/// <summary> /// Grow the octree to fit in all objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction to grow.</param> void Grow(Vector3 direction) { int xDirection = direction.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int yDirection = direction.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int zDirection = direction.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1; BoundsOctreeNode <T> oldRoot = rootNode; float half = rootNode.BaseLength / 2; float newLength = rootNode.BaseLength * 2; Vector3 newCenter = rootNode.Center + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half); // Create a new, bigger octree root node rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter); // Create 7 new octree children to go with the old root as children of the new root int rootPos = GetRootPosIndex(xDirection, yDirection, zDirection); BoundsOctreeNode <T>[] children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == rootPos) { children[i] = oldRoot; } else { xDirection = i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1; yDirection = i > 3 ? -1 : 1; zDirection = (i < 2 || (i > 3 && i < 6)) ? -1 : 1; children[i] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(rootNode.BaseLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half)); } } // Attach the new children to the new root node rootNode.SetChildren(children); }
/// <summary> /// Grow the octree to fit in all objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction to grow.</param> void Grow(Vector3 direction) { int xDirection = direction.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int yDirection = direction.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int zDirection = direction.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1; BoundsOctreeNode <T> oldRoot = rootNode; float half = rootNode.BaseLength / 2; float newLength = rootNode.BaseLength * 2; Vector3 newCenter = rootNode.Center + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half); GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Node " + rootNode.GetHashCode().ToString()); // Create a new, bigger octree root node rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter); if (go != null) { go.transform.position = newCenter; go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * newLength; go.name = "Node " + rootNode.GetHashCode(); Debug.Log("Node: Change scale #" + rootNode.GetHashCode().ToString()); } else { GameObject newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(GameObject.Find("TempNode"), newCenter, Quaternion.identity); newGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * newLength; newGameObject.name = "Node " + rootNode.GetHashCode(); Debug.Log("Node: New game object #" + rootNode.GetHashCode()); } if (oldRoot.HasAnyObjects()) { // Create 7 new octree children to go with the old root as children of the new root int rootPos = GetRootPosIndex(xDirection, yDirection, zDirection); BoundsOctreeNode <T>[] children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == rootPos) { children[i] = oldRoot; } else { xDirection = i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1; yDirection = i > 3 ? -1 : 1; zDirection = (i < 2 || (i > 3 && i < 6)) ? -1 : 1; children[i] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(rootNode.BaseLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half)); } } // Attach the new children to the new root node rootNode.SetChildren(children); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the bounds octree. /// </summary> /// <param name="initialWorldSize">Size of the sides of the initial node, in metres. The octree will never shrink smaller than this.</param> /// <param name="initialWorldPos">Position of the centre of the initial node.</param> /// <param name="minNodeSize">Nodes will stop splitting if the new nodes would be smaller than this (metres).</param> /// <param name="loosenessVal">Clamped between 1 and 2. Values > 1 let nodes overlap.</param> public BoundsOctree(float initialWorldSize, Vector3 initialWorldPos, float minNodeSize, float loosenessVal) { if (minNodeSize > initialWorldSize) { Debug.LogWarning("Minimum node size must be at least as big as the initial world size. Was: " + minNodeSize + " Adjusted to: " + initialWorldSize); minNodeSize = initialWorldSize; } Count = 0; initialSize = initialWorldSize; minSize = minNodeSize; looseness = Mathf.Clamp(loosenessVal, 1.0f, 2.0f); rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(initialSize, minSize, looseness, initialWorldPos); }
/// <summary> /// Splits the octree into eight children. /// </summary> void Split() { float quarter = BaseLength / 4f; float newLength = BaseLength / 2; children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; children[0] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter, quarter, -quarter)); children[1] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter, quarter, -quarter)); children[2] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter, quarter, quarter)); children[3] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter, quarter, quarter)); children[4] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter, -quarter, -quarter)); children[5] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter, -quarter, -quarter)); children[6] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter, -quarter, quarter)); children[7] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter, -quarter, quarter)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the bounds octree. /// </summary> /// <param name="initialWorldSize">Size of the sides of the initial node, in metres. The octree will never shrink smaller than this.</param> /// <param name="initialWorldPos">Position of the centre of the initial node.</param> /// <param name="minNodeSize">Nodes will stop splitting if the new nodes would be smaller than this (metres).</param> /// <param name="loosenessVal">Clamped between 1 and 2. Values > 1 let nodes overlap.</param> public BoundsOctree(float initialWorldSize, Vector3 initialWorldPos, float minNodeSize, float loosenessVal) { if (minNodeSize > initialWorldSize) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Minimum node size must be at least as big as the initial world size. Was: " + minNodeSize + " Adjusted to: " + initialWorldSize); minNodeSize = initialWorldSize; } Count = 0; initialSize = initialWorldSize; minSize = minNodeSize; looseness = Utils.Clamp(loosenessVal, 1.0f, 2.0f); rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(initialSize, minSize, loosenessVal, initialWorldPos); }
/// <summary> /// Splits the octree into eight children. /// </summary> void Split() { Vector3 quarter = BaseSize / 4f; Vector3 newLength = BaseSize / 2; children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; children[0] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter.x, quarter.y, -quarter.z)); children[1] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter.x, quarter.y, -quarter.z)); children[2] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter.x, quarter.y, quarter.z)); children[3] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter.x, quarter.y, quarter.z)); children[4] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter.x, -quarter.y, -quarter.z)); children[5] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter.x, -quarter.y, -quarter.z)); children[6] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(-quarter.x, -quarter.y, quarter.z)); children[7] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, Center + new Vector3(quarter.x, -quarter.y, quarter.z)); }
/// <summary> /// Merge all children into this node - the opposite of Split. /// Note: We only have to check one level down since a merge will never happen if the children already have children, /// since THAT won't happen unless there are already too many objects to merge. /// </summary> void Merge() { // Note: We know children != null or we wouldn't be merging for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { BoundsOctreeNode <T> curChild = children[i]; int numObjects = curChild.objects.Count; for (int j = numObjects - 1; j >= 0; j--) { OctreeObject curObj = curChild.objects[j]; objects.Add(curObj); } } // Remove the child nodes (and the objects in them - they've been added elsewhere now) children = null; }
/// <summary> /// Grow the octree to fit in all objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction to grow.</param> // 扩展八叉树的范围,原来的范围*2 // 会创建7个新的节点,同旧的根节点,一个8个节点 // 作为新的根节点的孩子 void Grow(Vector3 direction) { int xDirection = direction.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int yDirection = direction.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int zDirection = direction.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1; BoundsOctreeNode <T> oldRoot = rootNode; float half = rootNode.BaseLength / 2; // 新的根节点大小,是原来的2倍 float newLength = rootNode.BaseLength * 2; // 新的根节点的中心坐标 Vector3 newCenter = rootNode.Center + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half); // Create a new, bigger octree root node rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter); // 创建其他的7个子节点,连同旧的root,是8个子节点 // 作为新的根节点的孩子 if (oldRoot.HasAnyObjects()) { // Create 7 new octree children to go with the old root as children of the new root int rootPos = rootNode.BestFitChild(oldRoot.Center); BoundsOctreeNode <T>[] children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == rootPos) { children[i] = oldRoot; } else { // i = 0, i%2 = 0 // i = 1, i%2 = 1 xDirection = i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1; // 上下2层 yDirection = i > 3 ? -1 : 1; zDirection = (i < 2 || (i > 3 && i < 6)) ? -1 : 1; children[i] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(oldRoot.BaseLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter + new Vector3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half)); } } // Attach the new children to the new root node rootNode.SetChildren(children); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the bounds octree. /// </summary> /// <param name="initialWorldSize">Size of the sides of the initial node, in metres. The octree will never shrink smaller than this.</param> /// <param name="initialWorldPos">Position of the centre of the initial node.</param> /// <param name="minNodeSize">Nodes will stop splitting if the new nodes would be smaller than this (metres).</param> /// <param name="loosenessVal">Clamped between 1 and 2. Values > 1 let nodes overlap.</param> public BoundsOctree(float initialWorldSize, Vector3 initialWorldPos, float minNodeSize, float loosenessVal) { if (minNodeSize > initialWorldSize) { Debug.LogWarning("Minimum node size must be at least as big as the initial world size. Was: " + minNodeSize + " Adjusted to: " + initialWorldSize); minNodeSize = initialWorldSize; } Count = 0; initialSize = initialWorldSize; minSize = minNodeSize; looseness = Mathf.Clamp(loosenessVal, 1.0f, 2.0f); rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(initialSize, minSize, loosenessVal, initialWorldPos); GameObject newGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(GameObject.Find("TempNode"), initialWorldPos, Quaternion.identity); newGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * initialSize; newGameObject.name = "Node " + rootNode.GetHashCode(); Debug.Log("Node: New game object #" + rootNode.GetHashCode()); }
/// <summary> /// Grow the octree to fit in all objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction to grow.</param> void Grow(Vector3 direction) { int xDirection = direction.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int yDirection = direction.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1; int zDirection = direction.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1; BoundsOctreeNode <T> oldRoot = rootNode; Vector3 half = rootNode.BaseSize / 2; Vector3 newLength = rootNode.BaseSize * 2; Vector3 newCenter = rootNode.Center + new Vector3(xDirection * half.x, yDirection * half.y, zDirection * half.z); // Create a new, bigger octree root node rootNode = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(newLength, minSize, looseness, newCenter); if (oldRoot.HasAnyObjects()) { // Create 7 new octree children to go with the old root as children of the new root int rootPos = rootNode.BestFitChild(oldRoot.Center); BoundsOctreeNode <T>[] children = new BoundsOctreeNode <T> [8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == rootPos) { children[i] = oldRoot; } else { xDirection = i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1; yDirection = i > 3 ? -1 : 1; zDirection = (i < 2 || (i > 3 && i < 6)) ? -1 : 1; children[i] = new BoundsOctreeNode <T>(oldRoot.BaseSize, minSize, looseness, newCenter + new Vector3(xDirection * half.x, yDirection * half.y, zDirection * half.z)); } } // Attach the new children to the new root node rootNode.SetChildren(children); } }
/// <summary> /// Shrink the octree if possible, else leave it the same. /// </summary> void Shrink() { rootNode = rootNode.ShrinkIfPossible(initialSize); }