            mesh.AddPlane(w3, w2, w7, w6, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(facadeLength, roof.parapetHeight), -facadeNormal, facadeTangentInverse, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface); //back
                            mesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(w7, w6, w5, w4, uvAngle, Vector3.up, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);                                                      //top

                            if (generateColliders)
                                collider.AddPlane(w0, w1, w4, w5);
                                if (!collider.usingPrimitives)
                                    collider.mesh.AddPlane(w3, w2, w7, w6, 0);
                                    collider.mesh.AddPlane(w7, w6, w5, w4, 0);

                            if (parapetFrontDepth > 0)
                                mesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p0, p1, w0, w1, uvAngle, Vector3.down, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//bottom
                            bool leftParapet = facadeParapetB;
                            if (!leftParapet)
                                //todo proper calculations
                                Vector3 leftCapNormal = Vector3.forward;
                                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w2, w4, w6, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(parapetBackDepth + parapetFrontDepth, roof.parapetHeight), leftCapNormal, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//left cap

                            bool rightParapet = facadeParapetC;
                            if (!rightParapet)
                                //todo proper calculations
                                Vector3 rightCapNormal = Vector3.forward;
                                mesh.AddPlane(w3, w1, w7, w5, Vector2.zero, new Vector2(parapetBackDepth + parapetFrontDepth, roof.parapetHeight), rightCapNormal, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//right cap
                            int battlementCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(facadeLength / roof.battlementSpacing) * 2 + 1;
                            for (int b = 0; b < battlementCount + 1; b++)
                                float percentLeft    = b / (float)(battlementCount);
                                float percentRight   = (b + 1f) / (battlementCount);
                                float parapetUVStart = percentLeft * facadeLength;
                                float parapetUVWidth = (percentRight - percentLeft) * facadeLength;

                                Vector3 b0 = Vector3.Lerp(p0e, p1e, percentLeft);
                                Vector3 b1 = Vector3.Lerp(p0e, p1e, percentRight);
                                Vector3 b2 = Vector3.Lerp(p0i, p1i, percentLeft);
                                Vector3 b3 = Vector3.Lerp(p0i, p1i, percentRight);
                                bool    upperBattlement = b % 2 == 0;
                                float   battlementUp    = upperBattlement ? roof.parapetHeight : roof.parapetHeight * roof.battlementHeightRatio;
                                Vector3 battlementUpV   = Vector3.up * battlementUp;

                                Vector3 b6 = b2 + battlementUpV; //front left top
                                Vector3 b7 = b3 + battlementUpV; //front right top
                                Vector3 b4 = b0 + battlementUpV; //back left top
                                Vector3 b5 = b1 + battlementUpV; //back right top

                                mesh.AddPlane(b0, b1, b4, b5, new Vector2(parapetUVStart, 0), new Vector2(parapetUVStart + parapetUVWidth, battlementUp), facadeNormal, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);
                                mesh.AddPlane(b3, b2, b7, b6, new Vector2(parapetUVStart, 0), new Vector2(parapetUVStart + parapetUVWidth, battlementUp), -facadeNormal, facadeTangentInverse, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);
                                mesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(b7, b6, b5, b4, uvAngle, Vector3.up, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);
                                if (parapetFrontDepth > 0)
                                    mesh.AddPlaneComplexUp(p0, p1, b0, b1, uvAngle, Vector3.down, facadeTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//bottom
                                if (generateColliders)
                                    collider.AddPlane(b0, b1, b4, b5);
                                    if (!collider.usingPrimitives)
                                        collider.mesh.AddPlane(b3, b2, b7, b6, 0);
                                        collider.mesh.AddPlane(b7, b6, b5, b4, 0);

                                if (upperBattlement)
                                    //todo proper calculations
                                    float   uvBattlementCapUp = roof.parapetHeight * roof.battlementHeightRatio;
                                    Vector3 leftCapNormal     = -facadeDirection;
                                    Vector4 leftCapTangent    = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(-facadeNormal);
                                    mesh.AddPlane(b2, b0, b6, b4, new Vector2(parapetUVStart, 0), new Vector2(parapetUVStart + roof.parapetBackDepth + parapetFrontDepth, uvBattlementCapUp), leftCapNormal, leftCapTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//left cap
                                    Vector3 rightCapNormal  = facadeDirection;
                                    Vector4 rightCapTangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeNormal);
                                    mesh.AddPlane(b1, b3, b5, b7, new Vector2(parapetUVStart, 0), new Vector2(parapetUVStart + roof.parapetBackDepth + parapetFrontDepth, uvBattlementCapUp), rightCapNormal, rightCapTangent, wallSubmesh, roof.wallSurface);//right cap

                                    if (generateColliders)
                                        if (!collider.usingPrimitives)
                                            collider.mesh.AddPlane(b2, b0, b6, b4, 0);
                                            collider.mesh.AddPlane(b1, b3, b5, b7, 0);

            Vector2[] roofFloorBasePoints = (roof.parapet && roof.parapetBackDepth > 0 && parapetInternalPoints.Length > 0) ? parapetInternalPoints : baseRoofPoints;

            Roof.Types roofType = roof.type;
            if (volume.abovePlanCount > 0)
                roofType = Roof.Types.Flat;

            switch (roofType)
                Flat(building, volume, mesh, collider, roofFloorBasePoints, totalPlanHeight, roof, floorSubmesh, roof.floorSurface, clampUV);

            case Roof.Types.Pitched:
                if (!PitchedRoofGenerator.Generate(mesh, collider, roofFloorBasePoints, facadeIndicies.ToArray(), totalPlanHeight, volume, clampUV))
                    Flat(building, volume, mesh, collider, roofFloorBasePoints, totalPlanHeight, roof, floorSubmesh, roof.floorSurface, clampUV);

            case Roof.Types.Mansard:
                if (!MansardRoofGenerator.Generate(mesh, collider, roofFloorBasePoints, facadeIndicies.ToArray(), totalPlanHeight, volume))
                    Flat(building, volume, mesh, collider, roofFloorBasePoints, totalPlanHeight, roof, floorSubmesh, roof.floorSurface, clampUV);
                //                    ShapeToRoofMesh.MansardRoof(ref mesh, roofFloorBasePoints, roofGables, totalPlanHeight, roof, surfaceMapping);

                //                case Roof.Types.Gambrel:
                //                    ShapeToRoofMesh.Gambrel(ref mesh, roofFloorBasePoints, roofGables, totalPlanHeight, roof, surfaceMapping);
                //                    break;