Example #1
         * @see Graphics2D#drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, int, int)
        public void drawImage(BufferedImage img, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y)
            BufferedImage result = op.createCompatibleDestImage(img, img.getColorModel());

            result = op.filter(img, result);
            drawImage(result, x, y, null);
Example #2
 public override void drawImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y)
     if (op == null)
         drawImage(image, x, y, null);
         if (!(op is AffineTransformOp))
             drawImage(op.filter(image, null), x, y, null);
             Console.WriteLine(new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace());
             throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override void drawImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y)

            if( op == null ) {
                drawImage(image, x, y, null);
            } else {
                if( !(op is AffineTransformOp) ) {
                    drawImage(op.filter(image, null), x, y, null);
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine(new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace());
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void DrawImage(BufferedImage bufferedimage, BufferedImageOp op, int x, int y)
     BufferedImage img = op.filter(bufferedimage, null);
     DrawImage(((Image) (img)), new AffineTransform(1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, x, y), null);
Example #5
  * Renders a <code>BufferedImage</code> that is
  * filtered with a
  * {@link BufferedImageOp}.
  * The rendering attributes applied include the <code>Clip</code>,
  * <code>Transform</code>
  * and <code>Composite</code> attributes.  This is equivalent to:
  * <pre>
  * img1 = op.filter(img, null);
  * DrawImage(img1, new AffineTransform(1f,0f,0f,1f,x,y), null);
  * </pre>
  * @param img the <code>BufferedImage</code> to be rendered
  * @param op the filter to be applied to the image before rendering
  * @param x the x coordinate in user space where the image is rendered
  * @param y the y coordinate in user space where the image is rendered
  * @see #_transform
  * @see #setTransform
  * @see #setComposite
  * @see #clip
  * @see #setClip(Shape)
 public void DrawImage(BufferedImage img,
                       BufferedImageOp op,
                       int x,
                       int y){
     img = op.filter(img, null);
     DrawImage(img, x, y, null);