public static void Main(string[] args) { int subMqttComponent = 2; BrokerClient client = new BrokerClient(subMqttComponent); Thread t = new Thread(CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build().Run); t.Start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(LaunchMqttServer); t2.Start(); Thread t3 = new Thread(LaunchCalculEngine); t3.Start(); //Thread.Sleep(4000); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); /* * * client.sendBrokerMessage("device/telemetry", "Nique tout");*/ }
/// <summary>获取代理客户端</summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected BrokerClient GetBroker(String name) { if (_Brokers.TryGetValue(name, out var client)) { return(client); } var bk = Brokers?.FirstOrDefault(e => name == null || e.Name == name); if (bk == null) { return(null); } // 实例化客户端 client = new BrokerClient(bk.Addresses) { Id = ClientId, Name = bk.Name, Config = this, Log = Log, }; // 尝试添加 var client2 = _Brokers.GetOrAdd(name, client); if (client2 != client) { return(client2); } client.Start(); return(client); }
public Order?DecideOrder(PositionDelta delta) { OptionQuote quote = delta.Quote ?? MarketDataClient.GetOptionQuote(delta.Symbol); // TODO: Remove after testing //Log.Warning("Not getting real quote"); //OptionQuote quote = new OptionQuote(delta.Symbol, delta.Price * (float).99, delta.Price * (float)1.01, delta.Price, delta.Price * (float)1.06, (float)1.0); if (quote.Time < DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-15)) { Log.Information("Getting new quote. Old quote- {@Quote}", quote); quote = MarketDataClient.GetOptionQuote(delta.Symbol); } Log.Information("{DeltaType} delta {@Delta}- current mark price {Mark}. Symbol {Symbol}", delta.DeltaType, delta, quote.Mark.ToString("0.00"), delta.Symbol); Position?currentPos = BrokerClient.GetPosition(delta.Symbol); if (delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.SELL) { return(DecideSell(delta, currentPos)); } else if (delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.ADD || delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.NEW) { return(DecideBuy(delta, currentPos, quote)); } else { Log.Error("Unrecognized deltaType: {type}", delta.DeltaType); return(null); } }
private int DecideBuyQuantity(float price, PositionDelta delta, Position?currentPos, float currentAskPrice) { IEnumerable <Order> existingBuyOrders = BrokerClient.GetOpenOrdersForSymbol(delta.Symbol) .Where(order => order.Instruction == InstructionType.BUY_TO_OPEN); if (existingBuyOrders.Count() >= _config.MaxNumOpenBuyOrdersForSymbol) { Log.Warning("Many buy orders encountered: {@BuyOrders}- skipping this order.", existingBuyOrders.ToList()); return(0); } float openBuyAlloc = AggregateBuyOrders(existingBuyOrders, currentAskPrice); float currentPosTotalAlloc = openBuyAlloc + (currentPos != null ? currentPos.LongQuantity * currentPos.AveragePrice * 100 : 0); int buyQuantity; if (delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.NEW || delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.ADD && currentPosTotalAlloc == 0) { float deltaMarketValue = delta.Price * delta.Quantity * 100; float percentOfMaxSize = deltaMarketValue / _config.LivePortfolioPositionMaxSize; if (percentOfMaxSize > 1) { Log.Warning("New position in live portfolio exceeds expected max size. Delta {@Delta}", delta); percentOfMaxSize = 1; } buyQuantity = (int)Math.Floor((percentOfMaxSize * _config.MyPositionMaxSize) / (price * 100)); } else if (delta.DeltaType == DeltaType.ADD && currentPosTotalAlloc > 0) { float addAlloc = currentPosTotalAlloc * delta.Percent; buyQuantity = (int)Math.Floor(addAlloc / (price * 100)); } else { Log.Warning("Invalid delta type supplied to DecideBuyQuantity function. Delta {@Delta}", delta); return(0); } float addedAlloc = buyQuantity * price * 100; float remainingFundsForTrading = BrokerClient.GetAvailableFundsForTrading() - addedAlloc; float newTotalAllocThisPos = currentPosTotalAlloc + addedAlloc; if (newTotalAllocThisPos > _config.MyPositionMaxSize) { Log.Information("Buying " + buyQuantity + " {Symbol} would exceed maximum allocation of " + _config.MyPositionMaxSize.ToString("0.00"), delta.Symbol); return(0); } else if (remainingFundsForTrading < _config.MinAvailableFundsForTrading) { Log.Information("Buying " + buyQuantity + " {Symbol} would put available funds below " + _config.MinAvailableFundsForTrading.ToString("0.00"), delta.Symbol); return(0); } else { return(buyQuantity); } }
/// <summary> /// Try to begin receive messages /// </summary> /// <param name="ccs">indicating the channel and the client</param> /// <returns>if the operation completed synchronously</returns> protected override bool TryToBeginReceive(ChannelClientState ccs) { IDuplexSessionChannel channel = (IDuplexSessionChannel)ccs.Channel; BrokerClient client = ccs.Client; IAsyncResult ar = null; try { ar = channel.BeginReceive(this.receiveRequest, ccs); } catch (Exception e) { BrokerTracing.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "[DuplexFrontEnd] Exception throwed while begin receive messages: {0}", e); // Channel must be in falted state lock (channel) { if (channel.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) { BrokerTracing.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "[DuplexFrontEnd] About the channel."); this.FrontendDisconnect(channel, client); // About the falted channel channel.Abort(); } } return(false); } return(ar.CompletedSynchronously && channel.State == CommunicationState.Opened); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("UDP Producer test"); if (args.Length == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine(CommandLineArguments.Usage()); return; } log4net.Config.BasicConfigurator.Configure(); CommandLineArguments cliArgs = new CommandLineArguments(); Parser parser = new Parser(System.Environment.CommandLine, cliArgs); parser.Parse(); int numberOfMessages = 10; string message = "Hello, how are you?"; while ((numberOfMessages--) != 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Publishing UDP message"); NetBrokerMessage brokerMessage = new NetBrokerMessage(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)); BrokerClient.PublishMessageOverUdp(brokerMessage, cliArgs.DestinationName, new HostInfo(cliArgs.Hostname, cliArgs.PortNumber), BrokerClient.DefaultMessageSerializer); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("New Blog Consumer"); BrokerClient brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new HostInfo("", 3323)); Subscription subscription = new Subscription("test@/sapo/blogs/activity/post", NetAction.DestinationType.VIRTUAL_QUEUE); subscription.OnMessage += delegate(NetNotification notification) { if (((++count) % 100) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} - New message received. Count: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), count); } brokerClient.Acknowledge(notification.Destination, notification.Message.MessageId); }; brokerClient.Subscribe(subscription); Console.WriteLine("Write X to unsbscribe and exit"); while (!System.Console.Read().Equals('X')) { ; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribe..."); // Note Subscription instance could other than the one used for subscription as long as it was equivelent (same destination type and subscription pattern). Since the application is ending and therefor the socket will be closed agent's will discard the previous subscription. brokerClient.Unsubscribe(subscription); Console.WriteLine("Good bye"); }
/// <summary> /// Asks VS to open specified URL in the help window browser /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns></returns> Task IRCallbacks.WebBrowser(string url) { var newUrl = BrokerClient.HandleUrl(url, CancellationToken.None); var callback = _callback; return(callback != null?callback.ShowHelp(newUrl) : Task.CompletedTask); }
public string PostDevice([FromBody] dynamic data) { string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string name; if ( == 0) { name = data.deviceType.ToString() + " - " + id; } else { name =; } var finalData = new { action = "registerDevice", source = "", callback = "", payload = new { deviceId = id, deviceName = name, deviceType = data.deviceType.ToString() } }; string jsonDataSet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalData); string returnDataSet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalData.payload); BrokerClient.sendMqttMessage(jsonDataSet, "Data-Controller"); return(returnDataSet); }
public void StopReceiving_NoErrors_ResultIsNotFailure_SubscribersCleared() { var mocks = CreateMocks(); var mockLogger = new Mock <Log>(); var client = new BrokerClient( () => mocks.Item1.Object, _mockOpenAsync.Object, _mockExeNonQueryAsync.Object, mockLogger.Object); var mockObserver1 = CreateMockObserver(); mockObserver1.Setup(f => f.OnCompleted()).Throws <InvalidOperationException>(); var mockObserver2 = CreateMockObserver(); client.Subscribe(mockObserver1.Object); client.Subscribe(mockObserver2.Object); Expect(client.ReceiveMessages(QueueName).StopReceiving().Failed, True); Expect(client.Subscribers.Count, EqualTo(0)); mockObserver1.Verify(o => o.OnCompleted(), Times.Once()); mockObserver2.Verify(o => o.OnCompleted(), Times.Once()); mockLogger.Verify(f => f(It.IsRegex("Receiver stopped"), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <TraceEventType>()), Times.Once()); }
public void WhenTheDocumentIsSentToWebServiceTheRenderDocumentService() { brokerClient = new BrokerClient(); var documentXml = context.Get <string>("DocumentXML"); // get the document from the context dictionary context["RenderDocumentResponse"] = brokerClient.RenderDocument(FileUtils.Base64Encode(documentXml)); // set in the dictionary the json response of the service }
public CalculationEngine() { _target = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string topic = "calculation"; BrokerClient.addNewListener(this, topic); }
public void ReceiveMessages_SBEndDialogMessageReceived_EndDialogCalled() { var mockObserver = CreateMockObserver(); var mocks = CreateMocks(ServiceBrokerEndDialogMessageType); var mockConnection = mocks.Item1; var mockCommand = mocks.Item3; var mockParams = mocks.Item4; mockConnection.Setup(c => c.Dispose()).Callback(fun(() => { var count = 0; return(new Action(() => { if (++count == 2) { _wait.Set(); } })); })()); var client = new BrokerClient(() => mocks.Item1.Object, _mockOpenAsync.Object, _mockExeNonQueryAsync.Object); client.Subscribe(mockObserver.Object); var running = client.ReceiveMessages(QueueName); _wait.WaitOne(); running.StopReceiving(); ExpectEndDialog(mocks); ExpectAllDisposed(mocks); }
public void ReceiveMessages_ExeQueryFirstParamIsDBNull_ObserverOnNextNotCalled() { var mocks = CreateMocks(); var mockConnection = mocks.Item1; var mockTransaction = mocks.Item2; var mockCommand = mocks.Item3; var mockParams = mocks.Item4; var mockObserver = CreateMockObserver(); var client = new BrokerClient(() => mockConnection.Object, _mockOpenAsync.Object, _mockExeNonQueryAsync.Object); mockConnection.Setup(c => c.Dispose()).Callback(() => _wait.Set()); mockParams.Setup(p => p[It.IsAny <int>()]) .Callback(() => new SqlParameter("", DBNull.Value)); client.Subscribe(mockObserver.Object); var running = client.ReceiveMessages(QueueName); _wait.WaitOne(); running.StopReceiving(); mockObserver.Verify(o => o.OnNext(It.Is <BrokerMessage>(msg => msg == BrokerMessage.Empty)), Times.Never()); ExpectReceiveMessage(mocks); ExpectAllDisposed(mocks); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BrokerClient client = null; try { client = new BrokerClient(); Console.WriteLine("Username : "******"0" + i; v.value = "a" + i; client.StorePair(k, v, myid); Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("done store"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IKey k = new Key(); k.key = "0" + i; IValue v = (IValue)client.ReadPair(k); Console.WriteLine(v.value); } Console.WriteLine("done read"); object[] aux = (object[])client.GetAllPairs(myid); for (int i = 0; i < aux.Length; ++i) { KeyValuePair<object, object>[] a = (KeyValuePair<object, object>[])aux[i]; foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> pair in a) { Console.WriteLine("Key - {0} , Value - {1}", ((IKey)pair.Key).key, ((IValue)pair.Value).value); } } client.Close(); } catch (TimeoutException) { Console.WriteLine("Service operation time out"); client.Abort(); } catch (FaultException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); client.Abort(); } catch (CommunicationException) { Console.WriteLine("communication problem"); client.Abort(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { BrokerClient client = null; try { client = new BrokerClient(); Console.WriteLine("Username : "******"0" + i; v.value = "a" + i; client.StorePair(k, v, myid); Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine("done store"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IKey k = new Key(); k.key = "0" + i; IValue v = (IValue)client.ReadPair(k); Console.WriteLine(v.value); } Console.WriteLine("done read"); object[] aux = (object[])client.GetAllPairs(myid); for (int i = 0; i < aux.Length; ++i) { KeyValuePair <object, object>[] a = (KeyValuePair <object, object>[])aux[i]; foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> pair in a) { Console.WriteLine("Key - {0} , Value - {1}", ((IKey)pair.Key).key, ((IValue)pair.Value).value); } } client.Close(); } catch (TimeoutException) { Console.WriteLine("Service operation time out"); client.Abort(); } catch (FaultException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); client.Abort(); } catch (CommunicationException) { Console.WriteLine("communication problem"); client.Abort(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { BrokerClient prx = new BrokerClient(); Pair p = new Pair(); IContextManager ctxManager = prx.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>(); IDictionary<string, string> context = ctxManager.GetContext(); context["clientName"] = "Client1"; ctxManager.SetContext(context); for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { p.Key = "" + i; p.Value = "My val " + i; try { prx.StorePair(p); } catch (FaultException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Reason); } } Console.WriteLine("Keys Added. Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("MultipleProducers test"); if (args.Length == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine(CommandLineArguments.Usage()); return; } log4net.Config.BasicConfigurator.Configure(); CommandLineArguments cliArgs = new CommandLineArguments(); Parser parser = new Parser(System.Environment.CommandLine, cliArgs); parser.Parse(); BrokerClient brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new HostInfo(cliArgs.Hostname, cliArgs.PortNumber)); int numberOfMessages = 500000; Thread[] threads = new System.Threading.Thread[NR_THREADS]; for (int i = 0; i != threads.Length; ++i) { threads[i] = new Thread( new ThreadStart(() => { int msgs = numberOfMessages; int threadId = i; while ((--msgs) != 0) { int msgId = Interlocked.Increment(ref message_id); string message = String.Format("{0} - Thread id: {1}", msgId, threadId); NetBrokerMessage brokerMessage = new NetBrokerMessage(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)); System.Console.WriteLine(message); if (cliArgs.DestinationType == NetAction.DestinationType.TOPIC) { brokerClient.Publish(brokerMessage, cliArgs.DestinationName); } else { brokerClient.Enqueue(brokerMessage, cliArgs.DestinationName); } } } ) ); threads[i].Start(); } Console.WriteLine("Write X to unsbscribe and exit"); while (!System.Console.Read().Equals('X')) { ; } }
public NotificationHandler(BrokerClient client, NetAction.DestinationType actionType, int expectedMessages) { this.client = client; this.actionType = actionType; this.expectedMessages = expectedMessages; this.Notifications = new List <NetNotification>(); this.ManualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); }
private void retrieveResp() { #region Init result[] results = new result[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { results[i] = new result(); } #endregion SessionAttachInfo attachInfo = new SessionAttachInfo(Config.headNode, Convert.ToInt32(this.Range["D20", missing].Value2)); using (DurableSession session = DurableSession.AttachSession(attachInfo)) { using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(session)) { foreach (BrokerResponse <PriceAsianOptionsResponse> response in client.GetResponses <PriceAsianOptionsResponse>()) { cellContext idx = response.GetUserData <cellContext>(); double price = response.Result.PriceAsianOptionsResult; Interlocked.Increment(ref results[idx.iteration].count); this.Range[idx.range, missing].Value2 = price; results[idx.iteration].min = Math.Min(results[idx.iteration].min, price); results[idx.iteration].max = Math.Max(results[idx.iteration].max, price); results[idx.iteration].sumPrice += price; results[idx.iteration].sumSquarePrice += price * price; results[idx.iteration].stdDev = Math.Sqrt(results[idx.iteration].sumSquarePrice - results[idx.iteration].sumPrice * results[idx.iteration].sumPrice / results[idx.iteration].count) / ((results[idx.iteration].count == 1) ? 1 : results[idx.iteration].count - 1); results[idx.iteration].stdErr = results[idx.iteration].stdDev / Math.Sqrt(results[idx.iteration].count); if (results[idx.iteration].count == 100) { int i = idx.iteration; this.Range[string.Format("{0}14", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].sumPrice / results[i].count; this.Range[string.Format("{0}15", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].min; this.Range[string.Format("{0}16", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].max; this.Range[string.Format("{0}17", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdDev; this.Range[string.Format("{0}18", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdErr; } } } session.Close(); } #region Summarize for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.Range[string.Format("{0}14", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].sumPrice / results[i].count; this.Range[string.Format("{0}15", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].min; this.Range[string.Format("{0}16", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].max; this.Range[string.Format("{0}17", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdDev; this.Range[string.Format("{0}18", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdErr; } #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { //change the headnode name here const string headnode = "[headnode]"; const string serviceName = "EchoService"; const int numRequests = 12; SessionStartInfo info = new SessionStartInfo(headnode, serviceName); //session in the session pool should be a shared session info.ShareSession = true; info.UseSessionPool = true; Console.Write("Creating a session using session pool for EchoService..."); using (DurableSession session = DurableSession.CreateSession(info)) { Console.WriteLine("done session id = {0}", session.Id); NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport); //to make sure the client id is unique among the sessions string clientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(clientId, session, binding)) { Console.Write("Sending {0} requests...", numRequests); for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) { EchoRequest request = new EchoRequest("hello world!"); client.SendRequest <EchoRequest>(request, i); } client.EndRequests(); Console.WriteLine("done"); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving responses..."); foreach (var response in client.GetResponses <EchoResponse>()) { try { string reply = response.Result.EchoResult; Console.WriteLine("\tReceived response for request {0}: {1}", response.GetUserData <int>(), reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while processing {0}-th request: {1}", response.GetUserData <int>(), ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("Done retrieving {0} responses", numRequests); } //should not purge the session if the session is expected to stay in the session pool //the shared session is kept in the session pool session.Close(false); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void Worker(int sessionId) { DurableSession session = DurableSession.AttachSession(new SessionAttachInfo(headnode, sessionId)); int numRequests = 32; NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Create a BrokerClient proxy // This proxy is able to map One-Way, Duplex message exchange patterns // with the Request / Reply Services. As such, the client program can send the // requests, exit and re-attach to the session to retrieve responses (see the // FireNRecollect project for details using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(guid, session, binding)) { Console.Write("Sending {0} requests...", numRequests); for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) { // EchoRequest are created as you add Service Reference // EchoService to the project EchoRequest request = new EchoRequest("hello world!"); client.SendRequest <EchoRequest>(request, i); } // Flush the message. After this call, the runtime system // starts processing the request messages. If this call is not called, // the system will not process the requests. The client.GetResponses() will return // with an empty collection client.EndRequests(); client.Close(); Console.WriteLine("done"); } using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(guid, session, binding)) { Console.WriteLine("Retrieving responses..."); // GetResponses from the runtime system // EchoResponse class is created as you add Service Reference "EchoService" // to the project foreach (var response in client.GetResponses <EchoResponse>()) { try { string reply = response.Result.EchoResult; Console.WriteLine("\tReceived response for request {0}: {1}", response.GetUserData <int>(), reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while processing {0}-th request: {1}", response.GetUserData <int>(), ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("Done retrieving {0} responses", numRequests); } }
public async Task WhenGetBrokerStatsIsCalled_AggregatesBrokerStatsFromMultiplePartitions() { var brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new MockBrokerServiceLocatorMultiPartition()); var queueStats = await brokerClient.GetBrokerStatsAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.ContainsKey("MessageOneQueue") && queueStats["MessageOneQueue"].Count == 1 && queueStats["MessageOneQueue"].First().TotalDelivered == 34); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.ContainsKey("MessageTwoQueue") && queueStats["MessageTwoQueue"].Count == 1 && queueStats["MessageTwoQueue"].First().TotalReceived == 500); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("ConsumerWithAutoAck test"); if (args.Length == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine(CommandLineArguments.Usage()); return; } CommandLineArguments cliArgs = new CommandLineArguments(); Parser parser = new Parser(System.Environment.CommandLine, cliArgs); parser.Parse(); BrokerClient brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new HostInfo(cliArgs.Hostname, cliArgs.PortNumber)); Subscription subscription = new Subscription(cliArgs.DestinationName, cliArgs.DestinationType); if (cliArgs.DestinationType != NetAction.DestinationType.TOPIC) { // Set AutoAcknowledge subscription.AutoAcknowledge = true; } int i = 0; subscription.OnMessage += delegate(NetNotification notification) { System.Console.WriteLine("Message received: {0}, Total: {1}", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(notification.Message.Payload), (++i).ToString()); /* * AutoAcknowledge is enable, so, there is no need to excplicit acknowledge message * * if (notification.DestinationType != NetAction.DestinationType.TOPIC) * { * brokerClient.Acknowledge(notification); * } */ }; brokerClient.Subscribe(subscription); Console.WriteLine("Write X to unsbscribe and exit"); while (!System.Console.Read().Equals('X')) { ; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Unsubscribe..."); // Note Subscription instance could other than the one used for subscription as long as it was equivelent (same destination type and subscription pattern). Since the application is ending and therefor the socket will be closed agent's will discard the previous subscription. brokerClient.Unsubscribe(subscription); Console.WriteLine("Good bye"); }
public string VerificaCredenziali(string username, string password, string role) { string addr = null; BrokerClient client = new BrokerClient(); addr = client.GestisciLogin(username, password, role); client.Close(); return(addr); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the client /// If the broker client is null, a broker client is created by the client id and returned /// If the broker client is not null, the client id must match the broker client's id if this is not a singleton frontend, otherwise an exception would be throwed /// </summary> /// <param name="clientId">indicating the client id</param> /// <returns>the broker client</returns> private BrokerClient GetClient(string clientId) { // Bug 3062: For http client, the connection is always the same thus we should allow different client id in the same channel if (this.isSingleton) { BrokerClient client = this.clientManager.GetClient(clientId, GetUserName()); client.SingletonInstanceConnected(); return(client); } else { if (this.client == null) { lock (this.lockToCreateClient) { if (this.client == null) { //get domainUsername. string domainUsername; if (SoaCommonConfig.WithoutSessionLayer) { string domain = Environment.UserDomainName; string username = Environment.UserName; if (domain != System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()) { domainUsername = Path.Combine(domain, username); } else { domainUsername = username; } } else { domainUsername = GetUserName(); } this.client = this.clientManager.GetClient(clientId, domainUsername); this.client.FrontendConnected(this, this); return(this.client); } } } if (String.Compare(this.client.ClientId, clientId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return(this.client); } else { ThrowHelper.ThrowSessionFault(SOAFaultCode.Broker_ClientIdNotMatch, SR.ClientIdNotMatch); Debug.Fail("[ServiceJobMonitor] This line could not be reached."); return(null); } } }
private static void LoopPublish() { while (true) { SensorInfo value = SensorFaker.Generate(); CurrValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, Formatting.Indented); BrokerClient.Publish("home/device/data", Encoding.Default.GetBytes(CurrValue)); Console.WriteLine($"Published: {CurrValue}"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public async Task WhenGetBrokerStatsIsCalledAgain_StatsAreAddedToTheList() { var brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new MockBrokerServiceLocatorMultiPartition()); await brokerClient.GetBrokerStatsAsync(); var queueStats = await brokerClient.GetBrokerStatsAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.ContainsKey("MessageOneQueue") && queueStats["MessageOneQueue"].Count == 2 && queueStats["MessageOneQueue"].Last().TotalDelivered == 39); Assert.IsTrue(queueStats.ContainsKey("MessageTwoQueue") && queueStats["MessageTwoQueue"].Count == 2 && queueStats["MessageTwoQueue"].Last().TotalReceived == 510); }
public async Task WhenUnsubscribeByQueueName_UnsubscribeIsCalledWithTheRightReferenceWrapper() { var brokerService = new MockBrokerServicePartitionOne(); var brokerClient = new BrokerClient(new MockBrokerServiceLocatorMultiPartition(new List <IBrokerService> { brokerService })); await brokerClient.UnsubscribeByQueueNameAsync("MessageOneQueue"); Assert.IsTrue(brokerService.UnsubscribeMessageTypeName == "MessageOneQueue"); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(brokerService.UnsubscribeReference, typeof(ServiceReferenceWrapper)); }
/// <summary> /// Asks VS to open specified URL in the help window browser /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param> /// <returns></returns> async Task IRCallbacks.WebBrowser(string url, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var callback = _callback; if (callback != null) { var newUrl = await BrokerClient.HandleUrlAsync(url, cancellationToken); await callback.ShowHelpAsync(newUrl, cancellationToken); } }
/// <summary> /// Start a new session using for testing multiple sessions and maxunit parameters /// </summary> public Session StartNewSession(SessionStartInfo sessionStartInfo, int max) { Session session = Session.CreateSession(sessionStartInfo); var epr = new EndpointAddress(string.Format(NetTcpEndpointPattern, Server, session.Id)); Info("EPR: {0}", epr); Info("Begin to send requests"); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); try { Info("Client {0}: Begin to send requests.", guid); using (BrokerClient <IEchoSvc> client = new BrokerClient <IEchoSvc>(guid, session)) { for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfCalls; j++) { client.SendRequest <EchoRequest>(new EchoRequest(j.ToString()), j + ":" + guid); } Info("Client {0}: Begin to call EndOfMessage.", guid); client.EndRequests(); Info("Client {0}: Begin to get responses.", guid); int count = 0; foreach (BrokerResponse <EchoResponse> response in client.GetResponses <EchoResponse>()) { count++; Info(response.Result.EchoResult); string[] rtn = response.Result.EchoResult.Split(new[] { ':' }); Assert( rtn[rtn.Length - 1] == response.GetUserData <string>().Split(new[] { ':' })[0] && response.GetUserData <string>().Split(new[] { ':' })[1] == guid, "Result is corrupt: expected:computername:{0}, actual:{1}", response.GetUserData <string>().Split(new[] { ':' })[0], response.Result.EchoResult); } if (count == NumberOfCalls) { Info("Client {0}: Total {1} calls returned.", guid, count); } else { Error("Client {0}: Total {1} calls returned, but losing {2} results.", guid, count, NumberOfCalls - count); } } } catch (Exception e) { Error("Unexpected exception of Client {0}", e.ToString()); throw; } return(session); }
internal static void Initialize() { Broker broker = new Broker(); broker.service.Start(); BrokerClient.Initialize <BrokerClient>(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the service"); Console.ReadKey(); broker.service.Stop(); }
public SocketClient(string host, int port, BrokerClient bkClient) { _isDisposed = false; _isWaitingMessage = false; _host = host; _port = port; _bkClient = bkClient; // Create the socket instance _clientSocket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); _clientSocket.Connect(_host, _port); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length >= 1) { name = args[0]; } if (args.Length >= 2) { headnode = args[1]; } if (args.Length >= 3) { messageCount = int.Parse(args[2]); } Console.WriteLine("Creating session..."); using (Session session = Session.CreateSession(new SessionStartInfo(headnode, "HelloWorld"))) { using (BrokerClient<IHelloWorld> brokerClient = new BrokerClient<IHelloWorld>(session)) { brokerClient.SetResponseHandler<SayHelloResponse>(ResponseHandler); Console.WriteLine("Sending requests..."); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { brokerClient.SendRequest(new SayHelloRequest(name)); } Console.WriteLine("Committing requests..."); brokerClient.EndRequests(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for responses..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
private void RefreshClusterBrokers(string clusterName) { var remotingClient = GetAvailableNameServerRemotingClient(); var requestData = _binarySerializer.Serialize(new GetClusterBrokersRequest { ClusterName = clusterName }); var remotingRequest = new RemotingRequest((int)NameServerRequestCode.GetClusterBrokers, requestData); var remotingResponse = remotingClient.InvokeSync(remotingRequest, 30000); if (remotingResponse.Code == ResponseCode.Success) { var brokerInfoList = _binarySerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<BrokerInfo>>(remotingResponse.Body); var brokerClientList = new List<BrokerClient>(); foreach (var brokerInfo in brokerInfoList) { var client = new SocketRemotingClient(brokerInfo.AdminAddress.ToEndPoint(), Settings.SocketSetting).Start(); var brokerClient = new BrokerClient { BrokerInfo = brokerInfo, RemotingClient = client }; brokerClientList.Add(brokerClient); } IList<BrokerClient> removedList; if (_clusterBrokerDict.TryRemove(clusterName, out removedList)) { foreach (var brokerClient in removedList) { brokerClient.RemotingClient.Shutdown(); } } _clusterBrokerDict.TryAdd(clusterName, brokerClientList); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("GetClusterBrokers failed, errorMessage: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(remotingResponse.Body))); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { m_broker = new BrokerClient(); //This need to be define before open the channel SetClientName(); RunMenu(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //change the headnode name here const string headnode = "localhost"; const string serviceName = "JavaEchoSvc1"; const int numRequests = 12; SessionStartInfo info = new SessionStartInfo(headnode, serviceName); Console.Write("Creating a session for EchoService..."); // Create a durable session // Request and response messages in a durable session are persisted so that // in event of failure, no requests nor responses will be lost. Another authorized // client can attached to a session with the same session Id and retrieve responses using (DurableSession session = DurableSession.CreateSession(info)) { Console.WriteLine("done session id = {0}", session.Id); NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport); // Create a BrokerClient proxy // This proxy is able to map One-Way, Duplex message exchange patterns // with the Request / Reply Services. As such, the client program can send the // requests, exit and re-attach to the session to retrieve responses (see the // FireNRecollect project for details using (BrokerClient<IEchoSvc> client = new BrokerClient<IEchoSvc>(session, binding)) { Console.Write("Sending {0} requests...", numRequests); for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) { // EchoRequest are created as you add Service Reference // EchoService to the project EchoRequest request = new EchoRequest("hello world!"); client.SendRequest<EchoRequest>(request, i); } // Flush the message. After this call, the runtime system // starts processing the request messages. If this call is not called, // the system will not process the requests. The client.GetResponses() will return // with an empty collection client.EndRequests(); Console.WriteLine("done"); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving responses..."); // GetResponses from the runtime system // EchoResponse class is created as you add Service Reference "EchoService" // to the project foreach (var response in client.GetResponses<EchoResponse>()) { try { string reply = response.Result.EchoResult; Console.WriteLine("\tReceived response for request {0}: {1}", response.GetUserData<int>(), reply); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while processing {0}-th request: {1}", response.GetUserData<int>(), ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("Done retrieving {0} responses", numRequests); } //explict close the session to free the resource session.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
static Kvs() { _client = new BrokerClient(); _client.Register("net.tcp://localhost:1234/Kvs"); }
public static void SendRequests(Session session, List<BrokerClient<ISoamSvc>> clientList) { ThreadStart runnalbe = new ThreadStart(() => { // Create a BrokerClient proxy // This proxy is able to map One-Way, Duplex message exchange patterns // with the Request / Reply Services. As such, the client program can send the // requests, exit and re-attach to the session to retrieve responses (see the // FireNRecollect project for details String clientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); BrokerClient<ISoamSvc> client = new BrokerClient<ISoamSvc>(clientId, session); clientList.Add(client); for (int i = 0; i < numBatchRequests; i++) { // SoamInvokeRequest are created as you add Service Reference // SoamInvokeService to the project MyInput input = new MyInput(); SoamInvokeRequest request = new SoamInvokeRequest(); request.SetSoamInputObject(input); client.SendRequest<SoamInvokeRequest>(request, i); //Console.WriteLine("\tSent request {0}: {1}", i, input); } // Flush the message. After this call, the runtime system // starts processing the request messages. If this call is not called, // the system will not process the requests. The client.GetResponses() will return // with an empty collection client.EndRequests(); }); Thread[] threads = new Thread[numBatchs]; for (int i = 0; i < numBatchs; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(runnalbe); threads[i].Start(); } for (int i = 0; i < numBatchs; i++) { try { threads[i].Join(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } }