public static Bitmap CreateAutoSizedBitmap( DxfModel model, DxfLayout layout, ICollection <DxfViewport> viewports, Matrix4D transform, GraphicsConfig graphicsConfig, SmoothingMode smoothingMode, System.Drawing.Color backColor, Size maxSize) { BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(graphicsConfig); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model, layout, viewports, transform); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (!bounds.Initialized) { return(ImageExporter.CreateEmptyBitmap(backColor, maxSize.Width, maxSize.Height)); } int num1 = maxSize.Width - 4; int num2 = maxSize.Height - 4; Matrix4D scaleTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform(bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, new WW.Math.Point3D(bounds.Corner1.X, bounds.Corner2.Y, 0.0), new WW.Math.Point3D(0.0, (double)num2, 0.0), new WW.Math.Point3D((double)num1, 0.0, 0.0), new WW.Math.Point3D(2.0, 2.0, 0.0)); Matrix4D to2DTransform = scaleTransform * transform; WW.Math.Vector3D vector3D = scaleTransform.Transform(bounds.Corner2) - scaleTransform.Transform(bounds.Corner1); int width = System.Math.Min(maxSize.Width, (int)System.Math.Ceiling(System.Math.Abs(vector3D.X)) + 4); int height = System.Math.Min(maxSize.Height, (int)System.Math.Ceiling(System.Math.Abs(vector3D.Y)) + 4); return(ImageExporter.CreateBitmap(model, layout, viewports, graphicsConfig, smoothingMode, backColor, to2DTransform, width, height)); }
private static Image <Bgra32> RenderToBitmap(DxfModel model) { var graphicsConfig = (GraphicsConfig)GraphicsConfig.AcadLikeWithWhiteBackground.Clone(); BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; int size = 2000; Matrix4D transform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Min, bounds.Max, bounds.Center, new Point3D(0, size, 0), new Point3D(size, 0, 0), new Point3D(0.5d * size, 0.5d * size, 0) ); Memory <Bgra32> memory = new Memory <Bgra32>(); Image.WrapMemory <Bgra32>(memory, 10, 10); Image <Bgra32> bitmap = ImageExporter.CreateBitmap <Bgra32>( model, transform, graphicsConfig, //new GraphicsOptions(false), new Size(size, size)); return(bitmap); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IRenderingElement Generate(IReaction reaction, RendererModel model) { if (!model.GetShowReactionBoxes()) { return(null); } var separation = model.GetBondLength() / model.GetScale(); var totalBounds = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reaction); if (totalBounds.IsEmpty) { return(null); } var diagram = new ElementGroup(); var foregroundColor = model.GetForegroundColor(); diagram.Add(new RectangleElement(new Rect(totalBounds.Left - separation, totalBounds.Top - separation, totalBounds.Right + separation, totalBounds.Bottom + separation), foregroundColor)); if (reaction.Id != null) { diagram.Add(new TextElement(new Point((totalBounds.Left + totalBounds.Right) / 2, totalBounds.Top - separation), reaction.Id, foregroundColor)); } return(diagram); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IRenderingElement Generate(IReaction reaction, RendererModel model) { if (!model.GetShowReactionBoxes()) { return(null); } if (reaction.Reactants.Count == 0) { return(new ElementGroup()); } double separation = model.GetBondLength() / model.GetScale() / 2; var totalBounds = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reaction.Reactants); ElementGroup diagram = new ElementGroup(); double minX = totalBounds.Left; double minY = totalBounds.Top; double maxX = totalBounds.Right; double maxY = totalBounds.Bottom; var foregroundColor = model.GetForegroundColor(); diagram.Add(new RectangleElement(new Rect(minX - separation, minY - separation, maxX + separation, maxY + separation), foregroundColor)); diagram.Add(new TextElement(new Point((minX + maxX) / 2, minY - separation), "Reactants", foregroundColor)); return(diagram); }
public RectangleF GetBounds(PointF pos, AngularCalculator aCalc) { var hWidth = _width / 2; var hHeight = _height / 2; var points = new List <PointF> { aCalc.Turn(new PointF(pos.X - hWidth, pos.Y - hHeight)), aCalc.Turn(new PointF(pos.X + hWidth, pos.Y - hHeight)), aCalc.Turn(new PointF(pos.X + hWidth, pos.Y + hHeight)), aCalc.Turn(new PointF(pos.X - hWidth, pos.Y + hHeight)) }; return(BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(points)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IRenderingElement Generate(IReaction reaction, RendererModel model) { if (!model.GetShowReactionBoxes()) { return(null); } if (reaction.Products.Count == 0) { return(new ElementGroup()); } double distance = model.GetBondLength() / model.GetScale() / 2; Rect? totalBounds = null; foreach (var molecule in reaction.Products) { var bounds = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(molecule); if (totalBounds == null) { totalBounds = bounds; } else { totalBounds = Rect.Union(totalBounds.Value, bounds); } } if (totalBounds == null) { return(null); } ElementGroup diagram = new ElementGroup(); var foregroundColor = model.GetForegroundColor(); diagram.Add(new RectangleElement( new Rect( totalBounds.Value.Left - distance, totalBounds.Value.Top - distance, totalBounds.Value.Right + distance, totalBounds.Value.Bottom + distance), foregroundColor)); diagram.Add(new TextElement( new Point( (totalBounds.Value.Left + totalBounds.Value.Right) / 2, totalBounds.Value.Top - distance), "Products", foregroundColor)); return(diagram); }
void ILeader.imethod_0( DrawContext context, IList <WW.Math.Point3D> points, IList <WW.Math.Point3D> polyline) { DxfEntity entity = this.dxfObjectReference_6.Value as DxfEntity; if (entity == null) { return; } WW.Math.Point3D point = points[points.Count - 1]; Vector3D zaxis = this.HorizontalDirection; zaxis.Normalize(); if (this.hookLineDirection_0 == HookLineDirection.Same) { zaxis = -zaxis; } BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(context.Config); Matrix4D transpose = DxfUtil.GetToWCSTransform(zaxis).GetTranspose(); Matrix4D matrix4D = Transformation4D.Translation(-(Vector3D)point); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(context.Model, entity, transpose * matrix4D); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (!bounds.Initialized) { return; } double z1 = bounds.Min.Z; double z2 = bounds.Max.Z; double num1 = 0.5 * (z1 + z2); bool flag = this.dxfDimensionStyleOverrides_0.TextVerticalAlignment != DimensionTextVerticalAlignment.Above && this.dxfDimensionStyleOverrides_0.TextVerticalPosition >= -0.7 && this.dxfDimensionStyleOverrides_0.TextVerticalPosition <= 0.7; double num2 = this.dxfDimensionStyleOverrides_0.ScaleFactor; if (num2 == 0.0) { num2 = 1.0; } double num3 = this.dxfDimensionStyleOverrides_0.DimensionLineGap * num2; double num4 = !flag ? (num1 < 0.0 ? z1 : z2) : System.Math.Max(z1 - num3, 0.0); polyline.Add(point + zaxis * num4); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IRenderingElement Generate(IReaction reaction, RendererModel model) { var totalBoundsReactants = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reaction.Reactants); var totalBoundsProducts = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reaction.Products); if (totalBoundsReactants == null || totalBoundsProducts == null) { return(null); } double separation = model.GetBondLength() / model.GetScale(); var foregroundColor = model.GetForegroundColor(); return(new ArrowElement( new WPF::Point(totalBoundsReactants.Right + separation, totalBoundsReactants.CenterY()), new WPF::Point(totalBoundsProducts.Left - separation, totalBoundsReactants.CenterY()), 1 / model.GetScale(), true, foregroundColor)); }
public void CorrectlyCalculatesBounds( int posx, int posy, float pivotx, float pivoty, int sizex, int sizey, int startX, int endX, int startY, int endY) { Vector2 size = new Vector2(sizex, sizey); Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posx, posy); Vector2f pivot = new Vector2f(pivotx, pivoty); Rect rect = BoundsCalculator.Calculate(pos, pivot, size); Assert.AreEqual(startX, rect.XMin, "StartX"); Assert.AreEqual(endX, rect.XMax, "EndX"); Assert.AreEqual(startY, rect.YMin, "StartY"); Assert.AreEqual(endY, rect.YMax, "EndY"); }
internal void method_0( DxfTableContent tableContent, double width, double height, double rotation, double horizontalMargin, double verticalMargin) { DxfBlock valueObject = this.ValueObject as DxfBlock; if (valueObject == null) { this.dxfContentFormat_0.method_6(1.0); } else { DxfInsert dxfInsert = new DxfInsert(valueObject); foreach (DxfTableAttribute dxfTableAttribute in (List <DxfTableAttribute>) this.dxfTableAttributeCollection_0) { if (dxfTableAttribute.AttributeDefinition != null) { DxfAttribute dxfAttribute1 = new DxfAttribute(dxfTableAttribute.AttributeDefinition); dxfAttribute1.Text = dxfTableAttribute.Value; DxfAttribute dxfAttribute2 = dxfAttribute1; dxfAttribute2.AlignmentPoint1 = dxfAttribute2.AlignmentPoint1 - valueObject.BasePoint; if (dxfAttribute1.AlignmentPoint2.HasValue) { DxfAttribute dxfAttribute3 = dxfAttribute1; WW.Math.Point3D? alignmentPoint2 = dxfAttribute3.AlignmentPoint2; WW.Math.Vector3D basePoint = valueObject.BasePoint; dxfAttribute3.AlignmentPoint2 = alignmentPoint2.HasValue ? new WW.Math.Point3D?(alignmentPoint2.GetValueOrDefault() - basePoint) : new WW.Math.Point3D?(); } } } BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(tableContent.Model, (DxfEntity)dxfInsert); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; Matrix4D transform = Transformation4D.Translation(valueObject.BasePoint) * Transformation4D.RotateZ(rotation) * Transformation4D.Translation(-valueObject.BasePoint); bounds.Transform(transform); Vector2D vector2D = new Vector2D((width - 2.0 * horizontalMargin) / bounds.Delta.X, (height - 2.0 * verticalMargin) / bounds.Delta.Y); this.dxfContentFormat_0.BlockScale = System.Math.Min(vector2D.X, vector2D.Y); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public IRenderingElement Generate(IReaction reaction, RendererModel model) { ElementGroup diagram = new ElementGroup(); var color = model.GetForegroundColor(); var reactants = reaction.Reactants; // only draw + signs when there are more than one reactant if (reactants.Count > 1) { var totalBoundsReactants = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reactants); var bounds1 = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reactants[0]); double axis = totalBoundsReactants.CenterY(); foreach (var reactant in reaction.Reactants.Skip(1)) { var bounds2 = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reactant); diagram.Add(MakePlus(bounds1, bounds2, axis, color)); bounds1 = bounds2; } } // only draw + signs when there are more than one products var products = reaction.Products; if (products.Count > 1) { var totalBoundsProducts = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(products); double axis = totalBoundsProducts.CenterY(); var bounds1 = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(reactants[0]); foreach (var product in reaction.Products.Skip(1)) { var bounds2 = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(product); diagram.Add(MakePlus(bounds1, bounds2, axis, color)); bounds1 = bounds2; } } return(diagram); }
public static Bitmap CreateAutoSizedBitmap( DxfModel model, Matrix4D transform, GraphicsConfig graphicsConfig, SmoothingMode smoothingMode) { BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(graphicsConfig); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model, transform); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (!bounds.Initialized) { return(ImageExporter.CreateEmptyBitmap((System.Drawing.Color)graphicsConfig.BackColor, 1, 1)); } WW.Math.Vector3D delta = bounds.Delta; Matrix4D transform1 = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform(bounds.Min, bounds.Max, new WW.Math.Point3D(2.0, delta.Y + 2.0, 0.0), new WW.Math.Point3D(delta.X + 2.0, 2.0, 0.0)) * transform; int width = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(delta.X) + 4; int height = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(delta.Y) + 4; return(ImageExporter.CreateBitmap(model, transform1, graphicsConfig, smoothingMode, width, height)); }
public static Bitmap CreatePlotLayoutBitmap( Size maxSize, DxfModel model, DxfLayout layout, DxfViewportCollection viewports, GraphicsConfig config, SmoothingMode smoothingMode) { DxfLayout.PlotInfo plotInfo = layout.GetPlotInfo((double)maxSize.Width, (double)maxSize.Height, new Rectangle2D(0.0, 0.0, (double)(maxSize.Width - 1), (double)(maxSize.Height - 1)), false, true); Size size; Matrix4D to2DTransform; if (plotInfo != null) { Rectangle2D printableArea = plotInfo.PrintableArea; size = new Size((int)System.Math.Ceiling(printableArea.Width), (int)System.Math.Ceiling(printableArea.Height)); WW.Math.Point2D center = printableArea.Center; to2DTransform = Transformation4D.Translation((WW.Math.Vector3D)(new WW.Math.Point2D(0.5 * (double)(size.Width - 1), 0.5 * (double)(size.Height - 1)) - center)) * plotInfo.ToPaperTransform; } else { BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model, layout); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (!bounds.Initialized) { return((Bitmap)null); } WW.Math.Point3D min = bounds.Min; WW.Math.Point3D max = bounds.Max; WW.Math.Vector3D vector3D = max - min; WW.Math.Point3D point3D = new WW.Math.Point3D(min.X, min.Y, 0.0); double scaling; to2DTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform(point3D, new WW.Math.Point3D(max.X, min.Y, 0.0), point3D, WW.Math.Point3D.Zero, new WW.Math.Point3D((double)(maxSize.Width - 1), (double)(maxSize.Height - 1), 0.0), WW.Math.Point3D.Zero, out scaling); size = new Size((int)System.Math.Ceiling(vector3D.X * scaling), (int)System.Math.Ceiling(vector3D.Y * scaling)); } return(ImageExporter.CreateBitmap(model, layout, (ICollection <DxfViewport>)viewports, config, smoothingMode, (System.Drawing.Color)config.BackColor, to2DTransform, size.Width, size.Height)); }
internal Bounds3D method_1(DxfTable table) { DxfBlock valueObject = this.ValueObject as DxfBlock; if (valueObject == null) { return((Bounds3D)null); } DxfInsert dxfInsert = new DxfInsert(valueObject); foreach (DxfTableAttribute dxfTableAttribute in (List <DxfTableAttribute>) this.dxfTableAttributeCollection_0) { if (dxfTableAttribute.AttributeDefinition != null) { DxfAttribute dxfAttribute1 = new DxfAttribute(dxfTableAttribute.AttributeDefinition); dxfAttribute1.Text = dxfTableAttribute.Value; DxfAttribute dxfAttribute2 = dxfAttribute1; dxfAttribute2.AlignmentPoint1 = dxfAttribute2.AlignmentPoint1 - valueObject.BasePoint; if (dxfAttribute1.AlignmentPoint2.HasValue) { DxfAttribute dxfAttribute3 = dxfAttribute1; WW.Math.Point3D? alignmentPoint2 = dxfAttribute3.AlignmentPoint2; WW.Math.Vector3D basePoint = valueObject.BasePoint; dxfAttribute3.AlignmentPoint2 = alignmentPoint2.HasValue ? new WW.Math.Point3D?(alignmentPoint2.GetValueOrDefault() - basePoint) : new WW.Math.Point3D?(); } } } BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(table.Content.Model, (DxfEntity)dxfInsert); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; Matrix4D transform = Transformation4D.Translation(valueObject.BasePoint) * Transformation4D.RotateZ(this.dxfContentFormat_0.Rotation) * Transformation4D.Translation(-valueObject.BasePoint); bounds.Transform(transform); return(bounds); }
private DxfInsert.Enum44 method_16( Matrix4D insertionTransform, DxfInsert.Interface46 drawHandler) { if (drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Config.UseSpatialFilters) { DxfSpatialFilter spatialFilter = this.SpatialFilter; if (spatialFilter != null && spatialFilter.ClipBoundaryDisplayEnabled) { Polygon2D clipPolygon = spatialFilter.GetClipBoundaryPolygon(); if (clipPolygon.Count < 3) { return(DxfInsert.Enum44.const_1); } if (clipPolygon.GetArea() < 0.0) { clipPolygon = clipPolygon.GetReverse(); } Matrix4D boundaryTransform = spatialFilter.ClipBoundaryTransform; Matrix4D transform = insertionTransform * this.Block.BaseTransformation * spatialFilter.InverseInsertionTransform; Matrix4D inverse1 = boundaryTransform.GetInverse(); Matrix4D clipBoundaryTransform = transform * inverse1; DxfInsert.Enum44 enum44; if (clipPolygon.IsConvex()) { List <BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane> clipPlaneList = new List <BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane>(); WW.Math.Point2D point2D = clipPolygon[clipPolygon.Count - 1]; WW.Math.Vector3D boundaryPlaneNormal = spatialFilter.ClipBoundaryPlaneNormal; Matrix4D inverse2 = transform.GetInverse(); inverse2.Transpose(); foreach (WW.Math.Point2D point in (List <WW.Math.Point2D>)clipPolygon) { Vector2D v = point - point2D; BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane clipPlane = new BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane(WW.Math.Vector3D.CrossProduct(inverse1.TransformTo3D(v), boundaryPlaneNormal), inverse1.TransformTo3D(point)); clipPlane.TransformBy(transform, inverse2); clipPlaneList.Add(clipPlane); point2D = point; } BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Model, (IEnumerable <DxfEntity>) this.Block.Entities, insertionTransform * this.Block.BaseTransformation); switch (new BlinnClipper4D((ICollection <BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane>)clipPlaneList).TryIsInside(boundsCalculator.Bounds)) { case InsideTestResult.Inside: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_2; break; case InsideTestResult.Outside: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_0; break; default: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_3; break; } if (enum44 == DxfInsert.Enum44.const_3) { Class808 class808 = new Class808((ICollection <BlinnClipper4D.ClipPlane>)clipPlaneList); class808.imethod_0(insertionTransform.GetInverse()); GraphicsConfig config = drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Config; ModelSpaceClippingTransformer clippingTransformer = new ModelSpaceClippingTransformer(Matrix4D.Identity, (Interface32)class808, config.ShapeFlattenEpsilon, config.ShapeFlattenEpsilonForBoundsCalculation); drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.vmethod_0((IClippingTransformer)clippingTransformer); } } else { Class455 class455 = new Class455(clipBoundaryTransform, clipPolygon, false); BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Model, (IEnumerable <DxfEntity>) this.Block.Entities, insertionTransform * this.Block.BaseTransformation); switch (class455.TryIsInside(boundsCalculator.Bounds)) { case InsideTestResult.Inside: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_2; break; case InsideTestResult.Outside: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_0; break; default: enum44 = DxfInsert.Enum44.const_3; break; } if (enum44 == DxfInsert.Enum44.const_3) { Matrix4D inverse2 = insertionTransform.GetInverse(); class455.imethod_0(inverse2); GraphicsConfig config = drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Config; ModelSpaceClippingTransformer clippingTransformer = new ModelSpaceClippingTransformer(Matrix4D.Identity, (Interface32)class455, config.ShapeFlattenEpsilon, config.ShapeFlattenEpsilonForBoundsCalculation); drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.vmethod_0((IClippingTransformer)clippingTransformer); } } if ((!spatialFilter.ClipBoundaryDisplayEnabled || drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext.Model.Header.ExternalReferenceClippingBoundaryType == WW.Cad.Model.SimpleLineType.Off ? 0 : (this.IsEntityVisibleInContext(drawHandler.InsertCellDrawContext, true) ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { WW.Math.Geometry.Polyline3D polygon = new WW.Math.Geometry.Polyline3D(clipPolygon.Count); foreach (WW.Math.Point2D point in (List <WW.Math.Point2D>)clipPolygon) { polygon.Add(clipBoundaryTransform.TransformTo3D(point)); } polygon.Closed = true; drawHandler.Draw(polygon); } return(enum44); } } return(DxfInsert.Enum44.const_1); }
private IRenderingElement Generate(IChemObjectSet <IAtomContainer> moleculeSet, RendererModel model) { var totalBounds = BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(moleculeSet); return(new RectangleElement(totalBounds, model.GetBoundsColor())); }
public void CreateInitialModelViewport() { BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(this.Model); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (!bounds.Initialized) { return; } DxfViewport dxfViewport = new DxfViewport(); this.dxfViewportCollection_0.Add(dxfViewport); Vector2D vector2D = this.Model.Header.PaperSpaceLimitsMax - this.Model.Header.PaperSpaceLimitsMin; if (this.PlotRotation != PlotRotation.None && this.PlotRotation != PlotRotation.Half) { vector2D.X -= this.UnprintableMarginTop; vector2D.X -= this.UnprintableMarginBottom; vector2D.Y -= this.UnprintableMarginRight; vector2D.Y -= this.UnprintableMarginLeft; } else { vector2D.X -= this.UnprintableMarginRight; vector2D.X -= this.UnprintableMarginLeft; vector2D.Y -= this.UnprintableMarginTop; vector2D.Y -= this.UnprintableMarginBottom; } dxfViewport.Size = new Size2D(vector2D.X, vector2D.Y); WW.Math.Point2D point = this.Model.Header.PaperSpaceLimitsMin + vector2D / 2.0; switch (this.PlotRotation) { case PlotRotation.None: point.X += this.UnprintableMarginLeft; point.Y += this.UnprintableMarginBottom; break; case PlotRotation.QuarterCounterClockwise: point.X += this.UnprintableMarginTop; point.Y += this.UnprintableMarginRight; break; case PlotRotation.Half: point.X += this.UnprintableMarginRight; point.Y += this.UnprintableMarginTop; break; case PlotRotation.QuarterClockwise: point.X += this.UnprintableMarginBottom; point.Y += this.UnprintableMarginRight; break; } dxfViewport.Center = new WW.Math.Point3D(point, 0.0); WW.Math.Point3D center = bounds.Center; WW.Math.Vector3D vector3D = bounds.Delta * 1.02; dxfViewport.Direction = WW.Math.Vector3D.ZAxis; dxfViewport.ViewCenter = (WW.Math.Point2D)bounds.Center; double num = vector3D.Y; double x = vector3D.X; if (num > 1E-10) { if (vector2D.X / vector2D.Y < x / num) { num *= x / (vector2D.X / vector2D.Y * num); } } else { num = vector2D.Y / vector2D.X * x; } dxfViewport.ViewHeight = num; }
public void getDXFFormat(DxfModel model, string filename, string outfile) { try { string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename); if (string.Compare(extension, ".dwg", true) == 0) { model = DwgReader.Read(filename); } else { model = DxfReader.Read(filename); } } catch (Exception e) { //Console.Error.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e.Message); //Environment.Exit(1); } GDIGraphics3D graphics = new GDIGraphics3D(GraphicsConfig.BlackBackgroundCorrectForBackColor); Size maxSize = new Size(500, 500); Bitmap bitmap = ImageExporter.CreateAutoSizedBitmap( model, graphics, Matrix4D.Identity, System.Drawing.Color.Black, maxSize ); //string outfile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFullPath(filename)); Stream stream = null; //string outfile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Drill\\rockHistogram\\"+filename; BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; PaperSize paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.A4);//设置为A4纸的大小 // Lengths in inches. float pageWidth = (float)paperSize.Width / 100f; float pageHeight = (float)paperSize.Height / 100f; float margin = 0.2f; //值越小 model相对于pdf图幅越大 // Scale and transform such that its fits max width/height // and the top left middle of the cad drawing will match the // top middle of the pdf page. // The transform transforms to pdf pixels. Matrix4D to2DTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, new Point3D(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Corner2.Y, 0d), new Point3D(new Vector3D(margin, margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth - margin, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth / 2d, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel) ); using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".pdf")) { PdfExporter pdfGraphics = new PdfExporter(stream); pdfGraphics.DrawPage( model, GraphicsConfig.WhiteBackgroundCorrectForBackColor, to2DTransform, paperSize ); pdfGraphics.EndDocument(); } /* * 可选的图片格式 * stream = File.Create(outfile + ".png"); * ImageExporter.EncodeImageToPng(bitmap, stream); * * stream = File.Create(outfile + ".tiff"); * ImageExporter.EncodeImageToTiff(bitmap, stream); * * stream = File.Create(outfile + ".jpg"); * ImageExporter.EncodeImageToJpeg(bitmap, stream); * * stream = File.Create(outfile + ".gif"); * ImageExporter.EncodeImageToGif(bitmap, stream); * * stream = File.Create(outfile + ".bmp"); * ImageExporter.EncodeImageToBmp(bitmap, stream); */ }
public RectangleF GetBounds(PointF pos, AngularCalculator aCalc) { var points = GetBoundPointsList(pos, aCalc); return(BoundsCalculator.CalculateBounds(points)); }
public void CalculateTest() { // 1. 指定した値が4つ未満のときは現在の値を使うこと。 // 2. 上下左右の透明部を除いて計算すること。 // (0, -1)、11×12 にしたい。 var calculator1 = new BoundsCalculator(new int[] { 0, -1, 11 }); // 現在の透明部を除いたウィンドウは、(0, 1)、10×12 とする。 var extendedFrameBounds = new Rect { left = 0, top = 1, right = 0 + 10, bottom = 1 + 12 }; // ウィンドウの上と右と下には 2px の透明部、左には透明部なしとする。 var windowRect = new Rect { left = extendedFrameBounds.left, top = - 2, right = extendedFrameBounds.right + 2, bottom = extendedFrameBounds.bottom + 2 }; var(x1, y1, width1, height1) = calculator1.Calculate(windowRect, extendedFrameBounds); // 指定X=0、現在X=0、左透明部=0 なので、X=0。 Assert.AreEqual(0, x1); // 指定Y=-1、現在Y=1、上透明部=2 なので、Y = -1 - 2 = -3。 Assert.AreEqual(-3, y1); // 指定幅=11、現在幅=10、左透明部=0、右透明部=2 なので、幅 = 0 + 11 + 2 = 13。 Assert.AreEqual(13, width1); // 指定高さ=なし、現在高さ=12、上透明部=2、下透明部=2 なので、高さ = 2 + 12 + 2 = 16。 Assert.AreEqual(16, height1); // 3. -a オプションを付けたとき、下がスクリーンからはみ出すなら上へずらすこと。 // 4. -a オプションを付けたとき、右がタスクバーに重なるなら左へずらすこと。 // PrimaryScreen は (0, 0)、10×10。VirtualScreen は (0, 0)、20×20 とする。 // タスクバーは PrimaryScreen の右側に 3px とする。したがって、WorkArea は (0, 0)、7×10 となる。 double pW = 10, pH = 10; double vX = 0, vY = 0, vW = 20, vH = 20; double wX1 = 0, wY1 = 0, wW1 = 7, wH1 = 10; // 透明部を除いて 1×11 のウィンドウを、(7, 10) に配置するよう指定する。 // しかし、下がスクリーンからはみ出すので、押し込んで (7, 9) になる。 // さらに、右がタスクバーと重なるので、左へずらして (6, 9) になる。 var calculator2 = new BoundsCalculator(new int[] { 7, 10, 1, 11 }); calculator2.AddAdjustProcess(pW, pH, vX, vY, vW, vH, wX1, wY1, wW1, wH1); var(x2, y2, width2, height2) = calculator2.Calculate(windowRect, extendedFrameBounds); // 左透明部=0 なので、X = 6 のまま。 Assert.AreEqual(6, x2); // 上透明部=2 なので、Y = 9 - 2 = 7。 Assert.AreEqual(7, y2); // 左透明部=0、右透明部=2 なので、幅 = 0 + 1 + 2 = 3。 Assert.AreEqual(3, width2); // 上透明部=2、下透明部=2 なので、高さ = 2 + 11 + 2 = 15。 Assert.AreEqual(15, height2); // 5. 下がスクリーンからはみ出さないようにずらした結果、上がスクリーンからはみ出すことがないこと。 // 6. 右がタスクバーに重ならないようにずらした結果、左がスクリーンからはみ出すことがないこと。 // 透明部を除いて 9×21 のウィンドウを、(1, 10) に配置するよう指定する。 // しかし、下がスクリーンからはみ出すので、押し込んで (1, -1) にしたいが、 // 今度は上がはみ出すので、結局 (1, 0) になる。 // さらに、右がタスクバーに重なるので、ずらして (-2, 0) にしたいが、 // 今度は左がはみ出すので、結局 (0, 0) になる。 // この結果、右がタスクバーと重なり、下がスクリーンからはみ出すが、これは対処しない。 var calculator3 = new BoundsCalculator(new int[] { 1, 10, 9, 21 }); calculator3.AddAdjustProcess(pW, pH, vX, vY, vW, vH, wX1, wY1, wW1, wH1); var(x3, y3, width3, height3) = calculator3.Calculate(windowRect, extendedFrameBounds); // 左透明部=0 なので、X = 0 のまま。 Assert.AreEqual(0, x3); // 上透明部=2 なので、Y = 0 - 2 = -2。 Assert.AreEqual(-2, y3); // 左透明部=0、右透明部=2 なので、幅 = 0 + 9 + 2 = 11。 Assert.AreEqual(11, width3); // 上透明部=2、下透明部=2 なので、高さ = 2 + 21 + 2 = 25。 Assert.AreEqual(25, height3); }
//Get All Booth Info for a given model public Stream GetBoothsInfo(Stream input) { string body = new StreamReader(input).ReadToEnd(); NameValueCollection _nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(body); string _fileName = _nvc["FileName"]; string _client_id = _nvc["ClientId"]; string _show_id = _nvc["ShowId"]; string _boothOutlineLayer = _nvc["BoothOutline"]; string _boothNumberLayer = _nvc["BoothNumber"]; DxfModel _model = ReadDxf("h://dxf_uploads//" + _client_id + " // " + _show_id + "//" + _fileName); BoundsCalculator _mBounds = new BoundsCalculator(); _mBounds.GetBounds(_model); Bounds3D _cBounds = _mBounds.Bounds; //get screen origin string _screenOrigin = GetScreenOrigin(_cBounds.ToString()); //Empty List to attach all booth information List <Booth> _boothInfo = new List <Booth>(); //Empty List to hold vertices of all Booths List <Point> _allVertices = new List <Point>(); //loop over all Entites in a model foreach (DxfEntity _entity in _model.Entities) { if (_entity.Layer.ToString().Equals(_boothOutlineLayer, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) //(_entity.Layer.ToString() == _boothOutlineLayer) { if (_entity.EntityType.ToString() == "LWPOLYLINE" || _entity.EntityType.ToString() == "POLYLINE") { var verticesTransformed = LwPolyline(_entity, _screenOrigin); Booth _booth = PassBooth(_model, _boothNumberLayer, verticesTransformed, _screenOrigin); Point[] verticesArray = VerticesToList(verticesTransformed).ToArray(); foreach (Point _vertex in verticesArray) { _allVertices.Add(_vertex); } _boothInfo.Add(_booth); } else if (_entity.EntityType.ToString() == "INSERT") { DxfInsert Insertentity = _entity as DxfInsert; Matrix4D transform = Insertentity.BlockInsertionTransformations[0, 0] * Insertentity.Block.BaseTransformation; DxfBlock block = Insertentity.Block; foreach (DxfEntity lwEntity in block.Entities) { if (lwEntity.EntityType == "LWPOLYLINE") { DxfLwPolyline lwPolyline = lwEntity as DxfLwPolyline; Matrix4D _insertedPolylineTransform = transform * lwPolyline.Transform; List <string> _newVertices = new List <string>(); //loop over all vertices in entity foreach (DxfLwPolyline.Vertex vertex in lwPolyline.Vertices) { _newVertices.Add(RemoveSpaces(_insertedPolylineTransform.Transform(vertex.Position).ToString())); } List <string> verticesTransformed = new List <string>(); foreach (string item in _newVertices) { verticesTransformed.Add(TransformPoint(item, _screenOrigin)); } Booth _booth = PassBooth(_model, _boothNumberLayer, verticesTransformed, _screenOrigin); Point[] verticesArray = VerticesToList(verticesTransformed).ToArray(); foreach (Point _vertex in verticesArray) { _allVertices.Add(_vertex); } _boothInfo.Add(_booth); } } } } } Booth _boundaries = new Booth() { BOOTHNUMBER = "", INSERTPOINT = _screenOrigin, SHAPE = "origin", SIZEX = "", SIZEY = "" }; _boothInfo.Add(_boundaries); string gridline = FindGridLine(_allVertices.ToArray()); string[] gridLine = gridline.Split(','); Booth _gridLine = new Booth() { BOOTHNUMBER = "", INSERTPOINT = "", SHAPE = "Grid Line", SIZEX = gridLine[0], SIZEY = gridLine[1] }; _boothInfo.Add(_gridLine); string boothInformation = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_boothInfo); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; return(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(boothInformation))); //return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_boothInfo); }
public void Export(string outfile) { //string outfile = sfd.FileName;//= Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFullPath(filename)); Stream stream; BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; PaperSize paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.Letter); // Lengths in inches. float pageWidth = (float)paperSize.Width / 100f; float pageHeight = (float)paperSize.Height / 100f; float margin = 0.5f; // Scale and transform such that its fits max width/height // and the top left middle of the cad drawing will match the // top middle of the pdf page. // The transform transforms to pdf pixels. Matrix4D to2DTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, new Point3D(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Corner2.Y, 0d), new Point3D(new Vector3D(margin, margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth - margin, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth / 2d, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel) ); using (stream = File.Create(outfile)) { PdfExporter pdfGraphics = new PdfExporter(stream); pdfGraphics.DrawPage( model, GraphicsConfig.WhiteBackgroundCorrectForBackColor, to2DTransform, paperSize ); pdfGraphics.EndDocument(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { args = new string[2]; //args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test1.dwg"; //args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test2.dwg"; //args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test3.dwg"; //args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test4.dwg"; args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test5Insert.dwg"; //args[1] = "D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\dwg\\test6.dwg"; } string format = args[0]; string filename = args[1]; DxfModel model = null; try { string extension = Path.GetExtension(filename); if (string.Compare(extension, ".dwg", true) == 0) { model = DwgReader.Read(filename); } else { model = DxfReader.Read(filename); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } //foreach (var entityGroups in model.Entities.GroupBy(a => a.GetType())) //{ // Console.WriteLine(entityGroups.GetType()); // //if (typeof(DxfLine) == entityGroups.Key) // //{ // // foreach (var item in entityGroups) // // { // // Console.WriteLine(item.Color); // // } // //} //} //FileStream fs = new FileStream("D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\txt\\test1.txt", FileMode.Create); FindEntities(model.Entities); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cadEntities); File.WriteAllText("D:\\C项目\\CadLCmd\\CadLCmd\\txt\\model.json", json); File.WriteAllText("D:\\Project\\cadtest\\node_modules\\@cadTestUbim\\res\\data\\dxfdata.json", json); //清空缓冲区 sw.Flush(); //关闭流 sw.Close(); fs.Close(); KTCodes = ktls.ToArray(); KTest = ktest.ToArray(); DxfType = dxfType.ToArray(); KInsert = kins.ToArray(); KEC = kco.ToArray(); KCIRCLE = kcircle.ToArray(); //Console.ReadKey(); string outfile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(filename)) + "\\12"; Stream stream; if (format == "pdf") { BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); Bounds3D bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; PaperSize paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.Letter); // Lengths in inches. float pageWidth = (float)paperSize.Width / 100f; float pageHeight = (float)paperSize.Height / 100f; float margin = 0.5f; // Scale and transform such that its fits max width/height // and the top left middle of the cad drawing will match the // top middle of the pdf page. // The transform transforms to pdf pixels. Matrix4D to2DTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, new Point3D(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Corner2.Y, 0d), new Point3D(new Vector3D(margin, margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth - margin, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidth / 2d, pageHeight - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel) ); using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".pdf")) { PdfExporter pdfGraphics = new PdfExporter(stream); pdfGraphics.DrawPage( model, GraphicsConfig.WhiteBackgroundCorrectForBackColor, to2DTransform, paperSize ); pdfGraphics.EndDocument(); } } else { GDIGraphics3D graphics = new GDIGraphics3D(GraphicsConfig.BlackBackgroundCorrectForBackColor); Size maxSize = new Size(500, 500); Bitmap bitmap = ImageExporter.CreateAutoSizedBitmap( model, graphics, Matrix4D.Identity, System.Drawing.Color.Black, maxSize ); switch (format) { case "bmp": using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".bmp")) { ImageExporter.EncodeImageToBmp(bitmap, stream); } break; case "gif": using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".gif")) { ImageExporter.EncodeImageToGif(bitmap, stream); } break; case "tiff": using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".tiff")) { ImageExporter.EncodeImageToTiff(bitmap, stream); } break; case "png": using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".png")) { ImageExporter.EncodeImageToPng(bitmap, stream); } break; case "jpg": using (stream = File.Create(outfile + ".jpg")) { ImageExporter.EncodeImageToJpeg(bitmap, stream); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown format " + format + "."); break; } } }
// For each layout, add a page to the PDF file. // Optionally specify a modelView (for model space only). // Optionally specify a layout. public static void AddLayoutToPdfExporter( PdfExporter pdfExporter, GraphicsConfig config, DxfModel model, DxfView modelView, DxfLayout layout ) { Bounds3D bounds; const float defaultMargin = 0.5f; float margin = 0f; PaperSize paperSize = null; bool useModelView = false; bool emptyLayout = false; if (layout == null || !layout.PaperSpace) { // Model space. BoundsCalculator boundsCalculator = new BoundsCalculator(); boundsCalculator.GetBounds(model); bounds = boundsCalculator.Bounds; if (bounds.Initialized) { if (bounds.Delta.X > bounds.Delta.Y) { paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.A4Rotated); } else { paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.A4); } } else { emptyLayout = true; } margin = defaultMargin; useModelView = modelView != null; } else { // Paper space layout. Bounds2D plotAreaBounds = layout.GetPlotAreaBounds(); bounds = new Bounds3D(); emptyLayout = !plotAreaBounds.Initialized; if (plotAreaBounds.Initialized) { bounds.Update((Point3D)plotAreaBounds.Min); bounds.Update((Point3D)plotAreaBounds.Max); if (layout.PlotArea == PlotArea.LayoutInformation) { switch (layout.PlotPaperUnits) { case PlotPaperUnits.Millimeters: paperSize = new PaperSize(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), (int)(plotAreaBounds.Delta.X * 100d / 25.4d), (int)(plotAreaBounds.Delta.Y * 100d / 25.4d)); break; case PlotPaperUnits.Inches: paperSize = new PaperSize(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), (int)(plotAreaBounds.Delta.X * 100d), (int)(plotAreaBounds.Delta.Y * 100d)); break; case PlotPaperUnits.Pixels: // No physical paper units. Fall back to fitting layout into a known paper size. break; } } if (paperSize == null) { if (bounds.Delta.X > bounds.Delta.Y) { paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.A4Rotated); } else { paperSize = PaperSizes.GetPaperSize(PaperKind.A4); } margin = defaultMargin; } } } if (!emptyLayout) { // Lengths in inches. float pageWidthInInches = paperSize.Width / 100f; float pageHeightInInches = paperSize.Height / 100f; double scaleFactor; Matrix4D to2DTransform; if (useModelView) { to2DTransform = modelView.GetMappingTransform( new Rectangle2D( margin * PdfExporter.InchToPixel, margin * PdfExporter.InchToPixel, (pageWidthInInches - margin) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel, (pageHeightInInches - margin) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), false); scaleFactor = double.NaN; // Not needed for model space. } else { to2DTransform = DxfUtil.GetScaleTransform( bounds.Corner1, bounds.Corner2, new Point3D(bounds.Center.X, bounds.Corner2.Y, 0d), new Point3D(new Vector3D(margin, margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidthInInches - margin, pageHeightInInches - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), new Point3D(new Vector3D(pageWidthInInches / 2d, pageHeightInInches - margin, 0d) * PdfExporter.InchToPixel), out scaleFactor ); } if (layout == null || !layout.PaperSpace) { pdfExporter.DrawPage(model, config, to2DTransform, paperSize); } else { pdfExporter.DrawPage(model, config, to2DTransform, scaleFactor, layout, null, paperSize); } } }