/// <summary>
 /// In this mode, the Booking Engine also handles generation of open data feeds and the dataset site
 /// Note this is also the mode used by the StoreBookingEngine
 /// In order to use RenderDatasetSite, DatasetSiteGeneratorSettings must be provided
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <param name="datasetSettings"></param>
 public CustomBookingEngine(BookingEngineSettings settings, DatasetSiteGeneratorSettings datasetSettings) : this(settings, datasetSettings?.OpenBookingAPIBaseUrl, datasetSettings?.OpenDataFeedBaseUrl)
     if (datasetSettings == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(datasetSettings));
     this.datasetSettings = datasetSettings;
        /// <summary>
        /// In this mode, the Booking Engine does not handle open data feeds or dataset site rendering, and these must both be handled manually
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="openBookingAPIBaseUrl"></param>
        public CustomBookingEngine(BookingEngineSettings settings, Uri openBookingAPIBaseUrl)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));
            if (openBookingAPIBaseUrl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(openBookingAPIBaseUrl));

            this.settings = settings;
        public CustomBookingEngine(BookingEngineSettings settings, Uri openBookingAPIBaseUrl, Uri openDataFeedBaseUrl) : this(settings, openBookingAPIBaseUrl)
            // Check constructor configuration is correct
            if (openDataFeedBaseUrl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(openDataFeedBaseUrl));
            if (settings.OpenDataFeeds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings.OpenDataFeeds");

            // Check Seller configuration is provided
            if (settings.SellerStore == null || settings.SellerIdTemplate == null)
                throw new EngineConfigurationException("SellerStore and SellerIdTemplate must be specified in BookingEngineSettings");

            this.openDataFeedBaseUrl = openDataFeedBaseUrl;

            foreach (var idConfiguration in settings.IdConfiguration)
                idConfiguration.RequiredBaseUrl = settings.JsonLdIdBaseUrl;
            settings.OrderIdTemplate.RequiredBaseUrl  = settings.OrderBaseUrl;
            settings.SellerIdTemplate.RequiredBaseUrl = settings.JsonLdIdBaseUrl;

            // Create a lookup of each IdTemplate to pass into the appropriate RpdeGenerator
            // TODO: Output better error if there is a feed assigned across two templates
            // (there should never be, as each template represents everyting you need in one feed)
            this.feedAssignedTemplates = settings.IdConfiguration.Select(t => t.IdConfigurations.Select(x => new
                assignedFeed           = x.AssignedFeed,
                bookablePairIdTemplate = t
            })).SelectMany(x => x.ToList()).ToDictionary(k => k.assignedFeed, v => v.bookablePairIdTemplate);

            // Create a lookup for the purposes of finding arbitary IdConfigurations, for use in the store
            // TODO: Pull this and the above into a function?
            this.OpportunityTemplateLookup = settings.IdConfiguration.Select(t => t.IdConfigurations.Select(x => new
                opportunityType        = x.OpportunityType,
                bookablePairIdTemplate = t
            })).SelectMany(x => x.ToList()).ToDictionary(k => k.opportunityType, v => v.bookablePairIdTemplate);

            // Setup each RPDEFeedGenerator with the relevant settings, including the relevant IdTemplate inferred from the config
            foreach (var kv in settings.OpenDataFeeds)
                kv.Value.SetConfiguration(OpportunityTypes.Configurations[kv.Key], settings.JsonLdIdBaseUrl, settings.RPDEPageSize, this.feedAssignedTemplates[kv.Key], settings.SellerIdTemplate, openDataFeedBaseUrl);

            settings.OrderFeedGenerator.SetConfiguration(settings.RPDEPageSize, settings.OrderIdTemplate, settings.SellerIdTemplate, settings.OrdersFeedUrl);


            // Create a dictionary of RPDEFeedGenerator indexed by FeedPath
            this.feedLookup = settings.OpenDataFeeds.Values.ToDictionary(x => x.FeedPath);

            // Set supportedFeeds locally for use by dataset site
            this.supportedFeeds = settings.OpenDataFeeds.Keys.ToList();

            // Check that OpenDataFeeds match IdConfiguration
            if (supportedFeeds.Except(feedAssignedTemplates.Keys).Any() || feedAssignedTemplates.Keys.Except(supportedFeeds).Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Feeds configured in OpenDataFeeds must match those in IdConfiguration");

            // Setup array of types for lookup of OrderItem, based on the type string that will be supplied with the opportunity
            this.idConfigurationLookup = settings.IdConfiguration.Select(t => t.IdConfigurations.Select(x => new
                // TODO: Create an extra prop in DatasetSite lib so that we don't need to parse the URL here
                opportunityTypeName    = OpportunityTypes.Configurations[x.OpportunityType].SameAs.AbsolutePath.Trim('/'),
                bookablePairIdTemplate = t
            })).SelectMany(x => x.ToList())
                                         .GroupBy(g => g.opportunityTypeName)
                                         .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Select(y => y.bookablePairIdTemplate).ToList());