Example #1
        public static void Run2()
            // Two span beam of 20m overall length with elements of 1m length
            // Vertical 'springs' are used at supports

            var model = new Model();

            var n0 = new Node(0, 0, 0);
            var n1 = new Node(5, 0, 0);
            var n2 = new Node(10, 0, 0);

            var e1 = new BarElement(n0, n1);
            var e2 = new BarElement(n1, n2);

            model.Nodes.Add(n0, n1, n2);
            model.Elements.Add(e1, e2);

            n0.Constraints = Constraints.MovementFixed;
            n1.Constraints = Constraints.Fixed;
            n2.Constraints = Constraints.MovementFixed;

            n1.Settlements.Add(new Settlement(new Displacement(0, 0, -0.01, 0, 0, 0)));

            var a     = 0.1;                        // m²
            var iy    = 0.008333;                   // m4
            var iz    = 8.333e-5;                   // m4
            var j     = 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 1 / 12.0; // m4
            var e     = 205e9;                      // N/m²
            var nu    = 0.3;                        // Poisson's ratio
            var secAA = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a, iy, iz, j);

            var mat = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(e, nu);

            e1.Section  = e2.Section = secAA;
            e1.Material = e2.Material = mat;

            model.Solve_MPC();//or model.Solve();

            var disp = n0.GetNodalDisplacement();

            Console.WriteLine("Node 1 displacement in Z direction is {0:0.000} m", disp.DZ);
            Console.WriteLine("Node 1 rotation in YY direction is {0:0.000} rads\n", disp.RY);

            Console.WriteLine("Node 0 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", n0.GetSupportReaction().Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT
            Console.WriteLine("Node 1 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", n1.GetSupportReaction().Fz / 1000);  // gives  102397.658 kN  INCORRECT   (EXPECT -102.342 kN)
            Console.WriteLine("Node 2 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", n2.GetSupportReaction().Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT

Example #2
        static public void Run3()
            // 2 x 20m spans with elements of 1m length
            // Test of running model with 4 loadcases - 2 with vertical loads and 2 with settlements
            // It can be seen that results for loadCase3 are only correct if it uses the DefaultLoadCase

            List <Node>       nodeList    = new List <Node>();
            List <BarElement> elementList = new List <BarElement>();

            var model = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Model();

            for (double n = 0; n <= 40; n = n + 1)
                nodeList.Add(new Node(x: n, y: 0.0, z: 0.0)
                    Label = "N" + n

            nodeList[0].Constraints  = Constraints.MovementFixed & Constraints.FixedRX;           // Constraints.FixedDX & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedRY & Constraints.FixedRZ;
            nodeList[20].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY;                 // z = vertical
            nodeList[nodeList.Count - 1].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY; // z = vertical


            model.Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

            List <LoadCase> loadCases = new List <LoadCase>();

            LoadCase loadCase1 = new LoadCase("L1", LoadType.Dead);
            LoadCase loadCase2 = new LoadCase("L2", LoadType.Dead);
            LoadCase loadCase3 = new LoadCase("L3", LoadType.Other);  // using LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase gives correct loadCase3 results
            LoadCase loadCase4 = new LoadCase("L4", LoadType.Other);


            var load1 = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Loads.UniformLoad(loadCase1, new Vector(0, 0, 1), -6000, CoordinationSystem.Global); // Load in N/m
            var load2 = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Loads.UniformLoad(loadCase2, new Vector(0, 0, 1), -6000, CoordinationSystem.Global); // Load in N/m

            var a     = 0.1;                                                                                                           // m²
            var iy    = 0.008333;                                                                                                      // m4
            var iz    = 8.333e-5;                                                                                                      // m4
            var j     = 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 1 / 12.0;                                                                                    // m4
            var e     = 205e9;                                                                                                         // N/m²
            var nu    = 0.3;                                                                                                           // Poisson's ratio
            var secAA = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a, iy, iz, j);

            var mat = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(e, nu);

            for (int m = 0; m < 40; m++)
                BarElement el = new BarElement(nodeList[m], nodeList[m + 1]);
                el.Section  = secAA;
                el.Material = mat;


            model.Nodes[20].Settlements.Add(new Settlement(loadCase3, new Displacement(0, 0, -0.010, 0, 0, 0)));  // -10mm settlement
            model.Nodes[20].Settlements.Add(new Settlement(loadCase4, new Displacement(0, 0, -0.010, 0, 0, 0)));  // +10mm settlement

            foreach (LoadCase loadCase in loadCases)


            BarElement elem = (BarElement)model.Elements[9];

            for (int load = 0; load < loadCases.Count; load++)
                //BarElement elem = (BarElement)model.Elements[9];
                // For settlement loadcases GetExactInternalForce does not return the correct results

                Force f = (load < 2) ?
                          elem.GetExactInternalForceAt(+0.999999, loadCases[load]) :
                          elem.GetInternalForceAt(+0.999999, loadCases[load]);

                Console.WriteLine("Element 10 BMyy is {0:0.000} kNm at end", f.My / 1000);

            var d = model.Nodes[20].GetNodalDisplacement(loadCase3);

            var c1 = elem.GetInternalForceAt(+0.999999, loadCase3);
            var c2 = elem.GetInternalForceAt(+0.999999, loadCase4);

            // Results: Element 10 BMyy is -149.500 kNm at end (correct)
            //          Element 10 BMyy is -149.500 kNm at end (correct)
            //          Element 10 BMyy is 0.000 kNm at end (incorrect, should be -64.060)
            //          Element 10 BMyy is 64.060 kNm at end (correct)
Example #3
        public static void Run()
            // Two span beam of 20m overall length with elements of 1m length
            // Vertical 'springs' are used at supports

            List <Node>       nodeList    = new List <Node>();
            List <BarElement> elementList = new List <BarElement>();
            LoadCase          loadCase1   = new LoadCase("test", LoadType.Other);// LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase;  // new LoadCase("L1", LoadType.Dead);

            var model = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Model();

            for (double n = 0; n <= 20; n = n + 1)
                nodeList.Add(new Node(x: n, y: 0.0, z: 0.0)
                    Label = "N" + n

            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 0, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N21"
            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 10, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N22"
            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 20, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N23"

            //var load1 = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Loads.UniformLoad(loadCase1, new Vector(0, 0, 1), 0, CoordinationSystem.Global);  // Load in N/m (UDL = 0 N/m)

            var a  = 0.1;                           // m²
            var iy = 0.008333
            ;                                       // m4
            var iz    = 8.333e-5;                   // m4
            var j     = 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 1 / 12.0; // m4
            var e     = 205e9;                      // N/m²
            var nu    = 0.3;                        // Poisson's ratio
            var secAA = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a, iy, iz, j);

            var mat = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(e, nu);

            for (int m = 0; m <= 19; m++)
                BarElement el = new BarElement(nodeList[m], nodeList[m + 1]);
                el.Section  = secAA;
                el.Material = mat;

            BarElement el2 = new BarElement(nodeList[0], nodeList[21]); el2.Section = secAA; el2.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el2);
            BarElement el3 = new BarElement(nodeList[10], nodeList[22]); el3.Section = secAA; el3.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el3);
            BarElement el4 = new BarElement(nodeList[20], nodeList[23]); el4.Section = secAA; el4.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el4);

            nodeList[21].Constraints = Constraints.MovementFixed & Constraints.FixedRX;                       // Constraints.FixedDX & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedRY & Constraints.FixedRZ;
            nodeList[22].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedRX;       // z = vertical
            nodeList[23].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedRX;       // z = vertical

            nodeList[22].Settlements.Add(new Settlement(loadCase1, new Displacement(0, 0, -0.010, 0, 0, 0))); // -10mm settlement


            model.Solve_MPC(loadCase1);//or model.Solve();

            var disp = nodeList[10].GetNodalDisplacement(loadCase1);

            Console.WriteLine("Node 10 displacement in Z direction is {0:0.000} m", disp.DZ);
            Console.WriteLine("Node 10 rotation in YY direction is {0:0.000} rads\n", disp.RY);

            foreach (BarElement elem in elementList)
                Force f1 = elem.GetExactInternalForceAt(-0.999999, loadCase1);  // -1 = start, 0 = mid, 1 = end, exact solver takes UDL on member into account, doesn't then accept -1 or 1
                Console.WriteLine("Element BMyy is {0:0.000} kNm at start,    SFz is {1:0.000} kN at start", f1.My / 1000, f1.Fz / 1000);
                Force f2 = elem.GetExactInternalForceAt(0.999999, loadCase1);
                Console.WriteLine("Element BMyy is {0:0.000} kNm at end,    SFz is {1:0.000} kN at start", f2.My / 1000, f2.Fz / 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("Node 21 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[21].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT
            Console.WriteLine("Node 22 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[22].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives  102397.658 kN  INCORRECT   (EXPECT -102.342 kN)
            Console.WriteLine("Node 23 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[23].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT

Example #4
        public static Model CreateModel(Matrix <double> coords, Matrix <double> occupancy, int xSize, int ySize, int zSize)
            // Initiating Model, Nodes and Members
            var model = new Model();

            var nodes       = new Dictionary <int, Node>();
            var nodeIndices = new List <int>();

            //if occupied add node to model
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.RowCount; i++)
                if (occupancy[i, 0] == 1.0)
                    nodes[i] = new Node(coords[i, 0], coords[i, 1], coords[i, 2]);

            //for node in nodes, connect to neighbours

            int groundLevel = 0;         // nodeIndices.Select(i => i / (xSize * ySize)).Min();
            int topLevel    = zSize - 1; // nodeIndices.Select(i => i / (xSize * ySize)).Max();
            //int topNode = nodeIndices.Max();
            var b = nodeIndices.Where(value => (value / (xSize * ySize) == 5)).Count();

            int topNode;

                topNode = nodeIndices.Where(value => (value / (xSize * ySize) == topLevel)).Max(); //this line fails if can't find something on top row.

            int fixedCount = 0;

            var sec = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a: 0.1, iy: 0.1, iz: 0.1);
            var mat = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(210e9, 0.3);

            var elements = new ConcurrentBag <Element>();

            Parallel.For(0, nodeIndices.Count, i =>
                var index = nodeIndices[i];

                int x = (index % (xSize * ySize)) % xSize;
                int y = (index % (xSize * ySize)) / xSize; //integer division
                int z = index / (xSize * ySize);           //integer division

                var xNeigh = index + 1;
                var yNeigh = index + xSize;
                var zNeigh = index + xSize * ySize;

                //lock nodes on the ground floor
                if (z == groundLevel)
                    nodes[index].Constraints = Constraint.Fixed;

                if (x < xSize - 1 & nodeIndices.Contains(xNeigh))
                    var xBar = new BarElement(nodes[index], nodes[xNeigh])
                        Label = index.ToString() + ":" + xNeigh.ToString()
                    xBar.Material = mat;
                    xBar.Section  = sec;

                if (y < ySize - 1 & nodeIndices.Contains(yNeigh))
                    var yBar = new BarElement(nodes[index], nodes[yNeigh])
                        Label = index.ToString() + ":" + yNeigh.ToString()
                    yBar.Material = mat;
                    yBar.Section  = sec;

                if (z < zSize - 1 & nodeIndices.Contains(zNeigh))
                    var zBar = new BarElement(nodes[index], nodes[zNeigh])
                        Label = index.ToString() + ":" + zNeigh.ToString()
                    zBar.Material = mat;
                    zBar.Section  = sec;


            //Applying load
            var force = new Force(0, -5000, -0, 0, 0, 0);

            nodes[topNode].Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(force));//adds a load with LoadCase of DefaultLoadCase to node loads

