public Breakpoint SetBreakpoint( string tag, int line)
   BreakpointKey bpKey = new BreakpointKey() { Tag = tag, Line = line };
   Breakpoint bp = null;
   if (_breakpoints.TryGetValue(bpKey, out bp))
     return bp;
     bp = new Breakpoint( this ) { Hash = bpKey.Hash, StartLine = line };
     _breakpoints.Add( bpKey, bp );
     return bp;
 internal void CheckBreakpoints(int line, int colNumber, CommonTree ct)
   int startColumn = 0;
   int endColumn = UInt16.MaxValue;
   int startLine = 0;
   int endLine = 0;
   RoutineInfo ri = CurrentScope.OwningRoutine;
   if ( (ct != null) && 
     ( Cmp( ct.Text, "if" ) != 0 ) && ( Cmp( ct.Text, "while" ) != 0 ) &&
     ( Cmp( ct.Text, "repeat" ) != 0 ) && ( Cmp( ct.Text, "loop" ) != 0 ) &&
     ( Cmp( ct.Text, "case_stmt" ) != 0 ) && ( Cmp( ct.Text, "declare_handler" ) != 0 ))
     IToken tkStart = ri.TokenStream.Get(ct.TokenStartIndex);
     IToken tkEnd = ri.TokenStream.Get(ct.TokenStopIndex + 1);
     if (tkEnd == null)
       tkEnd = ri.TokenStream.Get(ct.TokenStopIndex);
     startColumn = tkStart.CharPositionInLine;
     endColumn = tkEnd.CharPositionInLine + 1;
     startLine = tkStart.Line;
     endLine = tkEnd.Line;
     startLine = endLine = line;
     startColumn = colNumber;
   int hash = GetTagHashCode(ri.SourceCode);
   string routineName = ri.GetFullName(_utilCon.Database);
   Breakpoint fakeBreakpoint = new Breakpoint( this ) { StartLine = startLine, EndLine = endLine, IsFake = true, Hash = hash, 
     RoutineName = routineName, StartColumn = startColumn, EndColumn = endColumn };
   CurrentScope.CurrentPosition = fakeBreakpoint;
   // Breakpoints on the same line but different files are treated by making a breakpoint uniquely identified
   // by line number and hash of current routine source code.
   if (OnBreakpoint == null) return;
   if (SteppingType != SteppingTypeEnum.StepOver)
     stepOverScope = __scopeLevel;
   if (SteppingType == SteppingTypeEnum.StepOver)
     bool fireBp = false;
     if (stepOverScope != -1)
       if (__scopeLevel == stepOverScope)
         fireBp = true;
       fireBp = true;
     if (fireBp)
   else if (SteppingType == SteppingTypeEnum.StepInto)
   else if (SteppingType == SteppingTypeEnum.StepOut)
     nextStepOut = _scopeLevel - 1;
     SteppingType = SteppingTypeEnum.None;
   else if (nextStepOut != -1)
     if (_scopeLevel == nextStepOut)
       nextStepOut = -1;
   BreakpointKey bpKey = new BreakpointKey() { Line = line, Hash = hash };
   Breakpoint bp = null;
   if (_breakpoints.TryGetValue(bpKey, out bp) && !bp.Disabled)
     stepOverScope = __scopeLevel;