
        public static List <Face> LinkPanelFaces(this Wall wall, RevitSettings settings)
            Line line = (wall?.Location as LocationCurve)?.Curve as Line;

            if (line == null)
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError($"Querying panel surfaces from links for Revit curved walls is currently not supported.");

            XYZ   normal = line.Direction.CrossProduct(XYZ.BasisZ);
            Plane p      = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(normal, line.Origin);

            List <Solid> solids     = wall.Solids(new Options());
            List <Solid> halfSolids = solids.Select(x => BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(x, p)).ToList();

            List <Face> result = new List <Face>();

            foreach (Solid s in halfSolids)
                foreach (Face f in s.Faces)
                    PlanarFace pf = f as PlanarFace;
                    if (pf == null)

                    if (1 - Math.Abs(pf.FaceNormal.DotProduct(normal)) > settings.AngleTolerance)

                    if (Math.Abs(normal.DotProduct(pf.Origin - p.Origin)) > settings.DistanceTolerance)



        private static List <ISurface> GetOpeningGeometry(Transaction t, Document doc, List <HostObject> hosts, List <ElementId> inserts, FamilyInstance familyInstance, RevitSettings settings = null)
            List <List <Solid> > solidsWithOpening = new List <List <Solid> >();

            foreach (HostObject h in hosts)
                solidsWithOpening.Add(h.Solids(new Options()).Select(x => SolidUtils.Clone(x)).ToList());

            // Rollback and restart of the transaction is needed because otherwise the object, to which familyInstance is pointing can become invalidated.
            FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = t.GetFailureHandlingOptions().SetClearAfterRollback(true);


            List <ISurface>  surfaces = new List <ISurface> ();
            List <CurveLoop> loops    = new List <CurveLoop>();


                for (int i = 0; i < hosts.Count; i++)
                    HostObject h = hosts[i];

                    List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Plane> planes = h.IPanelPlanes();
                    if (planes.Count == 0)

                    List <Solid> fullSolids = h.Solids(new Options()).SelectMany(x => SolidUtils.SplitVolumes(x)).ToList();
                    if (h is Wall)
                        fullSolids = fullSolids.Select(x => BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(x, planes[0])).ToList();
                        planes[0]  = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(-planes[0].Normal, planes[0].Origin);

                    foreach (Solid s in fullSolids)
                        foreach (Solid s2 in solidsWithOpening[i])
                            BooleanOperationsUtils.ExecuteBooleanOperationModifyingOriginalSolid(s, s2, BooleanOperationsType.Difference);

                        foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Face f in s.Faces)
                            PlanarFace pf = f as PlanarFace;
                            if (pf == null)

                            if (planes.Any(x => Math.Abs(1 - pf.FaceNormal.DotProduct(x.Normal)) <= settings.DistanceTolerance && Math.Abs((pf.Origin - x.Origin).DotProduct(x.Normal)) <= settings.AngleTolerance))
                loops = null;


            if (loops != null)
                surfaces.AddRange(loops.Select(x => new PlanarSurface(x.FromRevit(), null)));
            else if (surfaces.Count != 0)
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning(String.Format("Geometrical processing of a Revit element failed due to an internal Revit error. Converted opening might be missing one or more of its surfaces. Revit ElementId: {0}", familyInstance.Id));

Example #3
        public ViewsCEPRRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI     uiForm = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            UIDocument uidoc  = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument;

            //Collect the ViewTypes in the project
            FilteredElementCollector viewTypesCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document);
            ICollection <Element>    viewTypes          = viewTypesCollector.OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)).ToElements();
            ElementId viewTypeId = null;

            //Cycle through the ViewType elements to find the one with a type name equal to the one selected in the MainUI's combobox
            foreach (ViewFamilyType viewType in viewTypes)
                if (viewType.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString() == uiForm.viewsCEPRElevationComboBox.Text)
                    viewTypeId = viewType.Id;

            //If the ViewType was found, and the active view is a plan view, continue
            if (viewTypeId != null && uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //Invoke a room selection
                List <Room> selectedRoomElements = RVTOperations.SelectRoomElements(uiApp);

                //If the user selected rooms, continue
                if (selectedRoomElements != null)
                        //Cycle through each selected room
                        foreach (Room room in selectedRoomElements)
                            //First, get the room number for use in generating the elevation view names
                            string roomNumber = room.Number;
                            string roomName   = room.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOM_NAME).AsString().ToUpper();
                            //Get the geometry of the room
                            Options geomOptions = new Options();
                            geomOptions.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
                            GeometryElement geomElements = room.get_Geometry(geomOptions);
                            //Get the location point of the room as a point for where to place the elevation marker
                            LocationPoint roomLocation = room.Location as LocationPoint;
                            XYZ           point        = roomLocation.Point;

                            //Start a transaction
                            Transaction t1 = new Transaction(uidoc.Document, "Create Elevations Per Room");
                                //Make a new ElevationMarker that uses the ViewType earlier, the location point of the room, and has a view scale of 1/8"
                                ElevationMarker newMarker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(uidoc.Document, viewTypeId, point, 96);
                                //Start making views going around the elevation marker where the indexes start on the west side and go clockwise
                                ViewSection view0 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 0);
                                //Set the view name equal to the room number + room name + plus orientation
                                view0.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " WEST";
                                view0.CropBoxActive = true;
                                //Repeat for the other view directions at their appropriate index
                                ViewSection view1 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 1);
                                view1.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " NORTH";
                                view1.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view2 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 2);
                                view2.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " EAST";
                                view2.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view3 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 3);
                                view3.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " SOUTH";
                                view3.CropBoxActive = true;

                                //Make a Solid object for assignment
                                Solid roomSolid = null;
                                //The following section is dedicated to cropping the elevation views to the cross-section of the room geometry
                                if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                    //Cycle through the geometry elements associated with the room geometry until the solid is found
                                    foreach (GeometryObject geom in geomElements)
                                        if (geom.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Solid")
                                            roomSolid = geom as Solid;

                                    //Generate 4 planes at the room point that will correspond to each elevation view's cross section of the room geometry
                                    // Each plane's normal vector is in the direction their view is facing
                                    Plane westPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(-1, 0, 0), point); //-X vector for West
                                    Plane northPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, 1, 0), point);  //+Y vector for North
                                    Plane eastPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(1, 0, 0), point);  //+X vector for East
                                    Plane southPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, -1, 0), point); //-Y vector for South

                                    //Use the room section's perimeter as the crop boundary if the first index of the MainUI combobox is selected
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0)
                                            //Generate some CurveLoop lists for use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsFitted  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsFitted  = null;

                                            //Slice the room solid with the westPlane object made earlier. This will result in a solid boolean result to the west of the plane because the positive side of the plane faces west
                                            Solid westBooleanSolid = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, westPlane);
                                            //Grab the faces of the solid that resulted from the boolean
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFaces = westBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            //Cycle through each face and get the normal vector
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFaces)
                                                //For the west elevation face to use as the crop boundary, we need the face that has a vector going east, or the +X vector
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Get the edges as a CurveLoops once the face is found, then jump out of the loop thorugh the faces
                                                    westCurveLoopsFitted = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north elevation
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFaces = northBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsFitted = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east elevation
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFaces = eastBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsFitted = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south elevation
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFaces = southBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsFitted = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //To get the CurveLoop fitted 0.5" offset to the boundary of the face retrieved, create a CurveLoop via an offset
                                            //Now, the original curve loop was drawn on a plane with a +X axis vector normal, so the offset must be made in the positive X axis plane as well
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the north CurveLoop
                                            //Note that because the plane has a -Y vector, the offset needs to be negative too
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the east CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the south CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //Use the room section's rectangular extents as the crop boundary if the second index was selected for the MainUI combobox
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1)
                                            //Create some CurveLoop lists to use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;

                                            //To get a rectangular cross section of a non-rectangular room cross section, we need to generate a bounding box for the room, then make a solid from the bounding box
                                            //Get the bounding box of the room
                                            BoundingBoxXYZ roomBBox = roomSolid.GetBoundingBox();
                                            //Use the minimum and maximum points of the bounding box to get the 4 points along the bottom of the bounding box
                                            XYZ pt0 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt1 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt2 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt3 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            //Generate perimeter lines for the bottom of the bounding box points
                                            Line edge0 = Line.CreateBound(pt0, pt1);
                                            Line edge1 = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
                                            Line edge2 = Line.CreateBound(pt2, pt3);
                                            Line edge3 = Line.CreateBound(pt3, pt0);
                                            //Make a list of curves out of the edges
                                            List <Curve> edges = new List <Curve>();
                                            //Use the curves to make a CurveLoop list
                                            List <CurveLoop> loops = new List <CurveLoop>();
                                            //Generate a solid from an extrusion that uses the CurveLoops extruded upward a height equal to the the height of the bounding box
                                            Solid initialSolidBBox = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(loops, XYZ.BasisZ, (roomBBox.Max.Z - roomBBox.Min.Z));
                                            //Create a transformed solid box from the previously created box moved to where the room bounding box is located
                                            Solid roomSolidBBox = SolidUtils.CreateTransformed(initialSolidBBox, roomBBox.Transform);

                                            //Cut the solid box with the west plane created earlier and get the faces
                                            Solid     westBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, westPlane);
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFacesBBox = westBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                //As with the earlier code for a fitted crop, get the face with a positive X normal
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Obtain the edges of the face
                                                    westCurveLoopsRectangular = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north face
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFacesBBox = northBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsRectangular = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east face
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFacesBBox = eastBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsRectangular = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south face
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFacesBBox = southBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsRectangular = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //As before, get the offset curve from the original curve, but offset by 1'
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //As with the fitted offset curve, the offset for a curve in a plane with a negative vector must also be negative
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //If the user opted to override the crop boundary of the elevations, continue as follows
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPROverrideCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                        //Make a new OverrideGraphicsSetting to use in the boundary override
                                        OverrideGraphicSettings orgs = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
                                        //Use the solid line pattern
                                        //Set the line weight to the properties value

                                        //Grab all of the viewers, which are the viewport windows, and cycle through them
                                        var viewers = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Viewers);
                                        foreach (Element viewer in viewers)
                                            //Get the parameters for the viewer
                                            ParameterSet parameters = viewer.Parameters;
                                            foreach (Parameter parameter in parameters)
                                                //Get the View Name parameter
                                                if (parameter.Definition.Name.ToString() == "View Name")
                                                    string viewName = parameter.AsString();
                                                    //If the view's view name is the same as the west elvation, continue
                                                    if (viewName == view0.Name)
                                                        //Set the view's override setting using the viewer and the OverrideGraphicsSettings
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view0 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    //Continue to evaluate for the other view names
                                                    else if (viewName == view1.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view1 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view2.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view2 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view3.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view3 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                        //If the view's name is not one of the create elevation views, skip it
                            catch (Exception e)
                        //If the user did not select any room tags or room elements, then report that
                        MessageBox.Show("No rooms were selected");
            else if (uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //If the user tried to run this outside a plan view, report it
                MessageBox.Show("Please run from a plan view");
                //If the user did not select an elevation type, report it
                MessageBox.Show("No elevation type selected");
Example #4
        private void OnIdling(object sender, IdlingEventArgs e)
            //var App = sender as Application;
            var docsInApp = App.Documents.Cast <Document>();
            var doc       = docsInApp.FirstOrDefault();
            var uidoc     = new UIDocument(doc);
            var uiapp     = uidoc.Application;

                var ActiveDoc = docsInApp.FirstOrDefault();

                if (ids_add.Count != 1)

                var modelline = ids_add.First().GetElement(ActiveDoc) as ModelLine;
                var line      = modelline.GeometryCurve as Line;


                var linedir = line.Direction;
                var startpo = line.StartPoint();
                var endpo   = line.EndPoint();

                var updir = XYZ.BasisZ;

                var leftNorm  = updir.CrossProduct(linedir).Normalize();
                var rightNorm = updir.CrossProduct(-linedir).Normalize();

                var leftspacePlane  = default(Plane); // Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(leftNorm, startpo);
                var rightspacePlane = default(Plane); //Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(rightNorm, startpo);

#if Revit2016
                leftspacePlane  = new Plane(leftNorm, startpo);
                rightspacePlane = new Plane(rightNorm, startpo);
#if Revit2019
                leftspacePlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(leftNorm, startpo);
                rightspacePlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(rightNorm, startpo);

                //var slapshapeEditor = floor.SlabShapeEditor;

                //var verticals = slapshapeEditor.SlabShapeVertices.Cast<XYZ>();
                //var upfaceRef = HostObjectUtils.GetTopFaces(floor);
                //var upface = floor.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(upfaceRef.FirstOrDefault());

                var geoele = floor.get_Geometry(new Options()
                    ComputeReferences = true, DetailLevel = ViewDetailLevel.Fine

                var solid = geoele.Getsolids().FirstOrDefault();

                var newsolid1 = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(solid, leftspacePlane);
                var newsolid2 = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(solid, rightspacePlane);

                var upface1 = newsolid1.GetFacesOfGeometryObject().Where(m => m.ComputeNormal(new UV()).IsSameDirection(XYZ.BasisZ))

                var upface2 = newsolid2.GetFacesOfGeometryObject().Where(m => m.ComputeNormal(new UV()).IsSameDirection(XYZ.BasisZ))

                var curveloop1  = upface1.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops().FirstOrDefault();
                var curvearray1 = curveloop1.ToCurveArray();

                var curveloop2  = upface2.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops().FirstOrDefault();
                var curvearray2 = curveloop2.ToCurveArray();

                ActiveDoc.Invoke(m =>
                    var newfloor1 = ActiveDoc.Create.NewFloor(curvearray1, floor.FloorType, floor.LevelId.GetElement(ActiveDoc) as Level, false);
                    var newfloor2 = ActiveDoc.Create.NewFloor(curvearray2, floor.FloorType,
                                                              floor.LevelId.GetElement(ActiveDoc) as Level, false);
                }, "newfloor");

                //var newfloor2 =
                //    ActiveDoc.Create.NewFloor(, floor.FloorType, floor.LevelId.GetElement(ActiveDoc) as Level, false);

                if (this != null)
                    uiapp.Idling -= OnIdling;
            catch (Exception e1)
                uiapp.Idling -= OnIdling;