public void DeleteFormFieldAssociatedWithBookmark() { Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); builder.StartBookmark("MyBookmark"); builder.InsertTextInput("TextInput1", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "TestFormField", "SomeText", 0); builder.EndBookmark("MyBookmark"); MemoryStream dstStream = new MemoryStream(); doc.Save(dstStream, SaveFormat.Docx); BookmarkCollection bookmarkBeforeDeleteFormField = doc.Range.Bookmarks; Assert.AreEqual("MyBookmark", bookmarkBeforeDeleteFormField[0].Name); FormField formField = doc.Range.FormFields[0]; formField.RemoveField(); BookmarkCollection bookmarkAfterDeleteFormField = doc.Range.Bookmarks; Assert.AreEqual("MyBookmark", bookmarkAfterDeleteFormField[0].Name); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetUndFormVersionPdf(int id) { var undFormVersion = await _context.UndFormVersion.FindAsync(id); if (undFormVersion == null) { return(NotFound()); } // SaveEndorsementDocumentForPreview(id); // var fileName = HighlightNextEndorsementDocumentForPreview(id); var getFilePath = undFormVersion.FileName.ToString(); Document endorsement = new Document(getFilePath); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(endorsement); BookmarkCollection bookmarks = endorsement.Range.Bookmarks; foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks) { if (bookmark.Name.StartsWith(undFormVersion.FormVersionNo.Substring(0, 6))) { builder.MoveToBookmark(bookmark.Name); builder.Font.HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; builder.Write("Blank " + bookmark.Name.Substring(bookmark.Name.Length - 2) + " "); } } //endorsement.Save(newFilePath + newFileName, SaveFormat.Docx); using var stream = new MemoryStream(); endorsement.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Pdf); var bytes = stream.ToArray(); return(File(bytes, "application/pdf")); }
void richEditControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point point = e.GetPosition((UIElement)richEditControl1); System.Drawing.PointF pt = new System.Drawing.PointF(Units.PixelsToDocumentsF((float)point.X, richEditControl1.DpiX), Units.PixelsToDocumentsF((float)point.Y, richEditControl1.DpiY)); DocumentPosition pos = richEditControl1.GetPositionFromPoint(pt); BookmarkCollection bmCollection = richEditControl1.Document.Bookmarks; textBlock1.Text = String.Empty; //Clear a text block displaying bookmark info if (pos != null) { foreach (Bookmark bm in bmCollection) { if (bm.Range.Contains(pos)) { Bookmark bmHovered = bm; richEditControl1.Document.Bookmarks.Select(bmHovered); ShowBookmarkInTextBlock(bmHovered); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Mounts the default bookmark if any /// </summary> /// <param name="controller"></param> public static void OpenDefaultBookmark(BrowserController controller) { String defaultBookmark = PreferencesFactory.get().getProperty(""); if (null == defaultBookmark) { return; //No default bookmark given } Host bookmark = BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection().lookup(defaultBookmark); if (null == bookmark) {"Default bookmark no more available"); return; } foreach (BrowserController browser in Browsers) { if (browser.IsMounted()) { if (bookmark.equals(browser.Session.getHost())) { Logger.debug("Default bookmark already mounted"); return; } } } Logger.debug("Mounting default bookmark " + bookmark); controller.Mount(bookmark); }
public BookmarkCollection Import(string path) { var bookmarksTxt = TxtToListConverter.Convert(path); bookmarksTxt.RemoveAll(x => BadTexts(x)); var result = new BookmarkCollection { FullPath = path, Bookmarks = new List <Bookmark>() }; for (int bookmarksTxtIndex = 0; bookmarksTxtIndex < bookmarksTxt.Count - 1; bookmarksTxtIndex += 2) { var bookmarkTxt = bookmarksTxt[bookmarksTxtIndex]; if (!IsMetadataLine(bookmarkTxt)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{bookmarkTxt} wasn't metadata."); } BookmarkMetadata metadata = VoiceBookmarkMetadataConverter.Convert(bookmarkTxt); bookmarkTxt = bookmarksTxt[bookmarksTxtIndex + 1]; result.Bookmarks.Add(new Bookmark { Text = bookmarkTxt, Metadata = metadata }); } return(result); }
public BookmarkCollection Import(string path) { var bookmarksTxt = TxtToListConverter.Convert(path); var result = new BookmarkCollection { FullPath = path, Bookmarks = new List <Bookmark>() }; for (int bookmarksTxtIndex = 0; bookmarksTxtIndex < bookmarksTxt.Count - 1; bookmarksTxtIndex += 1) { var bookmarkTxt = bookmarksTxt[bookmarksTxtIndex]; BookmarkMetadata metadata = new BookmarkMetadata { Colour = HighlightType.Color1, Text = bookmarkTxt }; result.Bookmarks.Add(new Bookmark { Text = bookmarkTxt, Metadata = metadata }); } return(result); }
private void OnBookmarksMenuItemClicked(object sender, PopupMenu.MenuItemClickEventArgs e) { // Get title from the selected item var selectedBookmarkName = e.Item.TitleCondensedFormatted.ToString(); // If this is the "Add ..." choice, call a function to create a new bookmark if (selectedBookmarkName == "Add ...") { AddBookmark(); return; } // Get the collection of bookmarks in the map BookmarkCollection myBookmarkCollection = _myMapView.Map.Bookmarks; // Loop through bookmarks foreach (var myBookmark in myBookmarkCollection) { // Get this bookmark name var theBookmarkName = myBookmark.Name; // If this is the selected bookmark, use it to set the map's viewpoint if (theBookmarkName == selectedBookmarkName) { _myMapView.SetViewpoint(myBookmark.Viewpoint); // Set the name of the button to display the current bookmark _bookmarksButton.Text = selectedBookmarkName; break; } } }
[Test] //ExSkip public void CreateUpdateAndPrintBookmarks() { // Create a document with 3 bookmarks: "MyBookmark 1", "MyBookmark 2", "MyBookmark 3" Document doc = CreateDocumentWithBookmarks(); BookmarkCollection bookmarks = doc.Range.Bookmarks; Assert.AreEqual(3, bookmarks.Count); //ExSkip Assert.AreEqual("MyBookmark 1", bookmarks[0].Name); //ExSkip Assert.AreEqual("Text content of MyBookmark 2", bookmarks[1].Text); //ExSkip // Look at initial values of our bookmarks PrintAllBookmarkInfo(bookmarks); // Obtain bookmarks from a bookmark collection by index/name and update their values bookmarks[0].Name = "Updated name of " + bookmarks[0].Name; bookmarks["MyBookmark 2"].Text = "Updated text content of " + bookmarks[1].Name; // Remove the latest bookmark // The bookmarked text is not deleted bookmarks[2].Remove(); bookmarks = doc.Range.Bookmarks; // Check that we have 2 bookmarks after the latest bookmark was deleted Assert.AreEqual(2, bookmarks.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Updated name of MyBookmark 1", bookmarks[0].Name); //ExSkip Assert.AreEqual("Updated text content of MyBookmark 2", bookmarks[1].Text); //ExSkip // Look at updated values of our bookmarks PrintAllBookmarkInfo(bookmarks); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the single bookmark passed in /// </summary> /// <param name="threadID">Thread ID.</param> /// <param name="userID">User ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static void RemoveSingleBookmark(int threadID, int userID) { BookmarkCollection bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection(); // delete the bookmark directly from the database, no need for fetching it first. bookmarks.DeleteMulti((BookmarkFields.ThreadID == threadID).And(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID)); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the threads with threadid in the arraylist passed in from the bookmarks /// </summary> /// <param name="threadIDsToRemove">Thread I ds to remove.</param> /// <param name="userID">user for whom these bookmarks have to be deleted</param> public static void RemoveBookmarks(ArrayList threadIDsToRemove, int userID) { BookmarkCollection bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection(); // delete the bookmarks matching the filter directly from the database. bookmarks.DeleteMulti((BookmarkFields.ThreadID == threadIDsToRemove).And(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID)); }
/// <summary> /// Mounts the default bookmark if any /// </summary> /// <param name="controller"></param> public static void OpenDefaultBookmark(BrowserController controller) { String defaultBookmark = Preferences.instance().getProperty("browser.defaultBookmark"); if (null == defaultBookmark) { return; //No default bookmark given } foreach (Host bookmark in BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection()) { if (bookmark.getNickname().Equals(defaultBookmark)) { foreach (BrowserController browser in Browsers) { if (browser.HasSession()) { if (browser.getSession().getHost().equals(bookmark)) { Logger.debug("Default bookmark already mounted"); return; } } } Logger.debug("Mounting default bookmark " + bookmark); controller.Mount(bookmark); return; } } }
private string HighlightEndorsementForPreview(int id) { var undFormVersion = _context.UndFormVersion.Find(id); var getFilePath = undFormVersion.FileName.ToString(); string newFileName = "EndrosementBlankPreview.pdf"; Document endorsement = new Document(getFilePath); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(endorsement); BookmarkCollection bookmarks = endorsement.Range.Bookmarks; foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks) { if ((bookmark.Name == "insured_name1") || (bookmark.Name == "policy_period1") || (bookmark.Name == "policy_number1") || (bookmark.Name == "effective_date1")) { builder.MoveToBookmark(bookmark.Name); builder.Font.HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; builder.Writeln(bookmark.Name); } } var savedFileName = newFilePath + newFileName; endorsement.Save(savedFileName, SaveFormat.Pdf); return(savedFileName); }
public void TestDeadlockWhenRemovingAnActiveDataSource() { var logFile = new Mock <ILogSource>(); var dataSource = new Mock <IDataSource>(); dataSource.Setup(x => x.UnfilteredLogSource).Returns(logFile.Object); var collection = new BookmarkCollection(_bookmarks.Object, TimeSpan.Zero); logFile.Setup(x => x.RemoveListener(It.IsAny <ILogSourceListener>())) .Callback((ILogSourceListener unused) => { // In order to produce the deadlock, we have to simulate what's happening in reality. // Any ILogFile implementation will hold a lock both while invoking listeners and while // Removing them. Waiting on the OnLogFileModified() call simulates exactly that... var task = new Task(() => { collection.OnLogFileModified(logFile.Object, LogSourceModification.Removed(0, 10)); }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); task.Start(); task.Wait(); }); collection.AddDataSource(dataSource.Object); var removeTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => collection.RemoveDataSource(dataSource.Object)); removeTask.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Should().BeTrue("because RemoveDataSource should not block at all"); logFile.Verify(x => x.RemoveListener(collection), Times.Once); }
private void RefreshJumpList() { InitJumpList(); try { Iterator iterator = HistoryCollection.defaultCollection().iterator(); _jumpListManager.ClearAllUserTasks(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Host host = (Host); var file = BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection().getFile(host); if (file.exists()) { bookmarkCategory.AddJumpListItems(new JumpListLink(file.getAbsolute(), BookmarkNameProvider.toString(host)) { IconReference = new IconReference(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "cyberduck-application.ico"), 0), }); } } _jumpListManager.Refresh(); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.warn("Exception while refreshing jump list", exception); } }
protected override void Invalidate() { _ticklerReachability.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); _ticklerFavicon.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); PreferencesFactory.get().setProperty(ToggleProperty, View.OptionsVisible); BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection().removeListener(_bookmarkCollectionListener); base.Invalidate(); }
protected override void Invalidate() { _ticklerRechability.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); _ticklerFavicon.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); Preferences.instance().setProperty("bookmark.toggle.options", View.OptionsVisible); BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection().removeListener(_bookmarkCollectionListener); base.Invalidate(); }
static void GemBoxDocument3() { DocumentModel doc = null; try { string CreateDoc = @"c:\1\TestGemBox.docx"; doc = new DocumentModel(); doc.Save(CreateDoc); // Путь до файла string destFileName2 = @"c:\1\TestGemBox2.docx"; //// Create a new empty Word file. //var doc = new DocumentModel(); // Обязательная строка, указываем, что мы используем лимитированную версию ComponentInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); // Загружаем в память наш документ doc = DocumentModel.Load(CreateDoc); string[] data = new string[] { "Alex", "Gulynin", "27" }; //Коллекция закладок BookmarkCollection wBookmarks = doc.Bookmarks; // ContentRange - это область содержимого в документе ContentRange wRange; int i = 0; // Пробегаем по всем закладкам в документе foreach (Bookmark mark in doc.Bookmarks) { // Получаем содержимое закладки wRange = mark.GetContent(false); // Загружаем туда нужный текст wRange.LoadText(data[i].ToString()); i++; } // Сохраняем изменения в нашем документе doc.Save(destFileName2); doc = null; } catch (Exception ex) { doc = null; Console.WriteLine("Во время выполнения программы произошла ошибка! Текст ошибки: {0}", ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
async Task<FileHeader> ReadFileAsync(string fileName, BookmarkCollection bookmarks, IProgress<int> progress) { using (FileStream readStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var cic = FileHeader.Load(readStream); // ID確認 if (cic == null) throw new ArgumentException(Properties.Resources.InvalidFileFormat); bookmarks.Load(readStream); // 目次 await Images.LoadAsync(readStream, cic.FileVersion, progress).ConfigureAwait(false); // 画像 return cic; } }
public void TestConstruction1() { var collection = new BookmarkCollection(_bookmarks.Object, TimeSpan.Zero); collection.Count.Should().Be(0); collection.Bookmarks.Should().BeEmpty(); collection.Contains(null, 0).Should().BeFalse(); collection.Contains(_dataSource.Object, -1).Should().BeFalse(); collection.Contains(_dataSource.Object, 0).Should().BeFalse(); collection.Contains(_dataSource.Object, 1).Should().BeFalse(); collection.Contains(_dataSource.Object, 2).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void SetBookmarks(BookmarkCollection bookmarks) { if (_bookmarks != bookmarks) { if (_bookmarks != null) _bookmarks.CollectionChanged -= Bookmarks_CollectionChanged; _bookmarks = bookmarks; if (bookmarks != null) { bookmarks.CollectionChanged += Bookmarks_CollectionChanged; Bookmarks_CollectionChanged(bookmarks, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); } } }
internal override void Detach() { base.Detach(); if (!base.DeepDetached) { BookmarkCollection bookmarks = base.Document.Bookmarks; Bookmark bookmark = bookmarks.FindByName(this.Name); if (bookmark != null) { bookmark.method_0(null); bookmarks.Remove(bookmark); } } }
public void TestAddSameBookmarkTwice() { var collection = new BookmarkCollection(_bookmarks.Object, TimeSpan.Zero); collection.AddDataSource(_dataSource.Object); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); var bookmark = collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 1); collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 1).Should().BeNull(); collection.Count.Should().Be(1); collection.Bookmarks.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new object[] { bookmark }); }
public IEnumerable <string> GetBookmarkNames(int id) { var undFormVersion = _context.UndFormVersion.Find(id); var getFilePath = undFormVersion.FileName.ToString(); //string newFileName = "EndrosementBlankPreview.pdf"; Document endorsement = new Document(getFilePath); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(endorsement); BookmarkCollection bookmarks = endorsement.Range.Bookmarks; var bookmarkNames = bookmarks.Select(b => b.Name); return(bookmarkNames); }
public DataSources(ILogFileFactory logFileFactory, ITaskScheduler taskScheduler, IDataSourcesSettings settings) { if (logFileFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logFileFactory)); } if (settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings)); } _logFileFactory = logFileFactory; _taskScheduler = taskScheduler; _maximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); _syncRoot = new object(); _settings = settings; _bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection(_maximumWaitTime); _dataSources = new List <IDataSource>(); _dataSourceIds = new HashSet <DataSourceId>(); foreach (DataSource dataSource in settings) { AddDataSource(dataSource); } foreach (IDataSource dataSource in _dataSources) { DataSourceId parentId = dataSource.Settings.ParentId; if (parentId != DataSourceId.Empty) { var parent = _dataSources.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == parentId) as MergedDataSource; if (parent != null) { parent.Add(dataSource); } else { Log.WarnFormat("DataSource '{0} ({1})' is assigned a parent '{2}' but we don't know that one", dataSource.FullFileName, dataSource.Id, parentId); // We don't want the rest of the application having to deal with this. // Therefore we'll simply remove the parent link and treat this data // source as any other ungrouped one. dataSource.Settings.ParentId = DataSourceId.Empty; } } } }
public void SetBookmarks(BookmarkCollection bookmarks) { if (_bookmarks != bookmarks) { if (_bookmarks != null) { _bookmarks.CollectionChanged -= Bookmarks_CollectionChanged; } _bookmarks = bookmarks; if (bookmarks != null) { bookmarks.CollectionChanged += Bookmarks_CollectionChanged; Bookmarks_CollectionChanged(bookmarks, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); } } }
public void TestAddOneBookmark() { var collection = new BookmarkCollection(TimeSpan.Zero); collection.AddDataSource(_dataSource.Object); _logFile.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); _logFile.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); var bookmark = collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 1); bookmark.Should().NotBeNull(); bookmark.Index.Should().Be(new LogLineIndex(1)); collection.Count.Should().Be(1); collection.Bookmarks.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new object[] { bookmark }); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the threads matching the passed in filter, inside the transaction specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="threadFilter">The thread filter.</param> /// <param name="trans">The transaction to use.</param> private static void DeleteThreads(PredicateExpression threadFilter, Transaction trans) { // we've to perform a set of actions in a given order to make sure we're not violating FK constraints in the DB. // delete messages in thread MessageManager.DeleteAllMessagesInThreads(threadFilter, trans); // delete bookmarks (if exists) of the threads to be deleted BookmarkCollection bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection(); trans.Add(bookmarks); // use again a fieldcompareset predicate bookmarks.DeleteMulti(new FieldCompareSetPredicate(BookmarkFields.ThreadID, ThreadFields.ThreadID, SetOperator.In, threadFilter)); // delete audit info related to this thread. Can't be done directly on the db due to the fact the entities are in a TargetPerEntity hierarchy, which // can't be deleted directly on the db, so we've to fetch the entities first. AuditDataThreadRelatedCollection threadAuditData = new AuditDataThreadRelatedCollection(); trans.Add(threadAuditData); // use a fieldcompareset predicate filter, based on the threadFilter. threadAuditData.GetMulti(new FieldCompareSetPredicate(AuditDataThreadRelatedFields.ThreadID, ThreadFields.ThreadID, SetOperator.In, threadFilter)); threadAuditData.DeleteMulti(); // delete support queue thread entity for this thread (if any) SupportQueueThreadCollection supportQueueThreads = new SupportQueueThreadCollection(); trans.Add(supportQueueThreads); // use again a fieldcompareset predicate supportQueueThreads.DeleteMulti(new FieldCompareSetPredicate(SupportQueueThreadFields.ThreadID, ThreadFields.ThreadID, SetOperator.In, threadFilter)); // delete threadsubscription entities ThreadSubscriptionCollection threadSubscriptions = new ThreadSubscriptionCollection(); trans.Add(threadSubscriptions); // use again a fieldcompareset predicate threadSubscriptions.DeleteMulti(new FieldCompareSetPredicate(ThreadSubscriptionFields.ThreadID, ThreadFields.ThreadID, SetOperator.In, threadFilter)); // delete the threads ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection(); trans.Add(threads); // we already have the filter to use, namely the filter passed in. threads.DeleteMulti(threadFilter); // don't commit the transaction, that's up to the caller. }
[Test] //ExSkip public void CreateUpdateAndPrintBookmarks() { // Create a document with three bookmarks, then use a custom document visitor implementation to print their contents. Document doc = CreateDocumentWithBookmarks(3); BookmarkCollection bookmarks = doc.Range.Bookmarks; Assert.AreEqual(3, bookmarks.Count); //ExSkip PrintAllBookmarkInfo(bookmarks); // Bookmarks can be accessed in the bookmark collection by index or name, and their names can be updated. bookmarks[0].Name = $"{bookmarks[0].Name}_NewName"; bookmarks["MyBookmark_2"].Text = $"Updated text contents of {bookmarks[1].Name}"; // Print all bookmarks again to see updated values. PrintAllBookmarkInfo(bookmarks); }
public IActionResult BookmakerCollectionHandler(BookmarkCollection FromForm) { System.Console.WriteLine($"you have reached the backend of bookmaker collection {FromForm.Title}"); if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId") == null) { return(RedirectToAction("index")); } int GetUserbyId = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); FromForm.UserId = GetUserbyId; _context.Add(FromForm); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Status = "Success" })); }
public void TestRemoveBookmark() { var collection = new BookmarkCollection(_bookmarks.Object, TimeSpan.Zero); collection.AddDataSource(_dataSource.Object); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); var bookmark = collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 1); _bookmarks.Verify(x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Once); collection.RemoveBookmark(bookmark); _bookmarks.Verify(x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Exactly(2)); collection.Bookmarks.Should().BeEmpty(); }
public void TestAddTwoBookmarks() { var collection = new BookmarkCollection(_bookmarks.Object, TimeSpan.Zero); collection.AddDataSource(_dataSource.Object); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); _logSource.AddEntry("", LevelFlags.Error); var bookmark1 = collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 1); var bookmark2 = collection.TryAddBookmark(_dataSource.Object, 0); bookmark2.Should().NotBeNull(); bookmark2.Index.Should().Be(new LogLineIndex(0)); collection.Count.Should().Be(2); collection.Bookmarks.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new object[] { bookmark1, bookmark2 }); }
static async Task WriteFileAsync(string fileName, IReadOnlyList<ImageReference> images, FileHeader cic, BookmarkCollection bookmarks, IProgress<int> progress) { using (FileStream writeStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { cic.Save(writeStream); bookmarks.Save(writeStream); using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, true)) { writer.Write(images.Count); // 画像数 for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++) { await images[i].SaveAsync(writer).ConfigureAwait(false); progress?.Report((i + 1) * 100 / images.Count); } } } }
private bool method_239(string A_0, string A_1) { bool flag = false; BookmarkCollection bookmarks = base.Document.Bookmarks; if (bookmarks.Count > 0) { Bookmark bookmark = bookmarks[A_0]; if (((bookmark != null) && (bookmark.BookmarkStart != null)) && (bookmark.BookmarkEnd != null)) { bookmark.BookmarkStart.method_30(A_1); bookmark.BookmarkEnd.method_30(A_1); flag = true; } } return(flag); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { using (EnterUndirtiableSection()) { if (_images != null) { _images.Clear(); _images.Dispose(); _images = null; } if (_bookmarks != null) { _bookmarks.Clear(); _bookmarks.Dispose(); _bookmarks = null; } Thumbnail = null; Title = Author = string.Empty; IsDirty = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the user with the ID passed in. Will reset all posts made by the user to the userid 0. /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param> /// <remarks>Can't delete user 0</remarks> /// <returns>true if succeeded, false otherwise</returns> public static bool DeleteUser(int userID) { if(userID == 0) { // can't delete the Anonymous coward user. return false; } UserEntity toDelete = UserGuiHelper.GetUser(userID); if(toDelete==null) { // user doesn't exist return false; } // all actions have to take place in a transaction. Transaction trans = new Transaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, "DeleteUser"); try { // we'll first update all PostedByUserId fields of all messages which are posted by the user to delete. MessageEntity messageUpdater = new MessageEntity(); messageUpdater.PostedByUserID = 0; // reset to AC. MessageCollection messages = new MessageCollection(); trans.Add(messages); // add to the transaction // update all entities directly in the DB, which match the following filter and update them with the new values set in messageUpdater. messages.UpdateMulti(messageUpdater, (MessageFields.PostedByUserID == userID)); // set the startuser of threads started by this user to 0 ThreadEntity threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity(); threadUpdater.StartedByUserID = 0; ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection(); trans.Add(threads); threads.UpdateMulti(threadUpdater, (ThreadFields.StartedByUserID == userID)); // remove the user from the UserRoles set, as the user shouldn't be in any roles. RoleUserCollection roleUsersDeleter = new RoleUserCollection(); trans.Add(roleUsersDeleter); // delete all entities directly from the DB which match the following filter. roleUsersDeleter.DeleteMulti(RoleUserFields.UserID == userID); // delete all bookmarks of user BookmarkCollection bookmarkDeleter = new BookmarkCollection(); trans.Add(bookmarkDeleter); // delete all bookmarks for this user directly from the DB using the following filter. bookmarkDeleter.DeleteMulti(BookmarkFields.UserID == userID); // delete all audit data AuditDataCoreCollection auditDataDeleter = new AuditDataCoreCollection(); // first fetch it, then delete all entities from the collection, as the audit data is in an inheritance hierarchy of TargetPerEntity which can't // be deleted directly from the db. trans.Add(auditDataDeleter); auditDataDeleter.GetMulti(AuditDataCoreFields.UserID == userID); auditDataDeleter.DeleteMulti(); // set IP bans set by this user to userid 0 IPBanEntity ipbanUpdater = new IPBanEntity(); ipbanUpdater.IPBanSetByUserID = 0; IPBanCollection ipBans = new IPBanCollection(); trans.Add(ipBans); ipBans.UpdateMulti(ipbanUpdater, (IPBanFields.IPBanSetByUserID == userID)); // delete threadsubscriptions ThreadSubscriptionCollection threadSubscriptionsDeleter = new ThreadSubscriptionCollection(); trans.Add(threadSubscriptionsDeleter); threadSubscriptionsDeleter.DeleteMulti(ThreadSubscriptionFields.UserID == userID); // remove supportqueuethread claims SupportQueueThreadCollection supportQueueThreads = new SupportQueueThreadCollection(); trans.Add(supportQueueThreads); supportQueueThreads.DeleteMulti(SupportQueueThreadFields.ClaimedByUserID == userID); // set all placed in queue references to userid 0, so the threads stay in the queues. SupportQueueThreadEntity supportQueueThreadUpdater = new SupportQueueThreadEntity(); supportQueueThreadUpdater.PlacedInQueueByUserID=0; supportQueueThreads.UpdateMulti(supportQueueThreadUpdater, (SupportQueueThreadFields.PlacedInQueueByUserID == userID)); // now delete the actual user entity trans.Add(toDelete); toDelete.Delete(); // all done trans.Commit(); return true; } catch { trans.Rollback(); throw; } finally { trans.Dispose(); } }
public async Task ExtractAsync(string fileName, IEnumerable<ImageReference> images, IProgress<int> progress) { using (EnterSingleOperation()) using (var bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection()) await WriteFileAsync(fileName, images.ToArray(), new FileHeader(string.Empty, Author, null, PageTurningDirection, null), bookmarks, progress).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task AppendAsync(string fileName, IProgress<int> progress) { using (EnterSingleOperation()) using (Images.EnterUnnotifiedSection()) using (var bookmarks = new BookmarkCollection()) await ReadFileAsync(fileName, bookmarks, progress).ConfigureAwait(false); }