public async Task AddSpecies(string genus, string species, string zone = "", string description = "")
            // Check if the species already exists before attempting to add it.

            if ((await BotUtils.GetSpeciesFromDb(genus, species)).Count() > 0)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Warning(Context, string.Format("The species \"{0}\" already exists.", BotUtils.GenerateSpeciesName(genus, species)));


            await BotUtils.AddGenusToDb(genus);

            Taxon genus_info = await BotUtils.GetGenusFromDb(genus);

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO Species(name, description, genus_id, owner, timestamp, user_id) VALUES($name, $description, $genus_id, $owner, $timestamp, $user_id);")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$name", species.ToLower());
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$description", description);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$owner", Context.User.Username);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$user_id", Context.User.Id);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$timestamp", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds());

                await Database.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);

            Species[] sp_list = await BotUtils.GetSpeciesFromDb(genus, species);

            Species sp         = sp_list.Count() > 0 ? sp_list[0] : null;
            long    species_id = sp == null ? -1 : sp.Id;

            if (species_id < 0)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Error(Context, "Failed to add species (invalid Species ID).");


            // Add to all given zones.
            await _plusZone(sp, zone, string.Empty, onlyShowErrors : true);

            // Add the user to the trophy scanner queue in case their species earned them any new trophies.

            if (OurFoodChainBot.Instance.Config.TrophiesEnabled)
                await Global.TrophyScanner.AddToQueueAsync(Context, Context.User.Id);

            await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("Successfully created new species, **{0}**.", BotUtils.GenerateSpeciesName(genus, species)));
Example #2
        public async Task SetGenus(string genus, string species, string newGenus = "")
            // If there is no argument for "newGenus", assume the user omitted the original genus.
            // e.g.: setgenus <species> <newGenus>

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newGenus))
                newGenus = species;
                species  = genus;
                genus    = string.Empty;

            // Get the specified species.

            Species sp = await BotUtils.ReplyFindSpeciesAsync(Context, genus, species);

            if (sp is null)

            // Get the specified genus.

            Taxon genus_info = await BotUtils.GetGenusFromDb(newGenus);

            if (!await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_ValidateGenus(Context, genus_info))

            // Update the species.

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("UPDATE Species SET genus_id=$genus_id WHERE id=$species_id;")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$species_id", sp.Id);

                await Database.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd);

            await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("**{0}** has successfully been assigned to the genus **{1}**.", sp.ShortName, StringUtils.ToTitleCase(;
Example #3
        public async Task AddGenus(string genus, string description = "")
            // Make sure that the genus doesn't already exist.

            if (!(await BotUtils.GetGenusFromDb(genus) is null))
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Warning(Context, string.Format("The genus **{0}** already exists.", StringUtils.ToTitleCase(genus)));


            Taxon genus_info = new Taxon(TaxonRank.Genus)
                name        = genus,
                description = description

            await BotUtils.AddGenusToDb(genus_info);

            await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("Successfully created new genus, **{0}**.", StringUtils.ToTitleCase(genus)));