static void PerformVisibilityCheck(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            List <Tuple <System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, BoolWrapper> > controlsToCheck;
            List <Action> triggers = null;

            lock (_lock)
                controlsToCheck = _controlsToMonitor.CompactAndReturn();
                foreach (var control in controlsToCheck)
                    if (control.Item1.Created != control.Item2.Value)
                        if (triggers == null)
                            triggers = new List <Action>();

                        BoolWrapper wrap = control.Item2;
                        triggers.Add(() => ((IMonitorPageVisibility)control.Item1).VisibilityChanged(wrap.Value = control.Item1.Created));
            if (triggers != null)
                    () =>
                    foreach (var item in triggers)
        IEnumerable <SimEvent> AndConditionChecker <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(BoolWrapper finished, Condition <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> cond, T1 ev1, T2 ev2, T3 ev3, T4 ev4, T5 ev5)
            where T1 : SimEvent
            where T2 : SimEvent
            where T3 : SimEvent
            where T4 : SimEvent
            where T5 : SimEvent
            yield return(cond);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, cond.Value.Count);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Env);
            Assert.AreSame(ev1, cond.Ev1);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev1.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev1 && cond.Ev1.Succeeded);
            Assert.AreSame(ev2, cond.Ev2);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev2.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev2 && cond.Ev2.Succeeded);
            Assert.AreSame(ev3, cond.Ev3);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev3.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev3 && cond.Ev3.Succeeded);
            Assert.AreSame(ev4, cond.Ev4);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev4.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev4 && cond.Ev4.Succeeded);
            Assert.AreSame(ev5, cond.Ev5);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev5.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev5 && cond.Ev5.Succeeded);
            finished.Value = true;
        public async Task <bool> DoesUserExist(string userName, string password)
            bool doesExist = false;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = _serverUri;
                client.Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeoutInSec);
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("Users?username="******"&password=" + password).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    BoolWrapper wrap = (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BoolWrapper>(responseString));
                    doesExist = wrap.Bool;

Example #4
        public void OnDestroy()
            tileEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);
            unitEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);

            Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged;
            Undo.undoRedoPerformed     -= OnUndoPerformed;
Example #5
 void Start()
     playerHasMovedHorizontally = new BoolWrapper(false);
     playerHasJumped            = new BoolWrapper(false);
     playerHasClickedWord       = new BoolWrapper(false);
     playerHasUsedEquipment     = new BoolWrapper(false);
     CurrentTutorialState       = TutorialState.Standby;
Example #6
 private void InitWrappers()
     _zero  = new BoolWrapper(false);
     _one   = new BoolWrapper(false);
     _up    = new BoolWrapper(false);
     _down  = new BoolWrapper(false);
     _left  = new BoolWrapper(false);
     _right = new BoolWrapper(false);
Example #7
        private void TilePaintingGUI()
            GUILayout.Label("Tile painting", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            if (!gridGameObjectPresent)
                if (gridGameObject == null)
                    GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                    style.normal.textColor =;
                    GUILayout.Label("CellGrid GameObject missing", style);
                gridGameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("CellGrid", gridGameObject, typeof(GameObject), true, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            tilePaintingRadius = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(new GUIContent("Brush radius"), tilePaintingRadius, 1, 4);
            tilePrefab = (Cell)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Tile prefab", tilePrefab, typeof(Cell), true, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                lastPaintedHash = -1;
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Tile Edit Mode is {0}", tileEditModeOn.value ? "on" : "off"));

            if (toToggle != null && toToggle == tileEditModeOn)
                GUILayout.Label("Press Ctrl + R to toggle tile painting mode on / off");

            if (tileEditModeOn.value)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Enter Tile Edit Mode"))
                tileEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(true);
                unitEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);
                toToggle       = tileEditModeOn;

                GameObject CellGrid = gridGameObjectPresent ? GameObject.Find("CellGrid") : gridGameObject;
                if (CellGrid == null)
                    Debug.LogError("CellGrid gameobject is missing, assign it in GridHelper");
            GUI.enabled = true;
            if (!tileEditModeOn.value)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Exit Tile Edit Mode"))
                tileEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);
            GUI.enabled = true;
        public void AllOf_2SingleTimeouts()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = Env.AllOf(t1, t2);

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2));
        public void And_2SingleTimeouts_Method_LeftToRight()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.And(t2);

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2));
Example #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Waits tutorialConfig.startDelay seconds, and if the condition passed as a parameter is the same as
    /// conditionEndState, fades in the tutorial text component with the message tutorialConfig.message
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator _DisplayTutorialWithConfig(TutorialConfig tutorialConfig, BoolWrapper condition, bool conditionEndState = false)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tutorialConfig.startDelay));

        if (condition.value == conditionEndState)
            tutorialTextComponent.text = tutorialConfig.message;
            UIUtils.Instance.FadeCanvasGroup(tutorialCanvasGroup, fadeInTime, 1);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get files and directories from a directory and return the results as a tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Directory to look in for files and directories</param>
        /// <param name="searchOption">Search option</param>
        /// <param name="filePredicate">Predicate to determine which files to include</param>
        /// <param name="dirPredicate">Predicate to determine which directories to include</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">Flag to indicate if current iteration should cancel</param>
        /// <returns>Files and directories from a directory as a tree</returns>
        public static Tree <FileSystemInfo> GetFilesAndDirectoriesTree(
            this DirectoryInfo info,
            SearchOption searchOption,
            Func <FileInfo, bool> filePredicate,
            Func <DirectoryInfo, bool> dirPredicate,
            BoolWrapper cancel)
            if ((info == null) || (filePredicate == null) || (dirPredicate == null))

            if (s_shouldCancel(cancel))

            if (!dirPredicate(info))

            var root = new Tree <FileSystemInfo>(info);

            foreach (var dirInfo in info.GetDirectories(dirPredicate))
                if (s_shouldCancel(cancel))

                var children =
                    searchOption == SearchOption.AllDirectories
                        ? GetFilesAndDirectoriesTree(dirInfo, searchOption, filePredicate, dirPredicate, cancel)
                        : new Tree <FileSystemInfo>(dirInfo);

                if (children != null)

            if (s_shouldCancel(cancel))

            foreach (var fileInfo in info.GetFiles(filePredicate))
                root.Children.Add(new Tree <FileSystemInfo>(fileInfo));

        public void And_2SingleTimeouts_Method_LeftToRight_Nested()
            var t1       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(1), c => c.Ev1);
            var t2       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(2), c => c.Ev1);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.And(t2);

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1.Ev1, t2.Ev1));
        public void And_2SingleTimeouts_Operator_LeftToRight()
            SimEvent t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            SimEvent t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var      finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var      cond     = t1 & t2;

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2));
        public void Or_2SingleTimeouts_Operator_RightToLeft_Nested()
            var t1       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(1), c => c.Ev1);
            var t2       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(2), c => c.Ev1);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1 | (t2);

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1.Ev1, t2.Ev1));
 public SpawnDialogGameState(HaxxitGameState background_state, Haxxit.Maps.Map map, Haxxit.Maps.Point spawn_point, BoolWrapper newSpawnDialogStatus)
     : base()
     this.background_state = background_state; = map;
     this.spawn_point = spawn_point;
     spawnDialogStatus = newSpawnDialogStatus;
     spawnDialogStatus.Status = true;
     selectedProgram = null;
     lastSelectedRectangle = null;
        public void AnyOf_3SingleTimeouts()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = Env.AnyOf(t1, t2, t3);

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3));
        public void Or_3SingleTimeouts_Method_RightToLeft()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.Or(t2.Or(t3));

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3));
        public void Or_3SingleTimeouts_Operator_RightToLeft()
            SimEvent t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            SimEvent t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            SimEvent t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            var      finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var      cond     = t1 | (t2 | (t3));

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3));
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get files and directories from a directory and return the results as a tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Directory to look in for files and directories</param>
        /// <param name="searchOption">Search option</param>
        /// <param name="filePredicate">Predicate to determine which files to include</param>
        /// <param name="dirPredicate">Predicate to determine which directories to include</param>
        /// <returns>Files and directories from a directory, as a tree</returns>
        public static Tree <FileSystemInfo> GetFilesAndDirectoriesTree(
            this DirectoryInfo info,
            SearchOption searchOption,
            Func <FileInfo, bool> filePredicate,
            Func <DirectoryInfo, bool> dirPredicate)
            var cancelObject = new BoolWrapper {
                Value = false

            return(GetFilesAndDirectoriesTree(info, searchOption, filePredicate, dirPredicate, cancelObject));
        public void Or_4SingleTimeouts_Operator_LeftToRight()
            SimEvent t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            SimEvent t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            SimEvent t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            SimEvent t4       = Env.Timeout(4);
            var      finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var      cond     = t1 | t2 | t3 | t4;

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3, t4));
        public void Or_4SingleTimeouts_Method_RightToLeft_Nested()
            var t1       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(1), c => c.Ev1);
            var t2       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(2), c => c.Ev1);
            var t3       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(3), c => c.Ev1);
            var t4       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(4), c => c.Ev1);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.Or(t2.Or(t3.Or(t4)));

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1.Ev1, t2.Ev1, t3.Ev1, t4.Ev1));
        public void And_4SingleTimeouts_Operator_RightToLeft()
            SimEvent t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            SimEvent t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            SimEvent t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            SimEvent t4       = Env.Timeout(4);
            var      finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var      cond     = t1 & (t2 & (t3 & (t4)));

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3, t4));
        public void And_4SingleTimeouts_Method_RightToLeft()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            var t4       = Env.Timeout(4);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.And(t2.And(t3.And(t4)));

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3, t4));
        public void And_4SingleTimeouts_Operator_LeftToRight_Nested()
            var t1       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(1), c => c.Ev1);
            var t2       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(2), c => c.Ev1);
            var t3       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(3), c => c.Ev1);
            var t4       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(4), c => c.Ev1);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1 & t2 & t3 & t4;

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1.Ev1, t2.Ev1, t3.Ev1, t4.Ev1));
Example #25
        public void StartRecord(int time, BoolWrapper signal)
            Debug.Log("EMGReader: StartRecord: Starting Function");
            record         = true;
            recordedValues = new List <float>();
            this.signal    = signal;
            timeToRecord   = time * 1000;
            int size = (int)Math.Round(RATE * AVERAGE_PERIOD);

            pastValues = new double[size];
            Debug.Log("EMGReader: StartRecord: Leaving Function");
Example #26
        private void UnitPaintingGUI()
            GUILayout.Label("Unit painting", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            if (!unitsGameObjectPresent)
                if (unitsGameObject == null)
                    GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                    style.normal.textColor =;
                    GUILayout.Label("Unit parent GameObject missing", style);
                unitsGameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Units parent", unitsGameObject, typeof(GameObject), true, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            unitPrefab   = (Unit)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Unit prefab", unitPrefab, typeof(Unit), false, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            playerNumber = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Player number"), playerNumber);
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Unit Edit Mode is {0}", unitEditModeOn.value ? "on" : "off"));

            if (toToggle != null && toToggle == unitEditModeOn)
                GUILayout.Label("Press Ctrl + R to toggle unit painting mode on / off");

            if (unitEditModeOn.value)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Enter Unit Edit Mode"))
                unitEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(true);
                tileEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);
                toToggle       = unitEditModeOn;

                GameObject UnitsParent = unitsGameObjectPresent ? GameObject.Find("Units") : unitsGameObject;
                if (UnitsParent == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Units parent gameobject is missing, assign it in GridHelper");
            GUI.enabled = true;
            if (!unitEditModeOn.value)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Exit Unit Edit Mode"))
                unitEditModeOn = new BoolWrapper(false);
            GUI.enabled = true;
Example #27
 private void Awake()
     recording       = new BoolWrapper(false);
     graphContainer  = transform.Find("graphContainer").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     labelTemplateX  = graphContainer.Find("labelTemplateX").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     labelTemplateY  = graphContainer.Find("labelTemplateY").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     dashTemplateX   = graphContainer.Find("dashTemplateX").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     dashMaxTemplate = graphContainer.Find("dashMax").GetComponent <RectTransform>();
     gameObjectList  = new List <GameObject>();
     //valueList = new List<float>() { 0, 100, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20
     // , 100, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20
     // , 100, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 20, 99, 20, 56, 30, 22, 88, 77, 13, 95, 86, 60, 66, 22, 59, 75, 5, 20};
     valueList = new List <float>();
        public void And_5SingleTimeouts_Operator_LeftToRight()
            SimEvent t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            SimEvent t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            SimEvent t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            SimEvent t4       = Env.Timeout(4);
            SimEvent t5       = Env.Timeout(5);
            var      finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var      cond     = t1 & t2 & t3 & t4 & t5;

            Env.Process(AndConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5));
        public void Or_5SingleTimeouts_Method_LeftToRight()
            var t1       = Env.Timeout(1);
            var t2       = Env.Timeout(2);
            var t3       = Env.Timeout(3);
            var t4       = Env.Timeout(4);
            var t5       = Env.Timeout(5);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1.Or(t2).Or(t3).Or(t4).Or(t5);

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5));
        public void Or_5SingleTimeouts_Operator_LeftToRight_Nested()
            var t1       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(1), c => c.Ev1);
            var t2       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(2), c => c.Ev1);
            var t3       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(3), c => c.Ev1);
            var t4       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(4), c => c.Ev1);
            var t5       = Env.Condition <SimEvent>(Env.Timeout(5), c => c.Ev1);
            var finished = new BoolWrapper();
            var cond     = t1 | t2 | t3 | t4 | t5;

            Env.Process(OrConditionChecker(finished, cond, t1.Ev1, t2.Ev1, t3.Ev1, t4.Ev1, t5.Ev1));
        IEnumerable <SimEvent> AndConditionChecker <T1, T2>(BoolWrapper finished, Condition <T1, T2> cond, T1 ev1, T2 ev2)
            where T1 : SimEvent
            where T2 : SimEvent
            yield return(cond);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cond.Value.Count);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Env);
            Assert.AreSame(ev1, cond.Ev1);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev1.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev1 && cond.Ev1.Succeeded);
            Assert.AreSame(ev2, cond.Ev2);
            Assert.AreSame(Env, cond.Ev2.Env);
            Assert.True(cond.Ev2 && cond.Ev2.Succeeded);
            finished.Value = true;
 public MapSpawnGameState(MapDisplayGameState background_state)
     display_map_state = background_state;
     displayingSpawnDialog = false;
 public MapSpawnGameState(Haxxit.Maps.Map map)
     display_map_state = new MapDisplayGameState(map);
     displayingSpawnDialog = false;
Example #34
        public override void initTest(bool deserialized)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_touching.Length; i++)
                m_touching[i] = new BoolWrapper();

                BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
                Body ground = getWorld().createBody(bd);

                    EdgeShape shape = new EdgeShape();
                    shape.set(new Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), new Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
                    ground.createFixture(shape, 0.0f);

                    CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
                    shape.m_radius = 5.0f;
                    shape.m_p.set(0.0f, 10.0f);

                    FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
                    fd.shape = shape;
                    fd._isSensor = true;
                    m_sensor = ground.createFixture(fd);

                CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
                shape.m_radius = 1.0f;

                for (int i = 0; i < _e_count; ++i)
                    BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
                    bd.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
                    bd.position.set(-10.0f + 3.0f*i, 20.0f);
                    bd.userData = m_touching[i];

                    m_touching[i].tf = false;
                    m_bodies[i] = getWorld().createBody(bd);

                    m_bodies[i].createFixture(shape, 1.0f);
 public MapSpawnGameState()
     displayingSpawnDialog = false;