Example #1
        public void Should_Track_Bounds()
            var target  = new BoundsTracker();
            var control = default(Rectangle);
            var tree    = new Decorator
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                Child   = new Decorator
                    Padding = new Thickness(5),
                    Child   = control = new Rectangle
                        Width  = 15,
                        Height = 15,

            tree.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));

            var track   = target.Track(control, tree);
            var results = new List <TransformedBounds>();


            Assert.Equal(new Rect(15, 15, 15, 15), results.Last().Bounds);

            tree.Padding = new Thickness(15);
            tree.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), true);

            Assert.Equal(new Rect(20, 20, 15, 15), results.Last().Bounds);
Example #2
 private static void ClearTransformedBounds(IVisual visual)
     foreach (var e in visual.GetSelfAndVisualDescendents())
         BoundsTracker.SetTransformedBounds((Visual)visual, null);
Example #3
        static IEnumerable <IVisual> HitTest(
            IVisual visual,
            Point p,
            Func <IVisual, bool> filter)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(visual != null);

            if (filter?.Invoke(visual) != false)
                bool containsPoint = BoundsTracker.GetTransformedBounds((Visual)visual)?.Contains(p) == true;

                if ((containsPoint || !visual.ClipToBounds) && visual.VisualChildren.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var child in visual.VisualChildren.SortByZIndex())
                        foreach (var result in HitTest(child, p, filter))
                            yield return(result);

                if (containsPoint)
                    yield return(visual);
Example #4
        private static void Deindex(Scene scene, VisualNode node)
            node.SubTreeUpdated = true;


            if (node.Visual is Visual v)
                BoundsTracker.SetTransformedBounds(v, null);

            foreach (VisualNode child in node.Children)
                var geometry = child as IDrawOperation;

                if (child is VisualNode visual)
                    Deindex(scene, visual);

            if (node.LayerRoot == node.Visual && node.Visual != scene.Root.Visual)
Example #5
        public void Should_Track_Bounds()
            using (UnitTestApplication.Start(TestServices.StyledWindow))
                var target  = new BoundsTracker();
                var control = default(Rectangle);
                var tree    = new Decorator
                    Padding = new Thickness(10),
                    Child   = new Decorator
                        Padding = new Thickness(5),
                        Child   = control = new Rectangle
                            Width  = 15,
                            Height = 15,

                var context = new DrawingContext(Mock.Of <IDrawingContextImpl>());

                tree.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));
                ImmediateRenderer.Render(tree, context);

                var track   = target.Track(control);
                var results = new List <TransformedBounds?>();

                Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 15, 15), results[0].Value.Bounds);
                Assert.Equal(Matrix.CreateTranslation(42, 42), results[0].Value.Transform);
Example #6
 private void rdoWindow_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (this.windowFinder.IsFinding)
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
         IntPtr hWnd = this.windowFinder.EndFind();
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
             if (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                 this.BoundsTracker = new BoundsTracker(hWnd);
                 this.BoundsTracker     = this.prevBoundsTracker;
                 this.prevBoundsTracker = null;
             this.BoundsTracker     = this.prevBoundsTracker;
             this.prevBoundsTracker = null;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the active input elements at a point on an <see cref="IInputElement"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The element to test.</param>
        /// <param name="p">The point on <paramref name="element"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The active input elements found at the point, ordered topmost first.
        /// </returns>
        public static IEnumerable <IInputElement> GetInputElementsAt(this IInputElement element, Point p)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(element != null);

            if (element.IsVisible &&
                element.IsHitTestVisible &&
                bool containsPoint = BoundsTracker.GetTransformedBounds((Visual)element).Contains(p);

                if ((containsPoint || !element.ClipToBounds) && element.VisualChildren.Any())
                    foreach (var child in ZSort(element.VisualChildren.OfType <IInputElement>()))
                        foreach (var result in child.GetInputElementsAt(p))
                            yield return(result);

                if (containsPoint)
                    yield return(element);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified visual.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual">The visual to render.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The drawing context.</param>
        /// <param name="clipRect">
        /// The current clip rect, in coordinates relative to <paramref name="visual"/>.
        /// </param>
        private static void Render(this DrawingContext context, IVisual visual, Rect clipRect)
            var opacity      = visual.Opacity;
            var clipToBounds = visual.ClipToBounds;
            var bounds       = new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size);

            if (visual.IsVisible && opacity > 0)
                var m = Matrix.CreateTranslation(visual.Bounds.Position);

                var renderTransform = Matrix.Identity;

                if (visual.RenderTransform != null)
                    var origin = visual.RenderTransformOrigin.ToPixels(new Size(visual.Bounds.Width, visual.Bounds.Height));
                    var offset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin);
                    renderTransform = (-offset) * visual.RenderTransform.Value * (offset);

                m = renderTransform * m;

                if (clipToBounds)
                    clipRect = clipRect.Intersect(new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size));

                using (context.PushPostTransform(m))
                    using (context.PushOpacity(opacity))
                        using (clipToBounds ? context.PushClip(bounds) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                            using (visual.Clip != null ? context.PushGeometryClip(visual.Clip) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                                using (visual.OpacityMask != null ? context.PushOpacityMask(visual.OpacityMask, bounds) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                                    using (context.PushTransformContainer())
                                        var transformed =
                                            new TransformedBounds(bounds, new Rect(), context.CurrentContainerTransform);
                                        if (visual is Visual)
                                            BoundsTracker.SetTransformedBounds((Visual)visual, transformed);

                                        var lst = GetSortedVisualList(visual.VisualChildren);

                                        foreach (var child in lst)
                                            var childBounds = GetTransformedBounds(child);

                                            if (!child.ClipToBounds || clipRect.Intersects(childBounds))
                                                var childClipRect = clipRect.Translate(-childBounds.Position);
                                                context.Render(child, childClipRect);

Example #9
 private void rdoWindow_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (!this.windowFinder.IsFinding && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
         // Keep current tracker in case of cancellation.
         this.prevBoundsTracker = this.boundsTracker;
         // Update radio buttons state
         this.BoundsTracker = new BoundsTracker(IntPtr.Zero);
         // Change cursor
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initialize host.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            this.Built += (sender, e) =>
                var root = VisualRoot as TopLevel;
                if (root == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("The visual root is not a toplevel.");

                // Track change in bounds.
                var disposable = new BoundsTracker()
Example #11
        private static void Update(DrawingContext context, Scene scene, VisualNode node, Rect clip, bool forceRecurse)
            var visual       = node.Visual;
            var opacity      = visual.Opacity;
            var clipToBounds = visual.ClipToBounds;
            var bounds       = new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size);
            var contextImpl  = (DeferredDrawingContextImpl)context.PlatformImpl;


            if (visual.IsVisible)
                var m = Matrix.CreateTranslation(visual.Bounds.Position);

                var renderTransform = Matrix.Identity;

                if (visual.RenderTransform != null)
                    var origin = visual.RenderTransformOrigin.ToPixels(new Size(visual.Bounds.Width, visual.Bounds.Height));
                    var offset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin);
                    renderTransform = (-offset) * visual.RenderTransform.Value * (offset);

                m = renderTransform * m;

                using (contextImpl.BeginUpdate(node))
                    using (context.PushPostTransform(m))
                        using (context.PushTransformContainer())
                            var clipBounds = bounds.TransformToAABB(contextImpl.Transform).Intersect(clip);

                            forceRecurse = forceRecurse ||
                                           node.Transform != contextImpl.Transform ||
                                           node.ClipBounds != clipBounds;

                            node.Transform    = contextImpl.Transform;
                            node.ClipBounds   = clipBounds;
                            node.ClipToBounds = clipToBounds;
                            node.GeometryClip = visual.Clip?.PlatformImpl;
                            node.Opacity      = opacity;

                            // TODO: Check equality between node.OpacityMask and visual.OpacityMask before assigning.
                            node.OpacityMask = visual.OpacityMask?.ToImmutable();

                            if (ShouldStartLayer(visual))
                                if (node.LayerRoot != visual)
                                    MakeLayer(scene, node);
                                    UpdateLayer(node, scene.Layers[node.LayerRoot]);
                            else if (node.LayerRoot == node.Visual && node.Parent != null)
                                ClearLayer(scene, node);

                            if (node.ClipToBounds)
                                clip = clip.Intersect(node.ClipBounds);

                            catch { }

                            if (visual is Visual)
                                var transformed = new TransformedBounds(new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size), clip, node.Transform);
                                BoundsTracker.SetTransformedBounds((Visual)visual, transformed);

                            if (forceRecurse)
                                foreach (var child in visual.VisualChildren.OrderBy(x => x, ZIndexComparer.Instance))
                                    var childNode = scene.FindNode(child) ?? CreateNode(scene, child, node);
                                    Update(context, scene, (VisualNode)childNode, clip, forceRecurse);

                                node.SubTreeUpdated = true;
Example #12
        private void Render(DrawingContext context, IVisual visual, Rect clipRect)
            var opacity      = visual.Opacity;
            var clipToBounds = visual.ClipToBounds;
            var bounds       = new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size);

            if (visual.IsVisible && opacity > 0)
                var m = Matrix.CreateTranslation(visual.Bounds.Position);

                var renderTransform = Matrix.Identity;

                if (visual.RenderTransform != null)
                    var origin = visual.RenderTransformOrigin.ToPixels(new Size(visual.Bounds.Width, visual.Bounds.Height));
                    var offset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(origin);
                    renderTransform = (-offset) * visual.RenderTransform.Value * (offset);

                m = renderTransform * m;

                if (clipToBounds)
                    clipRect = clipRect.Intersect(new Rect(visual.Bounds.Size));

                using (context.PushPostTransform(m))
                    using (context.PushOpacity(opacity))
                        using (clipToBounds ? context.PushClip(bounds) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                            using (visual.Clip != null ? context.PushGeometryClip(visual.Clip) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                                using (visual.OpacityMask != null ? context.PushOpacityMask(visual.OpacityMask, bounds) : default(DrawingContext.PushedState))
                                    using (context.PushTransformContainer())

#pragma warning disable 0618
                                        var transformed =
                                            new TransformedBounds(bounds, new Rect(), context.CurrentContainerTransform);
#pragma warning restore 0618

                                        if (visual is Visual)
                                            BoundsTracker.SetTransformedBounds((Visual)visual, transformed);

                                        foreach (var child in visual.VisualChildren.OrderBy(x => x, ZIndexComparer.Instance))
                                            var childBounds = GetTransformedBounds(child);

                                            if (!child.ClipToBounds || clipRect.Intersects(childBounds))
                                                var childClipRect = clipRect.Translate(-childBounds.Position);
                                                Render(context, child, childClipRect);

            if (!visual.IsVisible)
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specified element is currently visible to the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if if the specified element is currently visible to the user; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
 private static bool IsUserVisible(Control element)
     return(element.IsEffectivelyVisible && BoundsTracker.GetTransformedBounds(element).HasValue);