public CalibreImportJob AddBook(BookFile book, CalibreSettings settings) { var jobid = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks % 1000000000); var addDuplicates = false; var path = book.Path; var filename = $"$dummy{Path.GetExtension(path)}"; var body = File.ReadAllBytes(path); _logger.Trace($"Read {body.Length} bytes from {path}"); try { var builder = GetBuilder($"cdb/add-book/{jobid}/{addDuplicates}/{filename}/{settings.Library}", settings); var request = builder.Build(); request.SetContent(body); var response = _httpClient.Post <CalibreImportJob>(request).Resource; if (response.Id == 0) { throw new CalibreException("Calibre rejected duplicate book"); } return(response); } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new CalibreException("Unable to add file to Calibre library: {0}", ex, ex.Message); } }
private void PollEmbedStatus(BookFile file, CalibreSettings settings) { var previous = new FileInfo(file.Path); Thread.Sleep(100); FileInfo current = null; var i = 0; while (i++ < 20) { current = new FileInfo(file.Path); if (current.LastWriteTimeUtc == previous.LastWriteTimeUtc && current.LastWriteTimeUtc != file.Modified) { break; } previous = current; Thread.Sleep(1000); } file.Size = current.Length; file.Modified = current.LastWriteTimeUtc; if (file.Id > 0) { _mediaFileService.Update(file); } }
/// <summary> /// Seeks book data from mods. /// If a book file with the given name is found, data is loaded on the given book instance. /// If no data is found, the instance is left unaltered. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of book including .TXT extension</param> /// <param name="book">Book instance on which imported data is loaded.</param> /// <returns>True if book is found.</returns> public static bool TryImportBook(string name, BookFile book) { if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AssetInjection) { // Seek from loose files string path = Path.Combine(booksPath, name); if (File.Exists(path)) { if (book.OpenBook(File.ReadAllBytes(path), name)) { return(true); } } // Seek from mods TextAsset textAsset; if (ModManager.Instance != null && ModManager.Instance.TryGetAsset(name, false, out textAsset)) { if (book.OpenBook(textAsset.bytes, name)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public ActionResult Save(Book book, BookFile bookFile, HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (file != null) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower(); var FileName = file.FileName; file.SaveAs(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Books/") + FileName); bookFile.FilePath = FileName; book.File = bookFile; db.BookFiles.Add(bookFile); db.SaveChanges(); book.File = db.BookFiles.SingleOrDefault(f => f.FilePath == FileName); } var email = User.Identity.GetUserName(); var Acc = db.Account.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Email == email); book.Author = Acc; db.Book.Add(book); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("BooksList", "Books")); //return View("Create",book); }
public void GetBookList_SameBookWithAndWithoutIsbn_ReturnsFilesGroupedByIsbn() { var files = new BookFile[] { new BookFile { Isbn = "1000000000001", Title = "Book1", Author = "Author1", FilePath = "" }, new BookFile { Isbn = null, Title = "Book1", Author = "Author1", FilePath = "" }, new BookFile { Isbn = "1000000000003", Title = "Book3", Author = "Author3", FilePath = "" }, }; var agg = new Aggregator(); BookInfo[] books = agg.GetBookList(files).ToArray(); var lookup = agg.GetBookContentInfoLookup(); Assert.IsNotNull(books); Assert.AreEqual(2, books.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, lookup.Count); AssertBookInfoTitleAndAuthor(books[0], "Book1", "Author1"); AssertBookInfoTitleAndAuthor(books[1], "Book3", "Author3"); AssertBookInfoTitleAndAuthor(lookup[books[0].Id].Book, "Book1", "Author1"); AssertBookInfoTitleAndAuthor(lookup[books[1].Id].Book, "Book3", "Author3"); AssertBookFiles(lookup[books[0].Id], new[] { "", "" }); AssertBookFiles(lookup[books[1].Id], new[] { "" }); }
public void Setup() { _author = Builder <Author> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Name = "Avenged Sevenfold") .Build(); _book = Builder <Book> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = "Hail to the King") .Build(); _edition = Builder <Edition> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = _book.Title) .With(s => s.Book = _book) .Build(); _trackFile = new BookFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_320), ReleaseGroup = "ReadarrTest" }; _namingConfig = NamingConfig.Default; _namingConfig.RenameBooks = true; Mocker.GetMock <INamingConfigService>() .Setup(c => c.GetConfig()).Returns(_namingConfig); Mocker.GetMock <IQualityDefinitionService>() .Setup(v => v.Get(Moq.It.IsAny <Quality>())) .Returns <Quality>(v => Quality.DefaultQualityDefinitions.First(c => c.Quality == v)); }
protected TExtraFile ImportFile(Author author, BookFile bookFile, string path, bool readOnly, string extension, string fileNameSuffix = null) { var newFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(bookFile.Path); var filenameBuilder = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bookFile.Path)); if (fileNameSuffix.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { filenameBuilder.Append(fileNameSuffix); } filenameBuilder.Append(extension); var newFileName = Path.Combine(newFolder, filenameBuilder.ToString()); var transferMode = TransferMode.Move; if (readOnly) { transferMode = _configService.CopyUsingHardlinks ? TransferMode.HardLinkOrCopy : TransferMode.Copy; } _diskTransferService.TransferFile(path, newFileName, transferMode, true); return(new TExtraFile { AuthorId = author.Id, BookId = bookFile.EditionId, BookFileId = bookFile.Id, RelativePath = author.Path.GetRelativePath(newFileName), Extension = extension }); }
private void CreateAfterImport(Author author, BookFile bookFile) { foreach (var extraFileManager in _extraFileManagers) { extraFileManager.CreateAfterBookImport(author, bookFile); } }
public void Setup() { _localTrack = new LocalBook(); _localTrack.Author = new Author { Path = _rootPath }; _trackFile = Builder <BookFile> .CreateNew() .Build(); Mocker.GetMock <IDiskProvider>() .Setup(c => c.FileExists(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(true); Mocker.GetMock <IDiskProvider>() .Setup(c => c.FolderExists(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(true); Mocker.GetMock <IDiskProvider>() .Setup(c => c.GetParentFolder(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns <string>(c => Path.GetDirectoryName(c)); Mocker.GetMock <IRootFolderService>() .Setup(c => c.GetBestRootFolder(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(new RootFolder()); }
protected TExtraFile MoveFile(Author author, BookFile bookFile, TExtraFile extraFile, string fileNameSuffix = null) { var newFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(bookFile.Path); var filenameBuilder = new StringBuilder(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bookFile.Path)); if (fileNameSuffix.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { filenameBuilder.Append(fileNameSuffix); } filenameBuilder.Append(extraFile.Extension); var existingFileName = Path.Combine(author.Path, extraFile.RelativePath); var newFileName = Path.Combine(newFolder, filenameBuilder.ToString()); if (newFileName.PathNotEquals(existingFileName)) { try { _diskProvider.MoveFile(existingFileName, newFileName); extraFile.RelativePath = author.Path.GetRelativePath(newFileName); return(extraFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to move file after rename: {0}", existingFileName); } } return(null); }
public void Setup() { _artist = Builder <Author> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Name = "Alien Ant Farm") .Build(); _album = Builder <Book> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = "Anthology") .Build(); _edition = Builder <Edition> .CreateNew() .With(s => s.Title = _album.Title) .With(s => s.Book = _album) .Build(); _trackFile = new BookFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_320), ReleaseGroup = "ReadarrTest" }; _namingConfig = NamingConfig.Default; _namingConfig.RenameBooks = true; Mocker.GetMock <INamingConfigService>() .Setup(c => c.GetConfig()).Returns(_namingConfig); Mocker.GetMock <IQualityDefinitionService>() .Setup(v => v.Get(Moq.It.IsAny <Quality>())) .Returns <Quality>(v => Quality.DefaultQualityDefinitions.First(c => c.Quality == v)); }
public void Setup() { _author = Builder <Author> .CreateNew() .With(a => a.AuthorMetadataId = 10) .BuildNew(); Db.Insert(_author); _book = Builder <Book> .CreateNew() .With(e => e.ReleaseDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5)) .With(e => e.AuthorMetadataId = 10) .BuildNew(); Db.Insert(_book); _edition = Builder <Edition> .CreateNew() .With(e => e.BookId = _book.Id) .With(e => e.Monitored = true) .BuildNew(); Db.Insert(_edition); _trackFile = Builder <BookFile> .CreateNew() .With(e => e.Author = _author) .With(e => e.Edition = _edition) .With(e => e.EditionId == _edition.Id) .With(e => e.Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_320)) .BuildNew(); }
public void AddFormat(BookFile file, CalibreSettings settings) { var format = Path.GetExtension(file.Path); var bookData = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(file.Path)); var payload = new CalibreChangesPayload { LoadedBookIds = new List <int> { file.CalibreId }, Changes = new CalibreChanges { AddedFormats = new List <CalibreAddFormat> { new CalibreAddFormat { Ext = format, Data = bookData } } } }; ExecuteSetFields(file.CalibreId, payload, settings); }
public static BookFile CreateNew(string file) { var bookFile = new BookFile(); bookFile.FileNameWithExtension = Path.GetFileName(file); return(bookFile); }
IEnumerable <BookInfo> GetBookListInt(IEnumerable <BookFile> bookFiles) { var booksNoIsbn = from m in bookFiles group m by new { m.Title, m.Author } into g select new { Title = g.Key.Title, Author = g.Key.Author, Files = g }; var bookListNoIsbn = booksNoIsbn.Select(b => { BookFile first = b.Files.FirstOrDefault(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Isbn)); if (first == null) { first = b.Files.First(); } var files = b.Files.Select(f => f.FilePath); return(GetBook(first, files)); }); return(bookListNoIsbn); }
public void SetFields(BookFile file, CalibreSettings settings) { var edition = file.Edition.Value; var book = edition.Book.Value; var serieslink = book.SeriesLinks.Value.FirstOrDefault(); var series = serieslink?.Series.Value; double?seriesIndex = null; if (double.TryParse(serieslink?.Position, out var index)) { _logger.Trace($"Parsed {serieslink?.Position} as {index}"); seriesIndex = index; } _logger.Trace($"Book: {book} Series: {series?.Title}, Position: {seriesIndex}"); var cover = edition.Images.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CoverType == MediaCoverTypes.Cover); string image = null; if (cover != null) { var imageFile = _mediaCoverService.GetCoverPath(edition.BookId, MediaCoverEntity.Book, cover.CoverType, cover.Extension, null); if (File.Exists(imageFile)) { var imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imageFile); image = Convert.ToBase64String(imageData); } } var payload = new CalibreChangesPayload { LoadedBookIds = new List <int> { file.CalibreId }, Changes = new CalibreChanges { Title = edition.Title, Authors = new List <string> { file.Author.Value.Name }, Cover = image, PubDate = book.ReleaseDate, Comments = edition.Overview, Rating = edition.Ratings.Value * 2, Identifiers = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isbn", edition.Isbn13 }, { "asin", edition.Asin }, { "goodreads", edition.ForeignEditionId } }, Series = series?.Title, SeriesIndex = seriesIndex } }; ExecuteSetFields(file.CalibreId, payload, settings); }
public void Setup() { Mocker.Resolve <UpgradableSpecification>(); _firstFile = new BookFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.FLAC, new Revision(version: 2)), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; _secondFile = new BookFile { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.FLAC, new Revision(version: 2)), DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; var singleBookList = new List <Book> { new Book { BookFiles = new List <BookFile>() } }; var doubleBookList = new List <Book> { new Book { BookFiles = new List <BookFile>() }, new Book { BookFiles = new List <BookFile>() }, new Book { BookFiles = new List <BookFile>() } }; var fakeAuthor = Builder <Author> .CreateNew() .With(c => c.QualityProfile = new QualityProfile { UpgradeAllowed = true, Cutoff = Quality.MP3_320.Id, Items = Qualities.QualityFixture.GetDefaultQualities() }) .Build(); Mocker.GetMock <IMediaFileService>() .Setup(c => c.GetFilesByBook(It.IsAny <int>())) .Returns(new List <BookFile> { _firstFile, _secondFile }); _parseResultMulti = new RemoteBook { Author = fakeAuthor, ParsedBookInfo = new ParsedBookInfo { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_320, new Revision(version: 2)) }, Books = doubleBookList }; _parseResultSingle = new RemoteBook { Author = fakeAuthor, ParsedBookInfo = new ParsedBookInfo { Quality = new QualityModel(Quality.MP3_320, new Revision(version: 2)) }, Books = singleBookList }; }
public override ExtraFile Import(Author author, BookFile bookFile, string path, string extension, bool readOnly) { var extraFile = ImportFile(author, bookFile, path, readOnly, extension, null); _otherExtraFileService.Upsert(extraFile); return(extraFile); }
public override string BookAuthor() { // %ba BookFile bookFile = new BookFile(); bookFile.OpenBook(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, BookFile.messageToBookFilename(parent.message)); // Should the bookfile get closed? return(bookFile.Author); }
private void WithExistingFile(BookFile trackFile) { var path = trackFile.Path; Mocker.GetMock <IDiskProvider>() .Setup(v => v.FileExists(path)) .Returns(true); }
public virtual string GetFilenameAfterMove(Author author, BookFile bookFile, MetadataFile metadataFile) { var existingFilename = Path.Combine(author.Path, metadataFile.RelativePath); var extension = Path.GetExtension(existingFilename).TrimStart('.'); var newFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(bookFile.Path, extension); return(newFileName); }
public string BuildBookFileName(Author author, Edition edition, BookFile bookFile, NamingConfig namingConfig = null, List <string> preferredWords = null, string bookPart = null) { if (author is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(author)); } if (edition is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(edition)); } if (bookFile is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bookFile)); } if (namingConfig == null) { namingConfig = _namingConfigService.GetConfig(); } if (!namingConfig.RenameBooks) { return(GetOriginalFileName(bookFile)); } if (namingConfig.StandardBookFormat.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new NamingFormatException("File name format cannot be empty"); } var pattern = namingConfig.StandardBookFormat; var subFolders = pattern.Split(new[] { '/', '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var safePattern = subFolders.Aggregate("", (current, folderLevel) => Path.Combine(current, folderLevel)); var tokenHandlers = new Dictionary <string, Func <TokenMatch, string> >(FileNameBuilderTokenEqualityComparer.Instance); AddAuthorTokens(tokenHandlers, author); AddBookTokens(tokenHandlers, edition); AddBookFileTokens(tokenHandlers, bookFile); AddQualityTokens(tokenHandlers, author, bookFile); AddMediaInfoTokens(tokenHandlers, bookFile); AddPreferredWords(tokenHandlers, author, bookFile, preferredWords); var fileName = ReplaceTokens(safePattern, tokenHandlers, namingConfig).Trim(); fileName = FileNameCleanupRegex.Replace(fileName, match => match.Captures[0].Value[0].ToString()); fileName = TrimSeparatorsRegex.Replace(fileName, string.Empty); if (bookPart.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { fileName = fileName + " (" + bookPart + ")"; } return(fileName); }
// Notes: // Book files have text pre-paginated based on classic 320x200. // This has no meaning with custom fonts and languages as book might require more or fewer pages. // Reformat process will structure book instead as a list of word-wrapped labels and breaks. // Book reader UI can then break these back into pages based on fixed text height. // For some reason the first line of first paragraph of many books is centre justified. // After reformatting this results in entire first paragraph being centre justified. public bool ReformatBook(int id) { if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.CustomBooksImport) { return(ReformatBook(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ItemHelper.GetBookFileName(id))); } return(ReformatBook(BookFile.messageToBookFilename(id))); }
public virtual bool OpenBook(int message) { if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.CustomBooksImport) { return(OpenBook(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ItemHelper.GetBookFileNameByMessage(message))); } return(OpenBook(BookFile.messageToBookFilename(message))); }
private string GetOriginalTitle(BookFile bookFile) { if (bookFile.SceneName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return(GetOriginalFileName(bookFile)); } return(bookFile.SceneName); }
public WebhookBookFile(BookFile bookFile) { Id = bookFile.Id; Path = bookFile.Path; Quality = bookFile.Quality.Quality.Name; QualityVersion = bookFile.Quality.Revision.Version; ReleaseGroup = bookFile.ReleaseGroup; SceneName = bookFile.SceneName; }
public BookFileRetaggedEvent(Author author, BookFile bookFile, Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> > diff, bool scrubbed) { Author = author; BookFile = bookFile; Diff = diff; Scrubbed = scrubbed; }
public void null_string_as_arg_should_not_fail() { var epFile = new BookFile(); _logger.Debug("File {0} no longer exists on disk. removing from database.", epFile.Path); Thread.Sleep(1000); epFile.Path.Should().BeNull(); }
public override string BookAuthor() { // %ba BookFile bookFile = new BookFile(); string name = BookFile.messageToBookFilename(parent.message); if (!BookReplacement.TryImportBook(name, bookFile)) { bookFile.OpenBook(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Arena2Path, name); } return(bookFile.Author); }
private string BuildTrackSample(Author author, BookFile bookFile, NamingConfig nameSpec) { try { return(_buildFileNames.BuildBookFileName(author, bookFile.Edition.Value, bookFile, nameSpec, _preferredWords)); } catch (NamingFormatException) { return(string.Empty); } }
public static BookFile CreateNew(string file) { var bookFile = new BookFile(); bookFile.FileNameWithExtension = Path.GetFileName(file); return bookFile; }