public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Le Boulangerie. Today we are offering loaves of bread for $5 or Buy 2 get 1 Free. We also have pastries. These are $2 each or 3 for $5"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to make a purchase? If so click '1' "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (response == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount of bread you would like."); string quantityBread = Console.ReadLine(); int intBread = Convert.ToInt32(quantityBread); Bread breadOrder = new Bread(intBread); int priceBread = breadOrder.CalculateBreadPrice(intBread); Console.WriteLine("You have ordered " + intBread + " loaves of bread. This totals:$ " + priceBread); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to order any pastries? If so, click 2"); string continueOrder = Console.ReadLine(); if (continueOrder == "2") { Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like?"); string quantityPastry = Console.ReadLine(); int intPastry = Convert.ToInt32(quantityPastry); Pastry pastryOrder = new Pastry(intPastry); int pricePastry = pastryOrder.CalculatePastryPrice(intPastry); Console.WriteLine("You have ordered " + intBread + " loaves of bread. As well as " + quantityPastry + "Pastries. This totals:$ " + (priceBread + pricePastry)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for your order!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for stopping by!"); } }
public void BreadClass_ReturnsPriceOfBread_int() { { int breadAmount = 3; int priceForThreeLoaves = 10; Bread newBread3 = new Bread(breadAmount); int result = newBread3.CalculateBreadPrice(breadAmount); Assert.AreEqual(priceForThreeLoaves, result); } { int breadAmount = 4; int priceForFourLoaves = 15; Bread newBread4 = new Bread(breadAmount); int result = newBread4.CalculateBreadPrice(breadAmount); Assert.AreEqual(priceForFourLoaves, result); } { int breadAmount = 10; int priceForTenLoaves = 35; Bread newBread5 = new Bread(breadAmount); int result = newBread5.CalculateBreadPrice(breadAmount); Assert.AreEqual(priceForTenLoaves, result); } { int breadAmount = 11; int priceForElevenLoaves = 40; Bread newBread6 = new Bread(breadAmount); int result = newBread6.CalculateBreadPrice(breadAmount); Assert.AreEqual(priceForElevenLoaves, result); } }