Example #1
        public static async void Main()
            // resolve a static proxy
            var studentService = BridgeClient.Resolve <IStudentService>();

            // call server just by calling the function
            var students = await studentService.GetAllStudents();

            // use the results directly
            foreach (var student in students)
                var name = student.Name;
                var age  = DateTime.Now.Year - student.DateOfBirth.Year;
                Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} years old");

                var result = await studentService.CatchMeIfYouCan();
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #2
        public static void Run()
            QUnit.Module("Service Registration Tests");

            //QUnit.Test("Cable.Resolve throws exception if interface not reflectable", assert =>
            //    try
            //    {
            //        var service = Client.Resolve<INonReflectable>();
            //    }
            //    catch (ArgumentException ex)
            //    {
            //        assert.Equal(ex.Message, "The interface does not have any methods, if there are any methods then annotate the interface with the [Reflectable] attribute");
            //    }

            //QUnit.Test("Cable.Resolve throws an exception if type is not an interface", assert =>
            //    try
            //    {
            //        var service = Client.Resolve<int>();
            //    }
            //    catch (ArgumentException ex)
            //    {
            //        var msg = ex.Message;
            //        assert.Equal(msg, "Type Int32 must be an interface");
            //    }

            //QUnit.Test("Cable.Resolve throws exception if reflectable interface does not have methods", assert =>
            //    try
            //    {
            //        var service = Client.Resolve<IReflectable>();
            //    }
            //    catch (ArgumentException ex)
            //    {
            //        var msg = ex.Message;
            //        assert.Equal(msg, "The interface does not have any methods, if there are any methods then annotate the interface with the [Reflectable] attribute");
            //    }

            QUnit.Test("Cable.Resolve doesn't throw exception on reflectable interface where all methods have return type of Task", assert =>
                var service = BridgeClient.Resolve <IService>();
                assert.Equal(true, Script.IsDefined(service));
Example #3
        public static async void Main()
            var Server = BridgeClient.Resolve <IService>();

            QUnit.Module("Nancy Client Tests");
            QUnit.Test("Client is working", assert => assert.Equal(true, true));

            QUnit.Test("Client.Resolve<IService>() is defined", assert => assert.Equal(Script.IsDefined(Server), true));

            var stringResult = await Server.String("hello");

            QUnit.Test("IService.String()", assert => assert.Equal(stringResult, true));

            var now           = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19, 20, 30, 0);
            var objectsResult = await Server.StringIntCharDateTime("hello there", 5, 'a', now);

            QUnit.Test("IService.StringIntCharDateTime()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(objectsResult.Length, 4);
                assert.Equal(objectsResult[0], "hello there");
                assert.Equal(objectsResult[1], 5);
                assert.Equal(objectsResult[2], 'a');

                var dateFromObjects = (DateTime)objectsResult[3];
                DatesEqual(assert, dateFromObjects, now);

            var wrappedDateTime = new WrappedDateTime
                Value = new DateTime(2017, 10, 12, 20, 30, 0)

            var echoedWrappedDateTime = await Server.EchoWrappedDateTime(wrappedDateTime);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoWrappedDateTime()", assert =>
                DatesEqual(assert, echoedWrappedDateTime.Value, wrappedDateTime.Value);

            int     int32   = 20;
            long    int64   = 35L;
            double  Double  = 2.0;
            decimal Decimal = 2.3454m;

            var numericResults = await Server.NumericPrimitives

            QUnit.Test("IService.NumericPrimitives()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(numericResults.Length, 4);
                assert.Equal(numericResults[0].As <int>() == int32, true);
                assert.Equal(numericResults[1].As <long>() == int64, true);
                assert.Equal(numericResults[2].As <double>() == Double, true);
                assert.Equal(numericResults[3].As <decimal>() == Decimal, true);

            int[] arrayOfInts       = { 1, 2, 3 };
            var   resultArrayOfInts = await Server.ArrayOfInts(arrayOfInts);

            QUnit.Test("IService.ArrayofInts()", assert =>
                for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfInts.Length; i++)
                    assert.Equal(arrayOfInts[i], resultArrayOfInts[i]);

            string[] arrOfStringsReturningInts = { "1", "two", "three" };

            var intArrayResult = await Server.ArrayOfStringsReturningInts(arrOfStringsReturningInts);

            QUnit.Test("IService.ArrayOfStringsReturningInts()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(intArrayResult[0], 1);
                assert.Equal(intArrayResult[1], 3);
                assert.Equal(intArrayResult[2], 5);

            int[]    ints1           = { 1, 2, 3 };
            string[] strings1        = { "", "hello" };
            char[]   chars           = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
            var      lengthsOfArrays = await Server.ArraysAsArguments(ints1, strings1, chars);

            QUnit.Test("IService.ArraysAsArguments()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(lengthsOfArrays[0], 3);
                assert.Equal(lengthsOfArrays[1], 2);
                assert.Equal(lengthsOfArrays[2], 4);

            int[] generinInts       = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            var   listOfGenericInts = generinInts.Select(x => new Generic <int> {
                Value = x

            var listResult = await Server.MapGenericInsToListOfInts(listOfGenericInts);

            QUnit.Test("IService.MapGenericInsToListOfInts()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(listResult.Sum(), 15);

            var inputDouble1 = 2.523;
            var inputDouble2 = 5.342;

            var outputDouble1 = await Server.EchoDouble(inputDouble1);

            var outputDouble2 = await Server.EchoDouble(inputDouble2);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoDouble()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(inputDouble1, outputDouble1);
                assert.Equal(inputDouble2, outputDouble2);

            var echoedEnum = await Server.EchoEnumAsync(ExampleEnum.One);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoEnumAsync()", assert =>
                Script.Call("console.log", echoedEnum);
                assert.Equal(echoedEnum == ExampleEnum.One, true);

            var wrappedDouble1 = new WrappedDouble {
                Value = 4.45
            var wrappedDouble2 = new WrappedDouble {
                Value = 2.0

            var echoedWrappedDouble1 = await Server.EchoWrappedDouble(wrappedDouble1);

            var echoedWrappedDouble2 = await Server.EchoWrappedDouble(wrappedDouble2);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoWrappedDouble()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(wrappedDouble1.Value, echoedWrappedDouble1.Value);
                assert.Equal(wrappedDouble2.Value, echoedWrappedDouble2.Value);

            var resultIntArrayNoArgs = await Server.NoArgumentsReturningIntArray();

            QUnit.Test("IService.NoArgumentsReturningIntArray()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(resultIntArrayNoArgs[0], 1);
                assert.Equal(resultIntArrayNoArgs[1], 2);
                assert.Equal(resultIntArrayNoArgs[2], 3);
                assert.Equal(resultIntArrayNoArgs[3], 4);
                assert.Equal(resultIntArrayNoArgs[4], 5);

            var resultStringNoArgs = await Server.NoArgumentsReturningString();

            QUnit.Test("IService.NoArgumentsReturningString()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(resultStringNoArgs, "Result");

            QUnit.Test("IService.SyncAdd()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(Server.SyncAdd(1, 1), 2);
                assert.Equal(Server.SyncAdd(5, 6), 11);
                assert.Equal(Server.SyncAdd(2, 3), 5);

            QUnit.Test("IService.NowPlusHoursSync()", assert =>
                var result = Server.NowPlusHoursSync(5);
                assert.Equal(result.Hour == (DateTime.Now.AddHours(5).Hour), true);

            var resultSumOfMatrixOfInt = await Server.SumOfMatrixOfInt(new int[][]
                new int[] { 1, 2, 3 },
                new int[] { 4, 5, 6 },
                new int[] { 7, 8, 9 }

            QUnit.Test("IService.SumOfMatrixOfInt()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(resultSumOfMatrixOfInt, 45);

            int[][] matrix =
                new int[] { 1, 2, 3 },
                new int[] { 4, 5, 6 },
                new int[] { 7, 8, 9 }

            string[][] stringMatrix =
                new string[] { "Hello", "its", "Me" }

            var multipleMatrixElementCount = await Server.MatrixMultipleArgs(matrix, stringMatrix);

            QUnit.Test("IService.MatrixMultipleArgs()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(multipleMatrixElementCount, 12);

            var listOfInts = new List <int>();


            var echoedListOfInts = await Server.EchoListOfInt(listOfInts);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoListOfInt()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(echoedListOfInts[0], listOfInts[0]);
                assert.Equal(echoedListOfInts[1], listOfInts[1]);

            var longMatrix = new long[][]
                new long[] { 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L }

            var longMatrixSum = await Server.SumMatrixOfLong(longMatrix);

            QUnit.Test("IService.SumMatrixOfLong()", assert => assert.Equal(longMatrixSum == 15L, true));

            var date = new DateTime(1996, 11, 13, 0, 0, 0, 20);

            var person = new Person
                Age         = 20,
                Name        = "Mike",
                Money       = 22.399m,
                IsMarried   = false,
                DateOfBirth = date

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoPerson()", assert =>
                var syncEchoedPerson = Server.EchoPerson(person);
                assert.Equal(syncEchoedPerson.Name, "Mike");
                assert.Equal(syncEchoedPerson.Age, 20);
                assert.Equal(syncEchoedPerson.Money == 22.399m, true);
                DatesEqual(assert, date, syncEchoedPerson.DateOfBirth);
                assert.Equal(syncEchoedPerson.IsMarried, false);

            var personTask = await Server.EchoTaskPerson(person);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoTaskPerson()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(personTask.Name, "Mike");
                assert.Equal(personTask.Age, 20);
                assert.Equal(personTask.Money == 22.399m, true);
                DatesEqual(assert, date, personTask.DateOfBirth);
                assert.Equal(personTask.IsMarried, false);

            var myAge = await Server.HowOld(person);

            QUnit.Test("IService.HowOld()", assert => assert.Equal(myAge, 20));

            var numList = new List <int>();

            numList.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

            var sumArray = await Server.IEnumerableSum(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

            var sumList = await Server.IEnumerableSum(numList);

            QUnit.Test("IService.IEnumerableSum()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(sumArray, 15);
                assert.Equal(sumList, 15);

            var genericInt = await Server.GenericInt(new Generic <int> {
                Value = 5

            QUnit.Test("IService.GenericInt()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(genericInt, 5);

            var simpleGeneric = await Server.GenericSimpleNested(new Generic <SimpleNested>
                Value = new SimpleNested
                    Int     = 10,
                    String  = "MyStr",
                    Long    = 20L,
                    Double  = 2.5,
                    Decimal = 3.5m

            QUnit.Test("IService.GenericSimpleNested()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(simpleGeneric.Int, 10);
                assert.Equal(simpleGeneric.String, "MyStr");
                assert.Equal(simpleGeneric.Long == 20L, true);
                assert.Equal(simpleGeneric.Double, 2.5);
                assert.Equal(simpleGeneric.Decimal == 3.5m, true);

            var genericPersonArg = new Generic <Person> {
                Value = person

            var genericPerson = await Server.EchoGenericPerson(genericPersonArg);

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoGenericPerson()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(genericPerson.Value.Name, "Mike");
                assert.Equal(genericPerson.Value.Age, 20);
                assert.Equal(genericPerson.Value.Money == 22.399m, true);
                DatesEqual(assert, date, genericPerson.Value.DateOfBirth);
                assert.Equal(genericPerson.Value.IsMarried, false);

            var genericFstSnd = new DoubleGeneric <int, string>
                First  = 10,
                Second = "Zaid"

            var resultFirst = await Server.ReturnFirst(genericFstSnd);

            var resultSecond = await Server.ReturnSecond(genericFstSnd);

            QUnit.Test("IService.ReturnFirst() and IService.ReturnSecond()", assert =>
                assert.Equal(resultFirst, 10);
                assert.Equal(resultSecond, "Zaid");

            var nullResult = await Server.EchoNullString();

            QUnit.Test("IService.EchoNullString()", assert => assert.Equal(nullResult, null));