Example #1
        public void BreadcrumbHelperTest_ExampleBreadcrumb()
            var breadcrumb = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper("/test/file.jpg");

            Assert.AreEqual("/", breadcrumb.FirstOrDefault());
            Assert.AreEqual("/test", breadcrumb.LastOrDefault());
Example #2
        public async Task AddParentItemsAsync(string subPath)
            var path = subPath == "/" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(subPath) ? "/" : PathHelper.RemoveLatestSlash(subPath);
            var pathListShouldExist = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(path).ToList();

            var toAddList = new List <FileIndexItem>();

            var indexItems = _fakeContext
                             .Where(p => pathListShouldExist.Any(f => f == p.FilePath)).ToList();

            // ReSharper disable once ForeachCanBeConvertedToQueryUsingAnotherGetEnumerator
            foreach (var pathShouldExist in pathListShouldExist)
                if (!indexItems.Select(p => p.FilePath).Contains(pathShouldExist))
                    toAddList.Add(new FileIndexItem(pathShouldExist)
                        IsDirectory   = true,
                        AddToDatabase = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        ColorClass    = ColorClassParser.Color.None

            await AddRangeAsync(toAddList);
Example #3
        public void BreadcrumbNullTest()
            var breadcrumbExample = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(null);
            var breadcrumblist    = new List <string>();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(breadcrumbExample, breadcrumblist);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a list of containing: the root folder, subfolders to create on the ftp service
        /// make the 1000 and 500 dirs on ftp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentDirectory"></param>
        /// <param name="slug"></param>
        /// <param name="copyContent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IEnumerable <string> CreateListOfRemoteDirectories(string parentDirectory,
                                                                    string slug, Dictionary <string, bool> copyContent)
            var pushDirectory = _webFtpNoLogin + "/" + slug;

            var createThisDirectories = new List <string>
                _webFtpNoLogin,               // <= the base dir
                pushDirectory                 // <= current log item

            // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
            foreach (var copyItem in copyContent.Where(p => p.Value))
                var parentItems = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(copyItem.Key);
                foreach (var item in parentItems.Where(p => p != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
                    if (_storage.ExistFolder(parentDirectory + item))
                        createThisDirectories.Add(pushDirectory + "/" + item);

            return(new HashSet <string>(createThisDirectories).ToList());
Example #5
 private string GetErrorLogItemFullPath(string subPath)
            + "/"
            + "_"
            + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PathHelper.GetFileName(subPath))
            + ".log");
Example #6
        public void BreadcrumbFileNameMethodTest()
            var breadcrumbExample = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper("/2018/2.jpg");
            var breadcrumblist    = new List <string> {
                "/", "/2018"

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(breadcrumbExample, breadcrumblist);
Example #7
        public void BreadcrumbNoInputTest()
            var breadcrumbExample = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(string.Empty);

            var breadcrumblist = new List <string> {

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(breadcrumbExample, breadcrumblist);
Example #8
        public void BreadcrumbSlashMethodTest()
            var breadcrumbExample = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper("/");

            var breadcrumblist = new List <string> {

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(breadcrumbExample, breadcrumblist);
Example #9
        private async Task FromFileToFolder(string inputFileSubPath, string toFileSubPath,
                                            List <FileIndexItem> fileIndexResultsList, List <FileIndexItem> fileIndexItems, DetailView detailView)
            // you can't move the file to the same location
            if (inputFileSubPath == toFileSubPath)
                fileIndexResultsList.Add(new FileIndexItem
                    Status = FileIndexItem.ExifStatus.OperationNotSupported
                return;                 //next
            // when renaming a folder it should warn the UI that it should remove the source item
            fileIndexResultsList.Add(new FileIndexItem(inputFileSubPath)
                Status = FileIndexItem.ExifStatus.NotFoundSourceMissing

            // from/input cache should be cleared
            var inputParentSubFolder = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(inputFileSubPath).LastOrDefault();


            // clear cache // parentSubFolder (to FileSubPath parents)
            var toParentSubFolder = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(toFileSubPath).LastOrDefault();


            // Check if the parent folder exist in the database // parentSubFolder
            await _query.AddParentItemsAsync(toParentSubFolder);

            await SaveToDatabaseAsync(fileIndexItems, fileIndexResultsList,
                                      detailView, toFileSubPath);

            // First update database and then update for diskwatcher
            _iStorage.FileMove(inputFileSubPath, toFileSubPath);
            MoveSidecarFile(inputFileSubPath, toFileSubPath);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// fileIndexItemsList, Create an detailView object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileIndexItemsList">list of fileIndexItems</param>
        /// <param name="singleItemDbPath">database style path</param>
        /// <param name="colorClassActiveList">list of colorClasses to show, default show all</param>
        /// <param name="enableCollections">enable collections feature > default true</param>
        /// <param name="hideDeleted">do not show deleted files > default true</param>
        /// <returns>view object to show on the page</returns>
        public DetailView SingleItem(
            List <FileIndexItem> fileIndexItemsList,
            string singleItemDbPath,
            List <ColorClassParser.Color> colorClassActiveList = null,
            bool enableCollections = true,
            bool hideDeleted       = true,
            SortType sort          = SortType.FileName)
            // reject empty requests
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(singleItemDbPath))
            var parentFolder = FilenamesHelper.GetParentPath(singleItemDbPath);

            // RemoveLatestSlash is for '/' folder
            var fileName = singleItemDbPath.Replace(
                PathHelper.RemoveLatestSlash(parentFolder) + "/", string.Empty);

            // Home has no parent, so return a value
            if (fileName == string.Empty && parentFolder == "/" && GetObjectByFilePath("/") != null)
                return(new DetailView
                    FileIndexItem = GetObjectByFilePath("/"),
                    RelativeObjects = new RelativeObjects(),
                    Breadcrumb = new List <string> {
                    ColorClassActiveList = colorClassActiveList,
                    IsDirectory = true,
                    SubPath = "/",
                    Collections = enableCollections

            var currentFileIndexItem = fileIndexItemsList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FileName == fileName);

            // Could be not found or not in directory cache
            if (currentFileIndexItem == null)
                // retry
                currentFileIndexItem = GetObjectByFilePath(singleItemDbPath);
                if (currentFileIndexItem == null)

            // To know when a file is deleted
            if (currentFileIndexItem.Tags.Contains("!delete!"))
                currentFileIndexItem.Status = FileIndexItem.ExifStatus.Deleted;

            if (currentFileIndexItem.IsDirectory == true)
                currentFileIndexItem.CollectionPaths = new List <string> {
                return(new DetailView
                    IsDirectory = true,
                    SubPath = singleItemDbPath,
                    FileIndexItem = currentFileIndexItem,
                    Collections = enableCollections,

            if (currentFileIndexItem.Tags.Contains("!delete!"))
                hideDeleted = false;

            var fileIndexItemsForPrevNextList = DisplayFileFolders(
                parentFolder, colorClassActiveList, enableCollections, hideDeleted).ToList();

            var itemResult = new DetailView
                FileIndexItem        = currentFileIndexItem,
                RelativeObjects      = GetNextPrevInSubFolder(currentFileIndexItem, fileIndexItemsForPrevNextList, sort),
                Breadcrumb           = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(singleItemDbPath),
                ColorClassActiveList = colorClassActiveList,
                IsDirectory          = false,
                SubPath     = singleItemDbPath,
                Collections = enableCollections

            // First item is current item
            var collectionPaths = new List <string> {

                                     .Where(p => p.FileCollectionName == currentFileIndexItem.FileCollectionName)
                                     .Select(p => p.FilePath));

            var collectionPathsHashSet = new HashSet <string>(collectionPaths);

            itemResult.FileIndexItem.CollectionPaths = collectionPathsHashSet.ToList();

Example #11
        public void BreadcrumbHelperTest_WithoutStartSlash()
            var breadcrumb = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper("test");

            Assert.AreEqual("/", breadcrumb.FirstOrDefault());
Example #12
        public IActionResult Index(
            string f          = "/",
            string colorClass = null,
            bool collections  = true,
            bool hidedelete   = true,
            SortType sort     = SortType.FileName
            // Used in Detail and Index View => does not hide this single item
            var colorClassActiveList = FileIndexItem.GetColorClassList(colorClass);

            var subPath = PathHelper.PrefixDbSlash(f);

            subPath = PathHelper.RemoveLatestSlash(subPath);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subPath))
                subPath = "/";

            // First check if it is a single Item
            var singleItem = _query.SingleItem(subPath, colorClassActiveList, collections, hidedelete, sort);

            // returns no object when it a directory

            if (singleItem?.IsDirectory == false)
                singleItem.IsReadOnly = _appSettings.IsReadOnly(singleItem.FileIndexItem.ParentDirectory);

            var fileIndexItems = SortHelper.Helper(
                _query.DisplayFileFolders(subPath, colorClassActiveList,
                                          collections, hidedelete), sort).ToList();
            var fileIndexItemsWithoutCollections = _query.DisplayFileFolders(
                subPath, null, false, hidedelete).ToList();

            // (singleItem.IsDirectory) or not found
            var directoryModel = new ArchiveViewModel
                FileIndexItems       = fileIndexItems,
                ColorClassActiveList = colorClassActiveList,
                RelativeObjects      = _query.GetNextPrevInFolder(subPath), // Args are not shown in this view
                Breadcrumb           = Breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbHelper(subPath),
                SearchQuery          = subPath.Split("/").LastOrDefault(),
                SubPath          = subPath,
                CollectionsCount = fileIndexItemsWithoutCollections.
                                   Count(p => p.IsDirectory == false),
                // when change colorclass selection you should see all options
                ColorClassUsage = fileIndexItemsWithoutCollections
                                  .Select(p => p.ColorClass).Distinct()
                                  .OrderBy(p => (int)(p)).ToList(),
                IsReadOnly  = _appSettings.IsReadOnly(subPath),
                Collections = collections,

            if (singleItem == null)
                // For showing a new database
                var queryIfFolder = _query.GetObjectByFilePath(subPath);

                // For showing a new database
                if (f == "/" && queryIfFolder == null)

                if (queryIfFolder == null) // used to have: singleItem?.FileIndexItem.FilePath == null &&
                    Response.StatusCode = 404;
                    return(Json("not found"));
