public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (reservation_ != null) { hash ^= Reservation.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRange_ != null) { hash ^= DateRange.GetHashCode(); } if (roomType_ != null) { hash ^= RoomType.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdults != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdults.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildren != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildren.GetHashCode(); } if (priceEstimate_ != null) { hash ^= PriceEstimate.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= tags_.GetHashCode(); return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (DutyId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + DutyId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (AllocatePersonId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AllocatePersonId.GetHashCode(); } if (MasterDutyId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + MasterDutyId.GetHashCode(); } if (SlaveDutyId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SlaveDutyId.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (reservation_ != null) { hash ^= Reservation.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRangePrior_ != null) { hash ^= DateRangePrior.GetHashCode(); } if (roomTypePrior_ != null) { hash ^= RoomTypePrior.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdultsPrior != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdultsPrior.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildrenPrior != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildrenPrior.GetHashCode(); } if (priceEstimatePrior_ != null) { hash ^= PriceEstimatePrior.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRangeLatter_ != null) { hash ^= DateRangeLatter.GetHashCode(); } if (roomTypeLatter_ != null) { hash ^= RoomTypeLatter.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdultsLatter != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdultsLatter.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildrenLatter != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildrenLatter.GetHashCode(); } if (priceEstimateLatter_ != null) { hash ^= PriceEstimateLatter.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= tagsPrior_.GetHashCode(); hash ^= tagsLatter_.GetHashCode(); return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashCode = 1444669335; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Id.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <Booking> .Default.GetHashCode(Booking); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + BookingId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Score.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + _score.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(Comment); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(_comment); return(hashCode); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (BookingRequestId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + BookingRequestId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (AgencyId != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + AgencyId.GetHashCode(); } hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Cost.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (entityId_ != null) { hash ^= EntityId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (State != 0) { hash ^= State.GetHashCode(); } if (guest_ != null) { hash ^= Guest.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRange_ != null) { hash ^= DateRange.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdults != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdults.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildren != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildren.GetHashCode(); } if (roomType_ != null) { hash ^= RoomType.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= additionalGuests_.GetHashCode(); if (TaxExempt != false) { hash ^= TaxExempt.GetHashCode(); } if (cancellationPenaltyApplied_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationPenaltyApplied.GetHashCode(); } if (CancellationReason.Length != 0) { hash ^= CancellationReason.GetHashCode(); } if (cancellationPolicy_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationPolicy.GetHashCode(); } if (RequestingParty.Length != 0) { hash ^= RequestingParty.GetHashCode(); } if (cancellationDate_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationDate.GetHashCode(); } if (CancellationNumber != 0L) { hash ^= CancellationNumber.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= activeTags_.GetHashCode(); return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (entityId_ != null) { hash ^= EntityId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (State != 0) { hash ^= State.GetHashCode(); } if (guest_ != null) { hash ^= Guest.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRange_ != null) { hash ^= DateRange.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdults != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdults.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildren != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildren.GetHashCode(); } if (roomType_ != null) { hash ^= RoomType.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= additionalGuests_.GetHashCode(); if (TaxExempt != false) { hash ^= TaxExempt.GetHashCode(); } if (GuaranteeStatus != 0) { hash ^= GuaranteeStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (unpaidGuaranteeBalance_ != null) { hash ^= UnpaidGuaranteeBalance.GetHashCode(); } if (hkTimePreference_ != null) { hash ^= HkTimePreference.GetHashCode(); } if (VehiclePlateInformation.Length != 0) { hash ^= VehiclePlateInformation.GetHashCode(); } if (CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (currentOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } if (TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (terminalOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= activeTags_.GetHashCode(); if (ChannelManagerId.Length != 0) { hash ^= ChannelManagerId.GetHashCode(); } if (SourceChannelId.Length != 0) { hash ^= SourceChannelId.GetHashCode(); } if (cancellationPolicy_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationPolicy.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (entityId_ != null) { hash ^= EntityId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (State != 0) { hash ^= State.GetHashCode(); } if (guest_ != null) { hash ^= Guest.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRange_ != null) { hash ^= DateRange.GetHashCode(); } if (roomType_ != null) { hash ^= RoomType.GetHashCode(); } if (GuaranteeStatus != 0) { hash ^= GuaranteeStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (tenancy_ != null) { hash ^= Tenancy.GetHashCode(); } if (property_ != null) { hash ^= Property.GetHashCode(); } if (Channel != 0) { hash ^= Channel.GetHashCode(); } if (VehiclePlateInformation.Length != 0) { hash ^= VehiclePlateInformation.GetHashCode(); } if (CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (currentOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } if (TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (terminalOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdults != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdults.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildren != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildren.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= activeTags_.GetHashCode(); if (cancellationPolicy_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationPolicy.GetHashCode(); } if (hkTimePreference_ != null) { hash ^= HkTimePreference.GetHashCode(); } if (createdAt_ != null) { hash ^= CreatedAt.GetHashCode(); } if (OutstandingIssuedRoomKeys != 0) { hash ^= OutstandingIssuedRoomKeys.GetHashCode(); } if (OptaRoomStayIndex != 0) { hash ^= OptaRoomStayIndex.GetHashCode(); } if (ReservationIdFromChannel.Length != 0) { hash ^= ReservationIdFromChannel.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (entityId_ != null) { hash ^= EntityId.GetHashCode(); } if (BookingId.Length != 0) { hash ^= BookingId.GetHashCode(); } if (State != 0) { hash ^= State.GetHashCode(); } if (guest_ != null) { hash ^= Guest.GetHashCode(); } if (dateRange_ != null) { hash ^= DateRange.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberAdults != 0) { hash ^= NumberAdults.GetHashCode(); } if (NumberChildren != 0) { hash ^= NumberChildren.GetHashCode(); } if (roomType_ != null) { hash ^= RoomType.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= additionalGuests_.GetHashCode(); if (TaxExempt != false) { hash ^= TaxExempt.GetHashCode(); } if (hkTimePreference_ != null) { hash ^= HkTimePreference.GetHashCode(); } if (VehiclePlateInformation.Length != 0) { hash ^= VehiclePlateInformation.GetHashCode(); } if (CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (currentOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= CurrentOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } if (TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoomNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (terminalOccupiedRoom_ != null) { hash ^= TerminalOccupiedRoom.GetHashCode(); } if (FirstNightAssignedRoom.Length != 0) { hash ^= FirstNightAssignedRoom.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= activeTags_.GetHashCode(); if (ChannelManagerId.Length != 0) { hash ^= ChannelManagerId.GetHashCode(); } if (SourceChannelId.Length != 0) { hash ^= SourceChannelId.GetHashCode(); } if (cancellationPolicy_ != null) { hash ^= CancellationPolicy.GetHashCode(); } if (ReservationIdFromChannel.Length != 0) { hash ^= ReservationIdFromChannel.GetHashCode(); } if (RushReservationIdFromChannel.Length != 0) { hash ^= RushReservationIdFromChannel.GetHashCode(); } if (SourceIndirectChannel.Length != 0) { hash ^= SourceIndirectChannel.GetHashCode(); } if (reservationSource_ != null) { hash ^= ReservationSource.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }