IEnumerator Distribute(BuildPath buildPath) { Debug.Log("ItchDistro: Pushing " +; var path = OptionHelper.GetBuildBasePath(buildPath.path); var channel = ChannelNames[]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelSuffix)) { channel += "-" + channelSuffix; } var version = Application.version; var buildInfo = BuildInfo.FromPath(path); if (buildInfo != null) { if (!buildInfo.version.IsDefined) { Debug.LogWarning("ItchDistro: build.json exists but contains no version."); } else { version = buildInfo.version.MajorMinorPatchBuild; } } var args = string.Format( "push '{0}' '{1}:{2}' --userversion '{3}' --ignore='*.DS_Store' --ignore='build.json'", path, project, channel, Application.version ); yield return(Execute(butlerPath, args)); var exitcode = GetSubroutineResult <int>(); yield return(exitcode == 0); }
async Task Distribute(BuildPath buildPath, TaskToken task) { task.Report(0, description: $"Pushing {}"); var path = OptionHelper.GetBuildBasePath(buildPath.path); var channel = ChannelNames[]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelSuffix)) { channel += "-" + channelSuffix; } var version = Application.version; var buildInfo = BuildInfo.FromPath(path); if (buildInfo != null) { if (!buildInfo.version.IsDefined) { Debug.LogWarning("ItchDistro: build.json exists but contains no version."); } else { version = buildInfo.version.MajorMinorPatchBuild; } } var args = string.Format( "push '{0}' '{1}:{2}' --userversion '{3}' --ignore='*.DS_Store' --ignore='build.json'", path, project, channel, Application.version ); await Execute(new ExecutionArgs(butlerPath, args), task); }
protected IEnumerator Zip(BuildPath buildPath) { var target =; var path = buildPath.path; if (!File.Exists(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) { Debug.LogError("ZipDistro: Path to compress does not exist: " + path); yield return(null); yield break; } if (ZipIgnorePatterns == null) { ZipIgnorePatterns = new Regex[ZipIgnore.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ZipIgnore.Length; i++) { var regex = Regex.Escape(ZipIgnore[i]).Replace(@"\*", ".*").Replace(@"\?", "."); ZipIgnorePatterns[i] = new Regex(regex); } } var sevenZPath = Get7ZipPath(); if (sevenZPath == null) { yield return(null); yield break; } // Path can point to executable file but there might be files // in the containing directory we need as well var basePath = OptionHelper.GetBuildBasePath(path); // Check the files in containing directory var files = new List <string>(Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(basePath)); for (int i = files.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var filename = Path.GetFileName(files[i]); foreach (var pattern in ZipIgnorePatterns) { if (pattern.IsMatch(filename)) { files.RemoveAt(i); goto ContinueOuter; } } ContinueOuter :; } if (files.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("ZipDistro: Nothing to ZIP in directory: " + basePath); yield return(null); yield break; } // Determine output path first to make it consistent and use absolute path // since the script will be run in a different working directory var prettyName = GetPrettyName(target); if (prettyName == null) { prettyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(basePath); } var versionSuffix = ""; if (appendVersion) { var buildInfo = BuildInfo.FromPath(path); if (buildInfo != null) { if (!buildInfo.version.IsDefined) { Debug.LogWarning("ZipDistro: build.json exists but contains no version"); } else { versionSuffix = " " + buildInfo.version.MajorMinorPatch; } } if (versionSuffix.Length == 0) { versionSuffix = " " + Application.version; } } var extension = FileExtensions[(int)format]; var zipName = prettyName + versionSuffix + extension; zipName = zipName.Replace(" ", "_"); var outputPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath), zipName); outputPath = Path.GetFullPath(outputPath); // Delete existing archive, otherwise 7za will update it if (File.Exists(outputPath)) { File.Delete(outputPath); } // In case it only contains a single file, just zip that file var singleFile = false; if (files.Count == 1) { singleFile = true; basePath = files[0]; } // Run 7za command to create ZIP file var excludes = ""; foreach (var pattern in ZipIgnore) { excludes += @" -xr\!'" + pattern + "'"; } var inputName = Path.GetFileName(basePath); var args = string.Format( "a '{0}' '{1}' -r -mx{2} {3}", outputPath, inputName, (int)compression, excludes ); var startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = sevenZPath; startInfo.Arguments = args; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath); Debug.Log("ZipDistro: Archiving " + inputName); yield return(Execute(startInfo)); var exitcode = GetSubroutineResult <int>(); if (exitcode != 0) { yield return(null); yield break; } if (!singleFile && prettyName != inputName) { yield return(RenameRoot(outputPath, inputName, prettyName)); var success = GetSubroutineResult <bool>(); if (!success) { yield return(null); yield break; } } Debug.Log("ZipDistro: Archived to: " + outputPath); yield return(new BuildPath(target, outputPath)); }