public void CullMeshes(ref ChunkCoordinate current, ref BoundingFrustum frustum) { BoundingBox box; if (!current.Equals(ref _previous)) { _solidMeshes.Sort((x, y) => x.Position.LengthSquared().CompareTo(y.Position.LengthSquared())); _transparentMeshes.Sort((x, y) => -x.Position.LengthSquared().CompareTo(y.Position.LengthSquared())); } for (int i = 0; i < _solidMeshes.Count; i++) { _solidMeshes[i].GetBoundingBox(out box); if (frustum.Contains(box) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { _solidMeshRenderQueue.Enqueue(_solidMeshes[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < _transparentMeshes.Count; i++) { _transparentMeshes[i].GetBoundingBox(out box); if (frustum.Contains(box) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { _transparentMeshRenderQueue.Enqueue(_transparentMeshes[i]); } } }
public FirstPersonCamera(Game game) : base(game) { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); _viewFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); }
/// <summary> /// Public constructor. Creates a new camera. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world transformation matrix holding the cameras position and orientation.</param> /// <param name="projection">The projection transformation matrix specifing the perspective on the world.</param> public Camera(Matrix world, Matrix projection) { _world = world; _view = Matrix.Invert(world); _projection = projection; _frustum = new BoundingFrustum(_view * _projection); }
public Projector() : base() { const float near = 0.2f; const float far = 2.3f; const float scale = 1.0f / ScreenDistance * near; projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveOffCenter( scale * Skreen.Left, scale * Skreen.Right, scale * -Skreen.Height / 2, scale * Skreen.Height / 2, near, far); view = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, -Skreen.Height / 2, -ScreenDistance); // this.Width = Screen.PixelWidth; // this.Height = Screen.PixelHeight; // this.Left = WinScreen.AllScreens.Where(s => s != WinScreen.PrimaryScreen).First().Bounds.Left; // this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; // this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; var num = Skreen.PixelHeight; var frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection); var corners = frustum.GetCorners(); var tpos = corners[4]; var tray = (corners[7] - corners[4]) / (float)num; var bpos = corners[5]; var bray = (corners[6] - corners[5]) / (float)num; SweptPlanes = new Plane[num]; var projectorPos = Vector3.Zero;//.Invert(this.View).Translation; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) SweptPlanes[i] = new Plane(projectorPos, tpos + (float)i * tray, bpos + (float)i * bray); }
public override void Draw(BoundingFrustum VisibleArea, Vector3 Position) { Manager.ResetFor2D(); = CullMode.None; Manager.TexturedEffect.CurrentTechnique = Manager.TexturedEffect.Techniques["TexturedCloud"]; Manager.TexturedEffect.Parameters["InputTexture"].SetValue(NoiseMap); Manager.TexturedEffect.Parameters["ColorMapTexture"].SetValue(ColorMap); for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) { Matrix transform = Transforms.Rotation * Matrix.CreateScale(Transforms.Scale * 0.75f * i / 3) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Transforms.Position + Position); effect.Parameters["World"].SetValue(transform); Manager.TexturedEffect.Parameters["TextureAlphaThreshold"].SetValue(0.33f + 0.27f * i / 3); = DefaultDeclaration; effect.Begin(); effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes.First<EffectPass>().Begin();<VertexPositionTexture>( PrimitiveType.TriangleList , ModelVertices , 0 , ModelVertices.Length , ModelIndices , 0 , ModelIndices.Length / 3); effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes.First<EffectPass>().End(); effect.End(); } Manager.TexturedEffect.Parameters["TextureAlphaThreshold"].SetValue(0.33f); base.Draw(VisibleArea, Position); = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace; }
public static void DrawWireframe(PrimitiveDrawer primitiveDrawer, Matrix cameraView, Matrix cameraProjection, BoundingFrustum frustum, Color color) { // The points returned correspond to the corners of the BoundingFrustum faces that are // perpendicular to the z-axis. The near face is the face with the larger z value, and // the far face is the face with the smaller z value. Points 0 to 3 correspond to the // near face in a clockwise order starting at its upper-left corner when looking toward // the origin from the positive z direction. Points 4 to 7 correspond to the far face // in a clockwise order starting at its upper-left corner when looking toward the // origin from the positive z direction. frustum.GetCorners(Corners); FrustumVertices[6].Position = Corners[0]; FrustumVertices[7].Position = Corners[1]; FrustumVertices[5].Position = Corners[2]; FrustumVertices[4].Position = Corners[3]; FrustumVertices[2].Position = Corners[4]; FrustumVertices[3].Position = Corners[5]; FrustumVertices[1].Position = Corners[6]; FrustumVertices[0].Position = Corners[7]; primitiveDrawer.Draw(Matrix.Identity, cameraView, cameraProjection, color, null, PrimitiveType.LineList, FrustumVertices, WireFrustumIndices, false); }
public Dof(IRenderContext renderContext) : base(renderContext) { depthMapFormat = DefaultDepthMapFormat; Settings = DofSettings.Default; cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); }
public Main() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false; graphics.ApplyChanges(); resolution = Settings.Default.WindowResolution; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = resolution.X; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = resolution.Y; Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; camera = new FreeLookCamera(this); cameraHandler = new CameraHandler(this); fps = new FPS(this); hud = new HUD(this); Components.Add(camera); Components.Add(cameraHandler); Components.Add(fps); Components.Add(hud); Services.AddService(typeof(ICamera), camera); fakeViewFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); }
/// <summary> /// Draw a bounding frustrum representation /// </summary> /// <param name="frustum">Frustrum</param> /// <param name="camera">Camera</param> /// <param name="color">Color</param> public static void Draw(BoundingFrustum frustum, BaseCamera camera, Color color) { if (effect == null) { effect = new BasicEffect(YnG.GraphicsDevice); effect.VertexColorEnabled = true; effect.LightingEnabled = false; } Vector3[] corners = frustum.GetCorners(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { vertices[i].Position = corners[i]; vertices[i].Color = color; } effect.View = camera.View; effect.Projection = camera.Projection; foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); YnG.GraphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, vertices, 0, 8, indices, 0, indices.Length / 2); } }
public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, BoundingFrustum VisibleArea) { if (units.Count > 0) { VertexPositionColor[] display = new VertexPositionColor[units.Count * 2]; int[] pointIndex = new int[units.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; i++) { display[i * 2] = new VertexPositionColor(units[i].Position, DisplayColor); pointIndex[i] = i * 2; if (units[i].Target != null) { display[i * 2 + 1] = new VertexPositionColor(units[i].Target.Position, DisplayColor); } else { display[i * 2 + 1] = display[i * 2]; } } Manager.ResetFor3D(); = UnitDeclaration; = 5.0f; Manager.OrdinaryEffect.CurrentTechnique = Manager.OrdinaryEffect.Techniques["Ordinary"]; Manager.OrdinaryEffect.Parameters["World"].SetValue(Matrix.Identity); Manager.OrdinaryEffect.Begin(); Manager.OrdinaryEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes.First<EffectPass>().Begin();<VertexPositionColor>(PrimitiveType.LineList, display, 0, display.Length / 2);<VertexPositionColor>(PrimitiveType.PointList, display, 0, display.Length , pointIndex, 0, pointIndex.Length); Manager.OrdinaryEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes.First<EffectPass>().End(); Manager.OrdinaryEffect.End(); } }
public void UpdateFromBoundingFrustum(BoundingFrustum sourceBoundingFrustum) { #region Create the lines if necessary if (mLines.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfLines; i++) { Line line = ShapeManager.AddLine(); mLines.Add(line); } } #endregion Vector3[] corners = sourceBoundingFrustum.GetCorners(); mLines[0].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[0], corners[1]); mLines[1].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[1], corners[2]); mLines[2].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[2], corners[3]); mLines[3].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[3], corners[0]); mLines[4].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[4], corners[5]); mLines[5].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[5], corners[6]); mLines[6].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[6], corners[7]); mLines[7].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[7], corners[4]); mLines[8].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[0], corners[4]); mLines[9].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[1], corners[5]); mLines[10].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[2], corners[6]); mLines[11].SetFromAbsoluteEndpoints(corners[3], corners[7]); sourceBoundingFrustum.Near.ToString(); }
public void Draw(DoubleVector3 cameraLocation, BoundingFrustum originBasedViewFrustum, Matrix originBasedViewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix) { foreach (var face in _faces) { face.Draw(cameraLocation, originBasedViewFrustum, originBasedViewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } }
/// <summary> /// Project a point into 2D space /// </summary> public static Vector2 Project(BoundingFrustum VisibleArea, Vector3 Point) { //Acquires the frustum of the area of the screen in view. //Then it stores the corners of the area. Vector3[] corners = VisibleArea.GetCorners(); Ray ray = new Ray(Point, Point - Manager.CameraFocus - Manager.CameraLocation); float? DistanceToFar = ray.Intersects(VisibleArea.Far); float? DistanceToNear = ray.Intersects(VisibleArea.Near); Vector3 ScreenCoord; if (DistanceToFar.HasValue) { ScreenCoord = ray.Position + ray.Direction * DistanceToFar.Value; ScreenCoord = new Vector3( Vector3.Dot( Vector3.Normalize(corners[5] - corners[4]) , ScreenCoord - corners[4]) / (corners[5] - corners[4]).Length() , Vector3.Dot( Vector3.Normalize(corners[7] - corners[4]) , ScreenCoord - corners[4]) / (corners[7] - corners[4]).Length() , 0); } else { //Make sure this is off the screen return Vector2.One * (Manager.GameWindow.Width + Manager.GameWindow.Height); } return new Vector2(ScreenCoord.X * Manager.GameWindow.Width, ScreenCoord.Y * Manager.GameWindow.Height); }
/// <summary> /// Unproject a screen coordinate into a ray /// </summary> public static Ray Unproject(Vector2 Point) { //Acquires the frustum of the area of the screen in view //Then it stores the corners of the area BoundingFrustum VisibleArea = new BoundingFrustum(Manager.View * Manager.Projection); Vector3[] corners = VisibleArea.GetCorners(); Vector3 Position = new Vector3(Point, 0.0f); Ray ray = new Ray(); //Point on the near plane of the visible area ray.Position = corners[0] * (1 - Position.X) * (1 - Position.Y) + corners[1] * Position.X * (1 - Position.Y) + corners[2] * Position.X * Position.Y + corners[3] * (1 - Position.X) * Position.Y; Position = corners[4] * (1 - Position.X) * (1 - Position.Y) + corners[5] * Position.X * (1 - Position.Y) + corners[6] * Position.X * Position.Y + corners[7] * (1 - Position.X) * Position.Y; //Direction between the two points ray.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(Position - ray.Position); return ray; }
/// <summary> /// Public constructor. Creates a new default camera. /// </summary> public Camera() { _world = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.Backward * 500f); _view = Matrix.Invert(_world); _projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, 16f / 9f, 0.1f, 1000f); _frustum = new BoundingFrustum(_view * _projection); }
public SingleScreenSpaceShadow(IRenderContext context) : base(context) { lspsmLightCamera = new LspsmLightCamera(); lightCameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); shadowCasters = new List<Actor>(); }
public void Draw( ref BoundingFrustum boundingFrustum, Effect effect, ref Color vertexColor) { var coners = boundingFrustum.GetCorners(); var vertices = new VertexPositionColor[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { vertices[i].Position = coners[i]; vertices[i].Color = vertexColor; } foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives<VertexPositionColor>( PrimitiveType.LineList, vertices, 0, 8, indices, 0, primitiveCount); } }
public void CalibrateExtrinsics(PointF[] imagePoints, MCvPoint3D32f[] worldPoints) { if (Intrinsics == null) throw new Exception("Intrinsics of camera are still unknown, unable to calibrate extrinsic paramters."); Extrinsics = CameraCalibration.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(worldPoints, imagePoints, Intrinsics); InitializeWorldAndViewMatrices(); BoundingFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(View * Projection); using (var img = new Image<Bgr, byte>(ImageWidth, ImageHeight)) { foreach (var p in imagePoints) img.Draw(new Cross2DF(p, 20, 20), new Bgr(255, 0, 255), 1); var projectedCorners = CameraCalibration.ProjectPoints(worldPoints, Extrinsics, Intrinsics); foreach (var p in projectedCorners) img.Draw(new Cross2DF(p, 6, 6), new Bgr(255, 255, 0), 1); var und = Intrinsics.Undistort(img); img.Save(Path.Combine(Global.TmpDir, "reproject.png")); und.Save(Path.Combine(Global.TmpDir, "undistorted.png")); } }
public Camera(String ID, Vector3 Position, Vector3 Target) { this.ID = ID; this.Position = Position; this.Target = Target; this.Up = Vector3.Up; Updateable = true; this.NearPlane = GameApplication.Instance.NearPlane; this.FarPlane = GameApplication.Instance.FarPlane; this.AspectRatio = (float)GameApplication.Instance.GetGraphics().Viewport.Width / (float)GameApplication.Instance.GetGraphics().Viewport.Height; this.FieldOfView = MathHelper.PiOver4; // create the view matrix View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(this.Position, this.Target, this.Up); // create projection matrix Projection = Utils.CreateProjectionMatrix(); Frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Multiply(View, Projection)); // add the camera to the camera manager CameraManager.Instance.AddCamera(this.ID, this); }
public Selection(Settings settings, IVisibleRanges visibleRanges) { this.settings = settings; VisibleRanges = visibleRanges; Frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); selectedNodes = new SelectedNode[MaxSelectedNodeCount]; }
public CDLODSelection(CDLODSettings settings, ICDLODVisibleRanges visibleRanges) { Settings = settings; VisibleRanges = visibleRanges; Frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); selectedNodes = new CDLODSelectedNode[MaxSelectedNodeCount]; }
public FrustumRenderer(Game game, BoundingFrustum frustum, string debugName = null) { = game; this.debugName = debugName ?? "FrustumRenderer " + Debug.NextObjectId; line = new LineRenderer(game, 12, this.debugName); UpdateFrustum(frustum); }
public Camera() { inputManager = InputManager.GetInstance(); frustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection); UpdateProjection(); }
public static void VisitTree(OctCell root, BoundingFrustum frustum, Action<OctCell> callback) { if (frustum.Intersects(root.Bounds)) { if (root.Leaf) callback(root); else foreach (var child in root.Children) VisitTree(child, frustum, callback); } }
public void Update(IViewProject viewProject) { View = viewProject.View; Projection = viewProject.Projection; BoundingFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(View * Projection); World = Matrix.Invert(View); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Fast Frustum from a bounding frustum /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Bounding Frustum</param> public FastFrustum(BoundingFrustum source) { _nearNormal = source.Near.Normal; _nearD = source.Near.D; _leftNormal = source.Left.Normal; _leftD = source.Left.D; _rightNormal = source.Right.Normal; _rightD = source.Right.D; _bottomNormal = source.Bottom.Normal; _bottomD = source.Bottom.D; _topNormal = source.Top.Normal; _topD = source.Top.D; }
public void Draw(DoubleVector3 cameraLocation, BoundingFrustum originBasedViewFrustum, Matrix originBasedViewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix) { // TODO: better spec coverage here if (IsAboveHorizonToCamera && IsVisibleToCamera(cameraLocation, originBasedViewFrustum)) { _renderer.Draw(_locationRelativeToPlanet, cameraLocation, originBasedViewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } }
public AvatarBase(Game game, string label) : base(game) { Label = label; Orientation = Quaternion.Identity; RotationSpeed *= 3f; ForwardSpeed *= 5f; _viewFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); _clippingFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="view"></param> /// <param name="projection"></param> /// <param name="frustum"></param> /// <param name="min"></param> /// <param name="max"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool GetFrustumExtent ( Matrix view, Matrix projection, Rectangle viewport, BoundingFrustum frustum, out Vector4 min, out Vector4 max ) { min = max = Vector4.Zero; var znear = projection.M34 * projection.M43 / projection.M33; var viewPoints = frustum.GetCorners() .Select( p0 => Vector3.TransformCoordinate( p0, view ) ) .ToArray(); //var dr = Game.GetService<DebugRender>(); var lines = new[]{ new Line( viewPoints[0], viewPoints[1] ), new Line( viewPoints[1], viewPoints[2] ), new Line( viewPoints[2], viewPoints[3] ), new Line( viewPoints[3], viewPoints[0] ), new Line( viewPoints[4], viewPoints[5] ), new Line( viewPoints[5], viewPoints[6] ), new Line( viewPoints[6], viewPoints[7] ), new Line( viewPoints[7], viewPoints[4] ), new Line( viewPoints[0], viewPoints[4] ), new Line( viewPoints[1], viewPoints[5] ), new Line( viewPoints[2], viewPoints[6] ), new Line( viewPoints[3], viewPoints[7] ), }; lines = lines.Where( line => line.Clip(znear) ).ToArray(); if (!lines.Any()) { return false; } var projPoints = new List<Vector3>(); foreach ( var line in lines ) { projPoints.Add( Vector3.TransformCoordinate( line.A, projection ) ); projPoints.Add( Vector3.TransformCoordinate( line.B, projection ) ); } min.X = projPoints.Min( p => p.X ); min.Y = projPoints.Max( p => p.Y ); min.Z = projPoints.Min( p => p.Z ); max.X = projPoints.Max( p => p.X ); max.Y = projPoints.Min( p => p.Y ); max.Z = projPoints.Max( p => p.Z ); min.X = ( min.X * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewport.Width; min.Y = ( min.Y * -0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewport.Height; max.X = ( max.X * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewport.Width; max.Y = ( max.Y * -0.5f + 0.5f ) * viewport.Height; return true; }
/// <summary> /// Create terrain at <paramref name="position"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="textures"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="scale"></param> /// <param name="Content"></param> /// <param name="camera"></param> public QuadTree(Vector3 position, List<Texture2D> textures, GraphicsDevice device, int scale, ContentManager Content, GameCamera.FreeCamera camera) { shadow = new LightsAndShadows.Shadow(); light = new LightsAndShadows.Light(0.7f, 0.4f, new Vector3(513, 100, 513)); ViewFrustrum = new BoundingFrustum(camera.View * camera.Projection); // Model model = Content.Load<Model>("Models/stone2"); // this.model = new LoadModel(model, Vector3.One, Vector3.Up, new Vector3(1), device); this.textures = textures; effect = Content.Load<Effect>("Effects/MultiTextured"); effect2 = Content.Load<Effect>("Effects/Shadows"); Device = device; _position = position; _topNodeSize = textures[4].Width - 1; _vertices = new MapRender(textures[4],scale); _buffers = new BufferManager(_vertices.Vertices, device); _rootNode = new QuadNode(NodeType.FullNode, _topNodeSize, 1, null, this, 0); //Construct an array large enough to hold all of the indices we'll need. Indices = _vertices.indices; envBilbList.Add(new EnvBilb(textures[6], textures[5], device, Content, scale)); foreach (EnvBilb pass in envBilbList) { pass.GenerateObjPositions(_vertices.Vertices, _vertices.TerrainWidth, _vertices.TerrainLength, _vertices.heightData); pass.CreateBillboardVerticesFromList(); } /* envModelList.Add(new EnvModel(textures[6], model, device, Content, scale)); foreach (EnvModel pass1 in envModelList) { pass1.GenerateObjPositions(_vertices.Vertices, _vertices.TerrainWidth, _vertices.TerrainLength, _vertices.heightData); pass1.CreateModelFromList(); } * */ effect.Parameters["xTexture0"].SetValue(textures[1]); effect.Parameters["xTexture1"].SetValue(textures[0]); effect.Parameters["xTexture2"].SetValue(textures[2]); effect.Parameters["xTexture3"].SetValue(textures[3]); effect.Parameters["xTexture5"].SetValue(textures[7]); Matrix worldMatrix = Matrix.Identity; effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(worldMatrix); effect.Parameters["xEnableLighting"].SetValue(true); effect.Parameters["xAmbient"].SetValue(light.Ambient); effect.Parameters["xLightPower"].SetValue(light.LightPower); effect.Parameters["Ground"].SetValue(textures[7]); effect.Parameters["GroundText0"].SetValue(textures[8]); effect.Parameters["GroundText1"].SetValue(textures[9]); effect.Parameters["GroundText2"].SetValue(textures[10]); _rootNode.EnforceMinimumDepth(); }
public static void AddBoundingFrustum(BoundingFrustum frustum, Color color) { AddBoundingFrustum(frustum, color, 0f); }
public abstract void GetVisibleMeshes(BoundingFrustum frustum, List <Mesh.SubMesh> visibleSubMeshes);
private void RenderSet(List <IRenderable> renderables, GraphicsDevice device, CommandList commandList, RenderingContext context, Vector3 location, BoundingFrustum frustum) { var transparent = new List <IRenderable>(); foreach (var renderable in renderables) { if (renderable.IsActive && renderable.IsVisible(frustum)) { if (renderable.Transparent) { transparent.Add(renderable); } else { renderable.Render(device, commandList, context); } } } if (transparent.Any()) { var sorted = transparent.OrderBy(r => Vector3.DistanceSquared(location, r.Position)); foreach (var renderable in sorted) { renderable.Render(device, commandList, context); } } }
public bool Cull(ref BoundingFrustum visibleFrustum) { var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere((_centeredBounds.Center * (Scale.X)) + Position, _centeredBounds.Radius * Scale.X); return(visibleFrustum.Contains(boundingSphere) == ContainmentType.Disjoint); }
public bool Intersects(BoundingFrustum frustum) { return((frustum.Contains(this.boundingSphere) == ContainmentType.Contains) || (frustum.Contains(this.boundingSphere) == ContainmentType.Intersects)); }
public void GenerateFloor(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, bool justTexture) { var dim = FLOOR_RES_PER_TILE * FLOOR_TILES; var tex = new RenderTarget2D(gd, dim * 3, dim * 2, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24); gd.SetRenderTarget(tex); gd.Clear(Color.TransparentBlack); var lookat = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(bp.Width * 1.5f, 200, bp.Height * 1.5f), new Vector3(bp.Width * 1.5f, 0, bp.Height * 1.5f), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); var baseO = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(FLOOR_TILES * 3f, FLOOR_TILES * 3f, 0, 400); var oldLevel = world.State.SilentLevel; for (int i = 0; i < bp.Stories + 1; i++) { world.State.SilentLevel = (sbyte)(i + 1); var x = i % 3; var y = i / 3; var offMat = Matrix.CreateScale(1 / 3f, 1 / 2f, 1f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(-1 + ((x + 0.5f) * 2 / 3f), 1 - ((y + 0.5f) * 2 / 2f), 0); gd.RasterizerState = Scissor; gd.ScissorRectangle = new Rectangle(dim * x + 1, dim * y + 1, dim - 2, dim - 2); if (i == bp.Stories) { var effect = WorldContent.RCObject; gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied; var vp = lookat * baseO * offMat; effect.Parameters["ViewProjection"].SetValue(vp); var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * baseO); effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"]; var objs = bp.Objects.Where(o => o.Level == 1 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)o).GetBounds())).OrderBy(o => ((ObjectComponentRC)o).SortDepth(vp)); foreach (var obj in objs) { obj.Draw(gd, world.State); } } else { var floors = new HashSet <sbyte>(); floors.Add((sbyte)i); var mat = baseO * offMat; bp.Terrain.DrawCustom(gd, world.State, lookat, mat, 1, floors); if (i == 0) { bp.Terrain.DrawMask(gd, world.State, lookat, mat); } var effect = WorldContent.RCObject; gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied; var vp = lookat * baseO * offMat; effect.Parameters["ViewProjection"].SetValue(vp); var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * baseO); effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"]; var objs = bp.Objects.Where(o => o.Level == i + 1 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)o).GetBounds())).OrderBy(o => ((ObjectComponentRC)o).SortDepth(vp)); foreach (var obj in objs) { obj.Draw(gd, world.State); } if (RoofOnFloor) { //gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None; gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; if (i > 0) { bp.RoofComp.DrawOne(gd, lookat, mat, world.State, i - 1); } if (i == bp.Stories - 1) { bp.RoofComp.DrawOne(gd, lookat, mat, world.State, i); } gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; } } } world.State.SilentLevel = oldLevel; /* * using (var fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\Rhys\Desktop\floor.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) * tex.SaveAsPng(fs, tex.Width, tex.Height); */ if (!justTexture) { var vertDiv = GROUND_SUBDIV + 1; var inc = FLOOR_TILES / (float)GROUND_SUBDIV; var invDiv = 1 / (float)GROUND_SUBDIV; var basepos = new Vector2(bp.Width - FLOOR_TILES, bp.Height - FLOOR_TILES) / 2; var basetc = new Vector2(1 / 3f, 1 / 2f); FloorVerts = new VertexPositionTexture[vertDiv * vertDiv]; //output vertices int verti = 0; for (int y = 0; y < vertDiv; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < vertDiv; x++) { var pos = basepos + new Vector2(x * inc, y * inc); var height = bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(pos, 0)); FloorVerts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pos.X, height, pos.Y), basetc - new Vector2(x * invDiv / 3, y * invDiv / 2)); } } //output indices int indi = 0; FloorIndices = new int[GROUND_SUBDIV * GROUND_SUBDIV * 6]; for (int y = 0; y < GROUND_SUBDIV; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < GROUND_SUBDIV; x++) { var baseVert = x + y * vertDiv; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1 + vertDiv; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + vertDiv; FloorIndices[indi++] = baseVert + 1 + vertDiv; } } } FloorTexture = tex; gd.SetRenderTarget(null); }
public void Render(GraphicsDevice device, Effect effect) { device.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend; effect.Parameters["VP"].SetValue(camera.view * camera.projection); effect.Parameters["alpha"].SetValue(1); effect.Parameters["ambient"].SetValue(Color.LawnGreen.ToVector4()); List<Cell> cellsToKeep = new List<Cell>(); foreach (Virus virus in this.viruses) { if ( != null) cellsToKeep.Add(; Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[virus.model.Bones.Count]; virus.model.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(transforms); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in virus.model.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart meshpart in mesh.MeshParts) { effect.Parameters["W"].SetValue(transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * Matrix.CreateRotationX(virus.rotation.X) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(virus.rotation.Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(virus.rotation.Z) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(virus.position)); meshpart.Effect = effect; foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); mesh.Draw(); } } } } BoundingFrustum f = camera.frustum; if (worldFade > 0) { effect.Parameters["alpha"].SetValue(worldFade); effect.Parameters["ambient"].SetValue(Color.IndianRed.ToVector4()); for (int x = 0; x < tunnelLength; x++) { for (int a = 0; a < tunnelDensity; a++) { if (f.Intersects(walls[x, a].sphere)) { Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[walls[x, a].model.Bones.Count]; walls[x, a].model.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(transforms); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in walls[x, a].model.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart meshpart in mesh.MeshParts) { effect.Parameters["W"].SetValue(transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * Matrix.CreateTranslation(walls[x, a].position)); meshpart.Effect = effect; foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); mesh.Draw(); } } } } } } } if (flipCellFaces) device.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullClockwise; else device.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise; foreach (Cell cell in this.cells) { if (f.Intersects(cell.sphere)) { bool c=false; foreach (Cell cl in cellsToKeep) { if (cl == cell) { c = true; break; } } if (c) effect.Parameters["alpha"].SetValue(cell.alpha); else effect.Parameters["alpha"].SetValue(worldFade); // cell body effect.Parameters["ambient"].SetValue(Color.CornflowerBlue.ToVector4()); cell.drawSphere(1, Vector3.Zero, effect); // nucleus effect.Parameters["ambient"].SetValue(Color.Black.ToVector4()); cell.drawSphere(.4f, Vector3.Zero, effect); // ribosomes effect.Parameters["ambient"].SetValue(Color.Orange.ToVector4()); foreach (Vector3 v in cell.ribosomes) { cell.drawSphere(.025f, v, effect); } } } device.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise; }
public void Render( GraphicsDevice gd, CommandList rc, SceneContext sc, RenderPasses pass, BoundingFrustum frustum, Vector3 viewPosition, RenderQueue renderQueue, List <CullRenderable> cullRenderableList, List <Renderable> renderableList, Comparer <RenderItemIndex> comparer, bool threaded) { renderQueue.Clear(); cullRenderableList.Clear(); CollectVisibleObjects(ref frustum, pass, cullRenderableList); renderQueue.AddRange(cullRenderableList, viewPosition); renderableList.Clear(); CollectFreeObjects(pass, renderableList); renderQueue.AddRange(renderableList, viewPosition); if (comparer == null) { renderQueue.Sort(); } else { renderQueue.Sort(comparer); } foreach (Renderable renderable in renderQueue) { renderable.Render(gd, rc, sc, pass); } if (threaded) { lock (_allPerFrameRenderablesSet) { foreach (CullRenderable thing in cullRenderableList) { _allPerFrameRenderablesSet.Add(thing); } foreach (Renderable thing in renderableList) { _allPerFrameRenderablesSet.Add(thing); } } } else { foreach (CullRenderable thing in cullRenderableList) { _allPerFrameRenderablesSet.Add(thing); } foreach (Renderable thing in renderableList) { _allPerFrameRenderablesSet.Add(thing); } } }
private void RenderAllSingleThread(GraphicsDevice gd, CommandList cl, SceneContext sc) { float depthClear = gd.IsDepthRangeZeroToOne ? 0f : 1f; Matrix4x4 cameraProj = Camera.ProjectionMatrix; Vector4 nearLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_nearCascadeLimit), cameraProj); Vector4 midLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_midCascadeLimit), cameraProj); Vector4 farLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_farCascadeLimit), cameraProj); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.DepthLimitsBuffer, 0, new DepthCascadeLimits { NearLimit = nearLimitCS.Z, MidLimit = midLimitCS.Z, FarLimit = farLimitCS.Z }); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.LightInfoBuffer, 0, sc.DirectionalLight.GetInfo()); Vector3 lightPos = sc.DirectionalLight.Transform.Position - sc.DirectionalLight.Direction * 1000f; // Near cl.PushDebugGroup("Shadow Map - Near Cascade"); Matrix4x4 viewProj0 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, Camera.NearDistance, _nearCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out BoundingFrustum lightFrustum); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer0, 0, ref viewProj0); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.NearShadowMapFramebuffer); cl.SetFullViewports(); cl.ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapNear, lightFrustum, lightPos, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); // Mid cl.PushDebugGroup("Shadow Map - Mid Cascade"); Matrix4x4 viewProj1 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, _nearCascadeLimit, _midCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out lightFrustum); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer1, 0, ref viewProj1); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.MidShadowMapFramebuffer); cl.SetFullViewports(); cl.ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapMid, lightFrustum, lightPos, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); // Far cl.PushDebugGroup("Shadow Map - Far Cascade"); Matrix4x4 viewProj2 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, _midCascadeLimit, _farCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out lightFrustum); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer2, 0, ref viewProj2); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.FarShadowMapFramebuffer); cl.SetFullViewports(); cl.ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapFar, lightFrustum, lightPos, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); // Reflections cl.PushDebugGroup("Planar Reflection Map"); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.ReflectionFramebuffer); float fbWidth = sc.ReflectionFramebuffer.Width; float fbHeight = sc.ReflectionFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight, 0, 1)); cl.SetFullViewports(); cl.SetFullScissorRects(); cl.ClearColorTarget(0, RgbaFloat.Black); cl.ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); // Render reflected scene. Matrix4x4 planeReflectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateReflection(MirrorMesh.Plane); CameraInfo camInfo = new CameraInfo(); camInfo.CameraLookDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Reflect(_camera.LookDirection, MirrorMesh.Plane.Normal)); camInfo.CameraPosition_WorldSpace = Vector3.Transform(_camera.Position, planeReflectionMatrix); cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.CameraInfoBuffer, 0, ref camInfo); Matrix4x4 view = sc.Camera.ViewMatrix; view = planeReflectionMatrix * view; cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.ViewMatrixBuffer, 0, view); Matrix4x4 projection = _camera.ProjectionMatrix; cl.UpdateBuffer(sc.ReflectionViewProjBuffer, 0, view * projection); BoundingFrustum cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.ReflectionMap, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.GenerateMipmaps(sc.ReflectionColorTexture); cl.PopDebugGroup(); // Main scene cl.PushDebugGroup("Main Scene Pass"); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.MainSceneFramebuffer); fbWidth = sc.MainSceneFramebuffer.Width; fbHeight = sc.MainSceneFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight, 0, 1)); cl.SetFullViewports(); cl.SetFullScissorRects(); cl.ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); sc.UpdateCameraBuffers(cl); // Re-set because reflection step changed it. cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(_camera.ViewMatrix * _camera.ProjectionMatrix); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.Standard, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); cl.PushDebugGroup("Transparent Pass"); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.AlphaBlend, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); cl.PushDebugGroup("Overlay"); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.Overlay, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); if (sc.MainSceneColorTexture.SampleCount != TextureSampleCount.Count1) { cl.ResolveTexture(sc.MainSceneColorTexture, sc.MainSceneResolvedColorTexture); } cl.PushDebugGroup("Duplicator"); cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer); fbWidth = sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer.Width; fbHeight = sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetFullViewports(); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.Duplicator, new BoundingFrustum(), _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); cl.PushDebugGroup("Swapchain Pass"); cl.SetFramebuffer(gd.SwapchainFramebuffer); fbWidth = gd.SwapchainFramebuffer.Width; fbHeight = gd.SwapchainFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetFullViewports(); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.SwapchainOutput, new BoundingFrustum(), _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.PopDebugGroup(); cl.End(); _resourceUpdateCL.Begin(); foreach (Renderable renderable in _allPerFrameRenderablesSet) { renderable.UpdatePerFrameResources(gd, _resourceUpdateCL, sc); } _resourceUpdateCL.End(); gd.SubmitCommands(_resourceUpdateCL); gd.SubmitCommands(cl); }
private Matrix4x4 UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( GraphicsDevice gd, SceneContext sc, float near, float far, uint shadowMapWidth, out BoundingFrustum lightFrustum) { Vector3 lightDir = sc.DirectionalLight.Direction; Vector3 viewDir = sc.Camera.LookDirection; Vector3 viewPos = sc.Camera.Position; Vector3 unitY = Vector3.UnitY; FrustumCorners cameraCorners; if (gd.IsDepthRangeZeroToOne) { FrustumHelpers.ComputePerspectiveFrustumCorners( ref viewPos, ref viewDir, ref unitY, sc.Camera.FieldOfView, far, near, sc.Camera.AspectRatio, out cameraCorners); } else { FrustumHelpers.ComputePerspectiveFrustumCorners( ref viewPos, ref viewDir, ref unitY, sc.Camera.FieldOfView, near, far, sc.Camera.AspectRatio, out cameraCorners); } // Approach used: Vector3 frustumCenter = Vector3.Zero; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.NearTopLeft; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.NearTopRight; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.NearBottomLeft; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.NearBottomRight; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.FarTopLeft; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.FarTopRight; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.FarBottomLeft; frustumCenter += cameraCorners.FarBottomRight; frustumCenter /= 8f; float radius = (cameraCorners.NearTopLeft - cameraCorners.FarBottomRight).Length() / 2.0f; float texelsPerUnit = shadowMapWidth / (radius * 2.0f); Matrix4x4 scalar = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(texelsPerUnit, texelsPerUnit, texelsPerUnit); Vector3 baseLookAt = -lightDir; Matrix4x4 lookat = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Zero, baseLookAt, Vector3.UnitY); lookat = scalar * lookat; Matrix4x4.Invert(lookat, out Matrix4x4 lookatInv); frustumCenter = Vector3.Transform(frustumCenter, lookat); frustumCenter.X = (int)frustumCenter.X; frustumCenter.Y = (int)frustumCenter.Y; frustumCenter = Vector3.Transform(frustumCenter, lookatInv); Vector3 lightPos = frustumCenter - (lightDir * radius * 2f); Matrix4x4 lightView = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(lightPos, frustumCenter, Vector3.UnitY); Matrix4x4 lightProjection = Util.CreateOrtho( gd, gd.IsDepthRangeZeroToOne, -radius * _lScale, radius * _rScale, -radius * _bScale, radius * _tScale, -radius * _nScale, radius * _fScale); Matrix4x4 viewProjectionMatrix = lightView * lightProjection; lightFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(viewProjectionMatrix); return(viewProjectionMatrix); }
private void RenderAllMultiThreaded(GraphicsDevice gd, CommandList cl, SceneContext sc) { float depthClear = gd.IsDepthRangeZeroToOne ? 0f : 1f; Matrix4x4 cameraProj = Camera.ProjectionMatrix; Vector4 nearLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_nearCascadeLimit), cameraProj); Vector4 midLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_midCascadeLimit), cameraProj); Vector4 farLimitCS = Vector4.Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, -_farCascadeLimit), cameraProj); Vector3 lightPos = sc.DirectionalLight.Transform.Position - sc.DirectionalLight.Direction * 1000f; _resourceUpdateCL.Begin(); CommandList[] cls = new CommandList[5]; for (int i = 0; i < cls.Length; i++) { cls[i] = gd.ResourceFactory.CreateCommandList(); cls[i].Begin(); } _resourceUpdateCL.UpdateBuffer(sc.DepthLimitsBuffer, 0, new DepthCascadeLimits { NearLimit = nearLimitCS.Z, MidLimit = midLimitCS.Z, FarLimit = farLimitCS.Z }); _resourceUpdateCL.UpdateBuffer(sc.LightInfoBuffer, 0, sc.DirectionalLight.GetInfo()); _allPerFrameRenderablesSet.Clear(); _tasks[0] = Task.Run(() => { // Near Matrix4x4 viewProj0 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, Camera.NearDistance, _nearCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out BoundingFrustum lightFrustum0); cls[1].UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer0, 0, ref viewProj0); cls[1].SetFramebuffer(sc.NearShadowMapFramebuffer); cls[1].SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height, 0, 1)); cls[1].SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height); cls[1].ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cls[1], sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapNear, lightFrustum0, lightPos, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, true); }); _tasks[1] = Task.Run(() => { // Mid Matrix4x4 viewProj1 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, _nearCascadeLimit, _midCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out var lightFrustum1); cls[2].UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer1, 0, ref viewProj1); cls[2].SetFramebuffer(sc.MidShadowMapFramebuffer); cls[2].SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height, 0, 1)); cls[2].SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height); cls[2].ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cls[2], sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapMid, lightFrustum1, lightPos, _renderQueues[1], _cullableStage[1], _renderableStage[1], null, true); }); _tasks[2] = Task.Run(() => { // Far Matrix4x4 viewProj2 = UpdateDirectionalLightMatrices( gd, sc, _midCascadeLimit, _farCascadeLimit, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, out var lightFrustum2); cls[3].UpdateBuffer(sc.LightViewProjectionBuffer2, 0, ref viewProj2); cls[3].SetFramebuffer(sc.FarShadowMapFramebuffer); cls[3].SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height, 0, 1)); cls[3].SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Width, sc.ShadowMapTexture.Height); cls[3].ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); Render(gd, cls[3], sc, RenderPasses.ShadowMapFar, lightFrustum2, lightPos, _renderQueues[2], _cullableStage[2], _renderableStage[2], null, true); }); _tasks[3] = Task.Run(() => { // Reflections cls[4].SetFramebuffer(sc.ReflectionFramebuffer); float scWidth = sc.ReflectionFramebuffer.Width; float scHeight = sc.ReflectionFramebuffer.Height; cls[4].SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, scWidth, scHeight, 0, 1)); cls[4].SetFullViewports(); cls[4].SetFullScissorRects(); cls[4].ClearColorTarget(0, RgbaFloat.Black); cls[4].ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); // Render reflected scene. Matrix4x4 planeReflectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateReflection(MirrorMesh.Plane); CameraInfo camInfo = new CameraInfo(); camInfo.CameraLookDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Reflect(_camera.LookDirection, MirrorMesh.Plane.Normal)); camInfo.CameraPosition_WorldSpace = Vector3.Transform(_camera.Position, planeReflectionMatrix); cls[4].UpdateBuffer(sc.CameraInfoBuffer, 0, ref camInfo); Matrix4x4 view = sc.Camera.ViewMatrix; view = planeReflectionMatrix * view; cls[4].UpdateBuffer(sc.ViewMatrixBuffer, 0, view); Matrix4x4 projection = _camera.ProjectionMatrix; cls[4].UpdateBuffer(sc.ReflectionViewProjBuffer, 0, view * projection); BoundingFrustum cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projection); Render(gd, cls[4], sc, RenderPasses.ReflectionMap, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[3], _cullableStage[3], _renderableStage[3], null, true); cl.GenerateMipmaps(sc.ReflectionColorTexture); // Main scene cls[4].SetFramebuffer(sc.MainSceneFramebuffer); scWidth = sc.MainSceneFramebuffer.Width; scHeight = sc.MainSceneFramebuffer.Height; cls[4].SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, scWidth, scHeight, 0, 1)); cls[4].SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, (uint)scWidth, (uint)scHeight); cls[4].ClearColorTarget(0, RgbaFloat.Black); cls[4].ClearDepthStencil(depthClear); sc.UpdateCameraBuffers(cls[4]); cameraFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(_camera.ViewMatrix * _camera.ProjectionMatrix); Render(gd, cls[4], sc, RenderPasses.Standard, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[3], _cullableStage[3], _renderableStage[3], null, true); Render(gd, cls[4], sc, RenderPasses.AlphaBlend, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[3], _cullableStage[3], _renderableStage[3], null, true); Render(gd, cls[4], sc, RenderPasses.Overlay, cameraFrustum, _camera.Position, _renderQueues[3], _cullableStage[3], _renderableStage[3], null, true); }); Task.WaitAll(_tasks); foreach (Renderable renderable in _allPerFrameRenderablesSet) { renderable.UpdatePerFrameResources(gd, _resourceUpdateCL, sc); } _resourceUpdateCL.End(); gd.SubmitCommands(_resourceUpdateCL); for (int i = 0; i < cls.Length; i++) { cls[i].End(); gd.SubmitCommands(cls[i]); cls[i].Dispose(); } if (sc.MainSceneColorTexture.SampleCount != TextureSampleCount.Count1) { cl.ResolveTexture(sc.MainSceneColorTexture, sc.MainSceneResolvedColorTexture); } cl.SetFramebuffer(sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer); uint fbWidth = sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer.Width; uint fbHeight = sc.DuplicatorFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight, 0, 1)); cl.SetViewport(1, new Viewport(0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight, 0, 1)); cl.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight); cl.SetScissorRect(1, 0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.Duplicator, new BoundingFrustum(), _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.SetFramebuffer(gd.SwapchainFramebuffer); fbWidth = gd.SwapchainFramebuffer.Width; fbHeight = gd.SwapchainFramebuffer.Height; cl.SetViewport(0, new Viewport(0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight, 0, 1)); cl.SetScissorRect(0, 0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight); Render(gd, cl, sc, RenderPasses.SwapchainOutput, new BoundingFrustum(), _camera.Position, _renderQueues[0], _cullableStage[0], _renderableStage[0], null, false); cl.End(); gd.SubmitCommands(cl); }
/// <summary> /// Creates bounding sphere from bounding frustum. /// Implementation taken from XNA source, replace IEnumerable with array /// </summary> /// <param name="frustum">The bounding frustum.</param> /// <param name="corners">Temporary memory to save corner when getting from frustum.</param> /// <returns>BoundingSphere</returns> public static BoundingSphere ToBoundingSphere(this BoundingFrustum frustum, Vector3[] corners) { float num; float num2; Vector3 vector2; float num4; float num5; BoundingSphere sphere; Vector3 vector5; Vector3 vector6; Vector3 vector7; Vector3 vector8; Vector3 vector9; if (corners.Length < 8) { throw new ArgumentException("Corners length must be at least 8"); } frustum.GetCorners(corners); Vector3 vector4 = vector5 = vector6 = vector7 = vector8 = vector9 = corners[0]; for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++) { Vector3 vector = corners[i]; if (vector.X < vector4.X) { vector4 = vector; } if (vector.X > vector5.X) { vector5 = vector; } if (vector.Y < vector6.Y) { vector6 = vector; } if (vector.Y > vector7.Y) { vector7 = vector; } if (vector.Z < vector8.Z) { vector8 = vector; } if (vector.Z > vector9.Z) { vector9 = vector; } } Vector3.Distance(ref vector5, ref vector4, out num5); Vector3.Distance(ref vector7, ref vector6, out num4); Vector3.Distance(ref vector9, ref vector8, out num2); if (num5 > num4) { if (num5 > num2) { Vector3.Lerp(ref vector5, ref vector4, 0.5f, out vector2); num = num5 * 0.5f; } else { Vector3.Lerp(ref vector9, ref vector8, 0.5f, out vector2); num = num2 * 0.5f; } } else if (num4 > num2) { Vector3.Lerp(ref vector7, ref vector6, 0.5f, out vector2); num = num4 * 0.5f; } else { Vector3.Lerp(ref vector9, ref vector8, 0.5f, out vector2); num = num2 * 0.5f; } for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++) { Vector3 vector10 = corners[i]; Vector3 vector3; vector3.X = vector10.X - vector2.X; vector3.Y = vector10.Y - vector2.Y; vector3.Z = vector10.Z - vector2.Z; float num3 = vector3.Length(); if (num3 > num) { num = (num + num3) * 0.5f; vector2 += (Vector3)((1f - (num / num3)) * vector3); } } sphere.Center = vector2; sphere.Radius = num; return(sphere); }
private void ComputeMatrices() { this.ViewProjection = this.View * this.Projection; this.Frustum = new BoundingFrustum(this.ViewProjection); this.InverseViewProjection = Matrix.Invert(this.ViewProjection); }
public void GenerateWalls(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, bool justTexture) { //generate wall geometry and texture. if (!justTexture) { foreach (var room in bp.Rooms) { //add walls for each outside room. if (room.Base == room.RoomID && room.IsOutside) { var walls = new List <Vector2[]>(room.WallLines); walls.AddRange(room.FenceLines); foreach (var wall in walls) { var facadeWall = new LotFacadeWall(wall, room); AddToBin(facadeWall); } } } } //ok, allocate the texture for the wall. var tex = new RenderTarget2D(gd, MAX_WALL_WIDTH * WALL_WIDTH, CeilToFour(Math.Max(1, WallBins.Count * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2) - GAP * 2)), false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24); gd.SetRenderTarget(tex); gd.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; gd.Clear(Color.TransparentBlack); //ace, let's draw each wall var oldLevel = world.State.Level; world.State.SilentLevel = bp.Stories; world.State.ZeroWallOffset = true; var cuts = bp.Cutaway; bp.Cutaway = new bool[cuts.Length]; bp.WCRC?.Generate(gd, world.State, false); int wallCount = 0; int bini = 0; foreach (var bin in WallBins) { var yPos = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2); var xPos = 0; foreach (var wall in bin.Walls) { wallCount++; //get a camera for this wall first //create a look at matrix for the wall. first find a camera point at one side of the wall, //then create an orthographic projection with the size of the wall in mind. var ctr = (wall.Points[0] + wall.Points[1]) / (2 * 16); var rNorm = wall.Points[1] - wall.Points[0]; rNorm = new Vector2(rNorm.Y, -rNorm.X); rNorm.Normalize(); //which side is "outside"? //check one side. assume the other is outside if we fail var testPos = (ctr + rNorm * 0.6f).ToPoint(); if (testPos.X >= 0 && testPos.X < bp.Width && testPos.Y >= 0 && testPos.Y < bp.Height) { var room = bp.RoomMap[wall.Room.Floor][testPos.X + testPos.Y * bp.Width]; if (!bp.Rooms[bp.Rooms[(ushort)room].Base].IsOutside) { rNorm *= -1; } } var height = (wall.Room.Floor + 0.5f) * 2.95f * 3 + bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(ctr, 0)) * 3f + 0.2f; var camp = (ctr + rNorm) * 3; var objp = ctr * 3; var lookat = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(camp.X, height, camp.Y), new Vector3(objp.X, height, objp.Y), Vector3.Up); var ortho = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(3 * wall.PhysicalLength, 2.90f * 3, 0, 6); //rescale our camera matrix to render to the correct part of the render target. Apply scissor test for that area. var rect = new Rectangle(xPos + (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)), yPos, wall.Length, WALL_HEIGHT); gd.RasterizerState = Scissor; gd.ScissorRectangle = rect; var trans = Matrix.CreateScale((rect.Width / ((float)tex.Width)), (rect.Height / ((float)tex.Height)), 1) * Matrix.CreateTranslation((-(rect.X * -2 - wall.Length) / (float)tex.Width) - 1f, (-(rect.Y * 2 + WALL_HEIGHT - 2) / (float)tex.Height) + 1f, 0); var frustrum = new BoundingFrustum(lookat * ortho); ortho = ortho * trans; //draw the walls and objects for this wall segment. this is a little slow right now. var effect = WorldContent.RCObject; gd.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied; var vp = lookat * ortho; effect.Parameters["ViewProjection"].SetValue(vp); bp.WCRC?.Draw(gd, world.State); effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Draw"]; var objs = bp.Objects.Where(x => x.Level >= wall.Room.Floor - 5 && frustrum.Intersects(((ObjectComponentRC)x).GetBounds())) .OrderBy(x => ((ObjectComponentRC)x).SortDepth(vp)); foreach (var obj in objs) { obj.Draw(gd, world.State); } xPos += wall.EffectiveLength; } bini++; } gd.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullNone; bp.Cutaway = cuts; bp.WCRC?.Generate(gd, world.State, false); world.State.ZeroWallOffset = false; world.State.SilentLevel = oldLevel; //generate wall geometry var data = new Color[tex.Width * tex.Height]; tex.GetData(data); var verts = new VertexPositionTexture[wallCount * 4]; var indices = new int[wallCount * 6]; bini = 0; var verti = 0; var indi = 0; foreach (var bin in WallBins) { var xInt = 0; var yInt = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2); var yPos = bini * (WALL_HEIGHT + GAP * 2) / (float)tex.Height; var xPos = 0f; var div = WALL_HEIGHT / (float)tex.Height; foreach (var wall in bin.Walls) { var rect = new Rectangle(xInt + (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)), yInt, wall.Length, WALL_HEIGHT); BleedRect(data, rect, tex.Width, tex.Height); if (!justTexture) { var ctr = (wall.Points[0] + wall.Points[1]) / (2 * 16); var off = (wall.EffectiveLength - (wall.Length + GAP)) / (float)tex.Width; var height1 = ((wall.Room.Floor) * 2.95f + bp.InterpAltitude(new Vector3(ctr, 0))); var height2 = height1 + 2.95f; var pt1 = wall.Points[0] / 16f; var pt2 = wall.Points[1] / 16f; verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt1.X, height2, pt1.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off, yPos)); verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt2.X, height2, pt2.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off + wall.Length / (float)tex.Width, yPos)); verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt2.X, height1, pt2.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off + wall.Length / (float)tex.Width, (yPos + div))); verts[verti++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(pt1.X, height1, pt1.Y), new Vector2(xPos + off, (yPos + div))); indices[indi++] = verti - 2; indices[indi++] = verti - 3; indices[indi++] = verti - 4; indices[indi++] = verti - 4; indices[indi++] = verti - 1; indices[indi++] = verti - 2; xInt += wall.EffectiveLength; xPos += wall.EffectiveLength / (float)tex.Width; } } bini++; } //using (var fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\Rhys\Desktop\walls.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) // tex.SaveAsPng(fs, tex.Width, tex.Height); tex.SetData(data); if (!justTexture) { WallTarget = tex; WallVerts = verts; WallIndices = indices; } }
public List <T> GetIntersectingElements(BoundingFrustum frustum) { return(_root.GetIntersectingElements(frustum)); }
public Camera() { view = projection = viewprojection = Matrix.Identity; boundingfrustum = new BoundingFrustum(viewprojection); }
protected virtual bool CheckBoundingFrustum(ref BoundingFrustum viewFrustum) { return(viewFrustum.Intersects(ref boundsWithTransform)); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the outline of a bounding frustum /// </summary> /// <param name="frustum">Bounding frustum to render</param> /// <param name="color">Color of the frustum lines</param> public void DrawWireFrustum(BoundingFrustum frustum, Color color) { DrawWireShape(frustum.GetCorners(), cubeIndices, color); }
public void RunMainLoop(Panel Panel, MainForm.MainForm mainForm) { RenderLoop.Run(Panel, () => { if (dontRender) { return; } //Resizing if (Device.MustResize) { Device.Resize(); Camera.ProjectionMatrix.AspectRatio = (float)Panel.Width / Panel.Height; } mainForm.KeyboardController(); mainForm.SetToolStripStatusLabel(Camera + " FPS: " + $"{SharpFps.StatFPS:0.0000}"); //clear color Device.Clear(backgroundColor); //Set matrices viewProjection = Camera.ViewMatrix.GetViewMatrix() * Camera.ProjectionMatrix.GetProjectionMatrix(); frustum = new BoundingFrustum(viewProjection); mainForm.TexturePatternEditor.Animate(); if (ShowCollision) { foreach (var c in mainForm.CollisionEditorDict.Values) { c.RenderCollisionModel(this); } mainForm.LevelEditor.RenderShadowCollisionModel(this); } else { mainForm.LevelEditor.RenderLevelModel(this); } if (ShowChunkBoxes) { mainForm.LevelEditor.visibilityFunctions.RenderChunkModels(this); } if (ShowObjects == CheckState.Checked) { foreach (var l in mainForm.LayoutEditorDict.Values) { l.RenderSetObjects(this, true); } } else if (ShowObjects == CheckState.Indeterminate) { foreach (var l in mainForm.LayoutEditorDict.Values) { l.RenderSetObjects(this, false); } } if (ShowCameras) { mainForm.CameraEditor.RenderCameras(this); } if (ShowStartPositions) { mainForm.ConfigEditor.RenderStartPositions(this); } if (ShowSplines) { mainForm.ConfigEditor.SplineEditor.RenderSplines(this); mainForm.LevelEditor.shadowSplineEditor.RenderSplines(this); } if (ShowQuadtree) { foreach (var c in mainForm.CollisionEditorDict.Values) { c.RenderQuadtree(this); } } //present Device.Present(); SharpFps.EndFrame(); }); //release resources whiteDefault.Dispose(); mainForm.LevelEditor.bspRenderer.Dispose(); TextureManager.DisposeTextures(); dffRenderer.Dispose(); foreach (var c in mainForm.CollisionEditors) { c.DisposeRenderStuff(); } mainForm.ConfigEditor.SplineEditor.DisposeSplines(); Cube.Dispose(); Pyramid.Dispose(); Cylinder.Dispose(); Sphere.Dispose(); basicBuffer.Dispose(); basicShader.Dispose(); defaultBuffer.Dispose(); defaultShader.Dispose(); collisionBuffer.Dispose(); collisionShader.Dispose(); tintedBuffer.Dispose(); tintedShader.Dispose(); Device.Dispose(); }
public abstract void DoPreFrameWork(BoundingFrustum frustum);
protected override bool CheckBoundingFrustum(ref BoundingFrustum boundingFrustum) { return(true); }
public BoundingFrustum CreateBoundingFrustum() { BoundingFrustum boundingFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); return(boundingFrustum); }
public bool Cull(ref BoundingFrustum visibleFrustum) { return(false); }
public Light() { _boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(_transform.Translation, _radius); _frustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity); UpdateSpotValues(); }
private bool IsBoxInFrustum(Vector3 bMin, Vector3 bMax, BoundingFrustum Frustum) { Vector3 NearPoint; Plane[] plane = new Plane[6]; plane[0] = frustum.Bottom; plane[1] = frustum.Far; plane[2] = frustum.Left; plane[3] = frustum.Near; plane[4] = frustum.Right; plane[5] = frustum.Top; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (plane[i].Normal.X > 0.0f) { if (plane[i].Normal.Y > 0.0f)// { if (plane[i].Normal.Z > 0.0f) { NearPoint.X = bMin.X; NearPoint.Y = bMin.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMin.Z; } else { NearPoint.X = bMin.X; NearPoint.Y = bMin.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMax.Z; } } else { if (plane[i].Normal.Z > 0.0f) { NearPoint.X = bMin.X; NearPoint.Y = bMax.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMin.Z; } else { NearPoint.X = bMin.X; NearPoint.Y = bMax.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMax.Z; } } } else { if (plane[i].Normal.Y > 0.0f) { if (plane[i].Normal.Z > 0.0f) { NearPoint.X = bMax.X; NearPoint.Y = bMin.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMin.Z; } else { NearPoint.X = bMax.X; NearPoint.Y = bMin.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMax.Z; } } else { if (plane[i].Normal.Z > 0.0f) { NearPoint.X = bMax.X; NearPoint.Y = bMax.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMin.Z; } else { NearPoint.X = bMax.X; NearPoint.Y = bMax.Y; NearPoint.Z = bMax.Z; } } } // near extreme point is outside, and thus // the AABB is totally outside the polyhedron float dotProduct; Vector3.Dot(ref plane[i].Normal, ref NearPoint, out dotProduct); if (dotProduct + plane[i].D > 0) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public abstract void GetShadowCasters(BoundingFrustum frustum, List <Mesh.SubMesh> visibleSubMeshes);
protected void GénérerFrustum() { Matrix vueProjection = Vue * Projection; Frustum = new BoundingFrustum(vueProjection); }
/// <summary> /// View frustum test. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewFrustum">The frustum.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool TestViewFrustum(ref BoundingFrustum viewFrustum) { return(true); }
public abstract void GetVisibleLights(BoundingFrustum frustum, List <Light> visibleLights);
public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, bool underWater) { BoundingFrustum viewFrustrum = new BoundingFrustum(Game.Camera.View * Game.Camera.Projection); // _game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = _vertexDeclaration; // _game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace; /*_game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferEnable = true; * _game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.DepthBufferWriteEnable = true; * _game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false; */ _game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise; _game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; _game.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["World"].SetValue(Matrix.Identity); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["View"].SetValue(Game.Camera.View); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["Projection"].SetValue(Game.Camera.Projection); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["CameraPosition"].SetValue(Game.Camera.Position); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["AmbientColor"].SetValue(Color.White.ToVector4()); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["AmbientIntensity"].SetValue(0.8f); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["FogColor"].SetValue(Color.SkyBlue.ToVector4()); //_solidBlockEffect.Parameters["FogNear"].SetValue(WorldSettings.FOGNEAR); //_solidBlockEffect.Parameters["FogFar"].SetValue(WorldSettings.FOGFAR); _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["BlockTexture"].SetValue(_textureAtlas); //_solidBlockEffect.Parameters["RippleTime"].SetValue(rippleTime*2); //if (underWater) //{ // _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["RippleAmount"].SetValue(0.2f); //} //else //{ // _solidBlockEffect.Parameters["RippleAmount"].SetValue(0f); //} _regionsDrawn = 0; //_solidBlockEffect.Begin(); foreach (EffectPass pass in _solidBlockEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); for (int x = 0; x < REGIONRATIOWIDTH; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < REGIONRATIOHEIGHT; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < REGIONRATIOLENGTH; z++) { Region region = _regions[x, y, z]; if (region.BoundingBox.Intersects(viewFrustrum)) { if (region.Dirty) { region.Build(); } if (region.SolidVertexBuffer != null) { _regionsDrawn++; //string debugOutput = ; DebugInfo.Data = "region vertex buffer: " + region.SolidVertexBuffer.VertexCount; //_game.GraphicsDevice.Vertices[0].SetSource(region.SolidVertexBuffer, 0, VertexPositionTextureShade.SizeInBytes); _game.GraphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(region.SolidVertexBuffer); //_game.GraphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, (region.SolidVertexBuffer.SizeInBytes / VertexPositionTextureShade.SizeInBytes) / 3); _game.GraphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, region.SolidVertexBuffer.VertexCount / 3); } } } } } //pass.End(); } //_solidBlockEffect.End(); /*if (!underWater) * { * * rippleTime += 0.1f; * * //_game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true; * //_game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha; * //_game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha; * * _game.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend; * * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["World"].SetValue(Matrix.Identity); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["View"].SetValue(Game.Camera.View); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["Projection"].SetValue(Game.Camera.Projection); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["CameraPosition"].SetValue(Game.Camera.Position); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["AmbientColor"].SetValue(Color.White.ToVector4()); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["AmbientIntensity"].SetValue(0.8f); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["FogColor"].SetValue(Color.SkyBlue.ToVector4()); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["RippleTime"].SetValue(rippleTime); * //_waterBlockEffect.Parameters["FogNear"].SetValue(WorldSettings.FOGNEAR); * //_waterBlockEffect.Parameters["FogFar"].SetValue(WorldSettings.FOGFAR); * _waterBlockEffect.Parameters["BlockTexture"].SetValue(_textureAtlas); * * //_waterBlockEffect.Begin(); * foreach (EffectPass pass in _waterBlockEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) * { * //pass.Begin(); * pass.Apply(); * for (int x = 0; x < REGIONRATIOWIDTH; x++) * { * for (int y = 0; y < REGIONRATIOHEIGHT; y++) * { * for (int z = 0; z < REGIONRATIOLENGTH; z++) * { * Region region = _regions[x, y, z]; * if (region.BoundingBox.Intersects(viewFrustrum)) * { * if (region.Dirty) region.Build(); * } * if (region.WaterVertexBuffer != null) * { * _regionsDrawn++; * // _game.GraphicsDevice.Vertices[0].SetSource(region.WaterVertexBuffer, 0, VertexPositionTextureShade.SizeInBytes); * _game.GraphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(region.WaterVertexBuffer); * //_game.GraphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, (region.WaterVertexBuffer.SizeInBytes / VertexPositionTextureShade.SizeInBytes) / 3); * _game.GraphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, (region.WaterVertexBuffer.VertexCount) / 3); * * } * } * } * } * // pass.End(); * } * // _waterBlockEffect.End(); * }*/ //_game.GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false; _game.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; }