public ActionResult Index() { #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); model.resultDetails = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Na.Website.Models.Browse.BrowseResultsDetailsModel>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } fcnClearCookie(); #region Date Section var _DateHelper = new DatesHelper(_cacheManager); Dates[] enums = { Dates.AvailableStartYears, Dates.AvailableStartMonths, Dates.AvailableStartDays, Dates.AvailableEndMonths, Dates.AvailableEndDays }; _DateHelper.SetDates(model.Dates, _dateService, enums); #endregion return View(model); }
public ActionResult BrowseLocations2(int? page) { #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; TempData["RequestURLForRedirect"] = "BrowseLocations"; // added BY Rakesh/DS on 11 nov 2013 w r t task 295 if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } if (url.ToLower().IndexOf("page") > 0) { url = url.Substring(url.IndexOf("?")); Response.Write(url); Response.End(); Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); model.resultDetails = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Na.Website.Models.Browse.BrowseResultsDetailsModel>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } //Response.Write("_stateId=" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); //Response.End(); string _browseRedrect = string.Empty; var _browseLocation = string.Empty; #region Checking browseLocation page with old type link _browseRedrect = fcnOldBrowsetoNewBrowseLink("location"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_browseRedrect)) { return RedirectPermanent(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + _browseRedrect); } #endregion //****** Initial Browse Results Populate ************ FetchBrowseResults(model, page, "location"); //Code Added by Mamta Gupta/D to resolve tfs Issue related to Narrow by Publication Location Country,state,city on 28 October,2013 //Start ViewBag.Country = model.Location.CountryID; ViewBag.State = model.Location.StateID; ViewBag.City = model.Location.CityID; ViewBag.Publication = model.Location.PublicationTitleID; //End model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; //************ This is for ajux pagination ********************* _browseLocation = "BrowseLocations"; _countryAbbr = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.CountryAbbr, ""); _stateName = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.StateName, ""); _cityName = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.CityName, ""); // Below added By Rakesh on 02 Sept 2013 ////Commenting below as code is moved in to function FetchBrowseResults line no 740 to get main/max amoung all the records //String MaxPubdateYear = model.results.Select(x => x.MaxPubdateYear).Max(); // String MinPubdateYear = model.results.Select(x => x.MinPubdateYear).Min(); String FinalHeaderCaption = "", FinalSubHeaderCaption = "", HederCountryName = "", HederStateName = "", HedercityName = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { _browseLocation = _countryAbbr; if (model.results != null && model.results.Count > 0) { HederCountryName = model.results[0].countryname; } } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { _browseLocation += "/" + _stateName; HederStateName = _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { _browseLocation += "/" + _cityName; HedercityName = _cityName; } model.MyControlAction = "/" + _browseLocation.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower(); #region SEO Page Title //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { HederCountryName = _countryAbbr + ", "; } //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { HederStateName = _stateName+" "; } //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { HedercityName = _cityName + ", "; } if (HederCountryName != "" && HederStateName == "" && HedercityName == "") { FinalHeaderCaption = HederCountryName + ":"; FinalSubHeaderCaption = HederCountryName; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 model.forSeoTitle = HederCountryName + " Newspaper Archives | Discover Newspapers (" + _MinPubYearForHeader + " - " + _MaxPubYearForHeader + ")"; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 } if (HederCountryName != "" && HederStateName != "" && HedercityName == "") { //FinalHeaderCaption = HederStateName + ":"; /*====Commented by debasis 16/09/2013 for remove colon=====*/ FinalHeaderCaption = HederStateName; FinalSubHeaderCaption = HederStateName; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 model.forSeoTitle = HederStateName + " Newspaper Archives | Discover Newspapers (" + _MinPubYearForHeader + " - " + _MaxPubYearForHeader + ")"; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 } if (HederCountryName != "" && HederStateName != "" && HedercityName != "") { //FinalHeaderCaption = HedercityName + ", " + HederStateName + ":"; /*====Commented by debasis 16/09/2013 for remove colon=====*/ FinalHeaderCaption = HedercityName + ", " + HederStateName; FinalSubHeaderCaption = HedercityName; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 model.forSeoTitle = HedercityName + " Newspaper Archives | Discover Newspapers (" + _MinPubYearForHeader + " - " + _MaxPubYearForHeader + ")"; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_MinPubYearForHeader) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_MaxPubYearForHeader)) { //FinalHeaderCaption = HederStateName + ":"; /*====Commented by debasis 16/09/2013 for remove colon=====*/ FinalHeaderCaption = HederStateName; FinalSubHeaderCaption = HederStateName; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 model.forSeoTitle = "Newspaper Archives | Discover Newspapers"; //Added for Seo title by Kanchan on 10'th September 2013 model.HeaderCaptionText = "Newspaper Archives"; } else { model.HeaderCaptionText = FinalHeaderCaption + " Newspaper Archives (" + _MinPubYearForHeader + " - " + _MaxPubYearForHeader + ")"; } #endregion //model.HeaderCaptionText = FinalHeaderCaption + " Newspaper Archives (" + _MinPubYearForHeader + " - " + _MaxPubYearForHeader + ")"; model.HeaderSubCaptionText = FinalSubHeaderCaption; GetMetaDataForFacebook(ref model); //End of code written By Rakesh return Request.IsAjaxRequest() ? (ActionResult)PartialView("_BrowseListsPartial", model) : View(model); }
public string BrowsePagePost(BrowseResultsModel model, string _browsePage) { var _url = string.Empty; model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } //If there are any valid search term then first priority to search otherwise browse with filters _url = SearchModelObj(model); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { //************* Set BrowseLocation Cookie for Browse Pages **************** SetBrowseCookiePost(model); //************* Get browseUrl for redirection ********************* _url = fncBrowseRedirect(model, _browsePage); } return _url; }
public string BrowseByMapPost(BrowseResultsModel model) { var _url = string.Empty; model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } //************* Get browseUrl for redirection ********************* #region Redirect to BrowseDate if (model.Dates.IsExactDate) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartYear, ""))) { _url = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartYear, ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { _url += "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartMonth, "1")) + "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartDay, "1")); } } } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenYears) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenStartYear, ""))) { _url = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenStartYear, ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenEndYear, "")) && _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenStartYear, "") != _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenEndYear, "")) { _url += "-" + _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenEndYear, ""); } } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenDates) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesYear, ""))) { _url = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesYear, ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { _url += "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesMonth, "1")) + "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesDay, "1")); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndYear, ""))) { _url += "/" + _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndYear, Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year)) + "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndMonth, "12")) + "-" + DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndDay, "31")); } } } else { _url = "browsedate"; } #endregion return _url; }
public ActionResult BrowseLocations(int? page) { ////Response.Write(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); ////Response.End(); #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; TempData["RequestURLForRedirect"] = "BrowseLocations"; // added BY Rakesh/DS on 11 nov 2013 w r t task 295 if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } if (url.ToLower().IndexOf("page") > 0) { url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("?")); Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); // model.resultDetails = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Na.Website.Models.Browse.BrowseResultsDetailsModel>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } string _browseRedrect = string.Empty; var _browseLocation = string.Empty; #region Checking browseLocation page with old type link _browseRedrect = fcnOldBrowsetoNewBrowseLink("location"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_browseRedrect)) { return RedirectPermanent(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + _browseRedrect); } #endregion //****** Initial Browse Results Populate ************ GetBrowseResults(ref model, "location"); GetBrowserLocationBreadcrumbButton(ref model); model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Set cookies value //I have implemented for feture 'not need for new browser /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="_browsePage"></param> private void SetBrowseCookieGet(ref BrowseResultsModel model, string _browsePage) { HttpCookie hcBrowse = null; if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { hcBrowse = Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"]; } if ((Response.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null)) { Response.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } #region BrowseLocation Fields _countryAbbr = _common.GetQueryStringValue("country", ""); _stateName = _common.GetQueryStringValue("state", ""); _cityName = _common.GetQueryStringValue("city", ""); _titleName = _common.GetQueryStringValue("pubTitle", ""); _pubyear = _common.GetQueryStringValue("year", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { _countryAbbr = _countryAbbr.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.CountryAbbr = _countryAbbr; model.MapLocationName = string.Empty; model.MapLocationName = _countryAbbr; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { _stateName = _stateName.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.StateName = _stateName; model.MapLocationName = string.Empty; model.MapLocationName = _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { _cityName = _cityName.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.CityName = _cityName; model.MapLocationName = string.Empty; model.MapLocationName = _cityName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleName)) { _titleName = _titleName.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.PublicationTitle = _titleName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pubyear)) { _pubyear = _pubyear.Replace("/", ""); model.PubYear = _pubyear; } if (_browsePage == "location") { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { var _locations = _countryService.GetLocationIdsByNames(_countryAbbr, _stateName, _cityName).SingleOrDefault(); if (_locations != null) { _countryId = model.countryId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.countryid, ""); _stateId = model.stateId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.stateid, ""); _cityId = model.cityId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.cityid, ""); } _locations = null; } } else if (_browsePage == "publication") { var _locations = _browserResultDetail.GetLocationIdsByPubTitle(_titleName).SingleOrDefault(); if (_locations != null) { _countryId = model.countryId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.countryid, ""); _stateId = model.stateId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.stateid, ""); _cityId = model.cityId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.cityid, ""); _pubId = model.PubId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.pubId, ""); } _locations = null; } //else //{ // if (hcBrowse != null) // { // _countryId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["countryid"], "0"); // _stateId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["stateid"], "0"); // _cityId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["cityid"], "0"); // } //} #endregion #region BrowseDate Fields //if (_browsePage == "date") //{ // _startyear = _common.GetQueryStringValue("yr", ""); // _startmonth = _common.GetQueryStringValue("mn", ""); // _startday = _common.GetQueryStringValue("dy", ""); // _endyear = _common.GetQueryStringValue("eyr", ""); // _endmonth = _common.GetQueryStringValue("emn", ""); // _endday = _common.GetQueryStringValue("edy", ""); // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear)) { _startyear = _startyear.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startmonth)) { _startmonth = _startmonth.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startday)) { _startday = _startday.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear)) { _endyear = _endyear.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endmonth)) { _endmonth = _endmonth.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endday)) { _endday = _endday.Replace("/", ""); } // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startmonth) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startday) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endmonth) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endday)) { _endyear = _startyear; } //} //else //{ // if (hcBrowse != null) // { // _startyear = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["year"], ""); // _startmonth = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["month"], ""); // _startday = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["day"], ""); // _endyear = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endyear"], ""); // _endmonth = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endmonth"], ""); // _endday = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endday"], ""); // } //} //#endregion //#region BrowseArticle Field //if (_browsePage == "article") { _titleInitial = _common.GetQueryStringValue("a", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { _titleInitial = _titleInitial.Replace("/", ""); } } //else { if (hcBrowse != null) { _titleInitial = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["titleinitial"], ""); } } #endregion if (_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.cityId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubYear, 0) > 0) { model.BrowseType = (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate; } else if (_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.cityId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubId, 0) > 0) { model.BrowseType = (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear; } else if (_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.cityId, 0) > 0) { model.BrowseType = (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle; } else if (_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0) > 0 && _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0) > 0) { model.BrowseType = (int)BrowserType.City; } else if (_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0) > 0) { model.BrowseType = (int)BrowserType.State; } #region BrowseLocation Cookie Check and Reset if (hcBrowse != null) { var _recordsPerPage = _common.GetIntegerValue(hcBrowse.Values["resultsperpage"], 0); if (_recordsPerPage > 0) { model.ResultsPageCount = _recordsPerPage; } else { model.ResultsPageCount = 15; } if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { Request.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } } Response.Cookies.Add(_clsCookie.fcnCreateBrowseLocationsCookie( _common.GetStringValue(_countryId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_stateId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_cityId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_pubId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_startyear, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_startday, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endyear, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endmonth, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endday, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_titleInitial, ""), "", "", "", _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookieTimeout", "100"), _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", ""), _common.GetStringValue(model.ResultsPageCount, "15") )); #endregion }
public ActionResult BrowseArticles(int? page) { #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); model.resultDetails = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Na.Website.Models.Browse.BrowseResultsDetailsModel>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } _titleInitial = _common.GetQueryStringValue("a", ""); #region 301 Redirect Old BrowseArticles(BrowseArticles/D.html) to New BrowseArticles(BrowseArticles/D) if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { if (_titleInitial.Contains("html")) { _titleInitial = _titleInitial.Replace(".html", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { return RedirectPermanent(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/BrowseArticles/" + _titleInitial); } } } #endregion //****** Initial Browse Results Populate ************ FetchBrowseResults(model, page, "article"); model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; var _browseArticles = "BrowseArticles"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { ////int index = _titleInitial.LastIndexOf("-("); ////if (index > 0) { _titleInitial = _titleInitial.Substring(0, index); } ////Response.Write(_titleInitial); _browseArticles += "/" + _titleInitial.Replace("/", ""); } model.MyControlAction = "/" + _browseArticles; return Request.IsAjaxRequest() ? (ActionResult)PartialView("_BrowseListsPartial", model) : View(model); }
/// <summary> /// set browse map point and link /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void CreateBrowseMapPoint(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { var sbPoint = new StringBuilder(); var sbLink = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var R in model.BrowseMapInfoList) { sbPoint.Append("<div id=\"missouriTt" + R.MapPointPosition + "\" class=\"newTTPopup newLocMapPopup\">"); sbPoint.Append("<div class=\"arrow\"></div>"); sbPoint.Append("<h4>" + R.CityName + "</h4>"); sbPoint.Append("<p>" + R.PublicationCount + " Publication</p>"); sbPoint.Append("</div>"); if (model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower() == "california" || model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower() == "illinois" || model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower() == "texas") { sbLink.Append("<a href=" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.CityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + " rel=\"#missouriTt" + R.MapPointPosition + "\" class=\"mapPoint mapPointSmall mapPoint" + R.MapPointPosition + "\"></a>"); } else { sbLink.Append("<a href=" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.CityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + " rel=\"#missouriTt" + R.MapPointPosition + "\" class=\"mapPoint mapPoint" + R.MapPointPosition + "\"></a>"); } } model.MapToolTip = sbPoint.ToString(); model.MapToolTipLink = sbLink.ToString(); sbPoint = null; sbLink = null; }
/// <summary> /// Display result in number of column formated in heare /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="numberofcolumn"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string DisplayFormatedResult(ref BrowseResultsModel model, int numberofcolumn) { string _browseresult = string.Empty; int _TotalResult = 0; int datapercolumn = 0; int remaningdata = 0; int count = 0; if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { _TotalResult = model.NewBrowseresultList.Count; if (_TotalResult > numberofcolumn) { if ((_TotalResult % numberofcolumn) > 0 && numberofcolumn > 2) { numberofcolumn = numberofcolumn - 1; } datapercolumn = (_TotalResult / numberofcolumn); if (numberofcolumn == 2) { remaningdata = (_TotalResult % numberofcolumn); datapercolumn = datapercolumn + remaningdata; } _browseresult = _browseresult + "<ul><li><ul>"; foreach (var R in model.NewBrowseresultList) { R.countryAbbr = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(R.countryAbbr) ? R.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() : ""; // added by rachna/SA w.rt 407 SA should be sa if (count > datapercolumn) { _browseresult = _browseresult + "</ul></li><li><ul>"; count = 0; } switch (model.BrowseType) { case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: DateTime dt = _common.GetDateTimeValue(R.pubDate); _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "/" + R.pubdatemonth.Trim() + "-" + R.pubdateday.Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + String.Format("{0:M-d-yyyy}", dt) + "\">" + String.Format("{0:M-d-yyyy}", dt) + "</a></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "/\" title=\"" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "\">" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "</a></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + R.pubTitle + " Newspaper\">" + R.pubTitle + "</a> (" + R.MinPubdateYear + "-" + R.MaxPubdateYear + ")</li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.City: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "").Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + R.cityName + " Newspaper Archives\">" + R.cityName + "</a></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.State: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "") + "/\" title=\"" + R.stateName + " Newspaper Archives\">" + R.stateName + "</a></li>"; break; } count++; } _browseresult = _browseresult + "</ul></li></ul>"; } else { _browseresult = _browseresult + "<ul>"; foreach (var R in model.NewBrowseresultList) { R.countryAbbr = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(R.countryAbbr) ? R.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() : ""; // added by rachna/SA w.rt 407 SA should be sa switch (model.BrowseType) { case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: DateTime dt = _common.GetDateTimeValue(R.pubDate); _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><ul><li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + R.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "/" + R.pubdatemonth.Trim() + "-" + R.pubdateday.Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + String.Format("{0:M-d-yyyy}", dt) + "\">" + String.Format("{0:M-d-yyyy}", dt) + "</a></li></ul></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><ul><li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + (R.countryAbbr ?? "").Trim().ToLower() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "/\" title=\"" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "\">" + R.MaxPubdateYear + "</a></li></ul></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><ul><li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + (R.countryAbbr ?? "").Trim().ToLower() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.pubTitleURL.Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + R.pubTitle + " Newspaper\">" + R.pubTitle + "</a> (" + R.MinPubdateYear + "-" + R.MaxPubdateYear + ")</li></ul></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.City: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><ul><li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + (R.countryAbbr ?? "").Trim().ToLower() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/" + R.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + "/\" title=\"" + R.cityName + " Newspaper Archives\">" + R.cityName + "</a></li></ul></li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.State: _browseresult = _browseresult + "<li><ul><li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + (R.countryAbbr ?? "").Trim().ToLower() + "/" + R.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\" title=\"" + R.stateName + " Newspaper Archives\">" + R.stateName + "</a></li></ul></li>"; break; } } _browseresult = _browseresult + "</ul>"; } } return _browseresult; }
public void SetBrowseCookieGet(BrowseResultsModel model, string _browsePage) { HttpCookie hcBrowse = null; if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { hcBrowse = Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"]; } if ((Response.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null)) { Response.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } #region BrowseLocation Fields if (_browsePage == "location") { _countryAbbr = _common.GetQueryStringValue("country", ""); _stateName = _common.GetQueryStringValue("state", ""); _cityName = _common.GetQueryStringValue("city", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { _countryAbbr = _countryAbbr.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.CountryAbbr = _countryAbbr; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { _stateName = _stateName.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.StateName = _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { _cityName = _cityName.Replace("/", ""); model.Location.CityName = _cityName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { var _locations = _countryService.GetLocationIdsByNames(_countryAbbr, _stateName, _cityName).SingleOrDefault(); if (_locations != null) { _countryId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.countryid, ""); _stateId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.stateid, ""); _cityId = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.cityid, ""); } _locations = null; } } else { if (hcBrowse != null) { _countryId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["countryid"], "0"); _stateId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["stateid"], "0"); _cityId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["cityid"], "0"); } } #endregion #region BrowseDate Fields if (_browsePage == "date") { _startyear = _common.GetQueryStringValue("yr", ""); _startmonth = _common.GetQueryStringValue("mn", ""); _startday = _common.GetQueryStringValue("dy", ""); _endyear = _common.GetQueryStringValue("eyr", ""); _endmonth = _common.GetQueryStringValue("emn", ""); _endday = _common.GetQueryStringValue("edy", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear)) { _startyear = _startyear.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startmonth)) { _startmonth = _startmonth.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startday)) { _startday = _startday.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear)) { _endyear = _endyear.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endmonth)) { _endmonth = _endmonth.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endday)) { _endday = _endday.Replace("/", ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startmonth) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startday) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endmonth) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endday)) { _endyear = _startyear; } } else { if (hcBrowse != null) { _startyear = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["year"], ""); _startmonth = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["month"], ""); _startday = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["day"], ""); _endyear = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endyear"], ""); _endmonth = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endmonth"], ""); _endday = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["endday"], ""); } } #endregion #region BrowseArticle Field if (_browsePage == "article") { _titleInitial = _common.GetQueryStringValue("a", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { _titleInitial = _titleInitial.Replace("/", ""); } } else { if (hcBrowse != null) { _titleInitial = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["titleinitial"], ""); } } #endregion #region Remove cookie fields from browse filters string _removeFilters = _common.GetQueryStringValue("rvfield", "").Replace("/", ""); if (_removeFilters == "co") { _countryId = "0"; _stateId = "0"; _cityId = "0"; } if (_removeFilters == "st") { _stateId = "0"; _cityId = "0"; } if (_removeFilters == "ct") { _cityId = "0"; } if (_removeFilters == "ex" || _removeFilters == "by" || _removeFilters == "bd") { _startyear = string.Empty; _startmonth = string.Empty; _startday = string.Empty; _endyear = string.Empty; _endmonth = string.Empty; _endday = string.Empty; } if (_removeFilters == "ti") { _titleInitial = string.Empty; } #endregion if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryId)) { _countryId = "0"; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateId)) { _stateId = "0"; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityId)) { _cityId = "0"; } #region BrowseLocation Cookie Check and Reset if (hcBrowse != null) { var _recordsPerPage = _common.GetIntegerValue(hcBrowse.Values["resultsperpage"], 0); if (_recordsPerPage > 0) { model.ResultsPageCount = _recordsPerPage; } else { model.ResultsPageCount = 15; } if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { Request.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } } Response.Cookies.Add(_clsCookie.fcnCreateBrowseLocationsCookie( _common.GetStringValue(_countryId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_stateId, "0"), _common.GetStringValue(_cityId, "0"), "0", _common.GetStringValue(_startyear, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_startday, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endyear, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endmonth, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_endday, ""), _common.GetStringValue(_titleInitial, ""), "", "", "", _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookieTimeout", "100"), _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", ""), _common.GetStringValue(model.ResultsPageCount, "15") )); #endregion }
public void SetBrowseCookiePost(BrowseResultsModel model) { #region Set values for Location/Date/TitleInitial Filters //***************** Set Location Filters ************************* _countryId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.CountryID, ""); _stateId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.StateID, ""); _cityId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.CityID, ""); _pubId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.PublicationTitleID, ""); //**************** Set Date Filters ***************************** if (model.Dates.IsExactDate && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartYear, ""))) { _startyear = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartYear, ""); _startmonth = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartMonth, "1")); _startday = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartDay, "1")); } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenYears && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenStartYear, ""))) { _startyear = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenStartYear, ""); _endyear = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenEndYear, ""); } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenDates && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesYear, "")) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndYear, ""))) { _startyear = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesYear, ""); _startmonth = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesMonth, "1")); _startday = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.BetweenDatesDay, "1")); _endyear = _common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndYear, ""); _endmonth = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndMonth, "12")); _endday = DropDownDatesFormat(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.EndDay, "31")); } else { _startyear = string.Empty; _startmonth = string.Empty; _startday = string.Empty; _endyear = string.Empty; _endmonth = string.Empty; _endday = string.Empty; } #endregion #region Set BrowseLocation Cookie for Redirect with BrowseLinks HttpCookie hcBrowse = null; if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { hcBrowse = Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"]; } if ((Response.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null)) { Response.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } if (hcBrowse != null) { _titleInitial = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["titleinitial"], ""); //********** Set resultsperpage into the dropdown ************** var _recordsPerPage = _common.GetIntegerValue(model.hdnRecordsPerPage, 0); if (_recordsPerPage > 0) { model.ResultsPageCount = _recordsPerPage; } else { model.ResultsPageCount = _common.GetIntegerValue(hcBrowse.Values["resultsperpage"], 15); } if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { Request.Cookies.Remove(_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"); } Response.Cookies.Add(_clsCookie.fcnCreateBrowseLocationsCookie( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_countryId, "")) ? "0" : _common.GetStringValue(_countryId, "0"), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_stateId, "")) ? "0" : _common.GetStringValue(_stateId, "0"), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_cityId, "")) ? "0" : _common.GetStringValue(_cityId, "0"), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_pubId, "")) ? "0" : _common.GetStringValue(_pubId, "0"), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_startyear, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_startyear, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_startday, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_startday, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_endyear, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_endyear, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_endmonth, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_endmonth, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_endday, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_endday, ""), String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(_titleInitial, "")) ? "" : _common.GetStringValue(_titleInitial, ""), "", "", "", _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookieTimeout", "100"), _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", ""), _common.GetStringValue(model.ResultsPageCount, "15") )); } #endregion }
public string SearchModelObj(BrowseResultsModel model) { var searchModel = new SearchResultsModel(); searchModel.Dates = model.Dates; searchModel.Location = model.Location; searchModel.FirstName = model.FirstName; searchModel.LastName = model.LastName; searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString = model.AllOfTheWordsString; searchModel.ExactPhraseString = model.ExactPhraseString; searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString = model.AnyOfTheWordsString; searchModel.WithoutWordsString = model.WithoutWordsString; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString)) { if (searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString.Trim().ToLower() == "battle gettysburg civil war") { searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString = ""; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString)) { if (searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString.Trim().ToLower() == "soldier infantry") { searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString = ""; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.ExactPhraseString)) { if (searchModel.ExactPhraseString.Trim().ToLower() == "john smith buried") { searchModel.ExactPhraseString = ""; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.WithoutWordsString)) { if (searchModel.WithoutWordsString.Trim().ToLower() == "adams george henry") { searchModel.WithoutWordsString = ""; } } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.ExactPhraseString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.LastName)) { return string.Empty; } var helper = new SearchHelper(_savedSearchService, _common); if (searchModel.Dates.IsPublicationDate == false) { searchModel.Dates = new DateModels(); } else { if (searchModel.Dates.IsExactDate == true) { searchModel.Dates.EndYear = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndDay = ""; } if (searchModel.Dates.IsBetweenYears == true) { searchModel.Dates.StartYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenStartYear; searchModel.Dates.EndYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenEndYear; searchModel.Dates.StartMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.StartDay = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndDay = ""; } if (searchModel.Dates.IsBetweenDates == true) { searchModel.Dates.StartYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesYear; searchModel.Dates.StartMonth = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesMonth; searchModel.Dates.StartDay = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesDay; } } if (searchModel.Location.IsPublicationLocation == false) { searchModel.Location = new LocationModels(); } string _url = helper.getURLfromSearchValues(searchModel, "", 0); return _url; }
public ActionResult Search(BrowseResultsModel model) { #region Click on Search Button var _url = string.Empty; model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } SearchModelObj(ref model); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ReturnUrl)) { SetBrowseCookiePost(model); fncBrowseRedirect(ref model, "location"); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ReturnUrl)) { return Redirect(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.ReturnUrl); } #endregion return View(model); }
public void LocationDropDownPopulate(BrowseResultsModel model) { #region Value Set into Location Filters From BrowseLocation Cookie HttpCookie hcBrowse = null; if ((Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"] != null && Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"].HasKeys)) { hcBrowse = Request.Cookies[_config.GetStringValueFromConfig("cookiePrefix", "") + ".BrowseLocation"]; } if (hcBrowse != null) { _countryId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["countryid"], "0"); _stateId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["stateid"], "0"); _cityId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["cityid"], "0"); _pubId = _common.GetStringValue(hcBrowse.Values["titleid"], "0"); } #endregion #region Reset Location DropDowns from Location Filters //Country Dropdown model.Location.AvailableCountries.Clear(); var allCountry = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetAllCountries(); if (allCountry != null) model.Location.AvailableCountries = allCountry.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.countryName, Value = c.countryid.ToString() }).ToList(); model.Location.CountryID = _common.GetStringValue(_countryId, "0"); TempData["Country"] = model.Location.CountryID; _countryName = model.Location.AvailableCountries.Where(p => p.Value == _countryId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryName)) { model.Location.CountryName = _common.GetStringValue(_countryName, ""); } //State dropdown model.Location.AvailableStates.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CountryID) && model.Location.CountryID != "0") { var statesByCountryId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetStatesByCountryId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.CountryID, 0)); if (statesByCountryId != null) model.Location.AvailableStates = statesByCountryId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.stateName, Value = c.stateid.ToString() }).ToList(); } model.Location.StateID = _common.GetStringValue(_stateId, "0"); TempData["State"] = model.Location.StateID; _stateName = model.Location.AvailableStates.Where(p => p.Value == _stateId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { model.Location.StateName = _common.GetStringValue(_stateName, ""); } //City dropdown model.Location.AvailableCities.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.StateID) && model.Location.StateID != "0") { var citiesByStateId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetCitiesByStateId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.StateID, 0)); if (citiesByStateId != null) model.Location.AvailableCities = citiesByStateId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.cityName, Value = c.cityid.ToString() }).ToList(); } model.Location.CityID = _common.GetStringValue(_cityId, "0"); TempData["City"] = model.Location.CityID; _cityName = model.Location.AvailableCities.Where(p => p.Value == _cityId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { model.Location.CityName = _common.GetStringValue(_cityName, ""); } model.Location.IsPublicationLocation = true; _pubId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.PublicationTitleID, ""); //Title dropdown if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CityID) && model.Location.CityID != "0") { var titlesWithYearByCityId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetTitlesWithYearByCityId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.CityID, 0)); if (titlesWithYearByCityId != null) model.Location.AvailablePubTitles = titlesWithYearByCityId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.pubTitle + " (" + c.minPubDateYear + " - " + c.maxPubDateYear + ")", Value = c.pubID.ToString() }).ToList(); } model.Location.PublicationTitleID = _pubId; TempData["Publication"] = model.Location.PublicationTitleID; _titleName = model.Location.AvailablePubTitles.Where(p => p.Value == _pubId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleName)) { model.Location.PublicationTitle = _common.GetStringValue(_titleName, ""); } model.Location.IsPublicationLocation = true; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Location (country ,state,city,publication) population /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void LocationDropDownPopulate(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { #region Reset Location DropDowns from Location Filters //Country Dropdown model.Location.AvailableCountries.Clear(); var allCountry = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetAllCountries(); if (allCountry != null) model.Location.AvailableCountries = allCountry.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.countryName, Value = c.countryid.ToString() }).ToList(); model.Location.CountryID = _common.GetStringValue(model.countryId, "0"); //TempData["Country"] = model.Location.CountryID; //_countryName = model.Location.AvailableCountries.Where(p => p.Value == _countryId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryName)) { model.Location.CountryName = _common.GetStringValue(_countryName, ""); } //State dropdown model.Location.AvailableStates.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CountryID) && model.Location.CountryID != "0") { var statesByCountryId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetStatesByCountryId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.CountryID, 0)); if (statesByCountryId != null) model.Location.AvailableStates = statesByCountryId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.stateName, Value = c.stateid.ToString() }).ToList(); model.Location.StateID = _common.GetStringValue(model.stateId, "0"); } // model.Location.StateID = "14"; //_common.GetStringValue(model.stateId, "0"); //TempData["State"] = model.Location.StateID; //_stateName = model.Location.AvailableStates.Where(p => p.Value == _stateId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { model.Location.StateName = _common.GetStringValue(_stateName, ""); } //City dropdown model.Location.AvailableCities.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.StateID) && model.Location.StateID != "0") { var citiesByStateId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetCitiesByStateId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.StateID, 0)); if (citiesByStateId != null) model.Location.AvailableCities = citiesByStateId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.cityName, Value = c.cityid.ToString() }).ToList(); } model.Location.CityID = _common.GetStringValue(model.cityId, "0"); //TempData["City"] = model.Location.CityID; //_cityName = model.Location.AvailableCities.Where(p => p.Value == _cityId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { model.Location.CityName = _common.GetStringValue(_cityName, ""); } //model.Location.IsPublicationLocation = true; //_pubId = _common.GetStringValue(model.Location.PublicationTitleID, ""); //Title dropdown if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CityID) && model.Location.CityID != "0") { //var titlesWithYearByCityId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetTitlesWithYearByCityId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.CityID, 0)); var titlesWithYearByCityId = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetTitlesWithYearByCityIdAndStateId(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.CityID, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.StateID, 0)).ToList(); if (titlesWithYearByCityId != null) model.Location.AvailablePubTitles = titlesWithYearByCityId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.pubTitle, Value = c.pubID.ToString() }).ToList(); // model.Location.AvailablePubTitles = titlesWithYearByCityId.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.pubTitle + " (" + c.minPubDateYear + " - " + c.maxPubDateYear + ")", Value = c.pubID.ToString() }).ToList(); } model.Location.PublicationTitleID = _common.GetStringValue(model.PubId, "0"); //TempData["Publication"] = model.Location.PublicationTitleID; //_titleName = model.Location.AvailablePubTitles.Where(p => p.Value == _pubId).ToList().Select(p => p.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleName)) { model.Location.PublicationTitle = _common.GetStringValue(_titleName, ""); } //model.Location.IsPublicationLocation = true; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Rediract browse page base on select search location(country,state,city,pulication) /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="_browsePage"></param> private void fncBrowseRedirect(ref BrowseResultsModel model, string _browsePage) { #region First Check PubTitle to redirect into publication page if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.PublicationTitleID)) { var pubLocationInfo = _BrowseDataService.GetBrowseLocationByPubID(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.Location.PublicationTitleID, 0)); // if (pubTitle != null) { _titleName = pubTitle.pubTitleURL; } if (pubLocationInfo != null) { _countryAbbr = _common.GetStringValue(pubLocationInfo.countryAbbr, ""); _stateName = _common.GetStringValue(pubLocationInfo.stateName, ""); _cityName = _common.GetStringValue(pubLocationInfo.cityName, ""); _pubTitleUrl = _common.GetStringValue(pubLocationInfo.pubTitleURL, ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { model.ReturnUrl = _countryAbbr.ToLower(); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { model.ReturnUrl += "/" + _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { model.ReturnUrl += "/" + _cityName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pubTitleUrl)) { model.ReturnUrl += "/" + _pubTitleUrl; } } #endregion if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ReturnUrl)) { #region Redirect to BrowseLocation if (_browsePage == "location") { model.ReturnUrl = "browselocations"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryId) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateId) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityId)) { var _locations = _countryService.GetLocationNamesByIds(_common.GetIntegerValue(_countryId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(_stateId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(_cityId, 0)).SingleOrDefault(); if (_locations != null) { _countryAbbr = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.countryAbbr, ""); _stateName = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.statename, ""); _cityName = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.cityName, ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { model.ReturnUrl = _countryAbbr; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { model.ReturnUrl += "/" + _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { model.ReturnUrl += "/" + _cityName; } _locations = null; } } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Set search term(user given) in search model /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void SearchModelObj(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { var searchModel = new SearchResultsModel(); searchModel.Dates = model.Dates; searchModel.Location = model.Location; searchModel.FirstName = model.FirstName; searchModel.LastName = model.LastName; searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString = model.AllOfTheWordsString; searchModel.ExactPhraseString = string.Empty; searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString = string.Empty; searchModel.WithoutWordsString = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString)) { if (searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString.Trim().ToLower() == "E.g., Moon Landing") { searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString = ""; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.FirstName)) { if (searchModel.FirstName.Trim().ToLower() == "e.g., william") { searchModel.FirstName = ""; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.LastName)) { if (searchModel.LastName.Trim().ToLower() == "e.g., smith") { searchModel.LastName = ""; } } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AllOfTheWordsString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.ExactPhraseString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.AnyOfTheWordsString) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.LastName)) { model.ReturnUrl = string.Empty; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CountryID)) { searchModel.Location.IsPublicationLocation = true; } var helper = new SearchHelper(_savedSearchService, _common); if (searchModel.Dates.IsPublicationDate == false) { searchModel.Dates = new DateModels(); } else { if (searchModel.Dates.IsExactDate == true) { searchModel.Dates.EndYear = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndDay = ""; } if (searchModel.Dates.IsBetweenYears == true) { searchModel.Dates.StartYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenStartYear; searchModel.Dates.EndYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenEndYear; searchModel.Dates.StartMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.StartDay = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndMonth = ""; searchModel.Dates.EndDay = ""; } if (searchModel.Dates.IsBetweenDates == true) { searchModel.Dates.StartYear = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesYear; searchModel.Dates.StartMonth = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesMonth; searchModel.Dates.StartDay = searchModel.Dates.BetweenDatesDay; } } if (searchModel.Location.IsPublicationLocation == false) { searchModel.Location = new LocationModels(); } model.ReturnUrl = helper.getURLfromSearchValues(searchModel, "", 0); } }
/// <summary> ///Read xml from "E:\\BrowserMapXml\\us" location /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void GetBrowseMapXmlData(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { string filePath = _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("String.WebsiteInfoXMLPath", "") + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "\\state\\" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-").Trim() + ".xml"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(filePath); try { model.BrowseMapInfoList = (from i in xmlDoc.Descendants("StateMap").Descendants("MapInfomation") select new BrowseMapLocationInfo() { CityName = _common.GetStringValue(i.Element("CityName").Value, string.Empty), PublicationCount = _common.GetIntegerValue(i.Element("PublicationCount").Value, 0), MapPointPosition = _common.GetIntegerValue(i.Element("MapPointPosition").Value, 0), }).ToList(); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Set location map for display browse map /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void SetLocationMap(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { // loop added by Rachna/SA for Maps pointer data send to city.cshtml //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityName)) // check whether publication exist for the same or not then no need of creating map //{ //} //else //{ // for (Int32 i = 0; i < model.NewBrowseresultList.Count; i++) // { // if (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateid == null || model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateid == 0) // { // break; // } // else // { // if (i == 0) // { // if (Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Contains(model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower())) // { // // model.MapAreaCities = (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + " " // // + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList.Count + ","; // model.MapAreaCities = (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + // " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLat + " &" + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLong; // break; // } // else // { // // model.MapAreaCities = (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + " " // // + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + ","; // model.MapAreaCities = (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + // " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLat + "&" + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLong; // } // } // else if (i == model.NewBrowseresultList.Count - 1) // { // // model.MapAreaCities = model.MapAreaCities + (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") // // + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount; // model.MapAreaCities = model.MapAreaCities + "," + (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + // " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLat + "&" + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLong; // } // else // { // // model.MapAreaCities = model.MapAreaCities + (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") // // + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + ","; // model.MapAreaCities = model.MapAreaCities + "," + (model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName == null ? "" : model.NewBrowseresultList[i].cityName.Replace(" ", "-")) + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].stateName.Replace(" ", "-") + // " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PublicationCount + " " + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLat + "&" + model.NewBrowseresultList[i].PhysicalLocationLong; // } // } // } //} switch (model.BrowseType) { case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: var city = model.NewBrowserresult.cityName; GetBrowseMapXmlData(ref model); model.BrowseMapInfoList = (from p in model.BrowseMapInfoList.Where(x => x.CityName == city) select p).ToList();//Select only city which one display in current page. CreateBrowseMapPoint(ref model); model.RenderPartialView = "~/Views/BrowseMap/state/city/city.cshtml"; model.RenderMapClass = model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "").Trim() + "Map"; break; case (int)BrowserType.City: GetBrowseMapXmlData(ref model); CreateBrowseMapPoint(ref model); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityName)) { model.RenderPartialView = null; } else { model.RenderPartialView = "~/Views/BrowseMap/state/city/city.cshtml"; model.RenderMapClass = model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "").Trim() + "Map"; } break; case (int)BrowserType.State: // check if stateid / cityid doesnot exist then no map will come, added by rachna/SA if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.StateID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.StateName)) { model.RenderPartialView = null; } else { model.RenderPartialView = "~/Views/BrowseMap/state/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + ".cshtml"; ViewEngineResult result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, model.RenderPartialView, null); if (result.View == null) model.RenderPartialView = "~/Views/BrowseMap/state/defaultstate.cshtml"; } break; } }
/// <summary> /// This is get way method for get all related method for new browse result. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="pagename"></param> private void GetBrowseResults(ref BrowseResultsModel model, string pagename) { model.Location = new LocationModels(); model.Dates = new DateModels(); SetBrowseCookieGet(ref model, pagename); LocationDropDownPopulate(ref model); #region Browse Results Populate GetResultDetails(ref model); #endregion }
// [OutputCache(Duration = 1, VaryByParam = "*")] public ActionResult BrowseAvailablePapers() { //Response.Write(Request.Url); // Response.End(); var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); #region State Load model.hdnPageLoad = "1"; var _countryId = 7; model.hdnCountryId = "7"; var strContent = string.Empty; var resultdetails = _BrowseDataService.getBrowsePubCountsByPubId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_countryId, 0), 0, 0, 1); if (resultdetails != null && resultdetails.Count > 0) { strContent += "<ul>"; var _guid = _common.GetStringValue(Guid.NewGuid(), string.Empty); foreach (var item in resultdetails) { strContent += "<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"s" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateId, _guid) + "\" class=\"browseByState\" onclick=javascript:fcnGetCity(" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateId, "0") + ");>" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateName, string.Empty) + " (" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateCount, "0") + ")" + "</a></li>"; } strContent += "</ul>"; strContent += "<script type='text/javascript'>adjustVerticalScroll();</script>"; model.StateContent = strContent; model.StateCount = _common.GetStringValue(resultdetails.Count, string.Empty); } #endregion return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Browse breadcrumb (Header position ) /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void GetBrowserLocationBreadcrumbButton(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { if (model.NewBrowseresultList != null && model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr)) { if (model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() == "us" || model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() == "uk") { model.NewBrowserresult.countryName = model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToUpper().Trim(); } else { // added by rachna/SA w.rt 407 SA should be sa model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr) ? model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() : ""; } } string breadcrumb = string.Empty; breadcrumb = "<div class=\"newBrc\">"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<ul>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>You Are Here :</li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "\">Home</a><span> ></span></li>"; switch (model.BrowseType) { case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName + " Newspaper Archives</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitleURL.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>" + model.NewBrowserresult.MaxPubdateYear + " " + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + "</li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName + " Newspaper Archives</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + "</li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName + " Newspaper Archives</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + "</li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.City: breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li><a href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/\">" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName + " Newspaper Archives</a><span> ></span></li>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</li>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.State: breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "<li>" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName + " Newspaper Archives</li>"; break; } breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "</ul>"; breadcrumb = breadcrumb + "</div>"; model.Bratcamp = breadcrumb; } }
public ActionResult BrowseDate(int? page) { #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; if (Request.QueryString["yr"] != null) { var year = _common.GetStringValue(Request.QueryString["yr"], "").Replace("/", ""); if (year.Length > 3) { string first2digit = year.Substring(0, 2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(first2digit)) { url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/historical-events/" + first2digit + "00s/" + year; Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } } } TempData["RequestURLForRedirect"] = "BrowseDate"; // added BY Rakesh/DS on 11 nov 2013 w r t task 295 if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); model.resultDetails = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Na.Website.Models.Browse.BrowseResultsDetailsModel>(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } string _browseRedrect = string.Empty; #region Checking BrowseDate page with old type link _browseRedrect = fcnOldBrowsetoNewBrowseLink("date"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_browseRedrect)) { return RedirectPermanent(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + _browseRedrect); } #endregion //****** Initial Browse Results Populate ************ FetchBrowseResults(model, page, "date"); //******* Set for pagination ******************* var _browseDate = Request.RawUrl; if (_browseDate.Contains("?")) { var _rawUrl = _browseDate.Split('?'); if (_rawUrl != null) { _browseDate = _rawUrl[0]; } } model.MyControlAction = _browseDate; model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; return Request.IsAjaxRequest() ? (ActionResult)PartialView("_BrowseListsPartial", model) : View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Display formated text(like "united states of america" to US )are set in model /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { string ShortCountryName = string.Empty; model.CanonicalTag = string.Empty; string MaxYear = (from R in model.NewBrowseresultList select (R.MaxPubdateYear)).Max(); string MinYear = (from R in model.NewBrowseresultList select (R.MinPubdateYear)).Min(); if (MaxYear == MinYear) { model.YearRange = "(" + MaxYear + ")"; } else { model.YearRange = "(" + MinYear + " - " + MaxYear + ")"; } if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { model.NewBrowserresult = model.NewBrowseresultList.FirstOrDefault(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr)) { if (model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() == "us") { model.NewBrowserresult.countryName = "United States"; ShortCountryName = "U.S."; } else if (model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() == "uk") { ShortCountryName = "U.K."; } else { ShortCountryName = model.NewBrowserresult.countryName; model.LocationMapIconCss = "newLocMapSearchArea" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryName; } } //Response.Write(model.BrowseType + ""); //Response.End(); switch (model.BrowseType) { case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: model.BrowseBy = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.HeaderNameText = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.DescriptionTag = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("Discover local news articles and your ancestors’ genealogy records from " + model.NewBrowserresult.MaxPubdateYear + " in our " + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + " newspaper archives."); model.CanonicalTag = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.NewBrowseresultList.Max(c => c.MaxPubdateYear) + "/\" />"; model.forSeoTitle = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.HeaderLocationText = "<span>" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + ", " + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</span>"; model.SearchHeaderText = "<h2>Search All <span>" + model.BrowseBy + " Newspapers</span></h2>"; model.YearRange = "(" + model.NewBrowseresultList.Max(c => c.MaxPubdateYear) + ")"; model.UnderBrowseMapAreaMessage = "<h2>Explore Historic <span>" + model.NewBrowserresult.MaxPubdateYear + " " + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + " </span>Newspapers from the World's Leading Online Newspaper Resource!</h2>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: model.BrowseBy = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.HeaderNameText = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.DescriptionTag = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("Discover " + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + " local news articles and your ancestors’ genealogy records in our " + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + " newspaper archives from " + model.YearRange.Replace("-", "to").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "") + "."); model.CanonicalTag = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/\" />"; model.HeaderLocationText = "<span>" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + ", " + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName + "</span>"; model.forSeoTitle = model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle; model.SearchHeaderText = "<h2>Search All <span>" + model.BrowseBy + " Newspapers</span></h2>"; model.UnderBrowseMapAreaMessage = "<h2>Explore Historic <span>" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + " </span>Newspapers from the World's Leading Online Newspaper Resource!</h2>"; break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: SetLocationMap(ref model);//for display map model.BrowseBy = model.NewBrowserresult.cityName; model.BrowseMapAreaHeaderText = "<h2>Browse " + model.BrowseBy + " Newspaper Archives</h2>"; model.DescriptionTag = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("Discover your family tree, ancestors’ and historical events with our massive collection of local " + model.BrowseBy + " newspaper archives at"); model.CanonicalTag = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + model.BrowseBy.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/\" />"; model.forSeoTitle = model.BrowseBy; model.HeaderNameText = model.NewBrowserresult.cityName + ", " + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName; model.SearchHeaderText = "<h2>Search All <span>" + model.BrowseBy + " Newspapers</span></h2>"; model.UnderBrowseMapAreaMessage = "  "; break; case (int)BrowserType.City: SetLocationMap(ref model);//for display map model.BrowseBy = model.NewBrowserresult.stateName; model.HeaderNameText = model.NewBrowserresult.stateName; model.BrowseMapAreaHeaderText = "<h2>Browse " + model.BrowseBy + " Newspaper Archives</h2>"; model.DescriptionTag = "Discover " + model.BrowseBy + " historical and genealogical newspaper archives from " + model.YearRange.Replace("-", "to").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "") + " with our massive collection of more than 130 million old newspaper articles!"; model.CanonicalTag = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/" + model.BrowseBy.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/\" />"; model.forSeoTitle = model.BrowseBy; model.SearchHeaderText = "<h2>Search All <span>" + model.BrowseBy + " Newspapers</span></h2>"; model.UnderBrowseMapAreaMessage = "Browse " + model.BrowseBy + " newspaper articles from a specific city"; break; case (int)BrowserType.State: SetLocationMap(ref model);//for display map model.BrowseBy = model.NewBrowserresult.countryName; model.HeaderNameText = model.NewBrowserresult.countryName; model.BrowseMapAreaHeaderText = "<h2>Browse " + ShortCountryName + " Newspaper Archives</h2>"; model.DescriptionTag = "Discover " + ShortCountryName + " historical and genealogical newspaper archives from " + model.YearRange.Replace("-", "to").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "") + " with our massive collection of more than 130 million old newspaper articles!"; model.CanonicalTag = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.ToLower().Trim() + "/\" />"; model.forSeoTitle = model.BrowseBy; model.SearchHeaderText = "<h2>Search All <span>" + model.BrowseBy + " Newspapers</span></h2>"; model.UnderBrowseMapAreaMessage = "Browse " + model.BrowseBy + " newspaper articles from a specific state"; break; } }
public ActionResult BrowseLocations(string btnsubmit, BrowseResultsModel model, int? page) { #region Click on Clear Button(Clear Cookie and set to as fresh BrowseLocation Data) if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(btnsubmit) && btnsubmit.Trim() == "Clear") { fcnClearCookie(); return Redirect(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browselocations"); } #endregion #region Click on Search Button var _url = string.Empty; _url = BrowsePagePost(model, "location"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { return Redirect(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + _url); } #endregion return View(model); }
private void GetMetaDataForFacebook(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { //-----------------------Added for Facebook Open Graph Variable Assign For MetaData-------------------- string ApplicationKey = _config.GetStringValueFromConfig("FacebookAppKey", string.Empty); model.MetaKeyword = ""; // int _totalRecord = (model.ResultsPageCount * model.pagingresults.PageNumber); ////string pageTitle = model.MetaTitle = " : " + model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", Page " + model.PageNumber; // string pageTitle = model.MetaTitle = model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", Page " + model.PageNumber; string FBpageTitle = string.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CountryName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.StateName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CityName)) { FBpageTitle = model.Location.CountryName + ", " + model.Location.StateName + ", " + model.Location.CityName + ", Page " + model.Page; } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.CountryName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Location.StateName)) { FBpageTitle = model.Location.CountryName + ", " + model.Location.StateName + ", Page " + model.Page; } else { FBpageTitle = model.Location.CountryName + ", Page " + model.Page; } string pageKeyword = model.MetaKeyword = "newspaper archives, newspaper articles, newspapers, genealogy, historic articles, obituaries, local newspapers, newspaper obituaries, this day in history,family tree"; /////string metaDescription = model.MetaDescription = "If you are interested in reading Page " + model.PageNumber + ", " + model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", then NewspaperARCHIVE is the best tool to get the job done. NewspaperARCHIVE is the world's largest online newspaper archive and features a news search technology that will deliver accurate information quickly. Whether you simply want to browse a newspaper published in 1609 or want to read Page " + model.PageNumber + " of " + model.Title + " from " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", a NewspaperARCHIVE news search will deliver the accurate results you need."; // string metaDescription = model.MetaDescription = "If you are interested in reading Page " + model.PageNumber + ", " + model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", then NewspaperARCHIVE is the best tool to get the job done. "; string pageURL = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction; string canonicalURL = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + model.Page; if (model.Page == 1) { ////model.MetaTitle = pageTitle = " : " + model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + " : Front Page"; // model.MetaTitle = pageTitle = model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + " : Front Page"; //FBpageTitle = model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + ", Page 1"; //model.MetaDescription = metaDescription = "Check out Page 1 of " + model.Title + " from " + model.FormattedPubDate + ". NewspaperARCHIVE is the largest online newspaper archive with over 120 Million newspapers dating all the way back to 1609. No matter if you just want to see the front page of " + model.Title + ", " + model.FormattedPubDate + " or read the entire story, NewspaperARCHIVE is the best tool for the job."; // model.MetaDescription = "Check out Page 1 of " + model.Title + " from " + model.FormattedPubDate + "."; pageURL = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "/"; model.MetaProperties = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "/" + "\" />"; if (model.TotalBrowseresultCount > 15) model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"next\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + 2 + "\" />"; } else if (model.Page == 2) { //As requirement from Beatriz Gomez on 23 september 2013 and added by Raju Sahoo model.MetaProperties = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + canonicalURL + "\" />"; model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"prev\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "/" + "\" />"; model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"next\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + _common.GetStringValue(model.pagingresults.PageNumber + 1, string.Empty) + "\" />"; } else if (model.Page > 2) { model.MetaProperties = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + canonicalURL + "\" />"; model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"prev\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + _common.GetStringValue(model.pagingresults.PageNumber - 1, string.Empty) + "\" />"; model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"next\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + _common.GetStringValue(model.pagingresults.PageNumber + 1, string.Empty) + "\" />"; } else { model.MetaProperties = "<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" + canonicalURL + "\" />"; model.MetaProperties += "<link rel=\"prev\" href=\"" + Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.MyControlAction + "?Page=" + _common.GetStringValue(model.pagingresults.PageNumber - 1, string.Empty) + "\" />"; } //-----------------------Added for Facebook Open Graph Start Dated on:18-02-2012-------------------- string FBDescription = "NewspaperARCHIVE is the world's largest newspaper archive. Check out " + model.Title + " and 5000+ other newspapers spanning over 400 Years. A great tool for genealogy research."; //DateTime pubdatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(pubDate); // string published_time = Convert.ToDateTime(model.PubDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //Convert.ToString(objBasePage.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(pubdatetime)); /////string Thumb = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/ThumbImage.ashx?i=" + model.ImageID; // string Thumb = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + model.SeoTitle + "/" + model.PubDate + "/" + model.ImageID + "-thumbnail.jpg"; model.HeadPrefix = "prefix=\"og: fb: article:\""; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"fb:app_id\" content=\"" + ApplicationKey + "\"/>"; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\"/>"; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"" + pageURL + "\"/>"; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"" + FBpageTitle + "\"/>"; FBDescription = ""; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"" + FBDescription + "\"/>"; // model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"" + Thumb + "\"/>"; // model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"" + model.Title + "\"/>"; // model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"article:published_time\" content=\"" + published_time + "\"/>"; model.MetaProperties += "<meta property=\"fb:admins\" content=\"1346799799\"/>"; //-----------------------Added By for Facebook Open Graph End Dated on:18-02-2012-------------------- ////model.MetaProperties = "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + model.MetaDescription + "\" />" + model.MetaProperties; }
public ActionResult BrowseLocationsV1(BrowseResultsModel model, int? page) { #region Search Filter Create model.AllOfTheWordsString = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Keyword, string.Empty)) ? _common.GetStringValue(model.Keyword, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Location.CountryID = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCountryId, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCountryId, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCountryId, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Location.StateID = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnStateId, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnStateId, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnStateId, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Location.CityID = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCityId, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCityId, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnCityId, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Location.PublicationTitleID = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubId, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubId, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubId, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Location.IsPublicationLocation = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Location.CountryID, string.Empty)) ? true : false; model.Dates.StartYear = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubYear, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubYear, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubYear, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Dates.StartMonth = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubMonth, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubMonth, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubMonth, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Dates.StartDay = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubDay, string.Empty)) && _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubDay, string.Empty) != "0") ? _common.GetStringValue(model.hdnPubDay, string.Empty) : string.Empty; model.Dates.IsPublicationDate = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_common.GetStringValue(model.Dates.StartYear, string.Empty)) ? true : false; #endregion var _url = string.Empty; model.hdnAbsoluteUrl = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/browse"; // Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchString)) { model.SearchString = string.Empty; } //If there are any valid search term then first priority to search otherwise browse with filters _url = SearchModelObj(model); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { return Redirect(Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + "/" + _url); } return View(model); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch result from data base /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> private void GetResultDetails(ref BrowseResultsModel model) { string _browseresult = string.Empty; switch (model.BrowseType) { //usa time zone year/day/month case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByDate: model.NewBrowseLocationResult = _BrowseDataService.GetNewBrowseLocationResult(0, 0, 0, _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubYear, 0)); model.NewBrowseresultList = model.NewBrowseLocationResult.BrowseNewLocationData; if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref model); if (model.NewBrowseLocationResult.ImageDetail != null) model.ImageIdPath = model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitleURL.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowseLocationResult.ImageDetail.imageID + "-thumbnail.jpg"; _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">Browse " + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitle + " " + model.NewBrowserresult.MaxPubdateYear + " Issues </h2>"; _browseresult = _browseresult + DisplayFormatedResult(ref model, 6); _browseresult = _browseresult + "</div>"; } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationByYear: model.NewBrowseLocationResult = _BrowseDataService.GetNewBrowseLocationResult(0, 0, 0, _common.GetIntegerValue(model.PubId, 0), 0); model.NewBrowseresultList = model.NewBrowseLocationResult.BrowseNewLocationData; if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref model); if (model.NewBrowseLocationResult.ImageDetail != null) model.ImageIdPath = model.NewBrowserresult.countryAbbr.Trim() + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.stateName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.cityName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowserresult.pubTitleURL.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-") + "/" + model.NewBrowseLocationResult.ImageDetail.imageID + "-thumbnail.jpg"; _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">Browse " + model.BrowseBy + " Issues by Year</h2>"; _browseresult = _browseresult + DisplayFormatedResult(ref model, 6); _browseresult = _browseresult + "</div>"; } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } break; case (int)BrowserType.PublicationTitle: model.NewBrowseresultList = _BrowseDataService.GetNewBrowseLocationData(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(model.cityId, 0), 0, 0); if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref model); _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">Explore " + model.HeaderNameText + " Historical Newspapers Archives</h2>"; _browseresult = _browseresult + DisplayFormatedResult(ref model, 2); _browseresult = _browseresult + "</div>"; } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } break; case (int)BrowserType.City: model.NewBrowseresultList = _BrowseDataService.GetNewBrowseLocationData(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(model.stateId, 0), 0, 0, 0); if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref model); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.CityName)) { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">Explore " + model.BrowseBy + " Historical Newspapers by City</h2>"; _browseresult = _browseresult + DisplayFormatedResult(ref model, 6); _browseresult = _browseresult + "</div>"; } } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } break; case (int)BrowserType.State: model.NewBrowseresultList = _BrowseDataService.GetNewBrowseLocationData(_common.GetIntegerValue(model.countryId, 7), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (model.NewBrowseresultList.Count > 0) { GetBrowsHeadreFormatedtext(ref model); // check if stateid / cityid doesnot exist then no result found will come added by rachna/SA if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.StateID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Location.StateName)) { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">Explore " + model.BrowseBy + " Historical Newspaper Archives by State</h2>"; _browseresult = _browseresult + DisplayFormatedResult(ref model, 6); _browseresult = _browseresult + "</div>"; } } else { _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } break; default: _browseresult = "<div class=\"newLocUSListArea newLocCityListArea\">"; _browseresult = _browseresult + "<h2 class=\"browseheading\">No result found</h2></div>"; model.Browseresult = _browseresult; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_browseresult)) { model.Browseresult = _browseresult; } }
public ActionResult BrowsePapers(int? page) { #region Code to redirect with a slash by Raju @ 30th Sept, 2013 var url = Na.Core.Configuration.NaConfig.Url.DomainUrl + Request.RawUrl; if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && CheckUrlForRediract(url)) { Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"; Response.AddHeader("Location", url + "/"); } #endregion var model = new BrowseResultsModel(); #region Country Load //var strCountryContent = string.Empty; //var resultCountrydetails = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetAllCountries(); // _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetStatesByCountryId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_contryId, 0)); //if (resultCountrydetails != null && resultCountrydetails.Count > 0) //{ // strCountryContent += "<ul>"; // var _guid = _common.GetStringValue(Guid.NewGuid(), string.Empty); // foreach (var item in resultCountrydetails) // { // strCountryContent += "<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"s" + _common.GetStringValue(item.countryid, _guid) + "\" class=\"browseByCountry\">" + _common.GetStringValue(item.countryName, string.Empty) + "</a></li>"; // } // strCountryContent += "</ul>"; // strCountryContent += "<script type='text/javascript'>adjustVerticalScroll();</script>"; // model.CountryContent = strCountryContent; // model.CountryCount = _common.GetStringValue(resultCountrydetails.Count, string.Empty); //} #endregion #region State Load model.hdnPageLoad = "1"; var _countryId = 7; model.hdnCountryId = "7"; var strContent = string.Empty; //var resultdetails = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetStatesByCountryId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_contryId, 0)); var resultdetails = _BrowseDataService.getBrowsePubCountsByPubId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_countryId, 0), 0, 0, 1); if (resultdetails != null && resultdetails.Count > 0) { strContent += "<ul>"; var _guid = _common.GetStringValue(Guid.NewGuid(), string.Empty); foreach (var item in resultdetails) { strContent += "<li><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" id=\"s" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateId, _guid) + "\" class=\"browseByState\" onclick=javascript:fcnGetCity(" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateId, "0") + ");>" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateName, string.Empty) + " (" + _common.GetStringValue(item.StateCount, "0") + ")" + "</a></li>"; } strContent += "</ul>"; strContent += "<script type='text/javascript'>adjustVerticalScroll();</script>"; model.StateContent = strContent; model.StateCount = _common.GetStringValue(resultdetails.Count, string.Empty); } #endregion return View(model); }
public string fncBrowseRedirect(BrowseResultsModel model, string _browsePage) { var _url = string.Empty; #region First Check PubTitle to redirect into publication page if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pubId)) { //var pubTitle = _weblocationpubtitlesService.GetTitleByTitleId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_pubId, 0)); var pubTitle = _BrowseDataService.GetPubTitleURLByPubId(_common.GetIntegerValue(_pubId, 0)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pubTitle != null) { _titleName = pubTitle.pubTitleURL; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleName)) { _titleName = _titleName.ToLower(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleName)) { _url = _titleName; } } } #endregion if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { #region Redirect to BrowseLocation if (_browsePage == "location") { _url = "browselocations"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryId) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateId) || !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityId)) { var _locations = _countryService.GetLocationNamesByIds(_common.GetIntegerValue(_countryId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(_stateId, 0), _common.GetIntegerValue(_cityId, 0)).SingleOrDefault(); if (_locations != null) { _countryAbbr = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.countryAbbr, ""); _stateName = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.statename, ""); _cityName = _common.GetStringValue(_locations.cityName, ""); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_countryAbbr)) { _url = _countryAbbr; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_stateName)) { _url += "/" + _stateName; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_cityName)) { _url += "/" + _cityName; } _locations = null; } } #endregion #region Redirect to BrowseArticle if (_browsePage == "article") { _url = "browsearticles"; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_titleInitial)) { _url += "/" + _titleInitial; } } #endregion #region Redirect to BrowseDate if (_browsePage == "date") { if (model.Dates.IsExactDate) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear)) { _url = _startyear; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { _url += "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, "01") + "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_startday, "31"); } } } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenYears) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear)) { _url = _startyear; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear) && _startyear != _endyear) { _url += "-" + _endyear; } } else if (model.Dates.IsBetweenDates) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_startyear)) { _url = _startyear; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { _url += "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_startmonth, "01") + "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_startday, "31"); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_endyear)) { _url += "/" + _common.GetStringValue(_endyear, Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year)) + "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_endmonth, "12") + "-" + _common.GetStringValue(_endday, "31"); } } } else { _url = "browsedate"; } } #endregion } return _url; }