public async Task AssignApplicantAsync([Remainder][Summary("The applicant id to verify")] string parameters = null)
            string          userLookup = Context.User.Username + "#" + Context.User.Discriminator;
            SocketGuildUser user       = Bot.GetSocketGuildUser(userLookup);
            string          reply      = "Something went wrong, not sure what.";
            string          applicantReferenceIdString = "";

            if (Context.IsPrivate)
                if (parameters != null)
                    applicantReferenceIdString = parameters.Trim();

                    if (applicantReferenceIdString.Length != 9)
                        // this is not an applicant id as it is not 9 digits long
                        reply = "The applicant id that you provided: " + applicantReferenceIdString + " is not a 9 digit number. The correct way to use this command is: !applicant 123456789 (where 123456789 should be replaced with your own applicant id)";
                        // 9 characters, could be id
                        int  applicantReferenceId;
                        bool isNumber = int.TryParse(applicantReferenceIdString, out applicantReferenceId);
                        if (!isNumber)
                            // may have been 9 digits but was not an integer
                            reply = "The applicant id that you provided: " + applicantReferenceIdString + " is not a 9 digit number. The correct way to use this command is: !applicant 123456789 (where 123456789 should be replaced with your own applicant id)";
                            // it was 9 digits and successfully parsed as an int
                            // now we can check the db for the applicant id to
                            // verify
                            Applicant applicant   = null;
                            bool      isApplicant = ApplicantsFile.Instance.TryGetApplicant(applicantReferenceId, out applicant); // check DB
                            if (isApplicant)
                                bool snowflakeAdded = applicant.AddDiscordSnowflake(user.Id);
                                if (snowflakeAdded)
                                    // assignRole of applicant as they have supplied a valid id
                                    _     = Bot.AddRoleToUser(user, Bot.GetRole("applicant"));
                                    reply = "Thanks. Welcome to the Computer Science and Technology Discord Server. As an applicant you now have access to the Applicant Zone; check out the channels in there and feel free to talk amongst yourselves or ask us any questions that you like.";
                                    //add applicant to discordLookup list
                                    reply = "The applicant id that you provided: " + applicantReferenceIdString + " did not work. Please check that you have supplied the right id. If you are sure, then please get in touch as something has gone wrong.)";
                                reply = "The applicant id that you provided: " + applicantReferenceIdString + " did not work. Please check that you have supplied the right id. If you are sure, then please get in touch as something has gone wrong.)";
                    // no parameter provided to command
                    reply = "You attempted to use this command without its required parameter: your 9 digit applicant id. The correct way to use this command is: !applicant 123456789 (where 123456789 should be replaced with your own applicant id)";
                reply = "Please send me this request in a Direct Message (you can reply to this message if you like). You should delete your previous public message if you can.";

            Bot.SendMessage(user, reply);

            _ = FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Bot", "[Applicant]: " + userLookup + " sent applicant id " + applicantReferenceIdString + " and was told: " + reply));
            string notification = "[Applicant]: " + userLookup + " sent applicant id " + applicantReferenceIdString + " and was told: " + reply;

        public async Task AddRoleAsync([Remainder][Summary("The role to add to a comma separated list of users")] string parameters = null)
            string          userLookup = Context.User.ToString();
            SocketGuildUser requester  = Bot.GetSocketGuildUser(userLookup);
            string          reply      = "Something went wrong, not sure what.";

            if (Context.IsPrivate)
                if (parameters != null)
                    // we need to be careful here as we can't just split by space as some of the roles and username descriminator combos have spaces
                    int openQuotePos = parameters.IndexOf('"');
                    if (openQuotePos != -1)
                        int        closeQuotePos = parameters.IndexOf('"', openQuotePos + 1);
                        int        length        = closeQuotePos - (openQuotePos + 1);
                        string     roleString    = parameters.Substring(openQuotePos + 1, length);
                        SocketRole role          = Bot.GetRole(roleString);
                        if (role != null)
                            parameters = parameters.Substring(closeQuotePos + 1);
                            string[] parametersTokens = parameters.Split(',');
                            int      totalNumber      = parametersTokens.Length;
                            int      count            = 0;
                            foreach (string parameterToken in parametersTokens)
                                string partialReply = "Something went wrong and I don't know what.\n";
                                string roleAddee    = parameterToken.Trim();
                                if (roleAddee.Contains('#'))
                                    // discord user lookup
                                    // should return university id and user details
                                    SocketGuildUser discordUser = Bot.GetSocketGuildUser(roleAddee);
                                    if (discordUser != null)
                                        //matches server discord user
                                        ulong   discordSnowflake = discordUser.Id;
                                        Student student          = null;
                                        if (StudentsFile.Instance.TryGetDiscordStudent(discordSnowflake, out student))
                                            _            = Bot.AddRoleToUser(discordUser, role);
                                            partialReply = "I have added the role: " + roleString + " to user: "******"#" + discordUser.Discriminator + " (" + student.StudentId + ")\n";
                                            partialReply = "The Discord username and discriminator (" + discordUser.Username + "#" + discordUser.Discriminator + ") does not match a student in our records. Please check that you have typed it correctly. They may not have verified their Discord user using the Canvas quiz.\n";
                                        partialReply = "The Discord username and discriminator (" + roleAddee + ") does not match a Discord user on the server. Please check that you have typed it correctly\n";
                                else if (roleAddee.Length == 9)
                                    int studentId = 0;
                                    if (int.TryParse(roleAddee, out studentId))
                                        Student student = null;
                                        if (StudentsFile.Instance.TryGetStudent(studentId, out student))
                                            // this discord user matches one of the students
                                            SocketGuildUser discordUser = Bot.GetSocketGuildUser(student.DiscordSnowflake);
                                            if (discordUser != null)
                                                _            = Bot.AddRoleToUser(discordUser, role);
                                                partialReply = "I have added the role: " + roleString + " to user: "******"#" + discordUser.Discriminator + " (" + student.StudentId + ")\n";
                                                partialReply = "The student id provided (" + roleAddee + ") is in the list, but may have left the server.\n";
                                            partialReply = "The student id provided (" + roleAddee + ") does not match our records. Please check that you have typed it correctly. They may not have joined the Discord server.\n";
                                reply = count is 0 ?
                                        partialReply : reply += partialReply;
                            reply = "The role " + roleString + " does not exist on the server. Please check that you have typed it correctly.";
                        // no space so there is a shortage of parameters
                        reply = "You attempted to use this command without its required parameters: the role you want to add, and the student id that you want to add it to.";
                    // no parameter provided to command
                    reply = "You attempted to use this command without its required parameters: the role you want to add, and the student id that you want to add it to.";
                reply = "Please send me this request in a Direct Message (you can reply to this message if you like). You should delete your previous public message if you can.";

            Bot.SendMessage(requester, reply);
            string requesterLookup = requester.Username + "#" + requester.Discriminator + " (" + requester.Nickname + ")";

            _ = FileLogger.Instance.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "AddRoleModule", "[AddRole]: " + requesterLookup + " was told: " + reply));