Example #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (device.IsReading)
            isActive = true;
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < packets.Count; i++)
                    //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                    //To parse a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                    int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(i);
                    int size = packets.get_packet_size(i);

                    string content = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(packets.Buffer, indx, size);
                    content = content.Substring(6, content.IndexOf("FINAL") - 6);

                    string[] data = content.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    accelerometer = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[0]), float.Parse(data[1]), float.Parse(data[2]));
                    gyroscope     = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[3]), float.Parse(data[4]), float.Parse(data[5]));
                    magnetometer  = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[6]), float.Parse(data[7]), float.Parse(data[8]));

                    textRead = content;
    IEnumerator  ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                 * parse packets, packets are ordered by indecies (0,1,2,3 ... N),
                 * where Nth packet is the latest packet and 0th is the oldest/first arrived packet.
                 * Since this while loop is looping one time per frame, we only need the Nth(the latest potentiometer/joystick position in this frame).
                int N = packets.Count - 1;
                //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                //To get a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                if (size == 4)
                    // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                    int val1 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 1] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val1 = val1 >> 3;
                    int val2 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 3] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 2];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val2 = val2 >> 3;

                    //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                    //since any val is from 0 to 1023
                    float Axis1 = ((float)val1 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    float Axis2 = ((float)val2 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;

                    logsOnScreen.text = Axis1 + "," + Axis2;
                    MoveCube(Axis1, Axis2);

                     * Now Axis1 or Axis2  value will be in the range -1...1. Similar to Input.GetAxis
                     * Check out :
                     * https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Input.GetAxis.html
                     * https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/getaxis

            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";
    //############### Reading Data  #####################
    //Please note that you don't have to use this Couroutienes/IEnumerator, you can just put your code in the Update() method
    IEnumerator  ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            count           = (count + 1) % 500;
            statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read" + count;
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                 * parse packets, packets are ordered by indecies (0,1,2,3 ... N),
                 * where Nth packet is the latest packet and 0th is the oldest/first arrived packet.
                 * Since this while loop is looping one time per frame, we only need the Nth(the latest potentiometer/joystick position in this frame).
                int N = packets.Count - 1;
                //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                //To get a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                if (size == 2)
                    // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                    val1  = packets.Buffer[indx];
                    val2  = packets.Buffer[indx + 1];
                    theta = val1;
                    t = theta / 255.0 * 2 * Mathf.PI;
                    cube.transform.position = new Vector3(5 * Mathf.Cos((float)t), 0, 5 * Mathf.Sin((float)t));
                    //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                    //since any val is from 0 to 1023

                    logsOnScreen.text = val1 + "," + val2;

                     * Now Axis1 or Axis2  value will be in the range -1...1. Similar to Input.GetAxis
                     * Check out :
                     * https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Input.GetAxis.html
                     * https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/getaxis

            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";
Example #4
    IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status: Connected & Can Read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                int N    = packets.Count - 1;
                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                if (size == 6)
                    int fire = (packets.Buffer [indx + 1] << 8) | packets.Buffer [indx];
                    fire = fire >> 3;

                    int acX = (packets.Buffer [indx + 3] << 8) | packets.Buffer [indx + 2];
                    acX = acX >> 3;

                    int acY = (packets.Buffer [indx + 5] << 8) | packets.Buffer [indx + 4];
                    acY = acY >> 3;

                    vrRotation = new Vector3(acX, acY, 0);

                    if (statusText != null)
                        statusText.text = fire.ToString() + ", "
                                          + acX.ToString() + ", " +

                    if (fire == 1)
                        isShooting = true;
                    else if (fire == 0)
                        isShooting = false;

            yield return(null);
Example #5
 IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
     while (true)
         BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();
         if (packets != null)
             for (int i = 0; i < packets.Count; i++)
                 int    idx     = packets.get_packet_offset_index(i);
                 int    size    = packets.get_packet_size(i);
                 string content = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(packets.Buffer, idx, size);
                 //char direction;
                 //char.TryParse(content, out direction);
                 debug.text = content[0].ToString();
         yield return(null);
    //############### Reading Data  #####################
    //Please note that you don't have to use Couroutienes, you can just put your code in the Update() method
    //If you want to achieve a minimum delay please check the "High Bit Rate Terminal" demo
    IEnumerator  ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
    {    //Manage Reading Coroutine
        //Switch to Terminal View

        while (device.IsReading)
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                 * parse packets, packets are ordered by indecies (0,1,2,3 ... N),
                 * where Nth packet is the latest packet and 0th is the oldest/first arrived packet.

                for (int i = 0; i < packets.Count; i++)
                    //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                    //To parse a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                    int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(i);
                    int size = packets.get_packet_size(i);

                    string content = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(packets.Buffer, indx, size);
                    readDataText.add(device.Name, content);

            yield return(null);

        //Switch to Menue View after reading stoped
Example #7
 IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
     while (device.IsReading)
         BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();
         if (packets != null)
             for (int i = 0; i < packets.Count; i++)
                 int      indx    = packets.get_packet_offset_index(i);
                 int      size    = packets.get_packet_size(i);
                 string   content = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(packets.Buffer, indx, size);
                 string[] Numbers = content.Split(':');
                 short.TryParse(Numbers[0], out ax);
                 gas = short.Parse(Numbers[1]);
         yield return(null);
Example #8
    IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                 * parse packets, packets are ordered by indecies (0,1,2,3 ... N),
                 * where Nth packet is the latest packet and 0th is the oldest/first arrived packet.
                 * Since this while loop is looping one time per frame, we only need the Nth(the latest potentiometer/joystick position in this frame).
                int N = packets.Count - 1;
                //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                //To get a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                if (size == 4)
                    // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                    int val1 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 1] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val1 = val1 >> 3;
                    int val2 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 3] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 2];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val2 = val2 >> 3;

                    //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                    //since any val is from 0 to 1023
                    float Axis1 = ((float)val1 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;

                    if (Axis1 == 1)
                        eje = 2;

                    if (Axis1 == -1)
                        eje = 4;

                    float Axis2 = ((float)val2 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;

                    if (Axis2 == 1)
                        eje = 1;

                    if (Axis2 == -1)
                        eje = 3;

                    if (Axis1 <= 0.03 && Axis1 >= -0.03 && Axis2 <= 0.03 && Axis2 >= -0.03)
                        eje = 0;

                    if (eje == 0)
                        ahora = 0;
                        antes = 0;

                    if (ahora == eje)
                        ahora = ahora;
                    else if (ahora != eje)
                        antes = ahora;
                        ahora = eje;

                    if (antes == 1 && ahora == 2 || antes == 2 && ahora == 3 || antes == 3 && ahora == 4 || antes == 4 && ahora == 1)
                        direccion.text = "la direccion es adelante";
                        mover          = 5;
                    else if (antes == 1 && ahora == 4 || antes == 4 && ahora == 3 || antes == 3 && ahora == 2 || antes == 2 && ahora == 1)
                        direccion.text = "la direccion es atras";
                        mover          = -5;

                    if (antes == 0 && ahora == 0)
                        mover          = 0;
                        direccion.text = "sin movimineto";

                    variables.text = "Ahora= " + ahora + " antes= " + antes + " eje= " + eje;

                    axis.text = "Axis1= " + Axis1 + " Axis2= " + Axis2;

                    logsOnScreen.text = eje.ToString();

                    MoveCube(mover, 0);

                     * Now Axis1 or Axis2  value will be in the range -1...1. Similar to Input.GetAxis
                     * Check out :
                     * https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Input.GetAxis.html
                     * https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/getaxis

            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";
Example #9
    //############### Reading Data  #####################
    IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";

        while (device.IsReading)
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < packets.Count; i++)
                    //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                    //To parse a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                    int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(i);
                    int size = packets.get_packet_size(i);

                    string content = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(packets.Buffer, indx, size);
                    statusText.text = "MSG : " + content;
                    if (content.Contains(" : "))
                        //it's a movement command!
                        string RightWheelInput = content.Remove(content.IndexOf(" : "));
                        string LeftWheelInput  = content.Replace(RightWheelInput + " : ", "");
                            float RightWheel = float.Parse(RightWheelInput);
                            float LeftWheel  = float.Parse(LeftWheelInput);
                            if ( //test to make sure the data makes sense, the blueooth module is picking up nasty power
                                RightWheel > 0 && RightWheel < 65536 &&
                                LeftWheel > 0 && LeftWheel < 65536
                                Wheelchaircontrol.WheelchairMovement(LeftWheel, RightWheel);
                                //device.send(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("MA100" + (char)10));
                        catch { }
                    else if (content.Contains("lagtestreply"))
                        //we got the reply from the arduino, now to send it back!
                        WebSocketClient.messageforws  = "messagePair lagtestreply";
                        WebSocketClient.LagTestSwitch = false;

                        statusText.text = WebSocketClient.LagTestTime.ToString() + "ms for a reply from arduino";
                        WebSocketClient.messageforws = WebSocketClient.LagTestTime.ToString() + "ms for a reply from arduino";
                        WebSocketClient.LagTestTime  = 0f;
            if (!messagesent)
                foreach (string message in MessageToSendList)
                    device.send(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message + (char)10));
                //device.send(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(MessageToSend + (char)10));
                messagesent = true;
            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";
Example #10
    IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                 * parse packets, packets are ordered by indecies (0,1,2,3 ... N),
                 * where Nth packet is the latest packet and 0th is the oldest/first arrived packet.
                 * Since this while loop is looping one time per frame, we only need the Nth(the latest potentiometer/joystick position in this frame).
                int N = packets.Count - 1;
                //packets.Buffer contains all the needed packets plus a header of meta data (indecies and sizes)
                //To get a packet we need the INDEX and SIZE of that packet.
                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                /*if(size == 4){
                 *                      // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                 *                      int val1 =  (packets.Buffer[indx+1] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx];
                 *                      //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                 *                      val1 = val1 >> 3;
                 *                      int val2 =  (packets.Buffer[indx+3] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx+2];
                 *                      //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                 *                      val2 = val2 >> 3;
                 *                      //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                 *                      //since any val is from 0 to 1023
                 *                      float Axis1 = ((float)val1/1023f)*2f - 1f;
                 *                      float Axis2 = ((float)val2/1023f)*2f - 1f;
                 *                      logsOnScreen.text =  Axis1 + "," + Axis2;
                 *                      MoveCube(Axis1,Axis2);
                 *                      }
                 *              }*/

                if (size == 8)
                    myText.text = "8";
                    // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                    int val1 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 1] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val1 = val1 >> 3;

                    int val2 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 3] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 2];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val2 = val2 >> 3;

                    int val3 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 5] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 4];
                    val3 = val3 >> 3;

                    int val4 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 7] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 6];
                    val4 = val4 >> 3;

                    //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                    //since any val is from 0 to 1023
                    float Axis1 = ((float)val1 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    float Axis2 = ((float)val2 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;

                    float Axis3 = ((float)val3 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    float Axis4 = ((float)val4 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;

                    logsOnScreen.text = Axis1 + "," + Axis2 + " : " + val1 + " : " + val2;
                    MoveCube(cube, Axis1, Axis2);
                    MoveCube(cube2, Axis3, Axis4);

            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";
Example #11
    IEnumerator ManageConnection(BluetoothDevice device)
        statusText.text = "Status : Connected & Can read";
        while (device.IsConnected && device.IsReading)
            //polll all available packets
            BtPackets packets = device.readAllPackets();

            if (packets != null)
                int N = packets.Count - 1;

                int indx = packets.get_packet_offset_index(N);
                int size = packets.get_packet_size(N);

                if (size == 8)
                    // packets.Buffer[indx] equals lowByte(x1) and packets.Buffer[indx+1] equals highByte(x2)
                    int val1 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 1] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val1 = val1 >> 3;

                    int val2 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 3] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 2];
                    //Shift back 3 bits, because there was << 3 in Arduino
                    val2 = val2 >> 3;

                    int val3 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 5] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 4];
                    val3 = val3 >> 3;

                    int val4 = (packets.Buffer[indx + 7] << 8) | packets.Buffer[indx + 6];
                    val4 = val4 >> 3;

                    //#########Converting val1, val2 into something similar to Input.GetAxis (Which is from -1 to 1)#########
                    //since any val is from 0 to 1023
                    float Axis1 = ((float)val1 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    if (Axis1 <= 1 && Axis1 >= 0.75)
                        eje = 2;

                    if (Axis1 >= -1 && Axis1 <= -0.75)
                        eje = 4;
                    float Axis2 = ((float)val2 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    if (Axis2 <= 1 && Axis2 >= 0.85)
                        eje = 1;

                    if (Axis2 >= -1 && Axis2 <= -0.85)
                        eje = 3;

                    if (Axis1 <= 0.8 && Axis1 >= -0.6 && Axis2 <= 0.8 && Axis2 >= -0.6)
                        eje = 0;

                    if (eje == 0)
                        ahora = 0;
                        antes = 0;

                    if (ahora == eje)
                        ahora = ahora;
                    else if (ahora != eje)
                        antes = ahora;
                        ahora = eje;

                    if (antes == 1 && ahora == 2 || antes == 2 && ahora == 3 || antes == 3 && ahora == 4 || antes == 4 && ahora == 1)
                        j2.text   = "adelante true j1";
                        adelante1 = true;
                        atras1    = false;
                        //direccion1 = "adelante";
                        //direccion.text = "la direccion es adelante";
                        mover = 5;

                    else if (antes == 1 && ahora == 4 || antes == 4 && ahora == 3 || antes == 3 && ahora == 2 || antes == 2 && ahora == 1)
                        j2.text   = "atras true j1";
                        atras1    = true;
                        adelante1 = false;
                        //direccion1 = "atras";
                        //direccion.text = "la direccion es atras";
                        mover = -5;
                    if (antes == 0 && ahora == 0)
                        j2.text   = "j1 sin mover";
                        atras1    = false;
                        adelante1 = false;

                        //direccion1 = "ND";
                        mover = 0;
                        //direccion.text = "sin movimineto";

                    float Axis3 = ((float)val3 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    if (Axis3 <= 1 && Axis3 >= 0.85)
                        eje2 = 2;
                    if (Axis3 >= -1 && Axis3 <= -0.85)
                        eje2 = 4;

                    float Axis4 = ((float)val4 / 1023f) * 2f - 1f;
                    if (Axis4 <= 1 && Axis4 >= 0.75)
                        eje2 = 1;

                    if (Axis4 >= -1 && Axis4 <= -0.75)
                        eje2 = 3;

                    if (Axis3 <= 0.8 && Axis3 >= -0.6 && Axis4 <= 0.8 && Axis4 >= -0.6)
                        eje2 = 0;

                    if (eje2 == 0)
                        ahora2 = 0;
                        antes2 = 0;

                    if (ahora2 == eje2)
                        ahora2 = ahora2;
                    else if (ahora2 != eje2)
                        antes2 = ahora2;
                        ahora2 = eje2;

                    if (antes2 == 1 && ahora2 == 2 || antes2 == 2 && ahora2 == 3 || antes2 == 3 && ahora2 == 4 || antes2 == 4 && ahora2 == 1)
                        j1.text   = "j2 adelante true";
                        adelante2 = true;
                        atras2    = false;
                        //direccionj2 = "adelante";
                        //direccion2.text = "la direccion es adelante";
                        mover2 = 5;
                    else if (antes2 == 1 && ahora2 == 4 || antes2 == 4 && ahora2 == 3 || antes2 == 3 && ahora2 == 2 || antes2 == 2 && ahora2 == 1)
                        j1.text   = "j2 atras true";
                        atras2    = true;
                        adelante2 = false;
                        //direccionj2 = "atras";
                        //direccion2.text = "la direccion es atras";
                        mover2 = -5;

                    if (antes2 == 0 && ahora2 == 0)
                        j1.text   = "sin mover j2";
                        atras2    = false;
                        adelante2 = false;
                        //direccionj2 = "ND";
                        mover2 = 0;
                        //direccion2.text = "sin movimineto";

                    //movimiento del barco

                    if (adelante1 && adelante2)
                        moverBarco    = -1;
                        giro          = 0;
                        barcotxt.text = "adelante " + moverBarco.ToString();
                    else if (atras1 && atras2)
                        moverBarco    = 1;
                        giro          = 0;
                        barcotxt.text = "atras " + moverBarco.ToString();
                        moverBarco    = 0;
                        barcotxt.text = "SN";

                    if (moverBarco == 0 && adelante1 == true)
                        giro = 1;
                    else if (moverBarco == 0 && adelante2 == true)
                        giro = -1;
                    else if (moverBarco > 0 || moverBarco < 0 || adelante1 == false || adelante2 == false)
                        giro = 0;
                        giro = 0;

                    //GirarCubo(b, giro);
                    //MoveCube(cube, 0, mover);
                    //MoveCube(cube2, 0, mover2);

            yield return(null);

        statusText.text = "Status : Done Reading";