Example #1
 public static bool WithinFrustum(Point3D inP, BoundingPlanes boundingPlanes, double mdblProximityValue)
     if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.FrontPlane, mdblProximityValue))//front
     else if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.BackPlane, mdblProximityValue))//back
     else if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.RightPlane, mdblProximityValue))//right
     else if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.TopPlane, mdblProximityValue))//top
     else if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.LeftPlane, mdblProximityValue))//left
     else if (!IsInsideOfPlane(inP, boundingPlanes.BottomPlane, mdblProximityValue))//bottom
Example #2
        public static bool ProcessMoldPoints(Params mp, uint y1, uint z1, uint y2, uint z2, double y1Pos, double z1Pos, BoundingPlanes objBoundingPlanes, MoldActionType actionType, ref bool blnAValidPtFound)
            Point3D       startPoint = new Point3D();
            Point3D       endPoint = new Point3D();
            Point3D       testPoint = new Point3D();
            byte          btPointsFound, btCtr;
            PlaneEquation curPlane = new PlaneEquation(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//temp initialization
            double        dblTempPt;
            bool          blnInside;
            uint          iy;
            uint          iz;
            double        y, z;                             //variables used while traversing
            uint          uintInvalidPtX1, uintInvalidPtX2; //X1 and X2 specify the starting and ending indices

            //of the range of invalid points found in a horizontal line at a particular y and z value

            //traverse through the array of points to set the points as invalid
            for (z = z1Pos, iz = z1; iz <= z2; z += mp.DZ, iz++)
            { //all pts
              //Since the line is along x axis, the y and z value for the point of
              //intersection will remain the same

                testPoint.Z = z;

                for (y = y1Pos, iy = y1; iy <= y2; y += mp.DY, iy++)
                { //pts along x-y plane
                  //Major change: Checking each point along any axis is taking too much of time which is
                  //undesirable. Now onwards, I have decided to change this to find all the invalid points at
                  //one go. First we find the points of intersection of the line with the faces of the invalid
                  //region, such that the points of intersection lie inside the invalid region. We should always
                  //get two such points if there exists an invalid region for the particular value of y and z.
                  //After identifying the points of intersection, we will set all the points that lie in between
                  //them as invalid.

                    btPointsFound = 0;
                    //Since the line is along x axis, the y and z value for the point of
                    //intersection will remain the same
                    testPoint.Y = y;

                    //Try the point of intersection with the bounding planes. We should get two such points
                    byte btTotalPlanes;
                    if (!mp.CamInCuboid)
                        btTotalPlanes = 6;
                        btTotalPlanes = 5;
                    for (btCtr = 1; btCtr <= btTotalPlanes; btCtr++)
                        switch (btCtr)
                        case 1:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.LeftPlane;

                        case 2:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.RightPlane;

                        case 3:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.TopPlane;

                        case 4:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.BottomPlane;

                        case 5:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.BackPlane;

                        case 6:
                            curPlane = objBoundingPlanes.FrontPlane;

                        if (curPlane.A != 0.0f)
                        { //Not parallel to the X axis
                            //Find the x value of the point of intersection
                            testPoint.X = (curPlane.B * y
                                           + curPlane.C * z + curPlane.D) /

                            if (!mp.CamInCuboid)
                                blnInside = HelperFunctions.WithinFrustum(testPoint, objBoundingPlanes, mp.ProximityVal);
                                blnInside = HelperFunctions.WithinPyramid(testPoint, objBoundingPlanes, mp.ProximityVal);

                            if (blnInside && btPointsFound == 1)
                            { //compare for duplicate points
                                if (CommonFunctions.ModValue(testPoint.X - startPoint.X) <= mp.ProximityVal)
                                    //The points can be assumed to be the same
                                    blnInside = false;
                            if (blnInside)
                                if (btPointsFound == 2)
                                    endPoint = testPoint;
                                    startPoint = testPoint;

                        if (btPointsFound == 2)
                            break; //Don't look further if two points are already found

                    if (btPointsFound > 0)
                    { //Find invalid points and set their status in the file
                        if (btPointsFound == 2)
                            if (endPoint.X < startPoint.X)
                            { //Swap the points
                                dblTempPt    = endPoint.X;
                                endPoint.X   = startPoint.X;
                                startPoint.X = dblTempPt;
                            //Just one point has been found
                            endPoint = startPoint;

                        uintInvalidPtX1 = HelperFunctions.GetClosestPtIndex(startPoint.X, true, mp.Cuboid, mp.DX, mp.ProximityVal);
                        if (uintInvalidPtX1 == 0)

                        uintInvalidPtX2 = HelperFunctions.GetClosestPtIndex(endPoint.X, false, mp.Cuboid, mp.DX, mp.ProximityVal);
                        if (uintInvalidPtX2 == 0 || (uintInvalidPtX1 > uintInvalidPtX2))

                        if (actionType == MoldActionType.SetInvalidPts)
                            //set the points as invalid in the file
                            if (!mp.MoldDataHandler.SetPointRanges(uintInvalidPtX1, uintInvalidPtX2, iy, iz))
                        else if (actionType == MoldActionType.CheckForAllPtsSetToInvalid)
                            //traverse the mold points and see if any point is valid
                            if (!mp.MoldDataHandler.CheckPointRangesForValidity(uintInvalidPtX1, uintInvalidPtX2, iy, iz, ref blnAValidPtFound))
                            if (blnAValidPtFound) //Currently we will only lookout for the presence of any valid point even if it is just one
                            throw new Exception("Invalid mold action type");
                } //y
            }     //z

Example #3
        public static bool ProcessImgPixelPositions(Params mp, uint inX1, uint inX2, uint inY, MoldActionType actionType, ref bool blnAValidPtFound)
            #region variable definitions
            Point3D[] frstmFt = new Point3D[4]; //end points of the frustum or pyramid
            Point3D[] frstmBk = new Point3D[4];

            Point3D upFLeft, upFRight, downFLeft, downFRight; //points at the same height on the
            //far rectangle as that of the corners of the invalid rectangle
            Point3D upNLeft, upNRight, downNLeft, downNRight; //points at the same height on the
            //far rectangle as that of the corners of the invalid rectangle

            double miny, maxy, minz, maxz; //defines the limit within which cuboid points
            //are to be considered
            uint   y1, z1;                 //first indexes from where we start traversing the cuboid points
            uint   y2, z2;                 //Last indexes
            double y1Pos, z1Pos;
            #endregion variable definitions

            #region define the back face on the far rectangle

            #region first get the heights of the four sides of the invalid rectangle
            if (inY == mp.YPixels)
            { //top most pixel
                upFLeft  = mp.FarPlane[0];
                upFRight = mp.FarPlane[3];
                upFLeft  = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.FarPlane[1], mp.FarPlane[0], inY, mp.YPixels);
                upFRight = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.FarPlane[2], mp.FarPlane[3], inY, mp.YPixels);

            if (inY == 1)
            { //inY is one for the bottommost pixel
                downFLeft  = mp.FarPlane[1];
                downFRight = mp.FarPlane[2];
                downFLeft  = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.FarPlane[1], mp.FarPlane[0], inY - 1, mp.YPixels);
                downFRight = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.FarPlane[2], mp.FarPlane[3], inY - 1, mp.YPixels);

            #region now move these points horizontally to make the actual invalid rectangle

            if (inX1 == 0)
                frstmBk[0] = upFLeft;
                frstmBk[1] = downFLeft;
                frstmBk[0] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(upFLeft, upFRight, inX1, mp.XPixels);
                frstmBk[1] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(downFLeft, downFRight, inX1, mp.XPixels);

            if (inX2 == mp.XPixels)
                frstmBk[3] = upFRight;
                frstmBk[2] = downFRight;
                frstmBk[3] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(upFLeft, upFRight, inX2, mp.XPixels);
                frstmBk[2] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(downFLeft, downFRight, inX2, mp.XPixels);
            #endregion move horizontally
            #endregion back face

            #region define the front face
            if (mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.CameraAtInfinity)
                #region first get the heights of the four sides of the invalid rectangle
                if (inY == mp.YPixels)
                { //top most pixel
                    upNLeft  = mp.NearPlane[0];
                    upNRight = mp.NearPlane[3];
                    upNLeft  = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.NearPlane[1], mp.NearPlane[0], inY, mp.YPixels);
                    upNRight = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.NearPlane[2], mp.NearPlane[3], inY, mp.YPixels);

                if (inY == 1)
                { //inY is one for the bottommost pixel
                    downNLeft  = mp.NearPlane[1];
                    downNRight = mp.NearPlane[2];
                    downNLeft  = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.NearPlane[1], mp.NearPlane[0], inY - 1, mp.YPixels);
                    downNRight = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.NearPlane[2], mp.NearPlane[3], inY - 1, mp.YPixels);

                #region now move these points horizontally to make the actual invalid rectangle
                if (inX1 == 0)
                    frstmFt[0] = upNLeft;
                    frstmFt[1] = downNLeft;
                    frstmFt[0] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(upNLeft, upNRight, inX1, mp.XPixels);
                    frstmFt[1] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(downNLeft, downNRight, inX1, mp.XPixels);

                if (inX2 == mp.XPixels)
                    frstmFt[3] = upNRight;
                    frstmFt[2] = downNRight;
                    frstmFt[3] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(upNLeft, upNRight, inX2, mp.XPixels);
                    frstmFt[2] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(downNLeft, downNRight, inX2, mp.XPixels);
                #endregion move horizontally
            else if (!mp.CamInCuboid)
            { //camera outside the target cuboid but not at infinity
                #region use the distance formula
                frstmFt[0] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[0], mp.DNear, mp.DFar);
                frstmFt[1] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[1], mp.DNear, mp.DFar);
                frstmFt[2] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[2], mp.DNear, mp.DFar);
                frstmFt[3] = CommonFunctions.GetMiddlePoint(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[3], mp.DNear, mp.DFar);
            #endregion front face

            #region calculate the equations of the bounding planes
            var objBoundingPlanes = new BoundingPlanes();
            if (mp.CamInCuboid)
                objBoundingPlanes.BackPlane   = new PlaneEquation(frstmBk[3], frstmBk[2], frstmBk[1]);                                       //back
                objBoundingPlanes.RightPlane  = new PlaneEquation(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[2], frstmBk[3]); //right
                objBoundingPlanes.TopPlane    = new PlaneEquation(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[3], frstmBk[0]); //top
                objBoundingPlanes.LeftPlane   = new PlaneEquation(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[0], frstmBk[1]); //left
                objBoundingPlanes.BottomPlane = new PlaneEquation(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation, frstmBk[1], frstmBk[2]); //bottom
                objBoundingPlanes.FrontPlane  = new PlaneEquation(frstmFt[0], frstmFt[1], frstmFt[2]); //front
                objBoundingPlanes.BackPlane   = new PlaneEquation(frstmBk[3], frstmBk[2], frstmBk[1]); //back
                objBoundingPlanes.RightPlane  = new PlaneEquation(frstmFt[2], frstmBk[2], frstmBk[3]); //right
                objBoundingPlanes.TopPlane    = new PlaneEquation(frstmFt[3], frstmBk[3], frstmBk[0]); //top
                objBoundingPlanes.LeftPlane   = new PlaneEquation(frstmFt[0], frstmBk[0], frstmBk[1]); //left
                objBoundingPlanes.BottomPlane = new PlaneEquation(frstmFt[1], frstmBk[1], frstmBk[2]); //bottom

            #region get the coordinate ranges within which the invalid frustum or pyramid lies
            if (!mp.CamInCuboid)
                //minx = Min(frstmFt[0].X, frstmFt[1].X, frstmFt[2].X, frstmFt[3].X,
                //		   frstmBk[0].X, frstmBk[1].X, frstmBk[2].X, frstmBk[3].X );

                //	maxx = Max(frstmFt[0].X, frstmFt[1].X, frstmFt[2].X, frstmFt[3].X,
                //		   frstmBk[0].X, frstmBk[1].X, frstmBk[2].X, frstmBk[3].X );

                miny = CommonFunctions.Min(frstmFt[0].Y, frstmFt[1].Y, frstmFt[2].Y, frstmFt[3].Y,
                                           frstmBk[0].Y, frstmBk[1].Y, frstmBk[2].Y, frstmBk[3].Y);

                maxy = CommonFunctions.Max(frstmFt[0].Y, frstmFt[1].Y, frstmFt[2].Y, frstmFt[3].Y,
                                           frstmBk[0].Y, frstmBk[1].Y, frstmBk[2].Y, frstmBk[3].Y);

                minz = CommonFunctions.Min(frstmFt[0].Z, frstmFt[1].Z, frstmFt[2].Z, frstmFt[3].Z,
                                           frstmBk[0].Z, frstmBk[1].Z, frstmBk[2].Z, frstmBk[3].Z);

                maxz = CommonFunctions.Max(frstmFt[0].Z, frstmFt[1].Z, frstmFt[2].Z, frstmFt[3].Z,
                                           frstmBk[0].Z, frstmBk[1].Z, frstmBk[2].Z, frstmBk[3].Z);
                //minx = Min(mp.MProcessMoldParams.imgParams.cameraLocation.X,
                //		   frstmBk[0].X, frstmBk[1].X, frstmBk[2].X, frstmBk[3].X );

                //maxx = Max(mp.MProcessMoldParams.imgParams.cameraLocation.X,
                //		   frstmBk[0].X, frstmBk[1].X, frstmBk[2].X, frstmBk[3].X );

                miny = CommonFunctions.Min(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation.Y,
                                           frstmBk[0].Y, frstmBk[1].Y, frstmBk[2].Y, frstmBk[3].Y);

                maxy = CommonFunctions.Max(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation.Y,
                                           frstmBk[0].Y, frstmBk[1].Y, frstmBk[2].Y, frstmBk[3].Y);

                minz = CommonFunctions.Min(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation.Z,
                                           frstmBk[0].Z, frstmBk[1].Z, frstmBk[2].Z, frstmBk[3].Z);

                maxz = CommonFunctions.Max(mp.MProcessMoldParams.ImageParams.cameraLocation.Z,
                                           frstmBk[0].Z, frstmBk[1].Z, frstmBk[2].Z, frstmBk[3].Z);

            //check whether min values lie outside target cuboid
            if ( //minx > xLast || maxx < xFirst ||
                miny > mp.YLast || maxy < mp.YFirst ||
                minz > mp.ZLast || maxz < mp.ZFirst)
                return(true); //no points effected
            //set the starting and ending values within range of target cuboid

            /*Modified on 29-Jan-2004 Using proximity value in the calculations
             * //min values
             * if(minx <= xFirst)
             *  x1 = 1 ;
             * else
             *  x1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((minx - xFirst) /dX) ;
             * if(miny <= yFirst)
             *  y1 = 1 ;
             * else
             *  y1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((miny - yFirst) /dY) ;
             * if(minz <= zFirst)
             *  z1 = 1 ;
             * else
             *  z1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((minz - zFirst) /dZ) ;
            //	if(minx <= xFirst + fltProximityValue)
            //		x1 = 1 ;
            //	else
            //	x1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((minx - (xFirst + fltProximityValue)) /dX) ;

            if (miny <= mp.YFirst)
                y1 = 1;
                y1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetUIntFromDouble((miny - (mp.YFirst + mp.ProximityVal)) / mp.DY);

            if (minz <= mp.ZFirst)
                z1 = 1;
                z1 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetUIntFromDouble((minz - (mp.ZFirst + mp.ProximityVal)) / mp.DZ);
            //End of modification==============================================

            //	x1Pos = xFirst + dX * ( (double)(x1-1) ) ;
            y1Pos = mp.YFirst + mp.DY * ((double)(y1 - 1));
            z1Pos = mp.ZFirst + mp.DZ * ((double)(z1 - 1));

            /*Modified on 29-Jan-2004 Using proximity value in the calculations
             * //max values
             * if(maxx >= xLast)
             *  x2 = targetCuboid.uintXPoints;
             * else
             *  x2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((maxx - xFirst) /dX) ;
             * if(maxy >= yLast)
             *  y2 = targetCuboid.uintYPoints ;
             * else
             *  y2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((maxy - yFirst) /dY) ;
             * if(maxz >= zLast)
             *  z2 = targetCuboid.uintZPoints ;
             * else
             *  z2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((maxz - zFirst) /dZ) ;
            //	if(maxx >= xLast - fltProximityValue)
            //		x2 = targetCuboid.uintXPoints ;
            //	else
            //		x2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetIntFromFloat ((maxx - (xFirst - fltProximityValue)) /dX) ;

            if (maxy >= mp.YLast)
                y2 = mp.Cuboid.uintYPoints;
                y2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetUIntFromDouble((maxy - (mp.YFirst - mp.ProximityVal)) / mp.DY);

            if (maxz >= mp.ZLast)
                z2 = mp.Cuboid.uintZPoints;
                z2 = 1 + CommonFunctions.GetUIntFromDouble((maxz - (mp.ZFirst - mp.ProximityVal)) / mp.DZ);
            //End of modification

            //process the evaluated mold points using the bounding plane values
            return(ProcessMoldPoints(mp, y1, z1, y2, z2, y1Pos, z1Pos, objBoundingPlanes, actionType, ref blnAValidPtFound));