protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string studentNum = txtStudentNum.Text;
        string password   = txtPassword.Text;

        using (BookStoreDBEntities entityContext = new BookStoreDBEntities())
            //Authenicate the user's credential againt data stored
            //in the Student table in the Registration DB by searching
            //for the student with the user entered studentNum and password
            Student students = (from student in entityContext.Students
                                where student.StudentNum == studentNum && student.Password == password
                                select student).FirstOrDefault <Student>();
            if (students != null)
                Session["studentNumber"] = txtStudentNum.Text;
                lblLoginError.Text = "Incorrect Student Number and/or Password!";
                txtPassword.Text   = "";
Example #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Redirect unauthenticated user to the Default page.
        if (Session["studentNumber"] == null)

        using (BookStoreDBEntities entityContext = new BookStoreDBEntities())
            //Get the ordered book list of the authenticated user.
            String  studentNumber = Session["studentNumber"].ToString();
            Student students      = (from student in entityContext.Students
                                     where student.StudentNum == studentNumber
                                     select student).FirstOrDefault <Student>();

            String id     = Request.Params["id"];
            String action = Request.Params["action"];

            //If the user clicked the delete link of a book,
            //delete the selected book from the user's order
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && action == "Delete")
                Book books1 = (from book in entityContext.Books
                               where book.BookID == id
                               select book).FirstOrDefault <Book>();

                /*if (books != null)
                 * {
                 *  entityContext.Books.Remove(books);
                 *  entityContext.SaveChanges();
                 * }*/

                if (students != null && books1 != null)

            //If the user clicked a book's title, show the description of the book (use ShowBookDescrition method)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && action == "ShowDescription")
                Book books = (from book in entityContext.Books
                              where book.BookID == id
                              select book).FirstOrDefault <Book>();

                if (books != null)

            //Display the book list of the user's order (use ShowBooks method)
            if (students != null)