/// <summary> /// Creates an enumerator of breakpoints that were bound on this event. /// </summary> /// <param name="ppEnum">Returns an IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 object that enumerates all the breakpoints bound from this event.</param> /// <returns>If successful, returns S_OK. Returns S_FALSE if there are no bound breakpoints; otherwise, returns an error code.</returns> /// <remarks>The list of bound breakpoints is for those bound to this event and might not be the entire list of breakpoints bound from a pending breakpoint. To get a list of all breakpoints bound to a pending breakpoint, call the IDebugBreakpointBoundEvent2::GetPendingBreakpoint method to get the associated IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 object and then call the IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::EnumBoundBreakpoints method to get an IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 object which contains all the bound breakpoints for the pending breakpoint.</remarks> public int EnumBoundBreakpoints( out IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 ppEnum ) { var boundBreakpoints = new IDebugBoundBreakpoint2[1]; boundBreakpoints[0] = BoundBreakpoint; ppEnum = new BoundBreakpointsEnumerator( boundBreakpoints ); return VSConstants.S_OK; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an enumerator of breakpoints that were bound on this event. /// </summary> /// <param name="ppEnum">Returns an IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 object that enumerates all the breakpoints bound from this event.</param> /// <returns>If successful, returns S_OK. Returns S_FALSE if there are no bound breakpoints; otherwise, returns an error code.</returns> /// <remarks>The list of bound breakpoints is for those bound to this event and might not be the entire list of breakpoints bound from a pending breakpoint. To get a list of all breakpoints bound to a pending breakpoint, call the IDebugBreakpointBoundEvent2::GetPendingBreakpoint method to get the associated IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 object and then call the IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::EnumBoundBreakpoints method to get an IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 object which contains all the bound breakpoints for the pending breakpoint.</remarks> public int EnumBoundBreakpoints(out IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 ppEnum) { var boundBreakpoints = new IDebugBoundBreakpoint2[1]; boundBreakpoints[0] = BoundBreakpoint; ppEnum = new BoundBreakpointsEnumerator(boundBreakpoints); return(VSConstants.S_OK); }