Example #1
    private void CreateRooms(Vector2 size)
        root = new BspGridLeaf(0, 0, (int)size.x, (int)size.y, null);

        bool didSplit = true;

        while (didSplit)
            didSplit = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < leaves.Count; i++)
                // If we haven't already split the leaf
                if (leaves [i].firstChild == null && leaves [i].secondChild == null)
                    // Attempt to split it
                    if (leaves [i].Split())
                        // If we can split it, add its children to the leaves list
                        leaves.Add(leaves [i].firstChild);
                        leaves.Add(leaves [i].secondChild);

                        didSplit = true;


Example #2
        public Room(Vector2 _size, Vector2 _bottomLeft, BspGridLeaf _parent)
            size       = _size;
            bottomLeft = _bottomLeft;
            parent     = _parent;

            centrePos = bottomLeft + size / 2;
Example #3
    private void BuildExit()
        // Randomly choose an edge to exit at
        // float ran = Random.Range (0f, 1f);
        // if (ran <= 0.25f)
        // {
        // }
        // else if (ran <= 0.5f)
        // {
        // }
        // else if (ran <= 0.75f)
        // {
        // }
        // else
        // {
        // }

        foreach (BspGridLeaf leaf in leaves)
            if (leaf.hasRoom)
                exitLeafMaxX = leaf;
                exitLeafMaxY = leaf;
                exitLeafMinX = leaf;
                exitLeafMinY = leaf;

        foreach (BspGridLeaf leaf in leaves)
            if (leaf.hasRoom)
                if (leaf.room.centrePos.x > exitLeafMaxX.room.centrePos.x)
                    exitLeafMaxX = leaf;
                if (leaf.room.centrePos.y > exitLeafMaxY.room.centrePos.y)
                    exitLeafMaxY = leaf;
                if (leaf.room.centrePos.x < exitLeafMinX.room.centrePos.x)
                    exitLeafMinX = leaf;
                if (leaf.room.centrePos.y < exitLeafMinY.room.centrePos.y)
                    exitLeafMinY = leaf;
        // Debug.DrawLine (new Vector2 (treeSize.x / 2f, treeSize.y / 2f), exitLeafMaxX.room.centrePos, Color.red, 5f);
        // Debug.DrawLine (new Vector2 (treeSize.x / 2f, treeSize.y / 2f), exitLeafMaxY.room.centrePos, Color.red, 5f);
        // Debug.DrawLine (new Vector2 (treeSize.x / 2f, treeSize.y / 2f), exitLeafMinX.room.centrePos, Color.red, 5f);
        // Debug.DrawLine (new Vector2 (treeSize.x / 2f, treeSize.y / 2f), exitLeafMinY.room.centrePos, Color.red, 5f);
Example #4
    public bool Split()
        // If this leaf already has children, skip it
        if (firstChild != null || secondChild != null)

        // Small chance of leaf not splitting leading to a large room
        if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < 0.2f && parent != null)

        // 50:50 chance to split horizontally or vertically
        bool splitH = Random.Range(0f, 1f) < 0.5f;

        // If the width is greater than 1.25 height, split vertically
        if (width / height > 1.25f)
            splitH = false;
        // If the height is greater than 1.25 width, split horizontally
        if (height / width > 1.25f)
            splitH = true;

        // Determine the max height or width (dependant on splitH) of the child leaf
        int max = (splitH ? height : width) - MIN_LEAF_SIZE;

        // If the max is less than minimum size allowed, return false
        if (max <= MIN_LEAF_SIZE)

        // Generate split
        int split = Random.Range(MIN_LEAF_SIZE, max);

        if (splitH)
            firstChild  = new BspGridLeaf(leftX, bottomY, width, split, this);
            secondChild = new BspGridLeaf(leftX, bottomY + split, width, height - split, this);
            firstChild  = new BspGridLeaf(leftX, bottomY, split, height, this);
            secondChild = new BspGridLeaf(leftX + split, bottomY, width - split, height, this);

        // If we've got this far, we've successfully split the leaf
Example #5
    public BspGridLeaf(int _leftX, int _bottomY, int _width, int _height, BspGridLeaf _parent)
        leftX   = _leftX;
        bottomY = _bottomY;
        width   = _width;
        height  = _height;
        parent  = _parent;

        hasRoom = false;
        centre  = new Vector2(leftX + width / 2, bottomY + height / 2);