Example #1
        protected BoxPosition GetFinalBoxPosition(uint caseIndex)
            int iCounted = 0;
            int iLayer   = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _palletSolution)
                BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != bLayer)
                    if (iCounted + bLayer.BoxCount > caseIndex)
                        iCounted += bLayer.Count;
            BoxLayer layerW = _palletSolution[iLayer] as BoxLayer;

            return(layerW[(int)caseIndex - iCounted]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw layers
        /// Images are used during report generation
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawLayers(Graphics3D graphics, bool showPallet, int layerIndex)
            if (null == _caseSolution)
                throw new Exception("No solution defined!");
            BoxCasePalletAnalysis caseAnalysis = _caseSolution.ParentCaseAnalysis;

            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            int  iLayer = 0, iLayerCount = 0;

            while (iLayerCount <= layerIndex && iLayer < _caseSolution.Count)
                ILayer   layer  = _caseSolution[iLayer];
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.BoxProperties, bPosition));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw layers
        /// Images are used during report generation
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawLayers(Graphics3D graphics, bool showPallet, int layerIndex)
            if (null == _solution)
                throw new Exception("No solution defined!");

            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds)  // -> if box ids are drawn, we do not draw pallet
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            int  iLayer = 0, iLayerCount = 0;

            while (iLayerCount <= layerIndex && iLayer < _solution.Count)
                ILayer   layer  = _solution[iLayer];
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));
            // flush
Example #4
        protected BoxPosition GetInitialBoxPosition(uint caseIndex)
            uint iLayer = 0, iCounted = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _palletSolution)
                BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != bLayer)
                    if (iCounted + bLayer.BoxCount > caseIndex)
                        iCounted += (uint)bLayer.Count;

            BProperties bProperties = _palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties;

            double   yOffset   = 0.5 * (_palletSolution.Analysis.PalletProperties.Width - bProperties.Length);
            Vector3D vPosition = new Vector3D(_xOffset + (caseIndex - iCounted) * bProperties.Width, yOffset, (_palletSolution.Count - 1 - iLayer) * bProperties.Height);

            return(new BoxPosition(vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N));
        private List <TruckSolution> GenerateSolutions(TruckAnalysis truckAnalysis)
            List <TruckSolution> solutions = new List <TruckSolution>();

            HalfAxis.HAxis[] axis = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P };

            // build layer using truck length / width
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in LayerPattern.All)
                for (int swapPos = 0; swapPos < (pattern.CanBeSwapped ? 2 : 1); ++swapPos)
                    for (int orientation = 0; orientation < 2; ++orientation)
                            Layer2D layer = BuildLayer(truckAnalysis.ParentSolution, truckAnalysis.TruckProperties, truckAnalysis.ConstraintSet
                                                       , axis[orientation], swapPos == 1);
                            double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                            if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                            pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);

                            TruckSolution sol = new TruckSolution("sol", truckAnalysis);

                            BoxLayer boxLayer = new BoxLayer(0.0, 0);
                            foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer)
                                boxLayer.AddPosition(layerPos.Position, layerPos.LengthAxis, layerPos.WidthAxis);

                            sol.Layer = boxLayer;

                            // insert solution
                            if (sol.PalletCount > 0)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _log.Error(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", ex.ToString()));

            // sort solutions

Example #6
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            // sanity check
            if (null == _solution)
            InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties = _analysis.InterlayerProperties;
            // draw pallet
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);

            pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickid = 0;

            for (int iLayerIndex = 0; iLayerIndex < _solution.LayerCount; ++iLayerIndex)
                bool     hasInterlayer = false;
                double   zInterlayer   = 0.0;
                BoxLayer blayer        = _solution.GetBoxLayer(iLayerIndex, ref hasInterlayer, ref zInterlayer);

                if (hasInterlayer && (null != interlayerProperties))
                    // instantiate box
                    Box box = new Box(pickid++, interlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - interlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - interlayerProperties.Width)
                        , zInterlayer);
                    // draw
                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                    graphics.AddBox(new Pack(pickid++, _analysis.PackProperties, bPosition));

                if (_showDimensions)
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                                          , Color.Black, false));
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                                          , Color.Red, true));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Use this method when solution does not refer an analysis (e.g. when displaying CaseOptimizer result)
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _boxCaseSolution)
                throw new Exception("No box/case solution defined!");

            BoxCaseAnalysis boxCaseAnalysis = _boxCaseSolution.Analysis;
            // retrieve case properties
            BProperties boxProperties = boxCaseAnalysis.BProperties;

            if (null == boxProperties)
            BoxProperties caseProperties = boxCaseAnalysis.CaseProperties;
            // draw case (inside)
            Case case_ = new Case(caseProperties);

            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _boxCaseSolution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, boxProperties, bPosition));
            // get case analysis
            if (_showDimensions)
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(
                                           , caseProperties.Length, caseProperties.Width, caseProperties.Height
                                           , System.Drawing.Color.Black
                                           , true));
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(
                                           , System.Drawing.Color.Red
                                           , false));
Example #8
        private List<TruckSolution> GenerateSolutions(TruckAnalysis truckAnalysis)
            List<TruckSolution> solutions = new List<TruckSolution>();

            HalfAxis.HAxis[] axis = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P};

            // build layer using truck length / width
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in LayerPattern.All)
                for (int swapPos = 0; swapPos < (pattern.CanBeSwapped ? 2 : 1); ++swapPos)
                    for (int orientation = 0; orientation < 2; ++orientation)
                            Layer2D layer = BuildLayer(truckAnalysis.ParentSolution, truckAnalysis.TruckProperties, truckAnalysis.ConstraintSet
                                , axis[orientation], swapPos == 1);
                            double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                            if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                            pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);

                            TruckSolution sol = new TruckSolution("sol", truckAnalysis);

                            BoxLayer boxLayer = new BoxLayer(0.0, 0);
                            foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer)
                                boxLayer.AddPosition(layerPos.Position, layerPos.LengthAxis, layerPos.WidthAxis);

                            sol.Layer = boxLayer;

                            // insert solution
                            if (sol.PalletCount > 0)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _log.Error(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", ex.ToString()));

            // sort solutions

            return solutions;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Use this method when solution does not refer an analysis (e.g. when displaying CaseOptimizer result)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Draw(Graphics3D graphics
                                , CasePalletSolution solution
                                , BoxProperties boxProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties)
            // draw pallet
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties);

            pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in solution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, boxProperties, bPosition));

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos && null != interlayerProperties)
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, interlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (palletProperties.Length - interlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (palletProperties.Width - interlayerProperties.Width)
                        , interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw

            // always show dimensions
            BoxLayer bLayer       = solution[solution.Count - 1] as BoxLayer;
            double   palletHeight = solution[solution.Count - 1].ZLow + (null != bLayer ? bLayer.Thickness(boxProperties) : 0.0);

            // show dimensions
            graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(solution.BoundingBox, Color.Black, false));
            graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(solution.LoadBoundingBox, Color.Red, true));
Example #10
        public void DrawLayer(Graphics3D graphics, int layerIndex)
            // sanity check
            if (null == _solution)

            if (_showDimensions)
                BoxLayer layer  = layerIndex % 2 == 0 ? _solution.Layer : _solution.LayerSwapped;
                uint     pickId = 0;
                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in layer)
                    graphics.AddBox(new Pack(pickId++, _solution.Analysis.PackProperties, bPosition));
                    new DimensionCube(layer.BoundingBox(_solution.Analysis.PackProperties)
                                      , Color.Black, false));
Example #11
        public void Draw(Graphics2D graphics)
            if (null == _solution || _solution.LayerCount == 0)

            BoxLayer blayer = _solution.Layer;

            if (blayer != null)
                // initialize Graphics2D object
                graphics.NumberOfViews = 1;
                BBox3D bbox = blayer.BoundingBox(_analysis.PackProperties);
                graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)bbox.Length, (float)bbox.Width);
                graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Black);
                uint pickId = 0;
                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                    graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.PackProperties, bPosition));
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a 2D representation of first (and second, if solution does not have homogeneous layers) layer(s)
        /// The images produced are used in
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics2D graphics)
            // access case properties
            BoxCaseAnalysis boxCaseAnalysis = _boxCaseSolution.Analysis;
            BoxProperties   caseProperties  = boxCaseAnalysis.CaseProperties;
            BProperties     boxProperties   = boxCaseAnalysis.BProperties;

            // initialize Graphics2D object
            graphics.NumberOfViews = 1;
            graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)caseProperties.Length, (float)caseProperties.Width);
            // access first layer
            BoxLayer blayer = _boxCaseSolution.BoxLayerFirst;

            if (null != blayer)
                graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(caseProperties.InsideLength, caseProperties.InsideWidth), Color.Black);
                uint pickId = 0;
                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                    graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, boxProperties, bPosition));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw case solution
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _caseSolution)
                throw new Exception("No case solution defined!");

            // load pallet solution
            BoxProperties caseProperties;

            CasePalletSolution palletSolution = _caseSolution.PalletSolutionDesc.LoadPalletSolution();

            if (null == palletSolution)
                caseProperties = new BoxProperties(null, _caseSolution.CaseLength, _caseSolution.CaseWidth, _caseSolution.CaseHeight);
                CasePalletAnalysis palletAnalysis = palletSolution.Analysis;
                // retrieve case properties
                caseProperties = palletAnalysis.BProperties as BoxProperties;
            if (null == caseProperties)
            // draw case (inside)
            Case case_ = new Case(caseProperties);

            // get case analysis
            BoxCasePalletAnalysis caseAnalysis = _caseSolution.ParentCaseAnalysis;
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _caseSolution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.BoxProperties, bPosition));

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos)
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.InterlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw
            // get case analysis
            if (_showDimensions)
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(_caseSolution.CaseLength, _caseSolution.CaseWidth, _caseSolution.CaseHeight));
        private List <CasePalletSolution> GenerateSolutions()
            // generate best layers
            Layer[] bestLayers = new Layer[3];
            if (_constraintSet.AllowLastLayerOrientationChange)
                bestLayers[0] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P);
                bestLayers[1] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P);
                bestLayers[2] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            List <CasePalletSolution> solutions = new List <CasePalletSolution>();

            // loop through all patterns
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in _patterns)
                if (!_constraintSet.AllowPattern(pattern.Name))
                // loop through all swap positions (if layer can be swapped)
                for (int swapPos = 0; swapPos < (pattern.CanBeSwapped ? 2 : 1); ++swapPos)
                    pattern.Swapped = swapPos == 1;

                    // loop through all vertical axes
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                        HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho1 = (HalfAxis.HAxis)(2 * i);
                        HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho2 = (HalfAxis.HAxis)(2 * i + 1);

                        if (!_constraintSet.AllowOrthoAxis(axisOrtho2))
                            // build 2 layers (pallet length/width)
                            Layer  layer1 = new Layer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, axisOrtho1);
                            Layer  layer1_inv = new Layer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, axisOrtho1, true);
                            Layer  layer2 = new Layer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, axisOrtho2);
                            Layer  layer2_inv = new Layer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, axisOrtho2, true);
                            double actualLength1 = 0.0, actualLength2 = 0.0, actualWidth1 = 0.0, actualWidth2 = 0.0;
                            pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer1, out actualLength1, out actualWidth1);
                            pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer2, out actualLength2, out actualWidth2);

                            string layerAlignment = string.Empty;
                            for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
                                Layer layer1T = null, layer2T = null;
                                if (0 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlignedLayers)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, actualLength1, actualWidth1);
                                    layer1T        = layer1; layer2T = layer1;
                                    layerAlignment = "aligned-1";
                                else if (1 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlignedLayers)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, actualLength2, actualWidth2);
                                    layer1T        = layer2; layer2T = layer2;
                                    layerAlignment = "aligned-2";
                                else if (2 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                    layer1T        = layer1; layer2T = layer2;
                                    layerAlignment = "alternate-12";
                                else if (3 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                    layer1T        = layer2; layer2T = layer1;
                                    layerAlignment = "alternate-21";
                                else if (4 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers && pattern.CanBeInverted)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, actualLength1, actualWidth1);
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1_inv, actualLength1, actualWidth1);
                                    layer1T        = layer1; layer2T = layer1_inv;
                                    layerAlignment = "inv-1";
                                else if (5 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers && pattern.CanBeInverted)
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, actualLength2, actualWidth2);
                                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2_inv, actualLength2, actualWidth2);
                                    layer1T        = layer2; layer2T = layer2_inv;
                                    layerAlignment = "inv-2";

                                if (null == layer1T || null == layer2T || 0 == layer1T.Count || 0 == layer2T.Count)

                                // counters
                                string axisName = string.Empty;
                                switch (i)
                                case 0: axisName = "X"; break;

                                case 1: axisName = "Y"; break;

                                case 2: axisName = "Z"; break;

                                default: break;
                                string title = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}{3}", pattern.Name, axisName, layerAlignment, swapPos == 1 ? "-swapped" : "");

                                CasePalletSolution sol = new CasePalletSolution(null, title, layer1T == layer2T);
                                int    iLayerIndex     = 0;
                                double zLayer          = _palletProperties.Height;
                                double capThickness    = null != _capProperties ? _capProperties.Thickness : 0;
                                int    iInterlayer     = 0;
                                int    iCount          = 0;

                                bool maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumPalletWeight && (_palletProperties.Weight + _bProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight);
                                bool maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumHeight && (zLayer + capThickness + _bProperties.Dimension(axisOrtho1) > _constraintSet.MaximumHeight);
                                bool maxNumberReached = false;

                                // insert anti-slip interlayer id there is one
                                if (_constraintSet.HasInterlayerAntiSlip)
                                    InterlayerPos interlayerPos = sol.CreateNewInterlayer(zLayer, 1);
                                    zLayer += _interlayerPropertiesAntiSlip.Thickness;

                                while (!maxWeightReached && !maxHeightReached && !maxNumberReached)
                                    if (_constraintSet.HasInterlayer)
                                        if (iInterlayer >= _constraintSet.InterlayerPeriod)
                                            InterlayerPos interlayerPos = sol.CreateNewInterlayer(zLayer, 0);
                                            zLayer     += _interlayerProperties.Thickness;
                                            iInterlayer = 0;

                                    // select current layer type
                                    double   cornerThickness = null != _cornerProperties ? _cornerProperties.Thickness : 0.0;
                                    Layer    currentLayer    = iLayerIndex % 2 == 0 ? layer1T : layer2T;
                                    BoxLayer layer           = sol.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, pattern.Name);

                                    foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in currentLayer)
                                        maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumPalletWeight && ((iCount * _bProperties.Weight + _palletProperties.Weight) > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight);
                                        maxNumberReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumNumberOfCases && (iCount > _constraintSet.MaximumNumberOfItems);
                                        if (!maxWeightReached && !maxNumberReached)
                                            LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                                            BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                                , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                                , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis

                                    // increment layer index
                                    zLayer += currentLayer.BoxHeight;

                                    // check height
                                    maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumHeight && (zLayer + _bProperties.Dimension(axisOrtho1) > _constraintSet.MaximumHeight);

                                if (maxHeightReached && _constraintSet.AllowLastLayerOrientationChange)
                                    // remaining height
                                    double remainingHeight = _constraintSet.MaximumHeight - zLayer;
                                    // test to complete with best layer
                                    Layer bestLayer = null; int ibestLayerCount = 0;
                                    for (int iLayerDir = 0; iLayerDir < 3; ++iLayerDir)
                                        // another direction than the current direction
                                        if (iLayerDir == i)

                                        Layer layer = bestLayers[iLayerDir];
                                        if (null == layer)

                                        int layerCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(remainingHeight / layer.BoxHeight));
                                        if (layerCount < 1)

                                        if (null == bestLayer || ibestLayerCount * bestLayer.Count < layerCount * layer.Count)
                                            bestLayer       = layer;
                                            ibestLayerCount = layerCount;

                                    if (null != bestLayer)
                                        double cornerThickness = null != _cornerProperties ? _cornerProperties.Thickness : 0.0;

                                        for (int iAddLayer = 0; iAddLayer < ibestLayerCount; ++iAddLayer)
                                            BoxLayer layer = sol.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);

                                            foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in bestLayer)
                                                LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                                                BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                                    - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                                    - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                                    + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                                    , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                                    , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                                            zLayer += bestLayer.BoxHeight;

                                // set maximum criterion
                                if (maxNumberReached)
                                    sol.LimitReached = CasePalletSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXNUMBERREACHED;
                                else if (maxWeightReached)
                                    sol.LimitReached = CasePalletSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXWEIGHTREACHED;
                                else if (maxHeightReached)
                                    sol.LimitReached = CasePalletSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXHEIGHTREACHED;

                                // insert solution
                                if (sol.Count > 0)
                        catch (NotImplementedException)
                            _log.Info(string.Format("Pattern {0} is not implemented", pattern.Name));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _log.Error(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", ex.Message));
                    } // loop through all vertical axes
                }     // loop through all swap positions (if layer can be swapped)
            }         // loop through all patterns
            // sort solutions

            if (ConstraintSet.AllowTwoLayerOrientations && solutions.Count > 0)
                // get best solution count
                int iBestSolutionCount = solutions[0].CaseCount;
                // if solutions exceeds
                List <CasePalletSolution> multiOrientSolution = GenerateOptimizedCombinationOfLayers();
                foreach (CasePalletSolution sol in multiOrientSolution)
                    if (sol.CaseCount > iBestSolutionCount)

            // remove unwanted solutions
            if (_constraintSet.UseNumberOfSolutionsKept && solutions.Count > _constraintSet.NumberOfSolutionsKept)
                // get minimum box count
                int minBoxCount = solutions[_constraintSet.NumberOfSolutionsKept].CaseCount;
                // remove any solution with less boxes than minBoxCount
                while (solutions[solutions.Count - 1].CaseCount < minBoxCount)
                    solutions.RemoveAt(solutions.Count - 1);

Example #15
        private List<PackPalletSolution> GenerateSolutions()
            List<PackPalletSolution> solutions = new List<PackPalletSolution>();

            HalfAxis.HAxis[] axes = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P };
            // loop throught all patterns
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in LayerPattern.All)
                // loop throught all axes
                foreach (HalfAxis.HAxis axis in axes) // axis
                    // loop through
                    Layer2D layer = BuildLayer(_packProperties, _palletProperties, _constraintSet, axis, false, false);
                    double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                    if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);

                    // filter by layer weight
                    if (_constraintSet.MaximumLayerWeight.Activated
                        && (layer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumLayerWeight.Value))
                    // filter by maximum space
                    if (_constraintSet.MaximumSpaceAllowed.Activated
                        && layer.MaximumSpace > _constraintSet.MaximumSpaceAllowed.Value)
                    double layerHeight = layer.BoxHeight;

                    string title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", pattern.Name, axis.ToString());
                    double zLayer = 0.0;
                    BoxLayer boxLayer = new BoxLayer(zLayer, 0);
                    foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer)
                        LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                        BoxPosition boxPos = new BoxPosition(
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                            , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                            , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                    boxLayer.MaximumSpace = layer.MaximumSpace;
                    BBox3D layerBBox = boxLayer.BoundingBox(_packProperties);
                    // filter by overhangX
                    if (_constraintSet.MinOverhangX.Activated
                        && (0.5 * (layerBBox.Length - _palletProperties.Length) < _constraintSet.MinOverhangX.Value))
                    // filter by overhangY
                    if (_constraintSet.MinOverhangY.Activated
                        && (0.5 * (layerBBox.Width - _palletProperties.Width) < _constraintSet.MinOverhangY.Value))

                    double interlayerThickness = null != _interlayerProperties ? _interlayerProperties.Thickness : 0;
                    double interlayerWeight = null != _interlayerProperties ? _interlayerProperties.Weight : 0;

                    PackPalletSolution sol = new PackPalletSolution(null, title, boxLayer);
                    int noLayer = 1,
                        noInterlayer = (null != _interlayerProperties && _constraintSet.HasFirstInterlayer) ? 1 : 0;

                    bool maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Activated
                        && (_packProperties.Height
                        + noInterlayer * interlayerThickness
                        + noLayer * layer.BoxHeight) > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Value;
                    bool maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Activated
                        && (_palletProperties.Weight
                        + noInterlayer * interlayerWeight
                        + noLayer * boxLayer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Value);

                    noLayer = 0; noInterlayer = 0;
                    int iCountInterlayer = 0, iCountSwap = 1;
                    bool bSwap = false;
                    while (!maxHeightReached && !maxWeightReached)
                        bool bInterlayer = (0 == iCountInterlayer) && ((noLayer != 0) || _constraintSet.HasFirstInterlayer);
                        // actually insert new layer
                        sol.AddLayer(bSwap, bInterlayer);
                        // increment number of layers
                        noInterlayer += (bInterlayer ? 1 : 0);
                        // update iCountInterlayer && iCountSwap
                        if (iCountInterlayer >= _constraintSet.InterlayerPeriod) iCountInterlayer = 0;
                        if (iCountSwap > _constraintSet.LayerSwapPeriod) { iCountSwap = 1; bSwap = !bSwap; }
                        // update maxHeightReached & maxWeightReached
                        maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Activated
                            && (_palletProperties.Height
                            + (noInterlayer + (iCountInterlayer == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * interlayerThickness
                            + (noLayer + 1) * layer.BoxHeight) > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Value;
                        maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Activated
                            && (_palletProperties.Weight
                            + (noInterlayer + (iCountInterlayer == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * interlayerWeight
                            + (noLayer + 1) * boxLayer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Value);

                    if (sol.PackCount > 0)
                } // axis
            } // pattern
            return solutions;
        private List <BoxCasePalletSolution> GenerateSolutions()
            List <BoxCasePalletSolution> solutions = new List <BoxCasePalletSolution>();

            // loop through all pallet solutions
            foreach (PalletSolutionDesc desc in _palletSolutionList)
                CasePalletSolution palletSolution = desc.LoadPalletSolution();
                if (null == palletSolution)
                    _log.Warn(string.Format("Failed to load pallet solution "));
                BoxProperties caseProperties = palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties as BoxProperties;

                // loop through all patterns
                foreach (LayerPattern pattern in _patterns)
                    if (!_constraintSet.AllowPattern(pattern.Name))

                    // loop through all swap positions (if layer can be swapped)
                    for (int swapPos = 0; swapPos < (pattern.CanBeSwapped ? 2 : 1); ++swapPos)
                        pattern.Swapped = swapPos == 1;

                        // loop through all vertical axes
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                            HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho1 = (HalfAxis.HAxis)(2 * i);
                            HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho2 = (HalfAxis.HAxis)(2 * i + 1);

                            if (!_constraintSet.AllowOrthoAxis(axisOrtho2))
                                // build 2 layers (pallet length/width)
                                Layer  layer1 = new Layer(_boxProperties, caseProperties, axisOrtho1);
                                Layer  layer2 = new Layer(_boxProperties, caseProperties, axisOrtho2);
                                double actualLength1 = 0.0, actualLength2 = 0.0, actualWidth1 = 0.0, actualWidth2 = 0.0;
                                bool   bResult1 = pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer1, out actualLength1, out actualWidth1);
                                bool   bResult2 = pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer2, out actualLength2, out actualWidth2);

                                string layerAlignment = string.Empty;
                                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                                    Layer layer1T = null, layer2T = null;
                                    if (0 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlignedLayers && bResult1)
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, actualLength1, actualWidth1);
                                        layer1T        = layer1; layer2T = layer1;
                                        layerAlignment = "aligned-1";
                                    else if (1 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlignedLayers && bResult2)
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, actualLength2, actualWidth2);
                                        layer1T        = layer2; layer2T = layer2;
                                        layerAlignment = "aligned-2";
                                    else if (2 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers && bResult1 && bResult2)
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                        layer1T        = layer1; layer2T = layer2;
                                        layerAlignment = "alternate-12";
                                    else if (3 == j && _constraintSet.AllowAlternateLayers && bResult1 && bResult2)
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, Math.Max(actualLength1, actualLength2), Math.Max(actualWidth1, actualWidth2));
                                        layer1T        = layer2; layer2T = layer1;
                                        layerAlignment = "alternate-21";

                                    if (null == layer1T || null == layer2T || 0 == layer1T.Count || 0 == layer2T.Count)

                                    // counters
                                    string axisName = string.Empty;
                                    switch (i)
                                    case 0: axisName = "X"; break;

                                    case 1: axisName = "Y"; break;

                                    case 2: axisName = "Z"; break;

                                    default: break;
                                    string title = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}{3}", pattern.Name, axisName, layerAlignment, swapPos == 1 ? "-swapped" : "");

                                    BoxCasePalletSolution sol = new BoxCasePalletSolution(null, title, desc, layer1T == layer2T);
                                    int    iLayerIndex        = 0;
                                    bool   innerLoopStop      = false;
                                    double offsetX            = 0.5 * (caseProperties.Length - caseProperties.InsideLength);
                                    double offsetY            = 0.5 * (caseProperties.Width - caseProperties.InsideWidth);
                                    double zLayer             = 0.5 * (caseProperties.Height - caseProperties.InsideHeight);
                                    int    iInterlayer        = 0;
                                    int    boxCount           = 0;

                                    while (
                                        ((zLayer + _boxProperties.Dimension(axisOrtho1) < caseProperties.InsideHeight))
                                        if (_constraintSet.HasInterlayer)
                                            if (iInterlayer >= _constraintSet.InterlayerPeriod)
                                                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = sol.CreateNewInterlayer(zLayer, 0);
                                                zLayer     += _interlayerProperties.Thickness;
                                                iInterlayer = 0;

                                        // select current layer type
                                        Layer    currentLayer = iLayerIndex % 2 == 0 ? layer1T : layer2T;
                                        BoxLayer layer        = sol.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, pattern.Name);

                                        foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in currentLayer)
                                            int iCount = sol.Count + 1;
                                            innerLoopStop = (_constraintSet.UseMaximumCaseWeight && ((boxCount + 1) * _boxProperties.Weight + caseProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumCaseWeight)) ||
                                                            (_constraintSet.UseMaximumNumberOfItems && ((boxCount + 1) > _constraintSet.MaximumNumberOfItems));

                                            if (!innerLoopStop)
                                                BoxPosition boxPos = new BoxPosition(
                                                    + offsetX * Vector3D.XAxis
                                                    + offsetY * Vector3D.YAxis
                                                    + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                                    , layerPos.LengthAxis
                                                    , layerPos.WidthAxis

                                        // increment layer index
                                        zLayer += currentLayer.BoxHeight;
                                    // insert solution
                                    if (
                                        sol.Count > 0 &&
                                        (!_constraintSet.UseMinimumNumberOfItems || sol.Count >= _constraintSet.MinimumNumberOfItems)
                            catch (NotImplementedException)
                                _log.Info(string.Format("Pattern {0} is not implemented", pattern.Name));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                _log.Error(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", ex.Message));
                        } // loop through all vertical axes
                    }     // loop through all swap positions (if layer can be swapped)
                }         // loop through all patterns
            }             // loop through all pallet solutions
            // sort solutions
            // return list of solutions
        public BoxLayer GetBoxLayer(int iLayerIndex, ref bool hasInterlayer, ref double zInterlayer)
            if (null == _parentAnalysis)
                throw new Exception("_parentAnalysis not set.");

            double interlayerThickness = (null != _parentAnalysis.InterlayerProperties) ? _parentAnalysis.InterlayerProperties.Thickness : 0.0;
            double packHeight = _parentAnalysis.PackProperties.Height;
            double zLow = _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Height;
            int i = 0;
            while (i <= iLayerIndex-1)
                LayerDescriptor desc = _listLayers[i];
                zLow += (desc.HasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0) + packHeight;
            zInterlayer = zLow;
            hasInterlayer = _listLayers[iLayerIndex].HasInterlayer;
            zLow += hasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0;

            Transform3D swapTransform = Transform3D.Identity;
            if (_listLayers[iLayerIndex].Swapped)
                Matrix4D matRot = new Matrix4D(
                    -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Length
                    , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Width
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                swapTransform = new Transform3D(matRot);

            // build BoxLayer
            BoxLayer layer = new BoxLayer(zLow + (hasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0), 0);
            foreach (BoxPosition b in _layer)
                    new BoxPosition(
                        swapTransform.transform(b.Position + zLow * Vector3D.ZAxis)
                        , HalfAxis.Transform(b.DirectionLength, swapTransform)
                        , HalfAxis.Transform(b.DirectionWidth, swapTransform) )
            return layer;
 public PackPalletSolution(PackPalletAnalysis analysis, string title, BoxLayer layer)
     _parentAnalysis = analysis;
     _title = title;
     _layer = layer;
        public override void Draw(Graphics3D graphics, bool showDimensions)
            // clear list of picking box

            if (null == _solution)
            Analysis           analysis           = _solution.Analysis;
            AnalysisCasePallet analysisCasePallet = analysis as AnalysisCasePallet;
            AnalysisBoxCase    analysisBoxCase    = analysis as AnalysisBoxCase;

            if (null != analysisCasePallet)
                // ### draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            else if (null != analysisBoxCase)
                // draw case (inside)
                Case case_ = new Case(analysisBoxCase._caseProperties);

            // ### draw solution
            uint          layerId = 0, pickId = 0;
            List <ILayer> layers = _solution.Layers;

            foreach (ILayer layer in layers)
                // ### layer of boxes
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D();
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        Box b = null;
                        if (analysis.Content is PackProperties)
                            b = new Pack(pickId++, analysis.Content as PackProperties, bPosition);
                            b = new Box(pickId++, analysis.Content, bPosition);
                    // add layer BBox
                    AddPickingBox(bbox, layerId);
                    // draw bounding box around selected layer
                    if (layerId == _solution.SelectedLayerIndex)
                        DrawLayerBoundingBox(graphics, bbox);
                // ### interlayer
                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos)
                    InterlayerProperties interlayerProp = _solution.Interlayers[interlayerPos.TypeId];
                    if (null != interlayerProp)
                        Box box = new Box(pickId++, interlayerProp);
                        box.Position = new Vector3D(
                            0.5 * (analysis.ContainerDimensions.X - interlayerProp.Length)
                            , 0.5 * (analysis.ContainerDimensions.Y - interlayerProp.Width)
                            , interlayerPos.ZLow
            BBox3D loadBBox      = _solution.BBoxLoad;
            BBox3D loadBBoxWDeco = _solution.BBoxLoadWDeco;

            if (null != analysisCasePallet)
                #region Pallet corners
                // ### pallet corners : Begin
                Corner[] corners = new Corner[4];
                if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners)
                    // positions
                    Vector3D[] cornerPositions =
                        , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMin.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                        , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                        , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMin.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                    // length axes
                    HalfAxis.HAxis[] lAxes =
                    // width axes
                    HalfAxis.HAxis[] wAxes =
                    // corners
                    if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            corners[i]        = new Corner(0, analysisCasePallet.PalletCornerProperties);
                            corners[i].Height = Math.Min(analysisCasePallet.PalletCornerProperties.Length, loadBBox.Height);
                            corners[i].SetPosition(cornerPositions[i], lAxes[i], wAxes[i]);

                #region Pallet film
                // ### pallet film
                Film film = null;
                if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletFilm)
                    PalletFilmProperties palletFilmProperties = analysisCasePallet.PalletFilmProperties;
                    film = new Film(
                    film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin,
                                                        HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                    film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis,
                                                        HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                    film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                                                        HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                    film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                                                        HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                    film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Height * Vector3D.ZAxis,
                                                        HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Width),
                                                        UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(200.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1)));

                #region Pallet corners
                // pallet corners : End
                if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

                #region Pallet Cap
                // ### pallet cap
                if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCap)
                    PalletCapProperties capProperties = analysisCasePallet.PalletCapProperties;
                    Vector3D            pos           = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties.Length - capProperties.Length),
                        0.5 * (analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties.Width - capProperties.Width),
                        loadBBox.PtMax.Z - capProperties.InsideHeight);
                    PalletCap cap = new PalletCap(0, capProperties, pos);

                #region Pallet film
                // pallet film : End
                if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletFilm)

            // ### dimensions
            if (showDimensions)
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                                      , Color.Black, false));
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                                      , Color.Red, true));
Example #20
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _truckSolution)
                throw new Exception("No trucksolution defined!");
            // draw truck
            Truck truck = new Truck(_truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.TruckProperties);


            // get pallet height
            CasePalletAnalysis analysis     = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentAnalysis;
            double             palletLength = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletLength;
            double             palletWidth  = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletWidth;
            double             palletHeight = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletHeight;

            // get parent pallet solution
            CasePalletSolution sol = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution;

            // draw solution
            uint pickIdGlobal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _truckSolution.NoLayers; ++i)
                foreach (BoxPosition bPositionLayer in _truckSolution.Layer)
                    BoxPosition bPalletPosition = new BoxPosition(
                        new Vector3D(
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Y
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Z + palletHeight * i)
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionLength
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionWidth);
                    if (_showDetails)
                        // build transformation
                        Transform3D transformPallet = bPalletPosition.Transformation;

                        // draw pallet
                        Pallet pallet = new Pallet(analysis.PalletProperties);
                        pallet.Draw(graphics, transformPallet);

                        // draw solution
                        uint pickId = 0;
                        foreach (ILayer layer in sol)
                            BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                            if (null != bLayer)
                                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in bLayer)
                                    graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, analysis.BProperties, BoxPosition.Transform(bPosition, transformPallet)));

                            InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                            if (null != interlayerPos)
                                BoxPosition iPos = new BoxPosition(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, interlayerPos.ZLow), HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P);
                                graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, analysis.InterlayerProperties, BoxPosition.Transform(iPos, transformPallet)));
                        Box b = new Box(pickIdGlobal++, new BoxProperties(null, palletLength, palletWidth, palletHeight), bPalletPosition);

            // fluch
            graphics.UseBoxelOrderer = false; // can not use boxel orderer for full truck view -> too slow...
        /// <summary>
        /// build optimal solutions with 2 layer types
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <CasePalletSolution> GenerateOptimizedCombinationOfLayers()
            List <CasePalletSolution> solutions = new List <CasePalletSolution>();

            // generate best layers
            Layer[] bestLayers = new Layer[3];
            bestLayers[0] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P);
            bestLayers[1] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P);
            bestLayers[2] = GenerateBestLayer(_bProperties, _palletProperties, _cornerProperties, _constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);

            string[] dir = { "X", "Y", "Z" };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho = (HalfAxis.HAxis)(2 * i + 1);
                HalfAxis.HAxis axis0     = (HalfAxis.HAxis)((2 * (i + 1)) % 6 + 1);
                HalfAxis.HAxis axis1     = (HalfAxis.HAxis)((2 * (i + 2)) % 6 + 1);

                int noLayer0 = 0, noLayer1 = 0;
                if (GetOptimalRequest(
                        _bProperties.Dimension(axis0), bestLayers[i % 3].Count
                        , _bProperties.Dimension(axis1), bestLayers[(i + 1) % 3].Count
                        , out noLayer0, out noLayer1))
                    Layer layer0 = bestLayers[i % 3];
                    Layer layer1 = bestLayers[(i + 1) % 3];

                    // sol0
                    CasePalletSolution sol0            = new CasePalletSolution(null, string.Format("combination_{0}{1}", dir[i % 3], dir[(i % 3) + 1]), false);
                    double             zLayer          = _palletProperties.Height;
                    double             cornerThickness = null != _cornerProperties ? _cornerProperties.Thickness : 0.0;

                    for (int j = 0; j < noLayer0; ++j)
                        BoxLayer layer = sol0.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);
                        foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer0)
                            LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                            BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                - 0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX * Vector3D.XAxis
                                - 0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY * Vector3D.YAxis
                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                        zLayer += layer0.BoxHeight;
                    for (int j = 0; j < noLayer1; ++j)
                        BoxLayer layer = sol0.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);
                        foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer1)
                            LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                            BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                        zLayer += layer1.BoxHeight;

                    // sol1
                    CasePalletSolution sol1 = new CasePalletSolution(null, string.Format("combination_{0}{1}", dir[i % 3], dir[(i % 3) + 1]), false);
                    zLayer = _palletProperties.Height;

                    for (int j = 0; j < noLayer0; ++j)
                        BoxLayer layer = sol1.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);
                        foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer1)
                            LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                            BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                        zLayer += layer1.BoxHeight;
                    for (int j = 0; j < noLayer1; ++j)
                        BoxLayer layer = sol1.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);
                        foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer0)
                            LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                            BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.XAxis
                                - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY - cornerThickness) * Vector3D.YAxis
                                + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                        zLayer += layer0.BoxHeight;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a 2D representation of first (and second, if solution does not have homogeneous layers) layer(s)
        /// The images produced are used in
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics2D graphics)
            if (null == _solution || _solution.Count == 0)

            bool showAxis = false;

            if (_solution.HasHomogeneousLayers)
                // initialize Graphics2D object
                graphics.NumberOfViews = 1;
                graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)_solution.PalletLength, (float)_solution.PalletWidth);

                BoxLayer blayer = _solution.CaseLayerFirst;
                if (blayer != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));

                    // draw axes
                    if (showAxis)
                        // draw axis X
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, 0.0), Color.Red);
                        // draw axis Y
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(0.0, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Green);
                graphics.NumberOfViews = 2;
                graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, (float)_analysis.PalletProperties.Width);

                // get first box layer
                if (_solution.CaseLayersCount < 1)
                BoxLayer blayer0 = _solution.CaseLayerFirst;
                if (blayer0 != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer0)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));

                    // show axes
                    if (showAxis)
                        // draw axis X
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, 0.0), Color.Red);
                        // draw axis Y
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(0.0, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Green);

                // get second box layer
                if (_solution.CaseLayersCount < 2)
                BoxLayer blayer1 = _solution.CaseLayerSecond;
                if (null == blayer1 && _solution.Count > 2)
                    blayer1 = _solution[2] as BoxLayer;
                if (blayer1 != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer1)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));
                    // show axes
                    if (showAxis)
                        // draw axis X
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_analysis.PalletProperties.Length, 0.0), Color.Red);
                        // draw axis Y
                        graphics.DrawLine(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(0.0, _analysis.PalletProperties.Width), Color.Green);
        private List <BoxCaseSolution> GenerateSolutions()
            List <BoxCaseSolution> solutions = new List <BoxCaseSolution>();

            int[] patternColumnCount = new int[6];
            // loop throw all patterns
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in _patterns)
                // loop through all vertical axes
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho = (HalfAxis.HAxis)i;
                    if (!_constraintSet.AllowOrthoAxis(axisOrtho))
                        // build layer
                        Layer  layer = new Layer(_bProperties, _caseProperties, axisOrtho);
                        double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                        if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);

                        string          title            = string.Empty;
                        BoxCaseSolution sol              = new BoxCaseSolution(null, axisOrtho, pattern.Name);
                        double          offsetX          = 0.5 * (_caseProperties.Length - _caseProperties.InsideLength);
                        double          offsetY          = 0.5 * (_caseProperties.Width - _caseProperties.InsideWidth);
                        double          zLayer           = 0.5 * (_caseProperties.Height - _caseProperties.InsideHeight);
                        bool            maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumCaseWeight && (_caseProperties.Weight + _bProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumCaseWeight);
                        bool            maxHeightReached = _bProperties.Dimension(axisOrtho) > _caseProperties.InsideHeight;
                        bool            maxNumberReached = false;
                        int             boxCount         = 0;

                        while (!maxWeightReached && !maxHeightReached && !maxNumberReached)
                            BoxLayer bLayer = sol.CreateNewLayer(zLayer, string.Empty);

                            foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer)
                                // increment
                                if (maxNumberReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumNumberOfBoxes && (boxCount > _constraintSet.MaximumNumberOfBoxes))

                                double weight = _caseProperties.Weight + boxCount * _bProperties.Weight;
                                maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.UseMaximumCaseWeight && weight > _constraintSet.MaximumCaseWeight;
                                if (maxWeightReached)
                                // insert new box in current layer
                                LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                                BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                                    + offsetX * Vector3D.XAxis
                                    + offsetY * Vector3D.YAxis
                                    + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                                    , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                                    , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                            zLayer += layer.BoxHeight;
                            if (!maxWeightReached && !maxNumberReached)
                                maxHeightReached = zLayer + layer.BoxHeight > 0.5 * (_caseProperties.Height + _caseProperties.InsideHeight);
                        // set maximum criterion
                        if (maxNumberReached)
                            sol.LimitReached = BoxCaseSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXNUMBERREACHED;
                        else if (maxWeightReached)
                            sol.LimitReached = BoxCaseSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXWEIGHTREACHED;
                        else if (maxHeightReached)
                            sol.LimitReached = BoxCaseSolution.Limit.LIMIT_MAXHEIGHTREACHED;

                        if (string.Equals(pattern.Name, "Column", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            patternColumnCount[i] = Math.Max(patternColumnCount[i], sol.BoxPerCaseCount);

                        // insert solution
                        if (sol.BoxPerCaseCount >= patternColumnCount[i])
                    catch (NotImplementedException)
                        _log.Info(string.Format("Pattern {0} is not implemented", pattern.Name));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _log.Error(string.Format("Exception caught: {0}", ex.Message));
                } // loop through all vertical axes
            }     // loop through all patterns

            // sort solutions

             * // removes solutions that do not equal the best number
             * if (solutions.Count > 0)
             * {
             *  int indexFrom = 0, maxCount = solutions[0].BoxPerCaseCount;
             *  while (indexFrom < solutions.Count && solutions[indexFrom].BoxPerCaseCount == maxCount)
             *  solutions.RemoveRange(indexFrom, solutions.Count - indexFrom);
             * }
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a 2D representation of first (and second, if solution does not have homogeneous layers) layer(s)
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics2D graphics)
            if (null == _caseSolution)
                throw new Exception("No case solution defined!");

            BoxCasePalletAnalysis caseAnalysis = _caseSolution.ParentCaseAnalysis;

            if (_caseSolution.HasHomogeneousLayers)
                graphics.NumberOfViews = 1;
                graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)_caseSolution.CaseLength, (float)_caseSolution.CaseWidth);

                BoxLayer blayer = _caseSolution[0] as BoxLayer;
                if (blayer != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_caseSolution.CaseLength, _caseSolution.CaseWidth), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.BoxProperties, bPosition));
                graphics.NumberOfViews = 2;
                graphics.SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)_caseSolution.CaseLength, (float)_caseSolution.CaseWidth);

                // get first box layer
                if (_caseSolution.Count < 1)
                BoxLayer blayer0 = _caseSolution[0] as BoxLayer;
                if (blayer0 != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_caseSolution.CaseLength, _caseSolution.CaseWidth), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer0)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.BoxProperties, bPosition));

                // get second box layer
                if (_caseSolution.Count < 2)
                BoxLayer blayer1 = _caseSolution[1] as BoxLayer;
                if (null == blayer1 && _caseSolution.Count > 2)
                    blayer1 = _caseSolution[2] as BoxLayer;
                if (blayer1 != null)
                    graphics.DrawRectangle(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(_caseSolution.CaseLength, _caseSolution.CaseWidth), Color.Black);
                    uint pickId = 0;
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer1)
                        graphics.DrawBox(new Box(pickId++, caseAnalysis.BoxProperties, bPosition));
Example #25
 public void SetLayer(BoxLayer layer)
     _layer = layer;
Example #26
        public void Export(string filePath)
            PalletProperties palletProperties = _palletSolution.Analysis.PalletProperties;

            COLLADA model = new COLLADA();

            // asset
            model.asset = new asset()
                created  = DateTime.Now,
                modified = DateTime.Now
            model.asset.keywords = "StackBuilder Pallet Case";
            model.asset.title    = _palletSolution.Title;
            model.asset.unit     = new assetUnit()
                name = "millimeters", meter = 0.001
            model.asset.up_axis = UpAxisType.Z_UP;

            library_images        images     = new library_images();
            library_materials     materials  = new library_materials();
            library_effects       effects    = new library_effects();
            library_geometries    geometries = new library_geometries();
            library_nodes         nodes      = new library_nodes();
            library_cameras       cameras    = new library_cameras();
            library_animations    animations = new library_animations();
            library_visual_scenes scenes     = new library_visual_scenes();

            COLLADAScene colladaScene = new COLLADAScene();

            model.Items = new Object[] { images, materials, effects, geometries, nodes, cameras, animations, scenes };
            model.scene = colladaScene;

            // colors and materials
            List <effect>   listEffects   = new List <effect>();
            List <material> listMaterials = new List <material>();
            List <image>    listImages    = new List <image>();

            // effects
            effect   effectPallet;
            material materialPallet;

            CreateMaterial(palletProperties.Color, null, null, "Pallet", out effectPallet, out materialPallet);

            Box box = new Box(0, _palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties);

            // build list of effects / materials / images
            uint faceIndex = 0;

            foreach (Face face in box.Faces)
                // build texture image if any
                string textureName = null;
                if (face.HasBitmap)
                    textureName = string.Format("textureFace_{0}", faceIndex);
                    string texturePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
                        , textureName + ".jpg");

                    double dimX = 0.0, dimY = 0.0;

                    switch (faceIndex)
                    case 0: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 1: dimX = box.Width; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 2: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 3: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Height; break;

                    case 4: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    case 5: dimX = box.Length; dimY = box.Width; break;

                    default: break;
                    face.ExtractFaceBitmap(dimX, dimY, _bmpWidth, texturePath);
                    // create image
                        new image()
                        id   = textureName + ".jpg",
                        name = textureName + ".jpg",
                        Item = @".\" + textureName + @".jpg"
                material materialCase;
                effect   effectCase;
                CreateMaterial(face.ColorFill, textureName, "0", string.Format("Case{0}", faceIndex), out effectCase, out materialCase);


            // add to image list
            images.image = listImages.ToArray();

            // case lines material
            effect   effectCaseLines;
            material materialCaseLines;

            CreateMaterial(Color.Black, null, null, "CaseLines", out effectCaseLines, out materialCaseLines);
            effects.effect     = listEffects.ToArray();
            materials.material = listMaterials.ToArray();

            // geometries
            geometry geomPallet = new geometry()
                id = "palletGeometry", name = "palletGeometry"
            geometry geomCase = new geometry()
                id = "caseGeometry", name = "caseGeometry"

            geometries.geometry = new geometry[] { geomPallet, geomCase };
            // pallet
            mesh meshPallet = CreatePalletMesh(palletProperties);

            geomPallet.Item = meshPallet;
            // case
            mesh meshCase = CreateCaseMesh(_palletSolution.Analysis.BProperties as BoxProperties);

            geomCase.Item = meshCase;
            // library_animations
            animation animationMain = new animation()
                id = "animationMain_ID", name = "animationMain"

            animations.animation = new animation[] { animationMain };

            List <object> listAnimationSource = new List <object>();

            // library_visual_scenes
            visual_scene mainScene = new visual_scene()
                id = "MainScene", name = "MainScene"

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] { mainScene };

            List <node> sceneNodes = new List <node>();

            sceneNodes.Add(new node()
                id   = "PalletNode",
                name = "PalletNode",
                instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                    new instance_geometry()
                        url           = "#palletGeometry",
                        bind_material = new bind_material()
                            technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                new instance_material()
                                    symbol = "materialPallet",
                                    target = string.Format("#{0}", materialPallet.id)
            uint caseIndex = 0;

            foreach (ILayer layer in _palletSolution)
                BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null == bLayer)

                foreach (BoxPosition bp in bLayer)
                    Vector3D translation = bp.Position;
                    Vector3D rotations   = bp.Transformation.Rotations;

                    node caseNode = new node()
                        id               = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}_ID", caseIndex),
                        name             = string.Format("CaseNode_{0}", caseIndex),
                        ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[]
                        Items = new object[]
                            new TargetableFloat3()
                                Values = new double[] { translation.X, translation.Y, translation.Z },
                                sid    = "t",
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, rotations.X },
                                sid    = "rx"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, rotations.Y },
                                sid    = "ry"
                            new rotate()
                                Values = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, rotations.Z },
                                sid    = "rz"

                        instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[]
                            new instance_geometry()
                                url           = "#caseGeometry",
                                bind_material = new bind_material()
                                    technique_common = new instance_material[]
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase0", target = "#material_Case0_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase1", target = "#material_Case1_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase2", target = "#material_Case2_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase3", target = "#material_Case3_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase4", target = "#material_Case4_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCase5", target = "#material_Case5_ID"
                                        new instance_material()
                                            symbol = "materialCaseLines", target = "#material_CaseLines_ID"

                    // animations
                    CreateAnimation(caseIndex, (uint)_palletSolution.CaseCount, listAnimationSource, bp);

                    // increment case index

            // add nodes
            mainScene.node = sceneNodes.ToArray();

            animationMain.Items = listAnimationSource.ToArray();

            // library_cameras
            camera cameraCamera = new camera()
                id = "Camera-Camera", name = "Camera-Camera"
            cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective cameraPerspective = new cameraOpticsTechnique_commonPerspective()
                znear = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "znear", Value = 1.0
                zfar = new TargetableFloat()
                    sid = "zfar", Value = 10000.0

            cameraCamera.optics = new cameraOptics()
                technique_common = new cameraOpticsTechnique_common()
                    Item = cameraPerspective
            cameras.camera = new camera[] { cameraCamera };

            // colladaScene
            colladaScene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#MainScene"

            model.Save(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "xml"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method when drawing a solution that belongs an analysis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _solution)
            // initialize Graphics3D object
            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds)
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // load bounding box
            BBox3D loadBBox      = _solution.LoadBoundingBox;
            BBox3D loadBBoxWDeco = _solution.LoadBoundingBoxWDeco;

            #region Pallet film : begin
            // draw film
            Film film = null;
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletFilm)
                PalletFilmProperties palletFilmProperties = _solution.Analysis.PalletFilmProperties;
                film = new Film(
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin,
                                                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis,
                                                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                                                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                                                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Height * Vector3D.ZAxis,
                                                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Width),
                                                    UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(200.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1)));

            #region Pallet corners
            // *** pallet corners
            // positions
            Vector3D[] cornerPositions =
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMin.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMin.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
            // length axes
            HalfAxis.HAxis[] lAxes =
            // width axes
            HalfAxis.HAxis[] wAxes =
            // corners
            Corner[] corners = new Corner[4];
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletCorners)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    corners[i]        = new Corner(0, _solution.Analysis.PalletCornerProperties);
                    corners[i].Height = Math.Min(_solution.Analysis.PalletCornerProperties.Length, loadBBox.Height);
                    corners[i].SetPosition(cornerPositions[i], lAxes[i], wAxes[i]);
            // *** pallet corners : end

            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            foreach (ILayer layer in _solution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos)
                    InterlayerProperties currInterlayerProperties = (0 == interlayerPos.TypeId)
                        ? _analysis.InterlayerProperties : _analysis.InterlayerPropertiesAntiSlip;
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, currInterlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - currInterlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - currInterlayerProperties.Width)
                        , interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw

            if (_showDimensions)
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                                      , Color.Black, false));
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                                      , Color.Red, true));

            // pallet corners
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletCorners)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            // pallet cap
            if (_solution.HasPalletCap)
                PalletCapProperties capProperties = _solution.Analysis.PalletCapProperties;
                Vector3D            pos           = new Vector3D(
                    0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - capProperties.Length),
                    0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - capProperties.Width),
                    loadBBox.PtMax.Z - capProperties.InsideHeight);
                PalletCap cap = new PalletCap(0, capProperties, pos);
            // pallet film
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletFilm)
            graphics.EnableFaceSorting = false;
Example #28
        public void Save(BoxLayer boxLayer, XmlElement layersElt, XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            // BoxLayer
            XmlElement boxlayerElt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("BoxLayer");
            // ZLow
            XmlAttribute zlowAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("ZLow");
            zlowAttribute.Value = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", boxLayer.ZLow);
            // maximum space
            XmlAttribute attributeMaxSpace = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("MaximumSpace");
            attributeMaxSpace.Value = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", boxLayer.MaximumSpace);

            foreach (BoxPosition boxPosition in boxLayer)
                // BoxPosition
                XmlElement boxPositionElt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("BoxPosition");
                // Position
                XmlAttribute positionAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("Position");
                positionAttribute.Value = boxPosition.Position.ToString();
                // AxisLength
                XmlAttribute axisLengthAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("AxisLength");
                axisLengthAttribute.Value = HalfAxis.ToString(boxPosition.DirectionLength);
                // AxisWidth
                XmlAttribute axisWidthAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("AxisWidth");
                axisWidthAttribute.Value = HalfAxis.ToString(boxPosition.DirectionWidth);
Example #29
        private List <PackPalletSolution> GenerateSolutions()
            List <PackPalletSolution> solutions = new List <PackPalletSolution>();

            HalfAxis.HAxis[] axes = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P };
            // loop throught all patterns
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in _patterns)
                // loop throught all axes
                foreach (HalfAxis.HAxis axis in axes) // axis
                    // loop through
                    Layer  layer = new Layer(_packProperties, _palletProperties, _constraintSet, axis, false);
                    double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                    if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                    pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);

                    // filter by layer weight
                    if (_constraintSet.MaximumLayerWeight.Activated &&
                        (layer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumLayerWeight.Value))
                    // filter by maximum space
                    if (_constraintSet.MaximumSpaceAllowed.Activated &&
                        layer.MaximumSpace > _constraintSet.MaximumSpaceAllowed.Value)
                    double layerHeight = layer.BoxHeight;

                    string   title    = string.Format("{0}-{1}", pattern.Name, axis.ToString());
                    double   zLayer   = 0.0;
                    BoxLayer boxLayer = new BoxLayer(zLayer, "");
                    foreach (LayerPosition layerPos in layer)
                        LayerPosition layerPosTemp = AdjustLayerPosition(layerPos);
                        BoxPosition   boxPos       = new BoxPosition(
                            - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangX) * Vector3D.XAxis
                            - (0.5 * _constraintSet.OverhangY) * Vector3D.YAxis
                            + zLayer * Vector3D.ZAxis
                            , layerPosTemp.LengthAxis
                            , layerPosTemp.WidthAxis
                    boxLayer.MaximumSpace = layer.MaximumSpace;
                    BBox3D layerBBox = boxLayer.BoundingBox(_packProperties);
                    // filter by overhangX
                    if (_constraintSet.MinOverhangX.Activated &&
                        (0.5 * (layerBBox.Length - _palletProperties.Length) < _constraintSet.MinOverhangX.Value))
                    // filter by overhangY
                    if (_constraintSet.MinOverhangY.Activated &&
                        (0.5 * (layerBBox.Width - _palletProperties.Width) < _constraintSet.MinOverhangY.Value))

                    double interlayerThickness = null != _interlayerProperties ? _interlayerProperties.Thickness : 0;
                    double interlayerWeight    = null != _interlayerProperties ? _interlayerProperties.Weight : 0;

                    PackPalletSolution sol = new PackPalletSolution(null, title, boxLayer);
                    int noLayer            = 1,
                        noInterlayer       = (null != _interlayerProperties && _constraintSet.HasFirstInterlayer) ? 1 : 0;

                    bool maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Activated &&
                                             + noInterlayer * interlayerThickness
                                             + noLayer * layer.BoxHeight) > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Value;
                    bool maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Activated &&
                                             + noInterlayer * interlayerWeight
                                             + noLayer * boxLayer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Value);

                    noLayer = 0; noInterlayer = 0;
                    int  iCountInterlayer = 0, iCountSwap = 1;
                    bool bSwap = false;
                    while (!maxHeightReached && !maxWeightReached)
                        bool bInterlayer = (0 == iCountInterlayer) && ((noLayer != 0) || _constraintSet.HasFirstInterlayer);
                        // actually insert new layer
                        sol.AddLayer(bSwap, bInterlayer);
                        // increment number of layers
                        noInterlayer += (bInterlayer ? 1 : 0);
                        // update iCountInterlayer && iCountSwap
                        if (iCountInterlayer >= _constraintSet.InterlayerPeriod)
                            iCountInterlayer = 0;
                        if (iCountSwap > _constraintSet.LayerSwapPeriod)
                            iCountSwap = 1; bSwap = !bSwap;
                        // update maxHeightReached & maxWeightReached
                        maxHeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Activated &&
                                            + (noInterlayer + (iCountInterlayer == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * interlayerThickness
                                            + (noLayer + 1) * layer.BoxHeight) > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletHeight.Value;
                        maxWeightReached = _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Activated &&
                                            + (noInterlayer + (iCountInterlayer == 0 ? 1 : 0)) * interlayerWeight
                                            + (noLayer + 1) * boxLayer.Count * _packProperties.Weight > _constraintSet.MaximumPalletWeight.Value);

                    if (sol.PackCount > 0)
                } // axis
            }     // pattern
Example #30
        private ILayer LoadLayer(XmlElement eltLayer)
            ILayer layer = null;
            double zLow = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(
                Convert.ToDouble(eltLayer.Attributes["ZLow"].Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                , _unitSystem);
            double maxSpace = 0.0;
            if (eltLayer.HasAttribute("MaximumSpace"))
                maxSpace = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(
                    Convert.ToDouble(eltLayer.Attributes["MaximumSpace"].Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                    , _unitSystem);
            string patternName = string.Empty;
            if (eltLayer.HasAttribute("PatternName"))
                patternName = eltLayer.Attributes["PatternName"].Value;
            if (string.Equals(eltLayer.Name, "BoxLayer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                BoxLayer boxLayer = new BoxLayer(UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(zLow, _unitSystem), patternName);
                boxLayer.MaximumSpace = maxSpace;
                foreach (XmlNode nodeBoxPosition in eltLayer.ChildNodes)
                    XmlElement eltBoxPosition = nodeBoxPosition as XmlElement;
                    string sPosition = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["Position"].Value;
                    string sAxisLength = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["AxisLength"].Value;
                    string sAxisWidth = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["AxisWidth"].Value;
                        boxLayer.AddPosition(UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(Vector3D.Parse(sPosition), _unitSystem), HalfAxis.Parse(sAxisLength), HalfAxis.Parse(sAxisWidth));
                    catch (Exception /*ex*/)
                        _log.Error(string.Format("Exception thrown: Position = {0} | AxisLength = {1} | AxisWidth = {2}",
                            sPosition, sAxisLength, sAxisWidth ));
                layer = boxLayer;
            else if (string.Equals(eltLayer.Name, "CylLayer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                CylinderLayer cylLayer = new CylinderLayer(UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(zLow, _unitSystem));
                foreach (XmlNode nodePosition in eltLayer.ChildNodes)
                    XmlElement eltBoxPosition = nodePosition as XmlElement;
                    string sPosition = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["Position"].Value;
                    cylLayer.Add(UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(Vector3D.Parse(sPosition), _unitSystem));
                    layer = cylLayer;
            else if (string.Equals(eltLayer.Name, "InterLayer", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                int typeId = 0;
                if (eltLayer.HasAttribute("TypeId"))
                    typeId = Convert.ToInt32(eltLayer.Attributes["TypeId"].Value);
                layer = new InterlayerPos(UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(zLow, _unitSystem), typeId);

            return layer;