// This method takes passed in data and manipulates the health value. Damage is the amount of health lost or gained (negative values are healing)
    //and the ID is the character ID that is doing the damage. These are assigned to players by the boss on start.
    public void modifyHealth(float dam, int ID)
        if (health > 0 && shielded)
            if (gameObject.tag == "Player")
                //dam *= 0;
                foundShield = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Shield");
                foundShield.GetComponent <Health>().health -= dam;
            //if (gameObject.tag == "Shield")
            //    health -=dam*GetComponent<ShieldScript>().playersInShield.Length;
            health -= dam;

        // If the target is an enemy, it will convert any damage done to it to threat, for targeting purposes.
        if (gameObject.tag == "Enemy")
            BossTargetingAI threat = GetComponent <BossTargetingAI>();
            threat.addThreat(dam, ID, false);
    // At the start, initializes an array for each attack to have their own Cooldowns(CDs)
    // Also pulls targeting and movement information.
    // Hardcoded coodlown values for testing. Change or make variables (see below)
    void Start()
        attackCDs        = new float[4];
        specialAttackCDs = new float[4];
        tsunamiSpawns    = new GameObject[4];

        targeting = GetComponent <BossTargetingAI>();
        range     = GetComponent <BossMovementAI>();
        anim      = GetComponent <Animator>();

        torso = GameObject.Find("Torso");

        tsunamiObj   = GameObject.Find("Mako Tsunami");
        shockwaveObj = GameObject.Find("Adobe Shockwave");

        tsunamiSpawns[0] = new GameObject("Tsunami Spawn");
        tsunamiSpawns[0].transform.position = new Vector3(100, 0, 0);
        tsunamiSpawns[0].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, -90);

        tsunamiSpawns[1] = new GameObject("Tsunami Spawn");
        tsunamiSpawns[1].transform.position = new Vector3(-100, 0, 0);
        tsunamiSpawns[1].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, -90);

        tsunamiSpawns[2] = new GameObject("Tsunami Spawn");
        tsunamiSpawns[2].transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 100);
        tsunamiSpawns[2].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, -90);

        tsunamiSpawns[3] = new GameObject("Tsunami Spawn");
        tsunamiSpawns[3].transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -100);
        tsunamiSpawns[3].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90);

        attackCDs[0]        = 10;
        attackCDs[1]        = 8;
        attackCDs[2]        = 5;
        attackCDs[3]        = 2;
        specialAttackCDs[0] = 10;
        specialAttackCDs[1] = 15;
        specialAttackCDs[2] = 10;
        specialAttackCDs[3] = .5f;

        scenelight = GameObject.Find("Directional Light");

        health = GetComponent <Health>();

        h2 = health.health;
 // Gets the targeting information from the BossTargetingAI script
 void Start()
     targeting     = GetComponent <BossTargetingAI>();
     currentTarget = targeting.currentTarget;
Example #4
 private void Update()
     bossTargets = GameObject.Find("Boss").GetComponent <BossTargetingAI>();