private void InitializeParticles(int n)
            var particles = new Particle[n];

            for (var i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
                // generate a flat random cube
                particles[i].Position.X = Rand(0.2f);
                particles[i].Position.Y = Rand(0.02f);
                particles[i].Position.Z = Rand(0.2f);
                // move particles outwards
                particles[i].Position += particles[i].Position.Normalized() * 0.8f;
                // calculate velocity perpendicular to the direction towards the gravity center and the y-axis
                particles[i].Velocity = Vector3.Cross(particles[i].Position, -Vector3.UnitY);
            // upload data into the Ping buffer and initialize the pong buffer to the same size
            _buffers.Init(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, particles);