private void InitializeBranches(IGitTfsRemote defaultRemote, List <BranchDatas> childBranchPaths) { _stdout.WriteLine("Tfs branches found:"); var branchesToProcess = new List <BranchDatas>(); foreach (var tfsBranchPath in childBranchPaths) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath); var branchDatas = new BranchDatas { TfsRepositoryPath = tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath, TfsRemote = _globals.Repository.ReadAllTfsRemotes().FirstOrDefault(r => r.TfsRepositoryPath == tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath) }; try { branchDatas.CreationBranchData = defaultRemote.Tfs.GetRootChangesetForBranch(tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath); } catch (Exception ex) { branchDatas.Error = ex; } branchesToProcess.Add(branchDatas); } branchesToProcess.Add(new BranchDatas { TfsRepositoryPath = defaultRemote.TfsRepositoryPath, TfsRemote = defaultRemote, RootChangesetId = -1 }); bool isSomethingDone; do { isSomethingDone = false; var branchesToFetch = branchesToProcess.Where(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched && b.Error == null).ToList(); foreach (var tfsBranch in branchesToFetch) { _stdout.WriteLine("=> Working on TFS branch : " + tfsBranch.TfsRepositoryPath); if (tfsBranch.TfsRemote == null) { try { IFetchResult fetchResult; tfsBranch.TfsRemote = InitBranchSupportingRename(tfsBranch.TfsRepositoryPath, null, tfsBranch.CreationBranchData, defaultRemote, out fetchResult); if (tfsBranch.TfsRemote != null) { tfsBranch.IsEntirelyFetched = fetchResult.IsSuccess; isSomethingDone = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { _stdout.WriteLine("error: an error occurs when initializing the branch. Branch is ignored and continuing..."); tfsBranch.Error = ex; } } else { try { var lastFetchedChangesetId = tfsBranch.TfsRemote.MaxChangesetId; Trace.WriteLine("Fetching remote :" + tfsBranch.TfsRemote.Id); var fetchResult = FetchRemote(tfsBranch.TfsRemote, true); tfsBranch.IsEntirelyFetched = fetchResult.IsSuccess; if (fetchResult.NewChangesetCount != 0) { isSomethingDone = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { _stdout.WriteLine("error: an error occurs when fetching changeset. Fetching is stopped and continuing..."); tfsBranch.Error = ex; } } } } while (branchesToProcess.Any(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched && b.Error == null) && isSomethingDone); _globals.Repository.GarbageCollect(); if (branchesToProcess.Any(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched)) { _stdout.WriteLine("warning: Some Tfs branches could not have been initialized:"); foreach (var branchNotInited in branchesToProcess.Where(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched)) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + branchNotInited.TfsRepositoryPath); } _stdout.WriteLine("\nPlease report this case to the git-tfs developers! (report here : )"); } if (branchesToProcess.Any(b => b.Error != null)) { _stdout.WriteLine("warning: Some Tfs branches could not have been initialized or entirely fetched due to errors:"); foreach (var branchWithErrors in branchesToProcess.Where(b => b.Error != null)) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + branchWithErrors.TfsRepositoryPath); if (_globals.DebugOutput) { Trace.WriteLine(" =>error:" + branchWithErrors.Error); } else { _stdout.WriteLine(" =>error:" + branchWithErrors.Error.Message); } } _stdout.WriteLine("\nPlease report this case to the git-tfs developers! (report here : )"); } }
private void InitializeBranches(IGitTfsRemote defaultRemote, List<BranchDatas> childBranchPaths) { _stdout.WriteLine("Tfs branches found:"); var branchesToProcess = new List<BranchDatas>(); foreach (var tfsBranchPath in childBranchPaths) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath); var branchDatas = new BranchDatas { TfsRepositoryPath = tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath, TfsRemote = _globals.Repository.ReadAllTfsRemotes().FirstOrDefault(r => r.TfsRepositoryPath == tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath) }; try { branchDatas.CreationBranchData = defaultRemote.Tfs.GetRootChangesetForBranch(tfsBranchPath.TfsRepositoryPath); } catch (Exception ex) { branchDatas.Error = ex; } branchesToProcess.Add(branchDatas); } branchesToProcess.Add(new BranchDatas { TfsRepositoryPath = defaultRemote.TfsRepositoryPath, TfsRemote = defaultRemote, RootChangesetId = -1 }); bool isSomethingDone; do { isSomethingDone = false; var branchesToFetch = branchesToProcess.Where(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched && b.Error == null).ToList(); foreach (var tfsBranch in branchesToFetch) { _stdout.WriteLine("=> Working on TFS branch : " + tfsBranch.TfsRepositoryPath); if (tfsBranch.TfsRemote == null || tfsBranch.TfsRemote.MaxChangesetId == 0) { try { IFetchResult fetchResult; tfsBranch.TfsRemote = InitBranchSupportingRename(tfsBranch.TfsRepositoryPath, null, tfsBranch.CreationBranchData, defaultRemote, out fetchResult); if (tfsBranch.TfsRemote != null) { tfsBranch.IsEntirelyFetched = fetchResult.IsSuccess; isSomethingDone = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { _stdout.WriteLine("error: an error occurs when initializing the branch. Branch is ignored and continuing..."); tfsBranch.Error = ex; } } else { try { var lastFetchedChangesetId = tfsBranch.TfsRemote.MaxChangesetId; Trace.WriteLine("Fetching remote :" + tfsBranch.TfsRemote.Id); var fetchResult = FetchRemote(tfsBranch.TfsRemote, true); tfsBranch.IsEntirelyFetched = fetchResult.IsSuccess; if (fetchResult.NewChangesetCount != 0) isSomethingDone = true; } catch (Exception ex) { _stdout.WriteLine("error: an error occurs when fetching changeset. Fetching is stopped and continuing..."); tfsBranch.Error = ex; } } } } while (branchesToProcess.Any(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched && b.Error == null) && isSomethingDone); _globals.Repository.GarbageCollect(); if (branchesToProcess.Any(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched)) { _stdout.WriteLine("warning: Some Tfs branches could not have been initialized:"); foreach (var branchNotInited in branchesToProcess.Where(b => !b.IsEntirelyFetched)) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + branchNotInited.TfsRepositoryPath); } _stdout.WriteLine("\nPlease report this case to the git-tfs developers! (report here : )"); } if (branchesToProcess.Any(b => b.Error != null)) { _stdout.WriteLine("warning: Some Tfs branches could not have been initialized or entirely fetched due to errors:"); foreach (var branchWithErrors in branchesToProcess.Where(b => b.Error != null)) { _stdout.WriteLine("- " + branchWithErrors.TfsRepositoryPath); if (_globals.DebugOutput) Trace.WriteLine(" =>error:" + branchWithErrors.Error); else _stdout.WriteLine(" =>error:" + branchWithErrors.Error.Message); } _stdout.WriteLine("\nPlease report this case to the git-tfs developers! (report here : )"); } }