public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute()
                bool v_ret = base.MoveToFirstAttribute();

                if (v_ret && (base.Depth <= 2) && (base.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute) && (base.Name == "xmlns"))
                    component.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "  Skip Attribute [{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}] [{4}]",
                                           base.Depth, base.NodeType, base.Name, base.Prefix, base.LocalName);
                    v_ret = base.MoveToNextAttribute();
Example #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">The build component that owns the dictionary.  This is useful for logging
        /// messages during initialization.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The target dictionary configuration</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string to use</param>
        /// <param name="groupId">The group ID to use</param>
        /// <param name="localCacheSize">The local cache size to use</param>
        /// <param name="reload">True to reload the cache or false to leave it alone.  This is used to reload
        /// project data so that it is always current.</param>
        /// <returns>A target dictionary instance that uses a simple in-memory
        /// <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> instance to store the targets.</returns>
        public SqlTargetDictionary(BuildComponentCore component, XPathNavigator configuration,
                                   string connectionString, string groupId, int localCacheSize, bool reload) :
            base(component, configuration)
            this.connectionString = connectionString;
            base.DictionaryId     = groupId;

            index = new SqlDictionary <Target>(connectionString, "Targets", "TargetKey", "TargetValue",
                                               "GroupId", groupId)
                LocalCacheSize = localCacheSize

            int filesToLoad = 0;

            if (reload)
                filesToLoad = Directory.EnumerateFiles(this.DirectoryPath, this.FilePattern, this.Recurse ?
                                                       SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Count();
                foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(this.DirectoryPath, this.FilePattern, this.Recurse ?
                                                                 SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                    if ((this.NamespaceFileFilter.Count == 0 || this.NamespaceFileFilter.Contains(
                             Path.GetFileName(file))) && !this.ContainsKey("N:" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)))

            // Loading new targets can take a while so issue a diagnostic message as an alert.  The time estimate
            // is a ballpark figure and depends on the system.
            if (filesToLoad != 0)
                component.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "{0} file(s) need to be added to the SQL " +
                                       "reflection target cache database.  Indexing them will take about {1:N0} minute(s), " +
                                       "please be patient.  Cache location: {2}", filesToLoad, Math.Ceiling(filesToLoad / 60.0),

Example #3

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component">The build component that owns the dictionary.  This is useful for logging
        /// messages during initialization.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The target dictionary configuration</param>
        /// <returns>A target dictionary instance that uses a simple in-memory
        /// <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> instance to store the targets.</returns>
        public ESentTargetDictionary(BuildComponentCore component, XPathNavigator configuration) :
            base(component, configuration)
            bool noReload = false;
            int  localCacheSize;

            string cachePath = configuration.GetAttribute("cachePath", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cachePath))
                throw new ArgumentException("The cachePath attribute must contain a value", "configuration");

            string cacheSize = configuration.GetAttribute("localCacheSize", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cacheSize) || !Int32.TryParse(cacheSize, out localCacheSize))
                localCacheSize = 1000;

            // This is a slightly modified version of Managed ESENT that provides the option to serialize
            // reference types.  In this case, we don't care about potential issues of persisted copies not
            // matching the original if modified as they are never updated once written to the cache.  We can
            // also turn off column compression for a slight performance increase since it doesn't benefit the
            // binary data that is serialized.
            PersistentDictionaryFile.AllowReferenceTypeSerialization = true;

            index = new PersistentDictionary <string, Target>(cachePath, false)
                LocalCacheSize = localCacheSize

            string noReloadValue = configuration.GetAttribute("noReload", String.Empty);

            // If noReload is true, skip reloading the dictionary if it contains any data.  This is used on
            // project targets to prevent reloading the data in the reference build if already loaded by the
            // conceptual build.
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noReloadValue) && Boolean.TryParse(noReloadValue, out noReload) &&
                noReload && index.Count != 0)

            // Loading new targets can take a while so issue a diagnostic message as an alert
            int filesToLoad = 0;

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(this.DirectoryPath, this.FilePattern, this.Recurse ?
                                                             SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                if ((this.NamespaceFileFilter.Count == 0 || this.NamespaceFileFilter.Contains(
                         Path.GetFileName(file))) && !this.ContainsKey("N:" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)))

            // The time estimate is a ballpark figure and depends on the system
            if (filesToLoad != 0)
                component.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "{0} file(s) need to be added to the ESENT " +
                                       "reflection target cache database.  Indexing them will take about {1:N0} minute(s), " +
                                       "please be patient.  Cache location: {2}", filesToLoad, Math.Ceiling(filesToLoad * 10 / 60.0),

                // Limit the degree of parallelism or it overwhelms the ESENT version store