Example #1
 internal void NewAttribute()
     if (attributes == null)
         attributes = new Attributes();
     if (pendingAttributeName != null)
         iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Attribute attribute;
         if (hasPendingAttributeValue)
             attribute = new iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Attribute(pendingAttributeName, pendingAttributeValue.Length
                                                                         > 0 ? pendingAttributeValue.ToString() : pendingAttributeValueS);
             if (hasEmptyAttributeValue)
                 attribute = new iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Attribute(pendingAttributeName, "");
                 attribute = new BooleanAttribute(pendingAttributeName);
     pendingAttributeName     = null;
     hasEmptyAttributeValue   = false;
     hasPendingAttributeValue = false;
     pendingAttributeValueS = null;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.radius    = new LengthAttribute(Input, "radius");
            this.clockwise = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "clockwise");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.expression = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "expression");
            this.testAfter  = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "testAfter");
        public static void generateVideoForEvaluation(List <Image> Images, List <DateTime> dateTimeList, MultiObjectTrackingResult ctts, String videoName, String directory)
            List <Image> imagesWithTracks = new List <Image>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Images.Count; i++)
                List <BoundingBox> locations = new List <BoundingBox>();
                List <string>      labels    = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, List <bool> > attributes = new Dictionary <string, List <bool> >();
                attributes.Add("occlusion", new List <bool>());

                if (ctts.tracks.Count != 0)
                    foreach (string key in ctts.tracks[0].booleanAttributeTracks.Keys)
                        if (!attributes.ContainsKey(key))
                            attributes.Add(key, new List <bool>());

                List <int> idx = new List <int>();

                for (int j = 0; j < ctts.tracks.Count; j++)
                    CompressedTrack ct = ctts.tracks[j];
                    SpaceTime       st = ct.getSpaceTimeAt(dateTimeList[i]);

                    BooleanAttribute outofview_attr = ct.getAttributeAt("outofview", dateTimeList[i]);
                    if (st != null && outofview_attr != null && !outofview_attr.value)
                        BoundingBox l = st.region;
                        foreach (string key in attributes.Keys)
                            attributes[key].Add(ct.getAttributeAt(key, dateTimeList[i]).value);

                Image new_image = generateTrackImage(Images[i], labels, locations, attributes, idx);

            Console.WriteLine("Saving " + directory + "\\" + videoName);
            FFMpegWrappers.generateVideoFromFrames(imagesWithTracks, videoName, directory);

            //Directory.CreateDirectory(directory + "\\" + videoName);
            //Console.WriteLine("Saving " + directory + "\\" + videoName);
            //for (int i = 0; i < imagesWithTracks.Count; i++)

            //    imagesWithTracks[i].Save(directory + "\\" + videoName + "\\img" + i.ToString("000") + ".jpg");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.startAngleRadians = new DoubleAttribute(Input, "startAngleRadians");
            this.startAngleDegrees = new DoubleAttribute(Input, "startAngleDegrees");
            this.endAngleRadians   = new DoubleAttribute(Input, "endAngleRadians");
            this.endAngleDegrees   = new DoubleAttribute(Input, "endAngleDegrees");
            this.clockwise         = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "clockwise");
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.width           = new LengthAttribute(Input, "width");
            this.height          = new LengthAttribute(Input, "height");
            this.maxWidth        = new LengthAttribute(Input, "maxWidth");
            this.maxHeight       = new LengthAttribute(Input, "maxHeight");
            this.minWidth        = new LengthAttribute(Input, "minWidth");
            this.minHeight       = new LengthAttribute(Input, "minHeight");
            this.keepAspectRatio = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "keepAspectRatio");
            this.overflow        = new EnumAttribute <Overflow>(Input, "overflow");
            this.onClick         = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "onClick");
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
 public virtual void FromXml(XmlElement Input)
     this.id      = new StringAttribute(Input, "id");
     this.visible = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "visible");
        // if the stitched video is too long
        public static void generateVideoFramesForEvaluation(List <string> ImageURLs, MultiObjectTrackingResult ctts, String directory, String videoName, int fps)
            if (Directory.Exists(directory + "\\" + videoName))

            Directory.CreateDirectory(directory + "\\" + videoName);
            Console.WriteLine("Saving " + directory + "\\" + videoName);

            //List<Image> imageList = new List<Image>();
            var wc = new WebClient();

            //List<DateTime> frameTimes = new List<DateTime>();
            double frameTimeSpanInMiliseconds = (double)1000 / (double)fps;
            //double frameTimeSpanInMiliseconds = (double)(ChunkDuration) / (double)(ImageURLs.Count) * 1000;
            DateTime start = ctts.VideoSegmentStartTime;

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageURLs.Count; i++)
                DateTime t;
                t = start.AddMilliseconds(frameTimeSpanInMiliseconds * i);

                Image x = Image.FromStream(wc.OpenRead(ImageURLs[i]));

                List <BoundingBox> locations = new List <BoundingBox>();
                List <string>      labels    = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, List <bool> > attributes = new Dictionary <string, List <bool> >();
                attributes.Add("occlusion", new List <bool>());

                List <int> idx = new List <int>();

                if (ctts.tracks.Count != 0)
                    foreach (string key in ctts.tracks[0].booleanAttributeTracks.Keys)
                        if (!attributes.ContainsKey(key))
                            attributes.Add(key, new List <bool>());

                for (int j = 0; j < ctts.tracks.Count; j++)
                    CompressedTrack ct = ctts.tracks[j];
                    SpaceTime       st = ct.getSpaceTimeAt(t);

                    BooleanAttribute outofview_attr = ct.getAttributeAt("outofview", t);
                    if (st != null && outofview_attr != null && !outofview_attr.value)
                        BoundingBox l = st.region;
                        //attributes["occlusion"].Add(ct.getAttributeAt("occlusion", t).value);
                        foreach (string key in attributes.Keys)
                            attributes[key].Add(ct.getAttributeAt(key, t).value);
                Image new_image = generateTrackImage(x, labels, locations, attributes, idx);
                new_image.Save(directory + "\\" + videoName + "\\img" + i.ToString("000") + ".jpg");

            FFMpegWrappers.generateVideoFromFolderofFrames(videoName, directory + "\\" + videoName + "\\");
        public static MultiObjectTrackingResult stitchTwoTracesByOneFrameBoundingBoxes(MultiObjectTrackingResult currentTrace, MultiObjectTrackingResult nextTrace,
                                                                                       int totalFrameCountsBeforeStitching, int totalFrameCountsAfterStitching, int noFramesOverlap = 0, int fps = 10)
            List <List <BoundingBox> > boundingboxes = new List <List <BoundingBox> >();
            List <List <string> >      CrossChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings  = new List <List <string> >();
            List <List <string> >      SingleChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings = new List <List <string> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                boundingboxes.Add(new List <BoundingBox>());
                CrossChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings.Add(new List <string>());
                SingleChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings.Add(new List <string>());
            double frameTimeInMiliSeconds       = (double)1000 / (double)fps;
            double timeToPostponeInMilliSeconds = (double)(totalFrameCountsBeforeStitching - noFramesOverlap) * frameTimeInMiliSeconds;
            //TimeSpan timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, (int)timeToPostponeInMilliSeconds);
            TimeSpan timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds = DateTimeUtilities.getTimeSpanFromTotalMilliSeconds((int)timeToPostponeInMilliSeconds);

            // get the end of the first trace and the begining + overlap of the second trace
            DateTime CurrentTraceSampleFrameTime = currentTrace.VideoSegmentStartTime.AddMilliseconds(frameTimeInMiliSeconds * (totalFrameCountsBeforeStitching - 1));
            DateTime NextTraceSampleFrameTime    = nextTrace.VideoSegmentStartTime.AddMilliseconds(frameTimeInMiliSeconds * (Math.Max(noFramesOverlap - 1, 0)));

            // current trace
            foreach (CompressedTrack entity in currentTrace.tracks)
                SpaceTime        st             = entity.getSpaceTimeAt(CurrentTraceSampleFrameTime);
                BooleanAttribute outofview_attr = entity.getAttributeAt("outofview", CurrentTraceSampleFrameTime);
                if (st != null && outofview_attr != null && !outofview_attr.value)
                    BoundingBox box = st.region;

            // next trace
            nextTrace.VideoSegmentStartTime += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
            nextTrace.VideoSegmentEndTime   += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;

            foreach (CompressedTrack entity in nextTrace.tracks)
                // get the frame first before changing the time stmaps.
                SpaceTime        st             = entity.getSpaceTimeAt(NextTraceSampleFrameTime);
                BooleanAttribute outofview_attr = entity.getAttributeAt("outofview", entity.endTime);

                /// postpone the timestamp of the second trace
                entity.startTime += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
                entity.endTime   += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
                entity.spaceTimeTrack.startTime += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
                entity.spaceTimeTrack.endTime   += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;

                //foreach (SpaceTime st in entity.spaceTimeTrack.space_time_track)
                for (int i = 0; i < entity.spaceTimeTrack.space_time_track.Count; i++)
                    entity.spaceTimeTrack.space_time_track[i].time += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
                //foreach (CompressedBooleanAttributeTrack booleanAttributeTrack in entity.booleanAttributeTracks.Values)
                foreach (string key in entity.booleanAttributeTracks.Keys)
                    entity.booleanAttributeTracks[key].startTime += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;
                    entity.booleanAttributeTracks[key].endTime   += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;

                    //foreach (BooleanAttribute ba in entity.booleanAttributeTracks[key].attribute_track)
                    for (int i = 0; i < entity.booleanAttributeTracks[key].attribute_track.Count; i++)
                        entity.booleanAttributeTracks[key].attribute_track[i].time += timeSpanToPostponeInSeconds;

                if (st != null && outofview_attr != null && !outofview_attr.value)
                    BoundingBox box = st.region;
            List <MultipartiteWeightedMatch> association = BoundingBoxAssociation.computeBoundingBoxAssociations(boundingboxes);

            DateTime NewFrameStartTime = currentTrace.VideoSegmentStartTime + DateTimeUtilities.getTimeSpanFromTotalMilliSeconds((int)(totalFrameCountsBeforeStitching * frameTimeInMiliSeconds));

            string totalStitchedAnnotationString = stitchAnnotationStringByAssociation(CrossChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings, SingleChunkEntitiesAnnotationStrings,
                                                                                       association, NewFrameStartTime);

            MultiObjectTrackingResult ret = MultiObjectTrackingResult.ConvertAnnotationStringToMultiObjectTrackingResult(currentTrace.VideoSegmentStartTime, totalStitchedAnnotationString, currentTrace.cameraId, currentTrace.UID, totalFrameCountsAfterStitching, fps);
